Each squirrel family has a separate apartment! (Belchatnik). How to make a house, a feeder for squirrels? How to hang a house for squirrels

If you grow apples, pears, hazelnuts or walnut, most likely, squirrels will be frequent guests in the garden. Don't be afraid. Cute and funny animals of the northern forests will give pleasant moments to both adults and children. These animals can be easily domesticated. To begin with, you can install a suitable tower for them in the garden.

It's easy to build a squirrel house with your own hands. To this exciting activity You can also involve children.

A little about squirrels and their house

IN wildlife such rodents have their own own house- hollow. It functions as a multi-room space. By nature, the squirrel is very hardworking, so it prepares mushrooms, nuts, and seeds for the winter. In the deep hollow there is a pantry for food. Since these animals breed twice a year, there is a place for a maternity hospital. Little squirrels and their mother spend time in the hollow until they are 3 months old. There is a room here for kindergarten. Such a home protects fluffy squirrels from enemies and bad weather.

As a rule, in winter small animals live in groups, helping each other in severe frosts. During spring, when it is time to have children, every couple is looking for their own home. The process of natural selection begins.

Healthy and strong animals settle in inhabited hollows, driving out their rightful owners. The tragedy can be prevented by placing feeders in time and calling the kids to help build them for the squirrels special place habitat.

Very friendly and brave animals settle near people’s homes when they do not see danger in their neighborhood. Making a house for a simple coquette is not only a manifestation of care and love for an animal, but also a person’s relationship with nature.

By the way, a squirrel can live not only in a hollow:

Interesting video about how squirrels can choose a hollow:

In forests, red animals love to be in the hollows of oak trees or coniferous trees. The structures for them should be made from this kind of wood.

There are several squirrel colonies in the photo:

In relation to living conditions, these animals are demanding and picky. Before you make a house for a squirrel with your own hands, you need to take into account some nuances:

  1. The structure must be made of wood only. Animals will not live in every tree. For example, they will not be located in a well-designed house made of fruit trees, poplar or acacia. If oak or pine needles are not available, you can use birch or aspen wood. Iron, plastic, plastic parts cannot be used for a house. Leftover lumber is suitable for construction.
  2. Having made such a mansion, it should not be treated with varnish or paint. Animals cannot stand such smells and will not live in such a house.
  3. It will be much more comfortable for the animals to be in improvised hollow than in luxury apartments. Standard parameters should be approximately 55x40x45 cm. The size of the hole is no more than 7 cm in diameter.

Drawings of houses for squirrels:

In order for a squirrel to settle in a house built for it, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  1. First, you can choose the tree on which the housing will be mounted. You can choose it closer to your windows, so that you can then observe the life of the animal from home.
  2. To avoid direct sunlight, the squirrel house must be installed on the south side.
  3. For the safety of the animal, the height of the housing can be about 5 meters.

Do not forget that such rodents, although small, are animals. Although they can be trained to be hand fed, this is not recommended. They can carry plague or other animal diseases. They can also bite painfully.

How to build a house for a squirrel with your own hands from wood

This little rodent has its own character. In America, local farmers do not like these animals, as they are capable of destroying grain and corn. There they adapted to live in completely unusual conditions– they can be seen in cardboard boxes, abandoned attics, and plastic containers.

Domestic forest beauties prefer a more comfortable home. Most suitable option construction is a two-story squirrel house with an internal partition.

1 option

To build a simple and comfortable home for the squirrel you need an edged board 30 cm wide and 1.8 cm thick. Next you need to perform the following work:

  1. Select a 55 cm board and saw it off. This will be its back wall, its dimensions are 55x30 cm.
  2. Mark 5 cm at the bottom and top of the back wall. These are the parts for which the house will be attached to the tree.
  3. The side walls are cut out. Two pieces 45x25 cm come out of them.
  4. For the internal partition, cut out a piece 20x25 cm.
  5. The lid should have the following parameters: 30x30 cm, bottom - 25x30 cm.
  6. To make a porch, take two planks.
  7. On the top left side of the facade, make a hole for the entrance, the diameter of which is 7–8 cm.

When all the details of the future mansion are ready, you can begin the assembly itself. Each part must be sanded, as even small cuts are dangerous for squirrels. After making sure that the adhesive does not have any harsh or persistent odors, all the parts need to be assembled onto it. When in perfect order, all this is fixed with self-tapping screws.

Option 2

It will be more comfortable and convenient for squirrels to live in a built log house. It reminds them of a natural home. And they settle in it with pleasure. The design of such housing is similar to natural decor. The assembly design is simple.

First, a log is sawn, the diameter of which is 40 cm, and the walls are 3 cm. Inner surface needs to be processed - polished. Then the inlet hole is sawed through and the cover is nailed. The finished house can be safely attached to a tree.

Video on how to make a house for a squirrel with your own hands:

Where to install a squirrel house

Housing for a wild vernage (as a squirrel is sometimes called) must not only be comfortable, but also properly designed. It still needs to be installed in the right place. To do this, the house is placed close to a tree trunk. Branches should not be a hindrance to him. The hole of the manhole must be placed on the south or east side.

You can put pieces of moss or tow at the bottom of the house. Later, the squirrels will be able to make their abode more comfortable.

How to set up an enclosure for squirrels

What types of enclosures for squirrels are there:

Since squirrels are unpretentious animals, they can willingly live in an apartment. The future house - an aviary or a squirrel colony - should be located opposite the window. The size of the area depends on the number of animals. These cute creatures require a height of up to 3 meters.

First you need to assemble the frame. The boards and beams must be strong and are quite suitable for supports that are firmly installed to the floor and ceiling. The entire enclosure should be covered with netting. You can fix the mesh using self-tapping screws. In the squirrel barn it is necessary to make a small door for cleaning the room and delivering food.

How else can you make a cage for squirrels:

Making a feeder

The photo shows different feeders for squirrels:

Simple and quick way make a feeder for a small animal - using plastic bottle. Its most suitable volume is 5 liters. Made in a bottle round hole diameter 10 cm.

You can make a nest for a whole family of wild verniki to settle. The nesting house will not be so high, but wide, so that the mother and her children will be comfortable. At the bottom of the entrance hole, install 2-3 perches for babies. The nest should be attached to a tree so that it is not accessible to predators. Make sure that it is not blown by the wind. The bottom of the house is covered with dry leaves and hay so that the veritelle can build a nest.

To make it comfortable for the mother of the little ones to live in the garden, you can combine such a little house with a feeding trough. On the opposite side of the panel entrance, a hole with the diameter of the neck is cut liter jar. Its bottom should be made longer, according to the height of this jar. Various delicacies are poured into it. These can be seeds, nuts, apples and other delicacies, which are inserted into the holes of the house and attached with a dart to the bottom bar. To replenish food regularly, the jar should be easy to remove.

Another option:

Today these animals are very popular all over the world for catching beautiful skins. And their extraordinary fertility saves them. There can be as many as 10 cubs. Every year more and more forests are destroyed, but squirrels find a way out here too - they move to parks, gardens, they can even be found in vineyards. In preparation for winter, the clever woman of the northern forests makes a lot of supplies. Other animals often steal hidden food. Sometimes she forgets where she hid it. Over time, the seeds and nuts germinate, giving birth to new plantings.

Squirrels are funny and attractive. They will never live in environmentally unfavorable places.

And if you see a smart tailed girl near your window, at home or in the country, everything is not so bad in your city or village.

Making a house for a squirrel with your own hands is not at all difficult. In any case, it is not too different from a birdhouse, except perhaps in its size and some internal features. I’ll tell you how to quickly make a squirrel nest, which, despite its simplicity, will soon have a cheerful tenant.

Organic house for a squirrel

Dimensions of the correct squirrel cage.
It has long been noticed that squirrels prefer to live not alone, but in families. However, there is a nuance here: each family member needs their own personal space, which is provided by partitions or the construction of multi-story houses.
If you decide to make a one-story house, then optimal height for it it will be 40 - 45 cm. In a multi-tiered building, the height of each floor is usually 30 cm. For comfortable life A house width of 25 cm is quite sufficient for squirrels. It makes no sense to build larger squirrel colonies - they will not attract animals, since it will be too cold in them in winter.

What can you use to build a squirrel house with your own hands?
To begin with, you should choose the material from which your squirrel cage will be made. It depends on what you have in your household, as well as on the desired appearance.
Let's look at two options:
1. Construction of a house from edged boards using self-tapping screws and subsequent insulation with moss. In this case, by appearance the squirrel nest becomes very similar to a birdhouse.

House for a squirrel - a large "birdhouse"

2. Making a house from a single piece of wood. The result of construction is a house that looks like a squirrel’s natural “apartment” - a hollow.

Squirrel house - imitation hollow

Belchatnik from edged boards
In order to build such a squirrel colony, you need to purchase edged board, better from pine. Three meters of board 18 mm thick and 30 cm wide is enough. To cut wood you will need a square and a hacksaw. Multi-storey squirrel colonies with internal partitions are considered the most preferable. We suggest you build a two-story house.
Cutting out parts for the house
First, measure from the solid board along 55 cm - cut out the first part. This will be the back side of the squirrel nest. We measure 5 cm from the top and bottom of the parts - this way we will get free parts with which the house will be attached to the tree. The front side of the building will be smaller in height - 45 cm. We cut two parts from the board - 45x25 cm - these will be the side walls of the squirrel cage. Let's not forget about the internal partition measuring 25x20 cm.

Cutting out parts for the house

Two small planks left after cutting can be used as an entrance porch.

Walls of a squirrel house

We arrange " entrance doors»
We make a hole on the back and front walls - an entrance for furry tenants. You can make them square, however, it is better to opt for a round hole. Too large “entrance doors” are useless - 7 - 8 cm will be enough. This size will allow the squirrels to feel comfortable and will help preserve internal heat. Holes are cut out with a jigsaw and carefully sanded with sandpaper so that the animals cannot catch on the wood chips and are not injured.

If you don’t want the squirrel to freeze, the hole in the wall of the house should be no more than 7-8 cm

Assembling the structure
Using glue we fasten all the parts into one structure. After making sure that all the elements fit correctly, we finally fix them with self-tapping screws (it is not advisable to use nails, since the squirrels can be injured by the sharp edges).

Using glue, we assemble the parts of the squirrel cage together

After the house is assembled, put some moss or tow inside. This will allow forest residents to independently seal all the cracks and errors in your construction to ensure maximum comfort and warmth for their future offspring.

The squirrel house is ready!(I just think the nails for hanging the “railings” are superfluous)

Solid log house
Houses in the form of a forest hollow fit much better into the design of any site, as they are able to “get lost” among the trees and become almost one with your garden. Moreover, such structures are very warm (thanks to thick walls), durable and practical - squirrels live in them with great pleasure. It’s not difficult to make a similar squirrel nest. You need to purchase a log from wood that is typical for your area. Squirrels love to roost in oak and pine hollows. Aspen and birch are not their favorites, but if you make a house out of poplar, then be prepared that squirrel families will generally avoid the building.

We will take a pine log with a diameter of at least 40 cm. We saw off a part of our log 4 cm thick - this is the future roof of the squirrel farm. Next, we saw off a piece of log 40 cm high. From the top of the hemp we hollow out the cavity necessary for comfortable stay proteins. The main thing here is not to overdo it and leave the side walls and bottom about 3 cm thick. We cut out the entrance hole on one side of the squirrel cage. The upper open part of the house is covered with a roof prepared earlier. You can use any thick branch or snag as a porch.

Squirrel house with driftwood porch

This is how a one-story house for a squirrel is made. The construction of multi-storey apartments is carried out a little differently. For it, we immediately cut out two pieces of logs 4 cm thick - this will be the bottom of the first floor and the roof of the second. We saw off a part of the log 75 cm high to create “apartments”. From the upper and lower ends of the log, we hollow out two cavities to a depth of approximately 35 cm, providing for the presence of side walls 3 cm thick. At the required height, we make two entrance holes for the first and second floors. We fix the roof and bottom.

Hanging a house for a squirrel
Squirrel houses are only hung on trees. Animals will not want to settle in squirrel colonies placed on artificial poles or supports. Choose a quiet, peaceful place south side tree - this will protect the animals from the cold wind.
It is advisable that the inlets be directed to the east, since squirrels prefer this direction of light most of all. Minimum height from the house to the ground is 5 meters. Only this height is safe enough for squirrels and will allow them to raise their offspring without fear. We hang a squirrel house on a tree We hang a squirrel house on a tree Caring for the house At the end of summer it is necessary to clean the house. Remove all dirt from it, replace insulating materials with new ones. This will prevent the growth of bacteria, which can cause unpleasant odor from squirrel growth, as well as diseases of animals you have tamed. However, squirrels are economic creatures and can cope with this themselves.

Making bird feeders is a fairly common activity, but you can also please other forest inhabitants, such as squirrels. Creating such a design is not a difficult task. The same goes for its installation.


A house for a squirrel is created based on the behavioral characteristics of these animals and several important rules. It can only be assembled from untreated wood. The ban on the use of varnishes, paints and even stains is explained by the fact that sharp and unusual smells repel squirrels.

The wood can be of any format (logs or boards), but must be dried. Wet wood takes a long time to dry, and it is likely that a situation will arise that winter has already arrived, and the squirrel garden is not ready for use.

All walls of the house must be of sufficient thickness and the inside must be additionally covered with dry insulation. Alternatively, these can be fabric napkins, moss or cotton rags. In addition, it is important to sand the existing surfaces, otherwise leaving a sliver of wood will quickly lead to injury to the animal.

It is important that the entrance hole allows the squirrel to enter and exit its “home” without problems.

Properly collected squirrel forest allows the animals to survive even severe frosts, but at the same time recreates as much as possible the conditions of their natural habitat, that is, a hollow.

It is not customary to fix the bottom of the house with screws from the outside. Having selected the required diameter, it is enough to place it correctly inside and prevent it from falling out. The squirrel colony should be compact to prevent the animals from hypothermia in the cold months.


In general, two main types of squirrels can be distinguished. The first resembles an ordinary house, and the projects for its creation depend only on the imagination of the author. The basis of the design is assembled according to similar principles, and then a variety of decorative design and creation takes place. additional elements. Such squirrels will be discussed below.

The second type of house for a squirrel is a nest box, a house made of a solid log. Although it is much more difficult to implement it, a number of advantages justify it.

For example, the walls of the nest are much thicker, which means the animals inside are warmer. The design looks very natural in the forest landscape, and the squirrels themselves feel inside as if in a natural hollow. The log used for the nest must be absolutely dry - it will take young logs up to a month in the fresh air to do this. The roof of the house can be removable to be able to put food inside for animals.

General principles of creation

One of the main tasks when creating a squirrel cage with your own hands is to correctly calculate the dimensions of all the parts and draw up the drawings. When identifying the parameters of walls and roofs, you can use ready-made figures presented on the Internet. The side walls of the basic house are 45 by 25 centimeters, and the top and bottom walls are 55 by 30 centimeters.

There is also an internal partition, the length of which corresponds to 25 centimeters and the width to 20 centimeters. It is worth doing it, since the animals live in families, but each individual prefers to have a separate space. It is worth explaining that the result will be a simple house with flat roof

If you want to make the structure more interesting - with a vaulted roof, then you will have to independently calculate the angle of the vault and the parameters of the roof. In addition, the side walls should extend upward, forming corners responsible for complete sealing. Wooden board It is better to sand it first, but not to process it. The wall thickness should be between 1.5 and 2 centimeters.

In general, a three-meter board with a width of 30 centimeters will be enough for all the work. Assembly will require familiar tools, usually found in household. Most often this is a pencil with a ruler, a hacksaw and a jigsaw, a screwdriver with self-tapping screws, sandpaper and possibly a waterproof, odorless adhesive.

The use of glue is not mandatory, so if you are unable to find suitable composition, then it’s better to skip the gluing stage altogether. Don't forget about the need for drying. finished design in the fresh air for about a day.

It is worth mentioning that it is easy to create a second floor in a tall house. This way the space can accommodate a large number of individuals in winter.


To make a house for a squirrel, it is enough to follow a certain algorithm, and then the task will be completed in one day.

First, a project is created independently or taken on the Internet, after which drawings are prepared based on it. On at this stage It is imperative to take into account the size ratio of the important components of the structure, that is, the bottom, side walls and roof. If desired, you can additionally create back wall and shelves. Next, the material for the squirrel cage is determined. As mentioned above, the best option will become a dried wooden board.

It is better to first draw the calculated details on a stencil, and then transfer them to wood using a pencil and ruler. Having cut out the individual parts of the house, you need to connect them using nails and screws. In the basic version, cracks are sealed with forest moss. Finally, the finished feeder is attached to the trunk with wire or several clamps. Of course, you can do it simpler and just place it on the tree cardboard box or a plastic bottle. But in this case, you should be prepared that, firstly, squirrels are unlikely to like such a craft, and, secondly, its service life will be very limited.

The algorithm for creating a squirrel nest from a solid stump looks a little different. First, two circles of equal thickness are cut out, forming the roof of the second floor and the bottom of the first. Next, a part of the log is taken, approximately 75 centimeters in length, inside of which it is necessary to hollow out the insides on both sides so that a couple of floors are obtained. Having secured the roof and bottom, you can proceed to cutting the entrance holes.

Decorative design

When decorating a house for a squirrel, it is important to avoid using paints, but you can use any interesting decorative elements, attractive to the animal. For example, a decoration in the form of cones, attached with nails to the roof or walls of the structure, is suitable.

If the house was assembled from solid logs, then some part can be decorated using the technique of decorative wood carving. The boards themselves, which have become the walls of the house, can first be decorated with burnt pictures. Good decision will be issued separately entrance area– create a kind of porch, reminiscent of a birdhouse platform, so that it is easier for squirrels to get inside.

How to attach to wood?

You will need to secure the squirrel cage to the tree using wire or clamps. The use of nails is strictly discouraged, as this threatens to damage the structure. The tree on which the house will be placed must be uniformly thick, stable and not sway in the wind. If possible, it is recommended to hang the homemade product on coniferous trees or oak, which are the most attractive to baby squirrels. As for the height of the squirrel nest, it must be at least 5 meters, otherwise the squirrels will not be able to breed their offspring.

It is better to choose a well-lit south or east side, but only if they are not also the windiest. If the structure is mounted on its own garden plot, then you need to choose the most quiet and peaceful place, close to the forest. The entrance to the squirrel colony should face east, as the animals like it when the light comes from this side.

To attract animals to the house, you can place food on its porch or just nearby plywood.

If the forest is within walking distance from your dacha, be sure to install a house for a squirrel on your property. Curious beauties will quickly spot suitable housing and get comfortable in the new territory. And you enjoy country life with red-haired neighbors: watch their games, feed them - over time, the squirrels will tame and become good friends.

Video idea: original feeding house for a squirrel

Why do squirrels need housing?

Furry animals live alone, each needing their own shelter. In the forest, they create hollows or build nests themselves in trees, most often spruce trees. Home for them is:

  • protection from snowfall and cold (in severe winter, furry animals do not show their noses from the nest for several days);
  • a pantry with a variety of food supplies (hardworking animals collect nuts, mushrooms, seeds, berries all summer, if there are no supplies, even in frosty conditions squirrels go in search of food and often die);
  • a place for the birth and hatching of cubs (squirrels are born twice a year: in spring and summer; bald, blind, helpless creatures - there are from 3 to 10 of them in a litter - live in home up to 3 months; until they grow up, a caring mother almost never leaves the shelter).

We fix the squirrel house on a tree

In severe cold, animals help each other; several of them settle in one nest. But in the spring, each squirrel requires a separate home to breed. In this case, the strongest survive; often the animals kick out the legal residents from the birdhouses and settle there. Therefore, installing a “birdhouse” for squirrels will not only please you and your loved ones, but will significantly help cute animals and birds.

In stores you will find ready-made squirrel meat: from simple structure to a multi-story palace. When choosing, do not get carried away by brightness and catchiness. For animals, it is much more important how and what the housing is made of.

Requirements for squirrel cage

  1. Material - only natural wood. Squirrels live in natural conditions. Plastic and other artificial “non-breathable” structures will not suit them.
  2. The interior walls cannot be treated. If you notice traces of varnish, paint or other chemicals, do not buy. The animals will be frightened by foreign odors and will not settle in such living space.
  3. The dimensions must be respected. Squirrels love cozy small nests, so a compact squirrel nest is preferable. Best options are as follows: height - no more than 55 cm, width - 40 cm, depth - 45 cm. The opening of the hole should be round, with a diameter of 6-7 cm. In huge buildings - and there is little chance that tenants will appear there - the squirrels will freeze.

Installation Rules

Create “native” living conditions for nice new residents. When installing a squirrel cage, observe the following rules:

  • fasten it to the tree;
  • height - at least 5 meters from the ground, then the squirrels will feel safe;
  • It is better to turn the window to the south or east;
  • take into account the direction of the winds in your area - the hollow cannot be directed towards constant winds;
  • put some moss or tow on the bottom - they will be useful for residents to seal cracks;
  • Build a feeder next to the tree - this way your nimble friends will quickly get used to their new place.

You can create housing for squirrels yourself. Building a house will delight you and your children, and the excitement of communicating with your dear neighbors will increase noticeably.

Tricks for making squirrel cages

  1. Use any boards, even slabs.
  2. The material must be dry.
  3. With a board thickness of 2-2.5 cm, the structure will last longer.
  4. Do not plane the boards for the interior walls.
  5. Strictly observe the dimensions: the width of the side panels is 30 cm, the front and back are 25. The remaining parameters are indicated above.
  6. Don’t nail the bottom on the outside, but insert it inside – it won’t fall off for a long time.

There are two common ways to build a squirrel house with your own hands: from a board in the shape of a birdhouse and from a whole log.

How to easily build a house from a board

Building a house with the advice of experienced builders will be simple and quick. Build a squirrel colony on two floors - the animals love to live in families, and you will have more fun from the pleasant invasion.

Prepare materials for work. Purchase three meters of boards 30 cm wide and 18 mm thick. Take a hacksaw and a cutting square.

The house is built!

How to build a solid squirrel farm

Animals live in log houses with pleasure: it is cozy and, thanks to the thick walls, very warm. Such squirrel nests will naturally fit into any design and blend into your garden. When purchasing a log, keep in mind that squirrels love coniferous and oak hollows most of all; they are reluctant to settle in birch and aspen ones, and generally avoid poplar ones. Use a log with a diameter of at least 40 cm.

Step-by-step construction of a house made of solid logs

  1. build a roof - saw off a circle 4 cm thick;
  2. cut a piece 40 cm long - this is a squirrel harvest;
  3. hollow out a cavity in the hemp of the size necessary for the animals to live, not forgetting to leave the thickness of the side walls and bottom about 3 cm;
  4. cut a round hole on the side - a manhole;
  5. nail the previously made lid on top;
  6. If desired, arrange a porch - pin a snag or a thick branch.

A wonderful squirrel cage is ready! In the same way, a two-story log house is created.

Two-story apartment made from a single piece of wood

  1. saw off two circles 4 cm thick - the bottom of the first floor and the roof of the second;
  2. prepare a piece of log 75 cm long;
  3. hollow out holes 35 cm deep in it from the ends, not forgetting about the thickness of the walls;
  4. attach the bottom and roof;
  5. cut two entry holes at the desired height.

You have built a luxurious apartment for a family of nimble animals!

How to care for a house

Over time, all homes become inhabited by bacteria, an unpleasant odor appears, and animals can get sick. So, caring for a squirrel colony means thorough cleaning at the end of summer. Contact with harmful microorganisms don't, put on rubber gloves before working.

Remove all debris, dirt and insulation materials, if used. You can wipe the bottom and walls damp cloth. Then lay down fresh bedding.

Summer with a house for charming squirrels will definitely be warm - your hearts will be warmed by the thought that you helped wildlife.

(18 ratings, average: 4,14 out of 5)

If there is at least a small forest near your dacha, then it is likely that squirrels will become frequent guests in the garden. Watching these funny animals brings great pleasure to both children and adults.

If you want to tame a squirrel, install a house for it on a tree in your garden. Can be purchased ready house at a pet store or build it yourself. This is no more difficult than building a birdhouse, and you can also involve children in this exciting activity.

Selecting a location

Housing for a squirrel can be built in the form of an ordinary wooden box with hole, if you are a beginner amateur carpenter.

In order for a squirrel to like its new home, you must follow several rules:

  1. Carefully select the tree on which to hang the squirrel house. It’s good if it can be seen from the window, because watching the life of its inhabitants is very fascinating.
  2. The house should be located on the south side, but not in direct sunlight.
  3. When installing the house, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the wind so that a draft does not blow into the entrance hole.
  4. For the squirrel to feel safe, the mounting height of the house should be about 5 meters.
  5. The squirrel cage material must be natural. Any wood will do, you can use leftover lumber. You should not use plastic during construction, as squirrels can chew it.
  6. When the animal settles in the house, do not forget that it is a wild animal. You should not pick him up in an attempt to tame him. Squirrels have sharp teeth and claws that they use for self-defense. In addition, living in their natural habitat, they can be carriers dangerous diseases. Pets can also suffer from close contact with squirrels.

The simplest option

This option does not require special construction tools and carpentry skills. To start building a house, you will need:

Measure a 55x30 cm rectangle on the board and cut it out - this will be the back wall of the house. The second rectangle (50x30 cm in size) is a blank for the front side.

The two sides of the ribs will be 55x30 cm in size so that the roof of the house is at an angle to allow water to drain after rain.

Upper and bottom strap are cut out 30x30 cm in size, one of them will be the roof, and the second will be the bottom.

When creating an entrance to a house, on one of the side surfaces you need to draw a circle with a diameter of about 8 cm. The hole should be located closer to the front and top surface. The entrance must be cut out with a jigsaw and be sure to sand it.

The walls must be fastened together in the following order:


The simplest and quick option feeders for squirrels - make one from a plastic bottle. A 5 liter bottle is best. You just need to make a round hole with a diameter of 10 cm in the bottle. The hole should be located 2 cm above the bottom.

Nest house

If you are not new to carpentry and want to add something to your garden a whole family of squirrels, you can try to organize a nest.

The nesting house is built less high, but wider, so that the mother is comfortable with the kids. You can install several perches for babies under the entrance hole. The nest must be attached to the tree in such a way that it was not accessible to predators and was not blown by the wind. Dry leaves and hay should be laid at the bottom of the house to make it easier for the squirrel to build a nest.

So that mother does not have to leave her babies for a long time, you can combine a house with a feeding trough. To do this, in the panel opposite from the entrance, you need to cut a round hole with a diameter commensurate with the neck of a liter jar, and make the bottom of the house longer by the height of this jar. To the jar sprinkle treats for squirrels, insert into the hole in the house and securely attach it with wire to the bottom bar. The jar should be easy to remove for refilling with food.

Having built such a house for a squirrel family, it is likely that in the spring you will be able to admire the baby squirrels crawling out to bask in the sun and eat nuts from the feeder.

Squirrel for degu

Finished cell

You should not try to catch a wild squirrel and put it in a cage. It is better to let the animal remain in the wild, in natural conditions. If you want to keep a rodent at home, you can get a degu. This little brown rodent is size 15 -2 5 cm looks and behaves like a squirrel, only without a fluffy tail.

Degu is very - sociable and social rodents, are easily tamed and rarely bite. Degus are able to recognize their owners, have a fairly good memory and behave more openly with people they know. They they are not afraid of anything, That's why able to defend themselves from cats, dogs and vacuum cleaner. They are very curious, taste and smell everything new.

need a big cage measuring about a meter in height and at least 60 cm in width, as they must run and climb a lot. They love to chew on everything, so plastic should not be used when building a house, and rodents should not be placed in glass aquariums, they are poorly ventilated. A metal cage is best. It would be nice to build a house with several floors and tiers. The bottom should have a retractable tray for easy cleaning.

Degus will appreciate a house with furniture: branches, pipes, ladders, ropes. Must be placed automatic drinker and several feeders for dry and plant foods. Can put the wheel on with a diameter of about 30 cm, the degu will happily run around in it. It is better if the wheel is solid and not wire, otherwise the tail may get stuck in it, and this is the weak point of these animals. Like lizards, degus cast off their tail when threatened, but it will not grow back.

You can put a cup of sand in the house, the animal will be happy to bathe in it and clean its fur. The flooring must be continuous and covered with a material suitable for digging, such as a peat mixture or wood shavings. The litter must be changed periodically.

The cage must be placed away from direct sunlight and drafts. The room should be about 20 degrees Celsius. The animals will survive even in severe frosts, but they do not like humid, damp air.

Homemade house

If you cannot find a cage suitable for comfortable living for a degu, you can build it yourself.

The upper part of the cage will consist of a wire mesh with cells no larger than 2x2 cm; you can buy it at a hardware or hardware store. Bottom part with a pallet can be made of hard wood, lined inside sheet metal. It is necessary to consider closing the cage so that the animals cannot open the door. In the cage you can place a branchy part of a tree, along which the rodent will enjoy climb and sharpen your teeth.

Inside the cell you can attach a small house- the same as for a squirrel, where the animal can hide in case of danger or for rest. The house is made measuring 20x15 cm and 10x12 cm in height. It is best to use when building a degu burrow. conifers bitter-tasting wood so that the house is not eaten by a rodent.

You don't need to be an architect to build a squirrel tree house or a den for a pet rodent; Can be done by people without special construction skills. Observing the life of animals will be fascinating for all family members. This process also provides educational experience for children.