How to charge a lighter with a gas can. How to refill a lighter with gas from a can: step-by-step instructions and tips. Refilling electric pulse lighters

Gas lighters are a very convenient and popular tool. A huge number of people use them. But one day the moment comes when the fuel inside the body runs out. At the same time, many people have a question about gas. This is not a difficult matter. However, everything must be done carefully and carefully. So, let's look at this process step by step.

How to properly refill a lighter with gas is an important question. But it is equally important to know what fuel to use. In order for the tool to work smoothly and its components not to become clogged, refilling must be carried out only with triple-purified butane gas. Before doing this, be sure to empty the lighter of any air remaining in it. Of course, the gas itself must also be fully utilized. The air that always remains in the housing after the fuel runs out is disposed of as follows. The gas supply regulator is set to “minimum”. The combustion level valve of most lighters is located near the base and will not be difficult to find.

The answer to the question of how to refill a lighter with gas is not at all complicated. You just need to show a little sleight of hand. In order to release the air, you simply need to take a needle, thin pin or any other similar sharp instrument and push back the suction valve. After this, all excess will come out of the lighter. Then, to fully guarantee the result, you need to click the lighter. Of course, you won’t see any fire, but if air or butane residues are still in the housing, they will come out completely.

Now let's look at the actual thing, using a spray can. To do this, hold it tightly in your hand and turn it over. Next, insert the tip of the gas container into the valve located below and press firmly. You need to hold the can in this way for 5-10 seconds. He is then abruptly pulled away from the lighter. Be sure to hold the can only with the nipple facing down. If everything is done correctly, you will not feel a characteristic chill, since the gas will not come out, but will go straight into the lighter body.

During refueling, a characteristic hissing sound will be heard. Some cans are equipped with special dispensers. In this case, you will have to refuel in several stages. Filling the housing with gas is always accompanied by a slight decrease in temperature. Therefore, before you start using the lighter, you should wait a little until it warms up. It won't take much time - no more than five minutes.

Sometimes owners of expensive imported lighters, not risking carrying out such an event on their own, are interested in where to refill a lighter with gas for money. This is usually done in specialized workshops. Residents of small towns will most likely still have to pick up a can and refill the lighter themselves. For those living in big cities, it will not be difficult to find a suitable workshop. For example, Muscovites who own Dupont lighters have the opportunity to take them to the top floor of the Central Department Store, to the official representative office of the Dupont company.

Thus, now you understand how to refill a lighter with gas. Subject to availability skillful hands this will not be difficult to do.

This becomes clear during initial refueling. If you have just joined the ranks of happy owners of Zippo gas lighters, consult with the seller when purchasing fuel for the first time.

U different models The intake valve type may vary. Manufacturers of gas cartridges can also equip them with different attachments. When purchasing fuel, make sure that the nozzle fits the valve of your model. This simplifies the refueling process, guarantees its quality and safety of the process for you and others. You can look for bottles with universal caps.

Algorithm of actions

How to refill a lighter with a spray can correctly:

    Select a nozzle for the can and install it. Make sure it is securely fastened.

    Prepare the inlet valve of the lighter - clean it of dust (this can be done with a napkin or a regular cotton swab).

    Insert the nozzle of the can into the valve of the product to be refilled.

    Press the bottle several times until you hear a hissing sound - this indicates that the reservoir is full.


Important: during the first test drive after refueling, the flames may behave aggressively and unpredictably - do not hold the accessory that has just been filled with fuel near your face. After a couple of seconds, the pressure will normalize and the fire will return to its standard size.

There are two ways to get rid of air that can get into the lighter tank when refilling it:

    by bleeding the air using a toothpick (you need to turn the product upside down and press the inlet valve with a toothpick or screwdriver);

    Having adjusted the fire level, it must be set to a minimum (the product in this mode may not fire immediately, since instead of gas, air will first come out of it).

A can of gas is enough for about 30 refills (consumption depends on the volume of the lighter tank and the capacity of the fuel bottle itself).

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Pay attention!

Do not try to refill a lighter from a household gas cylinder, it is life-threatening.

Do not fill the product with fuel in areas with open fire sources (lit cigarettes, cigars, matches and candles are also included), operating electrical appliances or poor ventilation.

The lighter has firmly entered people's lives since the end of the 19th century. This modern look The flint is designed for thousands of uses. In addition to practical use, the lighter is endowed with the function of a prestigious decorative element, of course, if it is expensive and branded.

Species and types

The types of lighters these days are very diverse. They can be plastic, metal or a combination. Depending on the type of filling station, gasoline and gas versions are produced. The latter are more common. Gasoline ones are more durable, but require frequent refueling. They are usually more expensive than gas ones. Depending on the method of igniting the fire, these accessories can be mechanical, turbo or piezo. In addition, lighters differ in the method used to apply the design to their surface. When decorating plastic ones, the pad printing (tampon printing) technique is used. Metal ones are usually engraved. Lighters are also disposable and reusable. The former are much cheaper, but after they run out of gas, they have to be thrown away. Lighters, in addition to being used to light cigarettes and cigars, can be used in a number of other cases. For example, it is produced special type, designed for igniting gas stove burners.

Gas filling

Having purchased an expensive reusable model, the user often wonders how to refill the lighter with gas. This seemingly simple process has some nuances. First of all, you need to make sure that the lighter is reusable. Even if there is a hole at the bottom of the case, this does not mean that it is refillable. Next, we present a short instruction on how to fill a lighter with gas:

  • remember that refueling can only be started after the previous portion of gas has been completely used;
  • set the flame control valve to minimum;
  • take a thin, sharp object and push it away from the valve responsible for sucking in air;
  • after all the gas has completely come out of the housing, try to light the lighter (it should not work);
  • take the can and, pressing it tightly against the inlet hole, pressing lightly, let the gas into the body.

The whole process takes no more than 2 - 3 minutes. Before filling your lighter with gas, you need to keep in mind that this requires only triple-purified butane. Otherwise, gas containing an unacceptable amount of impurities may clog it.


Like any household item, lighters sometimes break. If it's enough expensive model, you can try to repair it. But for this it is best to contact a special workshop. Repairing lighters is quite a complicated matter. If you don’t really want to spend money on it, it’s best to just buy a new one.

Now you know how to fill a lighter with gas, and if necessary, you can easily do it. And finally, a little advice. When purchasing, try to avoid counterfeit products. A lighter is a rather dangerous item, so it is better to use branded models.

The lighter has firmly entered people's lives since the end of the 19th century. This modern type of flint is designed for thousands of uses. In addition to practical use, the lighter has the function of a prestigious decorative element, of course, if it is expensive and branded.

Species and types

The types of lighters these days are very diverse. They can be plastic, metal or a combination. Depending on the type of filling station, gasoline and gas versions are produced. The latter are more common. Gasoline ones are more durable, but require frequent refueling. They are usually more expensive than gas ones. Depending on the method of igniting the fire, these accessories can be mechanical, turbo or piezo. In addition, lighters differ in the method used to apply the design to their surface. When decorating plastic ones, the pad printing (tampon printing) technique is used. Metal ones are usually engraved. Lighters are also disposable and reusable. The former are much cheaper, but after they run out of gas, they have to be thrown away. Lighters, in addition to being used to light cigarettes and cigars, can be used in a number of other cases. For example, a special type is produced, designed for igniting the burners of gas stoves.

Gas filling

Having purchased an expensive reusable model, the user often wonders how to refill the lighter with gas. This seemingly simple process has some nuances. First of all, you need to make sure that the lighter is reusable. Even if there is a hole at the bottom of the case, this does not mean that it is refillable. Next, we present a short instruction on how to fill a lighter with gas:

  • remember that refueling can only be started after the previous portion of gas has been completely used;
  • set the flame control valve to minimum;
  • take a thin, sharp object and push it away from the valve responsible for sucking in air;
  • after all the gas has completely come out of the housing, try to light the lighter (it should not work);
  • take the can and, pressing it tightly against the inlet hole, pressing lightly, let the gas into the body.

The whole process takes no more than 2 - 3 minutes. Before filling your lighter with gas, you need to keep in mind that this requires only triple-purified butane. Otherwise, gas containing an unacceptable amount of impurities may clog it.


Like any household item, lighters sometimes break. If it is a fairly expensive model, you can try to repair it. But for this it is best to contact a special workshop. Repairing lighters is quite a complicated matter. If you don’t really want to spend money on it, it’s best to just buy a new one.

Now you know how to fill a lighter with gas, and if necessary, you can easily do it. And finally, a little advice. When purchasing, try to avoid counterfeit products. A lighter is a rather dangerous item, so it is better to use branded models.

There may be no point in refilling cheap gas lighters with gas. But why not? But the beautiful ones original lighters you just have to refuel, otherwise, why are they needed?

The refueling procedure is simple, but there are some nuances.

You will need a can of lighter gas and possibly a set of lighter tips. But as practice shows, the nozzle of the can itself is usually suitable.

Especially for clarity, we took a transparent lighter to see the filling process.

Since lighters are usually carried in pockets or bags, the valve may become clogged with any debris or dust. Therefore, the first step is to clean the valve.

To do this, press the center of the valve with a sharp object. A characteristic “puff” sound should be heard. The remaining gas is released under pressure. This is usually enough to clear the valve of debris.

Next, if you right-handed, take lighter in right hand , spray can to the left. If you left-handed, That vice versa. This is done so that the leading hand is the guide, there is less deviation from the refueling guide line, and there is less error in tilting the can from the lighter valve.

Turn the can over and insert the nozzle into the lighter valve. Press with a confident strong movement lighter for spray can with gas for 2-3 seconds.

This is how a tighter connection between the lighter and the gas cartridge is achieved. If gas comes out, this means that the cylinder and the lighter are not aligned and the nozzle does not fit into the valve well or the lighter is already full.

To be sure, the procedure can be repeated.

As we can see, the lighter is almost full.

If there is already little gas in the can and the pressure in it is weak, then fuller refill a gas lighter, you can put it in for a few minutes before refueling freezer refrigerator...

Then refill the lighter as usual. With the cold charging method, the lighter has to be refilled with gas. much less often.

Necessarily give it to the lighter rest at room temperature for 20 minutes, because When refueling, the expanding gas cools itself and cools the lighter, which affects its operation.

The invention of reusable lighters is a real discovery, and not only for lovers of tobacco smoke from cigarettes or Cuban cigars. Tourists and travelers also need these portable incendiary devices. But how to refill a lighter if it suddenly stops working? First, they look at the brand and the flammable substance on which it operates. The main varieties are gas and gasoline models. For expensive brands, special gas or gasoline cylinders are sold. They undergo up to 3 degrees of purification and do not destroy small details branded incendiary devices. Refueling yourself will require attention and skill.

How to refill a lighter with gas from a can?

First, purchase a cylinder of butane gas. There are 5-6 adapters on it, among which there is one suitable for a specific lighter model. But before refueling, you need to make sure that all the gas inside the lighter is used up.

  1. You need to press the valve with a match, a pen, or a pencil to release excess oxygen. The device is cooled to room temperature for safety reasons.
  2. Adjust the flame, you can move its position to minimum height. Pick up the right valve, fix, turn the cylinder over with the filling part down.
  3. Carefully holding the transfer valve, refill the lighter continuously for 5 seconds. After refueling, the device is not used for about 5 minutes so that the pressure equalizes and the porous rod has time to become saturated with gas.

How to refill a lighter: follow the instructions.

They also remember about safety precautions. Do not refuel the incendiary device near the fire; if the gas accidentally gets on the mucous membranes or skin, it is immediately washed off.

How to refill a gasoline lighter?

Refilling a gasoline product is almost no different from refilling a gas lighter. Also, special cylinders with purified gasoline may be produced for branded accessories; you need to ask at the points of sale of branded incendiary devices.

  • Before refueling, remove the core from the body. Turn the lighter over and look at the bottom. There is an entrance for the filling device.
  • They pour gasoline, but carefully monitor the fill level. Spilled fuel is removed immediately.
  • After filling is completed, the entrance chamber is closed, only after that the core is inserted back.

It is important that it is better to refuel incendiary devices away from fire and fabric furniture. Gasoline spilled onto the sofa can easily ignite if the accessory is used carelessly.

Refillable gas lighters are sold empty for safety reasons. The procedures for filling a new product with fuel and a used one differ little from each other. How to refill a lighter with gas from a can if it already weakly supports combustion or does not ignite at all is described below.

Do not attempt to fill the lighter with gas immediately after use. Make sure it is empty and leave it alone for enough time for all the mechanisms to cool down.

Set the flame height control to minimum. This is usually a brass adjustment screw at the base of the housing with a slot for a screwdriver. Some models come with a key to turn the adjustment knob. Many are equipped with a wheel that does not require special tool for rotation. Do not apply a lot of force when rotating the adjusting devices. If difficulties arise in reducing the height of the fire, then most likely the adjusting screw is in the limit position + or -. Try his move in the other direction.

Release of residual gas

Press the fill valve using one of the appropriate tools:

  • screwdrivers;
  • ballpoint pen;
  • paper clips;
  • toothpicks;
  • a suitable adapter included with the cylinder.

Hold it in the open position until a hissing sound is heard. When releasing pressure in the tank, carry out all manipulations away from your face.

Refilling the tank

Refueling should only be done upside down. The lighter must be taken in your hand so that it can be easily held, preferably with an emphasis on some hard surface. First, shake the gas canister several times.

Insert the nozzle of a can with a suitable nozzle tightly into the filling valve and press it onto the filling rod. If liquid gas begins to fill the tank, the lighter body will quickly cool. Do not prime for more than five seconds. If this is not enough, repeat the procedure after a while. The release of excess gas will indicate that the tank is completely filled.

Checking the lighter

Do not try to remove the fire immediately after refueling.. Allow the cooled case to warm up to room temperature. This will take a few minutes. Rub your hands to evaporate any remaining gas mixture. Set the flame control to a quarter of the maximum setting and try to light the lighter. Be sure to do this away from your face. Don't be surprised if the fire flares up unexpectedly quickly. If everything works properly, adjust the required torch height.

Some actions seem so intuitively simple that no one thinks about how to perform them. Start the car, make toast, button your jacket - what could be easier? In fact, these simple things may turn out to be more complicated than at first glance. Quick Start Guides Below will help not only how to properly refill a lighter to extend its service life, but also how to do it safely for yourself and others.

  1. Do not refill the lighter in closed, unventilated spaces, inside a car, or in cramped spaces.
  2. Under no circumstances do this near sources of sparks or open flames, or near smokers. The tank and can contain butane gas. high pressure. It is extremely flammable.
  3. Protect your eyes while refueling and try not to inhale gas vapors.
  4. Use only high quality butane, at least triple purified. The cleaner the fuel, the lower the risk of valve clogging. Poor quality gas can lead to lighter malfunctions during operation and problems during refilling.
  5. To quickly fill the tank to capacity, try pre-cooling it in freezer within 5−10 minutes. The gas cylinder does not need to be cooled. If there is a fuel level control window on the body, you will notice a difference from the procedure for refilling a warm lighter.
  6. Lighters do not like long pauses in operation. Try to use them periodically. This will prolong their life. If necessary long-term storage- release gas from the tank. How to do this is described in the corresponding section above.
  7. It is not at all necessary to set a large flame and dip a cigarette into it. The greatest heat is at the very tip of the torch and spreads higher in the invisible zone. This knowledge will help preserve the smoker's mustache and eyebrows, and correct use flame protects the lighter mechanisms from clogging with ash.
  8. Buy a can of compressed air. This the right tool for caring for your lighter. Purge valves and clear debris from hard to reach places will become much easier.

There is another simple way to fill with gas. If repeating the instructions you have read yourself seems difficult, entrust this task to specialists.

It's not easy fashion accessory. This is a high-quality and durable lighter that will serve its owner for many years.

But, as with any good accessory, the lighter requires care. First of all, the lighter must be refilled regularly. But how to refill a Zippo lighter?

Start by purchasing lighter fluid. Some people mistakenly believe that filling a branded lighter with any flammable liquid is beneficial. However, only original Zippo fuel will give you an exact guarantee of the durability of the lighter and the absence of unpleasant odor. If you already have the liquid, then read our instructions on how to refill a Zippo lighter.

  1. Remove the lighter from the housing. This can be done as follows: holding the flint wheel firmly with two fingers with one hand, carefully, with little effort, remove metal part housings. If this is not the first time you have refilled your lighter, disassembling it this way will not be difficult for you.
  2. Lift the corner of the valve from the bottom. It has the inscription “Lift to fuel”, which translates as “lift to refuel”. It's important to be careful here.
  3. Start filling the cotton wool with gasoline. Fill slowly, never overfill. If the purchased liquid comes in a large bottle, pour it into a smaller container for convenience.
  4. Avoid dripping gasoline on your hands as this may cause skin damage. If you spill gasoline on your hands, wash them with soap.
  5. After assembly, set the lighter aside for a few minutes until it is sufficiently saturated.

Refilling a Zippo lighter: how to check the effect?

In order to find out whether the lighter has been refilled correctly, you need to check it (preferably indoors). Open the lid of the lighter, hold it suspended, slightly lifting it up, and carefully turn the wheel until fire appears. If the Zippo refueling was successful, no failures should occur.

If any problems arise, try to determine what you did wrong, read again how to properly refill a Zippo, and, if necessary, repeat the procedure again, or replace the silicon or Zippo wick.

Features when refilling Zippo

It is necessary to take into account that Zippo refilling has its own characteristics, knowledge of which will help you avoid mistakes that could lead to damage to the lighter.

  1. It is recommended to use only Zippo branded materials (wicks, fuel, flint) when refilling, since they are guaranteed to be suitable for a high-quality branded lighter. You can easily purchase these products in our store. We are sure you will like our pricing policy.
  2. It is very important after refueling the Zippo to thoroughly wipe the lighter with a dry cloth in case you accidentally drop gasoline on the Zippo. The cost of a mistake can be high! For your own safety, do not refill your lighter alone and have fire-resistant items at the ready, such as a clean, damp handkerchief.
  3. Make sure the lighter fuel container is on safe distance before checking the quality of the filling.
  4. When refueling, do not rush; it is very important to accurately calculate the amount of fuel required so as not to accidentally overfill the Zippo fuel chamber. And in this case, it’s not just about saving. Lighters of this class are very delicate and require special treatment. If the chamber is overfilled, there is a high probability that this accessory will become completely unusable.

By the way, since you have disassembled your lighter for refilling, you can also clean it of dirt. This will affect not only her appearance, but also on performance.

Although the rules for refilling a Zippo lighter may seem complicated, the entire process will not take you more than five minutes. So that you can verify this and clearly see the process of refilling such a popular accessory, we invite you to watch a short video.

Detailed instructions on how to refill a Zippo lighter (Zippo)

If your favorite Zippo lighter runs out of gas, don't rush to throw it away. It will continue to please its owner with its bright fire if it is fueled. Below is step by step instructions, which will make it clear how to properly refill a zippo lighter.

Be sure to inspect the lighter from all sides and the place where the refueling process took place. Check if you have spilled gasoline anywhere - otherwise it may catch fire, because Zippo fuel fluid is highly flammable.

If you have already inadvertently doused yourself with fuel, immediately wash the parts of your body on which the liquid came in contact with soap and water. Avoid contact with eyes. To do this, try not to touch them or wipe them while refilling the lighter. It is recommended to wear closed clothing and gloves during the process of refilling the lighter. Safety comes first.

At first glance, refilling zippo lighters seems quite simple process, however, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and perform each stage of refueling in the specified sequence. You are dealing with fire, so be extremely careful and follow safety precautions.

Zippo fuel fluid is completely natural, so it tends to evaporate relatively quickly, which continues even when the lighter is not in use. When going on a long trip, it is recommended to refuel the product before leaving, just in case.

To feel absolutely safe, you can purchase cases from the new collection from Zippo. The main material used in their production is genuine leather. The cases not only guarantee the safety of the owner and protect the product from scratches, but also look great, giving the lighters even more solidity.

How to properly refill a Zippo lighter: gasoline

For refueling, you can use special gasoline. Automotive gasoline is not recommended for use because its combustion temperature is too high, which means you will need to replace the filter frequently.
Refilling zippo lighters has one trick. A gas cylinder can be used several times, but after each refill the pressure inside it will decrease. Therefore, before proceeding directly to this process, you need to keep the lighter in the freezer for some time, which will make it possible to fill it in a larger volume.

If you still don't understand how to refill a zippo lighter or just want to see how the process is done in practice, before you start it yourself, you can watch the video below.

Before refilling the lighter, you need to sit comfortably in a well-ventilated area. Having the skills will help you do everything right. You should take into account all safety parameters, know where you can buy a quality product and what you can refill it with. You can purchase the simplest can of gas or gasoline for refilling lighters, for example, from the Runis company, S&B, etc.

By the way, n useful for beginners to know about How to understand that your favorite lighter is refilled. For this purpose It is worth listening carefully to the time of refueling. When the hiss and the quiet whistle will stop- this is a sign about that the tank is filled with gas.

How to refill a lighter with gas without a can?

The time of disposable lighters has passed, and the time has come modern devices with the possibility of secondary filling. The main problem remains the quality of fuel and the availability of skills. It is worth obtaining information in advance about what raw materials are used for filling and where you can buy it.

The gas lighter is used to the end; before refueling, you need to make sure that all excess air is released.

The main difference between turbo lighters is that the spiral is heated, and as a result, a flame is produced. During refueling, you should hold the cylinder vertically and press firmly, listening to the sound.

The lighter pistol can be refilled. There is a small hole at the bottom of the handle through which gas is replenished.

By the way, experts have prepared a special mixture - propane-butane, which is better for replenishing fuel in pocket lighters.


When purchasing Cricket, many people wonder whether it is possible to refill with disposable gas?

Cricket is currently in high demand. This model is preferred by users for whom the issue of quality and wear resistance is important.

This product goes through forty stages of quality control, and the manufacturers have provided the possibility of refilling with gas from a can. To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • the lighter must be in good condition;
  • in a specialized store you need to pick up a small one gas cylinder chick;
  • there should be no open flame sources nearby during refueling;
  • You cannot fully fill a Cricket lighter, as the gas enters under pressure, and oversaturation can lead to an explosion.

How to refill a disposable lighter?

Convenient lighters are becoming indispensable assistants, and owners find it difficult to come to terms with the idea that their useful life is limited by the amount of fuel inside.

A disposable lighter is filled with gas from a can in the following way:

  1. First you need to disassemble the product, remembering the location of the parts or recording your actions with a camera.
  2. Next, you need to unscrew the flame adjusting screw (no more than 1-2 turns).
  3. Unscrew the valve as much as possible. Then we press the button responsible for supplying gas and insert some kind of obstacle under it. A sharp match or toothpick will do.
  4. With one hand, place the can on the valve and press firmly for 10-20 seconds. With your other hand you need to carefully pull out the matches.
  5. Next, carefully tighten the adjusting screw and put all the parts in their places.
  6. The last step is to check the flame height.

Household Bic - indispensable assistant, which will serve well for several years. It is made specifically for gas stove. This product is disposable; there is no way to fill it with gas from a can.

The Mega Lighter fits comfortably in your hand. The glass has a transparent window in which you can see how much gas is still left. It can be hung on a hook or stored horizontally. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it may fall, and then the question arises as to whether it can continue to be used. Practical use proves that this type is not subject to mechanical damage and will serve properly.

How to refill a Dupont lighter?

All users who have Dupont at their disposal know that this type can be refilled. In this case, you need to have extraordinary patience and skills. Depending on the lighter model, the manufacturer offers color variety gas

Some models have a thread, and the gas cartridge is simply screwed in. At the same time, there are a lot of inconveniences during refueling. For example, during the process of unscrewing the cylinder, gas escapes uncontrollably.

Manufacturers have created a new line of gas cylinders, and Now they are enough for 4-5 charges. It is quite difficult to refill a DuPont with a new portion of fuel without an adapter; experts recommend using special equipment for this. Without an adapter, the owner will have to look for a specialist who will refill the cavity of the product with gas.

How to refill a Djeep lighter?

The Feudor lighter is the best option for connoisseurs of quality. It combines ease of use, high durability and elegance. An interesting option An alternative to matches is the product Zenga 50. In order to ensure long-term use, you should purchase a special gas cylinder (adapters will be included with it, with the help of which refilling will not take much time and effort). Chinese lighters make up the bulk of the product offering.

How to refill a kitchen lighter from a spray can?

A special type of lighter has been created for a gas stove. This accessory is essential in the kitchen and has an unlimited number of advantages compared to matches. There are the following types of products:

  • gas;
  • gasoline;
  • piece

The procedure is simple: remove the cap and press the spout against the valve located at the bottom of the lighter. Press and hold in a vertical position for about 5-10 seconds. If the hissing does not subside, the procedure should be repeated after a couple of minutes.

How to refill a gasoline lighter?

Manufacturers have provided the ability to refill products with gasoline. Depending on the brand of the product, it is necessary to take into account the main rule: refueling is carried out with exactly the same fuel that was originally filled.

On forums you can often see that users are concerned with the question: what can you use to refill a lighter? It’s worth noting right away that motor gasoline is not suitable for specialized stores They sell a special one - flavored. In addition to gasoline, it is not recommended to use other fuel options, as there is a possibility of the lighter breaking and even exploding. With constant use, the need for refilling increases. The sooner the procedure is performed, the longer the product will last.

How to refill a Zippo lighter with gasoline?

Zippo lighters are not very popular among smokers.These are accessories highest quality, but the price for such a lighter is quite high.

As a rule, a lighter from this company requires refilling with gasoline. It is best to purchase the company's branded product Zippo for fuel replenishment as they are guaranteed to fit this product.

Before refueling, you need to remove the housing. Raise the angle of the valve. There will be an inscription Lift to fuel. Carefully begin filling the cotton wool with liquid. Try not to get it on your skin. After this, assemble the lighter and set it aside for 10-15 minutes so that the cotton wool is properly saturated.

Make sure that there is no oversaturation, as otherwise you will be able to see excess product on the wick.

How to refill a lighter with a wick?

Gasoline lighters without a valve can be refilled without spending a lot of time. Remove the body, take out the gasket and carefully moisten the cotton wool that is already available. Or use tweezers to remove the old one and replace it with a new one.

If you need to replace the wick, a screwdriver is useful to carefully unscrew the small spring and replace the burnt out cord.

Don't forget about the classics. For smoking pipe The main element is quality tobacco and proper care. Using this accessory will save a lot of time, and the skin of your hands will not be exposed to the harmful effects of substances that are used in the manufacture of modern cigarettes.

How to refill an autogenous lighter?

On the back of the product there is a valve through which fuel is replenished in the lighter cavity. It is worth making sure that there are no obstacles and access is not blocked by debris.

How do autogenous lighters differ from analogues? Only because in windy weather the flame burns evenly, and the product will not let the owner down.