Correspondence education at Mikhailovsky Pedagogical College. Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College was named after the People's Teacher of the Russian Federation V.V. Arnautova

Mikhailovsky professionally teacher training college named after V.V. Arnautov is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Volgograd region, it was founded on December 16, 1928.

Today, at the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov, according to secondary programs vocational education More than 800 students are trained. These are future teachers primary classes and physical education, teachers preschool education, specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy in primary education, socio-cultural activities, land and property relations, mechanization agriculture, hotel service, rights and organizations social security, programming in computer systems, fashion designers.

The list of specialties for which students are trained at the educational institution corresponds to the region’s needs for personnel for rural schools, the service sector, the socio-cultural sphere and the agro-industrial complex.

Graduates of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College are in demand in the labor market. They work in their chosen specialty, continue their studies at prestigious universities, easily undergo retraining and work in other sectors of the national economy of our country.

Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov is included in the National Register of Leading educational institutions Russia. He repeatedly became the winner of regional and All-Russian competitions.

Based on the results of the work of enterprises and organizations in the Volgograd region, the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov was awarded the title “Best Organization of the Year.”

This is not the first time that the college team has won a regional competition." The best managers and organization of the year,” which is confirmation of his merits in training highly qualified specialists.

The work of the college was highly appreciated by the expert commission All-Russian competition“100 best institutions of secondary vocational education in Russia.” His team was twice awarded a gold medal " European quality“100 best colleges of secondary education in Russia.”

More than thirty times, Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College was named the best institution in the secondary vocational education system of the Volgograd region for the organization of physical education, recreation and sports work.

For decades, the staff of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov has been called among the best in the education and upbringing of youth, the introduction of new educational technologies, science, sports, cultural work and other matters.

College teachers annually become winners and prize-winners of regional professional skills competitions. The college employs first place holders in the competitions “Teacher of Physical Culture of the Volgograd Region” and “Teacher of the Year”.

Vocal and choreographic groups of our educational institution well known far beyond the region. The dance group "Rendezvous" is the winner of the Grand Prix of the international festival, the winner of the regional competition "Student Spring on the Volga".

College students do not return without awards from sports competitions and regional olympiads.

In the Volgograd region, the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov is an example of organizing a unified educational space, which provides for the development of a system of continuous professional education.

College majors

  • Physical culture
  • Preschool education
  • Primary school teaching
  • Hotel service
  • Programming in computer systems
  • Design, modeling and technology of garments

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence. In 1894, the Literary and Theater Museum (2) was founded in Moscow (1) which (4) was made up of a collection on the history of Russian and Western European theater by A.A. Bakhrushin.

Exercise 1 of 5





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Indicate the word in which the letter I is written in place of the blank

Exercise 2 out of 5


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Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov painted portraits mainly of old people, on whose faces traces of what they had experienced are imprinted, and of children - these sprouts of hope with signs of a future life, and at the time of the highest flowering of creativity he often turned to creating his own self-portrait

Exercise 3 out of 5





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University Rector Professor N.K. Sergeev, vice-rectors: Professor V.V. Zaitsev, associate professor E.V. Zudina, Associate Professor G.A. Pliev took part in the solemn ceremony of naming the college named after Vladimir Vladimirovich Arnautov, which took place on September 5 in assembly hall Education Center "Cosmos" in Mikhailovka.

Name of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.V. Arnautov was assigned to the college by decree of the Government of the Volgograd region. Vladimir Vladimirovich headed the college for a quarter of a century, and all these years were the time of the closest interaction between the college and the university and its branch in Mikhailovka.
Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Volgograd region, founded in 1928. About a thousand students study here under primary and secondary vocational education programs. These are future primary school teachers, foreign language and physical education, preschool education, specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy in primary education, hotel service, programming, fashion designers and others.
Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College is included in the National Register of Leading Educational Institutions in Russia. It has repeatedly become the winner of regional and all-Russian competitions and the holder of the title “Best Organization of the Year”. The college staff has repeatedly won the regional competition “Best Managers and Organizations of the Year.”
In 1988, on general meeting labor collective director Mikhailovsky pedagogical school Vladimir Arnautov was elected. For a quarter of a century, Vladimir Vladimirovich headed the institution. During this time, new specialties were opened at the college, and the college received a number of international grants for the implementation of innovative projects. IN educational organization a scientific department was opened, a Center for Culture and Arts, a children's and youth sports school No. 2, and a Center for military-patriotic education "Rus" were created.
Based on the results of participation in the international competition, Mikhailovsky Pedagogical College was entered into the world data bank, and participation in international project received a gold quality certificate from UNESCO.
In April 2013, People's Teacher of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Director of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College Vladimir Arnautov passed away.
And in December 2013, the college hosted festive events dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the educational institution. The celebration of the college's anniversary brought together veterans, teachers, graduates of different years and students. Representatives of the administration of Mikhailovka, the city and regional Dumas, directors of city-forming enterprises, heads of schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions in the region came to congratulate the heroes of the day.
The anniversary evening was opened by the director of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College, candidate of pedagogical sciences son V.V. Arnautova A.V. Arnautov. Alexey Vladimirovich noted that the pride of the educational institution is its staff and graduates.
During the event, the name of the People's Teacher, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.V. was often heard. Arnautova. That evening, those gathered in the auditorium of the Cosmos Education Center greeted with satisfaction the initiative of the head of the urban district of the city of Mikhailovka N.P. Semisotov to award Vladimir Vladimirovich Arnautov the title of Honorary Citizen of our city. And the initiative to name the college after V.V. Arnautov was supported by the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Volgograd Region and the leadership of the VGSPU, and less than a year later the decision was made by the regional government.
On September 5, 2014, at a ceremony in educational center“Cosmos”, teachers, students, college graduates were also present in the hall; colleagues said many kind words to Vladimir Vladimirovich Arnautov. His songs and poems were heard from the stage, and a presentation was prepared that told about the most important milestones in the biography of this amazingly talented and bright personality.
University Rector Professor N.K. Sergeev conveyed congratulations from the VGSPU staff to his colleagues from Mikhailovka and expressed gratitude to the staff of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College for their daily, painstaking, dedicated work and expressed confidence that all the traditions of cooperation between the college and the university established by Vladimir Vladimirovich Arnautov will be continued.
During the trip to Mikhailovka, members of the rector also met with the teaching staff and students of the VGSPU branch. During the meeting the results were discussed admissions campaign, prospects for the 2015/16 academic year. Vice-Rector for Youth Policy, Educational Activities, social work E.V. At a meeting with students, Zudina spoke about changes in scholarships and plans educational work for the upcoming academic year, calling on students to actively participate in all youth projects.

Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Volgograd region, it was founded on December 16, 1928.

Today, at the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov, more than 800 students are studying in secondary vocational education programs. These are future primary school and physical education teachers, preschool teachers, specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy in primary education, socio-cultural activities, land and property relations, agricultural mechanization, hotel services, law and organization of social security, programming in computer systems, fashion designers.

The list of specialties for which students are trained at the educational institution corresponds to the region’s needs for personnel for rural schools, the service sector, the socio-cultural sphere and the agro-industrial complex.

Graduates of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College are in demand in the labor market. They work in their chosen specialty, continue their studies at prestigious universities, easily undergo retraining and work in other sectors of the national economy of our country.

Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov is included in the National Register of Leading Educational Institutions in Russia. He repeatedly became the winner of regional and All-Russian competitions.

Based on the results of the work of enterprises and organizations in the Volgograd region, the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov was awarded the title “Best Organization of the Year.”

This is not the first time that the college team has won the regional competition “Best Managers and Organizations of the Year,” which is confirmation of its merits in training highly qualified specialists.

The work of the college was highly appreciated by the expert commission of the All-Russian competition “100 best institutions of secondary vocational education in Russia.” His team was twice awarded the gold medal “European Quality” “100 Best Secondary Educational Institutions in Russia”.

More than thirty times, Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College was named the best institution in the secondary vocational education system of the Volgograd region for the organization of physical education, recreation and sports work.

For decades, the staff of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov has been called among the best in the education and upbringing of youth, the introduction of new educational technologies, science, sports, cultural work and other matters.

College teachers annually become winners and prize-winners of regional professional skills competitions. The college employs first place holders in the competitions “Teacher of Physical Culture of the Volgograd Region” and “Teacher of the Year”.

The vocal and choreographic groups of our educational institution are well known far beyond the region. The dance group “Rendezvous” is the winner of the Grand Prix of the international festival, the winner of the regional competition “Student Spring on the Volga”.

College students do not return without awards from sports competitions and regional olympiads.

In the Volgograd region, the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov is an example of organizing a unified educational space, which provides for the development of a system of continuous professional education.

The college was the organizer of the international competition of student works “Is it easy to be young”.

Created in college good conditions For:

  • student education (equipped classrooms, dormitories, gyms),
  • manifestations of creative activity (creative studios operate);
  • development physical activity(work sports sections, gym),
  • patriotic education of students (there is a museum, a heroic-patriotic center “Rus”),
  • health care organizations (there is a first-aid post).

Students have access to information systems and information and communication networks. The college has an electronic reading room. Scientific and practical conferences are held annually within the walls of the educational institution.

The staff of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov is constantly improving its scientific and methodological level. Teachers of the educational institution undergo master's and postgraduate studies and successfully defend their candidate's dissertations.

More than a third of the college’s teaching staff have the following titles: “Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education” Russian Federation", "Excellence in public education", "Excellence in physical education and sports", "Honored worker of primary vocational education", "Excellence in vocational education".

College teachers were awarded the Orders of Honor and Friendship and the medal “For Services to the Fatherland.”

Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College is distinguished by its extensive material and technical base. The college has two educational buildings with lecture halls and laboratories for practical classes, computer classes, which are equipped with modern equipment.

The library of the Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov has been operating since the opening of the educational institution. Today, students and teachers of the college have two reading rooms, a subscription, a section of valuable and rare books, and an MBA. The library's book collection includes about 90,000 printed publications. A unique collection of valuable and rare books. The library has created a fund of educational, educational, methodological and reference literature.

The college has a student canteen; all students of the educational institution are provided with places in a comfortable dormitory.

Educational complex on the street. Parkhomenko Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov has more than 20 classrooms, sewing workshops, a library and a reading room. On the territory of the complex there is an auto-tractor track, production and repair workshops.

The college has everything you need for classes physical culture and sports, comprehensive personality development. This is the premises of the former Cosmos cinema, 5 sports halls and two assembly halls.

The college employs highly qualified teachers, 55% of them have the first and highest qualification categories. The educational process is carried out by three candidates of sciences and five candidates for the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College named after V.V. Arnautov is a constant monitoring of the professional career of graduates, providing the opportunity to attend retraining and advanced training courses, participate in seminars, scientific and practical conferences and other events.

The depth and strength of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, preparedness for independent labor activity graduates of our educational institution are annually confirmed as good and excellent results their final certification and feedback from employers.