Fire protection for wood. Which fire protection for wood is better? Bioprotection of wooden structures

Despite a number of positive factors, wood has two very significant disadvantages: it burns and creates favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms that destroy the structure.

To protect against negative aspects it is necessary to take independent measures. Fire bioprotection compositions have been developed specifically for these purposes.

What is it

The compositions are impregnations deep penetration, preventing the ignition of wood and the spread of open fire.

Another name for such substances is flame retardants: protective components of narrowly targeted action.

It is necessary to apply fire bioprotection at the initial stages of construction, and not only walls, floors and ceilings are subject to treatment. All elements and auxiliary structures made of wood are impregnated with the composition.

Antipyrines work according to the following scheme:

    under the influence of temperatures, active substances melt, blocking the access of oxygen to the material;

    a fire-resistant film is formed, significantly increasing the ignition temperature of wood;

    The organophosphorus compounds included in the composition cause swelling of the protective film, which eliminates direct contact between the fire and the base.

Most products contain antiseptics that prevent the appearance of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, the building is under double protection.

Fire retardants presented on construction market, differ in characteristics, composition and application features. Initially, goods in this category are conditionally divided into two groups:

    Impregnations. Active substances penetrate deep into the fibers without changing the texture and appearance wood

    Coatings. The composition is applied superficially, negatively affects the texture, and often has a pronounced chemical odor.

Based on the type of active substance, fire-bioprotection products are classified as organic and water-soluble. The second type is more suitable for residential buildings.

Products also differ in chemical formula:

    Saline. Budget option. Has a relatively low service life - no more than 3 years. Characterized by high flow rate and insignificant penetration depth. Easily washed off with water, suitable only for interior work.

    Not saline. "Old-timer" of this market segment - applied since mid 80s last century, has not lost its relevance today. The composition includes organophosphorus components that are highly resistant to high temperatures.

    Such impregnations do not spoil the appearance of wood and can last up to 15 years, however, their cost is significantly higher than that of salt analogues

TOP 8 manufacturers

Products are manufactured by several companies, so many consumers have difficulty choosing high-quality and effective products. We have prepared for consideration 8 brands, which are respected among builders and have proven themselves with positive side.

Tikkurila Tex Universal Fire and bioprotection

Products from Finnish manufacturers with high biocidal and fire retardant properties. After application, the composition provides:

protection of wooden elements from blue staining, rot and mold;

prevents damage by wood-boring beetles.

The composition does not contain toxic components, has no chemical odor, retains its texture and decorative properties.

Impregnation is applied with a roller or brush; work is carried out only when above-zero temperatures not lower than +5 0 C. After application it gives the surface a pinkish-red tint.

This is a product of a domestic company "Rogneda", designed to protect wooden buildings and structures for any purpose.

    penetrates deep into the fiber structure;

    increases the fire resistance of the material;

    prevents the occurrence of biological contamination.

Organic solvents are not used here, therefore, there is no pronounced chemical smell. It is recommended to carry out processing in the temperature range: +5… +40 0 С, after application the base acquires a mustard tint.

Despite a lot of positive qualities, it serves no more than 4 years, not suitable for protecting surfaces exposed to precipitation.

These products are marketed by a Russian company "Descartes". The company produces protective compounds since 1992, currently, the product line includes two items:

    Fire protection 1- protection from open fire for 7 years.

    Fire protection 2- protection from open fire for 5 years.

In both cases, the antiseptic properties are preserved for 10 years.

Fire protection 1 creates a reddish layer on the surface that tints the base. Products of the second group are transparent or pronounced red in color. The compositions are suitable for interior and exterior use.

Underneath this trademark Impregnation for wood developed by the company is produced "Senezh-Preparations". The company has its own research base and chemical laboratory, which allows it to produce high-quality products.

    reliably protects wooden surfaces from biological influences;

    makes the material fireproof;

    prevents the spread of open fire.

Fire retardant properties are maintained for 3-5 years, biosecurity up to 20 years. Depending on the category, impregnation may form transparent film or change the color of the surface.

Purpose for protection against fire, flame spread for protection against combustion, ignition, flame spread
for protection against rot, mold, blue stains and wood-boring insects
Average fire protection period 3 years 5 years
Average biosecurity period 20 years
II I or II
no (transparent composition) yes (colored composition)
Consumption, g/sq. meter 600 (II gr.) 600 (I gr.) or 300 (II gr.)
Packaging, kg 5, 10, 65, 70 5, 25, 75, 80

The products are available in four categories, providing fire protection class 1-2, which is preserved within 7 years. Bioprotective properties maintained within 10 years from the moment of application.

The impregnation forms a durable fire-retardant film, which swells upon contact with fire, forming a kind of protective screen.

After treatment, the surface becomes reddish in color or remains unchanged, depending on the product category. The composition is suitable for any wooden surfaces for which no further mechanical processing is expected.

Comparison criterion/Product name NEOMID 450 (impregnation) NEOMID 450-1 (impregnation) NEOMID 001 SuperProff (impregnation) NEOMID 040 Professional (paint)
Purpose for protection wooden structures from ignition and flame spread Provides protection against ignition, burning and flame propagation
bioprotection: against mold, rot, insect damage
Average fire protection period up to 7 years
Average biosecurity period up to 10 years
Fire retardant efficiency group II I or II I
Surface treatment control No red No matte finish, tinted
Consumption, g/sq. meter 400 250 (I gr.) or 150 (II gr.) 600 (I gr.) or 500 (II gr.) 250
Packaging, kg 5, 10, 20, 30, 200 5, 10, 30, 200 1, 5, 30 25, 60, 150

Produced by Izhevsk production company "NORTH", is presented on the market in six variations. Purpose: protection of wooden structures and decorative elements from fire and damage by fungal spores.

Depending on the type, it is used for interior and exterior work, suitable for use in normal and severe conditions.

The compositions of this manufacturer have the longest service life and can retain their protective properties. up to 30 years old.

Comparison criterion Pirilax (for external and internal work) OZONE-007 (for interior work) MIG-09 (for interior work)
Lux Classic Terma Prime
Purpose from fire and flame spread, from mold and insects from fire, mold and insects from fire and flame spread in the attic and on rafter systems, from mold and insects
for harsh operating conditions for baths and saunas for normal operating conditions for processing attic spaces and rafter systems
Average fire protection period outside: up to 5 years; inside: up to 16 years outside: up to 5 years; inside: up to 16 years; inside baths: up to 6 years outside: up to 2 years; inside: up to 5 years 5-30 years indoors depending on conditions inside unheated rooms: up to 12 years
Average biosecurity period outside: up to 10 years; inside: up to 25 years outside: up to 7.5 years; inside: up to 20 years outside: up to 7.5 years; inside: up to 20 years; inside baths: up to 6 years outside: up to 2 years; inside: up to 7 years not specified
Fire retardant efficiency group I or II II I or II
Surface treatment control Tints with amber color No No no, but with high consumption it can turn yellow
Consumption, g/sq. meter 280 (I gr.) or 180 (II gr.) 200 concentrate: 103 (I gr.) or 69 (II gr.) dry concentrate: 100 (I gr.) or 50 (II gr.)
Packaging, kg 1, 3.3, 10.5, 24, 50 1.1, 3.5, 11, 24, 50 1.1, 3.5, 11, 26, 50 1, 3.2, 10, 22, 46 5, 16, 48, 65 25

Woodmaster, Pyrex

These varieties are produced by "Rogneda". The solutions are characterized by high fire-resistant and bioprotective properties, but they differ somewhat in technical terms:

    Woodmaster- provides protection up to 5 years, does not change the surface texture, makes the wood resistant to biological damage for 4 years.

    Pyrex- retains protective properties throughout 6-10 years for interior and exterior work, respectively. After application, it can decorate the surface, giving it a pink or dark golden hue.

Depending on these features, the cost of the material differs - Pyrex will cost more.

Comparison criterion/Product name WOODMASTER
Purpose transforms wood into a highly flammable material with protection against biological damage transforms wood into a highly flammable material with two-level protection against biological damage, can be used to impregnate fabrics transforms wood into a fire-resistant material, provides bioprotection under normal operating conditions
Average fire protection period up to 2 years 5 years 3 years (I gr.), 4 years (II gr.)
Average biosecurity period up to 4 years
Fire retardant efficiency group II I or II
Surface treatment control no (transparent composition) yes (colored composition)
Consumption, g/sq. meter 600 (II gr.) 600 (I gr.) or 300 (II gr.) 500 (I gr.) or 300 (II gr.)
Packaging, kg 5, 10, 65, 70 5, 25, 75, 80 6, 11, 25, 75, 220


Universal protection, suitable for treating internal and external surfaces. In direct contact with fire active ingredients emit non-flammable gas that prevents the spread of open fire.

The composition does not change the texture of the base and is suitable for subsequent gluing or painting. Impregnation prevents the appearance of fungal spores, mold and blue stains.

Consumption per 1 m2

This parameter directly depends on the properties of the composition and type of wood that makes up the treated surface. Therefore, when purchasing, carefully study the instructions for use and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

For example, it provides reliable protection when impregnation is consumed 250 g/m2, but gives a similar effect when applied in six layers at a consumption 600 g/m2. In addition, consider the nominal penetration depth, which may vary. within 6-12 mm.

Processing wooden building any type involves the use of antiseptics. However, before starting such manipulations, you should choose the best type so that the wood will last for as long as possible. It is worth taking advantage of the experience of professionals and paying attention to what they try not to use too much. expensive means who are ready to demonstrate high efficiency. It is important to determine what functions a deep penetration antiseptic for wood should perform. This is due to the fact that universal remedies are not so effective, so you need to use targeted formulations.

Substances for protection against fungi

Fungal formations begin to appear in wood that is used in a humid environment. The material soon becomes covered in spores. Experts advise in this case to use one of two products, among which are the antiseptic brand PAF-LST, as well as Homeenpoisto-1. You can purchase them on the market for relevant goods for an average of 110 rubles per liter. You can also create an antiseptic for wood yourself. Such substances are highly effective and consist of a mixture of waste engine oil with copper sulfate. In some cases, fumigation of the room with sulfur is used, but this approach cannot be called safe.

Bioprotection of wood under special conditions

If there is a need to protect wood from exposure to precipitation or soil, then it is best to resort to an Ultra brand antiseptic, which has many positive reviews. The most famous is the one called "Valtti Aquacolor".

This deep penetration impregnation creates a special protective layer on the surface. It can be used in the construction of a house, which will be based on laminated veneer lumber. This substance is applied to a previously cleaned and dried surface. It is important to apply about three layers. The drying time of the previous one before applying the next one is about 7 hours. As for complete drying, it will be achieved 12 hours after application. Before purchasing this impregnation, you must take into account that its consumption will be 1 liter per 10 square meters. You can purchase this antiseptic in containers whose volume varies from 0.5 to 50 liters. The cost starts from 70 rubles.

Antiseptic for wood with natural moisture

If you choose the best antiseptic for wood, which has natural moisture, then you can use substances characterized by a non-washable structure. After it penetrates inside the lumber, the latter will change its original color to light greenish. According to reviews, the best remedy with a similar effect is what is produced under the brand name "Finesta". In stores building materials such a product is presented in containers whose volume can vary from 10 to 200 liters. For 10 liters you will have to pay approximately 250 rubles.

Antiseptic for unbarked wood

Seasoned wood is round timber from which the bark has not been previously removed. It can be purchased directly from sawmills, and the cost of such material will be significantly less compared to finished logs. It is recommended to store this material in a dry and well-ventilated area. However, not everyone can afford to have warehouses. For storage, you can use a special-purpose antiseptic. If we consider the rating of reviews, then the most affordable and economical product is the brand “Neomid 420”. You will have to pay 100 rubles or more for it.

Primer antiseptics

External wood antiseptic can also be made using a primer. In this case, the surface after treatment can be coated with paint or varnish. They are not particularly preferred by professionals for the reason that they do not have such a significant service life. Moreover, if the previously primed surface is left without finishing coating for a period exceeding 7 days, the substance will be washed away by precipitation.

Among the primers, the most positive reviews can be read about Pinotex Base and Valtti Pohjuste. Buyers point out the evenness of application, quick drying and excellent adhesion to the surface. Paint and varnish substances on such a primer do not peel off after 1-2 years, and you can choose a product from a wide range. The cost of primer antiseptics is 110 rubles and more.

Colored bioprotective antiseptic

If you decide to choose Senezh deep penetration wood antiseptics, then you may prefer a tinted type substance that allows you to achieve an even color. Choosing best composition, you need to pay attention to the skills and abilities of the master. After all, when applying varnish, it will be quite difficult to achieve an even layer, and in the end you can get a “camouflage” color. This effect can be avoided by using a tinting antiseptic, which is coated with a clear varnish on top.

Almost any antiseptic can be tinted, but the one produced under the Pinotex Classic brand has proven to be better. Using the tinting method it is possible to achieve one of 50 shades. You will have to pay approximately 150 rubles per liter for such coverage.

Bioprotective antiseptic with ultraviolet filter

Deep penetration can also perfectly protect against ultraviolet rays, which can harm the material. Among other things, paint on walls without such protection will soon fade and lose its characteristics. Among the most common are “Neomid Bio Color”. These compositions also differ in that they can be tinted in order to give the surface a tint. The walls will not be afraid of not only the sun, but also microorganisms. You can purchase such compositions for 170 rubles per liter, but you no longer need to apply an additional bioantiseptic.

Antiseptics for open areas

If you choose a deep penetration antiseptic for wood that is used on outdoors, then you should choose a composition with appropriate qualities. Thus, for open areas such as terraces, you can use compositions that are resistant to washout and can withstand temperature changes. Most good decisions: "Pinotex Terrace" and also "Pinotex Natural". You can purchase them at a higher price, which starts at 350 rubles. However, you can count on superior quality and durability, which come first in this case.

Antiseptic for old wood

A deep penetration antiseptic for wood can also be intended for material that has already been painted and/or used for a certain time. According to reviews, such substances are not so effective; only a protective film will be created on the surface. Experts advise initially ridding the base of old paint and only then proceeding with processing.

Consumers who do not want to spend money and time purchase Valtti Techno. The composition will be able to extend the life of the building, but treatment will need to be carried out every year. The cost of the composition will be approximately equal to the above amounts, that is, 110 rubles per liter.

Wood bleaching

A deep penetration antiseptic for wood is often used to prevent changes in the natural color of the material. Such products should be applied with a brush to a specific location. After 2 hours, the surface brightens, regaining its original shade. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated about 3 times. If you decide to take advantage of the most effective means, then it is recommended to purchase “Neomid 500”, which costs approximately 170 rubles per liter on the building materials market.

If you decide to prepare deep penetration antiseptics for wood with your own hands, then instead of what was described above, you can use traditional whiteness. However, you need to be prepared for a strong smell.

Antiseptics for saunas

Baths and saunas also require treatment. But under such conditions, wood is unnecessarily exposed to moisture and temperature. That is why the above compositions cannot be used here. It is not recommended to use substances that have a pungent odor. You can buy the product "Senezh Sauna", which has a colorless structure and perfectly whitens walls. After penetration, the substance creates a protective layer. And you can purchase the composition for 270 rubles.

End protection

Neomid, which belongs to the group “Antiseptics for deep penetration wood,” is widely distributed on the market among consumers today. It is often used when it is necessary to protect the ends, which are the most accessible places for moisture. If you treat the ends, then the entire building does not need to be treated. The areas to be protected must be carefully sanded or tapped with a rubber hammer, then the technician can apply a special sealant. Consumers who value good value for money choose Senezh Tor, the price of which starts from 290 rubles. Despite the significant cost, the consumption of the composition is quite small, it is 1 liter per 15 square meters.

Fire retardant treatment

If, in addition to biosecurity, you need to protect wood from fire, then you need to choose a composition with the appropriate functions. Such substances can be divided into 2 groups, the first of which is distinguished by the most impressive resistance to fire. This product is suitable for homes with stove heating, as well as saunas for private and commercial purposes, which is relevant in both cases.

During manufacturing and during production and assembly wooden log houses made from logs, one often has to deal with the problem of bioprotection of wood from rot and putrefactive fungus and subsequent rotting of the wood. On this page we will answer this topic.

Rot fungus (wood rot) is one of those wood pests that can seriously damage the structure of any tree, and during construction, all wood wooden log house at home or in a bathhouse. Mainly against wood rotting, produced various compositions By bioprotection of wood from rot, mold, pests and rot and various antiseptic impregnations for the care log cabins. The fungus eats mainly wood natural humidity(freshly cut). The results of the vital activity of the fungus can manifest themselves from brown, loose areas on boards and timber, scattered over the entire surface of the wood, to porous depressions and dips that can multiply along the surface of the boards and lumber, and deep into any log. Damage in a fungus-infected tree is obvious by the time it can be recognized by external signs. Action must be taken immediately. First of all, it is necessary to ensure bioprotection of fresh wood against rot. Typically, professionals use initial stage construction of a house made of wood, bioprotection of wood NEOMID 46 bio.

Primary bioprotection of wood NEOMID 46 is intended for temporary? but effective antiseptic treatment of wooden log houses for the period of settling and drying of the log house walls. It is recommended for protecting wood during storage and transportation. Wood bioprotection Neomid 46 has a broad and strong effect against mold, wood-destroying, wood-staining fungi, insects and algae for up to 9 months.

Photo is an excellent tool for biosecurity wooden houses, log cabins and bathhouses made of timber - antiseptic agent Neomid 440 eco. Many experts in the field of bioprotection of wood – wooden houses, log cabins and bathhouses – recommend buying it.

In the future, after drying out wooden houses (baths), usually a year after installing the roof of the log house, it is necessary to provide better and more durable bioprotection of the wood of the wooden log house. For these purposes, it is good to use a strong bioprotection - impregnation NEOMID 440 for the external walls of the house and NEOMID 400 for interior walls log house or bathhouse. For the bioprotection of wood, bathhouses are produced special remedy wood protection NEOMID 200.

Almost all inexpensive bioprotective agents belong to the category of materials that are not resistant to water, therefore, to protect against leaching, wooden structures impregnated with them should still be subsequently coated with bioprotective decorative paints, varnishes, waxes or oils that tint wood and protect it from loss presentation due to aging wood.

Expert advice - which one is better to choose and buy for a log house and bathhouse?

Wooden houses, bathhouses and other structures must be treated with antiseptic impregnations after construction. This work process cannot be ignored, otherwise biological agents will soon appear on the surface of the material, which will destroy the entire structure in a short time. Among the large assortment of antiseptics on the market, you need to choose those that have already proven themselves only on the positive side. For example, impregnations from the Neomid company. They have been producing products for wooden structures not so long ago, but already have a lot of positive feedback from consumers.

The Neomid company strictly monitors the quality of its products. They produce various compositions for wooden house construction, pursuing various goals, including providing protection for wood from biological pests.

Wooden material should only be processed using a hard and synthetic brush. It is necessary to apply the composition, lightly rubbing it into the surface, thereby ensuring deep penetration. To eliminate insects, this method of treatment will not be enough. It is also necessary to pour impregnation into the flight holes in order to get out the insects inside. It is advisable to carry out additional treatment after a week to eliminate surviving pests.

Antiseptic impregnations of the Neomid company

The Neomid antiseptic line contains the following compositions:

  1. Neomid 100 Anti-bug. This is a concentrated impregnation to provide protection to wooden material from insects. It can be used to treat the internal and external walls of a log house. It does not change the structure of the material, while penetrating deep into its surface. The treated wood can later be painted and glued. This composition is capable of destroying biological pests at any stage of their development.
  2. Neomid 400. This is an antiseptic composition intended for indoor work. It is manufactured at water based, does not contain toxic components. It is capable of providing the treated wooden material with reliable protection against the formation of wood-staining and wood-destroying fungi for 25 years. It can also stop biological damage that has already begun. It does not affect the structure of the wood; decorative work can be carried out in the future.
  3. Neomid 430 Eco. This non-washable antiseptic composition is recommended for use on wood exposed to severe atmospheric conditions. It provides the treated wood with enhanced protection and is not afraid of contact with water. Therefore, it is mainly used for processing the lower crowns of log houses, gazebos, terraces, etc. But it can be used not only outside buildings. but also indoors. For example, in the bathroom or basement. Neomid 430 Eco is able to protect the treated material from insects, wood-coloring and wood-destroying biological agents, moss, algae, etc. for 35 years. It is worth considering that after processing the wood may acquire a greenish tint, which will gradually turn gray or brown.
  4. Neomid 440. Colorless antiseptic composition created for processing wooden material outside the room. It is capable of providing treated wood with reliable protection against the appearance of biological damage and due to material destruction for 25 years. If the wood is not covered with decorative glaze film-forming compounds, then the period protective action funds may be less.

If you decide to build a house with your own hands, then you need to think in advance about how to process the wood. Many people remember this when, after a few years, they begin to notice traces of the hard work of wood-boring beetles or become eyewitnesses of how their creation turns into ashes, eaten by flames.

But all this can be avoided if you think in advance about how best to protect the wood from all factors. Currently, such means exist, for example, fire and bioprotection for wood. Let's figure out what this composition is, what it is used for and what benefits it has.

What is fire protection?

Experts who study the properties of wood believe that it is best to use protection that will protect against the effects of several negative factors. Such compositions are now commercially available - this is the so-called (fire-bioprotection), which performs several tasks at once:

It should be noted that treating wood with fire-bioprotection is not capable of protecting 100%, but even such an effect significantly extends the life of a wooden structure.

Type of fire bioprotection

To reliably protect wood from the effects of negative external factors, it is not enough to know the rules for choosing compositions. Great value knowledge of properties and features of use plays a role. Fire protection for wood is available in two forms:

The difference between them lies in the aesthetic quality of the processed wooden surface. If you use impregnation, it practically does not change the texture of the wood and its smell, but a coating in the form of paste or putty worsens the appearance and gives a certain smell. Because of this, such compositions are most often used in places that will be subject to additional finishing.

Fire protection for wood is distinguished by its ability to dissolve, therefore the following are distinguished:

  • Water soluble.
  • Organically soluble.

Varieties: basis of composition

If we consider chemical formulas fire bioprotection, then the division is as follows:

  • Saline.
  • Non-salt.

The second variety began to be used much earlier. It is based on salts of carbonic, phosphoric and boric acids. It has some advantages:

  • Does not change the appearance of the tree.
  • Provides reliable adhesion to wood fibers.
  • Has a high degree of protection.
  • It is possible to paint the top.
  • This composition retains its properties for more than 10 years.

Many people think that this is best fire protection for wood, since it has no toxic properties and is completely safe for humans.

Salt compositions are lower in cost, but have their disadvantages:

  • Shelf life is short.
  • Not a very high degree of protection.
  • A large amount of surface treatment is required.
  • There is no option to paint.
  • Easily washed out with water.

All these disadvantages force the use of such a composition indoors.

Fire protection resists fire

If we consider this fire-bioprotection ability as resistance to fire, then such compositions are divided into two groups:

Nature of processing

Different fire protection for wood implies different character processing.

  1. Consistent protection is impregnation of wood with fire retardants, and only then with antiseptic compounds.
  2. Combined processing is new method, which allows you to reduce time and increase efficiency, since the tree is immediately impregnated with protection, which has a combined effect.

It should also be noted that now manufacturers produce compounds that not only protect wood from negative effects, but also extend its service life and maintain an attractive appearance for a longer time. For example, fire and bioprotection of Senezh wood meets all sanitary and environmental requirements, therefore it can be used for any wooden structures both indoors and outdoors.

The need for comprehensive fire and biological protection

There are situations when it is simply necessary to use compounds with complex effects. This protection is required:

Complex fire-bioprotection for wood, reviews confirm this, reduces the risk of ignition several times. Even if a fire occurs, the active substances of the protective composition greatly slow down this process. Buyers claim that protective impregnation can extend the service life of an object by more than 20 years.

Efficiency of protective compounds

If, when choosing a protective composition, the question is which fire-bioprotection for wood is better, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is the effectiveness group; it must be indicated on the label.

Depending on the purpose of use, you should choose between the first group and the second. If it is necessary to make wood difficult to ignite, then you can choose class 2, class 1 preparations will make the wood difficult to burn.

By the way, if you choose means for impregnating wooden structures inside a building, then fire regulations allow only first class use.

If there is a composition of the second group, then by applying several layers, you can increase the degree of protection and obtain fire resistance at the level of group 1. You can do the opposite, if instead of two layers you apply one layer of class 1 impregnation, you will get group 2 fire resistance of wood.

This fact must be taken into account in order for fire bioprotection to have the desired effect.

How to calculate the amount of fire protection?

If we consider the economic indicator, it is important to take into account the consumption of impregnation per square meter. This fact will affect the total cost of the composition required for processing.

For example, if you use the Senezh salt composition, then about 600 g of impregnation per square meter will be required to apply 6 layers, then 1 protection class will be achieved.

Non-salt impregnation of an expensive brand will provide reliable protection at a consumption of only 250 grams per square meter.

When purchasing, it is also worth considering how deep the impregnation can penetrate. There are two categories of compounds:

  • Superficial, the composition penetrates no more than 6 mm.
  • Deep penetration impregnation will protect wood to a depth of more than 12 mm.

If we talk about ease of use, surface impregnation wins here, since it can be applied with any tool and does not affect the strength of the wood. The appearance of wooden structures will depend on the coloring ability of the composition. It is better to choose colorless ones, then the aesthetic characteristics of the tree will not be affected.

Application of fire and bioprotection

In order for the protection to give the desired effect, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations for its application:

If you follow all application rules, wooden structures will be protected reliably and for a long time.

It is also necessary to correctly apply the compounds to wooden structures. Typically, sprayers, rollers or brushes are used for these purposes. To enhance protection, apply several layers at intervals of 30 minutes. The desired effect will not be obtained if the wood was previously treated with water-repellent or film-forming compounds.

Well-known brands of fire protection

When choosing fire protection for wood, you should not rely only on the brand name. This does not always guarantee excellent quality and reliable protection. The technology for manufacturing such compositions is almost the same for all manufacturers, but the quality may suffer due to the use of low-quality components.

Among the salt impregnations, the following well-known brands can be mentioned:

Their cost is low, up to about 70 rubles per kilogram.

  • Impregnation of the second generation "Pirilax";
  • "Neomid".

Their price is already much higher and reaches 320 rubles per kilogram.

Where can fire bioprotection be used?

Antiseptic, fire-bioprotection of wood can be used to treat only objects under construction; it is also possible to impregnate wooden structures that have previously been subjected to antiseptic treatment.

Modern compositions will not only protect the tree from mold fungi and wood-boring beetles, but will also allow it to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time, protecting it from cracking.

Currently there is good opportunity doing construction own home, will make sure that wooden structures are not damaged by bugs, mold and remain attractive for a long time. You just need to purchase the necessary impregnation and carefully process the material.

Wood must be protected and looked after, because it is constantly threatened by decay, fungi, and mold. Where do these misfortunes come from? Almost from the air: fungal spores and bacteria can get on it in the forest or during transportation - in general, anywhere. And they should be in favorable conditions, don’t expect any mercy here.

The first signs of wood disease are not difficult to notice: dark spots, a grayish coating, oversaturation with moisture... Well, when the material begins to rot, you will immediately see it. The most terrible enemy of a tree is the white house mushroom. It successfully disguises itself as ordinary mold; at first, only specialists can distinguish it. But this is until the mushroom shows its character. Under certain conditions, it can “eat” an entire oak floor 4 centimeters thick in a month! They say that in the old days, a hut where such a harmful “tenant” appeared was immediately burned so as not to infect other buildings.

What conditions contribute to the development of diseases? Most mushrooms develop exclusively at a relative air humidity of 80-95% and moderate temperature. These are the indicators that are characteristic of places with stagnant air. Therefore, in order to save wood (both during storage and during construction), you must remember the rule: it must be ventilated. This means that the house design must include natural ventilation all premises and structures. Then the development of the fungus will be stopped, even if it is firmly entrenched in the wood. Humidity less than 20% for putrefactive microorganisms is like fire for typhoid louse. Such moisture content of lumber can be achieved by artificial or natural drying from January to July in conditions middle zone Russia.

Methods of protecting wood from rotting, in addition to drying and structural measures, also include impregnation with antiseptic compounds. This way of fighting the disease today, unfortunately, often becomes the only one - due to its simplicity and cheapness. In addition, the latest antiseptics can not only prevent damage to wood, but also treat material that has begun to deteriorate.

Proposed modern market antiseptics can be divided into two main groups. The first is antiseptic impregnation, which is a solution of salts or some other substances (fungicides, algaecides and combined products). These preparations require subsequent surface treatment in order to isolate it (to avoid leaching, evaporation of the antiseptic) or to prevent direct contact with the human body (due to the toxicity of the components). The second group includes antiseptic coatings that form a protective film. In this case, no additional processing of the wooden surface is required. Products of both groups are produced both on a water basis and on the basis of organic solvents.

Antiseptics can be divided in another way, also into two groups: compositions for normal operating conditions (protection against moisture condensation, without direct contact with soil and precipitation) and for difficult and critical areas (with direct exposure to atmospheric and soil water, contact with soil). If the drug is intended for severe conditions, the manufacturer will definitely indicate this on the label.

What does the market offer?

There are many antiseptic products on sale, both domestic and foreign. Let's start with the “classic” Russian antiseptics. They are produced in dry form and diluted with warm (50-60°C) water at the work site. When dry, they can be stored indefinitely (in a tightly sealed container, of course). But the shelf life of the prepared solutions is 3-6 months. All these substances are toxic and odorless. Apply in 2-3 layers with an interval of at least two hours. Not flammable or explosive.

These antiseptics include four drugs of the Senezh brand produced by NPO DEREVOSASCHITA: Senezh Ecobio, Senezh Ultra, Senezh, Senezh Bio. All of them protect the surface from rot, mold, blue stains, insects (woodworms) and stop damage that has already begun. Solution consumption - 250 g/m2. Dry antiseptic is packaged in canisters (5 and 10 kg), cans (65 kg) and bags (40 kg). Costs from 11 to 14 rubles. (1 kg without packaging). The last two of these drugs can be used in difficult conditions and do not require additional protection against leaching.

For temporary protection of lumber during drying, transportation and storage, SENEZH offers two antiseptic compositions that dissolve on site. "Senezh Trans" is suitable for processing materials with a humidity of more than 40%, and "Senezh Supertrans" successfully copes with humidity up to 80%, but, on the other hand, paints the wood greenish.

With regard to wood pests (borers, bark beetles, longhorned beetles and other wood-gnawers), all of the above-mentioned antiseptics have a repellent effect, but do not destroy them. To destroy insects, and at the same time prevent their appearance in the future, special compounds have been created. Like all previous ones, these drugs also eliminate and prevent the formation of mold, fungi, various types blue, etc. For example, the company "ROGNEDA" offers a biocidal antiseptic composition "Antizhuk". It is applicable for both external and internal work. To reliably kill pests, the drug should be injected into the wood using the injection method through the exit holes of beetles and larvae. For preventive purposes, it is applied to dry, clean surfaces, providing a flow rate of 0.25-0.4 l/m2. Packaging - containers of 5, 10, 200 l. Cost - 10.62 rubles/l. A composition for fighting insects is also offered in the line of the mentioned preparations “Wood Healer” from “LOVIN”. It's called "Mark 4". Cost - about 93 rub./l.

The market is also widely represented imported products. Among them, perhaps the most famous are antiseptics from TIKKURILA (Finland) and SADOLIN (Estonia).

Comparison of antiseptics

We have already said that there are antiseptics on sale that do not form a surface film, and some that do. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which of them is better. To make the right choice, you need to know exactly the operating conditions of the structure being processed, the type of wood, and the type of lumber. In both antiseptics, the biocide penetrates the structure of the tree, turning it into an environment unsuitable for pests. But when using impregnation without a film, the biocide can be washed out, evaporate or decompose under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In wood treated with a film-forming antiseptic, the biocide is reliably protected. The film protects it from washing out and weathering, and it, in turn, saves it from destruction under the influence of various bioorganisms, preventing them from developing in the subfilm space.

Like everything in the world, antiseptics have a limited validity period; after its expiration, the wood treatment should be repeated. Film-forming coating is used in cases where it is necessary to protect wood from precipitation or if prolonged contact with moisture is possible. Finally, sometimes such finishing is dictated by aesthetic considerations. In other cases, use an antiseptic with protective coating no point.

Why, you ask? Antiseptic impregnation is 1-6% biocide, and the rest is solvent. Biocides are used both imported (Metatin, Preventol, Mergal, Troy, and others) and domestic - salts of hydrofluoric and fluorosilicic acids and a number of other compounds. Each is effective against specific types of wood-destroying diseases. For example, some biocide works well against blue stains, well against house fungus, and only satisfactorily against mold. And the other, on the contrary, “fights” mold well and is worse against other diseases. In general, the picture is the same as with medicines for people: each helps against one disease and to some extent prevents the occurrence of a number of other ailments, but does not cure them. There is simply no universal antiseptic that can effectively fight all diseases. In most cases, manufacturing companies do not indicate which type of fungus or mold this impregnation is especially effective against, and which less so - they simply list the “standard” set of diseases.

Meanwhile, according to statistics, in 70% of cases of wood damage on the first floors and in basements, white house fungi and house weeping fungi are to blame. IN wooden partitions The most common species are the small wood-boring beetle and the mine wood beetle. Typical enemies of attic wooden structures are coniferous mushrooms and house beetles. In accordance with this, protective measures for each structure must be thought out.

For new antiseptic treatment of wood parts previously treated with impregnation with a covering film, this film will need to be removed. In the case of using antiseptics without a surface film, the fight against new diseases is greatly simplified.

Biomoisture protective compounds

These are preparations for combating fungus, mold and other pests, giving the wood protective, water-repellent and decorative properties. The appearance of such compositions was quite logical: why cover the surface with three different substances (antiseptic, stain, varnish), if you can apply the same thing at once? Look at the “labor savings” that results! It is precisely this “saving of labor costs” that complex decorative impregnations with antiseptic properties that have recently appeared on our market owe their popularity.

It’s worth starting a conversation about bio-moisture-proof impregnations with the fact that their composition is very complex. They include binders (film formers), cross-linking agents, pigments, solvents and additives. The nature of the binder determines the weather resistance and adhesion strength of the drug to the surface. Here, as in paints, latex, acrylic and alkyd polymers are used. Cross-linking agents are substances that cause the formation of cross-links in a polymer. The result is a stronger and tougher coating. Drying accelerators - driers - are organic salts that speed up the drying process. Pigments impart color and opacity to a coating by absorbing or scattering light. Solvent is a medium that ensures the transfer of composition components to the surface. The components either dissolve or form suspensions, which determines the drying speed of the coating. The technological properties of impregnation are improved by additives, the range of which is wide, and the compositions are kept secret. Solvents can be organic substances (for example, white spirit) or water. In the latter case, as a rule, water-dispersed acrylic impregnations are obtained, which form a protective film on the surface of the wood.

Is there a choice?

Perhaps the most famous is "Pinotex" - the very first complex impregnation to appear on the domestic market. Other foreign companies with their complex drugs became known a little later. Domestic impregnations were the last to appear on the market. Compositions such as "Pinotex" are produced both in Finland and in Estonia (company SADOLIN). Estonian impregnations in Russia are sold at a lower price than Finnish ones. All compositions of this class form a protective film (of varying durability, depending on the nature of the components). As a rule, the product requires two or three coatings for long service life.

Which solvent do you prefer?

Each of the two types of solvents mentioned has its pros and cons. A water antiseptic is somewhat more expensive, but it dries faster - after an hour or two you can already apply a second layer. Non-aqueous antiseptics dry for at least 12 hours. A water antiseptic on loose wood “raises” the wood texture and makes it more contrasting. Non-aqueous is absorbed equally on layers of slow and fast maturation and therefore does not create such an effect.

White spirit is not very strong, but still unpleasant smell, which not everyone wants to endure. Besides, current trends(this is a kind of fashion in construction) they require the use of water antiseptics as they are more environmentally friendly.

Well, after the impregnation has dried, determine whether it was water-based or organic solvent, only a specialist can. And then by “lifting” the wood. The range of colors of the proposed compositions is almost the same. After warranty period operation, the type of solvent used will no longer matter - not a trace of the organic will remain, and the same film-forming substances are used in both types of impregnations. Therefore, after five years, you can safely apply impregnation on organic matter over water-soluble impregnation and vice versa.

If, after the expiration of the warranty period, for some reason you were unable to apply a new coating in a timely manner, do not worry - nothing bad will happen to the wood from which the house is made, and you still have time to correct your mistake. The only thing is that during this period the color of the surface may change. Painting pigments can be transformed by precipitation and ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and as a result the house will look less impressive.

It should be borne in mind that many biomoisture-protective impregnations, that is, containing a biocide, are harmful both to bugs and other pests and to humans. If the impregnation contains the inscription “For external use,” this means that it contains a biocide, the use of which for internal work is simply unacceptable. Thus, the well-known Finnish “Pinotex” is prohibited in its homeland for use in residential spaces (as indicated by the corresponding inscription on the label). In Russia, for some reason, this is “delicately” kept silent. For use inside buildings, there are special decorative impregnations and coatings that use “not very aggressive” biocides and, therefore, not hazardous to human health. If a situation arises when it is simply necessary to treat the wood of residential premises with a “hard” antiseptic composition (anything can happen, unfortunately), it is necessary to protect the surfaces coated with it with varnish in order to prevent the “vaporization” of the biocide.

Wood quality

A few words about preparing wood for application of impregnation and the rules for the application itself. We will not fully describe the entire process, but will only say that the task of preparation is to ensure unhindered absorption of the impregnation. The surface must be dry and clean; surfactants (for example, detergents), fats and oils, resins and others that can affect the absorbency of the wood and thus cause uneven coloring are not allowed on it. When working with antiseptics, you should remember that any of them, even the most harmless one, is toxic. Therefore, it is necessary to observe basic safety measures: avoid contact of the composition with open parts of the body, contact with mucous membranes and inside the body (work should be carried out with rubber gloves; when applying the composition by spraying, use personal respiratory protection and special glasses).

All impregnations are applied by roller, brush or spray, in a continuous layer along the wood fibers, with increasing consumption in places where constant contact with water and/or solar radiation(for example, the ends of lumber are impregnated until saturated). It is recommended to apply at least two layers - by increasing their number, the durability of the coating increases, and each subsequent layer makes the coating more glossy (1 layer - matte, 2 - semi-gloss, 3 - glossy). One coat is sufficient to renew a previously coated surface. As with paint, when covering large surfaces it is recommended to mix required quantity products in one bowl to ensure an even tone. It is not recommended to paint in very hot or windy weather or in direct sunlight. This causes too much evaporation of the solvent during drying and, consequently, reduces the depth of absorption of the composition and can even lead to the formation of gas bubbles on the surface of the coating.

Trust without checking?

It is impossible not to say a few words about the problem of certification of impregnating compositions. Unfortunately, currently produced antiseptics and biomoisture protective drugs are not subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, each company that produces them has the right to claim that its antiseptics are simply excellent and correspond to those developed by it itself. technical specifications. Meanwhile, centers that determine the bioprotective effectiveness of impregnations still exist in our country. But they only assess compliance with GOST 30495-97, which clearly requires updating. According to its standards, a number of indicators are checked, including effectiveness in relation to the standard Senezh strain, which includes 27 different types of mushrooms. Everything seems to be fine. But you and I, as consumers, will not receive an answer to the question of how many years the bioprotective effectiveness of the composition remains, which impregnation is better, which is worse (unless, of course, we ourselves bring the samples we are interested in and order their testing). Finally, there is no certainty that compliance with all GOST indicators is proof of effectiveness in real conditions.

There is another very annoying nuance (and not only for consumers, but also for manufacturers): each of the certification centers does something, but it is almost impossible to obtain the information they have. But there seems to be no one to bring together the data from all the centers. And as a result, there is no guarantee that the purchased composition protects against the wood diseases that you decide to fight. That is, an antiseptic is like a “pig in a poke.” Either it will work or it won't. Methods for testing effectiveness proposed in the literature also do not provide complete confidence that the desired result will be achieved.