Vibrating plates for compacting soil and sand. Manual sand rammer. Self-compaction of soil with a vibrating plate Manual soil compactor

Soil compaction - important stage work during road repair or construction. The quality of the road surface or the strength of the foundation of the building under construction depends on it. Gasoline vibratory plates are optimally suited for these purposes - they are more productive than vibratory rammers, but more maneuverable than vibratory rollers.

Soils are divided into:

  1. Non-cohesive - sandy, gravel, coarse clastic, containing pebbles, etc.
  2. Cohesive (viscous) - clayey, silty, peat.
  3. Mixed.

What to look for when choosing a vibrating plate:

  • Mass and centrifugal force - the depth of compaction directly depends on them.

  • The width of the sole - the processing speed depends on this indicator. To pass areas along structures or in places with difficult access, it is better to use a compactor with a narrowed base.

  • Reverse - the ability to move in the opposite direction (reciprocating). This is relevant when working in trenches - otherwise, there is no point in overpaying for a given function - when turning on the ground, there is no damage left.

  • The amplitude of the oscillation - the higher, the greater the force of influence. For soil, a manual compactor with high amplitude and low frequency is better suited.

On the Diam Almaz website you can buy a vibrating plate for soil and find out how much delivery costs in your region. It is possible to sell the machine in installments.

We make a manual roller weighing 100-200 kg. for rolling asphalt or soil under the lawn with your own hands. You can make it with 300 mm. in the diameter of the pipe or, if under a lawn, from a gas cylinder.

We will need the following tool:

Electric welding, grinder.

We will need the following material:

1 meter of pipe 300 mm. or gas cylinder, 50 mm. corner 2 meters, 2 bearings, shaft for bearings 10 cm, 30 mm. pipe 2.5 meters, 2 pieces of 5 mm. metal 30x30 cm, sand or screenings, electrodes, cutting and grinding wheels.

Do-it-yourself manual roller from a pipe:

This roller is suitable for both rolling asphalt and rolling soil under a lawn. We weld 1 piece of metal 30x30 to one side of the pipe, cut off the excess, and the metal should not be larger than the circumference of the pipe, weld it well and grind it. We turn the pipe over and pour sand into it, tamping it well. Here we also weld a piece of metal, cut it and grind it. On one of the sides you can make a plug with a thread, in case the sand in the skating rink compacts better, you can add more. We drive the shaft 5 cm into the bearings and weld it. From the corner we make a PE-shaped frame 0.4x1.1x0.4 and weld the outer parts of the bearings to the edges. We calculate the center of the pipe circle and weld the shaft, which is welded to the bearing. You can, of course, do it without a bearing by drilling holes in the corner and inserting the shaft, but it will be harder to push. Now we weld 30 mm in the middle of the PE-shaped frame. a 2-meter pipe and at its end we weld a half-meter piece of pipe, this will be a handle. You can strengthen the pipe seam by welding spacers from the reinforcement to the frame. Our skating rink is ready. When rolling asphalt, do not forget to lubricate the roller with diesel fuel so that the asphalt does not stick.

Do-it-yourself manual roller from a gas cylinder:

This roller will be lightweight and suitable only for rolling soil under the lawn. In principle, we do everything the same here, we just need to prepare the cylinder. First you need to completely drain the remaining gas and drain the gasoline away from the fire, because... it's explosive. Then unscrew the valve from the cylinder and fill it with water, drain it and fill it again, drain it and leave it for a couple of days to air out. Fill with water to a level of 1 meter and cut off the top that we don’t need. You also need to sand the seam on the cylinder so that it does not leave marks in the future when rolling.

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It must be said that the problem of how to manually compact crushed stone can be quite relevant in private construction.

No, of course, we are not talking about global projects, such as, for example, compacting a crushed stone cushion under the foundation of a house with an area of ​​over 100 square meters. m. here you will definitely need special means in the form of an asphalt roller or a construction vibrating plate, since the volume of work is too large, and it will resemble “a manual sunset.” Let's talk about small forms: a parking lot in a country house, a path in the garden, or the like. When you can really cope - and this is real and tested by the experience of many - on our own without resorting to the help of expensive teams!

How to manually compact crushed stone? The problem is not easy: physically, I mean.

Its technical solution has several options, invented by our powerful and savvy people. We’ll talk about them in today’s article, but first, about some general principles tampers.

Why do you need to compact crushed stone?

Frankly speaking, the problem is quite interesting and not entirely clear to some.

And among newcomers to the construction business, this is the most frequently asked question. It would seem that you have covered the surfaces with this durable and strong material, leveled it and that’s it - you can cover it with the final coating, what can happen, after all, a stone is a stone?
But it's not that simple. As you know, crushed stone is not a simple, natural stone (like gravel), but crushed artificially. It is durable, but has sharp corners due to its production technology.

Thus, additional compaction of the material creates a tighter fit of individual fractional fragments to each other, and excess voids between them disappear or are reduced in volume. This creates an additional margin of safety for the installation.

Let's listen to the opinions of professionals. They confirm that compacting crushed stone during construction is mandatory.

Exceptions may include such options when the natural soils on which the work is being carried out are rocky. Then it will be sufficient to carefully level the crushed stone before subsequently laying concrete, tiles or asphalt on it. In all other cases, the idea is this: crushed stone as a base should not just lie in the ground, but together with it form a mixture compacted by compaction with dense filling of the cracks between the fractional fragments with soil.

The thickness can vary for different purposes from 50 to 250 mm or more (this depends on what load the final coating will subsequently experience). Now that everything is more or less clear with the theory - why ramming is necessary - let's move on, so to speak, to practical exercises.

Manual tamping

When you don’t have a vibrating plate or roller at hand, you can make your own means for tamping.

But we repeat, these mechanisms, driven by human muscle power, were invented folk craftsmen, are relevant only for compacting not too large fragments of surfaces, or those that subsequently will not experience too powerful loads on themselves.

There are quite a lot of options for making a device for manual tamping. The simplest one looks like this. Let's take it wooden beam with a cross section of at least 100x100 mm, and better - 150x150, then you will get a wider coverage of the rammed surface.

The height of the beam should be convenient for work (usually approximately up to the chest of the person performing the compaction).

From timber rounded 50x50 mm we make handles, which we nail to the base with nails and fastenings made of iron or galvanized sheet. The bottom of the device is also sheathed with galvanized sheet to increase strength.

In principle, the simplest device, probably known since the time of the pharaohs, is ready for use. Of course, it didn’t have a very large surface area for compaction, but if you have free time and desire, you can even compact a crushed stone cushion under the foundation of, for example, a small outbuilding.

True, this will take more effort and time than when using gasoline vibrating plate, but as an option, it's actually quite widely used.

Using such a manual mechanism is quite simple, although it requires some physical training, because you really get tired.

Making your own lawn roller

We lift the device by the handles and forcefully lower it, for example, onto a gravel-filled garden path. We repeat the movement many times, moving in a given direction.

Thus, you need to go the whole way several times.

One note: There are many options for such a device. There are more durable ones, made from a metal pipe of approximately the same diameter with a metal “leg” welded to the base.

True, such a design creates too much vibration when used (which, for example, wooden device extinguishes), and then work should be done with special gloves.

DIY skating rink

The same applies to a manual asphalt roller, which is also widely used for compacting small fractions of crushed stone (especially for various options tracks).

Make it if you have an angle grinder and welding machine, as well as certain materials, is not difficult. Metal pipe with a diameter of at least 30 cm, cut to a length of one meter. We weld one side with a metal sheet and cut it in a circle with a grinder. There should be a hole exactly in the middle of the sheet for later attaching the handle.

Turning the pipe over open end up and pour sand inside. We also weld the other end into a sheet and cut it around the circumference.

We put a handle made of curved pipe. The result is a universal device that, due to its weight, can be used for compacting small crushed stone, laying asphalt in the yard, and for sand and soil to make them denser. It is quite easy to use, but it will also require some skill and good physical development on your part.

More options

If, for example, you need to compact a small area for parking your car at your dacha, then you can use the following method, invented by the people and successfully used, since there is nothing particularly complicated in the technology.

So, we scatter the crushed stone over the area measured in advance and marked with pegs (be sure to leave some of it for backfilling).

We level it with a shovel so that the layer is the same thickness everywhere. Then we get behind the wheel of the car and methodically begin to park in the future parking lot in various places - either in the center, then on the left, then on the right, then on the side - trying to cover the space filled with rubble as much as possible. We do the procedure many times (20, 30, 50) until we are sure that the crushed stone is compacted along the entire plane with the weight of the car.

Shallow ruts may appear in some areas. Add pre-prepared crushed stone to them and continue. This is so simple, but effective way, however, it is not done entirely manually, but using the weight of your car.

Crushed stone compaction coefficient: how is it calculated, bulk density of granite and gravel

The compaction coefficient of any bulk material shows how much its volume can be reduced with the same mass due to compaction or natural shrinkage. This indicator is used to determine the amount of filler both during purchase and during the construction process itself.

Since the bulk weight of crushed stone of any fraction will increase after compaction, it is necessary to immediately lay down a supply of material. And in order not to purchase too much, a correction factor will come in handy.

  1. What is the degree of compaction?
  2. Compaction during transport and on site
  3. Laboratory tests
  4. Self-determination of the indicator

What does it affect?

Compaction coefficient (Ku) – important indicator, which is needed not only for correct formation ordering materials.

Knowing this parameter for the selected fraction, it is possible to predict further shrinkage of the gravel layer after loading it building structures, as well as the stability of the objects themselves.

Since the compaction ratio represents the degree of volume reduction, it varies under the influence of several factors:

Loading method and parameters (for example, from what height is backfilling performed).

2. Features of transport and the duration of the journey - after all, even in a stationary mass, gradual compaction occurs when it sags under its own weight.

3. Fractions of crushed stone and grain contents of smaller size than the lower limit of a specific class.

4. Flakiness - needle-shaped stones do not give as much sediment as cuboid ones.

The strength subsequently depends on how accurately the degree of compaction was determined. concrete structures, building foundations and road surfaces.

However, do not forget that compaction on the site is sometimes carried out only on the top layer, and in this case calculated coefficient does not quite correspond to the actual shrinkage of the pillow.

Home craftsmen and semi-professionals are especially guilty of this. construction crews from neighboring countries. Although, according to technology requirements, each layer of backfill must be rolled and checked separately.

Another nuance - the degree of compaction is calculated for a mass that is compressed without lateral expansion, that is, it is limited by the walls and cannot spread out.

At the site, such conditions for backfilling any fraction of crushed stone are not always created, so a small error will remain. Take this into account when calculating the settlement of large structures.

Sealing during transport

Finding some standard compressibility value is not so easy - too many factors influence it, as we discussed above. The crushed stone compaction coefficient can be indicated by the supplier in the accompanying documents, although GOST 8267-93 does not directly require this.

But transporting gravel, especially large quantities, reveals a significant difference in volumes when loading and at the final point of delivery of the material. Therefore, an adjustment factor that takes into account its compaction must be included in the contract and monitored at the collection point.

The only mention from the current GOST is that the declared indicator, regardless of the fraction, should not exceed 1.1. Suppliers, of course, know this and try to keep a small supply so that there are no returns.

The measurement method is often used during acceptance, when crushed stone for construction is brought to the site, because it is ordered not in tons, but in cubic meters.

When the transport arrives, the loaded body must be measured from the inside with a tape measure to calculate the volume of gravel delivered, and then multiply it by a factor of 1.1. This will allow you to roughly determine how many cubes were put into the machine before shipping. If the figure obtained taking into account the compaction is less than that indicated in the accompanying documents, it means that the car was underloaded.

Equal or greater - you can command unloading.

Compaction on site

The above figure is taken into account only for transportation.

Under construction site conditions, where crushed stone is compacted artificially and using heavy machines (vibrating plate, roller), this coefficient can increase to 1.52.

How to make a roller for soil compaction

And the performers need to know the shrinkage of the gravel backfill for sure.

Usually the required parameter is specified in the design documentation. But when the exact value is not needed, they use average indicators from SNiP 3.06.03-85:

  • For durable crushed stone of fraction 40-70, a compaction of 1.25-1.3 is given (if its grade is not lower than M800).
  • For rocks with a strength of up to M600 - from 1.3 to 1.5.

For small and medium size classes of 5-20 and 20-40 mm, these indicators are not established, since they are more often used only when decluttering the upper load-bearing layer of grains 40-70.

Laboratory research

The compaction coefficient is calculated based on laboratory test data, where the mass is compacted and tested on various devices.

There are methods here:

1. Substitution of volumes (GOST 28514-90).

2. Standard layer-by-layer compaction of crushed stone (GOST 22733-2002).

Express methods using one of three types of density meters: static, water balloon or dynamic.

Results can be obtained immediately or after 1-4 days, depending on the study chosen.

One sample for a standard test will cost 2,500 rubles, and at least five of them will be needed in total. If data is needed during the day, express methods are used based on the results of selecting at least 10 points (850 rubles each).

for each). Plus you will have to pay for the departure of a laboratory assistant - about 3 thousand more. But during the construction of large projects it is impossible to do without accurate data, and even more so without official documents confirming the contractor’s compliance with the project requirements.

How to find out the degree of compaction yourself?

In field conditions and for the needs of private construction, it will also be possible to determine the required coefficient for each size: 5-20, 20-40, 40-70.

But to do this, you first need to know their bulk density. It varies depending on the mineralogical composition, although slightly. Crushed stone fractions have a much greater influence on the volumetric weight. For calculations, you can use averaged data:

More accurate density data for a specific fraction is determined in the laboratory.

Or by weighing a known volume of building rubble, followed by a simple calculation:

  • Bulk weight = mass/volume.

After this, the mixture is rolled to the state in which it will be used on site and measured with a tape measure. The calculation is made again using the above formula, and as a result we get two different densities– before and after compaction. By dividing both numbers, we find out the compaction coefficient specifically for this material. If the sample weights are the same, you can simply find the ratio of the two volumes - the result will be the same.

Please note: if the value after compaction is divided by the initial density, the answer will be more than one- in essence, this is the material reserve factor for compaction.

It is used in construction if the final parameters of the gravel bed are known and it is necessary to determine how much crushed stone of the selected fraction to order. When calculated back, the result is a value less than one. But these numbers are equivalent and when making calculations it is only important not to get confused which one to take.

Do-it-yourself manual rammer for soil compaction

On the farm there is often a need to compact soil or crushed stone small area. For example, you need to repair a path, raise the floor in a barn, or straighten fence posts.

A hastily put together hand tamper does not last long and is usually sent along with the rest of the construction waste. Don’t waste time and effort every time, take two hours and make a good tool for compacting the soil with your own hands.

Materials used

A suitable material for homemade manual tamping is a square beam with a side of 100 or 150 mm. It will be difficult to work with a round log in the corners and will have to be compacted with a significant overlap of the previous impact point.

It is not at all necessary to take new lumber; a used lumber will do.

The main thing is that the wood is free from rot and splits. Choose a piece of timber that you can lift. The height of the manual tamper can be waist-high or chest-high, depending on ease of use. If you have no experience working with this tool, take a longer block, try it out and shorten it if necessary.

Drawing of a manual tamper for soil compaction.

You will also need:

  1. A piece of 2mm steel plate.
  2. A round birch stick 450 mm long (an old shovel handle will do).
  3. Wood screws.
  4. Carpenter's glue.

Materials for the manufacture of manual soil compaction.

Prepare the timber

Saw off the ends of the workpiece according to the dimensions exactly at right angles.

Using a plane, adjust the plane of the lower end of the beam to a square. Remove 5 mm wide chamfers from sharp edges.

Preparing timber for tamping.

Decide how high-quality a finish you want.

Before painting, the block will have to be sharpened and sanded. When beautiful view not needed, just clean the surface a little to avoid splinters.

Make a shoe

Transfer the dimensions of the workpiece from the drawing to the steel sheet.

Cut out the plates for the shoe.

You can simply align the timber vertically installed on the metal and trace the outline with a pencil.

We make a soil compactor shoe.

Depending on the thickness of the plate, cut the workpiece with metal scissors or cut out the excess with a grinder.

Remove burrs with a file, holding the part in a vice.

Mark and drill holes for the screws, make recesses for the caps with a countersink or a drill of a larger diameter.

Sand the surfaces with sandpaper.

Tamping shoe.

Bend the wings of the workpiece in a vice, which will be easy to do with the first two opposite sides.

DIY lawn roller

When bending the two remaining sides, the vise jaws may turn out to be wider than the shoe, then use a timber prepared for tamping.

Secure the shoe

Check the fit of the steel plate on the beam, if necessary, tap the metal or sharpen the wood.

The shoe should fit snugly against the end on all planes.
Drill holes for screws in one wing, pointing the drill at a slight angle into the wood, and tighten the screws.

We attach the shoe to the prepared beam.

Turn the beam over to the opposite side and fasten the other wing in the same way.

Make sure that the shoe does not move away from the end.

When drilling subsequent holes, guide them past the already screwed in screws.

A shoe attached to a manual tamper.

Set the handle

Mark the drilling center at a distance of 100 mm from the top end.

Pick up feather drill with a diameter 2 mm smaller than the cross-section of the handle. Make a through hole perpendicular to the surface of the beam.

We make a hole for the handle of the tamper.

Even with careful drilling, the outer parts of the hole will be slightly larger than the inner diameter.

Sharpen the wood with a file, periodically trying to insert the handle into place.

At the same time, correct any possible misalignment of the hole relative to the plane of the beam.

Achieve a tight (but without significant force) fit of the handle, and if necessary, lightly trim the stick. Do not try to hammer into the handle - the wood may split. Place the stick in the beam and make marks.

Installing the handle on the soil tamper.

Apply glue to the sides of the hole.

Place a pen on the marks and wipe off any excess glue.

Drill a pilot hole and secure the handle with a long screw.

Fixing the handle on the tamper.

Photo of a homemade manual soil tamper.

After use, clean the device from dust and store it in a place protected from rain and snow.

Over time, the bottom of the tamper wears out; monitor the condition of the metal lining and change it in a timely manner.

When constructing layers of road pavement from bulk materials such as sand, sand-gravel mixture or crushed stone, it is necessary to carefully compact the layer using road rollers.

A roller is a road-building machine designed to compact soils and layer-by-layer compaction of layers of road pavement made of bulk materials. Rollers are used in road and airfield construction, in the construction of hydraulic structures and railway tracks.

The operating principle of rollers may vary, and depending on this, the principle used to compact one or another type of material also differs.

The compaction can be static, that is, only the weight of the roller itself is used. If the roller is vibrating, the vibration of the working compacting element is also added to the weight of the machine, which increases the efficiency of rolling the material.

There are trailed and self-propelled rollers. The working bodies of rollers - rollers - also come in several types: cam, smooth steel, lattice and pneumatic rubber tires, single-roller, double-roller and three-roller.

But there is one characteristic that is basic for all types of rollers - their weight. But the heavy weight of the roller does not mean it effectively compacts the material.

If the material used in construction is crushed stone, then when compacting it it is necessary to take into account a number of features. Typically, when constructing roads, crushed stone of small fractions is used: 2-10 mm and large fractions - from 40 mm to 70 mm.

A smaller fraction (wedge) is poured over the surface of a large fraction, and during the rolling process, penetration of smaller grains of crushed stone between the larger ones is formed. A so-called spell occurs.

When the roller passes over a layer of crushed stone, due to friction, the upper layer begins to shift and waves or swells may form on the surface of the crushed stone base. Thus, to form an absolutely flat and compacted surface, the cyclic load must be applied repeatedly.

When compacting the crushed stone layer of pavement, it is important to choose optimal weight the skating rink itself.

If the weight of the road vehicle is too large, the compacted layer may be pushed through and the underlying layers of road pavement may be deformed, which, of course, is unacceptable.

To compact a layer of crushed stone from less durable rocks, such as limestone, it is more effective to use rollers with pneumatic tires or weights that are not too heavy.

Setting up a lawn - is a skating rink really necessary?

Under heavy smooth rollers, weak, fragile crushed stone may begin to crumble. It should be noted that when compacting the crushed stone layer with rollers on pneumatic tires, it is possible to increase the speed of passage of such a roller compared to a smooth roller.

The speed of the roller in operating mode can vary from 2 km/h. up to 12 km/h. The first passes over the crushed stone layer are made at minimum speed, and after preliminary compaction, the operator increases the speed.

Also in the case of a roller with pneumatic tires, the tire pressure on the last passes can be increased.

Before compaction and during compaction of the crushed stone layer, it is necessary to moisten the material with water (from 10 l to 25 l at each stage of rolling).

Compaction of crushed stone with rollers is divided into three stages:

1 – stage: 3 - 6 passes of the skating rink along one track;

2 – stage: 10 – 40 passes;

Stage 3: 10 – 20 passes.

After rolling, the heavy roller should not leave any marks on the surface of the crushed stone layer.

Empirically, summarizing many years of experience in the construction of crushed stone layers, the optimal parameters of rollers (weight, type) that ensure maximum compaction of the layer, as well as their operating modes (static, vibration, high-speed) have been established, depending on the type, strength and grain composition of crushed stone, as well as layer thickness.

It has been established that a sign of complete compaction of the layer is the absence of a trace from the passage of a heavy smooth drum roller in static mode.

Crushed stone thrown under the drum is crushed. The control method described above is today the only one standardized by relevant technical documents.

It should be noted that this method is qualitative in nature, so over the years attempts have been made to find quantitative method assessing the degree of compaction of the layer.

Previously, the so-called “hole method” was proposed to control the density of the constructed crushed stone layer. The essence of the method is to measure the mass and volume of crushed stone removed from a hole in the constructed layer.

From the measured values, the density is calculated, which can be compared with the density of the first constructed layer section of the same material using the same rollers.

The lack of a standard density, as well as the labor intensity of the method, did not allow it to be used in construction practice.

There are known attempts to equip rollers with various sensors, which were supposed to record the degree of compaction of the rolled layer. To date, such methods have not been found in practical use in the construction of crushed stone layers.

There are proposals for assessing the quality of compaction of the crushed stone layer by determining its bearing capacity.

It should be said that the methods for determining the load-bearing capacity are standardized by BSN 46-83 and described in this instruction and involve two methods: measuring the deflection of the constructed structure under the wheel truck deflection meter or measuring the deflection of a constructed structure loaded through a stamp of standard diameter from the pressure of a truck. Based on the measured deflection, the overall modulus of elasticity of the constructed structure is calculated (crushed stone + sand + earth.

canvas). If you ask or also measure the deflection of the underlying sand layer and subgrade, then you can use VSN 46-83 to calculate the actual modulus of elasticity of the crushed stone layer and compare it with the calculated (normative) one. As can be seen from the above, these seal quality control proposals are labor-intensive and pure form do not show the density of the controlled crushed stone layer.

IN recent years Dynamic deflection meters have been developed and are increasingly used, which record the deflection of a constructed structure loaded by the impact of a falling weight on a stamp mounted on the structure being tested.

This method is more efficient compared to the above-described methods for determining deflection according to VSN 46-83. However, the device is very expensive, and when calculating the elastic modulus of the tested layer, it has the same disadvantages as those described above. Therefore, its most appropriate area of ​​application is assessing the quality of the entire constructed structure (crushed stone-sand-soil). Analysis of the known proposed methods for assessing the quality of the crushed stone layer made it possible to develop a reliable, simple, lightweight and cheap device for quantitative control of the degree of compaction of the crushed stone layer under construction.

The above distinctive features allow us to say that it can be used in all field road construction laboratories. Below are its parameters and test results.

The device was developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Soyuzdor Research Institute in collaboration with JSC Dorstroypribor and is intended to control the density (compaction quality) of crushed stone layers of road pavement.

The operation of the device is based on a loaded and flat stamp installed on the surface of the test layer of material, with impacts from a freely falling load.

The controlled parameter characterizing the degree of compaction of the material layer is taken to be the magnitude of the rebound of the falling load from the surface of the compacted layer.

When working with the device, it is necessary to install the stamp 8 of the device on a crushed stone base.

By moving the load to the extreme top position, secure it with the load-locking handle 2. Then, using the vertical handle 1, press the stamp to the crushed stone base being tested and release the load-locking handle. The weight falls freely onto the anvil. The weight on the rebound of the load is fixed with a rebound locking tongue.

All the main parameters of the device (diameter of the stamp, weight of the load, lifting height of the load, spring stiffness, system for recording the height of the rebound of the load) were established experimentally.

The criterion for choosing the parameters of the device was to ensure the required sensitivity of the device to the measured parameter (degree of compaction - rigidity of the crushed stone layer), reliability of measurements and the creation of a device with minimal weight and the simplest design.

The diameter of the device stamp, equal to 150 mm, was chosen based on the need to fulfill two conditions: first, the diameter of the stamp exceeds maximum size crushed stones by 2-3 times, which allows us to consider the well-known condition that the device measures the elasticity of the layer, and not of individual crushed stone, to be fulfilled; the second is based on the well-known theoretical principles that the dynamic load is transmitted through the stamp to a depth of 1.5-3.0 diameters, which in our case is 22.5-45 cm and corresponds to the actual thickness of the crushed stone layers being arranged.

The mass of the weight is 2.5 kg, the lifting height is 45 cm and the applied spring stiffness is established experimentally, based on ensuring the conditions for the necessary sensitivity of the device from the dynamic - kinetic energy it creates when the weight hits the stamp through the spring and the elastic characteristics of the measured crushed stone layer.

Several systems for recording the height of a load's rebound have been tested.

The most reliable and simple one was chosen.

The use of the device makes it possible to establish a quantitative assessment of the degree of compaction of the layer and its relationship with the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85. The results of assessing the degree of compaction in accordance with the requirements of SNiP are shown in the table.

At each measurement location, five determinations of the height of the rebound of the striker (weight) of the device are made without displacing the device stamp. The first two measurements are not used in calculating the average rebound value, because

at the first blows
contact change occurs bottom surface stamp of the device with the tested crushed stone surface
grounds. Based on the last three measurements, the arithmetic mean value of the rebound value of the falling load of the device is determined, which characterizes the compaction quality of the tested layer.

Due to the fact that the rebound value of the density meter weight for different materials is not the same, it is necessary to determine the required rebound value of a particular material on the first experimental section of the foundation before starting construction.

Lawn roller - we make it ourselves

This certain rebound value will further characterize the compliance of the compaction of the base sections with the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85.

On a farm there is often a need to compact soil or crushed stone in a small area. For example, you need to repair a path, raise the floor in a barn, or straighten fence posts. A hastily put together hand tamper does not last long and is usually sent along with the rest of the construction waste. Don’t waste time and effort every time, take two hours and make a good tool for compacting the soil with your own hands.

Materials used

A suitable material for homemade manual tamping is a square beam with a side of 100 or 150 mm. It will be difficult to work with a round log in the corners and will have to be compacted with a significant overlap of the previous impact point.

It is not at all necessary to take new lumber; a used lumber will do. The main thing is that the wood is free from rot and splits. Choose a piece of timber that you can lift. The height of the manual tamper can be waist-deep or chest-length, depending on ease of use. If you have no experience working with this tool, take a longer block, try it out and shorten it if necessary.

Drawing of a manual tamper for soil compaction.

You will also need:

  1. A piece of 2mm steel plate.
  2. A round birch stick 450 mm long (an old shovel handle will do).
  3. Wood screws.
  4. Carpenter's glue.

Prepare the timber

Saw off the ends of the workpiece according to the dimensions exactly at right angles. Using a plane, adjust the plane of the lower end of the beam to a square. Remove 5 mm wide chamfers from sharp edges.

Decide how high-quality a finish you want. Before painting, the block will have to be sharpened and sanded. When a beautiful look is not needed, it is enough to clean the surface a little so that there are no splinters.

Make a shoe

Transfer the dimensions of the workpiece from the drawing to the steel sheet.

You can simply align the timber vertically installed on the metal and trace the outline with a pencil.

Depending on the thickness of the plate, cut the workpiece with metal scissors or cut out the excess with a grinder. Remove burrs with a file, holding the part in a vice.

Mark and drill holes for the screws, make recesses for the caps with a countersink or a drill of a larger diameter.

Sand the surfaces with sandpaper.

Bend the wings of the workpiece in a vice, which will be easy to do with the first two opposite sides. When bending the two remaining sides, the vise jaws may turn out to be wider than the shoe, then use a timber prepared for tamping.

Secure the shoe

Check the fit of the steel plate on the beam, if necessary, tap the metal or sharpen the wood. The shoe should fit snugly against the end on all planes.
Drill holes for screws in one wing, pointing the drill at a slight angle into the wood, and tighten the screws.

Turn the beam over to the opposite side and fasten the other wing in the same way. Make sure that the shoe does not move away from the end.

When drilling subsequent holes, guide them past the already screwed in screws.

Set the handle

Mark the drilling center at a distance of 100 mm from the top end. Select a drill bit with a diameter 2 mm smaller than the cross-section of the handle. Make a through hole perpendicular to the surface of the beam.

Even with careful drilling, the outer parts of the hole will be slightly larger than the inner diameter. Sharpen the wood with a file, periodically trying to insert the handle into place.

At the same time, correct any possible misalignment of the hole relative to the plane of the beam. Achieve a tight (but without significant force) fit of the handle, and if necessary, lightly trim the stick. Do not try to hammer into the handle - the wood may split. Place the stick in the beam and make marks.

Apply glue to the sides of the hole.

Place a pen on the marks and wipe off any excess glue. Drill a pilot hole and secure the handle with a long screw.

Photo of a homemade manual soil tamper.

After use, clean the device from dust and store it in a place protected from rain and snow. Over time, the bottom of the tamper wears out; monitor the condition of the metal lining and change it in a timely manner.

Tamper for compacting soil, sand or gravel. Vibrating plates (rammers) are rightly called professional construction machines. They are used to compact the soil, lay asphalt, paving slabs, and also eliminate various defects and unevenness of the road surface.

Such a tool is quite simple to operate, but still, do not forget about standard safety precautions, as well as the peculiarities of performing work for different materials, such as sand, crushed stone, asphalt, tiles and “underlayment” under the floor.

What is it for?

Tamping, i.e. The vibrating plate consists of five main elements. This engine, which can be gasoline, electric and diesel, and drives all the parts of the tool. Belting helps transfer torque from the engine to eccentric. This, in turn, helps create vibration vibrations in order to perform compaction.

The impact on the treated surface is created using base slabs, and you can manage everything using operator handles. The vibrating plate has a heavy and powerful base, which, together with vibration at high frequencies, allows for compaction of the surface. The efficiency of the work done will depend on the power of the device and the size of its electric or gasoline engine. In most models, the devices are quite maneuverable, and this makes it possible to perform tasks even on inconvenient and sometimes curved surface areas.

Scope of application

The pneumatic soil compactor was created to compact bulk materials using an oscillating motion. After the materials are poured onto the surface, their particles will not be located close enough to each other. To ensure that they fit as tightly as possible to each other, you should use a tamper. This will help change the load-bearing properties of some of the materials, so that in the future it will be possible to conduct construction work. Compacting with a vibrating plate is used for a large number of construction areas.

It is especially often used for such cases:

In special cases, compaction is used to lay paving slabs and paving stones. This makes it possible to complete work several times faster.

How to work with it correctly?

To start using a vibrating plate, no special skills are required.

Anyone can cope with this task if they remember the safety rules and act extremely carefully:

Don’t forget that you should change it in a timely manner. consumables devices. The oil should be changed at least once a month, or every 100 hours of operation. You should only use gasoline and oil of the approved brand, as otherwise this will lead to the vibrating plate quickly failing. The brands of gasoline and oil must correspond to what is specified by the manufacturer in the technical manual for the device. Before compacting any bulk materials, the surface to be processed should be cleaned. To do this, you should remove various debris from it - fragments of bricks, pieces of boards, cobblestones.


Compaction of the sand mixture is carried out using a different technology.

Operating principle for vibrating plate tamping:

  1. An even layer of sand should be poured onto the prepared surface. Its thickness must be at least 60 cm. Specific indicators will depend on how much your device weighs.
  2. The entire surface should be moistened evenly with water.
  3. After this, the vibrating plate should be passed over the entire area at least 4 times.
  4. If the sand has acquired the required density, then you can add a second layer, and if it is loose enough, then go through the device a couple more times.
  5. On the second poured layer, repeat everything again.

When compaction is completed, the surface compaction coefficient should be at least 0.95. If you plan to install columns in the selected area, then the use of additional equipment may be required for compaction.

Just as when compacting the soil with a manual tamper, the sand should also be moistened; this is a mandatory item in the plan. If this is not done, then during operation the vibration plates will begin to create a lot of dust, and this, in turn, will cause the air cleaning filters to quickly become clogged (this is especially true for vibration plates on a gasoline engine). But keep in mind that you cannot use too much water, as otherwise it will begin to clog between the material and interfere with its effective bonding. To achieve the required cementing effect, water should be poured, but in moderation.


Sandy soil is best suited for creating small buildings. The fact is that it is it that does not retain moisture well, and because of this it will not be susceptible to frost heaving. Such soils can push the foundation into winter time, and are therefore not suitable for construction. They (or weak ones) should be removed and replaced with sand during the installation of buildings. To compact using a vibrating plate, go through the entire area 3 times. If after this it is not possible to achieve the required result, then the layer of material should be smaller. Wet the soil until it begins to crumble when squeezed in your palm.

Please note what for sealing clay soil and loam, vibrating plates cannot be used, and vibrating rollers are better suited for this purpose.

Crushed stone

The difficulty in working with a material such as crushed stone is that it does not have the same fraction. For this reason, it is possible to select the maximum possible thickness in each specific case only on site and immediately before starting work. After pouring one layer of material and four passes over it, the compaction coefficient should be determined, which should be at least 0.95. If the crushed stone remains loose after compaction, then further manipulations will not yield results. You will have to remove some of the material to make the layer thinner and repeat the procedure.

For efficient work professionals recommend starting the process with the thinnest layer. After this, as you progress, you should increase the thickness to the required quality-performance ratio. This way it will be easiest to determine the sufficient thickness of the layer. If crushed limestone is compacted, then most often the result is a clinking effect. This happens because the stones are stuck together. top layer from vibrations due to the fact that there is no compaction of the lower stones. To avoid this situation, you should use heavy vibrating plates weighing 150 kg or more. If only those units are available that weigh 100 kg, then it will be possible to lay only 1-2 cm of stones with them.

Laying paving slabs

The only feature of laying paving slabs is a rubber or polyurethane mat. It should be attached to work plate so that the fragile material is not damaged. For tamping, you should choose mats made from polyurethane, as they will not leave dark marks on the polyurethane and will last much longer. The power of the vibrating plate must be medium.

Please note that it is impossible to tamp tiles of devices whose weight exceeds 90 kg. Heavy models sometimes cause cracks to form on the surface.

Laying asphalt

To compact asphalt crumbs after laying, vibrating plates should be used, all of which weigh from 60 to 90 kg. If the unit is heavier, it sometimes causes cracks, bumps and chips in the asphalt surface. The device should be walked about 2-3 times. The height of the layer will be determined by the characteristics of the coating.

Floor underlayment

For houses that were installed on the ground, a soft underlying layer should be created. It should be made of two layers, which must be poured on top of crushed stone or gravel. After laying each layer, moistening and compaction should be performed using a vibrating plate. The material for work should be washed quarry or river sand, and to make the coating even, you should first install and then remove the pegs.

Safety precautions for work

When compacting soil with a pneumatic primer and using it for other materials, you should first go through the safety regulations.

  1. For safe operation, the operator must cover his body and face with personal protective equipment, namely headphones, glasses, helmet, durable clothing and shoes.
  2. If work will be carried out on a small hill, then the operator and other workers must be above the device. The work should be done from top to bottom.
  3. If for some reason the vibrating plate encounters an obstacle, you should immediately turn it off. After this, remove the obstacle, and the tool should be inspected to ensure that it does not have any malfunctions.

  4. Do not leave the device while it is running unattended. When working, the master must be behind the device and constantly monitor it, moving nearby.
  5. It is prohibited to operate the vibrating plate in rooms or areas where there are flammable objects nearby.

  6. If work is carried out on the edge of a trench, ravine or pit, then a person can be at the minimum permissible distance from the cliff, but not closer.
  7. To further speed up the device, do not apply force; this is strictly prohibited.
  8. To rotate the device, you should use only one hand.
  9. Before work begins, all equipment should be inspected in advance and ensure that there is no damage to it. If there are any external defects, they must be removed in advance.
  10. To prevent injury, keep your feet and hands a short distance away from work surface devices.
  11. If for some reason the device falls on the block, then first turn it off. Only after this can you begin to lift it and put it into working condition.
  12. It is strictly prohibited to perform work under the influence of drugs, alcohol or psychotropic intoxication.
  13. You cannot work without rest for a long time. After you have been tamping for 40 minutes, you should take a 10-minute break to relieve the equipment and workers.

Please note that the higher the center of gravity of the device, the easier it is to tip over. In addition, the master should be careful when working with equipment that has a small support area.

Work especially carefully with a vibrating plate that has a soft start button, since if the work is done in a confined space, then it will be much safer for a person to use remote-controlled models. Naturally, such devices are more expensive, but they fully justify their cost. Compaction with a vibrating plate helps to cope with any tasks that involve compacting bulk materials. To get a high-quality result, you should take into account the characteristics of specific surfaces, and also calculate the appropriate thickness for the layer. The main attention should be paid to safety precautions. Failure to follow these basic rules can result in serious injury and tool failure.

Self-production of a vibrating plate with a gasoline drive

To create the device you will need the following materials:

When executing installation work you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian.
  • Safety glasses.
  • Welding machine, electrodes.
  • Cutting wheels for grinders.
  • Electric drill.
  • Hammer.

Once you have decided on the type of drive that will be used in the device, you can begin to create a working surface with a frame. To create a vibrating plate platform, you will need to take a pre-prepared metal sheet and using a grinder, make cuts at a distance of 10 cm from the edge with a depth of 0.5 cm. After this, the metal should be bent using a hammer along the cuts. The bending angle should be approximately 25 or even 30 degrees. Bending the edge of the metal sheet is required to prevent the plate from being buried in. To ensure that the ends are stationary at the bending points, they should be welded.

At the second stage, it is necessary to adjust the channels. This is done so that they do not protrude beyond the edges of the working plane. Finished channels should be welded at a distance of 7 to 10 cm from each other to the working surface. The channels must be well welded, since the integrity of the entire structure will depend on this. After this, you can begin installing the engine. To do this, holes should be made in the channels using an electric drill. The motor should be mounted using M12 bolts. Once the engine is installed, you can begin installing the handle. This element should be secured using a shock-absorbing cushion. This is necessary so that the load on the operator’s hands is lightened.

As you can see, even making such a device with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Earth compaction is required when laying the foundations of buildings and carrying out road construction work. This process helps improve the load-bearing qualities of the soil and its resistance to moisture penetration. If the soil is loose and friable, you should use a special device - a vibrating rammer to compact the soil.

Purpose and scope of equipment

The scope of application depends on the type of equipment. Thus, a vibratory roller helps compact large volumes of earth in its surface layer. Soil compaction with a vibrating plate is carried out where it is necessary to consolidate a layer of sand, crushed stone or gravel of small thickness - up to 30 cm. Such equipment is also used for installing paving slabs and asphalt.

Vibrating rammers of the “vibrating foot” type compact deeper layers – up to 70 cm thick. The equipment is used where the functions of the two previous types of equipment are not enough, or their dimensions do not allow one to get close to the area in need of treatment. It could be:

  • arrangement of sidewalks, tram tracks;
  • entrance entrance equipment;
  • compaction of the bases of supporting structures;
  • construction pile-strip foundation private houses;
  • pothole repair of asphalt.

Both a vibrating plate for soil compaction and a “vibrating foot” can be used when installing communication lines underground.

Types of vibratory rammers for soil compaction

The main classification of such equipment is based on the type of driving device. It could be:

  • electric motor;
  • gasoline internal combustion engine;
  • diesel.

Electric vibrating rammer for soil compaction– the equipment, although not very powerful, is mobile and low noise. The engine operating frequency is up to 600 rpm, which makes it possible to work out 250 “squares” per hour. Additional advantages of electric models are environmental friendliness, budget cost, and the ability to work indoors. The disadvantages include the mandatory presence of a power source nearby.

Diesel powered installation capable of delivering up to 700 rpm, which allows you to compact more than 250 square meters soil. Diesel equipment is productive, durable and economical, but it is expensive and noisy.

Vibratory rammers with a gasoline engine are the most popular. With a speed of up to 680 rpm, they are capable of processing about 200 square meters. Such equipment is not tied to power supply, has low noise levels, and is unpretentious to temperature changes. But you can only work on it in an open space (due to toxic gasoline fumes).

Gasoline vibrating rammer for soil compaction - device

Operating principle of a vibrating ramming device

U different types Vibratory rammers have different vibration amplitudes and frequencies. Usually, when the first indicator is low, the last one is high, and vice versa. If the emphasis is on amplitude, the equipment is used for compaction loose soils. In the second case, the device is suitable for working with viscous compounds, for example, concrete.

The operating principle of such equipment is simple. Torque is transmitted from the motor to the “unbalance” shaft - the eccentric, also called the inertial element.

The latter is rigidly fixed to the tamping plate, which receives the energy. After this, the vibration passes to the ground, compacting it.

Almost all vibratory rammers for soil compaction operate in a forced oscillatory mode. To create it, you need a centrifugal vibration exciter. When the eccentric moves, a forced force is generated, which is the basis for the occurrence of vibration.

Features of popular models

Manufacturers offer many options for vibratory rammers. They differ in characteristics and type of motor part. Operating efficiency depends on the weight, footprint, amplitude and operating frequency of the equipment. What are these indicators for popular models:

Model Weight (kg) Engine type Length and width of base (mm) Vibration frequency (Hz) Amplitude (mm)
62 Petrol 345x280 680 65
90 Electric 330x300 450 80
75 Petrol 330x285 695 40–85
68 Petrol 330x285 695 40–85
82 Diesel 330x280 670 65

Comparing these data different models, choose suitable option simpler.

Accents when purchasing

Anyone who decides to purchase vibratory ramming equipment should pay attention to the availability of:

  • soles different sizes included;
  • chassis for ease of movement;
  • special nozzles.

It is important that the device be equipped with handles to reduce vibration transmission to the operator's hands. Additional protection will be provided by purchasing anti-vibration gloves.

Despite the simplicity of the design, a vibratory rammer for soil compaction requires a responsible approach when working with it and compliance with safety regulations:

How to properly compact asphalt with a vibrating rammer

  • The operator is only allowed to be behind the vibratory rammer.
  • An electric vibrator for soil compaction requires periodic breaks, with simultaneous disconnection from the power grid.
  • Do not run the machine on rocky surfaces to avoid damaging the sole.
  • Don't forget to regularly clean the air filters on your vibrating rammer.

It is mandatory to use protective boots with metal-reinforced toes, glasses and gloves, and when working with a diesel device, headphones.

Deep vibratory rammer is not used when working with asphalt pavement or paving slabs- this can destroy them. Only a vibrating plate is suitable for such work.