Cracks in a residential building. The correct principle for eliminating cracks in a brick wall. Crack in the outer wall

An unexpectedly opened crack in brick wall newly erected
or a residential, public or residential building built several years ago
industrial building is a signal indicating the occurrence
pre-emergency situation, the causes of which must be found and
opportunities to eliminate.
A crack is the first sign of danger
along the vertical and horizontal seams of the masonry walls of buildings there are no
only in brick buildings: recently very popular construction may have the same problems. This means that defects
this kind of single roots, independent of the size and material of the stones,
from which the walls of a building or structure are lined. Small width
opening of cracks does not affect the appearance of buildings and, photos of which can be viewed on our website, maintain strict
the geometry of the seams on their facades.
However, when the width of the cracks
exceeds 5 mm, such a defect becomes visible from afar. Except
negative visual impression, the crack is a conductor
cold, and water that gets into it and subsequently freezes can
speed up the destruction of the wall. Such deformations occur not only in
multi-storey buildings, for manor-type houses, a crack in the brick
wall is also a common occurrence.

It is very important to see the damage
masonry, do not delay determining the reasons for its occurrence and the path
elimination, and contact specialists. It is difficult to detect wall deformation in cases where
hinged facade system, covering the surface of a brick
walls, however, are the most dangerous through cracks that can be detected
not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
Causes of cracks in the wall
A powerful impetus for the occurrence of wall deformations is the uneven settlement of foundations, which can be caused by:

  • unreliability or incompleteness of engineering-geological surveys. For example: no layer of soft soils was detected, mechanical
    whose characteristics are insufficient to bear the load from
    building structures. Or: at field work When extracting cores, a violation of their structure occurred, which is why they were incorrectly identified
    strength parameters of the soil, which led to subsidence of the structure.
  • initially incorrectly executed foundation or foundation. Here maybe
    be poor quality waterproofing and drainage, which led to
    soaking the soil under the building, or a small area of ​​the foundation base,
    because of which the load on the ground turned out to be greater than permissible.
  • improper operation engineering systems buildings. In this case, a crack in the brick wall may occur due to water supply leaks
    or sewerage with subsequent soaking of the soil.

Exists possibility of groundwater appearing on the site, which changed their course
because of the new buildings that have arisen along its path. Such situations are often
arise during the development of large areas, when engineering-geological
surveys are carried out not on the entire territory, but on each
individual plot separately. In this case there is a risk
change the direction of groundwater movement in an unpredictable

A crack appeared in the wall. What should I do?
know what to do if there is a crack in a brick wall
appeared. First of all, it is necessary to invite specialists who
will be able to find the causes of deformations and determine methods
preventing their further development. Also from the moment of discovery
cracks, cement marks should be installed on them: in 2-3 places along
make small rectangles of cement mortar along the length of the crack
several millimeters thick in order to understand whether
the deformation continues or it has already stopped. If the stamps remain intact
for 2-3 weeks, which means most likely a drawdown
ended and you need to think about how to repair the cracks in order to preserve and
appearance home, and prevent the wall from freezing in this place. If
stamps are cracked, then deformations continue, and it will be necessary to develop and
carry out serious, expensive activities, including possible
strengthening walls and foundations.
Most often, to eliminate the possibility of further soaking of foundation soils, the following measures are recommended:

  • installation of reinforced adhesive waterproofing of the foundation and basement walls. For this you can use
    various welded roll materials offered by the retail chain in
    wide range.
  • repair and increase in the width of the blind area, and also
    device drainage system along the perimeter of the building, which will allow
    prevent soaking of foundation soils by rain and melt water.
  • inspection and repair of pipeline joints, taking place in the basement of the house and next to it.

these measures will not be enough, then the foundation will have to be strengthened.
One of the most effective methods amplification is a device
inclined piles that are brought under the foundation finished house And
transfer the load from its weight to the ground, which has the necessary
strength characteristics. After completing the repair work
reasons for subsidence and preventing the possibility of its occurrence in
In the future, the crack in the brick wall can be completely sealed

One of the most popular materials for the construction of various objects is brick. However, this material is not ideal, and buildings made from it may experience defects and damage during use.

The most common defect is cracks in the wall. Correcting such a deficiency will not be difficult. To do this, you need to find out the cause of the crack and select the necessary technological method to eliminate it.


The appearance of cracks on brick wall surfaces is a bad sign. However, if the foundation is laid correctly and the masonry is done correctly, cracks should not occur.

Any visible flaw indicates non-compliance with construction or use standards and requires immediate correction of the cause of its appearance. The level of difficulty in sealing cracks in wall surfaces depends on their thickness and depth (sometimes you have to disassemble the required area brickwork).

You can repair the crack yourself if you follow our recommendations. We will help you eliminate any defects (for example, a cracked surface of a load-bearing wall).

Causes of cracks

There are several reasons that create this unpleasant problem.

  • Absence or unsuitability of connections between blocks. It appears in the form of a vertical crack along the entire height of the wall (occurs when constructing an extension to an existing building or when the work is not carried out correctly). It is possible to get rid of the gap only if a preliminary screed is made with a reinforced belt.
  • Disadvantages when laying the foundation of a building: pouring the foundation to a shallow depth (less than the ground freezing level), using granular or mineral blocks, using concrete with poor strength and frost resistance. External manifestations: cracks in corner areas or rapidly increasing cracks in the upper parts of brick wall surfaces.

This can be avoided by strengthening the perimeter of the foundation by creating a belt of concrete.

  • Erroneous determination of soil quality, due to which errors occur when taking into account the load. This also includes soil deformation as a result of vibrations, natural phenomena(for example, active groundwater), as well as work being carried out nearby the object. All this leads to the appearance of large cracks across the entire surface of the walls.
  • Subsidence of the structure during the first year of operation. This manifests itself in the form of small and shallow cracks, which do not subsequently increase in size. To eliminate them, you only need to make minor repairs.
  • . Cracks occur in areas of greatest stress. To avoid this, you need to distribute the load evenly and apply screed in the necessary places.

To repair a crack in the wall brick house, you should follow simple instructions:

  • carefully inspect the entire building, identify and eliminate sources of cracks;
  • periodically check the condition of wall surfaces;
  • if the slightest cracks are detected, everything possible must be immediately done to prevent the spread of defects;
  • when cracks form, it is necessary to clear the necessary internal area of ​​the cracks, as well as to maximize interaction with finishing agents;
  • After checking the walls and treating the cracks, you should cover up the discovered cavities and apply external insulation (or finishing).

Until the cause of the flaw is determined, there is no point in doing anything to correct it.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly check the rate of crack growth. To do this, the gap must be marked with markings made of putty or concrete mortar. The desired strip sizes are 100x40mm with a layer thickness of less than ten millimeters. There is also a simpler method using paper. Checking for tears should be done every day for five weeks. If problems arise, it is necessary major renovation foundations of the structure and professional assistance.

It is worth remembering that a crack width greater than twenty millimeters is critical. In such a situation, auxiliary reinforcement of crack edges and strengthening of brick structures is necessary. Areas susceptible to destruction need to be dismantled.

If after checking you note that the crack has not increased, then you can use simple method sealing a crack in a brick wall.

Methods for fixing cracks

It is worth remembering that the occurrence of vertical cracks with a width of ten millimeters is a harbinger of the destruction of the walls of the structure. Therefore, repair this crack cement mortar without durable metal tie it won't work. In this regard, there are several repair options.

  • Driving in special anchors made of metal into dowels mounted along the edges of the crack.
  • Installation of longitudinal metal brackets with bends at the edges into pre-drilled holes in wall surfaces (later they should be covered with cement mortar). This method is the easiest and most reliable when correcting through cracks with outside.

  • Strengthening brick masonry with inside special fastening compounds. When installing fasteners into the wall surface, they must be recessed to a great depth (more than half the entire thickness of the wall). It is entirely possible to alternate fasteners. In practice, sealing cracks in brick wall surfaces is done after installing fixing structures.
  • Using reinforcement mesh It is rational if you want to strengthen the entire area of ​​the structure, because even a careful calculation of the foundation does not guarantee the absence of the risk of shrinkage. When choosing a method and material for repairing cracks, it is necessary to take into account the upcoming exterior finishing. All details from metal material are treated with anti-corrosion compounds and are masked by painting or covered with plaster.

How to seal cracks

Compositions for sealing cracks depend on the location of the flaws (inside, outside the house or even under a window). It is possible to close the crack indoors with a gypsum-based composition or a mixture of lime and cement. For external installation, it is better to choose the most moisture-resistant materials (otherwise, the finish will not last long).

  • For minor cracks(less than five millimeters wide) repair using cement mortar is suitable. In situations where microscopic shrinkage cracks do not exceed one millimeter, it is better to cover them with epoxy resin.
  • For defects between five and ten millimeters in length sealing can be done with a composition of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. To achieve a plastic consistency, you need to add water.
  • For more problematic cracks in wall structures made of brick (as well as in structures with a layer of air) great solution will become foam for installation. Such material requires mandatory protection from sunlight, so after hardening the excess foam is removed.

  • For various types of defects will do cement composition with the addition of polymers from the M400 grade category. The compositions are passed through a fine grid with a medium-sized grain of sand or wood glue based on polyvinyl acetate and water. In such cases, PVA is added in excess (from one liter per bucket) and is added to the composition last.
  • For problem areas of the wall(from the inside or outside) you can use silicone-based sealant. The advantages of such a product include the plasticity and long service life of the material, tolerance to changes in temperature and humidity, ease of sealing cracks using mounting gun. Disadvantage this method are large financial expenses, so it is not suitable for large areas and volumes.
  • If it is necessary to eliminate defects on the outside and if there is an outdated mortar, mixtures with the addition of brick crumbs are used.

Upon completion of the repair, the condition of the brick surfaces must be carefully inspected within two months.

Due to the movement of soil layers, the entire structure tilts, now in one direction, now in the other. But the building itself stands solidly, due to good things.

If a crack appears in the wall of a house, this may mean that the foundation is doing its job very poorly. But there are many other reasons why cracks can occur even without the foundation being destroyed.

If the supporting soils do not evenly accept the load, the tape will deform more than the walls of the building can withstand.

It's easy to do:

If the markers remain intact or the cracks widen or narrow, this means that the foundation is fulfilling its purpose well, and there was tension in the wall materials that spilled out in the form of cracks.

To strengthen the wall in the emergency area, use:

  1. Carbon fiber reinforcement or steel mesh, from the outside;
  2. Metal frames or anchors;
  3. Reinforcing elements that are laid along grooves;
  4. The injection method is used.

To decide this problem it is necessary to equip a drainage system.

If no measures help, then the problem of cracks must be looked for in the foundation.

The reason for this is not only the formation of cracks on the building, but also significant flaws in the foundation.

Faults that have formed locally in the foundation must be repaired immediately.

It is not necessary to exclude the possibility that the cause of the cracks may be an initial miscalculation in the design or failure to comply with the requirements during the construction of the building.

So before you start construction, consider all the nuances. Well, if troubles do occur, then after reading this article you will know what to do.

We hope that the information in this article was useful to you. We wish you good luck!

If a crack appears on the wall in your apartment, then the main thing is not to panic. First you need to understand how dangerous it is, and then ask questions: “how to repair cracks in the wall of an apartment?” or “who will pay for the repair of cracks in the wall in the apartment?” The degree of danger can be determined by the size of the resulting depression.

If it is less than one millimeter, then most likely there is nothing wrong. For new buildings, within five years, this is normal. The house is simply shrinking.

If, on the contrary, the building is too “ancient”, then this may indicate that it is dilapidated, worn out, and it is time to assign it emergency status. In general, the reasons can be very diverse.

Crack in the wall in the apartment. What to do and who is to blame?

Any crack that appears on the wall of an apartment is an alarming symptom that indicates the tense state of the enclosing structures. Before asking the question: “how to repair cracks in the wall of an apartment?” you need to understand the reasons for their appearance.

The reasons for this may be different, but they are usually associated with deformation of the foundation. Such damage reduces the structural reliability of the building, as well as its operational properties. In order to understand the cause, you need to determine the type of crack, its direction, opening width, and outline.

Crack direction:

  • Vertical crack in the apartment wall;
  • Sloping crack in an apartment wall;
  • Horizontal crack in the apartment wall.

By outline:

  • Curvilinear;
  • Closed;
  • Direct.

By depth:

  • Superficial;
  • Through.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Building shrinkage;
  • Foundation deformation;
  • Temperature;
  • Due to wear and tear of the building;
  • Weathering of walls.

For example, when soils are compressed unevenly, inclined cracks appear. There may be various reasons for this:

  • Additions or additions can increase the load on the foundation, resulting in excess compressive stress and foundation settlement. In this case, inclined cracks may appear on the walls, opening upward;
  • If you dig a pit too close to an existing building, the building may end up either near the slope or on it. In this case, soil shifts and the appearance of inclined cracks in the wall from the pit side cannot be avoided.

Vertical cracks can occur if:

  • Freezing of the soil, followed by thawing, can cause the building to “walk” and cause cracks, both inclined and vertical;
  • Overloading the walls due to the superstructure can lead to crushing of the masonry. The result is very dangerous vertical cracks that can destroy walls.

The appearance of horizontal cracks is serious:

  • The reasons can be very different, for example, such developer mistakes as a too heavy roof combined with an incorrect building design can lead to this state of affairs.
  • Overloading the walls on one side.

A crack appeared on the wall in the apartment. What to do?

How dangerous a particular crack is can be eloquently demonstrated not only by its location and direction, but also by its behavior. Before repairing a crack in an apartment wall, it is worth studying its nature. If it rapidly increases in width and depth, then this is very danger sign. You need to sound the alarm as quickly as possible and contact specialists. If a crack appears in the wall in an apartment, the question: “what should I do?” can be provided by construction experts. It is best to contact them, as well as the housing inspection. It may be necessary to draw up a statement that clearly states who is at fault and who is obligated to take on financial obligations to correct the deficiencies. For example, the neighbors above, violating all the rules of redevelopment, removed the load-bearing wall, and your wall in your apartment is cracked, where should you go? It is clear that it is not you who should pay for the repair of cracks in the wall in the apartment. By the way, with fairly distinct depressions, repairing cracks in the wall of an apartment yourself is extremely undesirable. After all, this is how you can disguise serious problem, which can have extremely adverse long-term consequences.

Cracks in the wall of the apartment, where to go?

If serious cracks appear in the wall of an apartment, where should you go, other than the housing and communal services department? Experts must diagnose the resulting depression and eliminate the deficiencies. If this measure, for some reason, turns out to be insufficient, then the owner has the right to appeal to an interdepartmental commission to recognize the premises as unsafe. The commission must draw up an expert opinion, which stipulates the further possibility or impossibility of using the premises. Now in case deep crack in the wall of the apartment, where you already know where to go. But what to do if the naked eye can see that there is nothing serious. How to repair cracks in the wall of an apartment at home without outside help?

If a wall in an apartment is cracked, where should you go if contacting the housing and communal services does not bring results?

Of course, repairs to cracks in the walls in an apartment should be carried out by housing and communal services employees, and in the event of such problems, citizens turn to them first. But what to do if such appeals are ineffective and repairs are delayed under various pretexts. In this case, it is worth sending your justified indignation to the State Housing Inspectorate. They will consider the complaint and influence the management company. If this doesn’t work, then you can go to the prosecutor’s office or court. But as a rule, it does not reach this stage, since the problem is solved earlier.

We figure out how to repair cracks in the wall of an apartment at home yourself

If you had a nightmare in which you started repairing cracks in the wall in your apartment, then when you wake up, carefully inspect the room in which you live. If in reality everything is in order, then you urgently need to type in a search engine: dream book crack in the wall of the apartment.

And if there is a crack in reality, then first it is important to understand how dangerous it is. To assess the full extent of the danger, it is necessary to apply a plaster mark across the crack, the width of your palm. Then you will need to observe the mark for a month. If nothing has cracked on top of the plaster, then the crack is stable enough to be repaired.

But first you need to clear the problem area right down to the slab or brick, then wipe damp cloth and let dry thoroughly. It is worth considering that sealing cracks near electrical outlets in the walls of an apartment requires special care. Make sure the wiring is not damaged. If necessary, move the electrical outlet. By the way, before sealing problem cracked areas near electrical outlets it is necessary to de-energize the room. Don't forget about alternative lighting, because it may get dark before you have time to finish your work.

How to repair a crack in a wall in an apartment?

It all depends on the size of the resulting cracked cavity. If the depressions are very small, less than a millimeter, then you can get by with primer and putty. If it’s a little more, up to three to five millimeters, then you’ll also need cement mortar. Sealant is also a wonderful product; it is injected into the recess using a special gun. The best option For cracked problem areas, fiberglass is used. It is glued to the wall using a special glue on a primed dry base, then finishing putty is used. Fiberglass is good because it reinforces the surface. If the crack is not stable and not dangerous, then, in principle, sealing cracks in the wall of an apartment is not particularly difficult.

The main thing here is to learn one rule: the earlier you start working on the problem, the faster and more efficiently. best result it will be resolved.

By the way, these same problems are easily detected when the old wallpaper is removed. It was already mentioned above what material is best to seal cracks, but it was not said that the method of repair largely depends on the material of the walls.

Brick wall

In order to remove a crack in a brick wall, it needs to be cleared, deepened and widened at an angle of forty-five degrees. Then prime. A sealant is good for sealing here, since when it dries it takes on a slightly rubbery consistency. The sealant must be placed in the seam, and the excess must be removed with a spatula. You can use cement mortar instead of sealant. Before laying it in the gap, it must be moistened with water.

Plasterboard wall

Although drywall is considered universal material, but during operation, cracks may also appear on it. The sheets of drywall themselves are just a material, not a structure. They are mounted in the desired design position using a frame or glue. Problems usually arise due to a base that was not installed correctly or due to a defect in the sheets themselves.

If the builders made mistakes when installing the frame, then cracks may appear throughout plasterboard wall. This problem can be eliminated only after dismantling several sheets or even the frame.

If the crack is not very large and is not related to installation, then you can try to seal it with putty.

concrete wall

Cracks in such a wall are not that uncommon. For sealing cracks in concrete wall PVA glue works great. It must be applied deep into the crack. Next, fill the cavity with cement mortar and smooth it with a spatula.

If the gap is too wide, then you need to use additional reinforcing mesh.

What to do if a wall with ceramic tiles is cracked?

It is not necessary that when the house shrinks, the walls in the rooms will crack. After all, they can crack in the bathroom or toilet, that is, where there is ceramic tiles. What to do in such cases?

  1. We remove cracked tiles. To do this, we break it into small parts with a heavy metal tool, a hammer with a chisel or a hammer drill with a lance;
  2. Next, remove all fragments and clean the surface. After this, you need to vacuum the area cleared of tiles and repair the crack in the wall using the appropriate method described above;
  3. Then we put new tiles onto the glue using spacer crosses.

A crack in an apartment is not a reason to panic. The main thing here is not to get lost, but to start acting. Either independently, or, if you are not confident in your abilities, with the help of specialists. Moreover, all this can be solved. It’s worse when a crack occurs in relationships with loved ones. After all, according to the dream book, it is not in vain that one dreams of a crack in the wall of an apartment. This means that some important component of your life is coming apart at the seams. This is a reason to think about your life.

You already know how to repair cracks in an apartment wall. So there is nothing to fear here. You will succeed.

Any violation of construction technology load-bearing structures is fraught with cracks opening. In 90% of cases, the cause is the foundation of the house (soil) or the foundation, which can only be strengthened using one of the technologies below.

If the crack on the surface of the wall is horizontal (encircling, local), the foundation has nothing to do with it. The reason most often lies in sagging jumpers or rafter system. In the absence of puffs hanging rafters trying to push apart the opposite walls.

There are several main reasons why the foundation has sunk and cracks have appeared in the house. The main ones are traditionally:

  • areas under the foundation consisting of subsidence soils - rupture of the foundation tape, change in the geometry of the structure;
  • swelling forces - uneven loads tear the foundation, walls warp;
  • violation of construction technologies - low grade of concrete, loading of the foundation to 70% strength, low reinforcement coefficient, corrosion of reinforcement, winter concreting without heating.

If the foundation has lost its integrity, restoration is necessary; in other cases, it is enough to strengthen the base under the sole of the tape on separate areas. There are several technologies for this.

Attention! A crack is a “pointer” that makes it easier to find the boundaries of subsidence or swelling soils. This makes localization easier repair work specialists.

There are inclined and vertical cracks with divergence upward or downward, which most accurately indicate the nature of the deformation:

  • a vertical crack diverging upward in the middle part of the wall - swelling of this particular area;
  • vertical gap, divergence downwards - subsidence of soil in the middle of the house;
  • a similar defect with a divergence downwards is swelling on both sides of the wall due to lateral freezing;
  • an inclined crack from the corner to the center of the facade - the backfill of the adjacent wall has sagged;
  • inclined crack from the center to the corner - the shrinkage funnel is located directly under this crack;
  • cracks converging in the shape of an arch – soil subsidence in the central part of the foundation strip.

A crack on the wall extends upward.

After determining the cause, in any case, it will be necessary to expose the foundation with a trench close to the tape to carry out measures to strengthen the soil, lay drainage, install “bulls”, make a cage and other work.

Soil strengthening

If the foundation has vertical movements on soils with low design resistance to loads from the weight of the building (embankment, peat bog, silty sand), it is necessary to strengthen the foundation using the following technology:

  • lifting the foundation with jacks - to the design level in compliance with safety measures (partial or complete unloading with supports), meaning the lifting of sagging parts;
  • drilling holes - for immersing injectors with a diameter of 20 - 40 mm;
  • filling voids – liquid glass(silicatization), cement laitance (cementation), synthetic resins (smolization) or hot bitumen (bitumenization).

These substances reduce water permeability, stabilize unstable soils, and increase the design resistance (bearing capacity) of the foundation. The disadvantage of the technique is the need to use professional equipment, capable of injecting binders under a pressure of 5 - 10 atmospheres. Other methods are not available to individual developers; they are used by restoration teams for architectural monuments.

Attention! These actions may not be enough, since if the foundation subsides in a separate area, this means its destruction in 70% of cases. Instead of costly dismantling of the building, tape restoration methods are used.

Strengthening the foundation

There are several ways to strengthen the foundation strip depending on the condition of the reinforced concrete structure:

  • unloading – bringing beams into load-bearing walls for supporting masonry;
  • restoration of bearing capacity - drainage for drainage of soil, soil, surface waters, relaying, replacement, protection from mechanical destruction (weathering, corrosion);
  • increasing the load-bearing capacity – clips made of monolithic concrete, brickwork, reinforced concrete slabs;
  • hardening - epoxy, polymer resins, cement mortar, and penetrating compounds are introduced into the drilled holes;
  • special methods - screw piles, pressed piles, “bulls” in the corners, injection of cement mortar into the masonry.

If the foundation has non-through cracks caused by weathering, the surface is plastered or targeted, coated or impregnated with penetrating mixtures. Tarquetting is called pressure (0.4 - 0.6 MPa) spraying with cement laitance with a minimum amount of quartz sand.

To strengthen prefabricated foundation clip, use technology:

  • strip exposure - a trench along the wall to a depth just below the base;
  • reinforcement - own frame by analogy with a strip foundation, installation of rods in holes drilled in the foundation, tying them to the frame rods;
  • formwork - below the blind area or to the entire height of the basement;
  • concreting - standard laying of the mixture.

After stripping top part clips rising above ground level are protected from moisture by low tides.

Attention! Unlike the underlying layer created during the construction of the foundation, non-metallic materials under the expansion (cage) are compacted into the ground without laying geotextiles.

Reinforcing ring around the foundation.

When manufacturing a reinforced concrete cage, the following points should be taken into account:

  • width – from 15 cm on each side for reinforced concrete, from 20 cm for concrete;
  • thickness of the underlying layer - from 10 cm of crushed stone or sand;
  • anchoring with the existing tape - rods with a diameter of 20 mm to a depth of 12-25 cm, rod length 25-40 cm, step 1 - 1.5 m;
  • reinforcement of the cage - mesh with a cell of 15 x 15 cm for the lower belt, 10 x 10 cm for the upper belt;
  • concrete – class B10 – B15.

When restoring brick strip foundations It is necessary to remove the crumbled stone. When repairing reinforced concrete structures, the oxide film should be removed from the surface and the roughness should be increased by notching.

If it is not possible to increase the bearing capacity of the soil under the foundation (the thickness of the loose layer is significant), the technology of strengthening the underground structure with piles is used:

  • short driven ones - pipes with a diameter of 57 - 89 mm with a pointed tip made from their body (analogous to SBC, but without a blade) are driven in next to the foundation and embedded in the holder;
  • external screws - SHS are immersed around the perimeter, the building is raised, the ends are tied with a metal grillage, the house is lowered onto a new foundation (suitable for wooden houses);
  • “bulls” - the method is used when settling corners, screw piles are screwed in obliquely on both sides of the corner, a beam (I-beam, channel) is welded onto their heads, on which the corner of the foundation rests.

The advantage of the technology is the unloading of the existing foundation. The piles are guaranteed to penetrate through unstable horizons and rest on a bearing layer with high resistance.

These measures are usually carried out as a complex, since when individual sections settle, the integrity of a monolithic or prefabricated structure is violated. For example, if the foundation partially rests on subsidence soil, the base is first strengthened, after which a reinforced cage is poured. When using screw piles there is no need to strengthen the foundation, however, after raising the foundation to the design level, it is necessary to fill the voids formed under it with concrete or cement mortar.

Another option for strengthening the foundation with piles.

When the casing is deepened by 0.7 meters or more, standard thermal insulation measures are taken. This is necessary to reduce the pulling forces during swelling:

  • vertical surface high-density polystyrene foam casings + horizontal thermal insulation of the blind area 0.6 - 1.2 m wide at a depth of 0.3 - 0.4 m;
  • sand, crushed stone of the trench sinuses + at the level of the base of the cage;
  • or crush-sliding thermal insulation - EPS rigidly fixed on the vertical surface of the casing, polyethylene film(attached only in the upper part), polystyrene foam PSB-S without attachment to the holder (pressed to the film with backfill material).

In some cases, it is possible to sufficiently strengthen the foundation in certain areas and strengthen the foundation with one of the above methods, but sometimes this may not be enough.

If you have wooden house, we additionally recommend that you read the article: .

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