How to make paste for applique. How to make a paste from flour and water. Other adhesives

An adhesive composition or paste, welded with water from grain processing products, is considered one of the most proven and safe types of glue for household work. The uniquely simple method of preparing the adhesive mass is combined with good mechanical strength of the seam, so even with the advent of water-soluble adhesives based on methylated cellulose, the paste made from flour and starch remains revered among those who like to make things with their own hands.

High-strength paste can be prepared in three ways:

  • On flour, even if the raw material has long lost its nutritional quality;
  • Using crushed or ground grain;
  • Cook with any available grain starch.

For your information! To achieve maximum seam strength, the paste can best be welded using dried and ground grain.

True, the yield of grain paste is somewhat less than if you cook a paste mass from flour. In addition, you will have to work hard to remove the remnants of seedings and husks, but with due care you can brew a paste that will firmly stick even vinyl wallpaper.

How to make paste from flour

In order to properly weld and not burn the paste, you will need an enamel or metal non-food container with a tight-fitting lid and a steel or cast iron flame divider installed above the gas burner. A simple device allows you to safely heat the paste, cook flour grains, and at the same time avoid overcooking the adhesive mass into jelly.

Proportions of water and flour

In order to cook the paste, you will need three ingredients:

  • Purified water, you can use filtered or settled tap water. The main thing is that no rust, organic matter or scale gets into the paste. To cook a liter of paste, you will need 800 ml or four glasses of water;
  • Corn or wheat flour, 250 ml of flour is calculated per liter of adhesive mass. It is best to cook the paste from coarse flour, second or third grade;
  • Ethyl or formic alcohol, about a tablespoon per liter of mixture. The additive helps get rid of lumps and air. You can cook glue without alcohol, but alcohol promotes hydrolysis of gluten, even if the water is very hard and contains a large amount of salts.

For your information! Wallpaper craftsmen advise adding a small amount of soda ash solution, aluminum alum or office glue.

Before the advent of specialized brands of glue for wallpapering during mass construction, it was necessary to cook tens of liters of paste. The additives helped to weld the glue quickly and at the same time ensure storage for several days. At home, you can add alum, this will help to cook a paste that is resistant to fungus and cockroaches. The use of any other additives requires some experience in handling the paste solution.

Preparation and adjustment of consistency

You can cook the paste in 10-15 minutes. Pour lukewarm water into a clean container, about 1/3 of the calculated amount, and add flour in small portions, in approximately the same volume. The mixture is intensively stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed. The rest of the water is brought to a boil and, continuing to stir the mass, added to the paste.

Next, to weld the glue, the container is transferred to a tile with a divider and heated over high heat for about ten minutes. As soon as the paste acquires the texture of thick milk jelly, the tank with glue is transferred from the heat and cooled in water.

It is not difficult to weld the paste, but you need to carefully monitor the consistency of the glue. During the cooking process, the paste mass seems too liquid, and when cooled it thickens greatly. If you don't calculate with proportions and quantities hot water, the glue most often turns out to be too thick and viscous.

In order to adjust the composition, you need to cook a new portion of thicker or liquid glue and while hot mix with the first paste. The viscosity of the adhesive mass depends on the content of gluten and protein substances in the flour, the quality of the water and the exact observance of proportions.


You can change the consistency of a too thick paste that has been standing in the cold for a couple of days using a small amount of not too hot water. If a sour smell appears, the adhesive mass should be boiled over low heat, then add a spoonful of alcohol and stir thoroughly until smooth.

Experts advise to cook the paste a couple of hours before using it and try not to store it for more than one day. You can store the paste without additives or preservatives for one or two days in the refrigerator in a carefully sealed container. If you need to boil and store a large amount of starch glue for some time, then at the stage of final boiling, the hot mass is divided into several containers, cooled in a water bath and half a teaspoon of alcohol or vodka is poured into each jar. Using this technology, you can weld, store and use glue for a week.

How to cook starch paste

In order to cook glue from corn or wheat starch, you will need to make a batch: into 4 parts a little warm water add 1 part dry starch. The batch should stand for one and a half hours for the starch grain to swell. Next, the mixture needs to be cooked for 10-15 minutes over high heat, stirring with a spoon or spatula. Cook the paste over low or medium heat for up to half an hour until the glue becomes transparent. Cool in a water bath.

It is easier to make glue from starch than from flour, but its strength is clearly inferior to flour and, especially, grain adhesive material.

Application of paste

One of the advantages of starch paste is its good penetrating ability into the pores of walls. For example, a solution of 100 g of alcohol and 200 g of starch solution can be used to prime painted walls or plaster that regularly shows damp spots. In the latter case, the paste must be boiled with an additive final stage 10% PVA glue or aluminum alum.

It is believed that if you prepare an adhesive mass with the addition of 40 g of calcium chloride per liter of glue, the pasted wallpaper will not fall off even if the base is heavily moistened.

For light wallpaper

The best option for light wallpaper would be a slightly thinner starch paste than usual. Glue can be made from potato starch with the addition of a small amount of PVA. The polyvinyl acetate emulsion is introduced into the almost cooled glue and stirred thoroughly. This glue does not stain, and practically does not bleed through thin wallpaper, but it is best to use it within 24 hours, or boil it and store it in the refrigerator in preservation mode.

For heavy wallpaper

Non-woven or vinyl wallpaper even experienced craftsmen They prefer to glue with expensive branded Methylane, although under heavy wallpaper you can weld very strong glue from corn flour or starch. If the texture and pattern are light, then the same PVA is added to the paste; for darker shades, you can cook a starch mixture with the addition of liquid casein glue. It is clear that in any case, the starch must be prepared, cooled, allowed to stand, and only then the additive must be added.

For fabric crafts

Gluing all kinds of fabric toys and crafts requires a large amount of glue, which you can successfully weld yourself. Moreover, if you choose the right additive, you can weld several liters of glue at once, and it will not disappear or lose its characteristics, even if it is stored at room temperature.

To ensure strong bonding of the fabric, you need to weld a grain paste. Wheat or oat grains are crushed in an electric coffee grinder to form ground coffee. The mass must be boiled without sifting. After swelling, the mixture is pressed through a gauze cloth, a small amount of alcohol and PVA is added, and the glue is ready. For heavy fabrics, instead of PVA and wheat, you can brew rye grain in a water bath with the addition of wood glue and alum.

For papier-mâché

As a working adhesive for forming a shell from thin sheets paper uses a base of corn starch with the addition of 10% alcohol and ready-made wood glue. This composition quickly saturates the paper and dries well in thick layers of cellulose fiber 3-4 mm thick. If the paper has laminated coating, then for papier-mâché they use an adhesive composition with the addition of PVA, acrylic or bustylate.


Clayster has always been very comfortable material, knowing the recipe, you can weld glue for almost any cellulose materials and cotton fabrics. The grain adhesive composition can be used to attach plastic and even fiberboard boards. The only significant drawback is the edibility of dextrin fibers; starch and flour are easily damaged by fungi and insects, so it is necessary to use additives based on vitriol or other metal salts.

Modern household chemicals, it seems, has already covered all aspects of repair and creativity, so there is no need for a person to prepare glue with his own hands. However, there are situations when it is better to work with glue whose ingredients are known, natural and hypoallergenic. Let's figure out how to make a paste from flour so that a child prone to allergies can use it. Such glue should not only be safe, but ideally edible. Naturally, in terms of adhesive abilities it should not be inferior to industrial analogues.

What is paste

It is known that paste was widely used in cosmetic repairs premises. This glue was used to attach wallpaper to the walls. Typically, wallpaper paste was made from starch, but for children's crafts it is better to use a version made from wheat flour. Wheat flour contains gluten protein; It is he who is responsible for the ability to tightly connect paper parts. Flour paste is used, for example, in the papier-mâché technique. For various works You can vary the thickness of homemade flour glue.

What do you need to make paste?

To cook a paste from flour, you need to take a suitable pan and a second container with a volume of at least half of the selected pan. You also need a fine colander or a large sieve. Be sure to have a stirring spoon ready to get rid of any lumps. Naturally, you need a stove, and if you have to cook in the field, you can use a camp stove or a gas burner.

The materials for flour paste you will need are flour and water. If you are preparing a starch version, then it is recommended to add PVA glue to it for better adhesion.

What kind of flour should I take?

The choice of flour for paste is the opposite of what we select for pies and other things. homemade baked goods. It is better to cook the paste from low-grade flour, since it contains more small particles of bran than in premium. It is worth paying attention to such a product as wallpaper flour. The name itself indicates what it is used for - for wallpapering walls. Bran particles contain a larger amount of viscous gluten than the middle part of the grain.

As for the crop ground into flour, the best would be wheat, corn or rye. Rice and buckwheat flour do not contain the required amount of sticky substances, so they are not suitable. Rye flour for paste is used with caution because it can leave dark marks. If you need to make a paste from flour for dark surfaces, then rye flour will be the best, as it has excellent adhesive properties.

Additional Ingredients

A number of ingredients are added to the flour paste to improve adhesive properties. To ensure that papier-mâché structures adhere well, wood glue is added. True, it can make the surface darker. A substitute can be gelatin, previously diluted with water. The ratio of flour and glue (diluted gelatin) will be 200:75.

If you need to ensure the whiteness of the surface, for example, when wallpapering a ceiling, then you can use PVA glue. You can, for example, make a paste from corn starch and add “Joiner” glue there - PVA with a water base.

It is good to add vitriol to wallpaper glue. Since flour paste is an attractive treat for household insects, it is advisable to scare them off with something. The role of the “scarecrow” in such a composition is played by vitriol. It also protects against fungus.

When flour glue is used in textile decorations, it is recommended to add vanilla sugar to add shine.

Glue recipe made from flour and water

When you need to cook a flour paste for children's creativity, it is advisable to do without additives. There is no guarantee that the child will not taste the glue. Especially if the child knows that the paste was made from completely edible flour. That is why you can only add ingredients that are used in food - gelatin, sugar, vanilla.


If you take glue from flour and water, then you need to take two parts water to one part flour. If you need a thicker solution, you will need three quarters of flour to a whole part of water. If you measure by glasses, then for a liquid paste you need to take one glass of water and half a glass of flour. For a stronger solution, you will need ¾ cup of flour per glass of water.

Cooking time

The actual process of cooking the paste takes a little time, only 4–5 minutes of boiling, but do not forget about preparatory stage when flour is dissolved in cold water. It will also take time to strain the paste from lumps through a colander or sieve. Before work, the paste will have to be cooled, especially if a child has to deal with it.

Use and storage

Flour paste is capricious in storage, just like food products. It’s not worth preparing a lot of flour glue at once for future use. If there is any unused glue left, you can store it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. The paste thickens from the cold, and before use it will have to be diluted with warm water.

If you find that the glue has a sour smell, digest the composition and let it cool. If there is a need to make a paste for future use, then you will have to add a little alcohol or vodka to it as a preservative. It is clear that such glue cannot be used by children without adult supervision.

How to cook paste at home

Making paste at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know a few rules:

  • Flour should initially be diluted in cold water to avoid getting “dumplings” in boiling water.
  • The proportions of the glue are determined by the desired thickness.
  • For children's creativity, glue with inedible additives is not used.
  • If an error occurs in the proportions, you can weld a little glue of greater or less thickness (as necessary) and dilute the finished paste with a new composition.
  • Boiling water will help get rid of the excess thickness of freshly made paste.

For wallpapering

It is good to use two types of paste as wallpaper glue:

  • starch;
  • from rye flour.

For the first option, take a liter of water and half a kilogram of starch. Let's dilute the starch cold water, stir, put on fire and very slowly begin to heat. You need to continue heating the paste until it thickens. Be sure to stir the glue all the time while cooking.

For the second option, you will need two pans: a larger one and a smaller one. The water is divided in half between these pans. A large container is placed on the fire until it boils. Diluted in a smaller container rye flour and mix thoroughly. For wallpaper, you can add one and a half grams of vitriol to the flour. The mixture is carefully poured from the “cold” container into the hot one. The composition needs to be stirred. Cook for no more than 5 minutes.

For papier-mâché

Recipes for papier-mâché paste vary. In one of them, it is recommended to take three glasses of water and one glass of flour. Add a pinch of salt to the water. Sift the flour and add warm water to one glass for now. You need to mix everything thoroughly, then add two glasses of water, already heated. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes to thicken. The paste must be cooled before use.

Video: starch paste

How to make a paste from flour for children's creativity, how to make a starch paste for wallpaper - all this can be seen in the video. Sometimes it is better to see the process once than to present it by description.

Glue is a viscous substance that can stick together different materials. His role is difficult to overestimate. The mixture is used in medicine, industry, construction, and other fields. IN everyday life people use this product for household purposes. And although many are accustomed to the fact that ready-made adhesive raw materials can be purchased, there is hardly a person who has not encountered flour paste.

Homemade adhesive compositions not only cheaper than factory analogues, but also superior in quality. The ingredients used in production are natural and hypoallergenic. These properties allow even small children to work with the substance without fear. The recipe is quite simple, and all the ingredients can always be found in the kitchen of any thrifty and conscientious housewife.

What is paste

According to different definitions given in many explanatory dictionaries, paste - glue made from starch or flour. According to the type of gluing, it belongs to the drying subspecies. This is a perishable product that cannot be stored for a long time. It turns sour quickly, which manifests itself in an unpleasant odor, and is suitable for use within one day. The density of the composition depends on the materials being glued.

It is now difficult to say who and when first invented this type of glue. However, according to historians, the first adhesive compositions were brewed back in Neolithic times, using animal bones and tendons for these purposes. They became the prototype for bone, fish, vegetable, and other natural adhesives. Perhaps the flour and starch composition was used by ancient civilizations, but no records of this have been preserved.

Homemade adhesive is simply irreplaceable for household needs. With its help, you can carry out repairs, use it to create crafts, and solve many other problems. The technology for preparing glue is simple. It can be made in several ways, it all depends on the components used. To work you will need water, flour or starch, an enamel container, and a spoon for mixing.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Flour paste is popular among builders, gardeners, creative people. This is a reliable tool that has many advantages. An environmentally friendly product made from natural raw materials is completely harmless to health, does not cause allergies, and does not irritate the skin. The main advantages of this substance include:

  • Low cost. This is the most cheap look glue. It allows you to save on the purchase of ready-made formulations and is superior to them in many characteristics.
  • Wide scope of application. Used in construction, handicrafts, children's creativity.
  • Easy preparation. Anyone can make glue with their own hands.
  • Does not leave marks on the surface.
  • Practical and easy to use.
  • Strongly glues some types of materials and adheres well to many surfaces.
  • Easily removed. To remove glued wallpaper, you need to moisten the walls with water, the coating will come off on its own.

Among the main disadvantages are:

  • Poor water resistance. To increase this indicator, you can add PVA to the composition at least 5% of the total volume.
  • The product is a breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms. To eliminate the deficiency during the cooking process, you can add copper sulfate.
  • Limited shelf life. It is recommended to brew the paste in small quantities.
  • Time spent on preparation. Most purchased analogues can be used immediately.

Where is it used?

Homemade glue, made from flour mixed with water, is used for various purposes. It is used by librarians, chemists, agronomists and gardeners, and employees of children's institutions. Among the most well-known areas of application are:

For household needs:

  • Repair work. Using the natural mass, wallpaper is glued to walls, windows are covered, and surfaces are primed for finishing.
  • Gardening. To plant seeds evenly in the garden bed, they are glued onto toilet paper.
  • Children's creativity and handicrafts. The harmless and hypoallergenic composition perfectly replaces glue; even the smallest children can work with it. It is used to make papier-mâché and other paper products, use it for scrapbooking, and create fabric compositions.

In professional activities:

  • Librarians glue books with paste and use it to perform bookbinding work.
  • Chemists use it as an indicator.
  • Kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers use this material in classes that instill in children perseverance, concentration, developing thinking, and fine motor skills.
  • Theater workers use paper objects to decorate the stage and make props.
  • Designers use the substance to hold together various decorative elements.

Cooking methods and rules

Homemade paste is not inferior in characteristics to purchased compounds for gluing paper and other materials. It is used both for fixing parts of small crafts and when carrying out large-scale construction work. Safety, complete availability of ingredients, ease of preparation make the flour-based mixture popular and in demand. There are many ways to make paste. You should choose the appropriate recipe based on the purpose of the glue and the characteristics of the surfaces being bonded.

From flour for wallpaper

To prepare, you only need flour and water. The resulting mixture is suitable for thin regular paper sheets and thick vinyl ones. The only thing is that it is necessary to adjust its thickness during the cooking process. It is better to prepare wallpaper mass from second-grade flour, since it contains more gluten, which improves its characteristics.

Even a child can learn how to prepare a simple paste. Water is poured into the container based on the amount of mixture and heated on the stove. After waiting for it to boil, pour the flour into the center of the bowl, stirring constantly. The amount of the main ingredient is not calculated in advance; it is easier to add it by eye.

Weight for simple wallpaper The consistency should resemble liquid sour cream. For heavy sheets of flour, it is better to add more flour and thicken as much as possible. It is necessary to use the paste while it is warm, since as it gradually cools, it loses its properties.

From starch

This paste is prepared if you need a transparent pasting paste that will not leave stains. The technology for preparing an economical composition is not much different from a flour mixture. The starch is sifted into an enamel bowl, poured with some cold water, and stirred. Then add part of the boiling water without stopping the shaking. Boil the starch paste to the desired thickness, breaking up all the lumps.

A homemade starch mixture has both advantages and disadvantages. It sets quickly, securely fastening even heavy materials, does not leave stains and does not turn yellow. When removing dried glue, just wet it warm water. Corn starch gives the most pleasant consistency. Rice and potato product manifests itself worse, which is reflected in transparency.

The disadvantages of the starch mixture include a short shelf life. 5-6 hours after preparation appears bad smell. Even in the refrigerator it can last no more than a day without loss of quality.

For papier-mâché

A popular technique for making paper crafts involves sequentially pasting a mold with material impregnated with glue. To create a high-quality figurine, you need a lot of adhesive mixture, so it is convenient and profitable to make it yourself from cheap and affordable materials.

Papier-mâché paste is made from flour, hot water and salt. The main ingredient can be replaced with starch, but then it will have to be brewed in small portions. The process will not be justified if you need to create a large craft.

The proportions of ingredients must be selected taking into account the density and type of paper. For newspapers and easily absorbent materials will suit ratio: 5 parts water - 1 part flour - 1 teaspoon salt. Magazine sheets and cardboard are softened and fixed with a mixture containing wood glue or PVA.

To make papier-mâché crafts shiny, you can add vanillin and sugar to the paste.

DIY dextrin paste

Based on dextrin, a high-quality glue is obtained that holds perfectly thick paper with any coating, leather, fabric, wood, plastic. The substance is obtained from starch by breaking it down. Dextrin powder dissolves faster and better in water; an adhesive mass based on it is easy to make at home. To prepare the paste correctly, you must adhere to the following recipe conditions:

  1. Pour the starch onto a baking sheet and place in the oven;
  2. Set the heating temperature to 160° C and leave the powder for 2 hours;
  3. After a while, we take out the yellow dextrin and cool it at room temperature;
  4. Mix the substance with boiling water in equal parts;
  5. Stir continuously until completely dissolved.

The resulting mixture must be used immediately after preparation, as it thickens very quickly. If its use must be postponed, during cooking, increase the amount of liquid and add a few drops of glycerin. The dextrin mixture can be stored in the refrigerator in sealed, tight packaging to prevent contact with oxygen.

Paste with the addition of PVA glue

PVA glue, how independent composition, is a very effective adhesive material. Sometimes its consistency is reduced by adding water. In this case quality characteristics are decreasing. If it is necessary to obtain a moderately liquid mass and maintain all the original properties, PVA is added to the usual flour paste. This will help reduce the adhesion of the pure product.

Recommended proportions for preparing a small portion of paste are 100 g of flour, half a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of PVA. Add flour to boiling water, cook and knead the mixture for 5 minutes. After complete cooling, add PVA and shake.

The additive can be added to both flour and starch ready-made pastes. The mixture becomes suitable for gluing heavy non-woven wallpaper, textiles, and wood. The mass with PVA will be stronger and will retain transparency.

Paste with wood glue

Based on the area of ​​application of the mixture, various additional substances are added to it. Ideal option to improve fixing qualities - wood glue. We must not forget about the color of the surfaces, since the wood material will give the adhesive mass a dark tint.

Animal glue is added to the mixture to prime walls under heavy wallpaper, or to firmly fix old paint on panels that are difficult to clean. The proportions in this case are selected 1:1. Adjust with water to the desired thickness. For gluing surfaces with linkrust or other materials based on fabric or plastic, a mixture is prepared from 2 parts flour and 1 part wood glue.

The abundance of multi-colored packages with glue on the shelves of construction stores is a familiar sight. You can choose compositions for any purpose, for all available types of wallpaper, at any cost. True, the minimum price for such adhesives is steep, and the quality of the product may be far from ideal. In addition, despite the assurances of manufacturers, such compositions may be unsafe for health. In such cases, you can make a paste from simple ingredients at home.

During cooking, you need to constantly stir the mixture.

The word “paste” itself can serve as a hint on how to cook it and what ingredients will be needed for this. Translated from German language it means a glue made from starch or flour. And you don’t need any chemical components to make it yourself. The composition contains only water and one of the dry ingredients.

The choice of dry ingredient depends on the future use of the glue. For example, flour is more suitable for wallpapering walls or making children's crafts, since the finished product leaves no traces after use. Accidental contamination can be easily removed even after drying. Wallpaper, cardboard, and craft paper do not get wet, and the surfaces are firmly glued together.

The amount of ingredients included in the paste recipe is taken from the calculation:

  • wholemeal flour (grade 1 product is suitable) – 0.25 kg;
  • water – 1 l.

To make wallpaper paste, you will need coarse flour.


Prepare utensils and suitable proper preparation paste tools. It is most convenient to prepare a paste using:

  • a small glass container (you will need it for mash);
  • enamel or glass heat-resistant pan (3 l);
  • sieve;
  • fork or whisk;
  • wooden spoon with a long handle.

Simple recipe

Cook on a regular gas burner or electric stove in the kitchen. Before cooking flour paste, the flour should be thoroughly sifted using a sieve to remove contaminants and formed lumps. The instructions will tell you how to cook paste from flour:

  1. Make a chatterbox. The sifted flour is placed in a glass container. Then cold water is gradually added to the flour, with continuous stirring with a fork or whisk, until a mass of homogeneous consistency is formed in the container.
  2. Add boiling water. If you are trying to make a paste from flour for the first time, it is better to take the amount of mash and boiling water in a ratio of 1:15. Boiling water is poured in slowly, with continuous stirring. Gradually, the mass in the container becomes thick and uniform.
  3. Bring to condition. The resulting mass is heated on the stove, stirring continuously.
  4. Cool. The cooked composition is removed from the heat. Use cold water or ice to speed up cooling is not allowed - this will worsen the adhesive properties. It is necessary to wait until the mass has cooled completely.

The stage of bringing it to condition requires special attention. By adding boiling water to the mash and achieving a thick mass, you will make glue that is quite suitable for children's crafts or making papier-mâché. But for finishing work, the adhesive properties of this product may not be enough.

You need to stir with a plastic or wooden spatula.

Wallpaper glue recipe

A simple way to make a flour paste at home, suitable for use during repairs:

  1. The mash brewed with boiling water is poured into enamel pan, the container is placed on the stove.
  2. Warm up, without bringing to a boil, over low heat.
  3. The paste must be stirred during heating.
  4. As soon as the first bubbles appear and the characteristic “puffing” begins, the pan is removed from the stove and left to cool.
  5. The film formed after cooling is removed.

All that remains to be done is to strain the finished liquid through a sieve.

How to make the paste stick better

The basic recipe for making a paste from just two ingredients is especially suitable in cases where there is a need to finishing work. Wallpaper gluing often turns out to be of poor quality, even when using adhesives specifically designed for a particular type of wallpaper. As for the flour paste, it can safely be called the best glue for wallpaper. The opinion is quite reasonable, since the home product differs from the factory product in a number of advantages:

  • By applying wheat flour wallpaper glue to the panel, you don’t have to worry about tearing and deformation.
  • Homemade wallpaper paste allows you to easily remove the panel from the surface using a steam generator or just warm water.
  • Has a solid level of adhesion. Copes with any type of wallpaper, cardboard and plywood. Sticks finishing materials even to painted surfaces.
  • Features a long service life.
  • It is easy to wash and does not leave stains on the surface of the panels even if accidentally soiled.
  • Prepares in minutes and requires minimum investment funds.
  • Can be used as a primer before wallpapering.

Ways to correct deficiencies

Search special recipe, how to cook glue from wheat flour, no need. The already known basic instructions are enough. It remains to take care of eliminating the shortcomings that still exist:

  1. Poor water resistance. This deficiency can be corrected by adding PVA glue (at least 5% of the total volume), which will make the flour paste more resistant to moisture.
  2. The natural ingredients of the paste not only ensure human safety, but also attract pests and a lot of bacteria. The danger increases if the composition is used additionally as a primer. However, there is a way to make flour paste unattractive to microorganisms. During the cooking process, you need to add copper sulfate diluted in water at the rate of 10 g of sulfate per 1 kg of flour.
  3. Limited shelf life. Finished product can be stored for no more than 12 hours without loss of adhesive properties. After a day, the composition begins to sour and becomes unusable. Since it is impossible to cook a paste from flour for future use, all that remains is to cook required quantity glue.
  4. Consistency too thick. During the cooking process, the flour paste thickens, and after cooling its thickness only intensifies. In order for the glue to be applied to the wallpaper in an even and not too thick layer, the product just made must be moderately liquid. There is a simple way to make the paste have the desired consistency, not so thick. To do this, just add required quantity water and warm the composition again.

Despite the disadvantages, flour paste has many more advantages. It takes little time to prepare it, but everyone can make universal glue, suitable for both wallpaper and children’s creativity.

IN modern world most people believe that to carry out repair work enough around the house regular glue, purchased at a hardware store, and the paste is for those who want to save money. But this is not true at all. The paste in many ways surpasses the advantages of store-bought glue.

  • Firstly, this is an environmentally friendly product;
  • Secondly, nothing can replace paste when performing a number of works, such as papier-mâché.
  • Thirdly, it has the advantageous characteristics:
    • glues heavy wallpaper;
    • holds glued objects much longer;
    • it can be used for different surfaces;
    • leaves no traces;
    • the paste can be removed if necessary.

All these advantages make it clear that it is better to choose a paste rather than purchased glue, which contains a number of chemicals. The only flaw homemade glue can act low level moisture resistance.

But this does not mean at all that if your neighbors flood you, your wallpaper will run down the walls. In order to give the paste the properties of industrial adhesives, it is necessary to add certain ingredients to its composition.

Knowing how to prepare a paste means creating a high-quality adhesive solution that will have all the properties of an industrial glue, while being absolutely safe and effective.

The paste can be used for different purposes:

  • For papier-mâché crafts;
  • For finishing walls with wallpaper;
  • For needlework;
  • For gluing decorative interior items.

Paste made from flour and water - the most popular recipe

To prepare it, follow the following sequence:

  1. Pour flour into a bowl and add water there (water into flour and not vice versa).
  2. Next, thoroughly mix the contents of the bowl with a whisk (make sure there are no lumps).
  3. Next, pour water into an enamel or galvanized pan and put on fire.
  4. Bring water to a boil.
  5. Add the substance from the first bowl, stirring constantly.
  6. Once you have a batter consistency, remove the pan from the heat.
  7. Allow the solution to cool.

Use the ingredients according to the following calculation: for 1 liter of water 4 tbsp. flour. As for the choice of flour, it is preferable to use light wheat varieties.

It is endowed with the best adhesive properties and also does not leave fingerprints or marks.

You should not buy expensive varieties, because it will be irrational, and besides, low-quality flour is more viscous, which will help prepare a high-quality adhesive solution. Before adding flour to boiling water, it must be sifted.

A composition made from flour for windows is effective. It perfectly seals cracks in wooden frames. The main thing is not to use this solution hot, but to give it time to cool. Otherwise, it may damage the processed materials.


Another recipe for making homemade glue is starch paste. It is cooked in the same way as a glue solution of flour and water, but after cooling, PVA glue is added to it to impart moisture resistance.

To cook wallpaper paste you will need the following items and ingredients:

  • Container for diluting paste;
  • Potato starch;
  • Water;
  • Sieve;
  • Spoon or stick for stirring;
  • PVA glue;
  • Gauze.


Homemade starch paste is prepared in this way:

  1. Sift the starch through a sieve to remove dirt and lumps.
  2. Add sifted starch to boiling water, while constantly stirring the solution.
  3. Once you have the consistency of a liquid dough, add PVA glue.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Strain the hot paste through cheesecloth. There should be no lumps in the solution.
  6. Cool the paste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Heat potato starch on a baking sheet.
  2. Cool the starch until it hardens.
  3. Grind the brown lumps into powder.
  4. Dilute the powder with boiling water in accordance with the proportions.
  5. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved.

These three glue solution recipes show you how to make glue at home while saving money and getting a truly effective glue. It can be used by both children to create original crafts with your own hands and by adults for carrying out repair work around the house.

The main thing is to maintain proportions and be guided by a sense of intuition. Everything for which you use the paste will be durable, reliable and strong. Using adhesive material, you can create real works of art, as well as improve the interior of your apartment, office or cottage.