Job description for a hospital caretaker. Profession watchman. Job description of a watchman

Watchman and watchman are professions with similar responsibilities. Previously, a watchman was called a senior watchman. Heads of educational institutions prefer to combine two positions into one - watchman. Recently accepted professional standards in the field of protection of individuals and property, which allow the combination of these two professions. However, a certain condition must be met - the presentation of qualified requirements to the hired employee.

Job Description A janitor at a school will help determine what skills and knowledge the applicant should have. They will be determined by the functions performed.

Despite minimum requirements to the candidate, not everyone wants to work as a watchman. The main reason is the many responsibilities provided for in the job description. First of all, the watchman monitors the movement of people at the site, and then the safety of property.

Job description structure

The more complete the job description, the fewer questions arise during the work process. It lists all the rights and responsibilities of the employee, including the number of shifts and the procedure for checking documents.

A standard job description will include 4 points:

  1. General information. They stipulate the main criteria for selecting an applicant for a position - work experience, medical certificate, education, etc. In most cases, a certificate of completed secondary education is sufficient for work.
  2. Responsibilities. The paragraph should list in detail the requirements and standards for the watchman.
  3. Rights. Every employee has the right to comfortable conditions work, breaks, advocacy, etc.
  4. Responsibility. List all cases when fines or penalties may be applied to an employee.

Basic provisions

The watchman is an employee of the category of technical performers. The instructions must indicate the immediate supervisor and deputy. It is important to describe the procedure for appointment to a position and the grounds for release from duties.

A worker for comprehensive maintenance of the building is hired and dismissed by the school director on the recommendation of the deputy. director for administrative and economic work - caretaker. This must be a person over 18 years old, without work experience or special education.

The watchman is guided by:

  • provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • hygiene and sanitation standards;
  • rules fire safety;
  • charter of the organization;
  • rules for preparing documentation;
  • work schedule educational institution;
  • general rules assessment of labor quality;
  • internal regulations;
  • instructions, orders from managers, as well as other organizational and regulatory documents of the educational institution.

The instructions for school watchmen have a number of additions that take into account the specifics of the organization’s work. Working with children requires greater responsibility for safety. Additional responsibility is associated with compliance with child rights regulations:

  • laws “On Civil Defense”, “On Education”;
  • provisions of the Convection on the Rights of the Child;
  • decrees of the Government and the President related to children's upbringing and education.

Requirements for the applicant

There are no certain restrictions on the candidate's work experience and education. However, the professional standard requires you to have level 1 qualification, which allows you to protect property without the use of physical effort or special means.

The professional standard requires the employee to have the knowledge and training to perform duties to ensure the safety of the facility and individuals.

The watchman must have the following information:

  • safety instructions;
  • boundaries of the protected object;
  • access rules;
  • sanitary standards, rules;
  • sample signatures of persons who have the right to visit facilities or move property outside the facility;
  • contact details of the administration and management, telephone numbers of the police and security;
  • samples of one-time and permanent access documents.

Copies of the listed documents and samples can be kept at the watchman’s workplace. He must quickly find the required information without delaying visitors or wasting valuable time.


The work activity of a watchman is aimed at protecting and controlling order in an educational institution:

  • ensure the safety of the educational process;
  • ensure the personal safety of school employees and students;
  • participation in mandatory emergency and civil defense events;
  • ensure compliance sanitary standards, rules, safety precautions.

Let's take a closer look at the job responsibilities of a watchman:

  • walk around the facility at least three times per shift, check for foreign objects and persons;
  • act as a duty officer at a checkpoint;
  • checking travel sheets and passes vehicles and visitors;
  • when a fire occurs in the school premises, raise the alarm and begin measures to extinguish it;
  • inform the administration about unusual situations;
  • ensure the rights and freedom of students on school grounds;
  • with a shift watchman check the facilities, the integrity of the locks, lighting fixtures, alarm devices, communication equipment;
  • make sure that firefighting equipment is available, and if there are any malfunctions or deficiencies, report them directly to your boss;
  • maintain order in the lobby, stop violations, and if students disobey a legal requirement, inform the administration or teacher;
  • If any malfunctions are detected, notify the caretaker;
  • draw up technical reports, keep a duty log;
  • do not allow unauthorized persons to enter the facility;
  • organize order in your workplace;
  • comply with the standards of behavior in an educational institution, demand their compliance from school employees;
  • control the arrival and departure of technical staff and teachers at workplace, keep records in a journal;
  • participate in activities to ensure labor safety and discipline.

The instructions must be printed in 2 copies. Each must have the signature of a staff member and the head of the school.


The job description of a watchman must contain the rights:

  • receive payment on time for performing duties;
  • have at one's disposal necessary equipment, technical support for high-quality execution responsibilities;
  • demand the allocation of a room for storing workwear and equipment;
  • seek guidance in facilitating the performance of professional functions;
  • propose improvement measures labor process;
  • gets acquainted with the evaluation of his work and complaints, give explanations on them;
  • defend one’s dignity and professional honor through a representative or independently during a disciplinary or official investigation into violations of professional ethics by a teacher;
  • require confidentiality of investigations;
  • inform management about the violation labor discipline to bring violators to disciplinary or financial penalties;
  • do not accept a work shift if violations or shortcomings in the work of the previous watchman are detected;
  • provide students and education workers with instructions to comply with labor regulations and discipline.


Watchman is a financially responsible person who is responsible for poor performance labor functions and for complete refusal to implement them.

They put it on him disciplinary action for non-compliance with regulations and official duties, labor regulations and the Charter of the constituent institution.

The watchman is responsible for compliance with the access control regime, the health and lives of school staff and students, and for violating their freedom.

Removal from office occurs in case of single or repeated use of physical or mental violence against students, as well as in the commission of an immoral act.


The janitor maintains the following documentation: a register of visitors, check-in and check-out of duty, and school tours.

Materials of an organizational and regulatory nature must be provided to him by the school administration against signature.

The employee must undergo training on safety precautions and sanitation rules under the guidance of his immediate superior.

The janitor must immediately notify the building maintenance worker of faulty wiring, sanitary equipment, locks, doors, glass, locks, etc.

The janitor is in close contact with employees of the institution, parents of students, and periodically exchanges data on competent issues with the teaching staff and administration.

Extraordinary circumstances

In case of illegal entry:

  1. Assess the situation.
  2. Call a mobile security group using an alarm system.
  3. Block entrances.
  4. Remove a stranger from the territory in the absence of criminal intent.
  5. If aggression occurs with the security group, make an arrest and call representatives of the Internal Affairs Directorate.
  6. If it is impossible to arrest, along with the police, indicate the scene of the incident.

In case of explosion threat:

  1. Report to the school director, FSB, Internal Affairs Directorate and call a mobile security team.
  2. Take measures to remove people from safe distance from an explosive device.
  3. During evacuation, ensure that students or school staff do not touch the dangerous object.
  4. Maintain contact with the person in charge of the explosion response.

Detection of a suspicious substance or object:

  1. Carry out the inspection without physical contact with the object.
  2. Provide complete information to management, FSB, and Internal Affairs Directorate.
  3. To avoid panic, organize evacuation.
  4. Call emergency services.
  5. Block access to the danger zone.
  6. Turn off household communications.
  7. Do not allow anyone to enter the site until specialists arrive.

Access mode

Access mode is assigned for the following purposes:

  1. Elimination of unauthorized access to the controlled territory.
  2. Establishing a procedure for access of students, teachers and visitors to the school building.
  3. Exclusion of unauthorized removal of any material assets.
  4. Preventing the entry of flammable, toxic liquids, substances, weapons, and special equipment into the school territory.

The access mode will be as follows:

  • During classes, students cannot leave educational institution. An exception will be the provision of written permission from a health worker, class teacher or administration. Parents have the right to pick up their child at any time.
  • Children who came to the 2nd lesson are not allowed on the floors until the bell rings for recess.
  • Parents may not be allowed to talk to the teacher during classes: in elementary school until 12.35, on average - until 14.30.
  • Parents' access to the medical office, administration or office is possible only if accompanied.
  • Parents meeting their children are not allowed into the school. In some cases, staying no further than the security post is allowed.
  • Representatives of educational authorities, Tax Inspectorate, Fire supervision, etc. may be admitted upon presentation of identification and accompanied.
  • Advertisers and sales representatives should not be located in the protected area of ​​the school.
  • If conflicts arise, the school administration should be notified.

It is better to write down the access control rules in the job description of the watchman as an appendix.

If the visitor has hand luggage, the guard has the right to offer to voluntarily show its contents. If a refusal is received, the school administration is called, and the visitor is not allowed in until she arrives at the premises. If he refuses to leave the building, the director should be informed, the police should be called, or an alarm should be used.

The watchman is prohibited

  • Leave your post in the school foyer. An exception will be cases of crime prevention, detention of the offender.
  • It is strictly forbidden to transfer the post to a third party.
  • Provide any information about the organization of the work of the post, information about students, their parents, and school staff. All internal information is confidential.
  • Accept and transfer material assets or documentation without the permission of the school director.
  • Use a business phone for personal purposes.

Features of working as a janitor at school

The watchman's immediate superior is the caretaker. The janitor must interact with the administration and teachers.

The working day is standardized according to the schedule and should not exceed 40 hours per week. The schedule is approved by his boss. As a rule, on weekdays - 8.00-18.00, on Saturday - 8.00-15.00. The place of work is a post in the lobby with communications equipment, a table, a chair and a computer.

Often school security guards work on a 24-hour schedule: from 8.30 one day to 8.30 the next. Arrival at the post should be 10-15 minutes before the transfer of duty. If it is impossible to go to work, the employee must notify the director in advance - more than half a day in advance. Be sure to provide 3 periods for rest and meals. Their duration is 30 minutes.

The employee's appearance should be neat; it is advisable to provide a special uniform. The janitor will be the first employee of the educational institution that visitors see. He must be competent, show politeness and correctness to all visitors, teaching staff and especially children.

The job description is compiled by the human resources department of the educational institution. It is allowed to resort to the help of third parties, to use qualification reference books, standards provided labor legislation RF. A job description can be a separate document or as an annex to an employment contract.

Two original documents are created, each personally signed by the employee and his supervisor. One copy is intended for the watchman, and the second remains in the organization. Sometimes a third copy is sent out for the personnel department.

1. General provisions

1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the watchman (watchman).

2. A person is appointed to the position of watchman (watchman) without presenting educational requirements.

3. The watchman (watchman) must know the provisions and instructions on access control; samples of signatures of persons entitled to sign passes for the removal and export of material assets or visit to an enterprise, institution, organization; samples of permanent and one-time passes; rules and instructions for the protection of objects; boundaries of the protected object; telephone numbers of representatives of the administration of the protected facility and the officer on duty at the police station.

4. A watchman (watchman) is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the head of the institution in accordance with current legislation RF.

5. The watchman (watchman) is directly subordinate to the deputy head of the administrative department or the head of the economic department.

2. Job responsibilities

Checking the integrity of the protected facility (locks and other locking devices; the presence of seals, fire-fighting equipment; serviceability of alarms, telephones, lighting) together with a representative of the administration or a shift watchman. If malfunctions are identified (broken doors, windows, locks, lack of seals and seals, etc.) that do not allow the object to be taken under protection, he reports this to the person to whom he is subordinate, the administration representative and the officer on duty at the police department and protects traces of the crime until arrival police representatives. If a fire occurs at the facility, raises the alarm, notifies the fire brigade and the police officer on duty, and takes measures to extinguish the fire. Duty at the entrance of an enterprise, institution, organization; admission of workers, visitors, vehicles to the territory of the enterprise, institution, organization and back upon presentation of the relevant documents. Reconciliation of accompanying documents with the actual availability of cargo; opening and closing gates. Receiving and handing over duty, with a corresponding entry in the journal. Maintaining the entrance area in proper sanitary condition.

3. Rights

The watchman (watchman) has the right:

1. make proposals to the management of the institution on the organization and conditions of their work;

2. use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties;

3. undergo certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

4. improve your skills.

The watchman (watchman) enjoys all labor rights in accordance with Labor Code RF.

4. Responsibility

The watchman (watchman) is responsible for:

1. timely and high-quality implementation of the official duties assigned to him;

2. organization of its work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from management, regulations on its activities;

3. compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety regulations;

4. maintaining documentation provided for by current regulations;

5. promptly taking measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a watchman (watchman) may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

A watchman is a profession around which there are quite a lot of opinions, and sometimes myths. Unfortunately, there is an opinion among people that this position is occupied only by people who have not been able to realize themselves or have retired, and accordingly, want to earn extra money.

In fact, the profession of a watchman, like many others, may have various manifestations, forms, features. They contribute to the fact that salaries differ depending on the field and specific features work activity. An important role here is played by the job description, which spells out the specifics of the work, as well as functional responsibilities.

Specifics of the work of a watchman at an enterprise

This position exists in almost every enterprise, regardless of the field of activity. Therefore, let’s try to understand the features of the profession based on the position of a watchman.

So, the person who holds this position is protects the object entrusted to him from various types threats.

Most often, the work is shift work or carried out at night. The main task of the profession is to maintain order on the territory of the enterprise, check the integrity of all locks and seals, and also ensure that unauthorized people do not enter the entrusted facility.

In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to use various means, which are not prohibited by law or rules for being on site. If necessary, company management has the right make adjustments to the job description.

No matter how strange this opinion may sound, a watchman is not the safest position. This must be remembered if a person decides to get a job. Of course, most work shifts will proceed without any problems.

In this case, a situation may arise when unauthorized persons enter the protected facility and, accordingly, the guard will have to perform a number of actions in order to prevent a crime. It is the functional responsibilities that are prescribed in the job description. Based on them, you can understand what the watchman has the right to and what he does not.

If you try to understand the job responsibilities of this profession, you can determine that most often people holding such positions live according to a fairly “rigid” schedule.

Speaking about job responsibilities, it must be said that one of the specific features of the job is that the watchman bears financial liability for valuable property at the facility that he is guarding. The fact is that the work involves not only protecting the premises, but also the goods stored in it.

That is why, before applying for a job, it is recommended to first study the points that describe responsibility. It is necessary to understand that when applying for a job as a watchman at a warehouse, enterprise or factory, there is still a risk when carrying out work activities.

Depending on the place of work and characteristics, the job description may will change somewhat. At the same time, in the document there are base points.

The job description defines a number of functional responsibilities, legal rights, and responsibilities of the person holding the position of watchman.

It should be noted that in order to carry out work activities no education required. At the same time, in some enterprises preference is given to those people who have served in the military.

The watchman must be aware of the regulations and instructions on the access regime, and also have available sample signatures of persons who have the right to issue passes for the removal of valuables of a material nature outside the protected facility, as well as for visiting the territory of the enterprise during non-working hours.

An employee hired for this position must know the basic rules and instructions for the operation of protected facilities, the boundaries of the facility, as well as the telephone numbers of his superiors in case of any questions or emergency situations.

Appointed to the position by order of the head in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation. It should be noted that the person reports to the deputy manager for administrative and economic affairs or the head who heads the economic department of the enterprise.

Despite the fact that people without education can be hired, they must have certain qualifications. The profession requires the presence the following knowledge:

Job responsibilities

The employee's job responsibilities mean: object integrity check. At certain intervals, the employee must check the territory, the integrity of door locks, seals, fire safety equipment, the serviceability of the alarm system, and the operation of the telephone line.

If any shortcoming is identified, it must be reported to your superiors. It is also allowed if the information is transferred to one of the representatives of the enterprise administration. In emergency cases, you must call the police.

If a fire breaks out in the protected area, the watchman is obliged to give an alarm and call the rescue service and the police. They are also the first to undertake measures to eliminate fire and save material assets.

The employee’s job responsibilities also include control at the checkpoint, in an institution or organization, admission of workers, visitors, road transport. When importing goods into the territory, it is necessary to reconcile the invoices and the cargo being transported.

When entering duty, as well as after its delivery, it is necessary make the appropriate journal entry. The entrance area and the facility must be in proper sanitary condition.

Employee rights

In addition to functional responsibilities, the profession of a watchman also involves availability of rights. So, a watchman working at an enterprise has the legal right to:

  1. Making proposals to your management that are related to the organization and improvement of working conditions.
  2. Use of informational materials, as well as regulatory documents that are needed in order to perform their official duties.
  3. Passing certification, which involves obtaining a new qualification category.
  4. Improving your qualifications.

The profession of a watchman presupposes the possibility of using one’s labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


During work activities at the enterprise, the watchman also bears some responsibility. In this case goes talking about:

  1. Perform duties at the proper level and in a timely manner.
  2. Organizing work in such a way as to ensure timely execution of orders, management instructions, as well as legal acts related to its activities.
  3. Compliance with the rules implying the internal regulations of the enterprise, compliance with fire safety rules, as well as safety precautions when being near specialized equipment.
  4. Maintaining documents that are regulated by regulations.
  5. Timely adoption of actions, including notification of the enterprise management or immediate superior, safety violations, fire safety rules and other nuances that may cause damage to the enterprise, as well as to employees located at the facility.
  6. In case of violation of labor discipline, the watchman may be held accountable in accordance with current legislation. Depending on the degree of the act and the damage that was caused as a result, the employee is subject to such types of liability as disciplinary, material, administrative, and criminal.


Thus, this profession is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Only if a person who gets a job fully studies his job description and, accordingly, understands the functional responsibilities, can he be sure that no problems will occur in the process of carrying out work activities.

In this video you can familiarize yourself with the instructions and standards of security work.

1. General provisions

1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the watchman (watchman).
2. A person is appointed to the position of watchman (watchman) without presenting educational requirements.
3. The watchman (watchman) must know the provisions and instructions on access control; samples of signatures of persons entitled to sign passes for the removal and export of material assets or visit to an enterprise, institution, organization; samples of permanent and one-time passes; rules and instructions for the protection of objects; boundaries of the protected object; telephone numbers of representatives of the administration of the protected facility and the officer on duty at the police station.
4. A watchman (watchman) is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. The watchman (watchman) is directly subordinate to the deputy head of the administrative department or the head of the economic department.

2. Job responsibilities

Checking the integrity of the protected facility (locks and other locking devices; the presence of seals, fire-fighting equipment; serviceability of alarms, telephones, lighting) together with a representative of the administration or a shift watchman. If malfunctions are identified (broken doors, windows, locks, lack of seals and seals, etc.) that do not allow the object to be taken under protection, he reports this to the person to whom he is subordinate, the administration representative and the officer on duty at the police department and protects traces of the crime until arrival police representatives. If a fire occurs at the facility, raises the alarm, notifies the fire brigade and the police officer on duty, and takes measures to extinguish the fire. Duty at the entrance of an enterprise, institution, organization; admission of workers, visitors, vehicles to the territory of the enterprise, institution, organization and back upon presentation of the relevant documents. Reconciliation of accompanying documents with the actual availability of cargo; opening and closing gates. Receiving and handing over duty, with a corresponding entry in the journal. Maintaining the entrance area in proper sanitary condition.

The watchman (watchman) has the right:
1. make proposals to the management of the institution on the organization and conditions of their work;
2. use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties;
3. undergo certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;
4. improve your skills.
The watchman (watchman) enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The watchman (watchman) is responsible for:
1. timely and high-quality implementation of the official duties assigned to him;
2. organization of its work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from management, regulations on its activities;
3. compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety regulations;
4. maintaining documentation provided for by current regulations;
5. promptly taking measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.
For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a watchman (watchman) may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

We bring to your attention typical example job description of a watchman at an enterprise, school, children's site or institution, sample 2019. Any person can be appointed to this position: there are no education or work experience requirements. Don’t forget, every instruction is given to the guard against receipt.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that a watchman should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

1. General provisions

1. The watchman belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person is hired for the position of a watchman without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

3. A watchman is hired and dismissed from the position by the __________ (director, manager) of the organization upon the nomination of __________ (position).

4. The watchman must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge for the position:

— regulations and instructions on access control;

— samples of signatures of persons who have the right to sign passes for the removal and export of material assets or to visit an enterprise, plant, institution; samples of permanent and one-time passes;

— rules and instructions for the protection of objects;

— boundaries of the protected object;

- telephone numbers of representatives of the administration of the protected facility and the duty officer at the police department.

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

— rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

— requirements for the quality of work (services) performed and for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

— production alarm.

5. In his activities, the watchman is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

— Charter (regulations) of the organization,

- orders and instructions __________ ( general director, director, head) of the organization,

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization,

— __________________________________________________.

6. The watchman reports directly to __________ (a worker with a higher qualification, the head of production (site, workshop) and the director of the organization)

7. During the absence of a watchman (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed __________ (position of the head) of the organization on the recommendation of __________ (position) in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the fulfillment of the assigned responsibilities on him.

2. Job responsibilities of the watchman

The duties of the watchman are:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

— Duty at the entrance of an enterprise, plant, institution.

— Passage of employees, visitors, automobile or horse-drawn transport to the territory of the enterprise and back upon presentation of the relevant documents: passes, invoices, waybills etc.

— Reconciliation of accompanying documents with the actual availability of cargo; opening and closing gates.

— Together with a representative of the administration or a shift watchman, checking the integrity of the protected object, locks and other locking devices, the presence of seals, the serviceability of alarm devices, telephones, lighting, and the availability of fire-fighting equipment.

— If faults are identified that do not allow the object to be taken under protection, he reports this to the person to whom he is subordinate.

- In cases of detection of broken doors, windows, walls, locks, absence of seals and seals, or an alarm signal at the facility, immediately informs the representative of the administration and the person on duty at the police station and protects traces of the crime until the arrival of the police.

— If a fire occurs at the facility, raises the alarm, notifies the fire brigade, reports the incident to the officer on duty at the police station, and takes measures to extinguish the fire.

— Reception and delivery of duty with the corresponding entry in the journal.

— In case of non-arrival of the shift at the set time, informs the representative of the administration of the protected facility.

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

— Compliance with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection standards.

— Execution within employment contract orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with these instructions.

— Carrying out work on acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition.

— Maintaining established technical documentation.

3. Rights of the guard

A watchman at an enterprise has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management’s consideration:

— to improve work related to those provided for herein instructions and duties,

- about attraction to material and disciplinary liability workers who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the watchman

The watchman is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of a watchman (at an enterprise / at a school / watchman / kindergarten/ institution) - 2019 sample. Job duties of a watchman, rights of a watchman, responsibility of a watchman.