Frost-resistant glue for wood. Wood glue - gluing technology. Which composition to choose

Conducting renovation work When repairing furniture or making anything, we need to use certain adhesives. Today there are many brands of adhesives that are intended for wooden products. Now on the shelves there are many well-known compounds and innovative products created using modern technologies.

The use of wood glue serves various purposes and tasks: fixing or connecting different structures, creating safe, insulated joints that are protected from moisture penetration, etc. You can choose the right glue if you determine the purpose and purpose of its use.

Application of glue

Waterproof glue has enhanced hydrophobic properties and holds objects better. When covering rooms with condensation or water tanks, as well as rooms with high humidity, these qualities of glue will provide good service. Moisture-resistant wood glue does not react to low temperatures; it is good to use when cladding exterior and internal elements. The frost resistance and heat resistance of such adhesives will help to veneer open structures, which are periodically frozen and flooded. .

Waterproof adhesive has a high adhesion adhesive composition, can be used for all types of surfaces. Waterproof adhesive is used to attach the boards from natural stone, ceramics, ceramic granite products. These types of glue have very wide range applications, they can bond wood, ceramics, leather, vinyl, glass, plastic, cardboard, and all in various combinations.

Selecting the type of glue

Today, there is a wide range of excellent adhesives with various properties, such as moisture and heat resistance, slow or fast hardening, longer shelf life from the moment of preparation, etc. Many adhesives provide such a strong connection that the adhesive layer is sometimes stronger than wood. Let's find out what types of glue are used most often:

  • Animal glues are traditional carpenter's glues. Animal skins and bones are used to make them. Previously, such adhesives were the most important in the woodworking industry.

  • Hot melt adhesives are cylindrical rods that are used in specialized glue guns. These types of glue are very convenient, they harden in a few seconds, they are indispensable when working with templates and models.
  • PVA is a polyvinyl acetate emulsion that hardens when dried or penetrates the wood. This glue is non-toxic and has an infinite shelf life. PVA is a moisture-resistant glue that dries and becomes transparent. Often used for furniture production.
  • Urea-formaldehyde adhesives are moisture resistant, can fill cavities well, and they harden through chemical reaction. This glue is a powder; it must be mixed with water and applied to the bonding areas. There are also two-component adhesives, having a liquid hardener. It is necessary to coat one of the surfaces to be glued with a hardener, and the other with glue mixed with water.
  • Contact types of glue are thinly distributed over two surfaces. First, it partially grasps the two surfaces, and then quickly glues them together. This type It is good to use glue when gluing melamine coating on table tops, and other types of glue are used when gluing veneer. The glue smells quite unpleasant.
  • Epoxy adhesives have two components - a resin and a hardener; they are mixed in a certain amount to form an adhesive. Freezing epoxy adhesives form long-lasting, insoluble transparent seams. Basically, these types of adhesives are used if the product to be glued will be in conditions of high humidity.

Nowadays, moisture-resistant wood glue has a lot of advantages, as well as a large assortment of different types and a wide range of applications. Lots of options to choose from for a superior quality product. Modern adhesives are resistant to changes in temperature and air humidity, have a shorter period of complete curing, much greater durability than before. And these are not all the advantages of moisture-resistant adhesives.

IN everyday life situations often arise related to the conduct of various works With wooden surfaces and wood products different breeds. To repair or make something yourself, it is not always appropriate to use nails or screws, so the question of choice arises effective remedy, which can be used for fastening. Most often, the choice is in favor of glue, but not all adhesives are recommended for working with wood.


Wood glue is used everywhere, but the specifics of gluing such material are somewhat different from joining surfaces made of rubber or plastic. The technology for performing this work does not involve drying or pressing the elements against each other. The tree needs a different approach, which depends on the individual characteristics of each individual species. Today, the range of adhesive compositions is presented on the market with a wide variety of products.

But in this diversity, it’s easy to get confused and not figure out which products will be optimal for a given situation.

To do right choice composition that will provide the most durable connection, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • characteristics of the material - degree of adhesion, resin content;
  • the characteristics of each material that will be attached - wood with plastic or wood with wood;
  • level of load on the adhesive seam;
  • conditions for further use of the product.

You should also take into account the features of the adhesive composition, among which are:

  • gluing density level;
  • moisture resistance of products;
  • time required for complete drying;
  • multifunctionality of glue;
  • adhesive strength;
  • product toxicity indicators.


Products for gluing wood have different compositions and areas of application. Most materials are positioned as universal products for which fasteners wooden elements– this is just one of the areas of use. Other products are produced as single-purpose formulations, so they are not intended for contact with other types of materials.

There are several different compositions.

  • PVA glue sometimes called dispersive adhesive.

The main characteristics of such products are:

  1. lack of toxicity, so the composition can be used indoors without additional measures security;
  2. quick adhesion to the surface;
  3. unlimited service life of the product;
  4. Can be used on any surface.

The disadvantage of this glue is the method of diluting it, which is based on adding water, which negatively affects the reliability of fixation in rooms with high level humidity. To ensure high-quality gluing of elements, it is recommended to add wood dust to this glue.

  • Epoxy glue is a two-component composition, the use of which requires mixing substances in a given ratio. The product provides strong fixation and is universal in terms of application. Epoxy compounds are waterproof, resistant to aggressive substances and fuels and lubricants. The time for complete hardening depends on the thickness of the applied layer. The disadvantages of the material include the need to ensure skin protection and overconsumption, since it is necessary to calculate exactly how much is required ready solution for surface treatment, impossible.
  • BF- a type of glue that includes several options for the product. For wood materials, series 2 and 4 are recommended. This composition has the feature of very fast hardening. On average, this requires 50-60 minutes, but provided that the humidity and temperature are within normal limits.

The compositions must be applied in two layers with short intervals. The fourth series of glue is frost-resistant products. The disadvantage of BF is the need for mandatory preliminary cleaning of the wooden surface with degreasing.

  • Heat-resistant adhesives, produced in the form of rods. To work with such products you will need a special gun. The scope of application of the products mainly concerns fastening small parts or sealing defects in a wooden surface.
  • Wood adhesives. To work, the products need to be prepared. Wood glue is based on organic protein, which is the main adhesive substance. It is necessary to connect different wood materials: hardboard, paper, cardboard, wooden products. Natural composition ensures safe use.

The origin of the main component of carpentry compositions is different.

Products are classified based on the type of raw materials.

  • Mezdrovy. The main component in such products is a substance that is formed during the processing of animal skin. The material can be produced in the form of flakes, tiles or powder.
  • Bone. The raw materials for it are the bone remains of animals. The products have an average price. It is better to use a transparent composition instead of unrefined mixtures with impurities.

  • Casein. Widely used in aircraft modeling and shipbuilding. It is neutral to dampness and forms a strong connection. To prepare the composition, you must strictly observe the proportions and time interval.
  • Fishy. It is prepared from the remains of fins and scales. The composition is considered a professional product intended for gluing surfaces with varying degrees of hardness. The glue has quite high cost, therefore positioned as furniture glue and is used for repair or restoration of expensive furniture.
  • Moisture-resistant solution. You can prepare it yourself using slaked lime and cottage cheese, which has recently curdled.

There is a certain technology for making wood glue. To do this, the dry mass is poured with water and left for 6-12 hours so that the composition completely absorbs moisture. Then the remaining water is drained, and the mixture is heated in a water bath until the substance is completely dissolved. The cooking process requires periodic stirring. It is important to control the process so that the mixture does not boil. The glue is applied strictly in the direction of the wood fibers, then the elements are pressed against each other and fixed. The main disadvantage of the product is the reduction in gluing efficiency in the case of wood moisture content exceeding 10%.

  • Syndeticone glue. It is prepared from wood glue with the addition of lime and powdered sugar. The product is distinguished by a high level of strength of the connection of elements. The glue is waterproof and resistant to chemicals. The disadvantage of the product is the rather long preparation process, since the mixture for the solution must be kept in water for 24 hours.
  • Glue paste. It is prepared on the basis of carpentry composition, wood ash and chalk. The material performs well when priming and puttying wood.
  • Polyurethane products. It is the most expensive among the above range. The material has a number of positive features. The area where the composition is applied perfectly withstands high dynamic loads.

This material is ideal for repairing furniture, such as chair legs that become loose over time. The composition is also highly resistant to different temperatures, moisture and solar radiation. It is better to glue wooden structures that are used in extreme conditions with this particular composition.

Scope of application

One- and two-component PVA adhesives are used for gluing indoor surfaces. And two-component products with a hardener can easily be purchased for working with boards located outside the premises - stairs, garden furniture, window or door structures. Polyurethane liquid adhesives perfectly glue wood to wood, as well as ceramic tiles, plywood, metal and plastic. Products are considered ideal option for oily wood species. The alloy adhesive creates connections without fixing with a clamp and ensures the connection of parts with small gaps.

The contact composition forms an elastic seam that is resistant to mechanical stress. Glue provides reliable fixation textiles in production upholstered furniture and gluing large plastic parts on wood.

Superglue is most often used at home because it is a quick-drying compound. However, in addition to this, it is widely used for wood. It is indispensable for fastening small wooden elements and intermediate fixation of parts. The composition is recommended for sealing cracks on wooden surfaces, and can also be used to repair cutting kitchen board with your own hands.

Bone glue is an ideal product for working with antique furniture.

How to use?

Each type of wood glue requires compliance with individual rules, which affect the scope of application.

TO general methods worth mentioning:

  • the need to clean working surfaces before applying the composition;
  • carrying out test assembly without using glue.

Because parts that cannot be pressed together when applying slight pressure cannot be glued. The already connected parts using the composition must be fixed with clamps until the material dries completely. On average, the product hardens within a day. Glue, as a tool for fixing wooden elements together, is ancient and very effective option, which has repeatedly enhanced its properties thanks to the latest technological developments. Any product contains detailed instructions about application on packaging.


Wood glue on the market is represented by a wide variety of well-known brands. The leaders in this segment are Moment, Titebonde and Titan.

Titebond produced by the company Franklin International. The product is recommended for plywood furniture, wooden floor surfaces, and other types of wood work. The composition does not include solvents, and the main components are natural and synthetic polymers. This feature ensures good adhesion of surfaces to each other.

There is a series of compositions Titebond II Premium, which is in great demand for work on the production of doors and windows. The composition has a high level of moisture resistance, so it performs well when used outdoors. Quite often, decoration is performed using this method. wooden facade various elements.

Company Henkel popular for its products "Super PVA D3 Moment". It is used for industrial purposes, as well as in everyday life for gluing cardboard, paper or plywood. Waterproof PVA glue acts as an additive in concrete solutions, due to which the plasticity of the finished mass increases. D4 compositions indicate a high class regarding the water resistance of the product. Such products are positioned as special-purpose products, and therefore have a high price.

"Moment Joiner"– the best Russian glue, which is an aqueous dispersion that perfectly glues any type of wood, as well as building materials. Professional carpenters note its quick drying, accessibility and durability.

Experts who work with wood know that the glue for this material must be reliable, durable, and waterproof. Moreover, big role non-toxicity and versatility play a role, as well as cost. As we see, there are many factors influencing the buyer’s choice. But how can an ignorant person determine which glue to choose so that the purchase meets all the requirements? Considering what is offered on the market today the widest range, it is difficult for a potential consumer to make the right choice the first time. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake when purchasing wood glue, it is necessary to study the features of this material.

How to glue wood?

IN retail network We offer a wide variety of wood adhesives that have individual characteristics and characteristic differences. The most popular types of wood adhesives:

  • PVA. Everyone has been familiar with this composition since childhood. It perfectly glues wood surfaces and requires 24 hours for final drying.
  • BF adhesive compositions. The main advantage is high strength and durability. It takes no more than an hour to completely dry. If necessary, speed up the hardening process, the mixture can be heated.
  • Waterproof glue for gluing wood - t It contains one component that is suitable for gluing any wood.
  • Adhesive syndeticone composition. Before use, you need to heat and wait for the composition to swell. Complete drying time is at least 24 hours.

  • The best glue for wood, which is widely used among people, is “Moment”.
  • If necessary, use moisture-resistant adhesive composition, we recommend an epoxy that exhibits high resistance to oily compounds.
  • The best material for joining wood is Kleiberit. It is waterproof and reliably connects layers of wood.
  • A polyurethane-based composition allows you to fill the structure of the wood, creating a complete product.
  • Casein glue is waterproof and heat resistant.


One of the most common adhesive compositions is PVA glue for wood. It's non-toxic, absolutely safe material, which has an unlimited shelf life. PVA is easily applied to the surface and reliably bonds the wood. This type of glue is used in furniture production. However, you need to know that PVA has low water resistance and moisture resistance. Therefore, it is not recommended to be used for gluing materials that are intended to be used in wet rooms and outdoors.

To reliably join wood with adhesives, compounds from the BF series are often used. These types of adhesives are frost-resistant and elastic. Thanks to these characteristics, BF adhesives can be used with your own hands for exterior work, as well as for joining wood with metal, glass, and plastics. BF compositions should be applied to a previously cleaned and degreased surface. The initial layer, which acts as a primer, is left to dry for an hour. Afterwards, a second layer is applied and the two halves of the glued product are connected and left until completely dry.

Syndeticone glue is an excellent tool for gluing wood to other materials. This composition includes dry wood glue, slaked lime and sugar. It has high strength characteristics and resistance to atmospheric influences.

Polyurethane-based adhesive composition is very popular because it is highly resistant to temperature changes, humidity, and is suitable for gluing hard wood.

Today, more and more often, professionals working with wood with their own hands use wood mounting adhesive. It is versatile, heat resistant, can withstand low temperatures. The assembly adhesive composition includes acrylic on water based, which indicates its safety for environment.

Casein glue is moisture resistant. It is excellent for gluing wood, paper, fabrics, cardboard, and leather. To obtain an adhesive composition, powdered casein should be mixed with water and brought to the state of sour cream. To achieve the desired consistency, the composition must be stirred for an hour. After this, the mixture can be applied to the surfaces and, after waiting for five minutes, they can be combined. When using casein glue for gluing wood products, you need to remember that this composition leaves stains on the surface. Therefore, you need to work with it very carefully.

To summarize, we see that there are many adhesive compositions for gluing wood. Choosing suitable look glue, water resistance, versatility, reliability and resistance to temperature changes should be taken into account. If wood needs to be spliced, best choice is Kleiberite. In other cases, you can use PVA, BF, “Moment”.

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The tenon + groove connection is a wonderful invention of mankind, thanks to it, it does not lose its functionality for decades. But there is one “but”! Wood is a natural material, therefore, it has the ability to shrink.

As a result of this, parts quickly leave their sockets and tend to fall off at every inconvenient occasion. To prevent this, man invented adhesive compounds. Moreover, there are so many of them that it is sometimes difficult to choose. Today's instructions are about adhesive mixtures.

Glue - principles of choice

When choosing an adhesive, a very important role is played by where and with what loads this or that part will be used, and what the operating conditions are. For example, in the kitchen the glue must be resistant to moisture and steam; in furniture in the rooms this condition is not necessary.

The selection principles can be briefly formulated as follows:

  • a minimum set of preparatory actions;
  • the glue should be easy to use;
  • The gluing effect and the possibility of use occurs quickly.

Our help! The preparation of the surfaces to be glued is the same for the use of any type of glue, and full operation of the product is possible after 24 hours after gluing.

Preparing parts

Regardless of the choice of glue, the preparation for the process is the same everywhere.

The instructions read:

  • the surfaces to be glued must be sanded in order to eliminate streaks of old glue;
  • after sanding, the surfaces are degreased with any solvent;
  • After drying the parts, you can apply the adhesive composition.

That's all the instructions. All that remains is to choose the glue and carry out the process itself.

Choosing glue

When visiting a store, the main criterion for choosing glue, like any product, is the price, but in this case we will also be interested in other components of success - reliability, application technique, working conditions:

  1. PVA wood glue is an emulsion that contains polyvinyl acetate, some water and additional additives. The mixture is non-toxic and is used even in food industry. Schoolchildren use this particular composition to design appliqués and produce papier-mâché.

The film that PVA forms has a good strength, is not fragile, although it can be easily washed off with many solvents. The application technique is simple: the composition is applied with a brush to one of the surfaces to be glued, then the parts are pressed and left under compression for some time. Work is carried out at an air temperature of not lower than 6 degrees Celsius, humidity not higher than 80%.

  1. Quick-drying compounds. There are a lot of them. The positive qualities of this composition are that at the usual recommended application rate, the parts to be glued are pressed with force for 45-60 seconds. Hardening occurs in an hour or two. But then there are reservations - if the gaps are minimal, if the ambient temperature is not lower than 6 degrees Celsius, etc.

Advice! When choosing quick-drying glue for wood, keep in mind that the compositions themselves are quite aggressive and, in addition to general technology For safety reasons, when working with these products, be prepared for the fact that many products in this line change the color of the wood at the points of application and joining.

  1. Epoxy resin. This set is very revealing. Do you want good result, with a guarantee, the products can be used even outdoors, then use two-component wood glue. The two components of the composition - the resin and the hardener are initially supplied in two different containers, since their mixture is capable of not only hardening, but also withstanding temperature fluctuations in the corridor of 180 degrees Celsius, from -30 to +150 degrees.

Pay attention! The hardened resin does not react to technical oils and solvents and can only be removed mechanically, so this composition does not accept a second chance. And one more thing, the instructions for use describe the proportions of using the ingredients.

In order to make sure of their functionality, conduct a small experiment: in a small container, for example, a cap from plastic bottle add both compositions according to the described method. If hardening occurs as described, within the specified time, then the mixtures can be used.

  1. I would also like to highlight contact adhesive for wood. Its main use is gluing wooden slats to the floor. Other types of adhesive mixtures can be used, but the contact one was designed in such a way that the seam between the parts is elastic, and wooden parts at various loads on different areas did not tear apart from each other, the uniform covering was not broken.

Considering that this composition is applied over large areas, the developers have provided the possibility of applying the glue with their own hands, as well as using sprayers.

  1. Pros and cons. Today there are two criteria on the market that are designed to attract buyers: super glue for wood and professional glue for wood. It is assumed that these compounds do not simply connect parts in a minimum time with maximum term guarantees, they are used specifically for professional, almost conveyor use. Practice often shows reverse effect, and wood glue, without any advertising, copes with the task much better.

  1. Silicone wood glue. To be more precise, it is one that is intended for external and internal use. The composition is applied using a special gun using the extrusion method. These compounds have a stated service life of up to 20 years.

In conclusion

Carpenter's glue involves not just joining parts, but also the ability to use the item for its intended purpose. The video in this article has prepared an overview of these mixtures, but if you have questions, you can ask them in the comments.

  1. Compound
  2. Mezdrovy
  3. Isinglass
  4. Bone
  5. Casein
  6. Moisture resistant
  7. How to prepare the mixture
  8. Titebond
  9. Moment
  10. Titanium
  11. Selection rules

Wood glue is intended for joining parts made of paper, cardboard, wooden planks, bars, hardboard. The material is inexpensive, safe, and has a natural composition.


The basis of wood glue, the main agent is animal protein.

Depending on the type of raw material, there are glues:

  • fleshy,
  • fishy,
  • bone,
  • casein,
  • polyvinyl acetate (PVA),
  • moisture resistant.

All types are used for carpentry work.


Main active substance obtained from the processing of animal skins. Protein is the subcutaneous layer without fatty tissue. It contains oligopeptides. They contain cysteine, which forms bonding bridges for reliable connection of parts.

Hide wood glue is produced in the form:

  • powder,
  • tiles,
  • scales.


Fins, scales, and swim bladders are used to produce fish glue. The result is a solution suitable for gluing similar and dissimilar surfaces. The only drawback is the high price. Glue is produced in the form of dry flakes and granules.


Made from the bone remains of animals. Contains:

  • collagen,
  • gelatin,
  • cysteine.

These substances are viscous and reliably glue the surfaces of wooden products. The price of the material is low. You should choose transparent compounds: they are better than unrefined, cloudy, with impurities.



  • casein,
  • kerosene,
  • copper sulfate,
  • sodium fluoride,
  • slaked lime.


  • Significant shrinkage in volume.
  • Change in color of bonded surfaces.
  • The prepared solution has a short shelf life of several hours.

Holds wood parts together well.

The raw materials for preparing casein adhesive solution are available in the form of dry powder.


PVA glue is used in carpentry and other areas. The solution is sold ready-made.


  • elasticity,
  • reliable grip,
  • transparent layer,
  • stability of the finished seam.

PVA adhesives vary in properties. Some are waterproof and quick drying.

Moisture resistant

A waterproof solution for gluing wood can be prepared from slaked lime and freshly curdled cottage cheese. The components are mixed in certain proportions to a working consistency.

How to prepare the mixture

To prepare the working material, take ready-made grain, dry powders, tiles, granules. They are carefully crushed and diluted warm water according to the instructions. Waiting to swell active ingredients. Then they use it. Store in a hermetically sealed container. All formulations, except casein, retain adhesive properties for several days.

The cooking method is described in the instructions on the package.. U different manufacturers mixtures may differ in composition. Consistency matters. The description of the specific glue indicates the required amount of water. It is designed to produce a mixture of a certain viscosity. If work requires more liquid material, the liquid is added in small portions, each time the paste is thoroughly mixed.

Before gluing the surfaces to each other, they are cleaned and degreased. Then apply thin layer solution on one of the parts, press the plane. To increase the effect, a weight is placed on top; it prevents the workpieces from moving apart. Gluing occurs in 2–3 hours, drying in 2–3 days. The exact terms and conditions are specified in technical specifications each composition.

Modern synthetic based adhesives

Ready-made adhesives are often used industrial production: Titebond, “Moment”, “Titan”.

Titebond (from 200 rub., 0.296 l.)

Titebond wood glue American company Franklin International is used in the production of plywood furniture, floor coverings made of wood, in finishing works wooden products. The composition includes synthetic and natural polymers without solvents. This allows you to get excellent adhesion of surfaces without damaging them.

Titebond II Premium carpentry adhesive is a high-quality replacement for traditional compounds for gluing wood and paper. It is used in the production of door and window blocks, frames, and furniture assembly. This is a composition with a high level of moisture resistance and can be used for exterior work, assembling external door and window fillings, and attaching decorations to a wooden facade.

The bonding strength reaches the strength of wood. The connection remains intact for many years.

Moment (from 300 rub.)

Wood glue “Moment Super PVA D3” produced by Henkel has a Soviet analogue - DF51/15V. This is a good waterproof adhesive composition used for gluing paper, cardboard, plywood, and other materials of wood origin.

Waterproof PVA is added as a plasticizing agent to concrete mortars to increase the plasticity and water resistance of the working mass, the finished stone. Connection with cement mortar increases adhesion to the surface covered with screed or tiles.

The letter D in the name indicates the degree of resistance of the material to water, 3 is a sufficient level. 4 - higher class, used for special work, expensive.

Titan (from RUB 200 for 500 ml)

Titan glue is universal and reliably glues:

  • plastics,
  • glass,
  • paper,
  • tree.

It is often used to make various wooden products.

"Titanium Universal" is a quick-drying adhesive suitable for working with wooden surfaces. It quickly gains strength, reliably connects surfaces without damaging them, and becomes transparent.

Adhesive mastic is suitable for finishing works, gluing wooden beams, boards, sockets.

Liquid nails are also compatible with wood and can be used for finishing and decorative elements.

Selection rules


  • Take into account the volume and specifics of the work. When processing large quantities of wood, it is better to give preference to powder semi-finished products due to their low price.
  • Pay attention to the characteristics, select a solution based on physical properties.
  • Find a glue that has a suitable consistency.
  • Carefully read the information on the label and read reviews about the product.