How much does a foam block shed cost? Do-it-yourself foam block shed: tools and materials Shed made of gas silicate

A utility block is a non-residential building on a site. You can store preserves in it, gardening tools, various instruments. Sometimes the building is used as a workshop, summer kitchen or storage for harvest. The utility room may have space for a shower and toilet.

And if there is nothing else on the dacha plot other than a garden and a vegetable garden, then such a building will come in very handy. After all, here you can relax, hide from the scorching sun or sudden downpour. Often a building that was intended as a temporary shed for a summer cottage can remain on the site for a long time. Therefore, you should take construction responsibly and carefully consider all the details in advance.

Recently, structures made from foam blocks have become increasingly popular. The use of this material can significantly reduce construction time and has a low cost. And, in addition, the owners summer cottages They can easily build outbuildings from foam blocks with their own hands.

At this stage it is necessary to develop all technical documentation, choose a suitable place and purchase necessary tools and materials. To successfully position the utility unit, you need to consider the following points:

  • The building is most often placed behind a residential building so that it is not visible from the main entrance.
  • It is not recommended to build a utility block for a dacha from foam blocks in a lowland to avoid the accumulation of water after rain and snow.
  • Since the barn will be used quite often, you need to provide a convenient approach to it.
  • It should also be taken into account that the distance from the building to the boundaries of the site must be more than one meter.

Having decided on the construction site, we need to move on to the next step - choosing a project. Today some construction companies can be purchased finished projects household blocks made of foam blocks for a summer residence. The catalogs contain many photos, from which you can easily choose the appropriate option.

This service saves time and money, since you do not need to carry out calculations yourself and you can be sure that all the details are taken into account. In addition, the design of a utility block made of foam blocks can be modified or changed in accordance with the wishes of customers. However, some owners suburban areas successfully use free projects, or carry out work according to homemade plans.

Tools and materials

To build a utility block from foam blocks with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • foam concrete blocks(it is important to buy material only from trusted manufacturers);
  • wooden boards;
  • concrete solution;
  • sand, gravel, crushed stone;
  • masonry mixture;
  • reinforcing mesh;

  • mastic;
  • rolled roofing felt;
  • rubber hammer for leveling elements;
  • shovel;
  • building level;
  • electric cutter for making small holes;
  • wide flat brush.

Depending on which projects are used, this list may be supplemented or changed.

Foundation structure

There is absolutely no need to create a powerful foundation for a shed. The foundation for a utility block made of foam blocks is most often made of a strip type. First you need to clear the area, remove all debris and stones. Then small trenches are dug. Their width should be 30 cm and depth 40 cm. A mixture of sand, gravel and crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the pits, which must be thoroughly compacted. Then install the reinforcing mesh, as shown in the photo.

After this they build wooden formwork(it should be slightly above ground level). Pour in a concrete solution prepared from one part cement and four parts a mixture of sand and gravel. Filling the base at one time will give it additional strength. When the concrete has hardened, you can remove the formwork and begin waterproofing. To do this, the foundation is covered with ordinary mastic, and then covered with rolled roofing felt. The photo shows how to properly build a reliable foundation.

How to lay foam blocks?

The principle of laying foam concrete blocks is almost no different from laying bricks. You need to start by building corners, between which a special cord (mooring) is pulled. It will help maintain horizontality when laying walls. Foam blocks are laid on a prepared solution of cement and sand or on a special construction adhesive.

When using a traditional cement mixture, the thickness of the joints will be slightly greater than when using glue. When laying blocks, you should always use a building level to ensure that the walls are level. Be sure to leave space for window and door openings.

When the walls are completely laid out, you can move on to the next stage of construction - installing the roof. The roof for the utility block is made single-pitch or gable. The second option is suitable for areas with heavy snowfall, and in addition, it provides additional space in the attic, which is also used for storing various things. Slate is most often used as a roofing material. It has great water resistance and a low price.

The barn can also be covered with ondulin, metal tiles or sheets of galvanized iron. On final stage door and window designs. Then they make the floor. Plastering the utility block from foam blocks will give the building a more attractive appearance. The walls of such buildings, as a rule, do not require additional insulation. You can install cabinets, racks and shelves inside the room. The lower shelves are made wider and stronger. Bulky and heavy objects are placed on them. On upper shelves, as a rule, lighter things are stored Not large sizes.


The ease of laying foam concrete blocks allows even an inexperienced person to build a small shed in a fairly short time. Phased construction household blocks made from foam blocks are shown in the video.

If you are deciding whether to purchase foam blocks for the construction of outbuildings or just buy them, be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the material, its advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, it is worth noting the benefits of such a purchase, since blocks are much cheaper than wood, and are not inferior in quality and reliability. They are also cheaper than bricks, and the walls can reach a thickness of up to 30 cm. They can be easily processed, cut and combined with other building materials.

In addition, such buildings will “breathe”, thereby reducing the development of mold and mildew, which makes the premises warmer, more comfortable and suitable for storing a variety of materials.

Foam blocks can be compared to wood, only they are more durable and do not burn. In such a barn it is much more convenient to carry out communications ( water pipes, heating systems, electrical wiring) due to the fact that it is easy to drill holes in the material and groove it. However, any building material has disadvantages, which also affected the blocks. The main disadvantages include:

  • The fragility of the material, which is why experts advise building a high-quality foundation, preferably from monolithic slab. But you can also build strip concrete, which is much more economical, although you will have to make reinforcing mesh every 3-4 meters.
  • High level of water absorption (approximately 15%). That's why you need to create reliable waterproofing and use other methods of protection against dampness.
  • High vapor permeability, and therefore it is better to use external vapor barrier, which will promote moisture rejection during “wet” periods.

To learn how to build a shed from foam blocks, just read our instructions.

  1. The first stage consists of preparing the foundation, creating formwork and pouring concrete. First, we mark our future structure on the territory, marking it with pegs, remove the soil and dig a trench up to 50 cm deep. We need to fill the bottom with drainage (a layer of sand, gravel and crushed stone), install a reinforcing mesh on top and create formwork. Next, mix the concrete (cement, water and fine sand) so that the solution turns out like sour cream, then pour the mixture. If it's hot outside, wet the foundation with water for the first few days, which will prevent it from cracking.
  2. The next step is building the walls. If you do everything according to the instructions, you will not have any problems at this stage. The main thing is to think in advance where the door and window openings will be located. Do not forget that the walls must be mounted on a waterproofing layer laid on the foundation. To ensure that the joining layers are of a minimum size, it is best to use a mixture of sand and cement.
  3. Let's proceed to the actual construction. It is correct to start work from the corner of the building, for which you need to use a building level and a corner block, constantly monitoring the evenness of the walls. If necessary, you can easily cut the blocks using a hacksaw or power saw. And so we build the walls step by step, ensuring the evenness of the masonry.
  4. The last stage is the roof, the construction of which will also cost you quite little, especially if you cover it not with metal tiles, but with simple slate. The base of the entire structure will be a guide beam, between which the floor beams need to be installed. The most suitable beam diameter is 10-15 cm. To support the rafters we use vertical racks, which for reliability are best done closer to the center. Slate or any other roofing material mounted overlapping on a prepared base. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws.

So, before starting work, choose the place where the building will be located. Approaching it shouldn’t take you a lot of time, but the barn shouldn’t be conspicuous either. Therefore, it is undesirable to build it in front of the house; the best places are near the garden or immediately behind the house, where it will be hidden from prying eyes. Do not choose places in the lowlands, because when the snow melts or during the rainy season, there is a high probability of flooding.

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Various non-residential buildings on the site are undoubtedly needed, including the barn that we will be building today on our own using foam blocks.

Photo of a shed made of foam block material

Why foam block

Of course, there is a huge temptation to simply ignore this point, because we just have a barn, and in fact we should not be interested in what we will build it from. However, this is a room in which you can arrange a warehouse for certain food products, tools, and equipment.

That is, certain requirements for internal atmosphere we can still present.

So, building a shed from foam blocks allows us to talk about the following features material:

  • Thermal insulation How important this is for a shed depends on its purpose.
  • Easy to use. We will consider this point especially carefully below.
  • Relatively low cost.

Foam blocks for construction

Where to start

Of course, we are not talking about any project here, but we still need to do some sketches and calculations.

Our building will not stand on the ground; we need a simple foundation - pour it, calculate the amount of material. Decide on the construction site.

  • Selecting foam block parameters. Let the standard size be 200x300x600 mm.
  • We calculate the perimeter of the barn. For us it is 4x3, that is, 14 meters.
  • The wall area will be, at a height of 2.5 meters, 35 square meters.
  • The standard amount of material per square is approximately 5.6 blocks, which means we need 196 blocks.
  • Next, we subtract the area of ​​the door and window, if there is one, and we get a completely accurate version of the number of foam block products.

Preparing the foundation

Important! This instruction allows us to make calculations without jointing, which, however, will be minimal if we use special glue.

From the point of view of masonry, we are almost ready, but we still need reinforcement for laying into the walls and a set of simple tools:

  • Roulette and corner.
  • A pair of trowels and a hammer.
  • Twine for guides and a weight for a vertical plumb line.
  • Wood saw.


There is absolutely no point in making a powerful foundation - we’ll just fill in a simple strip foundation (see also the article Foundation foam blocks 300 by 600 by 600).

To do this:

  • We dig trenches 30 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep.
  • According to technology, we pour sand to the bottom and tamp it tightly.
  • We install reinforcement, it can be metal with a cross-section of 8 mm.
  • We install the formwork, 15-20 centimeters above the ground level, the shed made of foam blocks with your own hands should rise slightly above the soil, since foam concrete easily absorbs moisture.

We also mix concrete in standard proportions, one portion of cement to four portions of sand and gravel. In total, we will get 1.8 cubic meters of concrete, and we can pour this ourselves. That is, there is no question of a mixer.

Ready foundation

A small volume will allow us to fill everything in one go, therefore, this will only add strength to the entire base.

In a few days we will remove the formwork and carry out waterproofing. This prerequisite, foam blocks should not constantly gain moisture from the foundation. For waterproofing, we use a simple mastic, with which we prime the base in several layers and cover the top with roofing felt.

Important! In principle, laying can be done within 3-5 days. The concrete has already fully adhered by this moment, and the additional load that will be exerted by the masonry of the walls, on the contrary, will only strengthen the foundation.


So, before building a shed from foam blocks, we completely calculated everything, prepared the material and now we begin to build the walls (read also the article Laying foam blocks with your own hands: step-by-step instructions).

Principle of masonry

The principle of laying a foam block structure is not much different from a brick one, however, of course, there are some differences:

  • Seam size. This is the first thing that immediately catches your eye. Such a small thickness of the seam is achieved because we have glue, and it allows us to make masonry with a joint of 3 mm.
  • The rows, as in the masonry of a house, are necessarily connected with metal mortgages. In any case, the barn must have strong walls.
  • We work with the level and along the guides, trying not to deviate.

The simplicity of masonry and convenient parameters of the material allow even one person to build a shed within one day, at least the walls can definitely be erected.

The question of how to build a shed from cinder blocks can be practically closed: however, we have at least a few more things to do.

First, constructing a lintel over the doorway. This can be done in several ways, but if we still have concrete, we can simply pour it with reinforcement. There is no concrete left, you can put a lintel in the form of two steel corners or buy a cast concrete column.

Example of a pitched roof

The roof remains. But here we will do everything very simply:

  • We waterproof the top row of masonry and install a block on it, possibly with a cross-section of 100 mm.
  • We make the second parallel wall one row higher and also lay the throw.
  • Now we make the sheathing, installing a beam with a cross-section of 50 mm perpendicularly, in increments of a meter.
  • Cover everything with plain plywood.
  • Cover the plywood with roofing felt.
  • We install slate sheets, as is the simplest inexpensive option, and the price will be minimal.

Advice! The sides can be laid with foam blocks, cutting them at the desired angle; fortunately, they are cut with a simple hacksaw for wood.


Almost finished building

There is absolutely nothing complicated in the construction of a non-residential structure, as we have seen. The recommendations are simple, the advice is rational, and all the work will take at most a few days (also find out how to build a garage from cinder blocks yourself).

If you are interested in this and are ready to get started, then in the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

How to build a shed from foam blocks with your own hands? + video


The construction of any outbuilding can be carried out from a variety of materials, since there are no special requirements for them, except for dryness, heat and reliable protection from precipitation. And today we will talk about what a shed made of foam blocks is, a material that has won millions of hearts.

Building a shed from blocks - what are the advantages of the material?

If you are deciding whether to purchase foam blocks for the construction of outbuildings or simply buy a plastic shed, be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the material, its advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, it is worth noting the benefits of such a purchase, since blocks are much cheaper than wood, and are not inferior in quality and reliability. They are also cheaper than bricks, and the walls can reach a thickness of up to 30 cm. They can be easily processed, cut and combined with other building materials.

In addition, such buildings will “breathe”, thereby reducing the development of mold and mildew, which makes the premises warmer, more comfortable and suitable for storing a variety of materials.

Foam blocks can be compared to wood, only they are more durable and do not burn. In such a shed it is much more convenient to carry out communications (water pipes, heating systems, electrical wiring) due to the fact that it is easy to drill holes in the material and tap it. However, any building material has disadvantages, which also affected the blocks. The main disadvantages include:

  • The fragility of the material, which is why experts advise building a high-quality foundation, preferably from a monolithic slab. But you can also build strip concrete, which is much more economical, although you will have to make reinforcing mesh every 3-4 meters.
  • High level of water absorption (approximately 15%). That is why you need to create reliable waterproofing and use other methods of protection against dampness.
  • High vapor permeability, and therefore it is better to use external vapor barrier, which will promote moisture rejection during “wet” periods.

The construction of a shed from foam blocks has differences in the construction process compared to similar structures built from other building materials only in technical aspects, however, in appearance, reliability and configuration it is not inferior to them. You will just need to select the brand of material in the store, stock up on tools, and then proceed to the main work.

Construction of a shed from foam blocks from

Despite the fairly low cost of the material, you can also save on the construction itself if you decide to do all the work yourself. And now we will tell you step by step, step by step, how you can build a much-needed building like a barn on your site.

To learn how to build a shed from foam blocks, just read our instructions.

  1. The first stage consists of preparing the foundation, creating formwork and pouring concrete. First, we mark our future structure on the territory, marking it with pegs, remove the soil and dig a trench up to 50 cm deep. We need to fill the bottom with drainage (a layer of sand, gravel and crushed stone), install a reinforcing mesh on top and create formwork. Next, mix the concrete (cement, water and fine sand) so that the solution turns out like sour cream, then pour the mixture. If it's hot outside, wet the foundation with water for the first few days, which will prevent it from cracking.
  2. The next step is building the walls. If you do everything according to the instructions, you will not have any problems at this stage. The main thing is to think in advance where the door and window openings will be located. Do not forget that the walls must be mounted on a waterproofing layer laid on the foundation. To ensure that the joining layers are of a minimum size, it is best to use a mixture of sand and cement.
  3. Let's proceed to the actual construction. It is correct to start work from the corner of the building, for which you need to use a building level and a corner block, constantly monitoring the evenness of the walls. If necessary, you can easily cut the blocks using a hacksaw or power saw. And so we build the walls step by step, ensuring the evenness of the masonry.
  4. The last stage is the roof, the construction of which will also cost you quite little, especially if you cover it not with metal tiles, but with simple slate. The base of the entire structure will be a guide beam, between which the floor beams need to be installed. The most suitable diameter of the timber is 10-15 cm. To support the rafters we use vertical posts, which are best placed closer to the center for reliability. Slate or any other roofing material is overlapped onto the prepared base. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws.

For reliability, you can finish the barn, insulate it, install internal and exterior finishing, and after that the final step is the installation of shelves and racks, a work table for construction work.

We build a barn from blocks with our own hands - key features of the work

A shed made of foam blocks, which absolutely anyone can create with their own hands, is a necessary building on any site. It is used to store material, various equipment, tools that you use constantly, all things that are impractical to keep in the house. And no matter what material you choose for construction, you need to remember that the construction must comply with all modern standards.

So, before starting work, choose the place where the building will be located. Approaching it shouldn’t take you a lot of time, but the barn shouldn’t be conspicuous either. Therefore, it is undesirable to build it in front of the house; the best places are near the garden or immediately behind the house, where it will be hidden from prying eyes. Do not choose places in the lowlands, because when the snow melts or during the rainy season, there is a high probability of flooding.

Building a 6x4 shed from foam blocks with your own hands.

Wood is the most popular material for building a shed. But it so happened that a utility block made of foam concrete would have looked more organic on my site, and would have been more reliable. The dimensions of the future barn are 6 by 4 meters.

Let's start with the foundation. I built formwork for the foundation:

Then the concrete was poured. Now there are three weeks of rest - we need to let the foundation settle.

And now, the foundation is ready. You can start building a utility block from foam concrete! Let's start laying:

It is worth noting that, in my opinion, laying foam concrete for a shed is easier than constructing a frame from timber or boards. You put cement, you put a block, you trim the next one. Although on the other hand, there is more routine here.

Meanwhile, the barn has grown to this size:

Soon the frame was finished and I started working on the roof. The roof system is rafter.

I chose tiles as the covering material. The main house is decorated in the same way, so the barn will look harmonious:

That's almost all. The roof was laid:

Finally, all that remains is to install the door and the foam block shed is ready! Apart from the time spent preparing and setting the foundation, the barn was built in 4 weeks. Built alone.

I didn’t count the exact costs of building the utility block, but about 150 thousand were spent on materials.

How to build a shed from foam blocks with your own hands + Video

Not a single country house or dacha is complete without outbuildings. And many, before building a residential building, first of all decide to build a shed from foam blocks with their own hands. It is your labor that will allow you to save up to 50% of the cost of the entire building on construction.

Why foam blocks?

But really, why foam blocks? Are there not many other building materials from which you can build various buildings, including barns. Of course there are, and quite a few. But foam blocks differ, first of all, in their technical characteristics, which do not exist, for example, in brick or wood. To put it simply, foam blocks combine many of the properties of brick and wood, since they:

  • Despite their impressive dimensions, they are lightweight, which reduces transportation costs and labor intensity.
  • The dimensions of the foam block and low weight make it possible to erect buildings and structures 3-4 times faster than with brick.
  • have good thermal insulation properties, due to the large number of air chambers in its structure. The thermal conductivity of the foam block is almost 4 times lower than that of brick.
  • Foam blocks have good vapor barrier, which prevents the development of such negative phenomena as mold and fungi.
  • Foam concrete products are easy to process; foam blocks can be cut with a regular hacksaw.
  • Foam concrete is not subject to combustion, it is environmentally friendly, since it does not contain harmful chemical impurities that could release unwanted odors and harmful substances into the atmosphere.

The specialists of the site REMOSKOP.RU have prepared a special calculator for you Calculation of the number of foam blocks. You can easily calculate required quantity foam blocks.

However, do not think that this material does not have disadvantages. There is one, which is that a foam block shed requires exterior finishing, since foam concrete, having porosity, can absorb moisture, as a result of which its structure will collapse under the influence of temperature changes.

The first steps towards building a shed

If you decide to build a shed with your own hands from foam blocks, first of all you need to decide on its functionality - whether this building will be used to store household equipment, a home workshop, or whether it is planned to house livestock there. Based on the functionality of the barn, it is necessary to make a drawing of the future structure, where to indicate the dimensions, mark window and door openings, and partitions.

Using the drawing it is easier to calculate the required amount of materials. Now it’s just a matter of small things - you need to choose the place where your shed will be located. Naturally, there is no need to build it in front of the house. It is better to place it on the side or behind a residential building, but not too far from it.

After the volumes have been calculated and the material purchased, you can begin building the foundation. We choose a strip foundation, since although the blocks are light in weight, nevertheless, the building is being built permanently and requires a reliable and solid foundation.

Foundation structure

The site is cleared according to the size of the barn and removed top layer fertile soil. A trench about 70 cm deep and 50 cm wide is dug under the load-bearing walls. The bottom of the trench must be leveled horizontally and a gravel-sand cushion 10–15 cm high must be made. The bedding must be spilled with water and compacted.

After this, you can set up the formwork into which you need to install the reinforcement cage. To make the frame, it is better to choose reinforcing bars of a periodic profile with a diameter of 8–10 mm. If knitting wire is used to connect individual elements of the frame, then the frame can be mounted directly in the trench. But it is more convenient to do the welding structure on the ground near the future building. Pieces of concrete, red brick or pebbles 5 cm high are placed under the frame from below. The same is done on the sides of the frame. Instead of the above materials, you can use pieces of foam plastic that are tied directly to the frame. In this way, a protective concrete layer 4–5 cm thick is created, which will protect the reinforcement from corrosion.

The concrete mixture is placed into the prepared structure and bayoneted. That is, it is pierced with a sharp object - a stick or a reinforcing bar so that the concrete settles as much as possible and fills all the voids. The finished foundation must stand for 28 days. And only after this can you begin to build a shed from foam blocks.

How to lay foam blocks correctly

The principle of laying foam blocks is no different from the technology of brickwork. In the same way, it is necessary to maintain the horizontality of the laid out rows and the verticality of the walls. For this purpose there is a building level and a plumb line. Before starting laying, a layer of waterproofing made from a strip of roofing felt must be laid on the foundation.

First of all, the corners are drawn out and a mooring is stretched between them - a cord that allows the row to be kept horizontal, as shown in the photo. Foam blocks can be laid on cement-sand mortar or with special glue. If you use traditional mortar, the seams between the blocks will be larger, and if you use glue, the thickness of the seams can be reduced to 3-4 mm, which will reduce the risk of heat leakage through the seams.

When laying, it is necessary to observe the bandaging of the seams. This means that a whole block must be placed above each connection of two blocks in the next row. Any protruding mortar or glue must be carefully removed from both the internal and external surfaces of the walls. When installing the block in its place, you should use a rubber mallet, but not an iron hammer.

If required according to the project, post interior walls, then their binding to the external ones is carried out by laying them in joints metal mesh or iron anchors.

After the walls are laid out to the desired height, the next stage of building the barn will be the construction of the rafter system and the installation of the roof.

How to make a barn roof

If the project provides for one pitched roof, then the front wall of the barn must be made higher than the back wall in order to maintain the specified roof slope. But it is better to choose a gable roof, in this case there will be extra space in the attic where you can store hay for animals or other things. In addition, a gable roof looks more attractive, and due to the larger attic space, the barn itself will be warmer. After all, air is also a good heat insulator.

To install the rafter system, a mauerlat is laid along the top of the walls - wooden beam, on which they will rely rafter legs. A layer of roofing material is also laid under the Mauerlat, and the beam itself, the cross-section of which is usually maintained within 150×150 or 200×200 mm, is attached to the walls using bolts or anchors. Transverse floor beams are laid on the Mauerlat, which will form the basis of the barn ceiling and attic floor.

The rafter legs are assembled on the ground into a kind of triangle, which is fastened at the top by a transverse strip. After this, the structures are lifted up and installed one by one, securing them with temporary spacers and jibs.

The top of all rafter legs is connected by a ridge board. After this, the lathing step is performed, which is selected depending on the roofing material used. All wooden elements Be sure to treat them with antiseptics and fire retardants to prevent wood rotting and protect buildings from accidental fire.

All that remains is to lay the roofing material, install windows and doors and make the floor. All this is done using traditional proven technologies and should not cause difficulties in execution.

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95 photos of a modern understanding of the utility block

No one can do without utility rooms summer cottage plot or private house. Usually they are erected at the first stages of land development as temporary shelters, which can serve as a shelter from the rain, a bathroom, and a warehouse for tools and building materials.

With thoughtful placement, such a structure, after the construction of a residential building, can be converted into a barn, bathhouse, or used for other household needs.

Types of outbuildings

Before you organize a utility block at your dacha, you need to decide on its purpose, take into account the main functions of this building and the period of time during which it will be used.

Budget temporary shelters can be built from wood, or metal frame, upholstered different materials. Foam block buildings will require more investment, but they will last much longer and have better hydro- and thermal insulation. It would be advisable to include such a building in the overall land development project.

Depending on the purpose, the design, dimensions, layout and placement of the utility unit are determined.

Garage-type buildings are an enclosed space with an adjacent canopy. At the stage of building a house, the covered part can serve as both a temporary home and a warehouse, and a car can be parked under the canopy. Such a temporary shed can later be converted into a covered garage, workshop or summer kitchen.

Security booths provide round-the-clock human presence at the dacha to prevent theft, or just overnight stays. In the future, they can be disassembled, moved or converted into storage space.

A shed is a storage unit. When determining dimensions, architecture and building materials, it is tedious to focus on individual needs and capabilities.

But you need to take into account that a concrete foundation, pitched roof, drainage, waterproofing and ventilation vents will increase the functionality of such a structure.

A temporary shelter with amenities is intended for living on a plot of land. It is equipped with a shower and toilet, electricity is provided, heating and a stove are connected for cooking.

If you build such a temporary shed in the rear part of the planned house, it can be converted into a good utility unit for storage, a workshop, laundry, etc.

Ready-made utility units

All types of utility units can be purchased ready-made. Structures made of plastic and metal with verified dimensions and the necessary options can quickly solve the problem of temporary living and working on the site, or supplement the residential complex with the necessary utility rooms.

As a rule, such structures are easy to assemble and can be used seasonally or moved to different areas. There is also the option of buildings on wheels.

The quality indicators of finished plastic trailers and temporary buildings in some cases are not inferior to structures made of metal profiles. Thoughtful design and quality of materials of external and interior decoration, as well as the presence of gender are the advantages of this choice.

The service life of plastic houses is up to 10 years. The advantage of buildings made of metal profiles is their strength and durability. By cleaning surfaces and painting, you can update the appearance and functionality of the building.

Although it will take more time to assemble the metal frame and cover it with profiles, it will also be necessary to prepare the foundation and floor covering for the finished metal models. But buildings of this type are easier to remodel; they can be expanded or partially dismantled.

Household units in the modern sense

Nowadays utility blocks are a full-fledged part of the architectural design, and unsightly sheds hidden in the depths of the garden are a thing of the past.

Naturally, well-equipped, durable and aesthetically pleasing buildings require material costs, but a neat, spacious garage, a dry and ventilated warehouse or a sauna is not just a tribute to fashion, but a reasonable contribution to ensuring comfort.

Outbuildings located at some distance from the house with a rational layout relieve the load on the main residential building, increasing comfort and facilitating economic activities.

The design solutions for utility blocks for a summer residence proposed in the photo indicate that even inexpensive and modest buildings can become a decoration for a personal plot.

The first building on a plot of land does not have to be temporary, inconvenient and ugly. It is enough just to free yourself from stereotypes and start building utility blocks with your own hands or with the help of specialists with care and attention to detail.

It is worth spending time on both design and calculations in order to ultimately get a full-fledged and multifunctional office space.

Photo of the utility room for the dacha

How to make a shed from foam blocks with your own hands

Every person can make a shed from foam blocks with their own hands. In your own yard you will always need a utility room. For example, you will need to keep various things, building materials, tools, and equipment there. In such a building you can build a workshop or a room for various pets. To keep it warm, you need to choose the right material. One of best options are foam blocks.

Why use foam block

Foam concrete has many advantages. These include the following:

  1. The building will have good thermal insulation. This material has the same thermal conductivity as natural wood. When compared with silicate or ceramic bricks, foam blocks lose heat 3 times less. This is achieved due to the fact that the material has a porous structure. 80% of it consists of small cells closed type. Because of this, the temperature changes slowly. Thanks to these properties, a building made of foam blocks will create the effect of a thermos.
  2. The product is frost-resistant. When freezing, water will migrate through the block, thereby maintaining the structure of the material so that the blocks remain intact.
  3. Soundproofing properties. Due to the fact that there are many cavities inside the block, the utility block will have good sound insulation.
  4. Hygroscopicity. The material has hygroscopic properties, so air exchange will be normal indoors. Thanks to this property, steam will escape and mold will not form on the walls due to dampness.
  5. The foam blocks from which we build the barn do not support combustion and do not ignite. This material can withstand fire for approximately 8 hours, and at the same time it will collapse.
  6. Ease of use. Handling foam blocks is very easy, and much easier than with ordinary bricks. In addition, ready-made blocks have standard dimensions of 20-30-60 cm, so it will be much faster to build walls.
  7. Light weight blocks. They usually weigh no more than 11 kg. Thanks to this, the load on the base and walls will be significantly less.
  8. Low cost. Thanks to this, you can save on material costs. The financial costs for the entire construction will be significantly less than if foam blocks were used.
  9. Environmental friendliness. Foam blocks are considered environmentally friendly material, since only sand, cement and foam-forming substances are used to create it (usually a protein base).
  10. It is easy to saw the block due to its porous structure.

But foam blocks also have disadvantages that must be taken into account if this material is chosen to create a shed for animals or store tools. Firstly, the disadvantages include the insufficient strength of the material, which is why it is not allowed to erect a building higher than 10 m. This disadvantage affects the transportation of the material. Secondly, due to the unsightly appearance of the blocks, additional facing work will be required. In addition, it must be taken into account that if there is no additional protection, then at excessively low temperatures the material will begin to gradually deteriorate.

Preparatory stage: site selection, calculations and drawings

Before you think about how to build a shed from foam blocks, you need to choose the place where this building will be located. It is very important that its location is convenient for people. Usually there are 2 entrances in a building. One of them must be wide enough. This is very convenient if you need to bring in furniture or other large items. Depending on the purpose of the building, it can be placed next to the house or further away.

After choosing a place for an outbuilding, you need to think about its shape and dimensions. Then make a drawing or at least a rough diagram. After this, you can start making calculations. It is imperative to calculate how many materials will be needed for a shed made of foam blocks.

For example, the dimensions of the blocks are approximately 20-30-60 cm. The building has a length of 6 m, a width of 3 m and a height of 2.5 m. In this case, 30 blocks will be needed. To calculate, you need to calculate the perimeter of the building (that is, 6 + 3, and then multiply the resulting amount by 2). Then divide it by the length of the block - 0.6 m. In total, 30 blocks will be needed for one row. Now you can find out how many rows there will be. To do this, you need to divide the height of the entire building by the height of 1 block. Makes 8.3 rows. As a result, you will need to make 8.3 rows with 30 blocks; when you multiply both indicators, you get 249 blocks - this is the total amount of materials for the entire building. It is necessary to take into account exactly the dimensions that the selected foam block has, since the dimensions may vary. In this case, their number for the construction of the building will be different. In addition, you need to take into account that there will be openings for doors and windows.

After this, you can begin to calculate the amount of materials that will be needed for the roof. It is necessary to use roofing materials (for example, metal tiles), and also boards and beams will be needed for the rafter system. Overhangs at the front, rear and sides should be 0.5 m larger than the base parameters. This will prevent precipitation from getting on the walls. Given the selected building parameters, the following amount of materials will be needed for the construction of a 2-pitched roof:

  1. Wooden beams - 30 pcs. with a length of 3 m and a cross-section of 10*5 cm. In this case, the angle of inclination will be approximately 53°.
  2. Boards - 15 pcs. 6 m each. The cross-section is 10 * 2.5 cm.
  3. Floor beams - 20 pcs. 4 m each.
  4. Mauerlat - 2 pcs.
  5. Boards for crossbars - 1 pc.
  6. Metal corners, 3 rolls of insulating material, screws and nails.

In addition, you need to prepare your tools in advance. From various meters you will need a ruler, a square, a building level. To create an adhesive composition, you need a drill with a mixer attachment or a concrete mixer, a container for the solution, and bayonet and shovel shovels. You will also need a large watering can, a hose with a pump, a spatula, a hammer, and nails. You can't do without a ladder.

Stage two: construction of the foundation and walls

When all the calculations have been made and materials and tools have been purchased, it is time to begin construction work. First you need to make a foundation for the shed from foam blocks. Best fit strip design. Step by step work looks like this:

  1. Level the area where the building will be located. After this, make markings depending on what dimensions are chosen for the building. To do this, use stakes and cords.
  2. Dig pits around the perimeter of the future building. It is best if the depth is lower than the freezing level. As a rule, 0.3-0.5 m in depth is enough, but in some soils (for example, clay type) it is necessary to tear up to 1 m. Make a trench 0.3 m wide.
  3. Pour sand into the trench and compact it thoroughly so that the layer is even. Its thickness should be approximately 10 cm. More crushed stone needs to be poured onto this pillow. This layer should also have a thickness of 10 cm. After this, lay a waterproofing layer along the entire trench on these 2 layers. This is required to prevent the liquid concrete solution from being absorbed into the lower layers. The waterproofing should be positioned so that it covers not only crushed stone and sand, but also the soil on the sides of the trench.
  4. Before you start laying out the foundation for the barn, you need to build the formwork that will be used for pouring concrete mortar. Metal and wooden planks are used for this design. The height should be above the soil level - it should reach the basement level of the future building. For the strength of the formwork, fixation with clamps and spacers is used. The top also needs to be secured with supports. It is necessary to install a metal frame on the waterproofing layer or use reinforcement mesh. The rods should have a thickness of approximately 1-1.2 cm.
  5. The reinforcement can be filled with concrete mortar. It is best to use a product of the M200-250 brand. The entire perimeter should be poured out of concrete in 1 step. You should not do this in the heat or rain, otherwise the foundation will simply crack. Under normal weather conditions, it will take about a month for the concrete to harden.
  6. When the concrete has completely hardened, the surface needs to be prepared for further work. It is necessary to clean it from dust and dirt, remove protrusions and other defects.

After the foundation of the building is completed, it is necessary to move on to arranging the walls. For this purpose the surface concrete foundation should be covered with a material with waterproofing properties. For example, you can use roofing felt or waterproofing material.

After this, you need to prepare an adhesive solution for the walls. You need to use cement and sand. 3 parts of the first component rely on 1 part of the second. When the composition is ready, you can begin laying the first row of blocks. You need to start from the corner of the building and then continue along the entire perimeter of the building. The seam should be no more than 3 cm thick. When the first row is laid out, you need to check that the wall is level. To make the wall strong, it is recommended to use reinforcement bars. Their diameter should be 8 mm. They are supposed to be laid after every 4th row of blocks.

Third stage: roof arrangement and wall treatment

After the walls are erected, the roof can be made. First you need to wait until the solution hardens. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Fix the bars to the top row of the wall with metal pins, which will be used as a mauerlat. The distance between the studs should be no more than 1.2 m. There must be a waterproofing layer under the Mauerlat.
  2. Secure the trusses at the edge to form gables. They can be leveled and fixed using temporary stops. The truss structure at the edge must be carefully strengthened. To do this, nail it with a board to the wall of the building. In this case, the walls must be completely flat. It is better to assemble the rafters on the ground and then raise them for further installation. Be sure to stretch the twine between the trusses.
  3. Fix the trusses along the edges to the Mauerlat. The rest are installed using twine. For convenience, you can make marks. It is best to use overlays and metal fasteners for fastening, since the wooden elements will simply dry out over time, so nails will not help.
  4. When the building system is completely installed, it must be covered with a special membrane with waterproofing properties. Install the sheathing on top. If you use metal tiles in the future, it is best to install beams in one layer, which have a cross-section of 5*6 cm.

Now it’s time to start insulation work. Styrofoam is great for this. Dust and dirt must be removed from the walls. Then eliminate the defects. After this, apply a primer. Then use anchors and dowels to secure the base strips. They are used as a support for fastening corners and slabs.

Next you need to prepare the glue for the foam boards. It is necessary to fill the product only with cool water. For stirring, it is recommended to use a drill that has a special attachment. After this, the substance is left to infuse for 5 minutes. Now you need to apply this composition to the slabs at a distance of 3 cm to the edges along the entire perimeter. In the middle, also treat the surface. Place the slabs against the wall and secure them with dowels. Then cover everything with glue and install the mesh. When everything is dry, you need to apply plaster and paint.


Building a shed from foam blocks is not a difficult task. You can save a lot by doing everything yourself, without the help of a construction crew. The main thing is to make the calculations correctly and be able to use necessary tools. The result will be a high-quality utility room that can last for many years.

DIY barn

In a private yard, a barn is needed as a storage room or for keeping animals. Often this utility structure is built from used materials or using what is left after the construction of the house. The dimensions and design of the shed are determined by its purpose. Let’s say that to store equipment it is enough to build a small, cold outbuilding, but you need to keep a large number of poultry in a spacious, insulated building. Now we will look at how to build a barn with your own hands from wood and foam blocks, and also present several options for drawings of an outbuilding.

Deciding on the location of the shed

The location for installing the shed is usually chosen further from the residential building. It is advisable that it be elevated, otherwise the utility block will constantly be flooded when it rains. In general, before choosing a place for construction, you need to look at the projects at least on the Internet, and then decide on the intended purpose of the outbuilding.

The photo shows examples of beautiful utility units for storing equipment. Such a building can be installed in a prominent place. It will even become a decoration for the site. You just need to try to finish the barn so that it matches architectural ensemble. If you plan to make a barn from blocks or used materials to raise poultry in it, then such a building must be hidden further from public view. Besides the fact that the barn is yours appearance will ruin the interior of the yard, the bird will emit bad smell.

Examples of barn designs

Before building a shed with your own hands, you need to draw a drawing. The diagram indicates the dimensions of the future building. This will help calculate the required amount of material. However, even before drawing up the project, you need to decide on the target direction of the barn. For example, capital construction requires more capital investment and labor, but a temporary utility block can be quickly assembled from scrap materials.

It is important to decide on the roof of the utility block. On an outbuilding you can install a single- or gable roof. Each roof option requires certain financial investments, skills, and labor costs. If you need a room for poultry, firewood storage, a toilet or an outdoor shower, it is wise to get a combined building.

The choice of material depends on the target direction of the utility unit. Typically, sheds are built from brick, wood or foam blocks. Further, we offer several projects for outbuildings. Maybe you'll like some of them.

It is difficult for an inexperienced person to draw up a drawing of a utility unit on their own. This photo shows a project for a frame barn with a gable roof. Assemble it according to the specified dimensions, if the dimensions of such a building satisfy you.

By next project We assemble a frame utility unit, divided into three compartments. Inside you can organize a poultry house, pantry, woodshed, summer kitchen or other premises as needed.

When it is decided that we are building a barn only for livestock, you can use the following proposed project.

Organize summer shower, toilet or pantry can be in a small utility room. It can be assembled according to the presented drawing of the frame building.

It is better to assemble all temporary sheds using frame technology. General view designs are shown in the photo. You can leave the frame dimensions or calculate your own.

Deciding on the type of foundation for the shed

The choice of foundation type depends on what type of building will be built. Heavy sheds with brick or block walls are built on concrete strips. It is reasonable to place frame utility blocks on a columnar base. Now we will take a step-by-step look at how to make your own foundation for your shed.

Important! Concrete strip for a shed cannot be poured on peat and sedimentary soils.

Strip foundation for utility block

Reinforced concrete tape can also be poured for a frame shed. Although for such buildings it is reasonable to arrange such solid foundation with their large dimensions. Pouring a concrete strip requires a lot of labor and financial investment. Typically, such a foundation is made for brick or block sheds.

A step-by-step guide to constructing a concrete strip for a utility block looks like this:

  • The contours of the future foundation are marked on the site. For a shallow foundation, dig a trench 40–50 cm deep. If soil heaving is observed, then the depth of the trench is increased to the level of soil freezing. Usually, a depth of up to 80 cm is enough. The width of the reinforced concrete tape for a frame utility block is taken within the range of 25–30 cm. For brick and block sheds, the width of the reinforced concrete tape is made 100 mm greater than the thickness of the walls.
  • The bottom of the trench is covered with sand and crushed stone 15 cm thick. Formwork equal to the height of the base is assembled from boards. It is installed on top along the perimeter of the trench, and the bottom and side walls are covered with roofing felt. If the height of the formwork is more than 50 cm, the side walls are reinforced with temporary supports. Special attention You need to pay attention to strengthening the corners.
  • To ensure that the tape has good bending resistance, a box-shaped reinforcing frame is assembled inside the trench. Reinforcement 12 mm thick is tied with knitting wire. Rods cannot be welded.
  • The tape for the shed is poured in one day, otherwise a monolithic base will not be obtained. You will need to prepare a lot of solution, so it is better to use a concrete mixer.

After at least two weeks, the concrete will gain about 70% strength. On such a foundation you can already begin to erect the walls of the barn.

Columnar base for utility unit

When building small frame sheds, a columnar foundation is most often installed. The cabinets can withstand easy construction and do not require a lot of building material.

Let's take a look step by step actions performing work when laying red brick pedestals:

  • Adhering to the markings, they dig holes 70 cm deep. They must be placed in the corners of the future building in increments of maximum 1.5 m. If the width of the utility block is more than 2.5 m, then intermediate pedestals are additionally provided.
  • A 15 cm layer of crushed stone and sand is poured onto the bottom of each hole, after which they begin laying red bricks on concrete mortar.

Having built all the cabinets, make sure that they are on the same level. If necessary, low pillars are built up with concrete mortar.

To build cabinets for a frame utility block, you can use hollow concrete blocks. For them, holes are dug in 1 m increments. Step-by-step instructions for laying blocks are no different from working with bricks. Only the voids in the blocks need to be filled with mortar during laying.

Concrete blocks can additionally be laid under the floor beams of the utility block. They will not allow the floor to sag when exposed to heavy loads.

Columnar wooden foundation for a temporary shed

Any person who built temporary huts for household needs did not lay a strong foundation for them. So for our utility block we can build a foundation from logs. If the workpieces are well treated with waterproofing, then such a temporary structure will last up to ten years.

Let's look at how the stage-by-stage laying of such a foundation occurs:

  • The materials you will need are larch or oak logs 1.5–2 m long and 30 cm in diameter. The part of the pillars that will be in the ground is treated with bitumen and wrapped with two layers of roofing felt on top.
  • Holes are dug under the logs. The bottom is covered with a 150 mm layer of crushed stone or gravel. All logs are installed in the holes, after which the gaps are simply pushed in with soil. It is allowed to fill the holes with concrete or fill them with a dry mixture of sand and cement.

The lower frame of the frame shed is simply nailed to the wooden foundation.

Instructions for constructing a frame shed

First, let's look at building a shed using frame technology. Even one person can handle this kind of work.

So, guided by the project, we begin to build a frame shed:

  • First, you need to assemble the main frame of the utility unit from timber with a wall size of 100x100 mm. The frame posts will be attached to it. To connect the elements at the corners of the frame, cuts are made at the end of the beam to half its thickness, that is, 50 mm.
  • Regardless of the design, the foundation is covered with two sheets of roofing felt. The frame of the utility block is nailed to the wooden base with long nails. Fixation to the concrete strip occurs with anchor pins.
  • Now you need to fix the logs to the frame. A board with a cross section of 50x100 mm is laid in 600 mm increments. The top edge of the joists must be flush with the surface of the frame, otherwise it will be difficult to lay the floor in the barn. An insulated shed requires a double floor. To make it convenient to line the beams from below with boards or OSB, do not rush to fix the frame to the foundation. The entire structure can be secured after attaching the subfloor.
  • When the lower frame of the utility unit is already securely fixed to the foundation, they begin to install the racks. They are made from timber of similar thickness. It is optimal to install racks with a height of 3 m in front of the barn, where the entrance door will be, and 2.4 m in the back. A height difference of 600 mm will allow you to organize a slope pitched roof utility block.
  • The racks are placed at the corners of the frame, at the locations of partitions, door and window openings, as well as evenly along the wall in increments of maximum 1.5 m. The workpieces are secured to the frame with metal mounting angles. For frame rigidity, all racks are reinforced with jibs, which are installed at an angle of 45 degrees. The instability of the frame can be reduced by installing temporary supports.
  • At installation sites door frame And window frame horizontal jumpers are nailed. The top trim is attached to the racks with the same mounting angles. The frame is assembled from timber of similar thickness, because it will support the entire roof.
  • Now it’s time for the barn’s floor beams. They are made from boards with sides measuring 50x100 mm and laid in 600 mm increments. At the back and front of the frame, the beams should form an overhang about 500 mm wide.
  • The sheathing is nailed on top of the joists. For hard roofing, sparse lathing is used. edged boards 25 mm thick. Under flexible roof make a solid base from plywood or OSB.

This completes the skeleton of the frame barn. Now all that remains is to cover it with boards or clapboards, lay the floor and lay the roofing chosen by the owner.

The video shows the production of a frame structure:

Instructions for building a shed from foam blocks

Recently, foam blocks have been used more often than bricks for the construction of sheds. The popularity of the material is due to its low weight, good thermal insulation properties, and the ability to “breathe”. Foam blocks are larger in size than bricks, which speeds up the process of laying barn walls. It should be taken into account that the blocks have several varieties that differ in their composition. The characteristics of the material can be seen in the table.

Foam blocks can be laid on concrete mortar, but it is better to use glue. The construction of the walls of the barn begins from the corners. For such a capital structure, a strip or slab foundation. You can install piles, but this will be expensive for the owner.

When all four corners are level and plumb, a rope is pulled between them. Laying the walls continues along the cord from the corners. It is important to observe the dressing of the seams in the rows, otherwise the design will turn out shaky.

The adhesive or concrete solution is applied with a notched trowel. The foam block must be lubricated generously so that there are no areas left without solution. After laying the block, the excess is cleaned off with a trowel or even spatula.

The walls of the barn are made at least 2 m high. Next, a frame made of timber - a mauerlat - is laid around the entire perimeter. It will be attached to it rafter system single-pitched or gable roof of the barn. The second roofing option is more difficult to manufacture, but allows you to organize an attic in the utility room for storing things.

Waterproofing must be placed under the Mauerlat. On a large barn, the slate roof puts a lot of pressure on the walls. To distribute it evenly, they often practice pouring monolithic on the top row of walls. reinforced belt made of concrete.

When the rafter system of the shed is installed, the sheathing is nailed, waterproofing and roofing are laid.

In conclusion, we invite you to look at a selection of photos of country sheds.

If you get creative, you can decorate the barn so that it becomes a landmark on your property.

Expanded clay concrete is building material, which includes sand, cement and expanded clay. Application will ensure the construction is environmentally friendly pure material, which does not require significant costs. Used to construct partitions, load-bearing walls and for mounting openings in monolithic housing construction. Expanded clay concrete blocks are excellent for subsequent finishing works and have thermal insulation and frost-resistant properties. The ease of installation of an expanded clay concrete block allows you to erect buildings and structures with your own hands. For example, you can build a shed yourself without much effort.

You can make an expanded clay concrete block with your own hands; for this you will need sand, cement and expanded clay. Vibrating pressing and steaming machines are used to make finished goods, suitable for various housing constructions. The use of expanded clay blocks for the construction of agricultural buildings, ancillary structures, namely a barn, is relevant.

Due to the foamed and fired clay in the composition of expanded clay, the lightness and strength of blocks made from this solution is ensured. Expanded clay concrete has thermal insulation properties and is recommended for the construction of buildings in areas with hot and cold climates.

When building sheds from this material, it is worth remembering its high porosity; for this, the walls are covered with a waterproofing layer. Due to the lightness and large size of expanded clay blocks, installing walls in a barn will not take much time and effort.

Preparation of tools and materials

When working with expanded clay concrete blocks, you will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • mixer;
  • building level;
  • jointing;
  • trowel;
  • rubber hammer;
  • square;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • apparatus for ;
  • electric saw;
  • bucket;
  • container for making a working mixture;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • expanded clay;
  • water;
  • roofing felt for waterproofing.

Construction technology

It is necessary to dig trenches under the foundation to a depth of at least 50 cm.

A barn made of expanded clay concrete elements begins with marking the area and digging a trench to a depth of 50 cm. Next, they begin to pour the foundation. To provide the barn with a warm floor, in addition to pouring concrete, they lay thermal insulation materials. The concrete solution is left to harden and gain maximum strength characteristics. After which they begin to lay expanded clay concrete elements.

To preserve heat in the room, experienced builders recommend laying more than one block. The solution is prepared at the rate of three parts sand and one part cement. The barn construction technology includes installing ventilation for fresh and natural air exchange.

To build a shed with your own hands, you need to have certain knowledge and skills. It will take about a week to build a custom shed. At the end of construction, windows, doors, and flooring are installed. Check air circulation.

Determining the location and marking

The construction of outbuildings begins with determining the optimal location. For convenience, sheds are located near the house or behind it, but in such a place that they are not conspicuous. After selecting the territory, they begin to mark it, installing pegs throughout the entire area of ​​​​the site. Next, remove a layer of soil 0.3 m deep, in which the roots of the plants are located.


Before proceeding with the installation of the foundation, the purpose of the shed is determined. They are erected for storing small items; a belt type is used in the case of future storage of large equipment in a barn. At columnar foundation make aerated concrete columns along the entire perimeter of the site. To do this, holes are dug, and their middle is filled with sand and compacted. To install a strip foundation, a ditch is dug and the bottom is covered with sand. The strip type foundation requires the installation of formwork and reinforcement structure. The ditch is filled with concrete and left to dry for a week.

Walls and roof

Reinforcement of the first row of blocks.

Laying the first row of walls starts from the corner. The second row is carried out in the middle of the block of the previous one in relation to the bottom row. The third row is laid like the first. Before starting to build a wall, it is important to take care of future openings for windows and doors. The openings are connected with an adhesive mixture or concrete mortar. You should ensure that the installation is even, using a building level.

Roofs for utility buildings are suitable for ordinary pitched roofs. A base of beams one to one and a half centimeters thick is prepared for the roofs. The bars are mounted alternately with the crossbars. When installing the beams for the base, maintain a distance between them that corresponds to one meter. The roofs of the barns are covered with slate, observing process, namely:

  • sheets are laid from below;
  • place slate sheets overlapping each other;
  • Self-tapping screws or nails are used as fasteners.

Not a single suburban area is complete without utility facilities. Summer cottage sheds often begin to be built before the main residential building is built. The use of block materials made on the basis of lightweight concrete is considered effective.

For construction, it is enough to choose a block of size 200*300*600 mm. It is advisable to calculate the amount of material based on the area of ​​the walls. There are usually 5-6 standard modules per 1 m².

To carry out the work you will need:

  • trowel, hacksaw;
  • level;
  • mallet;
  • the comb is 4 cm narrower than the block used;
  • shovel;
  • fittings;
  • construction nails and hammer;
  • buckets, containers for mixing the solution.

The block shed effectively resists burglary, which is important for those owners who visit the site from time to time

Why is it profitable to build a shed from blocks?

Blocks made from lightweight concrete have optimal technical characteristics, combining the properties of wood and brick.

By manipulating such material, you can achieve the following benefits:

  • Despite its impressive dimensions, the product is distinguished by its acceptable weight, which does not require the use of technical devices and facilitates transportation;
  • the dimensions of the blocks allow the construction of the structure at high speed;
  • all types of block materials are good heat and vapor insulators;
  • ease of processing;
  • environmentally friendly, low susceptibility to combustion.

The final choice should be based on the availability of the material, the possibility of implementing external finishing after completion of the work, the economic component, and local conditions.

Schematic drawing

Initially the builder must decide functional purpose buildings. A barn is often used to store various household equipment, keep livestock, or set up mini-workshops. Based on this, you can draw a drawing that indicates the dimensions of the structure, the presence of partitions, windows, and doors. The initial height can be taken as 2-2.4 m, area 6-9 m² - these are standard parameters.

  • in order to comply with all the standards for choosing the location of the facility, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with SNiP 02/30/97;
  • if a toilet is installed as an addition, poultry/livestock will be kept in the room, minimum distance to the walls of a residential building is taken as 12 m, to the border of the adjacent plot - 4 m;
  • when arranging a shed combined with a shower room, the distance from the house should be at least 8 m, 1 m to the neighboring plot.

When the required volume of material has been calculated and it is on site, you can proceed to foundation work. In this case, it is effective to introduce a strip or columnar supporting base.

Making a foundation for a shed made of foam blocks with your own hands

Due to the small area of ​​the object, the master expects a moderate volume earthworks, which can be realized using a shovel with your own hands.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • in a selected, previously cleared area, the fertile soil layer is removed;
  • depending on the design for the block shed, a trench is dug according to the markings, 30 cm wide and 40-50 cm deep. Usually this is a rectangular excavation;
  • the bottom is leveled horizontally;
  • a 10-15 cm sand and gravel cushion is laid out;
  • tamping is implemented;
  • Next, formwork is installed (20 cm above the ground level), a reinforcement frame made of periodic profile rod d 8-10 mm. If welding is used, it is convenient to carry it out near the future building; the binding is carried out directly in the trench;
  • Pebbles, pieces of foam plastic, brick or concrete, 5 cm high, are placed below and on the sides of the frame. This is necessary to create a protective concrete layer that protects the steel from corrosion.

Working solution (1 part cement, 4 parts sand, 4 parts gravel)
laid out in the formwork and bayoneted, for which they use a reinforcing rod or a suitable stick - this way the concrete will fill all the voids. After 5-6 days, it is permissible to build a shed from blocks.

The presented range of works relates to strip foundation, which is relevant for capital buildings for economic purposes. If you need to build a room for storing small equipment and belongings, you can get by with a columnar base.

Pillars can be made from blocks, according to the recommendations presented:

  • holes are dug around the perimeter 50*50 cm, 40 cm deep;
  • for a building 2*2.5 m, eight holes are enough;
  • 15 cm of sand is poured onto the bottom of the recesses and compacted;
  • Structurally, the pillar will consist of two modules, which are stacked on top of each other and fixed with a concrete screed.

Working with block materials

Even such a simple structure as a barn requires adherence to masonry technology. The master must maintain the verticality of the walls and their horizontality, using a plumb line and level. Before starting work, mastic is applied to the load-bearing base and waterproofing based on roofing material is laid out.

Popular designs for block sheds involve combining them with bathhouses, summer kitchens, garages, country toilets and shower rooms

The material can be a foam block, gas block, cinder block, expanded clay concrete block, sawdust concrete block - that is, the material that is most accessible to the master. The rows must be connected with metal mortgages, despite the fact that this is a barn, it must have strong walls.

The laying of blocks is carried out as follows:

  • the corners are drawn out, the mooring cord is pulled between them;
  • when working, it is permissible to use cement-sand mortar;
  • above each connection of two modules, a whole block should be placed in the next row (ligation is carried out);
  • from outside and inside the solution that appears is carefully removed;
  • When installing the module in place, it is adjusted with a rubber mallet.

Barn roof

If the project involves the installation of a pitched roof, the front wall of the structure should be higher than the back, which will help maintain the roof slope. Experienced builders recommend building gable roofs , then there will be extra space in the attic, which is convenient for housekeeping and warmer for the interior of the shed itself. Such designs look more aesthetically pleasing.

The general sequence of actions is as follows:

  • To align the rafters, a mauerlat is laid out on top of the wall structures. This is a wooden beam - a support for the rafters;
  • fastening is carried out using anchors or bolts;
  • the cross-section of the Mauerlat is maintained within the limits of 200*200 mm, 150*150 mm;
  • It is recommended to place an overlapping layer of roofing material under the timber;
  • transverse floor beams are laid out on the Mauerlat;
  • The rafter legs are assembled on the ground (like a triangle), lifted up, and alternately mounted in prepared grooves with fixation by jibs and spacers. For rafters, 100*50 mm timber is used;
  • the top is connected by a ridge board;
  • a sheathing is built, the features of which depend on the type of roofing material. Usually a 30 mm edged board is sufficient. It is recommended to lay continuous sheathing under a soft roof;
  • the wood is treated with fire retardants and antiseptics to prevent accidental fire and rotting.

It is convenient to place the shed next to the neighbor’s in a “back to back” type. It is more aesthetically pleasing based on the overall perception of space

Finally, the roofing material is laid, doors and windows are inserted, and the façade is finished. The work is carried out using traditional technology and should not cause any difficulties. The total cost of construction is quite acceptable; for a shed made of foam blocks, the price will be about 180 thousand rubles.

Provided the foundation is ready, a garage or shed from blocks can be erected in a few days. A utility building can be attached to a blank wall of a residential building. It is good if it is located on the northeast, northwest or north side.

How to build a shed from foam blocks and what its price will be is shown in the video: