Removing the plug from the sewer yourself. Sewer plugs for debtors: legality of installation. Removing a plug from a sewer pipe

Recently, cases have become more frequent when representatives of the management company, in order to somehow influence the debtor, utility bills limit the provision of their services to these groups of people. For example, one of the measures is to install a special plug in the sewer. The essence of its action is that after installation the volume of the pipe is limited. Simply put, water from the toilet continues to flow into the sewer, but everything else does not.

According to the logic of the installers, this should spur the defaulter to eliminate the debt. It is worth saying that this would be the most effective and simplest way to remove a plug from a sewer. But not all debtors agree with this state of affairs and begin to look for other ways to solve this rather piquant problem. And, in fairness, I must add that these methods exist.

Installing the plug

To understand how the plug is removed, it would be quite useful to familiarize yourself with the technological aspects of its installation. It is worth saying that special equipment is used to install a plug on the sewer. The work is carried out using a special manipulator with an installed camera and lighting. The plug is inserted into the desired area sewer pipe and is fixed there. The same devices are also used to dismantle plugs. It can almost certainly be said that such special means will not be found in every home, but, nevertheless, it is worth knowing.

Rules for dismantling work

Before moving on to the description of the technological aspects of removing the plug from the sewer, it is necessary to say a few words about some rules for carrying out work that should be followed.

  • Removing the plug will require certain plumbing skills. In order to remove the plug, you will have to dismantle the toilet, and this is quite difficult.
  • Also, work related to plumbing always involves a certain risk. All existing precautions must be observed. The water must be turned off.
  • Before starting work, you need to prepare everything necessary tools. You need to work quickly, so it's better to have everything at hand.

Stages of work

Work to dismantle the sewer plug should be carried out in stages.

  1. The first thing you should do before starting work is to assess the situation. The fact is that, as a rule, a plug is installed at the point where the drain connects to the sewer. This means that in order to dismantle it, you need to disconnect the toilet. In principle, the work is no different, but if the toilet was installed a long time ago, then most likely you won’t be able to remove it yourself. Previously, this plumbing element was mounted inside the covering. That is, its base was concreted after fastening, and therefore, in order to get to the fastening point, you will have to chisel the floor. So you need to weigh everything carefully. After all, this results in a fairly large amount of work, which will also entail financial investments.
  2. If the plumbing was installed recently, then there should be no problems. Disconnects first cistern. Of course, you need to drain the water first. Then you need to unscrew the mounting bolts. In this case, you should also be careful not to inadvertently damage the earthenware with the key. After this, you can remove the toilet itself.
  3. Next, you need to shine a flashlight into the drain. Typically, the plug will be visible. Then the matter remains small. If it is rubber, then you need to pull out the plug using a homemade wire hook.
  4. After the plug is removed, you need to put everything back in place.

Pay attention! It is worth saying that it is absolutely forbidden to push the plug further into the sewer. It will most likely get stuck and thereby block the riser, which is completely undesirable.

The described method is, in principle, effective, but, as mentioned above, it is not always possible to apply it. If the toilet is concreted, you can try to remove the plug through a sewer inspection. Or try to dissolve it by special means. You can use chemical cleaners that contain acid. However, this method is quite lengthy, and it will only be effective if the plug is made of metal.

In conclusion, we can add that all of the listed methods are not a way out of the situation. Of course, you can remove the plug from the pipe, but the management company can always reinstall it. The best way out the situation will prevent arrears in payments, and if it comes to installing a plug, then it’s worth paying all the bills as soon as possible. This way there will be much fewer problems.

Utility service providers, in extreme cases, decide to collect debts from willful defaulters using rather harsh methods. For example, they block the drain in the debtors’ apartment by installing special plugs on the sewer, which are dismantled immediately after the debt is paid. However, there are times when such a drain plug needs to be removed yourself. For example: if the debt was accrued incorrectly; the debt has long been repaid; a sewer plug that “fell” from a neighbor above, etc.

The easiest way is to install a so-called inspection hole (inspection) in the sewer pipe to clear the sewer pipes from blockages. This is the easiest way to remove the sewer plug.

But the presence of an audit in an apartment sewer system is very rare. Another, more labor-intensive way to get to the plug is to dismantle the toilet. If it is bolted to the floor, then it is not so difficult. When it is cemented, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove it (without replacing it with a new one). Sometimes you can limit yourself to removing the corrugation connecting the toilet to the riser.

Sometimes a sewer plug is installed on the drain hole of a riser tee of a smaller diameter. In this case, it may be necessary to disconnect the pipes connected to this connection.

It is better to carry out work with the riser at night, when its use by the residents of the entrance is minimal. At the same time, of course, you should not forget about maintaining silence during the work.

Determining the type of stub

  • rubber (pneumatic);
  • plastic (polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, etc.);
  • metal (solid or lattice).

The inflatable rubber plug (hedgehog) for the sewer is technically outdated, and today it is extremely rarely installed in the sewer pipe of defaulters. Installation of such plugs is quite simple, but they can also be easily removed by residents themselves. But plastic and metal models are more difficult to remove on your own.

Some ways to remove sewer plugs

Let's take a closer look at how to remove a plug from a sewer.

In the event that the debt for services rendered is paid, demand the immediate removal of such a plug. If you decide to do this yourself, then, first of all, try to remove such a “clog” using a regular toilet plunger. This is the simplest, but very effective way.

Rubber inflatable plugs can simply be pierced. Due to the fairly thin wall of such a plug, this is not so difficult. If there is a revision in the system, then you can pierce the pneumatic plug by lowering it into it plumbing cable metal point. Deflated, she simply falls through.

A metal or plastic sewer plug can be deployed manually (or with pliers) or moved down or up. It will be better if you can pull it out of the pipes and into the apartment. This can be done by slightly deforming them by pressing or pressing the stop. It is easier to move it up, but there is a risk of it being lowered over time by flowing runoff. Therefore, in this case it is worth securing it (for example, with a spacer).

You can reach the obstacle through a revision using a fishing tee attached to a rope, wire or cable; a stiff wire hook.

If you live on the top floor, you can access the insides of the pipes through the attic or roof of the house, and entry there is unlimited.

If you can’t move the plug, you can drill a hole in the riser at an angle to it. The drilling location is determined by tapping the pipes. By inserting a metal pin into this hole until it stops, and hitting it with a hammer, you can move it. Then a thread is cut into the hole with a tap. and it is suppressed with a short bolt.

You can also try cutting a hole in the plastic plug with a shoe knife or drilling it with a core drill (or making holes with a regular drill around the circumference). Do it with metal models more difficult because they are springy. You can cut the metal into small pieces using a grinder, and then they need to be carefully pulled out of the riser pipes. If you have a lattice plug installed, then its rods are sawn or cut.

Important! Work in cast iron pipes must be carried out with special care, as they are quite fragile.

The most time-consuming and difficult method of removing a plug is to cut out part of the riser at the place where it is installed. In this case, you need to pay attention special attention sealing pipes after its restoration.

Chemical methods

On the Internet you can find ways to “dissolve” the plug with household cleaning products such as “Mole”, etc., containing hydrochloric or oxalic acid. However, the effectiveness of this method is extremely doubtful. There is a possibility of damaging the sewer pipe (and then your “debts” may increase significantly), and the time for such “dissolution” (if it occurs) can be quite significant (from a week). Naturally, apartment residents cannot use the sewer system during this period.

If a sewer plug was installed for an unpaid utility debt, then there is a high probability that it will be installed again. In this case, you will have to do all the operations again. This situation may repeat until the debt is repaid.

Recently, more and more often, employees of the management company use the method of influencing non-payers of utility bills by limiting the supply of services. One of the enforcement measures is sewer plugs for defaulters, which limit the volume of the pipeline. The appearance of a plug leads to the accumulation of fecal matter, which does not move along the pipe, and the vertical main risers remain functional and discharge sewage from other apartments.

According to the installers, this method of influence should encourage the debtor to pay. However, many people do not agree with this and are looking for other methods to solve such a delicate problem.

Plug installation process

A specialist inspects the sewer system, counts the number of risers in the defaulter’s house or apartment, and understands the scheme internal system waste collection. After assessing the design, the specialist selects a place to install the plug (as a rule, this is an intra-apartment pipe), and determines the area for entering drainage system and equipment installation.

The process of disconnecting the toilet

Removing the plugs is a labor-intensive procedure, since they are installed from the roof using special probes with manipulators. The installation has a camera, thanks to which the operator accurately installs the device in the required sewer hole.

They can also be installed to protect the pipes during repairs or before transportation, so that the structure is not damaged.

What plugs can be installed?

Plugs for plastic and cast iron pipelines can be of the following configurations:

  • continuous type, completely blocking the passage of wastewater;
  • lattice type, retaining only feces without blocking the passage of wastewater.

There are also decorative plugs that have different shapes and shades, designed to plug holes in pipes.

installing a plug in a pipe

Plugs can be installed in the following ways: flanged, flat weld, wafer, elliptical, spherical plastic and rotary.

Pneumatic plugs can also be installed on sewer pipes. They differ in different parameters, resistance to high temperatures and remote installation. There may be a plug with a valve and a padlock for wells.

self-removal of the plug

The valves completely seal the pipes and prevent the entry of debris, water and dirt. They serve to protect pipes from mechanical damage.

Stoppers can be made of metal, plastic, polyvinyl chloride, metal-plastic and polypropylene. Each type of device is used on pipes made of a specific material. So, metal plugs are placed on cast iron pipelines.

connecting the toilet to the sewer pipe

Polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride plugs have numerous advantages. With their help, it is possible to quickly block sewers, they are durable and reliable, resistant to aggressive environments and easy to install. But they can be torn off incorrect installation to exhaust pipes. Some plugs cannot be removed without special tools.

Requirements for installation of plugs on sewer systems the following:

  • the risers have direct exits without branches;
  • determination of pipeline material, type, parameters and number of branches in the house;
  • the presence of a safe exit to the area where the risers are located;
  • availability of free area above the riser with a height of 0.8 m;
  • receipt by the debtor of a notice to restrict the diversion of water in accordance with the law.

setting marks on the pipe

Rules for dismantling work

Before you remove the plug from the sewer system yourself, you can watch the video and follow the basic rules for performing the work:

  • To dismantle the plug you will need some knowledge in working with plumbing equipment. Before carrying out work, it may be necessary to dismantle the toilet;
  • Works related to plumbing system. Always take risks. Therefore, precautions must be taken, as well as turning off the water;
  • The plug cannot be pushed into the depth of the riser, but only pulled out;
  • You need to prepare all the necessary tools.

Removing a plug from a sewer pipe

The best solution to clearing the stub is to pay off the debt. In this case, a specialist will come and dismantle the plug himself. But if such a method is unacceptable, then there are several alternatives:

  1. One option is to remove the toilet, especially if it is bolted to a floor base. But if the toilet is filled with concrete, then this method will not work, otherwise it will not be possible to put the structure in place. If it is possible to remove the toilet, then first turn off the water, remove the tank and unscrew all communications. After this, the fasteners securing the toilet are removed and the socket is disassembled to the initial connection. Basically, it serves as an exit to the common riser and the plug will be visible from it.
  2. Mechanical method. The area where the obstacle is located is determined by tapping on the pipes. If heard ringing sound, then this indicates an empty pipe, and a blank pipe indicates the presence of drains. After this, a drain point is installed as close as possible to the main collector (that is, a bathtub, toilet, shower or sink). At this point the water starts, after which you need to wait until it reaches the drain grate. A plunger is installed above the grille in the form of a hemisphere and sudden movements create excess pressure. If the plug is loosely secured, it can be pulled out. If the plunger does not help, then the plug can be pulled out of the pipe by other means. This may require a harpoon, cable or pliers. All plugs have holes that you can easily grab onto and push the plug out, freeing the drain.
  3. Revision. You should open the inspection window, place a special stick with a hook in it, to which a rope will be tied for easy pulling out. The valve is hooked with a harpoon and pulled up. You should be careful when pulling out the plug, because neighbors above may wash off feces at this moment. But this method has disadvantages, since it is carried out blindly, but you can easily distinguish the sound of the harpoon touching the plug.
  4. Use of chemicals. There is another way to remove the plug from the sewer yourself - this is to use a solution of hydrochloric or oxalic acid or products containing such substances. They contribute to corroding the cork if it is made of metal. The result may appear in a week.

The choice of method for removing the plug depends on the circumstances and the arsenal of available plumbing fixtures. The mechanical method of intervention is a troublesome process, but the most effective. The chemical procedure for removing the plug is considered less effective, but its simplicity is justified.

It is better to choose a method in accordance with the characteristics of the pipeline. But if the plug was removed the first time and utility services installed it again, then it is advisable to pay all debts in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Management companies regularly encounter building residents who have not paid utility bills for months and are wondering how to remove the plug from the sewer.

In cities of debt apartment buildings amount to millions of rubles. Sometimes the situation becomes completely complicated when neither the management company’s conviction nor the court’s order regarding payment have the proper effect. In this case, a decision is made to install a plug on the sewer pipe. There is a practice when owners, in turn, think about how to remove the installed plug from the sewer themselves.

Legal grounds

In search of a solution to the problem with non-payers, management companies considered different options. Finding an acceptable way is not so easy: the owner of the apartment has not only responsibilities, but also a number of rights that must be ensured to him.

Blocking the water supply for non-payment seems the most obvious option. But this violates the sanitary requirements that apply to housing. Water is supplied through a common riser; it is impossible to shut it off from the outside without depriving all users of water supply. And the human right to the inviolability of one’s home allows one not to allow inspectors into the apartment and to manipulate one’s property.

Then the practice of suspending water disposal appeared. It should be noted that such a decision is often made not by the management company itself, but by the court, and is completely legal. But there is a nuance.

The management company is obliged to notify in advance of the decision to stop the provision of sewerage services. This must be done against the signature of the apartment owner or by registered mail with notification. If a plug was installed on a sewer pipe without the owner's knowledge, this could cause problems for the company. Of course, the debtor will not be able to write off the debt, but he can demand compensation for moral damage and inconvenience through the court, and the claim will most likely be satisfied. If the management company does not have a signed receipt, it is easy to prove ignorance to the owner.

How to install the plug

In order to install a plug on a sewer pipe, employees of the management company do not need to gain access to the apartment. Installation is carried out from the technical floor.

A specialist studies the diagrams engineering communications to decide how to carry out the work. Some apartments have several risers, then blocking one will be an annoying nuisance, and not a motivation to pay off the debt.

The procedure takes place using special equipment. It is a device equipped with a camera and lighting that allows you to install the damper on the right pipe. The device is delivered to the sewer pipe on a long cable. With its help, the fitting is dismantled, which plugs the drainage.

How to remove the plug

If it happens that the pipe is blocked, there are several ways to remove the plug from the sewer:

Pay bills.

It is understood that such a measure should motivate the owner of the premises to deal with debts. In this case, the management company itself will remove all obstacles to the sewer water. This is the most obvious and logical way, but it is not suitable for everyone.

Contact the professionals.

Not all plumbers like to take calls to remove plugs. This is labor-intensive work, because simple overlays are installed less and less often, and you have to spend a lot of time and effort to remove them. In addition, obstructing a court decision is an unpleasant matter, and not everyone is ready to deal with it. But there are such companies that are ready to remove the installed plug from the sewer, and there are quite a few of them.

Remove the plug yourself.

Of course, this will require even more time than in the case of a professional plumber. It is important to understand how modern plugs are designed, the principle of their fastening and the procedure for dismantling, so as not to damage your own communications or, more importantly, the main riser, because this will lead to intervention by the management company.

Types of stubs

There are two types of sewer plugs for malicious debtors, which create varying degrees of discomfort for the residents of the apartment in which the debt has arisen. They look different, but have the same function.

  1. Pneumatic type. This is a voluminous rubber product filled with air.
  2. Solid. A plastic plug that completely blocks the flow of sewer water.
  3. Lattice. It allows liquids to pass through, but prevents the drainage of solid waste, which gradually accumulates.

As calculations show, on average, more than 250 liters of liquid waste flows from an apartment to the sewer every day. It will still be possible to use the plumbing for a day or two, then a plug will form and the water will begin to rise and flow back into the apartment. A persistent unpleasant odor is formed in the room. It significantly reduces the comfort of living; you won’t be able to constantly run to your neighbors to use their sewer system, and it is expected that this situation will become a reason to pay off the debt.

Rules for carrying out work

Removing the plug is not an easy procedure, and before you begin, you need to take care to follow some rules.

  1. Experience with plumbing is desirable. Imagine how plastic and cast iron pipes How to install a plastic plug on a sewer. In most cases, you have to dismantle the toilet, and it is advisable to also have such a skill.
  2. Prepare protective equipment: gloves, gown or old clothes, mask. You will have to work with an open sewer. At this time, waste, including hot water, may flow from above.
  3. Prepare tools. All manipulations must be carried out quickly, so what you need should be at hand.

Work order

Non-paying residents, who do not want to be left without amenities and overpay plumbers, are trying to remove the plug themselves. In order for your attempts to be successful, you need to act in stages and have a clear idea of ​​how to remove the plug from the sewer yourself.

  1. Assess the situation. Study where the plug is installed and how best to get to it. Most often it is installed on a pipe coming from the toilet, so it will have to be dismantled. This is not difficult with modern models, but if the toilet was installed a long time ago, problems may arise. Often the plumbing is concreted, and as a result, the floor will have to be dismantled. This is fraught not only with additional labor intensity, but also with unexpected costs.
  2. If the plumbing is new, this makes the task much easier. First you need to turn off the water and drain it from the tank, then carefully disconnect it. Then you should remove the toilet mounts and move it away. When working with the key, it is important to be careful not to damage the plumbing.
  3. Shine a flashlight into the pipe to find out how far away the plug is. If it is rubber, you can pry it with a hook and pull it out easily. With lattice it will be a little more difficult. To remove it you will need pliers if the plug is close, or something long, a stick with a hook or a harpoon. It may be necessary to push the grille forward a little at first, but you need to do everything carefully, and be sure to carefully remove the plug from the pipe. The simplest option seems to be to knock it inside, but with a high degree of probability it will stand across the main riser, causing a blockage. It will, of course, be quickly eliminated, but the management company will find the reason and install a new plug.

First way

Second way

Alternative option

If the toilet is securely fixed to the floor or removing the plug from the sewer is impossible, but there is inspection hatch, it makes sense to act through it. In this case, you need to be careful, because waste or hot water may pour from above; do not neglect protection. It's simple:

  1. First, the inspection window or hatch opens.
  2. You need to have a harpoon or a long stick with a hook with which you will need to pick up the plug. There is a possibility that the tool will slip out of your hands and fall down, making it impossible to get it out. Therefore, it is worth tying a rope to the end and leaving it outside so that you can intercept it if something happens.
  3. Carefully pry up the plug and remove it. You need to act very carefully so that it does not fall and block the riser.

After completion of the work, the hatch must be closed and the plumbing installed in place.

Use of chemistry

Household chemicals that are used daily to clean plumbing fixtures and pipes are quite strong remedies. These can be used to dissolve the plug. The method is effective if there is a metal grill. For use, it is better to choose products with oxalic or hydrochloric acid, which are contained, for example, in pipe cleaners.

The chemical needs to be poured into the toilet (or other plumbing fixture that is closest to the plug) and left for a long time, about a week. The strong acid will dissolve the obstruction and the drain can be used again.

How to prevent installation of a plug

By law, before limiting the provision of any utility services to the debtor, the management company must send a written notice and provide a month to repay the debts. If this is not possible for some reason, there is time to take preventive measures.

These include an anti-plug for the sewer. This is a service that some companies provide. Often it comes in conjunction with removing the plug. That is, the master first removes the obstacle, and then prevents it reinstallation.

You can also make an improvised plug. The most common option is to create an obstacle in the way of the equipment. For this purpose in sewer riser drill and place a long bolt, which is filled with sealant to prevent drains from leaking into the apartment.

It is important to remember that the sewer riser is a common property, the damage of which is illegal. The management company has the right to later recover the costs of its restoration through the court.


In the event of large debts on utility bills, the management company may stop providing drainage services from the apartment. At the same time, life in such a room becomes almost impossible. The plug can be removed mechanically or using chemicals for sewer pipes, but most effective way– pay off the debt, and ideally prevent it from appearing.

Everything useful about sewerage -

Despite the fact that the procedure for installing sewer plugs is becoming a real problem for the population every day, it is nevertheless possible to cope with it. So, the question arises: How to remove the plug from the sewer and resume the use of the drainage system at home?

This question arises, for the most part, among those who have personally encountered this strict measure that water suppliers are taking. In most cases, this happens to those who owe large amounts of money to service companies. And yet, many people think this measure is inhumane and ruthless, which forces people to look for independent methods of removing plugs.

Removing the plugs is a very labor-intensive process, since they are installed from the roof using special probes with manipulators. The equipment is equipped with a camera, which allows the operator to accurately install the plug in the desired sewer hole. Based on this, it is virtually impossible to remove the plug using the same method, but without the same equipment and camera. But there are a couple of other ways.

We are trying to get to the stub

One of the options for removing the plug is dismantling the toilet. But this method will be practical if the toilet is bolted to the floor. In most cases, new toilets have this method of fastening. If it is dilapidated and filled with cement, you should not take it, otherwise it will be unrealistic to install it again in its old place.

If it is possible to remove the toilet, then first of all you need to turn off the water. Then you need to remove the tank and unscrew all communications that lead to it. After this, unscrew the bolts that hold the toilet in place and disassemble the socket to the first connection. In most cases, it is the exit to a non-specialized riser, and from it it is already possible to notice a plug.

Advice! Some people make important mistakes when trying to push the plug inside the riser. But this will inevitably lead to blockage, and the whole house will not be able to use the sewer system for a long time.

It is best to remove the plug by dragging it into the apartment. How to do this?

Simple pliers can serve as an assistant. If the plug is not installed close and is difficult to reach, then it is possible to use a fishing harpoon or a homemade hook. All plugs have holes, therefore, in order to catch on to it, enormous efforts are not needed. It is fundamentally important not to forget that the plugs are either iron or polypropylene. The latter are easier to break and crumble. If this happens, all parts must be removed so that the sewer can work freely in the future. Once the plug is removed, the toilet can be put back in place and the water supply system can be installed.

In order to fully carry out this process, you will need the following tools:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • set wrenches;
  • flashlight;
  • pliers;
  • rubber gloves.

In addition, dowels, a hammer and other tools may be needed depending on the depth of placement of the plug in the pipe.

An inspection is a serious piece of plumbing, which is a kind of tee and allows you to clean out the riser. If the toilet is cemented, but there is an inspection, you can only rely on it, despite the fact that it does not provide a 100% guarantee.

In order to rip off the plug yourself, you will need a harpoon prepared in advance or a long stick with a hook attached to the end.

Advice! It is fundamentally important not to forget to tie a rope to the harpoon, so that if it slips out of your hand, it can be easily pulled out.

Then that’s it: cover, insert a harpoon or stick into the riser, hook the plug and pull it towards you. When doing these actions, it is fundamentally important not to forget about safety. You need to wear thicker clothing and don’t forget to wear gloves, since during the work neighbors will be able to use the sewer for its intended purpose and also pour boiling water into it.

The disadvantage of this method of work is that it is carried out blindly. But the sound of the harpoon touching the pipe is different from the sound of touching the plug. If you are careful, your chances of successful extraction increase.


At the moment, there are a large number of sewer cleaning products containing oxalic or hydrochloric acid. They will be able to corrode the plug, but provided that it is iron, and the owner must have time and patience, since the result will be noticeable no less than seven days later.

Which method to choose depends on events and the availability of plumbing supplies. Mechanical intervention is a troublesome process, but the most effective. Chemical method solution to the problem is less effective, but justified by its simplicity.

Installing plugs is an extreme measure that water utilities or communications companies should take. And if they become aware that the plug has been removed, they are more likely to reinstall it.

Comfortable use of the benefits of civilization is unrealistic without paying for them. Based on this, if you diligently pay for housing and communal services, then, under no circumstances, will you need to deal with the removal of plugs, doing hard, unclean, and from time to time, hopeless work.