Modern fireplace finish. How to decorate a fireplace: plaster, tiling, stone How to decorate a decorative fireplace

In country houses, fireplaces have always been very popular designs. In any case, any owner has thought about building a fireplace in some room. Some built a real one, others limited themselves to a fake version - it’s a matter of taste. After all, the days have already passed when, among other things, fireplaces performed the important function of heating the living space.

Each of the options looks great, very original, creates comfort in the room - and in general, a very soulful atmosphere - everyone will agree with this. That is why the decorative decoration of the fireplace is important aspect cladding of housing, you can’t even argue with that.

What is the best way to decorate a fireplace today, what are the options? There are many materials, they are all varied. Let's talk about this topic in more detail - and you will definitely find something interesting for yourself.

Materials for the construction of fireplaces

Build a fireplace in country house Today you can use different materials - there are plenty of options. But even in simple city fireplaces such designs can be found - this is quite normal.

So, in a private house they use for construction:

  • Gas blocks;
  • Foam blocks;
  • Brick.

Such building materials good for their fire resistance. They react well even to very high temperatures - this is why they are chosen.

In a situation where the fireplace is built from brick, red material is recommended for use. It retains heat perfectly and looks more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

Also in construction actively apply such solutions:

  • If there are no options, you can always use white brick. Decorative finishing of the fireplace in this case can also be made with brick. Master can use brick different shades– there is nothing complicated about it. Just in concrete mortar add certain special coloring substances - the result is impressive;
  • When the structure is built from aerated concrete or foam blocks, it’s time to think about how to decorate the fireplace, because without a special cladding it will not look its best. The materials are beautiful, they hold heat perfectly, but aesthetically there is some work to be done.

Please note: such materials are quite large - so if you make an error in the calculations, the fireplace can turn out to be very large. If this moment is critical, calculate everything in advance.
  • The master should also remember that fireplaces usually have a chimney. If you are making a false structure, this element is decorative, so anyone can do it. But if the fireplace is real, you won’t be able to do without a high-quality and working chimney. Removing combustion products is vital;
  • The same brick is used to build a chimney - this is the easiest way. The design assumes the presence of a damper - so that enough air gets into the fireplace - then the combustion process will be more productive and of high quality
  • Building fireplaces from natural stone is an expensive task, but if you have the funds, this is an excellent option.

Especially, if you are creating a real office in a country house, hunter's room or hall.

Features of fireplace inserts (interior decoration)

If you are interested in what you can use to decorate a fireplace, you should also learn about something else: what a firebox is. The fireplace is the place where solids burn - it can be wood, coal or some other fuel. Decorative finishing of the fireplace also includes working with the firebox, but more on this below.

To finish this part of the structure, used today:

  1. Brick;
  2. Drywall sheets;
  3. Natural stone.

Plasterboard cladding

  • You can actually use sheets of plasterboard to cover the fireplace insert (after all, such material is even possible - it is durable). But, only if the work is carried out with a false fireplace. However, exceptions to the rules are also allowed. Drywall may be necessary if it is necessary to level the surface in the firebox;
  • Only special material can be used in work of this level - moisture resistant drywall. It is not recommended to use any other one here;
  • During the work, it is also worth paying attention - if such material is used, the volume of the firebox can be significantly reduced. This happens because the sheets are fastened to a frame (of course, metal). It is made on the surface from a special profile.

What is used for to carry out installation work:

  • The material itself is needed;
  • Metal profile;
  • Screwdriver and screws.

And now about the installation in detail:

  • During the work, some difficulties may arise - their likelihood is especially high when there are places in the fireplace that are difficult to access. This is why it is recommended to work with a screwdriver (a tool that operates using rechargeable batteries);
  • A fireplace insert is usually sheathed with plasterboard when the size of the firebox needs to be reduced – to a significant extent. This happens when the fireplace is large and the owner wants to correct the situation;
  • If you decide to use sheets of such material, it is important to think through the interior decoration in advance so that the material can be protected from the destructive effects of fire and high temperatures.

They will definitely help you with this:

  • Decorative stone;
  • Natural stone;
  • Ceramic tiles (not used often, rather an exception).
When the fireplace insert is lined with plasterboard, difficulties usually do not arise. First, they install the material, then they begin finishing work (here, too, only your own strength is fully sufficient).

We use brick

Typically, brick is used in a situation where the fireplace itself is built from this material. In this situation, the firebox is erected together with the rest of the structure; there is no need for additional decorative finishing.

In addition, brick is chosen in the case when the entire fireplace structure is made of another material - which cannot cope with temperature influences in any way (or is simply flammable and does not tolerate heat).

Such materials are:

  • Wood;
  • Drywall that is not fire resistant.

The chimney is laid out of brick, the firebox itself is inside the structure. And in order to ensure maximum safety, it is important to maintain a certain distance from the fireplace box to the facing brick layer. This interval should be at least 200 (or even better – 250) mm.

Ceramic tile cladding

If the decorative decoration of the fireplace is exactly what interests you, you cannot pass by such a wonderful material as ceramic tiles.

In general, it is rarely used for interior decoration of fireboxes; it is attached only to a surface that is flat (usually on drywall; we have already figured out above that its installation is not such a difficult task).

Perform installation ceramic tiles you can easily if you have at hand:

  • Concrete mortar;
  • Two spatulas;
  • The finishing material itself;
  • Cross-shaped plastic beacons (needed to ensure that the seam is even).

Features of using ceramic tiles:

  • The material is very fire resistant. To perform the installation efficiently, it is best to use special construction adhesive or concrete mortar.
To make it beautiful, the distance between the tiles should be uniform. This is why it is worth using cruciform beacons - they are installed between the finishing elements. They are not expensive.
  • When the installation work on installing the tiles is completed, the seam is usually masked - for this there is a special decorative putty (maybe different colors– you can easily find what you want). In general, nothing complicated - but the result will be great.

Decorative external finishing of fireplaces

Since fireplaces can be either real or purely decorative (working with the help of certain electrical appliances), the finishing options are radically different. Of course, when the fireplace is just an imitation, the facing process has a completely different approach.

Which materials for finishing fireplaces and stoves can be used? Here is the list:

  1. Glass;
  2. Wood;
  3. Marble;
  4. Porcelain tiles;
  5. Drywall;
  6. Decorative stone;
  7. Ceramic tiles;
  8. Decorative bassoon.

Marble and external cladding

  • Decorating a fireplace with marble is an expensive, but very beautiful and aesthetic solution. The design will acquire a truly solid appearance– a great way for the owner to emphasize his high social position;
  • Today you can purchase completely ready-made linings for fireplaces - there is a demand, which means you can easily find a supply. Order by the right sizes– this is also possible with professionals;
  • The master can use individual parts to assemble the cladding on his own.
Decorating a fireplace with marble is not the best simple task. This process labor-intensive, in addition, here it is worth remembering many subtleties and little things.

For example:

  • Marble weighs quite a lot. Because of this, its installation on a wall is impossible if the surface was previously covered with plasterboard. However, this rule does not apply to those decorative elements, which are provided to the buyer in a completely finished form;
  • Installation of such natural stone is usually done on a brick or some other surface. For this, concrete mortar with various additives or a specialized adhesive is used.

What properties does marble have?? The following can be noted:

  • Fire safety;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Durability;
  • Strength.

It is also appropriate to add “practicality” here - but many masters will argue about this. The point is that this finishing material very “capricious” surface. It reacts very poorly to the influence of certain detergents that contain abrasive particles.

In addition, stains may appear on the surface of marble over time - but only when the material was processed poorly.

Finishing the fireplace with plasterboard outside

How to decorate the fireplace? Drywall? Quite good option, especially since it occurs quite often. Especially when covering electric fireplaces.

The process as a whole looks like this:

  1. First, a frame is made using profiles - plasterboard sheets are already attached to it. Afterwards, these sheets are plastered (this can help), then the finishing is done;
  2. But here it is worth considering this point: the fireplace insert should also be lined with plasterboard;
  3. Decorative stone or bassoon - these options look great outside. Installation of materials is very simple on the surface of the fireplace, especially if you use a specialized adhesive composition.

Wood paneling, glass use

It's no secret that wood is famous for its beautiful texture. Finishing a fireplace with such material is quite possible; lining is perfect for this.

Installation of the material is possible on any surface - if desired.

For installation you need the following::

  • Screwdriver;
  • Wood screws;
  • Wooden blocks or planks;
  • The finishing material itself, you can’t go anywhere without it.
Of course, it is permissible to use wooden lining only in external finishing works oh, this material burns very easily.
  • In order for the lining to look aesthetically pleasing and for the material to serve you for as long as possible, it is recommended to apply a special varnish to its surface after the installation is completed.

You can also use glass in cladding work. IN modern interiors this material is in high demand.

Details about use:

  • How can glass be used to decorate a fireplace? This doesn’t happen very often – that’s a fact. The fact is that this material can easily burst due to high temperature - and in such a situation there is nothing surprising;
  • To prevent such a disaster from happening, the decorative finishing of the fireplace with glass is made only with a special fired thermal material that can withstand even exposure to direct fire or high temperature;
  • Fireplace glass – interesting solution to create an aesthetic element for closing the firebox. Also, with its help, interesting imitations of fireplaces are obtained (we are talking about false structures). Such options look unusual, very original, they will decorate any interior and add zest to your room.

Application of porcelain stoneware

This finishing material has recently been chosen to decorate a fireplace. It is worth noting the following technical properties:

  • Porcelain tiles do not burn;
  • Tolerates high temperatures well;
  • Recognized as practical, moisture resistant;
  • Installation work is carried out easily, without unnecessary complications.

Thus, facing fireplaces with porcelain stoneware is popular today.

There are reasons for this:

  1. The finishing material is attached very easily and simply. The main thing is that the surface being treated is smooth. It is best to level with plaster, but you can also use sheets of drywall;
  2. Porcelain tiles are mounted on the surface using a special adhesive composition. Since this material is chosen when decorative finishing of the fireplace is needed, it is made lightweight at the factory.


As you have already seen, you can decorate the fireplace different materials, there are plenty of ways here. Watch a video about how professionals handle this kind of work - they definitely have a lot to learn.

Today, fireplaces mainly serve only a decorative function; they are equipped to create coziness and an appropriate atmosphere.

Natural fireplace, made of fireclay and solid ceramic bricks, made by molding. The appearance of such a portal leaves much to be desired. The fireplace needs to be lined with artificial and natural stone. There are general rules and recommendations related to the selection and installation of finishing materials.

What stone is used for facing a fireplace?

The outer walls of the fireplace are not subject to the same thermal load as inner surface hearth. The heating temperature, as a rule, does not exceed 80°C. Therefore, the stone for facing the fireplace should not be heat resistant.

The following requirements apply to the material:

  1. Beautiful appearance.
  2. Color scheme.
  3. Weight restrictions.
  4. Ease of installation and subsequent operation.
For cladding, natural and artificial stone are traditionally used. Each option has its own strengths and certain disadvantages that you should be aware of before choosing a finishing material.

Types of artificial stone

The term “artificial stone” refers to a whole group of finishing materials. The composition includes fine stone chips, polyester resins and other fillers.

Budget versions of artificial stone for facing a fireplace are made from colored concrete or gypsum. In appearance, the material is almost identical to natural stone.

Artificial facing stone for a fireplace, has the following characteristics and features:

  • Heat resistance.
  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Cheapness.
  • Easy to install.
  • Light weight.

This is where the advantages of fireplaces lined with artificial stone end. It's time to move on to the disadvantages:

  • Susceptibility of the material to mechanical damage. Any accidental impact will damage the surface, which is especially important to consider when laying and subsequently firing the fireplace.
  • Inconvenience during operation - the uneven structure of the material is difficult to wash. Judging by the reviews, dirt and soot get clogged into the pores of the material. To avoid problems when decorating a fireplace with artificial stone, its surface is immediately coated with a special heat-resistant varnish.

Fireplaces lined with artificial stone are cheaper, approximately 70%, taking into account the cost of paying for the services of a mason. Work gets done faster. This option is indispensable when cladding structures in rooms with restrictions regarding the load on the floor.

Types of natural stone

Natural stone for facing a fireplace is best option finishing: characterized by beautiful appearance and long service life. The following types of natural stone are suitable for finishing a fireplace:
  • Marble – ready-made portals and facing slabs are offered. Cladding a fireplace with marble is one of the most labor-intensive processes. For marble tiles, produce a special glue with high adhesion and adhesive strength to the surface.
    Before laying, the surface of the brick is treated with a primer, which includes marble or granite chips. The thickness of the marble does not exceed 1 cm. Compliance with the proportion is necessary to reduce the load on the brickwork.

  • Granite is a noble material. Manufacturers offer ready-made portals and tiles with patterns and inclusions, as well as in the traditional black color. Finishing with granite, like marble, requires a highly qualified craftsman. Doing the work yourself is not recommended.
    Granite and marble are almost eternal materials: wear-resistant, maintaining a beautiful appearance and strength throughout the entire period of operation.

  • Slate is a stone in the form of slabs and cobblestones. Slate finishing is popular due to the strength of the stone, its long service life and beautiful colors.

  • Shell rock is a porous stone with a beautiful texture. Disadvantage: susceptibility to mechanical damage. They are mainly made from shell rock decorative inserts. Soot quickly accumulates on the surface. After facing, the stone requires mandatory treatment with protective compounds.

  • Rubble stone is actually a cobblestone used for cladding facades, fences and expensive construction. Rubble stone is used to line fireplace portals longer than with any other material. Among analogues, it is relatively inexpensive, and with high-quality cladding, it creates a unique pattern.

  • Limestone – common name combines several types of natural stone. The advantage of the breed is that it is easy to process due to its soft structure. Limestone cladding is made using both broken pieces and specially made tiles.

  • Onyx is a mineral considered semiprecious stone. Elite fireplaces are lined with onyx. The advantage of the stone is that it is able to transmit light through itself, while the walls of the mineral begin to emit a soft yellow light. Onyx is an expensive elite material, and experienced master, will be able to create a portal of unique beauty.

  • Sandstone – budget material, mined in quarries. Fireplaces are rarely lined with sandstone, due to the absorption of soot and dust. To make a mantelpiece, polished stone is used. After treatment, there are no chips or potholes on the surface of the sandstone, which makes it easier to operate and keep the shelf clean.

  • Quartzite is a natural type of stone, characterized by durability and beautiful appearance. Small cobblestones are used for heating in sauna stoves. When heated, no harmful substances are released. Quartzite does not absorb unpleasant odors. To remove soot, simply wipe the surface of the material with a damp sponge.

  • Travertine is another durable material. It combines strength with a soft structure. For cutting, a regular one will do. circular saw. The advantage of travertine is its unique golden color. The stone does not absorb water and does not slip like marble or granite.

To make the portal, only non-fragile natural stones are used. Individual elements are made from soft limestone. Natural stone for facing fireplaces is much preferable to artificial stone. The natural material is durable and not afraid of thermal effects.

The cost of facing a fireplace with stone depends entirely on the choice facing material. An expensive solution is the use of onyx, granite and marble. A budget option is to use rubble, sandstone and limestone.

How to cover the surface of a fireplace with stone

The technology of facing the fireplace with natural stone pays great attention to preparatory work. Already on initial stage, the professionalism of the cladding master becomes obvious. Before starting any finishing work, the tiler performs two mandatory steps:
  • Determination of the pattern - the rules of cladding require that even before the start of finishing work, the general pattern must be determined, taking into account the characteristics of the material. Torn stone, also called wild stone, has uneven edges and is not the same thickness, which will need to be taken into account during further installation.
    Wild stone is selected in such a way as to ensure smooth transitions and uniformity of the pattern. Some craftsmen initially lay out the future cladding on the floor to get general idea about what the fireplace will look like after finishing.
  • Rejection - for cladding you need a stone that has a beautiful structure, without chips or visible damage. All stones that do not meet these requirements are rejected.

As experience shows, up to 20-30% of the total time required for facing a fireplace is spent on determining the pattern and rejecting it. Only after this do they move on to the next stage of work: surface preparation.

Flexible stone, like marble, granite and onyx, is made in the form of slabs, which greatly facilitates the cladding process. Manufacturers offering finished products, often, on the back side they mark the direction that is followed when gluing the slabs to the fireplace.

Preparing the fireplace surface

The next feature of the cladding is proper preparation masonry surfaces. Natural stone creates a strong load. If you do not prepare the brickwork properly, over time, the material will simply fall away.

Preparation of the base for cladding includes the following:

  • All sagging and irregularities left during brick laying are removed from the surface.
  • In some cases, a reinforcing mesh is attached.
  • The masonry is treated with a special primer, which includes marble or granite chips. The primer ensures strong adhesion of the stone to the surface.
The technology of facing a fireplace with artificial stone is somewhat different from working with natural material. The weight is much less, therefore, main task during finishing, provision reliable fixation to the wall.

The use of artificial stone in the decoration of fireplaces is a budget option. After a few years, even with high-quality work, the surface of the material may become covered with cracks due to constant temperature changes. To prevent this from happening, use thermal insulation. Thermal insulation is glued directly to the brick and prevents the destruction of artificial stone.

Mixtures for stone cladding

There are many mixtures to choose from with different compositions designed for specific purposes. When deciding which adhesive to choose, consider the following aspects:
  • Fireplace surface temperature - for cladding around the firebox, special heat-resistant mixtures that can withstand heating up to 300-350°C will be required. High-temperature adhesive compositions are expensive, therefore, their use is limited to the area of ​​the outbreak.
  • The dimensions of the stone are on the bags with the mixtures; it is separately indicated how much weight the adhesive composition can withstand. For marble and granite, a special adhesive is made that can withstand heavy loads.
  • Type of material - artificial stone is often placed on a solution containing gypsum fillers. For cladding natural rock, glue with the addition of clay and plasticizers is used.

When choosing a composition for cladding, follow the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the packaging.

Grouting stone joints

Grout (joint) for seams has several characteristics:
  • Heat resistance - when heated and cooled, the grout does not lose elasticity and does not crumble.
  • Thickness - unlike the standard grout used for tiles, the grout for stone is applied in a layer several centimeters thick. After drying, due to special plasticizers, cracking of the seams does not occur.
  • Colors.

The grout is applied using a special gun. The work is carried out carefully. Excess composition is removed with a damp sponge.

How to care for stone cladding

Soot on the lining is an unpleasant but integral aspect of using a fireplace. The appearance of soot is taken into account when choosing a finishing material and carrying out work to protect the surface after facing with stone.

Be sure to carry out work on applying a special heat-resistant varnish or impregnation. The compositions are completely transparent and leave no traces behind. The coating closes the pores of the stone and gives it properties that repel soot and soot.

There are compositions for cleaning and restoring the coating. After 2-3 years of intensive use, the portal inevitably loses its original attractiveness and the stone becomes dull. After treatment, the appearance is restored.

The stone portal is washed with a damp sponge without the use of abrasive cleaners and materials.

Before deciding to make a stone portal, take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of finishing. Additional material costs and the need to invite a qualified specialist lead to the fact that some customers refuse additional cladding of a brick structure.

The advantages of finishing with natural or artificial stone are the beautiful appearance and prestige that the fireplace acquires immediately after finishing the facing work. The costs are completely justified and justified.

Fireplace... Just the mention of this word immediately emanates warmth and comfort. The fireplace can become the center of the living room, a place where you can spend winter evenings calmly and quietly. Today not only owners can afford such pleasure country houses- For ordinary apartments There are false fireplaces that perfectly imitate real hearths, and electric fireplaces. When we move from dreams to implementation of plans, a lot of questions arise. One of them is the decorative decoration of the fireplace. Let's figure out what materials can be used for cladding a fireplace, and what determines the choice.

What should the fireplace lining be like?

  • all old cladding, if any, is removed;
  • to increase adhesion, it is better to unstitch the masonry seams to a depth of 0.7-1 cm. A chisel or screwdriver is suitable for scraping out the mortar;
  • It is better to seal the cracks with heat-resistant sealant;
  • if the walls of the fireplace are relatively flat (the height differences and the depth of the depressions do not exceed 5 mm), then you can wet the brick and proceed to applying plaster. For more significant unevenness, reinforcement with reinforcing mesh will be required. It is attached to masonry bricks, on the heads of which metal washers are placed;
  • Before starting work, it is better to heat the fireplace so that the brick acquires the dimensions that will be characteristic when the fireplace is operating. If the base is not warm, the plaster may crack during the first fire;
  • The prepared plaster solution is applied with a spatula and leveled along the beacons. It is recommended to apply at least two layers of plaster, with each subsequent one applied after the previous one has completely dried. The finishing layer can be leveled with a spatula. You can create a certain relief on it.

For additional decor you can use paints. Organosilicon ones, which are good at high temperatures, are best suited. The hearth can be painted in a single color or you can draw certain patterns on it - it all depends on your imagination, skills and interior.

No. 6. Tiles

Tiles are, in fact, the same terracotta tiles or majolica. The difference lies in the special structure. The tiles have a rumpa, a square hollow projection that holds the tiles in place during installation. Rumpa is also important for another purpose - it helps to retain heat. Tiles can be used to decorate a fireplace only during its laying. If the moment is missed, you will have to choose another finishing method.

Tiles have the same advantages as tiles. The choice of colors is huge, there are very sophisticated samples that will bring special chic to the interior.

Installation of tiles is carried out in this way:

  • The pump is filled ½ full with a mixture of clay and broken bricks, V special holes the so-called crutch, thick (5 mm in diameter) wire with a bend at the top;
  • a flexible soft wire is attached in the middle of the crutch, which will later be embedded in the brickwork;
  • the pump is filled to the brim with clay mixture;
  • As the laying progresses, the tiles are installed and the wire is hidden in the seam. The individual parts are connected to each other using U-shaped brackets.

It is difficult to do such installation yourself, which makes installing a fireplace a more expensive pleasure. In addition, the material itself is more expensive than regular tiles.

No. 7. Wood fireplace cladding

Probably, this method of cladding may seem impossible to many, because it is no secret that wood is very afraid of fire. Nevertheless, when following certain rules you can decorate your home with warm and cozy wood - such a fireplace will look great in living rooms designed in classic style. Wood is aesthetic, durable and natural material which has a special aroma. To enjoy these benefits you will have to meet a number of conditions:

No. 8. Plasterboard for facing the fireplace

Drywall is often used for finishing electric fireplaces. The material allows create any shape for the hearth. Actually, thanks to this opportunity it has become so widespread. The main advantages of the method include low cost, simplicity installation(only the lazy today do not know how to work with drywall) and, of course, wide scope for imagination. Let's list it as a minus need for additional decorative finishing and difficulty in ensuring the safety of the structure.

The principle of operation looks like this:

Don't forget that you can always combine several materials.

When it comes to heat, from which only slight heat emanates, you can use any materials you like.

View of a fireplace lined with artificial stone

One of the most current methods decoration is finishing the fireplace with artificial stone (see). Moreover, natural materials are constantly becoming more expensive. Artificial components are produced with such quality that a non-specialist will have difficulty identifying the product (see).

Let's figure out why decorating a fireplace with artificial stone is better than other design methods. Main advantages:

  • decorating a fireplace with artificial stone is quite simple, this is achieved due to its soft mechanical characteristics;
  • preparing and laying the structural elements will not be difficult; you may only need a grinder;
  • The finishing stone for the fireplace contains soft and light fillers, this lightens the weight of the entire structure;
  • in retail there is a large amount of such material, the elements of which have different shapes and configurations, this will allow you to choose any pattern;
  • artificial stone for finishing a fireplace will cost much less than natural stone, which will reduce the cost of the product;
  • This material can fully reflect the course of your design thoughts and will allow you to create any pattern.

Choosing artificial stone

High-quality stone finishing of a fireplace is possible with the correct selection of product components.

Selection criteria:

  1. Material cost. As a rule, the price of foreign-made products exceeds the cost of domestic ones.
  2. When purchasing goods, check the hygiene certificates and the certificate of conformity. If they are missing, it is better to refrain from purchasing. This is a chemical production, so you should take only high-quality products, otherwise the finishing can be harmful to health.
  3. Pay attention to the time the manufacturer has been present on the market. The more it is on the market, the better.

The time it takes to complete the work allows us to refine the technology and produce high-quality products.

  1. Inspect all the elements and pay attention to the structure of the material. At wrong technology production, the structure of the front surface will be porous, which affects the strength and, accordingly, the service life of the structure.
  2. A high-quality product arrives at sales points in appropriate packaging, which has the manufacturer’s logo.
  3. Find the date of manufacture. The maximum strength of the elements is gained only after 28 days after manufacture. If you see an earlier production date, then the product may not be of high quality.

Fireplace finishing

The finishing work can be completed by a person without special qualifications (see).

But stone finishing of fireplaces is carried out according to certain rules that should be followed:

  1. Finishing of fireplaces with stone is carried out on metal, chipboard, wood and other elements of this type only with certain surface preparation. It is different for each material.
  2. Finishing work should be carried out at temperatures above 5°C.
  3. The finishing stone for the fireplace should be mounted from top to bottom, starting from one end to the other, this will avoid contamination of the elements.
  4. Pay attention to what glue or solution the manufacturer recommends to use.
  5. The elements can be cut using a regular hacksaw. Do not use a tool with a large tooth, you may damage the material.

Surface preparation

Fireplace finishing stone Can be used with any fireplace material.

You just need to properly prepare each surface for installation.

  1. When processing a wooden surface, you should first coat it with waterproofing so that it is not susceptible to moisture. You can use pigment for this. It is laid in a horizontal position, the top row should overlap the top row by 4 cm. The vertical seam is also overlapped by about 8 cm.
  2. When this work is done, you should secure plaster mesh, this is done using special fasteners.
  3. The vertical distance between the fastening points should be 12-15 cm and horizontally about 40 mm.
  4. A layer of plaster about 1 cm thick is applied to the top of the mesh.
  5. After this, the plaster is given time to dry completely.
  6. If the fireplace or portal is made using metal or concrete, then the preparation procedure differs only in that it does not require the installation of additional waterproofing, which is available in retail trade.
  7. If the fastening is carried out to brick or concrete, this plane must also be plastered, but first a notch should be applied along the plane.

Rules for laying artificial stone

Decorating fireplaces with natural stone and artificial performed almost identically.

In order to correctly imagine all the structural elements, to further facilitate subsequent work, you should first lay them out in front of the cladding site.

  1. Do not install one type of element, they should be alternated. This will give the structure a more natural look. Change color, texture, thickness. Use elements in your work from different boxes.
  2. If you use laying elements with subsequent jointing, start installation only from the top part of the structure.
  3. When laying, try to make the seam approximately the same, you can use a template, do not make the seam too even, it should have one plane, but vary slightly in thickness. Do not make horizontal seams located on top of each other.
  4. If there are significant discrepancies in the thickness of the material and its surface has an uneven structure, do not try to eliminate the unevenness and correct the material, the design is still in its own total mass will look quite harmonious.
  5. When using seamless masonry, elements should be fastened from bottom to top. When installing, you should press the elements against each other.
  6. When making brick cladding and using rectangular elements, pay attention to special attention on vertical seams. Control the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines; the intersection angle should be 90°. Use the template to check.

Required Tools

To begin work, you should prepare the necessary tools:

  • screws or nails for fastening auxiliary materials during the installation process;
  • sprayer or brush to moisten the surface of the masonry and material;
  • construction trowel;
  • hammer;
  • grinder with cutting wheel;
  • drill;
  • a flat block of wood;
  • container for mixing the solution.

Let's start work

The beginning of fastening is a crucial moment.

As you start, so will you finish.

  • At the beginning of facing the fireplace with stone, finishing is carried out from the corner. Laying should be done alternately, alternating long and short elements.
  • First of all, attach the thickest tiles and use the minimum amount of mortar for this. This will help you in further work.
  • To make the structure look more natural and aesthetically pleasing, the installation elements should be adjusted to size. To adjust the size, use wide nippers or a hacksaw. Try to mount the treated sides so that they are either below or above the viewing angle.
  • Apply a layer of mortar about 1.5 cm onto the installation element. Use a trowel for this. Control the distribution of the solution on the surface; it should be completely and evenly covered.

After laying the mesh, apply a layer of mortar

  • When laying the element, it should be lightly pressed and slightly moved to different positions by pressing. This will help to completely fill the seam and secure the element most correctly.

Seams are being adjusted

  • When installing, the solution should protrude slightly from the seams.
  • When carrying out seamless masonry, attention should be paid to the end seams. They must be completed. To do this, you need to apply the solution to the entire surface of the element (excess is removed during shrinkage). After squeezing out, excess mortar should be removed using a trowel.
  • When carrying out fastening on a surface that is too dry or carrying out installation work in dry weather, the surface of the elements and the laying plane should be moistened using a spray or paint brush. The styling elements can simply be placed in a container of water, and after 2 minutes in the water they are ready for installation.
  • When installing elements seamlessly, they must be wetted, regardless of weather conditions.
  • After the solution gets on the surface of the cladding, do not remove it immediately, let it dry a little.

How to properly unstitch seams?

To give the masonry For a more natural and aesthetic appearance, the joints are completely filled with mortar. To perform jointing, it is better to use only branded jointing materials.

Do not use mixtures that are intended for laying tiles.

  1. To completely fill the seam, you can use a seam filling bag. You can do it quickly yourself, you just need to cut off 1 corner of a regular plastic bag, only the hole should be slightly smaller than the seam to be filled.
  2. Fill the bag with mortar (do not pour too much, the volume should fit in the palm of your hand), apply pressure and force the mortar into the seam. Try to avoid getting liquid on the front surface.
  3. We wait until the mortar in the seams begins to set, after which we need to remove its excess using a trowel and at the same time press it into the seam. Do not try to remove the sagging immediately after filling, you will only stain the front part.
  4. After removing the excess, you should finally clean the seams using a broom, which should be made of plant materials. Do not use solvents for cleaning.
  5. Joining is extremely important process work that completely prevents moisture from entering the surface. If moisture penetrates under the cladding, the surface may crack.

Finishing work

After the surface of the structure has completely dried, it can be treated with a special hydrophobic composition. It forms a translucent protective film on the surface. This coating does not allow moisture to pass through and is not destroyed when the structure moves. It is good to remove dust from it. It especially helps with temperature changes (if the fireplace is located in a country house where there is no constant heating).

The job was done correctly. You can take a few steps away from the structure and admire your work.

Many owners of private country property have a fireplace in their house. This element of luxury, which personifies comfort, inevitably becomes the epicenter of attention of any room where it is located. In most cases, it is installed in the living room, and therefore its appearance should be attractive. And among all the available materials, facing fireplaces with natural stone looks more impressive and bewitching.

Features of choice

Although the finishing is not exposed to sudden temperature changes, it is still located inside the living space. Therefore, it is important to ensure complete safety in using the fireplace - its materials should not emit harmful substances. This means that the use of slate, granite or sandstone is highly undesirable.

This is due to the fact that these stones are capable of releasing gases that negatively affect human health. In addition, they stand out even with slight heating. Therefore, to decorate a fireplace with natural stone, you should opt for a noble rock of volcanic origin. Pebbles or large pebbles are suitable for a budget project. In addition, embossed concrete products will also come in handy.

For beauty

But more attractive design fireplace can be created by using basalt, diabase, jadeite, with which they are usually laid sauna stoves. Even if they are heated strongly, there are no harmful emissions from them, which means that their use is completely safe. Marble, shell rock, limestone, and sandstone are also very popular.

It is better to select stones for lining your fireplace yourself and it is better to pay attention to flat pancakes of various sizes. But equilateral pebbles of the same thickness will also work - they can be used to fill empty spaces during laying. Also, when decorating a fireplace with natural stone, you should purchase untreated material or with a medium degree of polishing. In this case, you can create a more natural look, which will be closest to nature.

Advantages of natural material

More and more people are resorting to using natural stones to decorate their fireplaces. This is due to completely understandable reasons:

  • Any other material, especially all varieties of artificial origin, cannot compare with natural stone in terms of aesthetics.
  • When natural material is heated, the air is not polluted with smoke or hazardous substances.
  • Natural stones able to withstand heavy physical loads, including impacts.
  • The stone can withstand high temperatures.
  • Besides this, natural material It can be processed, so you can make your fantasies come true. At the same time, the natural color will harmonize with any surrounding environment.

Another advantage of natural stone in the decoration of fireplaces is that its use allows you, almost literally, to immerse yourself in the Middle Ages.

Finishing using natural stone

Cladding a fireplace is a responsible and difficult process, despite its apparent ease. In many ways, everything depends not only on physical properties the material used, the technology of its production also plays an equally important role.

Therefore, such work requires certain skills, abilities, as well as serious preparatory stage. If, however, the stones were purchased of different sizes and shapes, then they should first be adjusted to each other in size. It is also advisable to select the required shade so that the color scheme harmonizes well with the decor of the living room. And for this you cannot do without the help of a stone-cutting machine or grinder with the appropriate discs.

Surface preparation

The recipe for creating home luxury is simple - a fireplace, natural stone (photo as proof below), a dose of desire and room for creativity. And to obtain such a result, you should carefully prepare the surface before laying the cladding. In this case, special attention should be paid to the primer - without this mandatory step nothing will work. And the better the composition, the better. For example, the Knauf Tiefengrund primer has these necessary qualities. But you can also choose acrylic-based products - Dufa Putzgrund, Marshall Export Base, but only those that are designed for indoor work.

In addition to this, on brickwork a reinforcing mesh with 50x50 mm cells should be fixed. However, the use of fasteners with plastic plugs is strictly discouraged. Instead, it is necessary to use metal anchor wedges (6 mm in diameter), and the attachment points themselves must be located in increments of 250 to 300 mm.

Moreover, the fastening should not be in the seam, but directly in the body of the brick. You can avoid cracking of the masonry by lowering the rotary hammer speed. As you can see, the photos of finishing the fireplace with stone (and not artificial, but a material of natural origin) are simply mesmerizing. You can create such a masterpiece only through hard work, doing everything with taste.

Additional measure

As additional measure along the cladding, you can make several notches (the more, the better) on the surface of the bricks using a hammer and chisel. This will also significantly increase the adhesive properties of the surface of the fireplace walls. Only this procedure should be carried out before coating with primer.

At the end, the surface should be clean and, if necessary, dust free. To be on the safe side, you can apply another coat of primer using a hand sprayer.

Finishing schemes

The entire surface of the family hearth can be divided into separate flat sections, which will significantly simplify the implementation of facing the fireplace made of natural stone. As a rule, these are the front and side walls. You can also widen the bottom to form a plinth. As for the fireplace shelf, it cannot be finished with stone in order to maintain its surface functionality.

All flat areas of the fireplace should be drawn on an A4 sheet indicating all key dimensions. According to the resulting “pattern”, lay it out on the floor, as closely as possible, assembling it into a kind of “mosaic”. This makes it much easier to select all the elements and, if necessary, file them for a perfect fit to each other.

It is important to take into account not only the size of each decorative element, but also its shape, so that the overall picture is harmonious. And the layout on the floor will allow this to be achieved best - by placing stones next to each other, you can visually assess their relationship.

Don’t forget about the seams between the mosaic elements, which should be from 20 to 25 mm. But facing fireplaces with natural stone looks better when their size is no more than 5-6 mm.

Material adjustment

Even if these are stones with an irregular shape, fitting them close to each other is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But maintaining the original appearance of the edges is already problematic. This can be corrected, since many stones can be easily processed.

Edges can be given the required form, cutting off the excess with a disk on the concrete towards the corner sanding machine. If it is necessary to create chips and breaks, they can be made with a pickaxe. A sanding disc may also come in handy.

To avoid confusion, each stone should be numbered. In addition, it wouldn’t hurt to somehow mark the joints of the parts on the wrong side. As an option, simply draw an arrow that will indicate the direction of installation.

Before cutting or grinding, it is imperative to moisten the stones with water. This will allow you to avoid dust in the workplace, and also look at the result without distortion due to uneven refraction.

Glue selection

Has the same meaning as the adhesive composition. When using hardwood without defects, the service life of the cladding will largely depend on the reliability and quality of the adhesive composition, as well as its adhesion to the brick surface. Cement mortar in this temperature conditions I’m simply not able to work for a long time. In this regard, the choice comes down to two options:

  • Purchasing a ready-made special mixture.
  • Self-cooking adhesive composition using fireclay based on fireclay powder.

Buying ready-made glue does not result in certain difficulties; as a rule, it is enough to purchase Ceresit ST-17 or Knauf “Marble”. You can also pay attention to highly specialized compounds like Scanmix Fire. However, there is one limitation, which is the maximum thickness of the seam.

In relation to natural stones for the fireplace, their peculiarity is that before laying the “mosaic” elements irregular shape, they should be carefully adjusted to each other. When using artificial stones There is no such problem, but at the same time the appearance is not so attractive.

We cook ourselves

A solution you make yourself simplifies everything a little. With its help, stones can be laid without the need for grinding, which will add more aesthetics. The ratio of dry ingredients is as follows - 3 parts fireclay clay, 1 part river or mountain sand, 1 part cement (grade 300, not lower).

The clay must first be passed through a sieve, which will allow you to get rid of debris and other inclusions. Then pour water and leave aside for 40-50 hours. Now you can mix the remaining components - sand (its presence will avoid cracking when the solution begins to set) and cement (thanks to it, adhesion increases and the setting process itself noticeably accelerates). Moreover, the last ingredient should be added just before laying. That's all - the glue for lining fireplaces and stoves with natural stone is ready.

The use of various heat-resistant plasticizers will also be justified. It is easier to mix all this using a mixer or armed with a drill with an appropriate attachment.

Cladding technology

Work on facing the fireplace always starts from the bottom of the front side. Laying out the initial row horizontally, you should move further upward. In this case, the largest and thickest elements are laid first. And only after this you can move on to filling the remaining space with small pebbles. You can adjust their position by increasing the amount of glue. Smaller gaps can be removed at the very end of the work using small pieces.

The stones must be laid on a continuous layer of mortar so that there are no voids. To achieve this, you will have to tear off each element more than once, then put it back in its place. This will ensure that all cavities are filled with glue. Only this approach will give a stove or fireplace made of natural stone a more attractive and natural look.

Having finished with the front part of the fireplace, you should move on to its side surfaces. At the same time, there may be protruding elements along the edges of the front part, as well as in the throat of the firebox. They will be removed after the adhesive solution has completely dried, and the easiest way to do this is by sanding with a disc disc. In the meantime, we need to take care of the remaining planes.


While the composition has not yet dried, it is worth widening the seams, for which it is enough to simply walk with your finger, forming a semicircular hollow. You can also go the other way - wait until everything dries, and then trim and polish the protruding parts of the stones.

On final stage the resulting gaps between the stones should be filled with a tinted adhesive mixture, which is convenient to do pastry syringe or some kind of bag with a corner cut off (soft milk packaging). The result will be a seam with fancy beads. Some stones can be coated with varnish, which will add a special shine, and at the same time extend the service life of the fireplace lining with natural stone.

Arch formation

For some connoisseurs, give originality, and the more of it, the more attractive the fireplace looks. An alternative is to create an arch at the cladding stage. However, it is worth considering that this is the most difficult, but at the same time quite doable job. Therefore, it is worth weighing everything in advance, and only then making a decision. Yes, it's beautiful, but you have to work hard for the desired effect.

It is necessary to implement such an idea at the initial stage of work, when the front is being finished. To begin with, you should lay out two columns of stones on both sides of the opening. In this case, they should protrude above the common front surface by an amount equal to the protrusion of the arched vault.

Now the difficulties begin: you need to choose the right stones. At the same time, do not forget about the highlight of any arched opening - the cornerstone is trapezoidal in shape and large in size. It is installed strictly in the center. And since this is the most noticeable element of the entire “mosaic”, it is advisable to choose the most beautiful specimen, which will make it stand out favorably against the background of all the cladding of fireplaces with natural stone.

If all the elements were carefully adjusted, more than once and dry, then the arch will hold on, even if the dried glue cracks. It is the central stone that will prevent the entire structure from collapsing.

As a conclusion

The presence of a fireplace with an open fire in the house in itself creates a favorable, comfortable and cozy atmosphere. Such an environment is best conducive to a friendly conversation against the backdrop of a tea ceremony. In addition, you can simply watch how the flame, as if alive, absorbs its “meal” and listen to the crackling of the logs. It’s not without reason that popular wisdom says: you can endlessly look at three things, and fire is right on that list.

And if the fireplace also has a design that is pleasing to the eye, then there is simply no price for it! Of course, there can be many more options for finishing this interior decor. It’s worth giving free rein to your imagination, and the result may even exceed all expectations!