What to eat 2 hours before bed. Proper dinner and snacks before bedtime: rules, recommendations, recipes. Caffeine pre-workout and performance

Proper nutrition - the most important factor in achieving pre-workout goals in bodybuilding and fitness. Success depends on nutrition by 60 - 70%, and only 30% depends on exercises and training programs as in the set. muscle mass as well as in losing weight, that is, burning fat.

In this article, you will learn all about proper nutrition before training, so read the information provided here very carefully.

Please note: this article describes only the basic requirements and rules. But all people are different, and based on this information, you can create an ideal nutrition scheme and build it for yourself.

before training on goals and intensity of training

The intensity of the exercise determines which source of energy will be used by the body. The combination of fats and carbohydrates in the body is more commonly used, but the intensity of the training will affect their balance.

The main source of energy for heavy weight training is carbohydrates. With aerobic weight loss, fats and carbohydrates will participate in the energy supply of the body in equal measure.

When to eat before a workout: meal times

The expression “before training”, for experienced athletes, does not mean 5 minutes before the start of classes in the gym. With a full stomach, physical activity will slow down the digestive processes, because the blood from the organs will go to the muscles, and you will also be disturbed by drowsiness, belching, and heaviness in the stomach. That's why eat at least 2 hours before before the start of the workout.

And training on an empty stomach will not take place at the required level of intensity due to the lack of resources in the body. Therefore, before training, you should always eat.

If you didn’t manage to eat on time, then you can eat something easily digestible and energetic, for example, some kind of sweetness or a small fruit, or drink a gainer. Half an hour before the start of the workout, you can eat a small fruit, a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, light yogurt, half a serving of porridge.

What to eat before a workout

Before starting a workout, you need to consume carbohydrates to fill the glycogen depots, which will be used by the muscles during the workout itself. Eat a small portion of protein, which will be used by the body as a source of amino acids for muscles, creating the so-called anabolic “premise”. Fats should be excluded from the pre-workout menu because they slow down: metabolic processes, gastric emptying and the rate of absorption of others. nutrients such as protein and carbohydrates.

Calorie content and amount of food

When training to gain mass, not eating enough before a workout can lead to feelings of hunger and energy will be depleted much earlier than the end of training. But increasing your calorie intake before a workout is also a bad idea. You need to eat food as you would at a normal breakfast or lunch.

The amount of energy consumed by a person is influenced by many factors:

  • Age
  • The amount of muscle and fat mass, etc.

The optimal calorie intake before training should be:

  • 200 calories for women
  • 300 calories for men


Before training, you need to consume 40 - 70 grams of slow carbohydrates. They are so called because they have a low rate of breakdown into monosaccharides, which serve as the body's most preferred source of energy. Due to this, foods containing slow or complex carbohydrates feed the body with energy for several hours.

About 65 grams per 100 grams of product: natural rice, oatmeal, durum pasta, buckwheat and other cereals.

40-60 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product: rye or bran bread, beans, peas, vegetables

10-40 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product: sweet cheese curds, potatoes, beets, grapes, apples, natural fruit juices.


In addition to carbohydrates, your workout day diet should contain protein to maintain an anabolic state and reduce muscle breakdown. Proteins are a source of amino acids necessary for the repair and construction of muscle fibers.

15-30 grams of protein per 100 grams of product: veal, beef, pork (lean), chicken, turkey, trout, cheese, cottage cheese, chicken eggs.

5-15 grams of protein per 100 grams of product: milk, sausage, goose meat, salami.

For one meal you need to consume 20-30 grams of protein from food. That is, in one sitting, in total, all products should give 30 grams of protein.


In the diet of any person, and not just an athlete, vegetable fats should be present no more than 10% of the daily food intake.

Fatty foods take a long time to digest and prevent other nutrients from being absorbed into the bloodstream, so they should not be eaten before a workout. Consume plant-based fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids.


Water is an essential component for any person, and even more so for an athlete. Keep fluid intake throughout the day so that it is at least 2 liters. An hour before training, you need to drink about 800 grams of water for a man, and for a woman - 500 grams. Also during classes, you also need to consume water in small sips, because during classes you lose a lot of fluid.


Do not disturb the electrolyte-salt balance. During exercise, especially aerobic exercise, many minerals are lost. So you can drink mineral water or add salt to your water before exercise to restore electrolytes.

Pre-workout nutrition for muscle gain

To increase muscle mass before strength training, you need to consume a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. 2-2.5 hours before an anaerobic workout, you need to consume slow or complex carbohydrates. Also in the diet should be. During and immediately after training, proteins cannot yet be used to repair and synthesize muscle fibers, but they can protect muscles from destruction.

30 minutes before training you can eat:

  • one large fruit
  • berries with low glycemic index(apple, pear, strawberry or any other berries
  • wash down with a protein drink, preferably whey, because it is absorbed faster (0.22 grams of whey protein per 1 kg of body weight).

Pre-workout nutrition for weight loss

If you need to lose weight, that is, burn body fat, then you need to ensure that calorie consumption exceeds their consumption. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to eat before a workout to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, then you need aerobic training for weight loss. .

As in the case of weight gain, when losing weight, you need to eat 2 hours before training. But this time, the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to 15-20 g, and the amount of protein consumed to 10-15 g, so that there is no excess glycogen (glucose) in the muscles. Take all the same complex carbohydrates.

If you don't eat before your workout, you won't be able to train at the intensity you need to burn fat. And if you eat heavily and shortly before training, then you will spend the energy of food, and not excess fat.

Before training for weight loss, you need to make a meal, with general composition for 15 grams of carbohydrates (for men) and up to 10 grams of carbohydrates for women, as well as protein foods, it will be optimal for women to get up to 7 grams, for men 12-15 grams. Such nutrition will give the body energy to maintain the required intensity at the beginning of the workout, but it will not be enough and the body will begin to break down fat deposits for additional energy. If you use, then the diet needs to be adjusted taking into account the characteristics of the diet.

As an additional stimulant, 30 minutes before training, you can drink a glass of strong green tea or coffee without cream. This will increase the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which mobilize fat from fat cells so that muscle cells can use it for energy.

Conditions that must be observed in order to lose weight:

1. Before training, you must eat

The body needs energy to perform any work, and for its functioning it also needs energy, which it receives from food. And if you do not eat, then the body will not have the resources to conduct training at that level in order to get the desired result.

2. The athlete should have a meal 2 hours before the start of the workout

Firstly, it is difficult to train on a full stomach because of the feeling of heaviness, drowsiness.

Secondly, undigested and undigested food will not allow the body to use internal resources, that is, burn fat.

3. Reduce the amount of protein and carbohydrate-containing foods if you want to lose weight, and if you want to gain weight, then increase

Proteins and carbohydrates are nutrients that need to be manipulated depending on your goals: whether you want to lose weight or gain weight. Therefore, increase or decrease their consumption depending on the desired result.

Protein before workout

Always easier and faster to get required amount shakedown nutrients. It is easier and more convenient to consume and it is absorbed faster. Therefore, before training, you can take one serving of a protein shake or gainer for 1 hour or even 30 minutes.

Can I eat during a workout

During training, for additional fuel, you can consume fast carbohydrates or BCAA amino acids. They will protect the muscles from destruction and add strength.

Pre-Workout Foods

Below are examples that combine protein and carbohydrate foods, you can alternate these options depending on your taste preferences:

  • Poultry meat (turkey, chicken breasts) with coarse bread or rice or pasta
  • Lean fish with potatoes
  • Lean meat with potatoes or pasta
  • Eggs with porridge
  • Cottage cheese with bread

Immediately after training you can eat almost any easily digestible food, because it will go to restore the energy spent in training. Such products can be:

  • fruit juices
  • fruits - watermelon, banana, pineapple, mango, apricots
  • fruit cocktails
  • sports drinks - gainers, proteins, post-workout complexes, energy bars.

You don’t need to eat up after a workout, and it’s unlikely that you will succeed when all the blood has gone into the muscles and not only overeat, but it’s hard to breathe.

Nutrition before morning workout

If you prefer the morning for training, then after waking up you need to drink a protein shake and add 5-8 grams of BCAA to it. Or you can eat something easily digestible, like a piece of cake or brownie. Other foods are not very suitable before a morning workout, because they are digested for a long time and the body will not get energy from them for training.

But immediately after a workout, it is advisable to consume a sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates from regular meals.

The best meals before and after a morning workout:

  • poultry meat (chicken breast, turkey) with wholemeal bread or rice
  • lean meat with potatoes or pasta
  • cottage cheese with wholemeal bread
  • low-fat steak with potatoes or fresh vegetables
  • egg white omelette with oatmeal
  • lean fish with potatoes or vegetables

Sample pre-workout diet

What to eat before training, each athlete must determine for himself based on his personal experience. But the main principles can be distinguished: solid food can be consumed 4 hours before the start of a workout, a carbohydrate shake or foods containing fast carbohydrates - 2-3 hours before a workout, and the water-salt balance must be restored an hour before class.

1 hour or less before workout

  • - fresh fruits: apples, watermelons, peaches, grapes, oranges and/or
  • - energy jams (gels)
  • - up to 1 cup of sports drink

2 - 3 hours before training

  • - fresh fruits
  • - bread, bagels, pasta
  • - yogurt
  • - water

3 - 4 hours before training

  • - fresh fruits
  • - bread, bagels
  • - pasta with tomato sauce
  • - baked potato
  • - energy bar
  • - cereal with milk
  • - yogurt
  • - bread/sandwich with peanut butter, meat or cheese
  • - water

Caffeine pre-workout and performance

Caffeine is used by athletes as a stimulant of the central nervous system, to improve its work and neuromuscular communication. There is information that caffeine can increase endurance and improve the breakdown of fats for energy for muscle cells. This theory is not backed by research, but you can do a little experiment and see if it works for you. Coffee can be used as a central nervous system stimulant, but here you must proceed from the state of your health (heart function and blood pressure).

Foods to Avoid Before a Workout

This has already been mentioned above, but I will remind you once again that fatty foods before training - bad option. It is poorly digested and prevents carbohydrates and proteins from being absorbed into the bloodstream, which are needed to supply the body with energy.

Foods that are harmful to training can be safely attributed to:

  • Fat meat
  • Donuts
  • Fried potatoes
  • Chips and any fast food

Only you yourself can choose the optimal diet, according to your personal feelings, based on practical experiences in the process of training. And what works very well for your partner or even a coach may not suit you personally at all. You will definitely have personal preferences in products, characteristics of the body and metabolism, so experiment and find your own. proper nutrition before workouts.

A small example of a fitness menu plan

Fitness diet menu

1st day

Breakfast: 2 eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites), 100 g oatmeal, 1 glass of orange juice, 50 g fat-free cottage cheese. Second breakfast: fruit salad, fat-free yogurt. Lunch: 100 g boiled chicken, 100 g rice, green salad. Snack: baked potato, fat-free yogurt. Dinner: 200 g of stewed fish, salad, apple.

2nd day

Breakfast: 100 g of muesli, 1 glass of skim milk, 2 eggs, some fruit. Second breakfast: 1 glass of carrot juice, 50 g of cottage cheese. Lunch: chicken salad (150-200 g of meat), 1 potato, apple. Snack: low-fat yogurt, fruit. Dinner: 150 g of fish, 1 cup of boiled beans, salad (optional with low-fat salad dressing).

3rd day

Breakfast: 200 g strawberries, 100 g oatmeal, 2 egg scrambled eggs. Second breakfast: banana, 100 g of cottage cheese. Lunch: 200 g fish, 100 g rice, salad. Snack: fruit, yogurt. Dinner: 100 g turkey, 1 cup corn, salad.

4th day

Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g of hercules, 1 glass of milk. Second breakfast: banana, 100 g of cottage cheese. Lunch: 150 g chicken, 50 g rice. Snack: 1 glass of vegetable juice, bran. Dinner: 120 g beef, a cup of corn.

5th day

Breakfast: peach, 100 g of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, a glass of juice. Second breakfast: 1 glass of vegetable juice, 100 g of rice. Lunch: pita, 100 g turkey, apple. Snack: salad, 100 g of cottage cheese. Dinner: 100 g chicken, salad.

6th day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 100 g of buckwheat, 1 glass of milk. Second breakfast: cottage cheese, banana. Lunch: 200 g fish, 100 g rice, salad, 1 glass of orange juice. Snack: baked potato, yogurt. Dinner: 150 g shrimp, vegetable salad.

7th day

Breakfast: an apple, an omelet from 2 eggs, 100 g of buckwheat. Lunch; 100 g cottage cheese, peach. Dinner; 100 g beef, mixed vegetables (corn, carrots, peas). Snack: yogurt, 100 g of rice. Dinner: 150 g chicken, vegetable salad.

8th day

Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g muesli, 1 glass of skim milk, 2 eggs. Second breakfast: 70 g of rice, 1 peach. Lunch: 120 g chicken, salad, half a plate of pasta, 1 glass of orange juice. Snack: yogurt, apple. Dinner: 120 g of beef, vegetable salad.

9th day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 100 g of buckwheat, fruit, 1 glass of orange juice. Second breakfast: banana, cottage cheese. Lunch: 100 g fish, 100 g rice, peach, 1 glass of orange juice. Snack: yogurt, 50-100 g dried apricots. Dinner: 200 g fish, baked potatoes, vegetable juice.

10th day

Breakfast: 1 cup blueberries, 100 g oatmeal, scrambled eggs. Second breakfast: 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, 50 g raisins. Lunch: 100 g chicken, baked potato, 1 glass of vegetable juice. Snack: low-fat yogurt, orange. Dinner: 100 g of fish, vegetable salad.

11th day

Breakfast: a slice of watermelon, 2 eggs, 50 g of bran bread, 1 glass of orange juice. Second breakfast: banana, 50 g of cottage cheese. Lunch: 100 g rice, 200 g squid. Snack: 150 g fish, salad. Dinner: 100 g chicken, corn salad.

12th day

Breakfast: 1 glass of carrot juice, 100 g of oatmeal, scrambled eggs. Second breakfast: 100 g of rice with raisins and dried apricots. Lunch: 100 g chicken in pita, salad. Snack: fat-free yogurt, apple. Dinner: 120 g beef, 100 g broccoli.

13th day

Breakfast: grapefruit, 100 g of oatmeal, scrambled eggs. Second breakfast: 50 g of cottage cheese, peach. Lunch: 120 g of turkey in pita, boiled corn on the cob. Snack: fat-free yogurt, apple. Dinner: 150 g of fish, vegetable salad.

14th day

Breakfast: 1 glass of orange juice, 2 eggs, 100 g of muesli, 1 glass of milk. Second breakfast: banana, 50 g of cottage cheese. Lunch: 150 g chicken, green salad, 100 g rice. Snack: yogurt, peach. Dinner: 150 g of river fish, vegetable salad.

This is an example of a diet for athletes. Approximately this is how you should eat, but you should not copy, because you have your own weight, your own metabolism, and so on. Therefore, we proceed from our data and goals and, on the basis of this menu, we compose our own. The easiest option is to reduce or increase the calorie content of food if you want to lose weight or gain weight, respectively.

And yet, the dairy products mentioned above must be fat-free. All meat products are boiled or can be baked. It is better to choose fruits that are not sweet and give preference to green ones. Drink only natural juices or do not drink at all. It is always better to drink plain water.

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Among people who follow their figure or dream of losing weight, there is a popular myth that you can’t eat after six in the evening. But it turns out that the main principle of evening nutrition is a certain time period. It is 4 hours, and it is during this time before a night's rest that you need to have dinner so as not to gain weight. At 18, 25 and sometimes even at 30, this rule can be neglected. But every year from last appointment food before sleep should gradually increase. However, as you know, hunger is not an aunt, and falling asleep on an empty stomach, and even out of habit, is very difficult. Leading nutritionists recommend some list of products from what you can eat at night. The list of allowed dishes is strictly limited and divided into hour segments. If you follow the rules of eating in the evening, then it is quite possible to avoid unpleasant consequences with weight.

The list of products depends on the gender and age of the person. This is due to the fact that the metabolism of men and women is different. It should be noted that the first ones were a little more fortunate: they have a more satisfying diet, and the allowed foods are more caloric. Yes, and about the figure and excess weight, men do not bother too much. It should also be noted that for young people, the recommended list is much larger than for those who have passed the age gap of 30 years. The principle is based on slightly saturating the body and maintaining strength, and not overloading it with heavy high-calorie food before going to bed.

What can you eat 4 hours before bed?

For a woman, 4 hours before bedtime, 100 grams of boiled white fish will be a good dinner. You can replace it with white poultry meat in boiled or stewed form, but not more than 2 times a week. But fried foods should be completely abandoned and consumed only in the morning. As a side dish for fish or meat dishes, any vegetable stew except potatoes. It is better to eat it in a baked form, when the starch, harmful to the figure, has already been destroyed.

A good snack will be any fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. But cottage cheese in the evening hours should be treated with caution. This product is best eaten in the afternoon or as an afternoon snack. Fruits and berries such as blueberries and lemons are very low in sugar, so they are ideal as an addition to the evening diet. It goes well with the listed products and greens. Boiled beets are also suitable as one of the options for dinner. It not only does not load the stomach, but also stimulates the intestines.

Here is a sample list of foods allowed for dinner. But this does not mean that all this can be done in one sitting. Exists Golden Rule"palms", according to which at one meal you should eat as much as it fits in it. And of course, you don’t have to throw everything into yourself. It is better to choose what you want to eat more for dinner, 100 grams of fish or baked potatoes.

Some people believe that in the evening you can eat fruit in any quantity. However, such a judgment is erroneous. For example, if you think that you can eat an apple at night, then you run the risk of gaining excess weight very quickly. After all, along with useful fiber, fragrant fruits contain a large amount of hidden sugars. Therefore, all fruits are strictly forbidden to eat for dinner if you want to lose weight.

What can you eat 3 hours before bed?

3 hours before bedtime, it is permissible to treat yourself to a small piece of the same boiled white fish, stewed vegetables and sour-milk products to your taste. You can eat both greens and white boiled poultry meat, but in very small quantities.

Beets, unfortunately, drop out of the list of allowed products, because they are very sweet. Also, you can not eat bread, even if it is a cracker or whole grain bread. Fruits are also forbidden, especially pears, grapes or melons. They are allowed to be consumed only in the morning and, of course, not daily.

What can you eat 2 hours before bed?

The hourly period of time 2 hours before bedtime becomes even more strict and tough in terms of nutrition. Of the permitted dishes, fish, sour-milk products and greens remain. These products should also not be eaten together, but you need to choose what you want more - fish or kefir. But eating raw vegetables 2 hours before bedtime is not recommended. They put a lot of pressure on the pancreas. Therefore, after eating some tomatoes or peppers at night, a person will wake up in the morning with heaviness in the stomach and hypochondrium.

Some people believe that if you want to eat in the evening, you can have a snack with dried fruits. But they are very much mistaken in this. In such products, there is an extremely high amount of glucose and fructose, which has a bad effect on metabolism, which is why overweight. The same applies to watermelons, which we like so much, especially in hot weather. In this juicy ripe berry contains a huge amount of sugar. Therefore, there will be nothing strange in the fact that you suddenly get better from eating watermelon pulp in the evening.

What can you eat 1 hour before bed?

A fairly common myth is that before going to bed it is useful to drink a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey. In fact, this is a misconception, because this option is only suitable for children. In adults, unfortunately, a glass of drunk milk will cause a seething in the stomach, bloating and will not let you sleep peacefully. It would be more correct to replace milk with fermented milk drinks - fermented baked milk, yogurt or kefir.

Yes, you often really want to eat before going to bed, but the laws of nature dictate their own rules. With age, people acquire a lot of ailments, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, varicose veins, a variety of gastrointestinal diseases and being overweight. Compliance with the above nutritional rules will prevent the appearance of such serious problems with health.

I've been going to the gym for over a year now. The weight has dropped a little. Those recommendations that were given on fitness (snack 2 hours before training - up to 17.00 with carbohydrates, and then do not eat until morning) are not very suitable for me for medical reasons: the doctor recommended fractional meals 5-6 times a day with an interval of about 3- x hours. I have been going to the pool since September. At 17.00 before training on work easy snack 2 hours before swimming. Training ends at 21, until I get home by 22.00 I'm hungry like a wolf.
Of course, the muscles are now felt, but the volumes do not go away.
Maybe someone knows how best to eat in a sports mode in order to build weight, without harm to health and not break loose, overeat before going to bed due to the fact that you can’t fall asleep from hunger?
I found something on the Internet, I wanted to try it, but even one article contradicts itself in places.
I don’t want to give up sports, but I also don’t want to become a thunder-woman.
Here is a more or less decent article from the Internet.
After the article there is a questionnaire. In it, you can vote for a suitable post-workout diet for building. thank you in advance.

Nutrition before and after training
Today you go to the gym! Someone looks forward to this event and prepares for it in the morning, carefully gathering the form, postponing gatherings with friends in a cafe for another day, preparing dinner for the household, and by the end of the working day quickly turns off the computer and runs to the nearest sports club. The other perceives this as a necessity to maintain the image of an active fashionable person or as a habit acquired since childhood, spent at the training camp. But for everyone who has plunged headlong and all other parts of the body into the world of fitness and a healthy lifestyle, the main result is what they see in the mirror after many hours of stepping over the step or swimming in the pool. Unfortunately, not always the desired effect of training becomes noticeable. After all, many people forget that the active rhythm of life implies a special regimen and composition of nutrition.

Nutrition before training

So, in the diet before training you need:

1. Enable:

- carbohydrates.
2. Exclude:

Fats (or no more than 3 g).

CARBOHYDRATES in the pre-workout diet are essential in order to provide the muscles and brain with energy. During exercise, 'fuel' is burned very quickly, and it is necessary that it be glycogen, since the body cannot supply the required amounts of energy from fat (due to lack of oxygen).

PROTEINS in the pre-workout diet will not be a source of energy, they are a source of amino acids for working muscles. As a result, immediately after training, protein synthesis in the muscles increases dramatically.

FAT in the pre-workout diet should be absent, because it slows down the work of the stomach and the speed of digestion. Fatty foods stay in the stomach longer and can cause colic, nausea, and burping during exercise.

The best pre-workout meals:
- poultry meat (turkey, chicken breasts) with coarse bread or rice;
- low-fat steak with potatoes;
- egg white omelette with oatmeal.

The calorie content of food before training should be normal, as well as at other times. Bulky food (a large portion of salad or a bowl of soup) is best eaten an hour or two before training so that it has time to digest and the stomach is empty. More dense food (half a plate of porridge or cottage cheese) can be eaten 30 minutes to an hour before the start of the workout.
If you are training to build muscle mass, then 30 minutes before training, eat one large fruit with a low glycemic index (apple, pear, strawberry or any other berries) and wash it down with a protein drink (preferably whey protein). The calculation of the protein in this shake is as follows: 0.22 g of whey protein per kilogram of weight. For example, if you weigh 68 kg, then in a cocktail (mixed with water) there should be 15 g of protein.
Also drink a glass 30 minutes before your workout. strong black coffee (possible with a sweetener, but not with cream) or very strong green tea. This will help secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine, which mobilize fat from fat cells so that the body can use it as fuel. Thus, during training, you will burn more fat and less glucose, glycogen and amino acids. Fatigue in the process of training will come much later. The head will think better, and you will be able to train more intensively. The effect of coffee before training lasts approximately 2 hours. Immediately before training, it is better not to eat anything, as physical activity distracts from the process of digestion (rhythmic contractions of the stomach to digest food). As a last resort, if you are very hungry, you can drink a glass of protein shake or milk.

Drinking regimen during exercise

The most important thing during training is not to forget to drink! Already with 2% dehydration, training will be sluggish and ineffective. Do not focus on the feeling of thirst. Intense exercise depresses the thirst receptors in your throat and gastrointestinal tract, so that by the time you feel thirsty, your body will already be dehydrated. In addition, with age, the thirst sensors in the body lose their sensitivity. Adults need to drink water because they need to, not because they want to.
If you notice symptoms of dehydration (two or more at the same time):
- feeling of thirst
- dry mouth,
- dry or even chapped lips,
- dizziness,
- fatigue,
- headache,
- irritability
- lack of appetite,
start drinking water immediately and stop exercising for a few minutes until symptoms subside.

Nutrition training DRINKING REGULATION is as follows: right before the start of training, drink a glass of water and drink a little every 15-20 minutes during training. The amount drunk will depend on the amount of sweat. You need to keep your body hydrated and even super-hydrated during your workouts.
If the workout lasts more than an hour, then it is advisable to drink special sports drinks. With sugars, about 30-60 g of carbohydrates per hour should come from them. More than 60 g of carbohydrates the body will not absorb during a workout, and the productivity of the workout may decrease. Drink high-calorie drinks should be little by little, drinking every 10 minutes. Sports drinks also contain beneficial electrolytes (salts) that the body loses through sweat and urine.
During training, you can also drink fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed, and not store-bought. It's safe to say that all purchased juices, even those sold labeled "100% juice without added sugar", are diluted with water and contain mixed sugars. Orange juices most often contain beet sugar, apple juices contain corn syrup and inulin. The best juice is freshly squeezed orange, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

Nutrition after training

You need to eat immediately after training, preferably in the first 20 minutes. If you abstain from food for 2 hours after the end of the workout, then the workout loses all meaning - as a result, NOTHING IS TRAINING, fat will be burned a little, and that's it, but there will be no increase in strength, muscle density, harmony and metabolic rate. In the first 20 minutes after a workout, the so-called post-workout (anabolic) window is opened in the body for the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates (but not fats). Everything that will be eaten during this period will go to muscle recovery and muscle growth, not a single calorie from food will go to fat. It is very important.
Post-workout carbohydrates are best consumed in liquid form from simple, high-glycemic sources. You need to get a spike in insulin levels, with its anabolic and anti-catabolic (helps build lean muscle tissue) properties. Cranberry and grape juice are considered the best because they have a high ratio of glucose to fructose. Consume approximately 1g of carbs from juice for every pound of IDEAL weight. A glass of grape juice contains 38 g of carbohydrates (155 kcal), while a glass of cranberry juice contains 31 g of carbohydrates (115 kcal). You can also eat any carbohydrate food that does not contain fat (bread, jam, sugar, potatoes, rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables, etc.).
In addition, immediately after training, you need to load up on proteins. Best in powdered protein drink form. In this way, protein synthesis in muscles after training will increase by 3 times (compared to starvation). So bring a bottle of protein powder and juice shake with you if you're exercising outside the home, and drink it all at once as soon as you stop exercising. The amount of protein from the powder should be 0.55 g per kilogram of ideal weight. If you can't drink protein shakes for some reason, rely on egg whites.
If it is possible to eat within an hour after a workout, then choose any protein food, just calculate right amount squirrel. Your dose of protein food can be determined very simply: it should fit in your palm. Since post-workout nutrition has only one important goal - to promote muscle growth as quickly and efficiently as possible - this meal should not contain fat at all. Fat will slow down the flow of carbohydrates and proteins from the stomach into the blood.
Protein food should be lean, that is, if the chicken is breasts, not legs. If eggs, then only proteins. Beef and pork should be avoided as they are always very fatty, prefer veal. You also need to be careful with cheese, milk, yogurt and cottage cheese - as a rule, they contain at least 5% fat. The only exception is fatty fish (not fried!). It can and should be eaten as often as possible.
After training, within two hours, it is desirable to exclude everything that contains caffeine: coffee, tea, cocoa and everything chocolate (even protein powders with chocolate flavor). The fact is that caffeine interferes with insulin and thus prevents your body from reloading glycogen in the muscles and liver and using protein for muscle repair. So if you train in the morning, endure 2 hours, and only then drink real strong coffee. A cup of coffee before a workout should help you stay alert and energized. If you can’t give up coffee or tea at all, choose their decafinized counterparts.

Workout and nutrition for weight loss

Nutrition trainingDrinking and nutrition regimen before and after training for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, namely to lose weight, and not to build muscle, pull yourself up, etc., then:
- 5 hours before training, do not eat proteins,
- 3 hours before training, do not eat at all,
- 30 minutes - 1 hour before training stop drinking,
- during training, it is DESIRABLE not to drink,
- an hour after training do not drink,
- 3 hours after training do not eat.
The results will be tangible.

2 week fitness diet

Fitness diet involves five meals a day.
With an average calorie content of about 1400-1800 calories per day, such a diet provides safe weight loss. An exemplary fitness diet is low in fat, high in carbohydrates and protein. When following a diet, you need to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day. Even if your weight increases on the scale, it's okay, it means that you are losing fat and gaining muscle. Do not rely entirely on the scales. The main thing is how you look when looking in the mirror, and changes can also be judged by clothes. If you can not eat strictly on a diet, then try to count the calories consumed and choose the menu according to the calorie table, trying to eat the least fatty foods. If possible, do not take too long breaks in nutrition, they contribute to body fat!

Fitness diet menu

1st day
Breakfast: 2 eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites), 100 g oatmeal, 1 glass of orange juice, 50 g fat-free cottage cheese.
Second breakfast: fruit salad, fat-free yogurt.
Lunch: 100 g boiled chicken, 100 g rice, green salad.
Snack: baked potato, fat-free yogurt.
Dinner: 200 g of stewed fish, salad, apple.

2nd day
Breakfast: 100 g of muesli, 1 glass of skim milk, 2 eggs, some fruit.
Second breakfast: 1 glass of carrot juice, 50 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: chicken salad (150-200 g of meat), 1 potato, apple.
Snack: low-fat yogurt, fruit.
Dinner: 150 g of fish, 1 cup of boiled beans, salad (optional with low-fat salad dressing).

3rd day
Breakfast: 200 g strawberries, 100 g oatmeal, 2 egg scrambled eggs.

Lunch: 200 g fish, 100 g rice, salad.
Snack: fruit, yogurt.
Dinner: 100 g turkey, 1 cup corn, salad.

4th day
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g of hercules, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: banana, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: 150 g chicken, 50 g rice.
Snack: 1 glass of vegetable juice, bran.
Dinner: 120 g beef, a cup of corn.

5th day
Breakfast: peach, 100 g of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, a glass of juice.
Second breakfast: 1 glass of vegetable juice, 100 g of rice.
Lunch: pita, 100 g turkey, apple.
Snack: salad, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Dinner: 100 g chicken, salad.

6th day
Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 100 g of buckwheat, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese, banana.
Lunch: 200 g fish, 100 g rice, salad, 1 glass of orange juice.
Snack: baked potato, yogurt.
Dinner: 150 g shrimp, vegetable salad.

7th day
Breakfast: an apple, an omelet from 2 eggs, 100 g of buckwheat.
Lunch; 100 g cottage cheese, peach.
Dinner; 100 g beef, mixed vegetables (corn, carrots, peas).
Snack: yogurt, 100 g of rice.
Dinner: 150 g chicken, vegetable salad.

8th day
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g muesli, 1 glass of skim milk, 2 eggs.
Second breakfast: 70 g of rice, 1 peach.
Lunch: 120 g chicken, salad, half a plate of pasta, 1 glass of orange juice.
Snack: yogurt, apple.
Dinner: 120 g of beef, vegetable salad.

9th day
Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 100 g of buckwheat, fruit, 1 glass of orange juice.
Second breakfast: banana, cottage cheese.
Lunch: 100 g fish, 100 g rice, peach, 1 glass of orange juice.
Snack: yogurt, 50-100 g dried apricots.
Dinner: 200 g fish, baked potatoes, vegetable juice.

10th day
Breakfast: 1 cup blueberries, 100 g oatmeal, scrambled eggs.
Second breakfast: 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, 50 g raisins.
Lunch: 100 g chicken, baked potato, 1 glass of vegetable juice.
Snack: low-fat yogurt, orange.
Dinner: 100 g of fish, vegetable salad.

11th day
Breakfast: a slice of watermelon, 2 eggs, 50 g of bran bread, 1 glass of orange juice.

Lunch: 100 g rice, 200 g squid.
Snack: 150 g fish, salad.
Dinner: 100 g chicken, corn salad.

12th day
Breakfast: 1 glass of carrot juice, 100 g of oatmeal, scrambled eggs.
Second breakfast: 100 g of rice with raisins and dried apricots.
Lunch: 100 g chicken in pita, salad.

Dinner: 120 g beef, 100 g broccoli.

13th day
Breakfast: grapefruit, 100 g of oatmeal, scrambled eggs.
Second breakfast: 50 g of cottage cheese, peach.
Lunch: 120 g of turkey in pita, boiled corn on the cob.
Snack: fat-free yogurt, apple.
Dinner: 150 g of fish, vegetable salad.

14th day
Breakfast: 1 glass of orange juice, 2 eggs, 100 g of muesli, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: banana, 50 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: 150 g chicken, green salad, 100 g rice.
Snack: yogurt, peach.
Dinner: 150 g of river fish, vegetable salad.

This diet is exemplary sample how you can eat. It should be noted that all the aforementioned dairy products are necessarily fat-free. Beef, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood - boiled or stewed (in extreme cases, if you are not eating at home, grill). Also keep track of the amount of fruit eaten, give preference to citrus fruits, green apples. It is advisable to use brown rice, natural juices.
Diet means regular exercise!

Of course, you are determined to get the most out of your workouts in the gym. And for this it is important not only to eat correctly, but also to eat on time. Improper nutrition before training or lack of it can make the session useless or add stress in the form of colic, bloating and nausea.

Overeating and foods that irritate the gastric mucosa are fraught with lethargy and disorder of the corresponding organ. Hunger is the other extreme, which leads to decreased stamina, dizziness, fainting, and injury.

When and how much to eat before training

“Regardless of what kind of training is ahead, you should eat 1.5–2 hours before it,” advises dietitian Elena Tikhomirova. Are you planning a super-nutrient intake of heavy and high-calorie foods? Then forget about active actions for 3 hours after.

If for some reason it was not possible to eat a balanced and complete meal on time, you can have a snack 30 minutes before the start of the lesson - grab a fruit, light yogurt, fruit juice or smoothies. Determine the portion size based on how you feel. The main thing here is to avoid feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Proper nutrition before training largely depends on individual characteristics person. Actual nutritional needs differ based on body type, goals, genetics, exercise duration and intensity. The training experience is no less important: the longer it is, the better the system of energy reserve and consumption is developed.

“Very often, newcomers come to the gym who do not calculate their strength. And even after a not very intense workout, they catch hypoglycemia (a sharp drop in blood sugar), which leads to nausea, cold sweat, dizziness, loss of consciousness and tinnitus,” says personal trainer Natalia Saitova.

This is because the muscles have not yet adapted to the accumulation of glycogen (stored glucose) for intense work. Experienced athletes, on the contrary, even after a light snack can train for a long time without manifestations of hypoglycemia.

Sports menu: basic rules

Before aerobic exercise the main source of energy is carbohydrates, which will keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the session. It is, of course, about complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. And these are not fragrant buns, but oatmeal, vegetables and fruits, berries, whole grain bread, brown rice, smoothies and nuts.

Probably only the lazy one does not know about PROPER NUTRITION (PP). Personally, when I heard about it, I thought that it was another rigid diet, tasteless, disgusting. BUT, everything turned out quite the opposite.

I am 32 years old and I constantly struggle with being overweight. And after giving birth, I was generally blown up to 76 kg. When my daughter turned 1 year old, I threw off 7 kg simply by removing meals after 18.00. But she drank hard. And the weight has become. I decided that I needed to change my diet and add physical activity.

On New Year I made the usual salads (with corn, mushrooms, potatoes, etc.). But the activia classic was filled with yogurt. I get a lot of recipes from the internet. There is a group in contact, there are all sorts of dishes with the calculation of BJU.

It happens in critical days or ovulation, I really want sweets, I bake desserts, I lean on carbohydrates and I can even eat half a dark chocolate bar. I believe that on such days you can eat a little more, since the body requires. But I allow 2-3 days, then I stop. The weight is not growing.



I got to know him very recently. Chicken breast This is my main meal. It turns out so juicy that having tried it, you will always cook this one. No fried, baked and boiled can be compared with it.

You will need:

Chicken fillet

Parchment (paper) for baking

Your favorite spices

Frying pan, scissors

1. Fillet (1 part = half of the whole breast, if you cut the chicken) I cut it into 3 parts along (about the thickness of a finger).

2. Cut off a piece of parchment = the bottom of the pan in a square, but with one sheet (so that you put the breast on one part and cover it with the second part (see photo)

3. Put the fillet on half of the parchment

4. Sprinkle the fillet with spices, onions, garlic, dill, tomato paste(those who are not on the PP, you can use mayonnaise and pepper) anything.

5. Cover with the second side of parchment

I assure you, if you have not tried fillet in this form, then you will definitely like it. The breast is juicy, tender, soft with a wonderful aroma. Go and get ready. Lick your fingers. If you cook with onions (even with green ones), the taste is very similar to shish kebab. My husband and I just love the fillet in this form. Look, just do not pour oil. The chicken is cooked in its own juice.



1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day (you can put reminders on your smartphone. Hydro program (blue drop), the bell will notify you to drink water). 1-2 glasses NECESSARILY NATOSCHAK and after 20 minutes you can have breakfast. This is how we start the metabolism. little water- poor metabolism, cellulite, excess fat. Soups, tea, compote, coffee, yogurt are liquids, and we need water to lose weight.

2. For a faster metabolism, add lemon, ginger, cinnamon, grapefruit, pepper to water and food. Personally, I add circles of a whole lemon to a jar of water, knead it a little and drink it, then add water again and drink it, and eat lemons (I have a healthy stomach).

3. If there was a breakdown (they ate a chocolate bar or unbearably wanted a sandwich, a cake), then you should not reproach yourself. And on this day, just enhanced cardio.

4. Eat at least 5 times a day. Never go hungry. If it is evening, and you are hungry, eat protein - half a pack or a pack of cottage cheese, kefir, chicken breast, etc.

5. After 18.00 you can and should eat. You can not eat 2 hours before bedtime.

6. You need to sleep at least 8 hours (go to bed early, get enough sleep). In a dream, STH (somatotropic hormone) is produced, which promotes weight loss in a dream.

7. Sports - required condition. At least 2-3 times a week for 40 min-1 hour.

8. The skin needs care - 2 times a week we pamper it with wraps, scrubs, and massage.

9. We eat only healthy food - protein (cottage cheese, eggs, dairy products, lean meat), fruits, vegetables, cereals, herbs, spices, legumes.

This is how I will now eat until I reach the desired weight of 59 kg. Then maybe I'll pamper myself more often with something tasty. But so far everything suits in food. I see the result in the mirror, but of course I want a more toned body and a flat stomach. So I continue to work.

Girls, eat right for health! The review will be supplemented by photos in the process.

Hope it was helpful!