Installation of PVC windows according to GOST. Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows: step-by-step process for installing plastic windows. Installation of PVC windows according to GOST

Plastic windows have advantages over wooden ones and have earned popularity among the population. The article describes the installation procedure plastic windows and video material (at the end of the text). The main provisions of GOST are given, including instructions for carrying out such work. Some recommendations and explanations on the arrangement of windows are also given. The description is given using the example of replacing an old wooden window; in new houses, dismantling is simply not necessary.

Sizes and selection of windows (GOST)

Window dimensions for different types houses are very different, but even in the same house they can differ by several centimeters. That's why it is important to determine correct sizes products, which determine its cost.

Comment! Edge gap window frame and the wall should be 2-6 cm, if it is larger, the window opening should be reduced by laying bricks (stronger structure) or foam plastic.

Windows are produced in standard sizes, which depend on the type of house - panel, brick, Khrushchev, etc. These are windows of the P-46, P-44, -44T, P-3, -3M series.

If standard windows are not suitable, you can always make a custom window of any size. Moreover, there will be no loss in cost.

There are different types of windows based on the type of glazing (double glazing):

  • two-chamber – preferable and cheaper;
  • three-chamber, maybe more;
  • triplex (multilayer) - do not produce fragments;
  • With tempered glass– produce small “dull” fragments;
  • energy-saving, noise-proof, sun-protective.

PVC windows are available in three classes:

  • economy class - KBE, Montblank, Novotex;
  • standard – Rehau, Shueco, Vera;
  • VIP class – Shueco Corona, Salamander, etc.

Preparing the window opening

First you need to prepare the window. Take out the glass unit and remove the sash. Drill several holes in the bag for fastening. For a double-hung window, 2 at the edges and one at the top and bottom are enough; for a three-hung window there may be more. Next you need to delete old frame(if any) clean the surface from dirt and level. The frame is attached to the opening in three ways:

  • special brackets;
  • self-tapping screws for concrete;
  • anchor bolts (most often and conveniently).

The depth of the holes for bolts is 4-6 cm, depending on the wall, for slotted bricks - the maximum.

Attention! If there are strong winds in the area, you should consult with experts on the wind load of the window, especially on the upper floors.


  • Polyurethane foam – double-hung window – 3 cylinders.
  • Liquid plastic– 1 tube is not several windows.
  • Water-based paint – 2-3 l/window.
  • Dowels – 660 mm – 15-20 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Anchor plates or anchors – 4 per window.

The exact quantity depends on the type of window.

Installation procedure for plastic windows

Practice shows that Window mounting defects may appear during operation. It is typical that these errors are not noticeable immediately after the work is completed, so when installing plastic windows with your own hands you need to be very careful.

The installation of different window options varies somewhat, but the most general stages typical for all windows. These procedures are described below.

Ventilation of a room with PVC windows

When choosing a plastic window special attention attention should be paid to ventilation of the room.

The fact is that the windows are almost completely sealed and ventilation is only possible by opening the window sashes, which leads to drafts. Wooden windows do not have such a defect. The way out is to install windows equipped with ventilation valves, for example, "Aereko".

A special feature of the valve is the absence of extraneous noise from the street. One valve provides ventilation for a room of approximately 50 square meters. Ventilation is performed continuously, with adjustable flow.

Thus, installation of plastic windows is possible on your own.

Installation according to standard

Installation of plastic windows involves following GOST standards. Home owners do not always prefer to install windows in accordance with all the necessary standards and regulations.

Installation diagram of a plastic window.

Experts strongly recommend that all residents adhere to these rules, especially those who have office space, shops, and various public institutions. Most buyers are sure that the quality and reliability of the entire structure depends on the profile. But besides this, assembly and, accordingly, installation play a key role. Sometimes owners who hire specialists do not think about whether the installation will be carried out in accordance with GOST. The profile manufacturer always specifies that assembly should be done in this particular way, but master installers may not follow these rules.

Installation diagram of a plastic window.

Installation according to GOST is not mandatory. This is more of a recommendation. If home owners decide to install windows, guided by the requirements of the standard, it is necessary to invite qualified employees, preferably from a large construction company. An agreement is concluded with this company, which includes a specific clause stating that the installation will be carried out exactly in accordance with GOST.

When purchasing, the seller must select suitable profile, which will meet specific conditions. The design must be checked for optimal air exchange and heat transfer, the level of sound insulation, dust penetration, etc. As a rule, well-known supplier companies have certificates that window structures have passed the necessary tests. Accordingly, it is better to purchase goods from them.

Basic requirements during the installation process

It is important to take into account the fact that most problems with plastic windows occur if the installation is performed incorrectly. Therefore, if you decide to install plastic windows, you should not save on the installation process. Today in Russia there is GOST 30971-2002. The above rules are for correct installation. First of all, GOST specifies the types of profiles, as well as examples and various options mounting. During the installation process, it is important to follow certain rules: there must be no gaps or openings. This is necessary for insulation from the cold. In the places where the window is attached, three seams are made vertically and horizontally: internal, external and middle. Moreover, in order to properly install a window, you need to take into account the expansion of plastic when heated.

Scheme for installing a window in an opening.

It must also be remembered that the choice should be guided by sanitary standards and tightness standards. The optimal temperature regime and humidity level. In order to find out such standards, it is necessary to consider the requirements of SanPin 21.2.1002-00, which sets out the standards for ventilation and heating in residential premises. If these rules are not followed, there may be a risk of mold or mildew infection, this may occur due to excessive humidity levels.

It should be noted that installation in accordance with GOST is a guarantee of your safety and favorable functioning window design. In addition, installation according to the required standards ensures favorable microclimate in the house.

When installing, the seams must be arranged in 3 levels. The first is able to protect the room from the penetration of precipitation and water. The second (internal) level must protect against the penetration of vapors. The third level is done using construction foam. The standards also specify the types of walls, which also need to be taken into account. You need to know all the installation rules. They are convenient to use as a guide both during purchase and during installation. Once again, it is worth repeating that you should buy only high-quality, certified products. The seller must provide you with documents detailing all technical features products.

Installation Requirements

The quality certificate must be awarded not only to the company that sells windows, but also to the one that is responsible for installation. It is important that qualified specialists undertake the installation of the structure. The emergence and implementation of a certification system will bring the business to high level. Today, the buyer places increased demands on the quality of designs and service in general.

Before installation, it is necessary to make all the necessary measurements, comparing them. It is important to know what loads the structure can withstand; the wind load is determined. From this it is concluded whether it is necessary additional installation frames with metal plates. Some windows may leak air. In this case, the frames are installed to normalize the thermal insulation.

Window installation diagram.

It is important to thoroughly prepare the room before installation. It is necessary to remove all extraneous things in advance. It is recommended to cover the furniture with a wide cloth or film. Household appliances the room must be isolated from dust. First, pull out the doors and carefully remove the frame. The opening must be free of unnecessary parts; all slopes are checked using a level.

After the structure is delivered, it is necessary to separate the frame and double-glazed windows. The frame is inserted into the opening using special wedges. Then you should mark the frame and determine how it will be located in the opening. Afterwards the frame is fixed. For this, anchor bolts and self-tapping screws are used. The glass unit is secured with glazing beads. In order to take all measurements correctly, you will need a laser ruler. It is important that the entire structure is firmly fixed. There are certain rules for this, for example, the distance between the fastening points should be about 70 cm. The distance to the fastening from internal corner should be a maximum of 15 cm.

The structures of the walls differ from each other. The choice of fasteners depends on the characteristics of the wall. Fastenings are mainly made using anchor bolts, anchor plates and self-tapping screws. Most practical way- use of anchor plates. It is important to correctly install the slopes that cover the opening between the profile and the wall. For installation, remove any remaining plaster from the old window and smooth out any unevenness using putty.


  • hammer;
  • perforator;
  • crowbar for pulling out old nails;
  • building level;
  • polyurethane foam and a construction gun for working with it.

The installation of plastic windows should be carried out only by experienced specialists; it is advisable to carry out the installation in accordance with all the requirements and rules of GOST. Companies that install plastic windows have quality control departments that you can contact if you have problems with the installation.

Load more

These days, plastic windows are in great demand. They allow you to create coziness in your apartment and reliably protect you from the cold. However, in order for modern double-glazed windows to truly perform all their functions and serve their owners for many years, they must be manufactured and installed taking into account all requirements and rules.

For this purpose, a special document is being developed - state standard. It is on this that you need to rely when deciding on the installation of metal-plastic or wooden windows nal systems.

Installation technology in accordance with GOST provides for strict compliance specified parameters. It is better to do the work in stages.

Installation PVC windows According to GOST, the instructions recommend starting with preparing the opening. First you need to dismantle the old frames. They are removed and all remaining construction debris is removed. The opening should be cleared to concrete or brick base frames Then the master treats it with a primer so that new window blocks can be installed.

Preparing the opening for window installation

Do not forget that installation regulations do not allow the use of water for these purposes. It is necessary to prime the surfaces to ensure good connection materials and tightness.

Also, a special compressed tape is fixed on the outside along the entire length of the frame. This compacted material will remove any remaining moisture in the window opening. After this, workers must attach a thick white diffusion tape with a rubber backing to the product. Thus, the installation seam of PVC windows will be well waterproofed.

The next stage is attaching the anchor plates to the frame.

Appearance serrated anchor plate

They are installed around the perimeter of the window block. The gaps between the plates should be 70 centimeters. After fixing the plates in the opening, the resulting space is filled polyurethane foam. It provides additional thermal insulation as well as noise protection. Then the glass unit itself is fixed. During operation, the window block is mounted in the opening not on concrete, but on wooden blocks, treated with an antiseptic. Such supports reduce the gaps between the frame and the slopes. According to regulatory documents, gaps should not exceed two centimeters.

The front bottom seam is closed using thermal insulating metallized tape. It is important to carry out all work carefully. The tape is attached to the outside of the product. Polyurethane foam ideally remains hidden.

Window sill fastening

The window sill is installed after completion of the main work. They do it on concrete cement screed for greater durability. This way the window sill will not sag and will withstand heavy loads. The slopes inside the room are superimposed on the initial profile. During the installation process, a building level is constantly used to control the angle of inclination of the frame. Even a slight excess of the norm can lead to the window being difficult to open and close.

Inserts for window profiles

Plastic windows, for which GOST 30674 99 requires special steel profiles, must be installed with just such reinforcing parts. There is also a specification for these elements.

Profiles for plastic windows

Their walls are made of a certain thickness and with a given cross-section. According to GOST, during manufacturing, the parameters of profiles and amplifiers are indicated separately. The basic requirements for the reinforcement of window systems are as follows:

If a double-glazed window weighs more than 60 kg, then in such structures, as well as in reinforced window blocks, liners are used, trimmed at an angle of 450.

Product sizes

When installing, we will also be interested in the height of the window from the floor, for which the guest is provided. As you can see from the parameters specified in the GOST, the windows and doors of residential buildings differ in size. These parameters can be changed. The sizes of double-glazed windows are determined by the types of frames. They can be with single, double, triple glazing.

Types of double-glazed windows

Special terrace frames are also used.

In accordance with GOST 11214 86 windows and balcony doors must have standard sizes openings.

Excerpt from GOST for window installation

Their height can be 60, 90, 120, 135 and 180 cm. The width of the openings is also 60, 90, 100, 120, 135, 150 and 180 cm. Humidity according to standards is 8-12%.

Common parameters are determined by section elements and glasses themselves. For example, consider a typical window unit, the width of which is 1320 mm, with side sections of 85 mm, the middle section is 130 mm. The glass for each sash must be at least 525 mm wide. In this case, on each side, the trim includes, in accordance with the requirements, 7.5 mm of glass. The visible width of the glass is 510 mm. The size of the window opening is also determined by the structure of the wall.

Windows in residential buildings

Often the parameters of window blocks in one panel house have differences of 10–15 cm. In such cases, when taking measurements, you cannot do without the help of professional craftsmen. However, product design always relies on existing standards for standard buildings. If you are interested in the correct installation of windows according to GOST, how to do it correctly, video editing can be found on our website and avoid serious mistakes.

Fastening the glass unit

Yes, height standard window with two doors should be 1300 and the width should be 1400. For three-leaf structures, the width is usually from 2050 to 2070, and the height is 1400.

In five-story residential buildings In old buildings, the size of the double-glazed windows is affected by the width of the window sills. If they are wide, the parameters of double-hung windows are 1450×1500, and of three-hung windows – 2040×1500. For narrow window sills, windows with dimensions of 1300×1350 and 2040×1350 are installed, respectively. Thus, knowing the type of residential building, it is easier to determine the design parameters.

If you decide to install PVC windows, GOST 30970 2002 provides different standard sizes for them, depending on the size of the opening. Therefore, you need to take measurements carefully. It is better to seek help from a specialist.

Installation of plastic windows in accordance with GOST 30971 2002 involves the use of a three-layer assembly seam. To ensure reliable waterproofing, the width of the seam should be from 15 to 18 cm from the corner. If this parameter is increased, the fastening will not be so strong, and if the seam width is insufficient, the window may deform under the influence of high temperatures.

Features of installing aluminum windows

GOST for aluminum windows includes several sections. The first one indicates general characteristics products covered by the documentation. The second part contains links to other regulatory documents with requirements for the installation of aluminum windows.

The third section is devoted to the classification of products and their labeling. Aluminum windows differ in properties, types and sizes.

Types of aluminum profiles

Each is assigned symbol, which specifies window parameters. The fourth section is called " Technical requirements" It sets out product quality indicators. Also in this part of GOST, the boundary parameters of aluminum window systems by weight, geometry and the conditions for maximum deviations from them are given. In this section you can also find requirements for the operation, design and configuration of the supplied units. The rules for packaging products and their labeling are described here. The basic installation requirements are listed.

Rules for installing wooden windows

A regulatory document defining the requirements for the installation of window systems was adopted back in 2002. Installation of wooden windows according to GOST also requires compliance with certain conditions. Thus, the window block must be secured in the opening using anchor plates or bolts.

From the outside, the installation seam is covered with sealing tape for reliable waterproofing. After this, the joint is filled with foam. At the same time, there is no need to trim the edges of the frozen mass. After the polyurethane foam hardens, a special film is formed on it, protecting the window from moisture. The inside of the seam is covered with a vapor barrier self-adhesive material, on top of which plaster can be applied.

By fulfilling the listed installation requirements, the installation seam can be made air- and moisture-tight from the side of the room and at the same time ventilated to the outside.

It should be remembered that when subsequently finishing the slopes, the plaster should not remain on the surface of the window frames. She can hurt paint coating wooden products.

Windows made of wood have a certain degree of vapor permeability. This is their undoubted advantage.

Wooden frames on the loggia

They can maintain the natural humidity level in the room. Aluminum and plastic windows do not have this advantage. In rooms with this type of glazing, the air is often too dry, which does not have the best effect on the health of the residents. Sometimes owners of PVC glazing systems are faced with another problem - excessive condensation on slopes and walls and even the appearance of mold. To avoid such troubles, you should take care of insulating the windows and equipping them with a high-quality supply ventilation system.

Compliance with the conditions specified in regulatory documents is strictly mandatory for manufacturers of various window systems. Installation of double-glazed windows should always be carried out in a certain sequence and in compliance with necessary requirements. In this case, the windows will serve you for a long time and will perform all their functions well.


Preparing the opening for window installation. Appearance of the jagged anchor plate. Profiles for plastic windows.

When purchasing a window, we plan that it will be able to serve well for many decades. However, this is only possible if the window is installed correctly. Almost all specialists have their own methods and secrets, but there are also special fixed standards - GOST and SNiP. It is the installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST that can give the highest quality results.

Regulatory documents

Installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST will guarantee its long and trouble-free service. Today, all types of work related to this area are regulated by four main standards:

  • GOST 30674-99. It contains general information on the issue and basic requirements for windows. There is practically no mention of the installation process itself in this GOST.
  • GOST R52749-2007. This standard focuses on the process of installing windows using vapor-permeable, self-expanding sealing tape.
  • GOST 30971-2012. This document contains the most detailed information on the issue. It also contains exact requirements for window sizes, device parameters and joint filling materials, methods of fastening structures and similar information. It also describes the requirements for regulatory documentation, some warranty obligations of the work contractor and general requirements to perform the work. This standard was introduced at the beginning of 2014 and replaced the outdated GOST 30971-2002 for window installation.
  • SNiP 02/23/2003. The standard sets the parameters for thermal protection of premises. Suffice it to mention that it requires the installation of a 3-chamber double-glazed window for most climatic zones of Russia and a 5-chamber double-glazed window for Siberia.
The standards take into account climate zone in which a plastic window will be installed

All of the above regulatory documents are valid, but not mandatory. The only exception was various requirements related to safety in one way or another.. Compliance with GOSTs only helps to achieve highest quality window installations.

Preparing for installation

The installation of plastic windows according to GOST is not much different in general outline from conventional installation of PVC windows. The main differences lie in the nuances and compliance with a number of requirements. The technology for installing plastic windows is as follows:


Before starting work, a number of measurements should be taken. The dimensions of the window are set as follows: the width of the window is the width of the window opening, from which the double width of the installation gap (which will be on both sides) is subtracted, the height is the same. According to GOST, the minimum width of such a gap is 2 cm, and in calculations the figure most often used is 2.5-3 cm.

When installing a quarter window, measurements are taken from the outside

If we are talking about installing a window in an opening with an external quarter, then all measurements should be made from the outside. The width will be the distance between the quarters, increased by the size of the frame plant per quarter, which ranges from 2.5 to 4 cm. The height is determined in the same way.

Preparatory work

After the windows have been manufactured and delivered to the customer, work should not begin immediately. It is recommended to first prepare the room: clear the space near the window for comfortable work, remove unnecessary things and furniture, cover the walls and remaining objects with film or thick fabric. The doors are removed from the frame, and the cavity of the stand profile is filled with heat-insulating foam. It is recommended to do the latter one day before installation.

Particular attention should be paid to the opening itself - it must be cleaned of dirt and dust in advance. If there are noticeable irregularities, they are leveled with putty.


GOST stipulates two main types of window fastening. The first is done in the mounting plane - self-tapping screws are attached directly through the frame. This option is used most often, but requires that the door leaves and double-glazed windows be removed from the frame in advance. Plus this method is the ease of installation in the opening.

Most often, self-tapping screws are used for fastening

The second option is based on the use of reinforcement mounted in the frame during production. The entire structure can be mounted. It should be noted that its weight will be quite large, so the process will require certain efforts and skills.

Installation work

Installation of plastic windows according to GOST provides one important point: The frame is not installed on a bare brick or similar base. Instead, small wooden blocks impregnated with solutions are placed. They will help in aligning the window.

After this, either a separate frame or the entire structure is placed on them, which depends on the preferred type of fastening. For greater stability and reliability, the supports are left as part of the structure, and wedges are knocked out between the window and the wall on top for fixation. After this, the frame is attached from the sides in the same way. By controlling the process with a level, the frame is leveled, and adjustments are made by adding substrates.

The frame can be fastened, according to GOST, through pre-drilled fasteners. You should start from the bottom, gradually moving higher. To top it off, the structure is additionally checked for horizontalness and all screws and anchors are tightened.

Drain installation and window assembly

Most often, a special groove is provided on the outside of the window into which the drainage system is mounted. GOST states that during installation it must be foamed. If you need to create a more durable structure, the drainage system is additionally secured with screws.

The drainage system is mounted in a special groove on the outside

Upon completion, another control check of the entire structure is required: for strength, verticality and horizontality. After this, all that remains is to assemble the window. The assembly process takes place in the reverse order of disassembly: during the process, stops, handles and other accessories are returned to their places.

Filling gaps

GOSTs pay special attention to filling gaps. This procedure is almost always performed using polyurethane foam-based polyurethane foam. This material has been tested over years of work, but still has a number of disadvantages. First of all, its resistance to impact environment and ultraviolet radiation leaves much to be desired. That is why GOST standards require maximum insulation of all seams on all sides - this will avoid destruction of the insulation, which can result in loss of tightness, fogging of windows and the penetration of cold from the street into the house.

The insulation procedure is as follows: waterproofing tape for PVC windows is glued from the inside around the entire perimeter. The tape must also have vapor-tight properties. A strip of foil is glued at the bottom, which will subsequently appear under the window sill board. Likewise pass through outside. Adhesive strip PSUL (moisture-resistant and vapor-tight). This membrane film can allow steam to pass out.

Installation of windows in accordance with GOST requires mandatory waterproofing of gaps

Both mentioned materials are characterized not only by the fact that they can be found on construction market won't be difficult. They also differ in accessibility, that is, the final price of the work will not increase that much, but the quality will increase significantly. In addition, the structure mounted in this way will last several years longer.

To fill the gap when installing PVC windows according to GOST, the strips are slightly bent and the surface is wetted from the inside. Apply the composition using a pistol. The filler is foam intended for use all year round. According to GOST, ordinary foam can also be used, but only at temperatures up to 30 degrees below zero. Considering the conditions in most regions, such seam insulation in Russia turns out to be of little use.

Window sill installation

At the last stage of the work, the window sill is installed. This process It is considered quite simple - you will only need to adjust the size and, if necessary, trim the finished window sill so that it fits perfectly under the frame. According to GOST 30971, it is allowed for the window sill to extend onto the walls at a distance of 5 to 10 cm. Pegs are used to create a level, after which the cavity under the board is sealed with polyurethane foam or mortar. Experts recommend making a slope of 1-2 degrees towards the room during installation.

When installing a window sill, it is necessary to adjust it to the correct size

To decorate the window sill, plastic panels are used, which are attached to the initial profile using a clip. The casing, which wraps around the corner, is secured with self-tapping screws and covered with decorative film on top. All that remains is to put on the end caps and seal the seams with sealant.

Many construction companies interpret GOST and SNiP standards as they want and can simply ignore them, but what are the consequences? incorrect installation, there is no need to say it again. There are two ways out: either carefully monitor the installation process and immediately notice violations, or install windows according to GOST on your own.

Installing PVC windows yourself is a simple process that does not require any special skills or technological skills. Immediately after delivery of new windows home, you can begin self-installation, spending a little time. But it is necessary not only to carry out installation - you also need to prepare the workspace, stock up on tools and avoid possible errors which lead to negative consequences.

So, you already have ready-made PVC windows at home that you can install. First of all, it is necessary to dismantle the old window frames and prepare the workspace for the subsequent installation of new double-glazed windows.

Dismantling is very easy and requires only a few tools. These are a crowbar, a screwdriver, a hammer and a chisel. Dismantling is carried out as follows:

The first stage - we dismantle the old windows

  1. First of all windows are removed. To do this, you need to use a hammer and a chisel (or screwdriver). First, the movable windows with frames are removed. To do this, use a screwdriver to carefully pry bottom loop, on which the window is attached, after which it is pryed off top loop. Afterwards, several intense but careful blows are applied from below the frame - this way it should come out of the hinges. If the movable window was not fixed tightly enough, then a small force is enough to remove it from its hinges.
  2. After dismantling the movable windows, it is necessary remove the window sill. To do this, take a chisel and a hammer, with the help of which the plaster is beaten into the grooves of the window sill. We put the tools aside and take the crowbar. With its help, the window sill is lifted from below (in the area between the window sill itself and concrete slab) and becomes loose - for easy dismantling it is necessary that the window sill slab “walks” freely. If there is any filler or fixings under the sill (older structures typically have wood blocks for support), they are removed. After this, the window sill is carefully lifted from the side of the frame with a crowbar and pulled forward with several sharp movements. As a rule, old window sills are loosely fixed, so removing them will not be a problem.
  3. The entire window frame is dismantled. The plaster is being beaten off with a hammer around the perimeter of the window - it thin layer hides the spacers on which the frame rests. Initially, the wooden spacers from the side are removed. After this, using a crowbar, part of the window frame is pulled out.

As a rule, many builders neglect all the rules of dismantling - a wooden window sill is simply cut into pieces with a grinder, and a concrete one is broken using a hammer drill. The frames are also cut into pieces, after which they are removed from the opening in separate pieces.

Preparing the window opening and windows

After dismantling the old window frames, there will be a lot of construction waste. On the surface of the opening there may be remnants of old insulation, plaster and small debris (chips, sawdust, etc.). All this must be removed from the surface of the opening. Ideally, before installing new PVC windows, the window opening should be presented or neatly brickwork(if the house is brick), or a flat and smooth concrete slab (if the house is panel). All irregularities, cracks and chips are covered with plaster and leveled.

Is the window opening ready? Then you need to check the condition of the PVC windows. It is necessary to inspect the block for deformation, and then check that all parts are complete. Be sure to check the availability of the following components:

  • Windowsill;
  • Plugs;
  • Mounting profile;
  • Anchor plates required for fastening the window;
  • Installation instructions (some manufacturers provide it in one set with the double-glazed window);
  • Accessories (handles, handle caps);
  • Low tide.

After everything has been checked, it is necessary to prepare tools for installation work.

Tools for installing PVC windows

To install PVC windows with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Construction level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Polyurethane foam and a gun for it;
  • Hammer;
  • Primer;
  • Hexagons (it is advisable to have 5-6 pieces in a set);
  • Pencil or marker;
  • Roulette;
  • Paint brush.

As a rule, installers are limited to a smaller set of tools. But since you need to do correct installation DIY plastic windows, and these windows must be installed securely, it is recommended to use the list above.

Taking measurements of windows

You can carry out two measurement methods - with a quarter and without a quarter. Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

Taking measurements without a quarter

A PVC window is installed in the cleaned and pre-prepared window opening. To order a window, you need to make the following calculations:

  • Window height: five centimeters are subtracted from the vertical of the window opening;
  • Window width: three centimeters are subtracted horizontally from the window opening.

The resulting gaps will subsequently be filled with foam. As a result, the following parameters are obtained: an indent of 1.5 centimeters is made on the sides of the opening and 2.5 centimeters on the top and bottom sides.

After this, the window sill and drain are measured. Each value obtained must be increased by at least 6-7 centimeters.

Taking measurements with a quarter

Measurements are carried out as follows: the window opening is measured horizontally at the narrowest point. The resulting value must be increased by three centimeters - this way the required window width is determined. In the vertical direction, the length is measured from the base of the window opening to the upper quarter - this way the height of the window is determined.

Based on the results of measurements, you should get the following indicators:

  • Window width and height;
  • Width and height of the window sill;
  • Width and height of drain.

Installation of PVC windows according to GOST

In most cases, GOST for the installation of plastic windows is purely advisory. However, we recommend adhering to the basic requirements - this is necessary, first of all, for the home owner himself.

There are two installation technologies. Do-it-yourself installation of double-glazed windows can be done with and without unpacking windows. In the first case, it is necessary to completely disassemble the window - remove the glazing beads, pull out the double-glazed window, then fix the frame with anchor bolts in the opening, and then install the double-glazed windows and glazing beads. In the second case, the window is not disassembled, but is fixed using special fasteners, anchor plates, without the use of through fastening with dowels. The first method is considered more difficult and requires certain work skills. That is why we will consider only the second case, as the most preferable for the majority of ordinary people.

Installing windows

Before you start installing windows according to GOST, you need to create your own plan. This can be either a self-developed drawing or instructions that come with the manufacturer. Following the plan will help you complete the work without errors and with maximum accuracy.

The work is performed as follows:

  • The surface of a pre-prepared window opening treated with a primer in order to ensure better adhesion with hydro and vapor barrier tapes. You need to apply the primer with a regular paint brush.
  • We remove the packaging from the windows and glue it on the semi-perimeter of the frame sealing tape PSUL. This will provide additional protection for the polyurethane foam from harmful effects UV rays and precipitation.
  • The window frame is installed in the opening. We will consider this point in more detail later.
  • Fill the seam with foam.
  • The next step is to cover the frame internal vapor barrier. For this purpose inside The frame is glued with vapor-proof tape.

We use the following rules when installing a plastic window:

  1. We put marks on those places of the frame where the fastening will subsequently take place.
  2. Fastening elements are attached to the frames from the sides, while a step of 50 cm is maintained. It must be taken into account that the maximum indentation from the edges should be no more than 15 cm.
  3. Fastening elements - anchor plates - are attached to the window opening with self-tapping screws.
  4. The window is placed on plastic mounting wedges according to the construction level. Any deviations must be avoided.
  5. For additional fixation on the sides, mounting wedges or ordinary wooden blocks are used - they are inserted into the spaces between the fasteners.
  • On the outside of the window, after installing the frame, a diffuse tape under the ebb is fixed.
  • The gaps that remain between window frame and walls, it is necessary to blow out with foam.

Tip: When fastening the window frame using fasteners, there is no need to tightly tighten all the screws. Only after the structure is finally secured can the fastening elements be brought to the stop.

The window sill comes in one set with metal-plastic windows. The master himself determines what width it should have. Measurements are taken, after which the window sill is carefully trimmed to the required length. Next, the window sill is installed as follows:

  • The window sill is installed on wooden blocks and adjusted in height. The adjustment must be carried out with a building level so that the window sill is strictly horizontal in relation to the window opening.
  • After the position is finally established, the window sill is removed and plugs are put on its side parts. An adhesive mixture is laid on the wooden blocks that serve as the base for the window sill (it is recommended to use SM-11 or a similar material).
  • The window sill is reinstalled on the bars and pressed down a little. During this procedure, it is necessary to use a building level, since the window sill may move slightly to the side during installation.
  • After the adhesive solution is fixed, the space between the window sill and the window opening is blown with foam.

Low tide installation

Either a home-made drip sill or the one that comes with a metal-plastic bag can be installed. If you purchase a drain, you need to take into account that it is attached with self-tapping screws to the bottom profile, and the part of the window protruding above it must protect the junction of the profile with the drain. The drain itself is installed extremely simply: a profile is attached to the window opening, after which the drain is secured to it using self-tapping screws. For additional protection of the attachment point, blowing with polyurethane foam is carried out.

Sealing PVC windows

Technological features foaming instructions are written on the container with polyurethane foam. Each master can verify this independently by reading the detailed instructions indicated on the cylinder. The foam polymerization process is catalyzed by high humidity. That is why, before starting the sealing process, it is necessary to wet the areas with plain water. In the absence of moisture, polymerization will not be of sufficient quality.

After the foam has hardened, it must be carefully cut using a regular stationery knife. Do this carefully so as not to damage the metal-plastic windows.

Advice: Do not try to fill the entire cavity of the assembly seam the first time. First you need to use mounting gun Apply a little foam, wait until it swells, and then reapply the required amount.

Common installation mistakes

Both beginners and experts can make mistakes when installing plastic windows. Generally, the most common are the following:

  • Taking incorrect measurements or lack thereof;
  • Selecting unsuitable profiles for installation;
  • Installation on an uneven surface, or on a surface that has not been previously cleaned;
  • Installation of PVC windows without level;
  • Incorrect fastening of the window. Some people either use too many fasteners or none at all. There is only one result - the window may become deformed during operation;
  • Installing a window at insufficient depth. If the window is placed too close to the inner edge of the window opening, the temperature around the window may significantly drop, and, as a result, condensation may form;
  • Improper sealing. The installation seams are either insufficiently filled with foam or unevenly. This leads to the fact that after several years of operation the window begins to fog up and loses some of its advantages.

In order to avoid common mistakes, it is necessary to carry out installation exclusively according to the instructions and in compliance with technological features.


As a conclusion, I would like to note: installing PVC windows with your own hands does not present any difficulties. The entire process of installing one medium-sized double-glazed window lasts for one day. This takes into account not only the installation process itself, but also the time spent on dismantling, cleaning and preparation. As a result, you will not only get reliable design, but you will also significantly save your own money.

We hope that our description technological process installation of PVC windows will help you in further construction work.

Installation of plastic windows photo

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