DIY diaper cake for boys and girls: step-by-step instructions. Beautiful and practical: we make a gift from diapers for a baby

If you are planning in the near future to visit friends who have recently had a baby or you are invited to participate in such a wonderful family holiday, like christening on the day of a wonderful sacrament - the baptism of a child, we advise you to prepare a beautiful and necessary gift for the parents of the baby. In the previous material, we posted video lessons and a simple master class with photos, with which you can quickly make a cake out of diapers with your own hands, following very simple steps step by step.

In this article you will find new master classes on making various gift cakes from diapers. The simplest and quick way creating such a gift involves assembling a structure from rolled up diapers, each of which is tightened with rubber bands.

But there is still much original way- making a wrapped cake from diapers. According to some craftswomen who professionally create such gifts for parents of newborns, a wrapped cake looks more solid and original. Now we will look at the instructions for making wrapped diaper cakes, and then move on to different step-by-step master classes with photo.

How to make your own wrapped diaper cake:

we form the central part to hold the levels (layers) of the craft. You can tightly roll up a baby blanket or diaper (an additional secret gift inside the cake) and secure this cylindrical shape with rubber bands. You can use a cardboard core from paper towels as the central part. Place the center piece vertically on the table;

Open a pack of diapers and straighten them. Take one diaper and wrap it slightly around the bottom of the vertical “center”;

Now we take the second diaper and apply it to the first so that it overlaps it. We continue to add diapers so that the next one overlaps the previous one by about half and form the structure in a spiral. This will be the bottom, widest layer of the cake (50-60 pieces);

Now you need to fix the bottom layer of the gift. It is advisable to have someone help you hold the structure. We take several elastic bands and pull the diapers in a circle so that they are well held on the central part at the bottom;

Now let's move on to forming the middle layer of the cake. The algorithm of actions is exactly the same, only the number of diapers will be less by about 30%. We fix the created layer with rubber bands and proceed to making the top layer of the gift;

All that remains is to design the appearance of the cake. Here you can show your imagination in all its glory - we decorate the gift with bows, toys, and various accessories for kids. You can attach a beautiful pacifier or a small feeding bottle to the very top of the cake.


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Fast and easy! How to make a beautiful gift from diapers. Step by step wizard Class:

Most detailed master class how to make a diaper cake with your own hands, with tips and ideas. After all, a diaper cake is at the same time a practical and original gift for a discharge or for a child's first birthday.

This gift for newborn It’s also good because you can determine the budget for the gift yourself. After all, it consists not only of diapers, but also of toys and baby care products. At the beginning of a baby’s life, such a gift comes in very handy. There are never too many diapers, and they are not cheap. I have given such cakes many times and mothers were always happy and thanked me more than once after. In addition, such a gift will decorate the discharge photos and give you a festive mood.

Master class on how to make a cake from diapers with your own hands

First question - how many diapers do you need for a cake?

The minimum required is 30 pieces. But usually I need one large package of 78 diapers for a two-tier cake. The exact quantity is not important; you can easily hide extra diapers inside the cake. Just fold them tightly or, on the contrary, not twist them too much, so that there is enough for all tiers.

It is better to buy diapers a larger size. Many mothers do not want to destroy the gifted beauty and do not take apart the cake for a long time. In addition, the baby is still very small and may require special super small diapers. If you make a cake from the smallest size diapers, then after a month they will already be too small. The baby is growing very quickly. The issue of hygiene also often arises. In the first months, they try to surround the child with sterile conditions, so especially anxious mothers play it safe and are afraid to use diapers right away, and wait until the child grows up a little.

How much will a diaper cake cost if you make it yourself?

A package of diapers costs approximately 700 rubles + decorations. That is, the average cost is one thousand rubles. But you can keep it to 300-400 if you make a small cake with a minimum of decor.

Next, how to make a diaper cake step by step

First of all, you will need diapers. It is better to use high-quality diapers, Japanese ones, for example. I haven’t heard any negative reviews about them, all mothers only praise them. You can buy any others.

The base of the cake is easy to make from thick cardboard. Cut a circle out of cardboard and cover it with wrapping paper.

The cake must have a core. You can use wooden skewers, a cylinder of paper towel, a tall baby shampoo bottle, or any long object as an inner rod to keep the cake layers from spreading. You can even use a bottle of champagne. And if you don’t find anything suitable, just roll the paper into a thick roll and use it as a fastener.

I used a tall bottle of baby bubble bath. Just don’t forget to wash all items, or better yet, pour boiling water over them. After all, this is a gift for a very young child and hygiene is very important.

The rod needs to be glued to the base, in the middle. To do this, use hot glue from a hot gun, clear tape, or double-sided tape. I tied the book with a satin ribbon and already glued a bubble bath to it - the base of the cake.

Now open the package of diapers and roll each diaper into a roll. To prevent diaper tubes from unraveling, use rubber bands for money. You can also use clothespins. If there are no suitable rubber bands, cut them into balloon or nylon stocking. Anyway, rubber bands are only needed as auxiliary material, then you will need to get rid of them. They won't be in the cake itself.

Place the diaper rolls tightly around the cake stem. Secure them with a wide elastic band, thread or satin fly, so that you get one of the round levels of the cake.

Now let's start decorating. We decorate the gift with nipples and feeding spoons. baby thermometers, bottles, bibs and toys. The top of the cake can be decorated with a small soft toy or slippers, or a small handmade card.

Now you need to pack the cake in transparent film so that it does not get dirty during transportation. Tie a bow at the top.

Useful tips on how to give a beautiful gift diapers in the form of a cake .

  • Cake – a gift can be wrapped in such a way as to create the illusion of a real cake covered with fondant. You will need as many diapers as there are layers of the cake. Fold the diaper lengthwise so that the width is the width of the tier. We wrap the diapers with a diaper.
  • In addition to the technology of rolling diapers into rolls, there is another technology - diapers are taken out of the packaging and also placed side by side in a circle. You can see more details of what it looks like in the photo.

Can I use diapers made from cake?

Many young mothers doubt whether they can use diapers from a donated cake. But the diapers do not unfold, they remain stuck together from the factory press and the intimate inner part does not unfold. In addition, in pharmacies they sell diapers individually, just in a plastic bag. Even when you open the package, the sterility of the diapers is lost in any case. The most sterile first diaper. But you must make such a gift with clean hands and wash all items purchased in stores (jars, bottles, toys). Craft on a perfectly clean table or lay down a sheet. Be sure to pack the gift in transparent cellophane. It is sold both in rolls and by meter in flower shops, For example. The gift will only benefit from this, and you and the child’s mother will rest assured that no one will sneeze on the diapers and they will not get dirty during transportation home to the baby.

Cakes made from diapers can be different. In the form of not only a classic two or three-tier cake, but also in the form of a bicycle, stroller, magic castle, steam locomotive, and in general everything is limited only by imagination. Here are examples in the photo.

Diaper cake for a boy

Here are ideas on how to make a beautiful, unusual cake for a boy. The main thing is to use the color blue or give a gift in the form of a typically boyish toy: a steam locomotive or a car.

Diaper cake for a girl

The photo shows examples of a girl's cake. It could be a pink stroller or even a doll (the skirt is made of diapers, and the torso is a doll).

Diaper cake- This original craft for a newborn: boy or girl! Such diaper cake easy to do with your own hands. A master class with photos, ideas and tips will tell you how to make a beautiful cake from diapers!

website - Search engine for gifts and souvenirs

Check out the finished diaper cakes from our artisans

Every newborn baby needs a gift. You can present it simply in a bag, or you can present it in such a beautiful and very original way.

To make a cake, besides the gifts themselves, we need very little. We will assemble it carefully, without unnecessary clamps, ropes and fastenings, which can be very confusing for a young mother. After all, hygiene in our business will come first. So, let's go to the store and choose as a gift for the baby everything he likes, but with taste. Still, our composition should be in harmony with the colors.

And I have this cute set :

1.2 pencil cups as a base.

2.1 cut towel roll.

3.Underwear elastic 1.5 m.

4.Medical gloves.

5.Pack of diapers for newborns 72 pcs.

6.Bubchen baby shampoo, 200 ml

7.Bubchen bathing solution, 200 ml

8.Pampers wet wipes 64 pcs.

9.2 flannel diapers 0.75x1.20cm

11.1 pad 20x32cm. to match the plaid

12.A pair of socks

13.Cooling teether


17.Set of children's pins (3 pcs.)

To make it more convenient for you to understand the entire work process. Let’s roughly divide it into 4 stages:

1. We make the base. Here we need to strictly follow the recommendations so as not to once again “injure” our delicate base material. Diapers get lost very easily presentation, and twisting, unfolding and folding them several times is not recommended. Of course, if the goal of our surprise is maximum use for its intended purpose, absolutely all the details. Let's clarify right away. This rolling technique uses a lot of diapers. But we save on the services of a master, so we can afford a little more costs and less visibility of the gift? After all, it is probably given for the most respected and dear people to us. Which means it’s not worth saving here))

2. Filling. If you are still a little strapped for money, then you don’t have to fill the cake with anything. To attach it, it will be enough to insert inside, through all three cake layers, a base tube that remains from a roll of ordinary disposable kitchen towels. Or the same is available in rolls of foil, thin packaging film, etc. But my personal opinion is this - if you still decide to give a gift, then why spoil it with such content? It is much more interesting and useful to hide a useful surprise inside. But I will show you how to do this below.

3. Design. It won't take much time. You just need to fold the diapers correctly and keep the fastenings at hand.

4. Decoration. The most pleasant part of our composition. There is no point in making recommendations here at all. So as not to spoil your taste)) But here are a couple of secrets, I can still tell you.

Stage 1. Making the base:

Our task is to make three cake layers - the base. Where there is one part in the top cake, two in the middle, and three parts in the bottom. All together 6 parts. There are 72 diapers in a pack. 72/6 = 12. 12 diapers is 1 part. Accordingly, Upper cake – 12, Middle – 24, Lower – 36 diapers.

The proposed rolling technique will allow you to practically not touch the diapers, without wrinkling them or disturbing the integrity of the entire set and each one individually. It is important to follow the recommendations exactly, since the cake can move to the side and it is very difficult to straighten it later.

1. Open the package and count out 36 diapers directly in it, without separating or pushing them away from each other. We take a row of diapers required quantity from the package, without disturbing the order, place it on the table.

2. We tie it with a linen elastic band, tightening it not too tightly so that it does not break the row, but not too loosely so that it does not allow it to fall apart. In the photo, the elastic band is wrapped in two turns, but if you want, you can still wrap it in one turn. Place a cup under the elastic on the top side of the diapers.

3. Diapers in packaging always have a slight tilt to one side. This is the direction we will begin to turn them. In order for the circle to form correctly right away, slightly bend the diapers around the cup.

4. With one hand, grab the cup and the diapers, as if fixing the beginning of the circle, and with the other, one piece at a time, begin to increase the distance between the compressed diapers along the outer perimeter. With your left hand, pressing the base with your right, slide in the direction of movement of the circle and slightly pull out each subsequent diaper to an even distance.

5. Our circle is already beginning to form.

6. The further you move, the more difficult it will be to form a circle. In order not to spoil the work already done, we lightly hold the already aligned diapers with our left hand so that they do not deform, and with our right we continue to increase the distance along the outer perimeter.

7. When completing the circle, again hold the base with the cup with your left hand. Do not let the diapers move or change position so that the middle of the circle does not get damaged. With the right hand we take the remaining part of the unformed diapers and wrap them in the desired direction.

8. In the center of the cake, around the cup, constantly adjust the diapers so that they do not lie in packs, but curl evenly in the desired direction. This way they will fit nicely and neatly in the center, and in the future will allow us to freely choose the diameter of the circle.

9. For a “freshly baked” cake, level it out and hold the middle. We adjust the beginning to the tail.

10. The elastic band should always be strictly in the middle of the cake. If you do not follow it, the cake will “lead” to one side, and it will be difficult to straighten it later.

11– 12. When the circle is ready it is very weak. Carefully untie the bow on the elastic band, (the whole circle may fall apart, do not let the elastic band out of your hands), tighten the knot tightly and make a second turn around the cake, tie it with a knot and a bow. A double elastic band will allow us to adjust the circle diameter and density.

13. Place the cake on its edge and begin the last stage of leveling the distance between the diapers. At this point you can tighten them up a little. The elastic should not be tightened too tightly so that the diaper can easily be adjusted to the desired distance.

15. When you complete the circle. The cake is tightened with an elastic band even more tightly and you can leave it at this density, but this shape implies filling in the middle (our option). But if you decide to make a cake without filling, then now is the time to remove the cup from the center and tighten the cake to maximum density. The first and most big circle ready. Now, according to the same principle, we prepare cakes 2 (medium) from 24 diapers and 3 (small) from 12 diapers.

This is how we got three magnificent layers for the base of the cake. A neat, hygienic and very beautifully packaged pack of diapers. The baby's parents will be grateful to you.

Stage 2. Filling:

We hide the “filling” in the cake. The diameter of the cup in the center does not limit our possibilities so much that we can put anything there. Children's cosmetics, clothes, toys, and many other interesting and necessary things for a young mother. We lay out the glass, and instead of it we insert an impressively sized pack of wet wipes and shampoo. We also carefully place a glass on the second cake layer and place it on the first cake layer. We also deprive the third cake of the center and place it on the second one. We put bathing liquid in the free space. This will be the base that holds the cakes together.

Our cake is again in its original form, but this time with filling. Now we untie the bow on each cake and tighten the circles. This is done to compact and level all tiers. Now our cake will not collapse, and note that there is not a single fastener in it yet. I'll remind you though! If you want to leave it empty, then it’s time to take out the cups, tighten the circles tightly and stick a regular wooden skewer (one or two) from the top cake to the bottom. Or a tube of foil.

Stage 3. Composition design:

To decorate the base we take diapers. We fold them so that we get a strip equal to one turn of the cake in length and width. This is done very simply. Fold the approximate strip and place the cake edgewise against it in the center. The width is immediately visible, and the length is determined by joining the two ends of the diaper around the cake. If the diaper is too long, you can fold one of the sides (in the photo the first diaper is folded on the left). If it is short, use it either on a small cake or roll it diagonally. To fasten the diapers we use baby safety pins. They will later be useful to the gifted mother. After the cake is fastened, carefully pry up the elastic band and pull it out. Now the diaper will hold the entire cake. The living structure of the cake itself regulates the filling. As soon as you remove the rubber band it unwinds to the right size and fills the entire space inside the diaper. So your cake will always be perfect in density, accuracy and consistency. appearance. No additional elastic bands, ribbons, etc.

The birth of a baby in a family is a great happiness not only for parents, but also for relatives and friends. It is very difficult to choose a gift for a newborn with such huge selection baby supplies.

I would like to present a useful and original surprise to the baby and his parents. A homemade cake made from diapers with a surprise inside will be an excellent gift.

DIY diaper cake: materials and tools

To make a diaper cake with your own hands you need following materials and tools:

Diapers, ask your mother about the size of diapers, which manufacturer is preferred;

A round flat tray or circle cut from hard cardboard;

Wet wipes - 1 pack;

Cotton swabs - 1 pack;

Stationery erasers - 1 pack;

Satin ribbon of different widths (color, depending on the gender of the newborn: girl - red, yellow, white, pink; boy - green and blue), you will need up to 15 meters;

Double-sided tape;

For a surprise - baby powder, creams, soap, toys, socks, books and everything you liked;

Medical gloves - one pair.

DIY three-tier diaper cake

Creating such a cake does not take a lot of time and financial costs. It is based on diapers, and the size of the cake can be adjusted yourself. Before starting work, wash your hands well. Diapers are a personal hygiene item and must be clean when they reach the baby.

Stage 1

Let's start preparing the first tier. On a flat surface (a tray or a cut-out round stand made of thick cardboard) we place 37 diapers rolled up vertically. We secure each diaper with a rubber band. We insert a baby bottle or shampoo with wet wipes into the middle. We fasten with outside with an elastic band.

Stage 2

Preparing the middle tier. For the second layer we need 27 diapers. We prepare the rolls according to the model of the first tier, fasten them with an elastic band, remove one diaper from the middle and insert a bottle of powder or baby cream.

Stage 3

Preparing the top tier. For the top layer, take 16 diapers, secured with elastic bands, put them on the middle tier, and tie everything together with an elastic band. Be sure to fasten the tiers together. Otherwise, the structure will be unstable and may fall apart.

Stage 4

Let's start decorating our cake. Any size and color of satin ribbon is suitable for decoration. We tie each tier around the outer circle and tie it with a beautiful bow. Under the ribbon you can insert a card with congratulations or things necessary for the baby. We decorate the top of the cake with toys, and put rattles and baby supplies on the sides. This cake will turn out beautiful, elegant, and most importantly useful for parents.

DIY one-tier diaper cake

Diapers are used to create this craft. The size of the original gift depends on your preferences. The more diapers in the package, the larger the end result can be.

For a small craft, 30 diapers are enough. You can use them to make a neat one-tier high cake. This cake can be beautifully decorated, showing your imagination and design ideas.

Stage 1

For work we need the following materials: eleven diapers, one bright diaper, a wide satin ribbon, a narrow ribbon (like florists), jewelry and scissors.

Stage 2

We roll the first diaper into a roll, tie it with ribbon and place it in the middle of the tray. It will be the main one from which we will build and arrange the diaper rolls. It must be well secured, because it will be the basis of the cake.

Stage 3

We install diapers around the first roll so that it looks like a “sun”. They must stand edge-on, and they bottom part aimed at the first roll, which was installed in the center of the cake.

Stage 4

Then we carefully tighten all the diapers with a ribbon to form a cake, pointing the ends in one direction. This is easy to do if you attach the first diaper to the roll with its lower part and place the rest behind it. Thus, when tightened with ribbon, the cake does not fall apart and is easily fixed.

Stage 5

We wrap it in a diaper and tape and fasten it with hot glue. You can decorate the cake with any fabric. Commonly used natural fabrics from cotton, linen, etc. They are safe and do not cause allergies in children.

DIY diaper cake with “icing”

To make a diaper cake with your own hands, you need to take 90 diapers of the first or second size, bright beautiful ribbons of any width, thin elastic bands for fastening diapers, double-sided tape, tailor's needles, diapers, a baby blanket or towel, baby soap accessories, various decorations, toys.

Stage 1

Diapers must be divided into tiers. The first tier will require 40 diapers, the second 30 diapers, and the third 20. Thus, the cake will be pyramid-shaped. This design has durable and stable properties.

Stage 2

First cake: we lay 40 pieces of diapers in a circle, in a spiral, securing the first and last with tailor's needles. Place baby shampoo in the middle. We secure the spirals around the top with an elastic band for structural strength.

Stage 3

Preparing the “icing” for the cake. We fold the diaper the width of the diapers, wrap it around the cake and secure it with needles. This will give the cake strength and an aesthetic appearance.

Stage 4

We prepare the second cake from 30 diapers, folded in a circle, secured with tailor's needles and an elastic band. We wrap the edges of the cake with a colored diaper. Place it on the first layer and put baby powder in the middle.

Stage 5

The third top cake is made of 20 pieces. The process of creating the third cake layer is not much different from the others. The only difference here is the number of diapers.

Stage 6

Decorating the cake. To do this, we take various children's toys and place them on the “steps” of the cake, between diapers. Don't forget about such important things as a pacifier, cotton swabs, drinking bottle, cream, powder. And on top of the cake are booties or a soft toy. The gift for the newborn is ready!

When making a diaper cake with your own hands for a newborn, you must follow the following hygiene rules:

1. When creating a cake, your hands should be clean or gloved and the area should be sterile. Do not turn diapers inside out to preserve the protective layer.

2. Animals are excluded from the premises so that hair does not get on diapers. Even a small amount of wool can harm the baby, causing an allergic reaction.

3. All cake materials must be processed. Glass and plastic items washed with soap and treated with antiseptic solutions. Fabric materials are ironed.

4. The rubber bands and tailor's needles that we use to hold the cake together should be steamed or sterilized.

A diaper cake is a spectacular gift that not only looks great, but can also be very useful. It’s easy to surprise both the baby’s parents and guests with such an exclusive item. You've probably seen photos of similar gifts on the Internet. Do you think they are made only by experienced needlewomen? But no! All you need is a little time, patience and desire and you too will make a wonderful diaper cake.

DIY diaper cake: manufacturing nuances

To make such a design, first of all, you will have to turn on your imagination and tune in to creativity. By the way, in needlework it brings positive emotions not only the result, but also the process itself.

How many diapers will you need?

The most important “ingredient” of our cake is diapers. The number of diapers depends on the size of the product. Are you planning to give a small gift? Buy 15 - 20 pieces at the pharmacy. But it’s better to take a whole pack. If you want to make a large cake with several tiers, you may need two or three packages.

Cake making diaper size

When deciding on the size, be sure to take into account the age of the child. You can buy larger diapers, but under no circumstances buy small ones, because then parents simply won’t be able to use them. Pay attention to the color of the diapers. If the gift is for a girl, choose white with pink, if for a boy - with blue. Green and yellow are universal colors.

An important criterion is the quality of diapers. Don't skimp, give preference to well-known products brands. Agree, it’s a pity to waste money on something that in the end they won’t use.

Required materials

So, we've sorted out the diapers. This is the basis of the design. They must be of high quality, suitable in color and size. But you can’t “make a cake” out of diapers alone.

You may also need the following materials:

  • cardboard stand, which will be used as a base;
  • long and wide elastic bands;
  • clothespins for fixing diapers in the desired position;
  • wrapping paper, pieces beautiful fabric, small towels and diapers;
  • bows and ribbons;
  • a wooden stick for the entire height of the “dessert”;
  • decorative elements to your taste;
  • gifts for the child (booties, hair ties, cosmetics, rattles, etc.).

With these elements on hand, you can easily make a diaper cake with your own hands.

Don't forget that everything must be sterile. Wear gloves when working and wash your hands thoroughly with soap first. Don't forget finished product place in beautiful packaging so that the diapers do not accidentally get dirty.

Diaper cake for a boy: ideas

When making a cake for a boy, choose diapers and decorations made in blue, green, blue tones. The base of the composition can be made white. The following attributes will be relevant here: cars, balls, baby dolls, bow ties, ties, etc.

Idea No. 1. Champagne bottle

If you have an extra bottle of champagne, why not use it. This is a great foundation. You will need a stand, a bottle of champagne, diapers, elastic bands, double tape, Chinese chopsticks, and decorative elements.

  1. We make preparations. We twist each diaper into a snail shape and secure it with rubber bands (regular ones, small ones for money).
  2. We put the bottle on the stand, begin to install rolled up diapers around it, which we again secure with an elastic band, now together. The lower tier can be laid out in two or even three rows.
  3. The second layer is smaller in diameter than the first. We do it in the same way, placing twisted diapers around the bottle.
  4. We do the same for the top tier. If the diapers are higher than the bottle, we use a Chinese stick to secure them.
  5. The base is ready. We hide the elastic bands with wide ribbons and decorate the “dessert” at our discretion.

A cake “prepared according to this recipe” will turn out stable, durable and, of course, beautiful. But keep in mind that it is quite heavy compared to other diaper cakes.

Idea No. 2. Toilet paper

Handicraftswomen have learned to use the most different materials. In this case, to make a diaper cake, you will need cardboard cylinders left over from used paper towels or toilet paper. Let's start making a huge cake.

  1. Cut out three circles from thick cardboard different diameters, glue cylinders onto them (in the center). The largest circle is at the bottom, then the middle and small ones.
  2. We fold the diapers into a tube and secure each of them to the base (cardboard cylinders) using the same money rubber bands.
  3. We decorate the “cake” at our discretion.

To make a diaper cake for a boy look organic, carefully select and thoughtfully place decorative elements.

Design and decoration of a diaper cake for a girl

A diaper cake for a girl is usually made in pink and white colors. Yellow, red, orange are not so popular. On a cake for a girl, large tulle bows, wide satin ribbons, headbands, hair decorations, as well as rings, earrings, and bracelets would be appropriate. You can place a Barbie doll, teddy bear, bunny or other animal on top of the cake.

One-tier, three-tier diaper cake

Idea No. 3. Single tier cake

The simplest option. Fold the first diaper into a tube and place it in the center of the stand. Place the remaining diapers evenly, then twist them around the first one in one direction, tighten them with an elastic band so that each element is on top of the previous one, but not very tightly. We wrap our creation with a towel on top and decorate it beautifully.

Idea No. 4. Three-tier cake

But this option is not for beginners, but for those needlewomen who have already tried themselves in this matter. You need to be patient to “bake” it. So let's begin.

  1. We lay 40 diapers in a spiral in one direction. It should work smooth circle, which we then carefully tie with white ribbon. If you want to make the diameter even larger, place a thick cardboard cylinder in the center.
  2. We do the second and third “floors” in the same way, only we use 30 and 10 diapers, respectively.
  3. We fasten all three tiers with one strong wooden stick.
  4. Now we decorate the “cake”. There are no rules here. Decorate as you like.

Don't forget about packaging. If you don't want to use traditional wrapping paper, replace it with white tulle or other lightweight, sheer fabric.

Gift with small towels

There are many ways to make and decorate diaper cakes. If you do not have experience, do not choose complex, time-consuming options so as not to be disappointed with the result. Try starting with something simple. Here is another idea for decorating a “cake”.

Idea No. 5. Bright cake with towels

In your work you will need the actual diapers, bright small towels or diapers, elastic bands, ribbons, and decorative elements. The number of towels depends on the number of tiers. First, we make the “floors” themselves. We roll up the diapers and form them into circles. We wrap each circle with a towel or diaper. We fasten all three tiers together. The base is ready. All that remains is to decorate.

You can come up with many ideas for decorating such a gift. Decorate the “dessert” with toys, baby cosmetics, rattles and even banknotes. Since you have decided to make a gift useful, follow the principle to the end!