Fungal preparation for mycorrhizal plants. Root symbioses. Mycorrhiza

Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis between the plant and the mycelium of the fungus living in the soil. Certain types of fungi cooperate with specific types of plants. In natural conditions, allies are found on their own. In the garden we must help them with this by using appropriate “vaccines” applied to the soil.

What is mycorrhiza?

Mycorrhiza, (from Greek mikos (μύκης) - mushroom and rhiza (ρίζα) - root) is a phenomenon of mutually beneficial coexistence between living plant cells and non-pathogenic (non-disease-causing) fungi that colonize the soil. The definition of mycorrhiza literally means “ mushroom root«.

Mycorrhiza is a partnership between plants and fungi leading to mutual benefit. Fungi use the products of plant photosynthesis to produce plant sugars that they cannot produce themselves. Plants, in turn, receive much more benefits thanks to mycorrhiza.

Mycelial hyphae penetrate into the cells of the root cortex ( Endomycorrhiza) or remain on the surface of the root, entwining it with a dense network ( Ectomycorrhiza), thereby increasing the ability to absorb moisture and mineral salts from the soil. Plants begin to grow stronger and produce more flowers and fruits. They also become much more resistant to unfavorable conditions - drought, frost, inappropriate pH or excessive salinity of the soil. Mycorrhiza protects plants from diseases (,).

Where is mycorrhiza found?

Mycorrhizae have existed in nature for millions of years.– more than 80% of all plants remain in symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi. On personal plots, unfortunately, rarely occurs, as it was destroyed as a result of intensive cultivation and the use of chemical fertilizers and plant protection products.

It will not be possible to check with the naked eye (without a microscope) whether there is garden soil mycorrhiza. Mycorrhizal fungi very often die during the construction of a house. Deep pits, soil left on the surface, remains of crushed stone and lime are the main reasons for the absence of mycorrhiza in the garden.

Noticeable effect of mycorrhiza

The most popular and most visible results of mycorrhiza are forest mushrooms . These are the fruiting bodies of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Even a beginner in mushroom picking will notice after the first mushroom picking that specific mushrooms only grow in close proximity to specific trees.

Chanterelles grow both under deciduous trees and under coniferous trees, saffron milk caps under pines, spruces and firs. Porcini mushrooms can be found in not too dense forests, mainly under oaks, beeches, as well as pine and spruce trees. It is better to look for moss mushrooms under spruce and pine trees, as well as in deciduous forests, under oaks and beeches. In birch groves and under spruce trees, boletus grows, and boletus grows under birch, hornbeam and oak trees.

Mycorrhizal preparations – vaccines

Mycorrhizal vaccines contain live fungal hyphae or fungal spores. Specific, adapted mycorrhiza mixtures are intended for various plants (they also include edible varieties, but they rarely form fruiting bodies in garden plots).

You can buy mycorrhizal preparations for indoor plants(the most popular is mycorrhiza) and balcony plants. Much more choice vaccines for garden plants– for , and deciduous plants, vegetables, for heather, roses, and even for.

The roots of old trees go very deep, and the tree itself has only skeletal roots that are not suitable for mycorrhization. It should be remembered that in plants, both young and adult, the youngest roots are located relatively shallow underground, within 10-40 cm. In the case of planting trees dug directly from the ground, with an open root system, the vaccine should be added to several of the youngest, living roots before planting.

5 rules for using mycorrhiza vaccine

  1. Preparations in powder form are added to the substrate at flower pot and then watered. Vaccines in the form of a suspension are introduced into pots or into the soil (directly onto the roots) using a syringe or a special applicator.
  2. It is enough to plant the roots of plants once to connect with it and be useful throughout life.
  3. There is no universal mycorrhiza suitable for all types of plants! Each plant (or group of plants - for example, heathers) remains in mycorrhiza only with certain types of fungi.
  4. Much better are those containing mycelial hyphae. Vaccines containing fungal spores can be unreliable because the spores often do not suitable conditions for germination. Mycorrhiza of living mycelium, unlike dry preparations, after watering, is ready for an immediate reaction with the plant. In the form of a gel suspension, it is stable even for several years, at a temperature of about 0⁰C, and loses its vitality when dried.
  5. After introducing live mycelium, you should not fertilize the plants for 2 months. Also, do not use any fungicides.

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) fungus with the root of a higher plant. There are ectotrophic (external) M., in which the fungus entwines the integumentary tissue of the endings of young roots and penetrates into the intercellular spaces of the outermost layers of the cortex, and endotrophic (internal), which is characterized by the introduction of mycelium (fungal hyphae) into the cells. Ectotrophic M. is characteristic of many trees (oak, spruce, pine, birch), shrubs (willow), some shrubs (dryad) and herbaceous plants(buckwheat viviparous). Young roots of these plants usually branch, their ends thicken, the growing part of the roots is enveloped in a thick, dense fungal sheath, from which fungal hyphae extend into the soil and along the intercellular spaces into the root to the depth of one or several layers of bark, forming the so-called. Hartig network; the root hairs die off (euectotrophic type M.). In the arctic shrub, an arctic and herbaceous plant, the wintergreen hyphae of the large-flowered fungus penetrate not only into the intercellular spaces, but also into the cells of the cortex (ectoendotrophic type of M.). Ectotrophic microorganisms are most often formed by hymenomycetes (the genera Boletus, Lactarius, Russula, Amanita, etc.), less often by gasteromycetes. Not one, but several species of fungi can participate in the formation of fungi on the roots of one plant. However, as a rule, only certain mycorrhiza-forming fungi are found in plant communities - symbionts of these plant species.

With the development of endotrophic M., the shape of the roots does not change, root hairs usually do not die, and a fungal sheath and “Hartig’s network” are not formed; The hyphae of the fungus penetrate into the cells of the crustal parenchyma. In plants of the heather, wintergreen, lingonberry, and cexaceae families, the fungal hyphae in the cells form balls that are later digested by the plant (ericoid type M.). Phycomycetes (genus Endogone and Pythium) participate in the formation of this type of bacteria. In plants of the orchid family, fungal hyphae from the soil penetrate into the seed, forming balls that are then digested by the cells of the seed. Of the fungi, this type of M. is characteristic of imperfect ones (genus Rhizoctonia) and less often - basidiomycetes (genus Armillaria, etc.). The most common in nature - in many annual and perennial grasses, shrubs and trees of various families - is the phycomycete type of M., in which the hyphae of the fungus penetrate through the cells of the epidermis of the root, localizing in the intercellular spaces and cells of the middle layers of the cortex parenchyma.

M. has a beneficial effect on the plant: due to the developed mycelium, the absorbing surface of the root increases and the flow of water and nutrients into the plant increases. Mycorrhiza-forming fungi are probably capable of decomposing some inaccessible to the plant organic compounds soils, produce substances such as vitamins and growth activators. The fungus uses some substances (possibly carbohydrates) that it extracts from the root of the plant. When growing forests on soil that does not contain mycorrhiza-forming fungi, small quantities of forest soil are added to it, for example, when sowing acorns, soil from an old oak forest is added.

Lit.: Kursanov L.I., Mycology, 2nd ed., M., 1940; Shemakhanova N. M., Mycotrophy of tree species, M., 1962; Lobanov N.V., Mycotrophy of woody plants, 2nd ed., M., 1971; Katenin A. E., Mycorrhiza of plants of the North-East of the European part of the USSR, Leningrad, 1972.

B. P. Vasilkov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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Granular oiler - forms mycorrhiza with Scots pine and other pines

Mycorrhiza-formers (symbiotrophic macromycetes, mycorrhizal fungi , symbiotrophs) - fungi that form mycorrhizae on the roots of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. This is a specialized ecological group of fungi, distinguished within the framework of modern mycology with late XIX century. This group of fungi is specific in that its representatives enter into symbiosis with higher plants, do not have enzymes for the decomposition of cellulose and lignin, and exhibit energy dependence on the symbiont, which is the plant. The term mycorrhiza (“fungal root”) was introduced by the German mushroom researcher A. W. Frank in 1885.


Mycorrhiza is the formation of a symbiosis of a fungus and a plant. It manifests itself in the fact that the mycelium (mycelium) located in the soil intertwines and envelops the roots and root hairs of plants. The roots of the plant are transformed, but this does not harm the owner. Mycorrhiza allows both the fungus and the plant to obtain missing nutrients from the soil. In modern mycology, a distinction is made between exotrophic and endotrophic mycorrhizae. With exotrophic mycorrhiza (ectomycorrhiza), the hyphae of the mycelium entwine the outside of plant roots, and with endotrophic mycorrhiza (endomycorrhiza), the hyphae penetrate into the intercellular space of the roots and inside the cells of the root parenchyma. Ectoendotrophic mycorrhiza (ectoendomycorrhiza) combines the features of both ectomycorrhiza and endomycorrhiza. The phenomenon was described in 1879-1881. Russian scientist F. M. Kamensky and he also gave the first attempt at its scientific explanation; the term was introduced by the German scientist A. V. Frank in 1885.

Differences between mycorrhiza-formers and saprotrophs

Both mycorrhiza-formers and saprotrophs use dead things for their nutrition. organic matter, and therefore within the framework of mycology there is a problem of distinguishing between these groups.

The mycorrhiza-former receives carbohydrates from the plant, which are used by the fungus as a source of energy, and the plant receives from the fungus elements of mineral nutrition, which the mycelium converts into a form digestible by the plant. At the same time, mycorrhiza-formers are similar to saprotrophs in the absence of a plant with which symbiosis is formed or in the stage of free-living mycelium.

L.A. Garibova in her book “The Mysterious World of Mushrooms” identifies the following differences, which indicate a difference in the biochemistry of these ecological groups of fungi:

  • only mycorrhiza-formers form indole compounds (some saprotrophs also form them, but in significantly smaller quantities);
  • mycorrhiza-formers produce growth substances such as auxins;
  • mycorrhiza-formers have almost no antibiotic properties;
  • mycorrhiza-formers do not participate in the destruction of cellulose and are not able to develop on it without carbon sources available to them;
  • most mycorrhiza-formers do not have hydrolytic enzymes, in particular they do not synthesize laccase, which is necessary for the oxidation of lignin;
  • mycorrhiza-formers have a more complete amino acid composition.

Symbiotrophs in the fungal kingdom

Boletus is a tubular mushroom that forms mycorrhiza with aspens and other tree species

Red fly agaric - forms mycorrhiza mainly with birch and spruce

Mycorrhiza-formers are ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and zygomycetes.

Thus, mycorrhiza-formers are all tubular (boletal mushrooms), many of which are edible and collected by humans for food consumption: porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, moss mushrooms, oak mushrooms.

Mycorrhiza is formed by some gasteromycetes, mainly of the genus False puffball, as well as some species of marsupial fungi related to truffles (species from the order Truffleaceae ( tuberales)).

In modern mycological literature, there are references to the fact that some mushrooms, for example, thin mushroom and lacquer, can behave both as mycorrhiza-formers and as saprotrophs, depending on habitat conditions. They form mycorrhiza if conditions for trees are unfavorable (swamp, semi-desert, etc.)

The role of mycorrhiza-formers in the biocenosis

The functions of mycorrhiza-formers in the biocenosis, as indicated in the book by L.G. Garibova “The Mysterious World of Mushrooms,” come down to the following:

  1. Mycorrhiza formers convert nitrogen-containing compounds in the topsoil into a form that can be absorbed by plants.
  2. Mycorrhizal fungi contribute to the supply of phosphorus, calcium and potassium to plants.
  3. Mycorrhiza-forming mycelium increases the area of ​​nutrition and water supply for plants. In arid conditions of deserts and semi-deserts woody plants receive soil nutrition thanks to mycorrhiza-formers.
  4. Protection of plants from pathogenic microorganisms.


  • Burova L. G. The mysterious world of mushrooms - M.: Nauka, 1991.

Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis of the roots of vascular plants with some fungi. Many tree species develop poorly without mycorrhiza. Mycorrhizae are known in most groups of vascular plants. There are only a few flowering families that do not form it, for example the Cruciferae and sedge. Many plants can develop normally without mycorrhiza, but with a good supply of mineral elements, especially phosphorus.

Mycorrhiza by appearance and the structure can be different. Tree species more often develop mycorrhiza, which forms a dense cover of thin threads around the root. Such mycorrhiza is called exotrophic (from the Greek “exo” - external and “trophe” - nutrition), since it settles on the surface of the organisms that feed it. Mycorrhiza, the hyphae of which are located inside the cells of the plants that feed it, is called endotrophic - internal. There are also transitional forms mycorrhizae.

Several dozen species of fungi are involved in the formation of mycorrhizae, mainly from the class of basidiomycetes. In some plants, ascomycetes, phycomycetes and imperfect fungi take part in the formation of mycorrhiza.

Edible mushrooms are widely known: in the birch forest - boletus, in aspen forest - boletus. The main mycorrhiza-formers are camelina, porcini mushroom, oiler, fly agaric and others. They can occur on one tree species or on many.

The symbiosis of the roots of higher plants with fungi developed historically on peat and humus soils; nitrogen on these soils can be available to plants thanks to fungi.

It is believed that fungi supply plants with mineral nutrition elements, especially in soils with hard-to-reach forms of phosphorus and potassium, and participate in nitrogen metabolism.

In relation to mycorrhiza, woody plants are divided into: mycotrophic (pine, larch, spruce, fir, oak, etc.), weakly mycotrophic (birch, maple, linden, elm, bird cherry, etc.), non-mycotrophic (ash, legumes, etc.).

Mycotrophic plants suffer in the absence of mycorrhizal fungi in the soil; their growth and development are greatly inhibited. Slightly mycotrophic ones can grow in the absence of mycorrhiza, but with it they develop more successfully.

Mycorrhiza is of great importance in the life of forest species. The presence of mycorrhiza and its in-depth study as a phenomenon of cohabitation with plants was first discovered and carried out by Kamensky (1881). He studied the interaction of mycorrhizae under spruce, beech and some other coniferous species.

Mycorrhiza is characteristic of the entire group coniferous species, as well as oak, beech, birch, etc. It has been established that without mycorrhiza the normal development of most woody plants is impossible. It contributes to a better supply of moisture and nutrients to the plant.

The formations of mycorrhizae are different types mushrooms, mainly cap mushrooms, widespread in our forests. On the roots of forest species, fungal plexuses (mycelia) are formed annually, which in the spring penetrate into the tissues and cells of the sucking tips of the roots, enveloping them in mushroom sheaths. By autumn the mycorrhiza dies off.

Mycorrhiza performs the function of roots. It supplies forest species with water, and therefore with nutrients dissolved in water, causes stronger branching of the root system, thereby helping to increase the active surface of the roots in contact with the soil, destroys humus substances in the soil and converts them into compounds, accessible to trees. It is believed that mycorrhiza protects trees from toxic substances in the soil.

The cohabitation of roots with fungi causes more rapid growth trees. Back in 1902, G.N. Vysotsky established that in steppe regions, oak and pine seedlings take root better and grow well if there is mycorrhiza on their roots.

Numerous domestic studies, especially recently, have shown that normal growth of most tree species - oak, hornbeam, conifers - is impossible without mycorrhiza. Euonymus, acacia, and fruit trees and some other breeds. They can grow without mycorrhiza, but nevertheless form it, linden, birch, elm, and most shrubs.

Great value mycorrhiza acquired in connection with field-protective afforestation, especially in the steppe, where the soil does not contain mycorrhiza.

For the success of steppe afforestation, the most important measure is the infection of crops with mycorrhiza.

The fungus also, as a result of symbiosis with the root system of a woody plant, apparently uses some nitrogen-free substances present in the root system of a woody plant.

Plants with mycorrhizae on their roots are classified as mycotrophic plants, while plants without mycorrhizae are classified as autotrophic. Mycorrhiza has not been found in leguminous plants, but special nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria form on their roots. Ash, privet, euonymus, scumpia, apricot, mulberry and other woody plants do not form mycorrhizae, even if they grow in forest conditions.

Many forest species (elm and other elms, maple, linden, alder, aspen, birch, rowan, apple and pear, willow, poplar, etc.) form mycorrhiza in forest conditions. In conditions unfavorable for the development of mycorrhiza, they grow without mycorrhiza.

Obviously, knowledge of these factors is necessary for the forester when carrying out silvicultural work and especially in non-forest areas, where it is necessary to add mycorrhizal soil when growing mycotrophic plants in the nursery or directly in planting or sowing areas.

The term “mycorrhiza” usually refers to fragile formations consisting of hyphae of fungi and plant roots, and this term should be used to refer to this symbiosis of fungi and plants. The roots of the plant are colonized by the fungus, but this is not associated with a plant disease; this is necessary to combine the currents of nutrient fluids of plants and fungi into a single system. Mycorrhizal formations on plant roots are characterized by the presence of a continuous cover of mycelium at the tips of the roots. Roots with mycorrhiza become the main organs for the absorption of nutrients for the plant. Examples of mutually beneficial symbiosis are found in nature at every step. The most famous symbiosis is the symbiosis of plants and bees.

Some plant species can be pollinated, and therefore reproduce, only through the mediation of bees. Bees from this symbiosis receive nectar from which they make honey. Scientists have known about the symbiosis of higher plants with fungi for a long time. Already in the second half of the 19th century, many works were published on the joint development of fungal hyphae and roots.

In 1885, Frank gave the name Mycorrhiza to complex fungal-root organs of plants of the birch and beech families (Сu-putiferae). Soon, very similar organs were described in other forest angiosperms, many conifers, especially in the pine family (Pinaceae), as well as in some herbaceous angiosperms. In subsequent years, a huge number of plant species were identified, especially angiosperms and gymnosperms, as well as ferns and mosses, which always prefer to have fungi in their underground organs.

What is the meaning of this interaction between fungi and plants?

The interaction has the most beneficial effect on the plant. By attaching the roots of the plant to the mushroom mycelium, the absorption capacity of the root increases and the flow of water into the plant with nutrients dissolved in it increases. In accordance with their nature, plants can independently extract the substances necessary for life and growth only from the “mobile” part of humus, the upper moist layer of fertile soil. Below this layer there is immobile humus, in which there is very little moisture and plants are not able to fully feed using only immobile humus.

The resources of mobile humus are subject to rapid depletion.
Having pumped out useful substances from mobile humus, the plant begins to malnourish.

Useful universal symbol

A plant with mycorrhiza acquires the opportunity to receive from symbiosis the nutrients it needs, extracted by the fungus from immobile humus, in which the plant cannot produce anything on its own, but it is in it that the main reserves of nutrients are concentrated - this is a concentrate. Mycorrhizal formation serves as a secondary root system for the plant. It not only increases the area of ​​the root hundreds of times, but also makes it possible to obtain something that the plant could never obtain on its own - minerals from immobile humus.

The fungus is able to extract minerals and elements from it, dissolve them in water and deliver them to the “host” plant through Mycorrhiza. Plants with a well-developed “mycorrhizal root system” are better suited to survive under stressful conditions environment created by man.

All the mushroom needs from such cooperation are plant sugars that plants can synthesize and which are contained in large quantities in their juice. The plant itself produces these sugars, and therefore can, without harming itself, share these sugars with the fungus. In winter, under the influence of frost, plant sugars in plant juices are converted into glycerin - a “delicious dish” for the mushroom.

Great White ® Mycorrhizal is the most complete mycorrhizal product on the US market. Advanced formula contains 15 various types mycorrhizal fungi, 11 different species beneficial bacteria and 2 types of trichodermins and all in one preparation! Research shows that this powerful formula stimulates the growth of plants and their roots, creating the conditions necessary for maximum yield. The concentrated Great White® formula guarantees optimal mycorrhizal colonization of the root system according to affordable price. A powdered mycorrhiza preparation soluble in water easily delivers fungal spores directly to the roots and promotes their immediate germination,

BAC Funki Fungi includes 4 types of mycorrhizal fungi - they are ideally suited for finding water and minerals in the soil, and transfer them to the plant. The plant, in turn, produces the necessary elements that serve nutrient for mushroom. These fungi grow in and around plant roots. From the roots they further develop into the soil, where they create a dense labyrinth of mycelium.
It increases root system, resulting in improved absorption of water and minerals. The mycelium can access soil in cavities that are too small for plant roots.
Plants, in turn, provide carbon to the fungi.
Roots treated with mycorrhiza create wider plexuses and dense networks. Mycorrhizae can increase the area of ​​root absorption several tens of times.
BAC suggests using mycorrhizae before planting and during the first 2-3 weeks. Consumption rates - 5 grams per plant,