Why do the tips of aloe leaves dry out: common diseases and pests of the plant. We are looking for the causes of problems with aloe leaves, learn the features of caring for a healing succulent

What aloe diseases do flower growers most often encounter? This root rot, nematodes, thrips and spider mites. Often aloe leaves turn yellow, become soft or curl. Why do aloe leaves turn yellow, dry out, and curl? What to do? Experts solve a number of problems with growing aloe, and will also tell you how to professionally deal with pests and plant diseases. Photos of aloe will help you understand the signs.

Aloe diseases due to improper care

Due to improper care, aloe most often dries out and turns yellow. The plant's leaves also curl and turn red. There is no universal solution to the problem, and therefore experts consider each case separately. So, what to do if the aloe leaves curl and turn yellow, or the plant itself dries out or rots? Consultation with photos from professional flower growers.

Why does aloe have thin leaves and the plant itself stretches out? In this case, the plant does not have enough sunlight. From a lack of lighting, aloe begins to grow rapidly upward, as if making its way to the rays of the sun, while spending a colossal amount of energy on growth. At the same time nutrients the plant does not have enough to grow full-fledged green mass, and therefore the aloe leaves become thin. You can solve the problem by moving the flower closer to the window or placing it under artificial lighting (in winter time). If there is no artificial lighting, then it is recommended to reduce the temperature of the aloe and reduce the number of waterings. Thus, the plant slows down everything physiological processes and it will not stretch. With the onset of spring, aloe provides required level illumination These should be windows facing east or west side Houses. If the windows of the house face south, then the plant must be shaded. The plant is also recommended in spring and summer time take it outside, but always with shade.

Aloe lower leaves became stained at the base and fell off. Reason: regular waterlogging of the soil, as a result of which the aloe root rotted, and the rot began to rise up the stem of the plant. What to do? The plant must be removed from the pot, all rotten parts removed to a clean cloth. A neat cut is made on the stem until the tissue at the cut site is completely clean. Next, the cut area is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, the cut is allowed to dry for 1-2 hours, then the base of the plant is powdered with root, and the aloe itself is planted in small pot(volume 100-200 ml). The soil should have the following composition: 1:1 peat and sand (sand can be replaced with perlite). Watering is very sparse, water through a tray, wet only bottom part pot where aloe was planted. Only the bottom layer of soil in the pot should be wetted, followed by complete drying of the soil and again scanty watering. Do this until roots form.

Why do aloe leaves turn red?? Red or brown spots on aloe leaves - this is a protective reaction of plant tissues to bright, sunlight, that is, this sunburn. Red spots on aloe leaves may appear in the spring, when the light level increases after short winter days. Over the winter, the plant has become unaccustomed to the sun and throws out the red pigment on the leaves for protection. Often red spots on aloe leaves appear if the plant is moved from partial shade to a windowsill under unshaded sun. The plant must be accustomed to bright light gradually. From an excess of sunlight, aloe leaves will not only turn red, but also wither or turn yellow at the tips.

Why do the lower leaves of aloe turn yellow? Massive yellowing of the lower leaves of aloe indicates errors in care. Thus, a warm winter in conditions of abundant watering and lack of light leads to depletion of the flower. As a result, the lower leaves of aloe turn yellow, when the crown becomes very elongated, and the leaves become thin and not so fleshy. What to do? If in winter it is not possible for the plant to receive artificial lighting for 12 hours, then reduce the temperature of its contents, down to +10 degrees (the plant must be accustomed to low temperatures gradually). At the same time, watering is reduced and aloe overwinters in almost dry soil.

Why does aloe turn yellow in summer? In summer, even in conditions of sufficient light, the lower leaves of aloe often turn yellow. This indicates violations of the root system, that is, the roots can rot from excessive waterlogging. Either the plant is watered too often, or it is growing in very big pot. If the aloe has stretched out and its lower leaves have turned yellow, you can re-root the top. In this way the plant is rejuvenated. The top is cut off, the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, dried in the shade for 1-2 days, then the cut is sprinkled with root and planted in a small pot. A 1:1 mixture of peat and sand is suitable here. Watering is very poor through the tray. Only the bottom layer of soil should be wetted. The next watering is only after the soil has completely dried out from the previous watering.

Why do aloe leaves turn yellow? Aloe leaves turn yellow if the plant is given a cold winter without reducing watering. Or they sharply reduced the temperature of the plant. In the first case, the roots of the flower begin to rot, in the second, the roots become overcooled and become stressed. In both cases, it is necessary to reduce watering. The next watering should be carried out only after the soil has completely dried. You need to gradually accustom the plant to the cold.

Aloe leaves are soft if the plant is in direct sunlight. In this case, much more moisture evaporates from the surface of the leaf plate than the root system is able to absorb. However, excessive watering will not help here, but will only worsen the situation. After all, an excess of moisture can cause the aloe root to rot. The solution to the problem is simple - move the flower under bright but diffused light. This could be a place near a window with a light curtain hanging on it.

Aloe leaves are soft if the root system is rotting. There can be several reasons for the rotting of the root system. This is regular waterlogging of the soil, or low temperature keeping the plant in combination with regular watering, or a large volume of pot for small flower. In any case, the aloe is removed from the previous soil. reduce the volume of the pot, plant it in a mixture of peat and sand, and water sparingly through a tray.

Aloe leaves curl for two reasons. The first reason is poor watering, high temperature contents and dry air in the apartment. In the summer, when it is hot outside and in the apartment, you need to water the plant abundantly, but only after the soil has completely dried, spray it regularly, but after the sun has set. Otherwise, burns in the form of red spots will appear on the aloe leaves. The second reason is the hot winter. Aloe in winter is often placed on a window near heating devices. The air near the radiators is hot and dry, causing the aloe leaves to curl. In such cases, aloe plants are provided with artificial lighting away from heating devices, or they arrange a cold wintering.

Aloe leaves may curl if the root system rots. It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball, inspect the roots. They should be elastic and light. If the aloe roots are brown and flabby, they are rotting and must be removed. What to do next with aloe is written above.

Aloe diseases, photo

In addition to improper care, aloe can be affected by diseases such as root or dry rot, and pests such as thrips, spider mites, and scale insects. So, how and with what to treat aloe diseases? Photos and detailed instructions from specialists.

Aloe has stopped growing even during the growing season, its leaves turn yellow, in some cases the aloe leaves fall off the stem, and the plant itself falls on its side. Aloe disease: root rot. Causes of the disease: excess moisture. The root system suffers (rots) from excessive watering. How to treat aloe? The plant must be removed from the soil and the roots carefully examined. Rotten and flabby roots must be trimmed. The soil from the pot is thrown away, the container is disinfected. A mixture of peat and sand is poured into the pot. Aloe is planted there for rooting. Watering is carried out very sparingly and through a tray. When watering, only the bottom layer of soil should be wetted. It must be completely dry before the next watering. The lower the temperature of the plant and less quantity sunlight (artificial lighting), the less watering.

In particularly serious cases, root rot affects the aloe stem. The leaves and stem of aloe are covered with large spots that are soft to the touch. brown. The aloe root has completely rotted. Here you need to completely cut off the entire lower part of the flower down to the healthy tissue. Powder the cut area with crushed activated carbon. Let the cut dry for 1-2 days, then sprinkle it with root and plant it in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1). Plant care is described in the previous paragraph.

White spots like streaks appeared on the aloe leaves. They increase in size over time, and the disease spreads to other leaves of the flower and other plants. Affected aloe leaves turn yellow and dry out. Small black dots can be found on aloe leaves. Aloe disease: thrips. Black, small dots are excrement. How to treat? Isolate the affected plant. It is necessary to treat aloe with actara, according to the instructions. Treatment is carried out 4 times with intervals of 7-10 days. The higher the temperature in the house, the more often the treatment. For prevention, you need to spray the entire collection of flowers with actara.

Why does aloe dry out? From excess moisture when the root system is completely rotten. Aloe leaves dry out if the plant is planted in too heavy soil (clay-based). There is no air reaching the roots and there is a constant excess of moisture. But sometimes aloe leaves dry very quickly, without changing their previous color, that is, green aloe leaves dry. Cause: root rot. How to treat the disease? Dry rot cannot be treated, and the plant affected by it must be immediately thrown away and the pot disinfected. To prevent the appearance of dry rot, it is recommended to spray the entire collection with systemic fungicides once every six months.

Unsuitable and heavy soil, overwatering. It is necessary to transplant the plant to another soil, add more sand and granite chips into the earthen mixture, place a large layer of expanded clay on the bottom for drainage excess moisture and start watering it properly

Curl up

Curling of aloe leaves can occur due to lack of proper care.

It is necessary to wipe the leaves from dust and excess accumulations, spray clean water at room temperature once a week (twice a week in summer).


Agave may have thin leaves due to lack of irrigation, they take on a duller and weaker appearance. There are some rules for high-quality watering, namely: the plant can be watered through a pallet or from above. All soil in the pot should be watered properly.

If you water only top layer, then the roots below will not always have enough water. There is only one outcome - the aloe may rot. It is best to pour water into a pallet. The plant will absorb the amount of water it needs, and its remnants must be disposed of.

But this is not the only reason why aloe leaves can be thin. Second reason thin leaves– lack of lighting. The leaves try to reach the light source, gradually stretching and thinning.

Turn black

If the leaves begin to gradually turn black, then they are simply dirty and need to be wiped to remove accumulated dust. A likely cause of blackening of aloe leaves may be frostbite. The leaves of the plant could touch cold windows, or the pot could stand for a long time in a room that is too cold. In the best way To combat this problem is to eliminate damaged leaves and change the conditions of detention.

Spots have appeared: what to do?

Depending on the color and type of spots on the leaves of the agave, you can recognize and find solutions to various diseases.

  1. If brown spots appear, this means that the aloe does not have enough moisture - you need to change the watering system.
  2. In the event of more than dark spots- the plant is most likely infected with a fungus - it must be treated with an antifungal agent.


Black dots may appear from hypothermia or cold drafts. Exposure to cold air is especially dangerous when the soil is wet. First of all, you need to change the conditions of the plant and check that the windows are not blown through.

The spots require constant monitoring; if they begin to increase, it is better to cut off the affected areas.

The leaves turn red

Leaves may begin to turn red early spring , when light levels gradually increase after dim winter days.

If you suddenly change the location of the plant and move it from the shade to the bright rays of the sun, then red spots may appear on it.

Thus, the reddened leaves of the plant indicate a protective reaction of the flower to bright sunlight, in other words, it is a sunburn.

If move it to a darker and cooler place– the leaves will soon regain their natural greenish tint.

Fall off

If the leaves suddenly begin to fall off, it means that the water for irrigation is too cold (it is better to always keep the water in a funnel next to the aloe, then the temperature will be optimal).


Agave does not receive required quantity nutrients and minerals due to the lack of free space in the pot, since it has not been replanted for a long time. The plant has to feed on the oldest leaves, which is why the tips dry out.

Read about why aloe dries.

Turn yellow

If the leaves have turned yellow due to insufficient nutrition, then you need to gradually saturate the plant once a month with fertilizers for succulents or cacti. In case of lack of light, you just need to change the location of the aloe for more sunny side indoors.

If the agave has suffered a cold winter without reducing irrigation or a sharp decrease in temperature, then in this case its leaves may also begin to turn yellow.

Video that explains the reason for the yellowing of aloe leaves:

Details about why aloe can turn yellow and what to do about it are described in.


Thus, the main causes of problems with aloe leaves are insufficient or excessive amounts of water and light, improper plant nutrition, improper temperature regime, pest infestation, root rotting.

Having noticed something unfavorable with the appearance of his favorite succulent, the gardener immediately tries to understand - what was done wrong in the care? What was wrong with such an unpretentious plant as aloe? Why do the tips of the leaves dry out? There are several factors influencing changes in the condition of a flower:

  • aloe diseases;
  • errors in content;
  • aloe pests.

Initially, you should figure out which of them influenced the appearance of yellowed leaves and drying of the tips of the leaf blades.

Improper care of aloe as one of the reasons for drying leaf tips

The most banal and simple explanation for why aloe dries is due to untimely replanting. The plant is cramped in the old pot; the roots have encircled the entire space, displacing the soil from the flower container. The succulent does not receive enough nutrients from the soil, and fertilizing does not help, even if carried out according to the required regime. The plant looks drooping, dull, the tips of the leaves turn yellow, dry out, the entire leaf blade becomes thinner and curls downward.

The conclusion arises immediately - aloe should immediately be placed in a larger pot. In this case, pay some attention to the composition of the new substrate - it should not be heavy, clayey, but contain a decent proportion of sand to ensure looseness. Aloe grows well in substrates for cacti and succulents, which are sold in abundance in every flower shop.

The reason for yellowing and drying of leaves lies in poor lighting, especially in winter period when daylight hours are short and the plant is not provided with lighting. During the wintering period, despite the fact that the succulent is resting at this time, it needs a lot of light, and it is advisable to place it on the windowsill of a south-facing window.

One of the most common causes of yellowing first of the tips of the leaves, then of the entire leaf blade, leading to the drying of the flower, is a violation. Moreover, yellowing of leaves and drying is provoked not only by a lack of moisture and dry air in the room from work heating system, but also its excess. Overwatering causes the aloe to turn yellow, the leaves soften, and signs of rot appear at the base of the root collar.

An incorrect dose of fertilizer also causes changes in the appearance of aloe - the tips of the leaves darken and dry out. The composition of the irrigation water is also important; if chlorine is present in it, the plant will react by changing the color of the leaf blades, yellowing and drying out of the entire leaf.

If the temperature in the room where aloe is grown changes sharply in the direction of a strong decrease, the plant will freeze, become limp, then the aloe may turn yellow, dry out, the leaves curl and gradually die. However, you should not be alarmed by the natural aging process of the lower leaves in adult specimens; this is a normal phenomenon for them.

Aloe diseases affecting the condition of leaves

The most common disease that affects many types of aloe is root rot. The root collar of a succulent is very vulnerable; any excessive moisture causes rotting in this area, especially watering cold water at low temperatures.

Mulching with stones slightly protects the plant from this problem, but excess watering also affects the root system. The roots begin to rot, the process will be invisible at the initial stage to the eyes of the grower, the changed appearance plants will cause bewilderment and misunderstanding of the reason for what is happening.

In a drooping, wilting plant, the leaves become pale, soft, as if faded, quickly turn yellow and dry out. A sick succulent has no chance of survival. However, if you react quickly and at the first signs of rot, remove the aloe from the pot, inspect the roots and remove damaged areas, treat it with a fungicide, and then plant it in new soil, the plant can be saved in time. After such a forced transplant, it is undesirable to water aloe for 2-3 weeks, so that putrefactive processes do not resume.

Another very insidious disease of aloe is dry rot. It is not visible from the outside; the fungus destroys the plant from the inside. It gradually withers, the leaves become thin, completely lose their fleshy layer, and eventually turn yellow and dry out. Aloe can be protected from this scourge only by preventive spraying with a fungicide solution.

Aloe pests as a cause of yellowing and drying of leaves

Spider mites are hardly noticeable due to their small size - approximately 1 mm in length. If a thin silvery cobweb or barely visible puncture points appear on a pale leaf, there is no doubt that the culprit for the change in color of the leaf blade is present on its underside or in the axils.

First aid to the flower consists of manually cleaning the leaves using a cotton swab dipped in any alcohol solution or garlic infusion. Next, the plant will be treated repeatedly with acaricides, and each subsequent time with a different drug.

Brown plaques randomly scattered over the entire surface of leaf blades, sticky with sweet honeydew, are scale insects. They are also capable of sucking the juices out of the plant and causing it to turn yellow and dry out if no action is taken to get rid of this pest.

First of all, the affected leaves are wiped with a soap solution to wash off all the honeydew, then treated with an insecticide. Repeated treatment will also be necessary, since the eggs of the pest will remain invulnerable, and viable larvae will soon be born from them, which, moving along the leaf, look for a place to attach motionless and feed on aloe juice.

Another insect that can cause significant damage to aloe is thrips, which looks like a small dark fly with an oblong body. It leaves black dots on the leaf - excrement and damage in the form of light strokes on the surface of the leaf blade, which, blurring, join together, turn yellow, and the leaf dries out. Timely treatment with an insecticide, for example, actara, can save a succulent, but one spraying is not enough; repeated spraying will be required after 7-10 days.

Aloe and mealybugs cause a lot of trouble. They do not attack the plant as often as the pests listed above, but they can also cause yellowing of the leaves and their drying out, starting from the tips. The first sign of the appearance of an uninvited guest is white cotton balls in which females lay eggs. They are usually hidden in secluded places - leaf axils, on the underside of the leaf blade or between the roots. The methods of dealing with them are similar to the methods of getting rid of scale insects.


There are several reasons why the tips of aloe leaves dry out. They are connected with

  • violation of the water regime, which leads to the accumulation of water in the ground;
  • violation of the light regime;
  • incorrect application of fertilizers.

Problems with a flower (disease or insects) can appear even with a slight violation of the rules for maintaining a succulent.

Let us consider in more detail each reason that can provoke the death of the agave, as well as its infection with pathogenic microflora or pests.

Excess moisture

Aloe is a succulent. Therefore, he is able to remain without water for some time without serious consequences. Watering from spring to autumn is carried out once a week. In winter, you should reduce the amount of moisture added to the pot. At this time, the flower is watered 2 times a month, or even less often.

If you flood a plant, excess moisture in the ground most often leads to rotting of the root system. Affected roots may simply burst when pressed.

As a result, homemade aloe shows signs of lack of nutrition: the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, spots appear on the leaf blade, the blade itself becomes soft and may even begin to rot. If you don’t know why aloe leaves turn yellow, study its roots. Perhaps they are the problem.

It is worth noting that excess humidity soil serves as an excellent environment for the development of various diseases. If nothing is done, the plant may eventually die.

Incorrect lighting mode

Agave is considered light-loving plant. Therefore, it should grow on east or south windows. At the same time, direct sunlight may fall on it, because in wildlife aloe grows in desert regions. In summer, the flower should be placed outside so that it receives sunbathing.

If there is not enough light, the aloe leaf will become pale and watery. Then the thin stems will begin to rot. First, the tip of the leaf will turn brown, and then the pathology will spread to its entire surface. In order to keep your family doctor, you need to understand why aloe rots or begins to wither.

Errors in feeding

Mistakes in fertilizing a pot with this indoor flower can lead to the root receiving a chemical burn. This will lead to the death of the aloe. If over-fertilized, the fleshy leaf will begin to turn yellow and soon fall off. Leaf fall usually begins from the very lower leaves. Dried leaves can break easily.

As you can see, the external manifestations of all three violations in the care of this medicinal succulent have similar symptoms. Therefore, it is very difficult to immediately determine why aloe leaves dry out. By identifying the cause of the pathology, as well as related problems (diseases and pests), you can have time to save the plant.

Video “Caring for Aloe”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for aloe at home.

Root rot

Agave, more often than other diseases, begins to die due to developed root rot. This type of rot occurs at low temperatures and excessive watering. If the disease is not detected at an early stage, the flower will definitely rot. If he dies, he cannot be revived by any means.

The following signs indicate root rot:

  • growth slowdown;
  • the stem begins to dry;
  • adding water does not improve the situation.

If these signs are present, you need to check the roots and remove all rotten shoots. There are no other ways to save aloe.

Dry rot

Unlike root rot, the dry variety has no external manifestations. The flower can rot very quickly. At the same time, it is generally unclear why aloe dies.


Spider mite

Interestingly, the leaves first turn yellow and then turn pale. This is very similar to a lack of minerals in the soil. At a later stage they become scarlet. If you do not find out correctly why the aloe turns yellow, you may lose the flower altogether.

Scale insect and false scale insect

To combat false scale insects and scale insects, you need to spray the flower with special preparations, and also set it aside from others indoor plants. Often folk tinctures made from garlic or soap solutions help cope with these pests.


Prevention measures

You can avoid infecting a flower when its leaves turn yellow or begin to curl by doing the following:

  • correct watering of the flower. Moreover, you should not allow excessive moisture and dryness;
  • preventive spraying against diseases and pests;
  • creation for a flower optimal conditions content;
  • fertilizing only during the warm period and no more than once a month;
  • periodic inspections of the plant. They will allow you to identify the first signs of disease or the appearance of insects.

Now you know that if aloe dries out, you need to quickly look for the reasons. What if your “home doctor” is attacked by pests or gets sick?

Common medicinal folk remedy- aloe. Few people do not have a pot of this indoor plant at home. Meanwhile, aloe is not only a decorative houseplant, but a genus of succulents from the Asphodelaceae family. It sounds complicated, but there are at least five hundred species.

People mainly grow either agave or aloe vera as a houseplant. Their growth does not exceed 30 cm in height, while their wild relatives can grow into huge bushes. Wild aloe, moreover, pleases with flowering, which a domesticated flower cannot please.

The origin of the genus name is also interesting; in most languages ​​it means “bitter”. The medicinal and cosmetic properties of aloe have long been known; it is widely used not only in folk medicine, but are also grown in industrial quantities.

Efficiency as a medicine does not save the plant from its own diseases. Aloe diseases are not a common occurrence, but if it gets sick, you need to take immediate action. An agave with an advanced disease can die very quickly.

Why did aloe wither? Diseases that affect it useful plant, not very much. They often arise due to improper care of aloe at home. Aloe is enough unpretentious plant, therefore, many owners neglect to comply with all the rules, realizing only when it already begins to die. How to save an already diseased plant? First you need to correctly identify the disease.

A diseased plant has enough external signs to notice them immediately. The salvation of the plant depends on the correct recognition of the disease.

There are three common causes of the disease:

  • pests (spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs);
  • dry rot;
  • root rot.

Due to the fact that aloe rarely gets sick and the pathogens have been identified, methods to combat them have already been developed. The most important thing remains to quickly notice and recognize the trouble that has arisen, otherwise the agave dies.

Pests on aloe

A diseased plant is immediately visible - aloe leaves become stunted, lose color, and the plant simply looks weak. In addition, all types of pests, except spider mite, manifest themselves quite obviously.

Spider mite

Considered one of the dangerous pests one that can hit homemade aloe. The size of adult individuals is no more than 1 mm, it is very difficult and almost impossible to notice. You can recognize the appearance of a mite by certain signs - a barely noticeable web appears on the aloe, and the color of the leaves changes. Discover small insect You can do it from the underside of the leaves; if the disease is advanced, there will be enough ticks to see them.

The main sign of the disease, based on the name of the pest, is the web. But the color of the leaves is much more dangerous. At the very beginning of the disease, they acquire a yellow color. In other words, the leaves turn pale and dry out. All these signs can be simply attributed to insufficient watering and minerals in the soil for aloe. The late stage of the spider mite manifests itself very clearly - the leaves and stems of aloe turn scarlet.

Pest control must begin when the first signs appear. Especially if the aloe is surrounded by other indoor plants, as it spreads instantly. Even though it is an insect, simple remedies they won't help.

  • For treatment, you need to use specialized drugs - acaricides.
  • It doesn't hurt to prevent the disease. You should often wipe the plant with a solution of water and alcohol or spray it with garlic tincture. The lower leaves need special attention, since this is where insects cluster.
  • Do not allow the plant to dry out. Ideal conditions creates dry soil and unhumidified air for ticks to appear.

Scale insect or false scale insect

The pest is very easy to see, despite its small size. The insects are brown in color and look like plaques on the stems and leaves of the plant. Scale insects have a depressing effect on the plant, actually affecting its ability to photosynthesize. The leaves will begin to dry out and red-brown spots will appear on them.

The false scale insect is doubly dangerous. Forming a vacuum, the pest sucks out useful substances and part of the plant pulp, and injects a toxic substance into the resulting hole. The pest's poison interferes with the plant's active photosynthesis and it quickly disappears.

A plant affected by this pest must be immediately removed from the room until complete recovery, and the place where it stood must be wiped. It would not be superfluous to transplant the aloe into another pot and disinfect the old one. There are enough specialized means to combat the pest, just follow the instructions and the plant will be saved.

There are a lot of folk remedies for pest control.

  • In this case, garlic tincture will also help, and it’s a good idea to wipe the leaves with alcohol wipes.
  • Will do soap solution with the addition of machine oil - you need to mix oil and soap in equal parts, treat the aloe and wrap in film for several hours. The procedure is very effective; if necessary, it can be repeated only after a week.


The simplest pest, which will only cause harm if neglected, is the mealybug. It is quite simple to identify it - aloe is covered with a coating similar to wax. The plant can quickly rot if the emerging disease is not noticed in time.

It is easy to destroy this pest.

  • The insect does not like humidity, just rinse each leaf well with an alcohol or vinegar solution. After the procedure, hide the pot in a place where there is always shade. Remember, do not place the pot in the dark - the plant will die from lack of light.
  • As a preventive measure mealybug Do not allow the soil or surrounding air to become dry.
  • Wipe aloe leaves often with a damp cloth. This type of care does not require special costs, can help prevent pests.

Dangerous diseases of aloe

The most dangerous disease of aloe is dry rot. The development of the disease occurs very quickly; it is very difficult to prevent or save the plant, even partially. It is impossible to recognize the disease - there are no external changes, the root simply dries out and, as a result, dies.

Aloe affected by dry rot

Only constant preventive measures. Proper care and regular spraying will help preserve the agave. It is necessary to prevent aloe from freezing and maintain even lighting. The soil in the pot should contain minerals, the plant must have access to the sun. The plant can independently resist pests and diseases if it is properly cared for.

Next trouble, which is worth noting is root rot. It occurs when the soil is over-watered and the roots simply begin to rot. It is not recommended to water aloe more than twice a month, and sometimes you even need to wait for the soil to dry completely.

A plant affected by root rot can only be saved if the disease is detected early. Rot manifests itself clearly: growth is stunted with regular watering, the stem begins to rot from below, and often the tips of aloe leaves dry out.

The disease can be cured only if the root system is partially affected. Aloe needs to be dug up, shaken off the ground and the rotted root removed. All root system it is necessary to sprinkle with coal powder or ash, or mix these additives into the soil with sand. This measure will prevent healthy roots from rotting. For transplantation it is recommended to choose new pot. You can water no earlier than a month after the action has been performed.

If the roots have rotted completely and the disease has begun to devour the stem, it is no longer possible to save the plant. Perhaps if you cut the stem and replant it in a clean pot with new soil, the plant will survive. To prepare soil for aloe, use rotted soil mixed with river sand 2:1 or ready-made soil mixture for cacti. Good drainage is required.

The fungus persists on the walls of the container for many years, so even if the plant was saved, the pot should be thrown away.

How to save a dead plant

There are no signs of pests or rot, but the aloe is still weak - why? A sign that aloe is not getting enough light will be a faded color of the leaves. They become weak and often fall over without apparent reason. The solution to the problem is simple - move the pot to a more illuminated place.

Photo of frozen aloe

The plant may freeze, a sign of which will also be weakly holding onto the stem or falling leaves. It is likely that cool air is coming from the window or that too much water is being used for watering. cold water. Try to change the temperature of the water for irrigation and check the windows.

Careful and attentive care of the plant can prevent most of the diseases described. Don't worry about what to do - there are plenty of tips for saving aloe. Be careful in the future and you won't have to put them into practice.