Cooling an apartment without air conditioning. Real ways to cool down in hot weather Regular humidification instead of air conditioning

Summer heat without air conditioning can create considerable discomfort. To cool down and feel good without air conditioning, you can use various tricks using water, fans, light clothing, cool drinks and food, psychological techniques and so on. You can also naturally cool the entire house, preventing heat stagnation in it. WITH the right approach you will successfully escape the heat while saving money on air conditioning.


Using water for cooling

    Drink water often. The body will be cooler if it water balance will be OK. Try to drink about 230 ml of water every hour. Adding mint leaves or orange, lemon or cucumber slices to the water will make it more refreshing. You may also find it easier to drink the water if it has a slight flavor.

    Spray yourself with cool water. Fill a spray bottle with cool water and set it to a fine spray. For an immediate cooling effect, spray onto bare skin.

    Chill a damp handkerchief in the freezer and apply it to your neck, forehead, arms or legs. Applying a cold cloth to your skin will help you combat the heat. Once the fabric is warm, simply rinse it and put it back in the freezer.

    • You can also apply an ice pack to the back of your head.
  1. Water your wrists cold water. Hold for about 10 seconds cold water wrists and other areas of the body with large blood vessels under the skin, for example, the neck, inner bends of the elbows and knees. This will slightly reduce your body temperature.

    Wet your head. Wet hair helps cool your body, so try this step for an instant cooldown. You can wet your entire head or just your hairline. The evaporation of water will cool the head (however, because of it, previously styled hair may become curled if it is naturally curly).

    • Put a bandana soaked in water on your head and walk around in it.
  2. Fill the bathtub with cool water and soak in it. Once you get used to the water temperature, lower the water a little and add more cold water. Continue doing this until you have cooled down enough. Once you get out of the bath, your body will remain cool for a long time.

    • If you want, you can take a cool shower instead of a bath.
    • You can also soak your feet in a bucket of cold water. The body primarily radiates heat from the palms, feet, face and ears, so cooling any of these areas will effectively cool the entire body. Shallow wading pools are also good for cooling the feet of adults.
  3. Go for a swim. Visit the swimming pool, go to the river, lake or sea and unwind. Immersion in water will cool you down in incredible ways. On outdoors Be sure to use sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can heat up the body even more.

    Install a community fan. He will drive hot air towards the attic, where it will dissipate through the attic vents. To cool the house, open the basement door, make sure everyone else interior doors between the basement and the room in which the fan is located are also open. Run the fan at night with the downstairs windows open so it can effectively cool the house. However, be sure to make sure your attic vents are working properly first, otherwise your attic may not be able to handle the heat dissipation.

    • If you don't have attic vents, get them. You can't even imagine how amazingly a cool attic affects the temperature of your entire home.

Fighting the heat

  1. Avoid peak heat hours. Try not to go outside between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when the sun's rays are at their strongest. This way you will avoid sunburn. Try to run or exercise outdoors in the early morning or late evening. Typically, the early mornings and evenings are cool enough for you to enjoy walking, running, trail hiking, biking, and gardening or yard work.

    Wear summer clothes made from natural fabrics. Wear natural fabrics low density (cotton, silk, linen), and not polyester, synthetic viscose and other synthetic fabrics (with the exception of possible specially designed breathable sports fabrics).

    • Choose clothes light color. Dark-colored clothing absorbs heat from the sun better and stays warm longer than light or white clothing, which better reflects light and heat.
  2. Walk barefoot. Take off your shoes and socks, especially on days when the humidity is extremely high. Wearing boots with socks in these conditions will cause your feet to sweat, generally raising your body temperature. Try to go barefoot as often as possible (if possible).

    Stock your freezer with frozen fruit treats. Use ice cream sticks (you can find them at the supermarket) or simply grab a bag of frozen fruit slices, such as watermelon, pineapple or lemon. Chilling can be delicious too!

  3. Take advantage of the properties of mint. Mint refreshes the skin and leaves behind a feeling of pleasant coolness. Apply peppermint lotion (avoid your face and eyes), shower with peppermint soap, or make a peppermint foot bath or soak using other mint-infused powders. In addition, there are several delicious mint recipes that you can also try:

    • watermelon yogurt and mint smoothie;
    • Irish chocolate drink with cream and mint;
    • mint truffles.
    • During peak heat, some city municipalities set up “cooling centers” with running air conditioning that anyone can visit. If you don't have air conditioning in your home (and especially if you are elderly or have a medical condition), call your city's help line to find out about possible availability cooling centers.
    • If the foundation of your house is under living rooms If the garage is located, please leave your hot car outside to cool it down before putting it in the garage.


    • Heat is often an integral accompaniment of drought. If your area is experiencing water restrictions due to drought, be sure to check them before trying the water cooling tips mentioned in this article.
    • While drinking too much water is rarely a problem for healthy people, it can be dangerous for people with heart, liver or kidney problems. If you have any of these serious conditions, be aware of how much water you drink, as your kidneys may not be able to process the excess water properly.
    • Infants, children, pregnant women and the elderly are more susceptible to overheating. Be sure to keep an eye on your family members, work colleagues and neighbors who are in this risk category.
    • If you notice symptoms of heatstroke or dehydration, call ambulance or contact doctors yourself to receive qualified medical care. A body temperature above 40°C is life-threatening, but if it rises to 42.5°C it will be fatal.

Already at the end of May, residents of Russia felt that hot days were coming. In the morning we began to wake up earlier, but not because we went to bed earlier, but from the hot rays of the sun heating up our rooms, from the sweat flowing like hail... In general, everything speaks of the approach of summer and the heat that everyone was waiting for and which will soon we will all be so desperate to escape.

The best remedy for heat is air conditioning. More and more Russian apartments can boast of this blessing of civilization. But what to do if there is no air conditioning in the apartment? How to escape the heat? Don't give in to her mercy.

You can find a huge variety of options on the Internet. studied them and selected the four most effective ways that will help you survive without air conditioning even in the most intense heat.

Closing the windows

The heat that penetrates our apartments mainly comes to us through the windows. From there, the sun's rays enter the room, from which we begin to feel as if we are in a microwave oven. From there, hot air also penetrates into the house, which then cannot be expelled from the apartment in any way.

How to deal with this? Everything ingenious is simple - you need to close all the windows as much as possible. Moreover, this applies not only to the familiar meaning of this word - to close the doors. It is necessary to completely block all communication between the apartment and the street through the windows.

Thick curtains are best suited for this, which will not allow the sun's rays to penetrate into the apartment. If you close them in the evening, then in the morning you can feel the difference compared to the previous day - the apartment will become noticeably cooler.

There is another option. It is ideal if you don’t want to live the whole summer like moles in their hole, without sunlight. We are talking about a mirror film that many people glue to windows. It lets in a little light and allows you to look out the window, but it reflects most of the sun's rays, preventing the heat from penetrating into the room.

And of course, you shouldn’t be fooled by the advice to open windows when it’s hot. If you don’t have the opportunity to create a draft, this will only allow hot summer air into the apartment, and even with dust and odors from the street.

Stay hydrated

Moisture also helps you escape the heat. And there are a huge number of possibilities for using water to cool rooms.

You can probably start with a spray bottle. By periodically spraying moisture from it into the apartment, you can reduce the temperature inside. You shouldn’t go overboard with this either, unless you want to turn the room into a steam room. It will be enough to spray water once an hour to an hour and a half.

An automatic air humidifier can replace fussing with a spray bottle. He will do all the work for you. To further cool the apartment, we can recommend adding regular ice to a container of water that will be sprayed in the apartment.

The next method is as old as time - soak towels in cold water and hang them around the apartment. It will look at least strange, but it will still help lower the temperature in the room - it has been tested by generations of our ancestors.

Moisture can be used not only to cool the apartment, but also to escape the heat yourself. This can be as simple as wetting your head in cool water, or periodically taking a full, cool shower. This will not make your apartment any colder, but you will be able to forget about the heat for a certain time.

As a last resort, you can combine the last two ways to combat the heat - hang a damp, cold towel around your neck, as athletes do.

Turn everything off

It's no secret that everything Appliances emit heat during operation. Even the same refrigerator that is supposed to cool does so only inside itself. It gives off a huge amount of heat outside, which remains in your apartment. Turning off the refrigerator, of course, is an extreme measure, but you can think about minimizing the use of all kinds of vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, curling irons, irons, computers and even televisions.

This advice especially applies to the kitchen, in which, as a rule, the air temperature is several degrees higher than in the rest of the apartment. In hot weather, you should cook less on the fire - this greatly affects the ambient temperature.

You can turn off something else in your apartment. We are talking about a heated towel rail in the bathroom. Typically, it is connected to a pipe with hot water and, in addition to its main function, it also serves to heat the bathroom. But with switching off central heating it does not turn off and continues to work throughout all year round. Usually it can be turned off by closing the two valves leading from the riser to the heated towel rail. If there are no such valves in your case, you can try wrapping it in foil. This should prevent heat from the heated towel rail from entering the apartment.

DIY air conditioner

If you don’t have an air conditioner in your apartment and for some reason you cannot install it for yourself, nothing prevents us from making a primitive air conditioner with our own hands. All we need is a bowl of cold water, some ice and an electric fan.

One fan will not be enough to cool the air in the apartment. It will only create the illusion of coolness by increasing air movement so that the sweat from your body evaporates faster. This helps a little, but does not save in serious heat.

To correct the situation, you just need to place a bowl of water and ice in the path of the air from the fan. Cold fumes from the basin will mix with air currents and spread throughout the apartment. This will immediately humidify the air and reduce the temperature.

If you don't have a fan, a bowl of ice and water will also help. Simply by placing it close to you, you can make your stay in a hot apartment a little more comfortable.

People, as a rule, anxiously await the approach of summer, since during the winter they miss the warmth and long days. But let's not forget that with summer comes sweltering heat, which can be very difficult to escape. Some people prefer to go to the beach to somehow cool down, but others have to stay in the hot city and somehow do their work. If you are one of the latter or are simply looking for simple and quick ways cool down, we offer a few tricks that will help you feel much better during the heat.

Freeze your favorite fruits

Frozen fruits such as bananas, grapes, watermelon, blueberries are a healthy and refreshing snack.

Buy a fan that connects to your phone

With convenient fans powered by your smartphone, you'll always have a blast of cool air at your fingertips.

Install a water sprinkler near your home

You can make it yourself using a hose, a drill and a few PVC pipes. Moreover, you can make a sprinkler even using a regular plastic bottle.

Use the fan correctly

If you want the cool air from the fan to spread as far as possible, try pointing it at a wall. Theoretically, the air will bounce off it and travel farther than if you pointed a fan into the room.

Make a paper fan

There are many ways to make a paper fan, and some of them are quite complicated. But to provide yourself with additional coolness, you will need the simplest fan. All you need to make it is thick decorative paper and ribbon.

Cool your body

Cooling certain parts of your body will immediately help you feel better. Leave the damp paper towel in the freezer for a while, then wrap it around your wrists, on the back of your neck, or on the inside of your elbow. You will immediately feel relief.

Buy a cooling pad

Some ingenious companies have started making cooling pillows that keep the heat off your head while you sleep. Although often their price is quite high, they are worth it to sleep comfortably all night.

Make popsicles

The easiest way to make popsicles is to freeze your favorite yogurt. To do this, you just need to pour it into molds and leave it in the freezer.

Spray water or sprays on your face

The modern cosmetic market offers many different facial sprays that moisturize the skin, protecting it from dehydration. But you can prepare such a remedy yourself by mixing water with essential oils and relaxing herbal infusions. Even a small amount of this spray can immediately cool your face.

Use bottles that will help keep your drink cold

Buy good bottle for water and other drinks, which will allow you to preserve various drinks for a long time or even plain water chilled. You can leave such a bottle on the beach, in a hot car, or use it on a hike without fear of your drinks heating up.

Prepare dishes that do not require cooking

If you use the stove or oven to cook dinner, it will significantly increase the temperature in your home. To keep the coolness you need, use recipes that do not involve cooking food.

Apply a cooling mask to your face

There are many options for preparing a cooling face mask. You can buy a pre-made one that contains cooling agents, or make your own using aloe, mint and essential oils. You can also cool the mask you are used to using by leaving it in the refrigerator for a while. You can also use chilled cucumber slices for the eyes.

Go shopping or watch a movie at your local cinema

Most shopping centers are equipped with air conditioning. Even if you don't have money to buy anything, walking around shopping center- This is a great way to take a break from the summer heat. The same can be said about cinemas.

With the onset of summer, unbearable heat comes to our house. Survive it if there is an expensive air conditioning equipment, allowing you to cool the air in the room is not difficult. But what should those who have to live and work in the heat without air conditioning do? There are several ways in which you can reduce the temperature and significantly increase the level of comfort. Let us list the most basic and effective of them.

Preparing the apartment correctly

Beautiful sunny weather makes us happy. It allows you to open the windows wide and let you into the house. Fresh air. Anyone who has to put up with cold and inclement weather most of the year dreams of this. Therefore, you can see how in the summer the wind blows freely and fills the entire space of the living rooms.

In hot weather this approach is inappropriate. Heat flows along with the sun's rays, so the rooms quickly heat up. To reduce the temperature without using air conditioning, you need to learn how to properly ventilate your apartment in the summer. You can effectively cool it without air conditioning if you open the windows in the early morning from 5.00 to 8.00 and let in the cool air. It will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your living space during the day without air conditioning. In hot heat, one more evening ventilation is simply necessary. It must be done after 22.00. It is better to keep the windows closed during working hours.

Artificial dimming instead of air conditioning

Residents of southern regions have to prepare for the heat more carefully. Very often, in such geographical areas, when the sun is at its zenith, the air heats up to very high temperatures. Then morning and evening ventilation does not allow for proper cooling of the premises. You have to use additional protection from the heat.

Experts advise owners of apartments without air conditioning that windows located on south side, cover with foil for the summer. This is the cheapest way to combat the heat. For the indicated purposes, it is allowed to use ordinary baking foil. You can buy it at any grocery store. Its surface perfectly reflects the sun's rays, preventing them from penetrating into the room and heating the air in it. Sticking it on windows is as easy as shelling pears. To do this you need to use regular tape. If you want to cool a room without air conditioning in this way, you need to remember that the foil does not allow daylight to pass through, so after pasting the rooms will become dark. And the window itself outside It won't look very good.

How to cool a room using a special film without air conditioning

There is another solution to the above problem that can cool rooms without air conditioning. There are special curtain films on sale that are easily attached to a plastic frame by gluing. They are more expensive than foil, but the product described has a number of advantages. They fully compensate for material expenses. The material from which the films are made is much stronger and more reliable than fragile foil. Therefore, it will be easier to darken and cool a house without an air conditioner: there is no need to be afraid that one careless movement will damage the base. The described products are sold in rolls.

It is possible to choose the desired width (60 cm or meter). The length of one roll is three meters. If you install the film carefully, the window will look quite presentable from the outside. It effectively reflects the sun's rays without limiting the view of the street from the inside. Thanks to this property, it is possible to close all the windows in the picture, providing maximum protection of living spaces from the sun. Using this technology, it will be possible to cool the air temperature by three to four degrees without air conditioning.

Blinds instead of air conditioning

If you want to simultaneously darken your apartment and hide its interior from prying eyes, you should choose and purchase specialized systems. Sun blinds are very popular. They come in several types: roll, horizontal, vertical. All designs are very convenient to use, all of them will help to effectively darken and therefore cool the temperature in a room without air conditioning.

Manufacturers offer different variants execution of the described products. There are blinds made of plastic, wood, and woven material. Very well presented to buyers a wide range of colors, so it will not be difficult to choose something that best suits the design style and make the darkening part of the interior.

Fabric curtains place air conditioner

They can also be used for shading and sun protection. To do this, you need to sew them from a dense material that does not transmit light. It is not cheap, so you will have to spend a lot. And this is the main disadvantage of the described choice. Anyone whose main factor is not saving can afford to elegantly decorate their windows by combining different types designs. Designers prefer to create complex drapery structures that can emphasize the style of the design and help reduce the temperature inside a room without air conditioning.

Roman, pleated, French, Austrian, heavy London - the aesthetic component comes first in this type of darkening. To prevent the room from being overloaded with heavy, dense material, you will have to purchase a veil, organza or tulle to go with it. This will significantly increase the darkening estimate. This must be taken into account when choosing this method of sun protection.

Regular humidification instead of air conditioning

Experts, talking about how you can cool a room without air conditioning, advise constantly humidifying the air in the apartment. This can be done using mechanical devices (steam, ultrasonic installations) or regular spray. It’s easy to make it yourself using a glass cleaner container.

First, you need to wash it thoroughly and fill it with cool water. running water. To cool the room a little, it is enough to spray moisture every forty minutes. If you want to completely eliminate the factor of human presence, you just need to place pots filled to the top with water in the corners of the room. Regular humidification will eliminate dry air space, prevent dust from flying throughout the apartment and cool the air in an apartment without air conditioning.

Making an air conditioner out of a fan

A regular fan does not clean or humidify the air. It only ensures its circulation within one enclosed space. And this really helps to feel quite comfortable in hot weather. Everyone knows how they work and how such installations are designed. But if you try to combine their operating principle and the functions of a humidifier, you can effectively cool the air without an air conditioner.

To do this, you need to arrange in a line in front of the device plastic bottles filled with ice water. Practice shows that this is very effective way, allowing you to very quickly solve the problem.

Another model helps to increase operating efficiency and provide air conditioning throughout the entire apartment. To make it, you need to take a garden hose and wrap it around the fan grille so that there are gaps for air flow. One end of the hose is then connected to the cold water supply, and the other goes down into the sink or bathroom. It is enough to turn on the fan and a small pressure of water so that the room is filled with cool air. If you replace the rubber hose copper tube, price homemade installation will increase, but its efficiency will increase. In this way, you can cool an apartment without an air conditioner in a few minutes.

How to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning with ice

You can enhance the effect of the fan if, instead of eggplants with cold water, you place a container filled with ice in front of it. When heated, it will evaporate and release a portion of cold air into the room. The fan will blow it throughout the room.

You can freeze water and ice in eggplants, and then put them in front of a fan. Anyone who has tried this method says that it actually works very well. Alternatively, if the heat makes it difficult to sleep, experts recommend putting a heating pad with ice in bed, first hanging the bedding in the air, and then making the bed with it. It will be much easier to sleep without air conditioning.

We use wet sheets - we forget about air conditioning

Those who do not have air conditioning at home can use another simple technique. To implement it, you need to soak the bedding in water, fold them neatly into a bag, and place them in freezer. After a few minutes, take it out and hang it in the room. It will immediately become several degrees cooler. While some sheets are hanging, others need to be put in the refrigerator. And then alternate.

If you point a fan at the laundry, you will be able to cool the room faster and let cold air into it. wet air. It will immediately become easier to breathe in the apartment. The main thing is not to direct the cold air towards yourself, otherwise you will quickly catch a cold.

Other ways to cool your home without air conditioning

There are a large number of tips that can be adopted by all those who want to know how a room without air conditioning should be cooled. Let's list the most effective ones.

  1. In the thick of it, you need to keep not only the windows locked, but also entrance doors. This will block the entry of hot air from the outside and cool the area around by a couple of degrees.
  2. If there is no air conditioning, it is useful to keep the entrance doors of apartment buildings locked.
  3. When the apartment is on the first two floors, it is useful to plant climbing green plants or trees nearby on the street, which, when they grow, will cover the windows from sunlight with their crown.
  4. It is useful to minimize the use of incandescent lamps and any heating devices(iron or kettle, for example). You need to prepare food early in the morning, while it is cool outside. When this is not possible, you can have cold okroshka for lunch or dinner.
  5. The temperature in a room without air conditioning will drop if you do wet cleaning more often and wipe the floors twice a day. It is better to roll up the carpets for the summer and take them to dry cleaning, and walk barefoot on the floor.
  6. A bowl of cold water placed near the bed and a clean cotton napkin can help cool the room in the hottest weather. Before going to bed, you need to moisten it and wipe your face, neck, and hands. You can cool a clean, dry sheet in the refrigerator, and then just cover yourself with it. This is exactly what our grandmothers did, who lived and did not know what air conditioners were.
  7. A wet towel wrapped around the neck and wet wristbands will allow you to safely endure the hottest period.
  8. Turn off heated towel rails in the bathroom. They heat the air very much. Watch less TV and computer. During operation, any household appliance heats up. This causes the temperature to rise by a couple of degrees.
  9. Cool your body from the inside, drink more soft drinks, treat yourself to ice cream, chilled fruits and berries. Always keep ripe watermelons in the refrigerator.
  10. If you live without air conditioning, sleep on the floor in the summer. In the evening, hot air accumulates near the ceiling, and below it is much cooler. Therefore, it makes sense to throw a mattress and pillows on the floor and spend the night while the heat hovers outside the window. If you leave the windows open, you can easily enjoy a restful sleep. Night is the coolest time of the day. Even a small temperature difference will allow the living space to transfer excess heat to the street.
  11. Walk around the house in loose clothes made from natural fabrics. It absorbs excess moisture well, allows the skin to breathe, and the breeze from the fan to blow through the body.
  12. Learn from animals that live without air conditioning. In extreme heat, they prefer to sleep more, move little, and walk measuredly and slowly. If there is such an opportunity, this is exactly what you need to do: spend most of the day in a horizontal position.
  13. Switch to a night work schedule: stay awake at night and rest during the day.
  14. Keep yourself in good physical shape, choose foods that cook quickly and are well absorbed by the body. Eliminate from your diet hot foods and drinks that can warm the body from the inside (pepper, alcoholic drinks, lard, garlic and ginger).

The ability to adapt plays a big role in maintaining health in the hot summer. After all, our ancestors somehow lived without air conditioning and cooled their living spaces using improvised methods. Today, millions of people live in the equator belt, not everyone has climate control equipment (air conditioners) in their home, but they somehow survive and lead an active lifestyle. They are helped by the ability to adapt to existing circumstances. No one gets depressed about the heat or panics when it’s more than 45 degrees outside. The human body is capable of surviving even in more extreme conditions. The main thing is to be able to adapt to them, using the usual methods at hand. The most effective ones are listed in this article. And they don't have air conditioning.

IN summer time temperatures in houses and apartments can reach 30 degrees Celsius or more. If there is an air conditioner in the room, it will reduce the air temperature to a predetermined level in a few minutes. However, not everyone has such a technique. Therefore, today we will look at the question of how to cool a room without air conditioning in various ways.

Ventilate the house in a timely manner

Most in summer it is observed from 4 to 7 am. At this time, you should “saturate” the room as much as possible with fresh and cold air. But if you don’t want to get up so early, open the windows in the evening, around 10:00-10:30 p.m.

Ventilating an apartment is one of the most effective ways reducing the room temperature. But it remains effective as long as the above action schedule is followed. Opening the windows at 12 noon only makes the situation worse by introducing hotter air into the room.

Regular humidification

How can you cool a room? Of course, the easiest way is the skillful use of water. In order to reduce the room temperature by 2-5 degrees, you should regularly humidify the air. This is done using a regular spray. You can buy special humidifiers in stores, but this is a much more expensive option. The simplest method is to fill an empty container with running water. It should be sprayed every hour throughout the room. You can also spray this water on yourself. As the liquid evaporates, your skin will feel noticeably cooler.


How to cool a room in the heat using foil? Oddly enough, but this material can do an excellent job with high temperature in room. Reflective foil can be purchased at any hardware store. It is better that it is in a roll of 5 or more meters. This foil should be applied to the inside or outside of windows and walls. For better effect The entire area of ​​glass and wallpaper is covered.

Special attention pay attention to rooms whose windows face south and southwest. It is there that the most high intensity sun. Therefore, such rooms should definitely be covered with foil. In this case, the material will reflect heat, and in the room for a long time it will be cool. This method cooling is very effective because sunlight does not penetrate carpets, furniture and other interior elements, which subsequently heat the air. Studies have shown that any room is heated not directly from hot air, but from objects that are hit by the sun's rays. The latter, in turn, creates heat exchange with the air, which causes suffocation in the apartment. True, walls covered with foil will not add beauty to the interior, so this method does not have many fans.


How to cool a room in the summer without foil? If you don't want to buy foil and cover your windows with it, you can simply install blinds instead of curtains. How can you cool a room this way? The operating principle of blinds is very simple. During the day, keep them closed, so that 90% of the sunlight will be retained on thin metal plates devices.

Thanks to blinds, you will not only cool the room, but also modernize the interior design of your home. But like curtains, they need regular care - at least a couple of times a year they need to be wiped with a means to remove dust and dirt.

Hiding extra things

Items such as textiles, etc. are recommended to be hidden in a closet. The air temperature drops especially when the carpet is removed from the room. It is the main heat reflector that prevents cold from penetrating from the floor to the rest of the room. You can also remove wall hangings. By the way, if the room is too humid, mold or mildew may form underneath. Therefore, before re-hanging the carpet on the wall, treat the surface with a special antifungal agent.

How to cool a room in the heat with ice?

Using ice, similar to sprinkling water, can reduce the room temperature by several degrees Celsius.

To do this, just freeze a few ice cubes in the refrigerator and then throw them into a plate. Gradually they will melt and cool the air temperature.

Kitchen usage schedule

On days, try to use as little as possible. gas stove and an oven. This significantly increases the air temperature, after which it is simply impossible to stay in the kitchen. Gradually, all the hot air spreads around the entire perimeter of the house, which is extremely undesirable for those who prefer coolness.

How to cool a room without air conditioning? About wet cleaning

Wet cleaning is also one of the ways to cool a room in the heat. Thanks to this, the air temperature will gradually decrease, in addition, the room will be sufficiently saturated with moisture, which is sorely lacking on summer days.

Electronic devices

It is not recommended to use electrical appliances during the day that significantly heat the apartment. These are vacuum cleaners, irons, personal computers, printers and televisions. Pay special attention to the last element. If you are not watching TV, turn it off, because in addition to rising temperatures, your electricity bills will also rise. If you have an electric heated towel rail, cover it with foil or use it only in extreme cases. This technique always heats the air in any room.

Wet sheet

There is one more interesting advice on how to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning. It consists of using several bowls (basins) with water and a sheet. How to cool a room in hot weather using these elements? Everything is very simple. The basin should be placed near the door, and the sheet should be hung so that its ends come into contact with the water.

The fabric gradually absorbs water, thereby cooling the entire room. It is important that the area of ​​the sheet lying is as large as possible. Remember, the wider and longer it is, the faster evaporation and heat exchange occurs.

Proper nutrition

In hot weather, try to drink as much fluid as possible. Oddly enough, it is hot tea that best helps the body endure the heat, since the body temperature increases slightly, plus there is the effect of sweating. Ice water creates a deceptive effect - in fact, it arouses thirst in a person even more.

Drink fluids and eat cold foods. Among the latter are okroshka, milk, vegetables and fruits, as well as salads. In addition, your body will be saturated with enough vitamins, which will allow you to effectively fight viruses and infections in winter.

Making an air conditioner out of a fan

How to use a fan to cool a room? It is quite possible to do this. For this we need one fan and several liters running water. Naturally, all liquid must be filled into a specific container (containers such as plastic bottles and bowls). Fill a container with water and place it in the freezer for several hours. After the liquid has turned into ice, take the container back out, then place it in front of the fan. Remember that the air flow from the blades should go exactly to this container. How can you quickly cool a room using these simple elements? As practice shows, the first result is expected after 10-15 minutes of fan operation. But to prevent the air from heating up again, as the ice melts, you should change the containers to cooler ones.

Do not use the fan when you are not in the room. If you think that this device, based on the principle of an air conditioner, reduces the air temperature after a few minutes, you are deeply mistaken. The fan only moves air from one side to the other, while its electric motor heats up significantly. You will only get a feeling of coolness if the air flow is directed towards you, and best of all - from cooled containers, as described earlier.

Alternative way

Another method for cooling a room is with a fan. But here we will use an unusual device. It's called a ceiling fan. We often see such devices in Venezuelan and Mexican films. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to purchase it in Russia. It costs about 3-4 thousand rubles. Such a device is absolutely silent, does not create drafts during operation and does not heat the room at all with its motor. Using such a device, it is very difficult to catch a cold. The operation of the ceiling fan does not interfere with watching TV or working on a PC. At the same time, you will quickly feel that it has become easier to breathe in the room.

So, we found out how to cool a room in the heat without using expensive air conditioners. As you can see, it is not necessary to use expensive equipment for this - all of the above methods are very simple and effective. And you can check their operation right now, without using specialized devices.