What beautiful flowers to plant in your dacha. What flowers are best to plant in the garden and at the dacha: general tips and recommendations How to plant flowers on the site

A pleasant, but less labor-intensive task is the creation flower beds at the dacha. Main point in this matter - choosing the right colors. Perennials that will delight the eye throughout the summer are the dream of any gardener. ideal option for any flower bed or garden. Flowers that belong to this category easily endure even the harshest winters. They do not need annual planting.

Decorating a dacha with garden flowers is a pleasant thing. Huge number various colors can be planted. They do not require special care and are unpretentious to soil and watering. By choosing the right plant, you can emphasize the originality of your site. Such a dream is easy to achieve, and you can admire the flowers from early spring until autumn.

Flowers for dachas are the pride of any gardener and decoration for the dacha. Bright and unique colors create coziness. The world of flowers amazes with its diversity.

Benefits of annual flowers

It is also possible that there are people who prefer annuals. However, they do not care about careful care of them. But many people prefer perennials.

For summer cottage:

Don't be discouraged in autumn. This great time to work on the future beauty of the flower garden early spring.

Planting perennial flowers is possible in several ways:

  • using bulbs;
  • roots;
  • seeds

When planting flowers, you can immediately create compositions, which will not require transplantation for 2-3 years.

How to plant perennials correctly:

  1. First you need to draw up a plan for the flower bed.
  2. You need to be confident in the growth of the plants. Low growing flowers are planted in the foreground, etc.
  3. Border flowers are designed to be placed along paths.
  4. Take into account color scheme, flowering time. All plants should be in harmony with themselves.

Classification and types of perennial plants

Numerous photos depict incredible landscaping in the garden. If you choose the right colors and draw a picture, you can create a real garden masterpiece. But how can one not be proud of the garden after this?

Have a stunning effect garden plots, which are organized in a tiered manner. In this case, all plant sizes are taken into account.

Perennial flowers can be divided into 4 main groups, depending on height:

  • short;
  • medium height;
  • tall;
  • curly.


The flowers of this group include perennials, the height of which almost reaches the 30 cm mark. Such flowers are especially popular when decorating borders and rocky gardens. During the flowering period they acquire the most beautiful view, creating a perfect coating that can hide all the imperfections and unevenness of the surface. This method of decorating a summer cottage is good because it is economical from a financial point of view. To get beautiful floral carpet, must be taken into account tightly when planting and comply with basic requirements. Among all the colors, the ones below are especially popular.


These flowers amaze with their bright colors. They don't demand special care. They bloom throughout the summer. In regions with a warm climate, they delight the eye with a wide range of colors. Today there are a huge number of different tones and combinations of this perennial. They are an excellent addition to medium- and tall-growing flowers in the country.


This is a plant that can grow in soil of absolutely any composition. In addition, it has good frost resistance. Most often it is used to decorate rock gardens and stone compositions. Periwinkle has good ability to growth. After some time, the entire area will be covered with carpet green with blue or pink drops.


Phloxes are considered decorative flowers. Their various shades are striking in combination - from soft white to dark red. They occupy almost first place in landscape design. Phlox can form a carpet, the height of which will be almost 25 cm. To plant these flowers, the soil must be well moistened. No more than 7 plants per 1 square meter are allowed. m.


The plant is very similar to a bell. The beautiful bright blue or light blue flowers bloom from June to August. Bell flowers look beautiful in rock gardens and when decorating slides. Their mountain origin makes them indispensable in this matter. There are more than 400 species of this plant.

Medium height

Representatives of this group of perennials can reach a height of about one meter. In the photo you can see that they are medium-sized perennials often used not only for self-planting, but also when creating tiered compositions. This is one of the win-win options for decorating a summer cottage. When choosing between all representatives, they often try to plant the flowers that are described below.


Good for summer cottages and has 25 species. Grows in one place for more than 10 years. Such a long period is explained by its unpretentiousness to the soil. However, such conditions do not affect its appearance. Daylily begins to bloom at the very beginning of summer and complements the flowerbed design abundant flowering. Its delicate aroma attracts butterflies, making the garden even more mysterious and enigmatic.


It has large oval-shaped leaves. A yellow inflorescence is very common. But the most common is Rhodiola rosea. The flowering period is the first two summer months. It does not require heat and excessive light, however, in order for flowering to continue, it needs a lot of moisture.

tall plants

The flowers of this group of plants can be classified as gigantic. The height of some can reach 2 m. They are often placed in the center of the flower bed. Thus, perennial plants do not cover the others.

Stock rose

An extraordinary plant that amazes with its flowering and bright colors, can reach 1.5 m in height. The inflorescences seem terry to the touch. With their varied shades, they resemble peonies, which are placed on tall stems. Continues to bloom throughout summer season, affecting even the beginning of autumn.


We are talking about the Willow representative. Their main advantage is that they look great individually. Together with other flowers in the composition they also look good. This is one of the most best jewelry flower beds They begin to bloom profusely in the second half of summer.


Nature has given man many flowers that belong to the climbing category. Such perennials are particularly beautiful and in some way even exotic. All representatives, without exception, have elastic stems, which often require additional support. You need to be especially careful when handling them. Beginners are advised to choose not too fancy species for their garden to begin with.

They are used for landscaping on balconies, terraces, and gazebos. This is a hedge around any house. Thus, they not only delight with beauty, but also hide some errors in construction.

climbing rose

The climbing rose is the result of crossing wild and garden rose. Shoots of this species are characterized by arching. They have small foliage, but at the same time very tough. They need to have good support.

Small flowers are collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which usually does not exceed 5 cm. They emit a pleasant, subtle aroma. They provide aesthetic pleasure for 2 months. Blooming perennial roses just once a year. But breeders have managed to develop varieties that bloom twice a year. The color of the rose depends on the variety: pink, red, coral, white, yellow. They may seem whimsical at first. But on next year their care is simplified. The only thing they need is frequent and abundant watering, which must be regular. They must be exposed to sunlight. In order for the flower to please the eye next year, they need to be insulated for the winter.


In the photo, wisteria appears like a real paradise on a tree. After reading the name itself, a tree with huge inflorescences hanging down appears before your eyes. Wisteria is especially loved to be planted in the country. It is a deciduous vine. Plays a decorative role, as its openwork foliage falls to the ground. The clusters of flowers look like bunches of grapes and can reach a length of about 50 cm. Attracts the attention of even aesthetes with the most refined taste. The tree is high maintenance and needs to be pruned twice a year. This tree can be very tall. From a distance it somewhat resembles sakura. Looks very nice in the garden. In summer, during flowering, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. The whole tree is covered with clusters and it looks very impressive.

Maiden grapes

The plant belongs to the tree-like vines. Its length can reach about 20 m. The suction cups and tendrils of the vine have a complex structure, thanks to which they can be attached to any surface. It does not require any additional supports. Of the entire plant, the main aesthetic role is played by the foliage. The succulent foliage can change color depending on the ambient temperature. Throughout the summer it is bright green, but with the onset of cold weather it gradually changes color to purple.

The small fruits look great and remain on the vine until the grapes begin to shed their leaves. In the photo you can see how the plant covers any surface, it’s very beautiful. Maiden grapes are a frost-resistant perennial vine and grow in any place chosen for it.


It is a perennial shrub reaching 3 m in height. At the same time, it can also curl. To save nice view, honeysuckle must be constantly tied up and pruned regularly. The flowers have a special unique aroma. Some types of honeysuckle have blue fruits, having medicinal properties. The culture is unpretentious and can grow even in the most unfavorable climatic conditions.

There are many names, varieties and types of perennial plants. They all have a variety of shapes and bloom from early spring until late autumn. If you correctly create compositions in your flower beds, you can enjoy the unique colors throughout the summer. A cottage filled with flowering plants will definitely lift your spirits. You always want to return to such a place again and again.

Growing flowers at home is not the most difficult task. However, some plants always feel great, while others have to throw another dead green pet into the trash after an unsuccessful transplant. To ensure that the plants do not die and bloom after this procedure, it is necessary to follow the technology, take into account the characteristics of soils and pots and avoid common mistakes.

Flowers to grow in a pot

You can plant not only indoor plants, but also outdoor plants in pots. In the latter case, containers are installed on loggias, balconies, terraces, cottages and flower beds. Roses grow well in pots tuberous begonias, petunias and violas. These flowers not only require a lot of light, but also fresh air, which is usually not enough in an apartment.

If you plan to grow a plant in a house, then you need to pay attention to which side the windows face. In the north, unpretentious species such as cacti and succulents are grown. It is better to use the south window only in winter, placing pots with heat-loving and light-loving subtropical plants on it. In summer, this side is too hot for any flowers except cacti.

The best option for plants in pots are western and eastern windows.

Landing indoor flowers can occur at any time of the year. The best period Early spring is the time to divide and replant most plants.

Soil preparation

A novice gardener who decides to replant his plants does not have to make his own soil mixture. Preparing soil is a rather complex task that can only be solved by experienced specialists.

In the trading network you can now find ready-made soil mixtures for almost any indoor and outdoor plants. They are inexpensive and quite suitable for growing home flowers at an amateur level. The most unpretentious ones can be planted even in universal and seedling soils.

Choosing a pot

The retail chain offers a variety of flowerpots and pots for indoor and outdoor plants. If you do not take into account exclusive vessels made from materials atypical for growing (metal, wood, stone), then you are left with a choice between plastic and ceramics.

Plastic pots are inexpensive and lightweight. Those who grow large indoor plants - dracaenas, ficuses, zamioculcas, dieffenbachias - have to take into account their size and weight. Therefore, for large indoor plants it's better to buy light ones plastic containers, which can be moved while caring for green pets. Durable pots made of this material are indispensable when creating vertical compositions.

Such vessels are not used when growing very tall plants, since in a light container they can tip over. An important disadvantage of plastic is that the material does not breathe, and the lack of air has a bad effect on the development of roots.

Clay and ceramic pots are suitable for growing any flowers. Clay is a porous material; if it is not covered with glaze, nothing prevents moisture from evaporating through the walls of the vessel. In the same way, air enters the pot through the pores, as a result of which the soil is saturated with oxygen, which is beneficial for the roots of the plant.

In the trade you can find fakes - pseudo-clay containers made of gypsum. These vessels are airtight and therefore lack the benefits of ceramic pots. You can distinguish gypsum when struck, since it produces a duller sound.

The disadvantage of a clay pot is its fragility. If handled carelessly, it can easily break. Many plants grow into its porous walls, which is why, when transplanting, their roots have to be torn off, causing injury.

Transplant technology

You can correctly transplant a green pet so that it feels no worse in the new pot than in the old one, as follows:

  1. 1. It is advisable to wash the container and let it dry.
  2. 2. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the vessel - ready-made expanded clay from flower shop or independently collected small pebbles. A layer at the bottom of the pot prevents water stagnation and root rot. The thickness of the drainage depends on the type of plant and the type of container. If the vessel has a hole at the bottom, then it is enough to fill it with 1 cm of stones. If it is not there, it is better to make a thicker layer - 3-4 cm. The more the plant loves moisture, the thinner the drainage should be.
  3. 3. A little soil is poured on top of this layer and compacted. If you need to replant a plant with a developed root system, then make a mound in the center of the pot, on which the flower is placed so that the ends of the roots are below the stem and evenly spaced. After this, they are finally covered with earth, making sure that the trunk is at the desired height.

Drainage is not used for very moisture-loving plants - cyperus, calla lilies. They like their roots to be in extra-moist soil.

In order for the flower to quickly take root, it must be watered after transplantation. The water should be warm, free of chlorine, preferably rainwater or distilled. The plant is carefully moistened using an indoor watering can with a spray bottle. If the soil settles after watering, it is refilled to the desired level.

Most flowers feel better when the soil is sprinkled with expanded clay on top. It prevents moisture from evaporating and prevents the formation of soil crust.

A freshly transplanted plant should not be immediately exposed to a sunny window. It would be correct to place it for two to three days (until the roots take root and begin to actively absorb moisture) in a slightly shaded place where direct sunlight does not reach.

Possible errors

Despite the fact that the technology for replanting indoor plants is simple, no one is immune from mistakes:

  • Unsuitable soil. For capricious plants, purchased soil must be adjusted. Soil mixtures produced with violations of technology also need this. Such soils may be too dense or too loose. River or lake sand, perlite or vermiculite are added to dense mixtures. Too peaty light soil should be compacted by adding turf soil.
  • Partial transplant. Many people believe that a flower bought in a store is already growing in a substrate that is optimally suitable for it, and they try to preserve the maximum amount of “native” soil on the roots. This is a grave mistake. Plants sold in stores are in a substrate not intended for their full development. Its purpose is to provide transportation. Therefore, having purchased a plant in a store and delivered it home, you need to clean its roots from the substrate in which it arrived from a foreign or domestic greenhouse. To do this, remove it from the shipping container and place the roots in a basin with warm water. After soaking, they are washed under the tap, finally freeing even small particles of the substrate.

Landscape designers consider flowers to be the ideal tool to transform a garden. Flowers create unique charm when they are combined into flower beds. The choice of flowers from which you want to create a flower garden depends on many factors.

If you are a busy person and do not belong to the fans of the flower kingdom, it is unlikely that you should choose complex compositions. No less important is the question: what flowers should I plant in my dacha so that their care is reduced to a minimum and the effect is maximized?

What flowers to plant in the garden and near the house

Decorate a small cottage beautiful flowerbed, mixborder or rabatka is not at all difficult. You just need to remember that the flower garden in its style should be associated with landscape style plot and architecture of the house.

It is very important that the flowers are not scattered randomly throughout the garden, but create bright accents in the right places. It is enough to highlight the main elements of the site with flower beds: the entrance to the house, the turns of the path, the corner for relaxation, and you will see how they will unite all the elements landscape design V complete picture.

How to properly arrange and decorate a flower garden

The ability to properly create a flower garden and beautifully arrange flowers into a single composition comes with time.

  • Choosing soloists

Planning a flower garden begins with choosing the most beautiful plants who will become soloists. There should be no more than three. We designate the place where they are planted - each separately or in groups. If the role of the soloist is assigned to the delphinium, then the rest of the perennials can be quite tall, the main thing is that they do not cover it.

It is good to complement the flower garden with peonies, hostas, saxifrage, bells, tulips, and daffodils. The attractiveness of a flower bed is created not only by flowering plants, but also by plants with decorative leaves, especially in the intervals between flowering.


  • Flower "castes"

Plants in a flower garden always compete for light, moisture and nutrients located in the ground. Therefore, when planning a flower garden, we place plants with the same needs nearby, otherwise stronger plants will “crush” the weaker ones.

  • Continuous flowering effect

Quite often you can find lily, pyrethrum, eryngium, astilbe, and sedum in our flower beds. They are placed in the flowerbed so that the flowering plants cover the fading ones. If part of the flowerbed is in the shade, astilbe and hostas will come to the rescue. This arrangement of plants will create the impression of continuous flowering.

  • Play of shades and nuances of the same color

Bright, colorful flower beds are very beautiful, but no less charming is the play of shades and nuances of the same color. The softer the color transitions, the more attention the flower’s shape attracts. A combination of pink and purple shades is considered very popular: phlox, rudbeckia, polygonum.



  • Chameleon flower beds

Chameleon flower beds look interesting. Having planted creopsis and agrostemma mixed together, the agrostemma will bloom first, coloring the entire flowerbed in pink, and in August, within a week, your flowerbed will become “golden” - creopsis will bloom.

When laying out a flower garden, you should not get carried away with a large number of plant varieties. By skillfully selecting plants according to color and flowering time, you can achieve better effect even at low costs.

Mixborder: what flowers to plant in a mixed flowerbed

The main requirement for a mixborder, as well as for any flower garden, is continuous flowering. Naturally, without bulbous plants and annuals cannot achieve such a result. Snowdrops and crocuses are the first to wake up in the mixborder.


They are followed on stage mouse hyacinth, scilla, tulips and daffodils. Primroses and anemones will find their place in the mixborder. Then the baton passes to phlox awl-shaped, sedums and tenacious. In July, annuals gain strength: marigolds, salvia, balsams.

phlox subulate

If necessary, you can supplement the mixborder with container plants: begonia, verbena, petunia.

In addition to flowers, in a mixborder it is allowed to plant low shrubs: roses, weigella, mock orange. Larger ones – conifers and boxwood – will create a decorative background for flowering and variegated plants.

Choosing flowers and ornamental plants for planting in discount gardens

The rabatka is a strip of flowers, which, as a rule, is placed along the edges of the lawn, along the path, house or fence. It can be compared to a wreath of flowers or a rainbow. Rabatka adds bright colors the entire landscape of the site, enlivening it, making it more festive and cheerful.

When creating a ridge, it is worth remembering the proportions: the ratio of the width of the length of the ridge should be 1:3. The length of the ridge can be quite long. But for a dacha longer than 3 - 5 meters it is not worth doing.

The ridge can be made one-sided or two-sided. One-sided ridges are adjacent to the fence or path. With double-sided ones you can decorate your lawn and divide the area into separate zones.

Flower beds are created from annual and perennial plants.

Choosing annual plants, it is better to choose marigolds, asters, ageratum, creopsis, godetia.


Perennials are chosen with beautiful foliage. Tall ones - I plant them in the background if they are creating a one-sided garden, or in the middle if a two-sided one is planned. As a rule, perennials form the basis of the composition, which is then supplemented by annuals. Such perennials include irises, rudbeckias, lilies, chrysanthemums, September flowers, lupins, delphiniums, ferns, and hosts.

Low and carpet perennials can be planted near external parties discounts: tenacious, subulate phlox, sedum, primrose, pansies and looked younger.


In early spring, the ridge will be decorated with crocuses, hyacinths, low-growing tulips, and daffodils. After they bloom, annuals will take their place.

When creating a flower bed, it is necessary to take into account not only the timing of flowering and the location of the flower bed (sunny place, shade, partial shade), but also the color scheme of the plants. Therefore, before buying and planting plants, in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to first make a design for the flower on paper, taking into account all the rules of color and plant size.

If the composition is dominated by hot colors - yellow, orange, red, the discount will look too bright and provocative. Cool tones - blue and purple - will make it quite gloomy and dull.

Therefore, you should not get carried away with extremes; it is better to use either contrasting color palette, or matching shades. In any case, all plants in the garden should create a feeling of harmony.

The choice of plants for planting in the country is very important stage, because the appearance of the dacha area, the amount of time spent caring for the flower beds, and the mood of the owners and guests who visited the country estate depend on their varietal diversity. To begin with, you shouldn’t get hung up on difficult-to-maintain exotic species, it is better to choose several unpretentious, but vibrant representatives of the flora. Let's take a closer look at what flowers to plant in your dacha so that it turns into a cozy corner of paradise.

Many lovers of country holidays visit their dacha only on weekends, therefore, they need to choose flowers that require minimal care. In addition, plants must be able to withstand drought or, conversely, prolonged rain. If you plant capricious roses in more northern latitudes, they will require daily attention, so let’s consider options that quietly develop on their own, at least within a week.

Cheerful yellow and orange marigolds are undemanding to soil and atmospheric “gifts”. The only condition for their successful cultivation, a sunny place is needed, and this can be a patch in the middle of the lawn, a narrow flower bed along the path, or containers hanging from the wall. Low varieties of marigolds are ideal for creating ridges or borders.

Bright, monochromatic marigolds look more elegant when surrounded by plants with decorative large leaves, for example, against the background of an ordinary or spotted hosta

Climbing, freedom-loving nasturtium is perfect for lightly shaded areas. It grows quickly, so it should be planted in areas with plenty of free soil. In order for the nasturtium bush to retain its shape and size for as long as possible, it is placed in a pot or small container. Beginning of May - best time for sowing these pink, burgundy, lilac, yellow or variegated plants.

Imopoeia is distinguished by its large flowers, noticeable from afar, which can decorate both the wall of a house and a trellis specially constructed for it. Imopoeia loves support and has increased tenacity, so it can easily “pounce” on any object standing nearby - a bench, a tree, a corner of a house. These beautiful flowers with large buds they love sunlight and organic fertilizers.

A special feature of growing nasturtium is the dosed application of fertilizers. Large quantity mineral will cause rapid growth of leaves, but will suppress the formation of inflorescences

Two or three varieties of imopoeia with buds of different shades, planted near a trellis, arch or trellis, look original and harmonious.

Perennials as a symbol of stability

If you don’t have time to annually change the composition of your flower beds and replant plants from place to place, it is better to stick to perennials, which, once rooted, will delight the eye for a long time. Recognized leaders among perennials - luxurious dahlias and fragrant peonies, which during their flowering turn flower beds into huge white-pink-red clouds.

Get ready for the aristocratic peony to decorate your area for 10 years or more. This dominant plant blooms vigorously throughout the summer, and the rest of the time its decorative function is performed by its dark, glossy greenery. Peonies are not capricious: in the fall it is enough to remove their above-ground part. There is no need to cover or wrap plants from frost so as not to damage the sprouts in the spring.

Dahlias are perfect for individual plantings, for group compositions, and even for creating lush arrays. They love places that are well lit by the sun but protected from the wind. One of the conditions for planting is moisture-intensive, fairly fertile soil, as well as moderate use of organic matter (manure). Dahlias bloom towards the end of summer, so flower beds can be supplemented with shorter plants.

The roots of dahlias need additional air flow: by regularly feeding and watering the flowers, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds

Unrivaled rustic style

The persistent smell of mint, herbs and slightly wild, unkempt flower beds - old childhood memories take us on a journey through the garden of our beloved grandmother, where colorful plants of unimaginable varieties merged into a single picture, which is now commonly called.

The center of the landscape is, of course, a lush rose bush, spreading a delicate soft aroma around itself. By choosing soil that is neutral in acidity, not over-moistened and fertile, you won’t have to think about renewal for the next 10 years. Timely planting, depending largely on the variety, regular hilling and fertilizing will help create a strong plant with large, noble buds. To give the bush a certain shape, additional pruning will be required.

It is best to prune roses in early spring. In climbing and climbing plants, old, dead shoots are removed, bushy stems are cut at a height of 20-30 cm above ground level

Tall delphiniums, reaching 2 meters, give the flowerbed a special lively flavor. Their slender stems soar upward, releasing many large, bright flowers, reminiscent of the inhabitants of the salty expanses - dolphins. The colors also match the nautical theme. different varieties delphinium - from soft lilac to deep purple and sky blue. The most successful place to plant a plant is the center of a flower bed or an area along the wall of a high fence.

Delphinium is very difficult to grow as seedlings, so experts recommend dividing the bush and planting cuttings. Lucky period for reproduction - early spring or August

Some varieties of violets are propagated by seeds, while others are more suitable green cuttings which is best done in early summer

Shade-tolerant varieties of flowers

Shaded garden corners often look monotonous, boring and abandoned due to the persistent opinion that nothing takes root there. In fact, there are many beautiful plants that can turn even the darkest area into a colorful clearing. These include both perennials and noble herbs, the main decorative element of which is variegated, striped, spotted and multi-colored leaves. Consider to revive them.

Moderate flowering plants

Bright pink and blue flowers A low plant, lungwort, stands out against the background of greenery. The three most common species tolerate shade well: lungwort, Dacian and red lungwort. The plant is valued for its versatility and unpretentiousness: early spring bloom in the summer it is replaced by the decorative effect of variegated leaves, which persists until the first snow. One individual is capable of developing and blooming for 30 years.

A wonderful honey plant and medicinal plant Foxglove also takes shade easily. Absence sunlight does not prevent it from reaching a height of one and a half meters and scattering with juicy soft pink or snow-white buds. To turn a boring corner of the garden into comfort zone for reading or relaxing, just put a bench and surround it lush bushes foxgloves - a gloomy place will come to life and sparkle with bright colors.

Foxglove seeds ripen towards the end of summer. The most viable seeds are found in capsules at the bottom of the stem, at the site where the first flowers appear.

Original ornamental grasses

Forest thickets and shady places near walls and fences they are not afraid of garden ferns. From fern bushes and shade-tolerant plants form beautiful green compositions that can decorate both the garden and the recreation area, and local area. Most popular varieties ferns: maidenhair, foliage, multi-row, ostrich, kochedednik.

The fern easily reproduces by spores, which are best sown in early spring. Optimal soil for planting - a mixture of fertile forest soil and peat

A garden would not be complete without the prima donna of shady areas – hostas, the different varieties of which set the mood of the lower tier. Inexpressive flowering is compensated by the beauty and nobility of exquisite leaf plates, which can be decorated with wide white stripes, marble stains, large specks or a bluish-violet edging.

Perennial hostas feel great for several seasons in one place, so the soil occasionally needs to be dug up, fertilized and mulched

A summer cottage is a great place to experiment and implement own ideas. To turn a gloomy area into a positive and rosy place of relaxation, it is enough to plant a flower bed near the porch or arrange a small flower garden in the garden - the choice of its content is up to the owners.

Flowers in the garden create a special atmosphere: they give a riot of colors, enjoyment of aromas, and decorate the surrounding space. With their help you can create a unique and harmonious landscape design.

A Question of Choice

A responsible approach to choosing new garden inhabitants will allow you to find the desired comfort: visually highlight relaxation corners with the help of flower beds, decorate garden paths or decorate the entire garden with flowers. But before we decide what to plant in the garden, let’s decide on our priorities.

The choice has to be made among:

  • the whole gamut of colors, aromas, shapes and sizes;
  • capricious and unpretentious (we choose according to the climate of the region);
  • ripening at different times (early, late flowers);
  • annuals and perennials.

Flavor combination

Beautiful and strong aromas are produced by matthiola bicornuum or levkoy (an annual spherical bush with small light purple flowers), white acacia, oriental lilies. The latter should be treated with caution: the aroma of lilies in large quantities can cause headaches. The same can be said about wild rosemary - these fluffy flowers should only be planted on outdoors and no more than one bush.

The fragrant aroma of violets and fragrant matthiola will spread throughout the garden ( night flower), phlox, meadowsweet ( medicinal herb with white or pink small flowers), garden jasmine(or mock orange).

When choosing fragrant flowers for the garden, remember that the strong smell attracts not only butterflies, but also bees and bumblebees. If these insects are not welcome guests, opt for more subtle scents.

Rosemary (subshrub) gives off a pleasant spicy aroma evergreen with small purple flowers), lavender, clove.

The delicate sweet aroma is depleted by lilacs, roses, hyacinths (“rain flower”, garden variety Bismark), lilies of the valley, sweet pea, mignonette (herbaceous plant with fragrant leaves and flowers).


They have a subtle aroma:

These garden flowers should be planted along paths.

Incredible shapes

You can choose plants for a flower garden various shapes- ground plants (unpretentious periwinkle), stem flowers, herbaceous plants, spreading shrubs. The latter include Korean abelia. And also flowering shrub rosemary, charming hydrangea. Often in Russian gardens you can find chrysanthemum bushes (although there are also herbaceous varieties).

Focus on resilience

Happy owners of flowers that are familiar and loved since childhood want to complement the appearance of their garden with exoticism, nobility (expensive species flowering plants). But…

Some perennial flowers (showy ranunculus or “Asian buttercup”, exotic tigridia, multi-colored freesias) are not able to survive winter in harsh climates. Therefore, you have to choose taking into account the characteristics of care.

In our gardens you can often find cosmos (they can still be found in well-kept city courtyards and along park alleys), brunnera (similar to forget-me-nots), peonies, marigolds, asters, reticulated iris, curly lilies, paniculata hydrangea, chrysanthemums, tricolor violets, daisies, cornflowers, petunia, shrub varieties roses (similar to rose hips). Less commonly, daffodils, double and hybrid tulips, hollyhocks (biennial), muscari, yellow crocuses, hyacinths, callas. The popularity of these garden flowers is due to the relative ease of care.

Lily of the valley is one of the most persistent: these flowers are not only hardy and do not require special care, but also grow well; you can allocate a limited but fairly large area for it. Cornflowers, daisies, cosmos, and low-growing primrose are unpretentious.

Irises are not too whimsical; they are light-loving and prefer dry soil. The variety "is considered especially resistant" Siberian iris" And also daffodils, botanical tulips, iridodictiums (cute, undemanding little ones) and crocuses, although the latter do not bloom well.

The rhizomes of hellebore and anemones (ranunculaceae family), poppies, speedwells (plantain family), phlox, and some varieties of irises (Siberian and Japanese) are called capricious in storage. Better buy planting material immediately before the start of seasonal work.


The most capricious flowers are orchids, begonias (but there are also not very capricious varieties), cannas, noble lotuses, and roses. Roses are very popular here, so gardeners decide to plant them at home, despite all the difficulties of care. When choosing a variety, we advise you to give preference to the most frost-resistant and disease-resistant ones - hybrid, Bengal, climbing roses, variety "Cordessa" or "Floribunda".

Among the popular garden flowers in Russia and exotic ones, there are both capricious and unpretentious varieties. Local shops will tell you which ones will grow in your region.

A win-win option for beauty and stamina experienced gardeners called: astilbe, autumn anemone, helenium, geranium, catnip, sage, doronicum, cornflowers, evening primrose, brilliant rudbeckia and oriental poppy.

Varieties for different regions

Popular or rare - whatever flowers you are looking for for your garden, choose varieties that can survive in your region. For example, to plant canna flowers, which are rare in our country, in the garden, you can take their special variety Amerika.

IN middle lane In Russia you can find wild rosemary, hyacinth varieties Gertrude or Marie, a variety common in Russian gardens blue hyacinths, hybrids of anemones, speedwell, peonies, basulnik, monarda, cornflowers, astilbe, periwinkle, lilies of the valley, adonis.

In harsh conditions (in the Urals), varieties of garden flowers called “Siberian” grow well - these are winter-hardy and not whimsical varieties. Frost-resistant (up to - 32 degrees) variety of tall wild rosemary - Elite. Or Fondant hyacinth. As well as corresponding varieties of asters, lilies, astilbe, anemone, rudbeckia, primrose. Even paniculata hydrangea and Siberian phlox have taken root in the Urals and Siberia.

In the warm regions of Russia, you can safely grow the most whimsical flowers (petunias, roses and orchids).

Pay in order!..

Let's imagine the flowers that can often be found in Russian gardens. In what order do they ripen? Do they replace each other, do they complement each other? You can plant flowers in different parts of the garden, so that from mid-spring and all summer long, luxurious and lovely bouquets will bloom in it in turns or in pairs:

  • April - wild rosemary April Reign (early flowering, light pink);
  • end of April (in central Russia), May - lilies of the valley,
  • late May-mid June - irises;
  • June - peonies;
  • July - cornflowers and calendula;
  • late July-early August - lilies;
  • by September 1 - a special, often eponymous variety of asters (“Alpine” blooms in late March-early April).

The only thing missing from this splendor is annuals that bloom all summer or even until mid-autumn, for example, petunias. Or the charming hydrangea shrub, which blooms from mid-summer until late autumn.

Or you can create several flower beds in which various plants will bloom harmoniously - from mid-spring to mid-autumn, replacing each other and as if playing a beautiful flower symphony. To create such a miracle you need to think through a lot:

  • select varieties of garden flowers that are different in height, shape and size, and mark them on a schematic plan suitable places for them;
  • for variety, take several shades (so that they don’t bloom at the same time) different types white flowers, blue or red);
  • choose varieties of garden flowers so that they do not bloom at the same time, but bloom in turn during all three seasons of the year (or maybe four, if you add coniferous and evergreen plants to the flowers). First, early flowering perennials (crocuses, primroses, anemones, etc.), then annuals and late flowers and shrubs.

Annual or perennial?

When creating a flower garden in the garden, many will prefer to choose perennial plants. And this is reasonable: we’ll plant it once and every year we’ll enjoy our favorite flowers. But annuals also have their advantages, which should not be denied.

First, some annual flowers, finishing their life cycle in the year of planting, they produce seeds that germinate by themselves the next year (aster, calendula).

Secondly, biennial flowers that grow the next year after planting are also classified as annuals - Carpathian bellflower, “Stock-rose”, Vitrocca violet, garden daisies.

And finally, many varieties of annuals are able to bloom all summer until frost.

Annuals popular in our gardens are asters, marigolds, cornflowers, tricolor bindweed, Turkish or Chinese carnation, dahlia, sweet pea, calendula, Carpathian bellflower, chamomile, levkoy (matthiola), lobelia the finest or "Erinus", poppy or " Samoseyka, hybrid mimilus, monarda, daisies, petunia, sunflower, white or fragrant mignonette, yarrow, Vitrocca violet, pansy, Drummond phlox, chrysanthemum different varieties, zinnia graceful or narrow-leaved. There is plenty to choose from to decorate your garden!

The list of perennial flowers for the garden is also impressive: hyacinth, carnation and minuartia from the same family, skullcap (a beautiful labiate plant), nasturtium, cosmos, peonies, irises (can grow in one place for up to 7 years), garden daisies (should be planted after 5 years), daisies, etc.

Where to look

In April-May, flower bulbs and seedlings appear not only in specialized stores"Everything for the garden" and garden centers, but also in hypermarkets. You can calmly take a closer look at the future inhabitants of the garden in the appropriate online stores. Here you can immediately read the detailed characteristics of the plants, find out the features of care and the procedure for growing them.

It’s worth visiting local markets: not all Russian cities have lost the friendly grandmothers with “home-produced” goods.


If your garden already has cultivated varieties of flowers growing in Russia, we also recommend planting unpretentious perennials (hyacinth, hyacinths, minuartia, skullcap, nasturtium, daisies, daffodils, tulips, muscari, yellow crocuses, chrysanthemums, hyacinths, callas) and annuals (convolvulus , dahlia, sweet pea, matthiola, poppy, mimilus, monarda, mignonette, pansy, phlox, chrysanthemum, zinnia). Or capricious but noble cannas, orchids, lotuses and, of course, roses. If you wish, you can even grow such a southern miracle as begonias.

Choose flowers for your garden according to their intended purpose. Among the shrubs that will decorate the perimeter of the garden, give preference to chrysanthemums, petunias, hydrangea, rosemary, and Korean abelia. For a lasting aroma, choose fragrant flowering herbs (meadowsweet). For a unique flower garden, from a huge variety of varieties, you can choose low-growing, stemmed plants with large flowers, and even shrubs. Among the early flowering ones we recommend crocuses, anemones and primroses. Of the long-lasting ones - hydrangea.

Now you know what to look for when deciding what flowers to plant in your garden. Make your choice and bring to life your bold ideas for decorating your favorite dacha.