Crafts from a 200 liter barrel. Country ideas: new life for old barrels! Whitewash from wooden barrels. Photo

While cleaning out the attic at the dacha, I came across several empty wine wooden barrels. They were old, peeling, and I didn’t intend to use them for storing wine, so I decided to throw them away.

When the barrels were already standing on the site and waiting their turn for disposal, my husband’s mother saw them. Nadezhda Vasilyevna offered us another solution. What she came up with in the end left me completely delighted!

Wooden barrels

Today handmade is at the peak of popularity, which allows you to use old things and embody your creative ideas. Things self made have always been valued and have special meaning. In addition, when you give life to old things, you are taking care of the environment.

The mother-in-law and father-in-law took old barrels and after some changes in their design, they created several irreplaceable and at the same time original things. Their ideas can be easily and quickly brought to life if you have a couple of old barrels.

Editorial “So Simple!” I have prepared 11 ingenious solutions for you, how to turn old barrels to wonderful finds for the garden and more. Even I can do this!

  1. Wall organizer
    This is one of those ideas that Nadezhda Vasilievna implemented. Having asked her husband to saw the barrels, she inserted and secured several partition boards inside. The result is a convenient organizer for the bathroom.

  2. Wooden fireplace
    Old wine barrels can be used as a decorative element in the garden.

    Perhaps you too will have an idea on how to use an old wine barrel that you are tired of moving from place to place. Turn it, for example, into a fireplace for the garden.

  3. Mirror
    And for this idea you will need not the barrel itself, but metal hoop from her. With its help you can make interesting frame for an old mirror, giving it completeness and rustic style.

    Another idea for making a frame for a mirror.

    To do this, simply cut off part of the barrel and place a mirror of a suitable shape and size in it. Barrel cuts can be either straight or curved. But on the one hand, the cut of the frame must be smooth so that the mirror fits well to the wall.

  4. Wash basin
    Simply amazing solution! By implementing such an idea, you will ensure designer look bathroom.

    Summer time forces all summer residents not only to work with their hands, but also develops creative thinking.

    An old barrel can be turned into an original washbasin with just a little effort.

  5. Table
    Simply amazing for relaxing in the garden! I will definitely show this idea to my husband.

    I really want to go to a bar where the tables are decorated like this. Original and very cozy!

    Magazine wooden barrel tables can be done in two ways: by sawing the barrel lengthwise or crosswise.

    When cross-cutting, you can get a lower version. At longitudinal cut you will need special stands.

  6. An old wine barrel can make a very comfortable bedside table. How do you like this decision?

  7. Wedding decor
    During a wedding party or any special event, guests can leave their wishes on the barrel. This way the wine barrel will be full of good memories.

  8. Flowerbed
    You can plant an original mini-garden in an old barrel. Simply cut the barrel so that it has three tiers, and use boards to fence off the required space. Such a barrel with plants will be a wonderful element of the garden, balcony or interior space of the house.

  9. Pet bed
    And also from wine barrels you can make excellent beds, albeit for pets.

    Using a barrel as a basis, you can create a yard doghouse.

  10. Cradle
    Who would have thought! You can even create a hanging crib from an old wooden barrel. Simply charming, isn't it?

  11. Garden lantern
    If the condition of the barrel allows, it will come out original. street lamp for the garden.

    To do this, you need to work a little and make openwork holes in the walls of the barrel, and then place the lighting in the resulting structure. In the evening, such a decorative lamp can create a romantic atmosphere for dinner.

  12. Bottle cooler
    One way to use an old barrel is to create an ice chest. Just cut it to the right size and make a lid that would keep the cold inside the barrel.

    In order to make such a mini-bar, it is enough to cut out part of the barrel, attach hinges and a handle.

  13. Mini-bar
    The first thing that comes to mind when you see a wooden barrel is a wine cellar. So why not turn an old barrel into a wine cabinet?

Absolutely on everyone summer cottage you can see several old water containers, mostly barrels. These containers are used for, and also as a reserve, if the water in the area is suddenly turned off.

So that the appearance of the barrels (mostly rusty tanks) does not spoil the landscape design of the site, they can be beautifully decorated using paints.

A painted barrel can be installed anywhere: in the garden, between the vegetable beds, in, on the porch of the dacha, etc.

This idea is popular because it requires virtually no effort or money.

Now let’s look at the technology for decorating plastic and metal barrels in the country.

How to paint barrels in the country?

First you need to select suitable barrels. Large 200-liter barrels look most beautiful, because... You can make drawings of any complexity on them.

To paint a barrel with your own hands you will need:

  • Empty clean water barrels
  • Metal brush and sandpaper
  • Water-repellent paints in various colors
  • Solvent
  • Brush
  • Simple pencil

Working with a plastic barrel is much easier, because... Before painting, it only needs to be thoroughly washed and dried.

When decorating a metal barrel, you first need to completely remove all rust. To do this, it is recommended to use a metal brush or sandpaper. Once all the rust has been removed, it is recommended to treat the surface of the barrel with a rag soaked in alcohol. This event will allow you to degrease the surface before painting.

After preparing the barrel for painting, you need to think about the design. It all depends on your imagination. The best looking barrels are those with the following pictures:

  • Fairy tale characters
  • Animals
  • People (for example, a boy and a girl)
  • Flowers

Having created a sketch of the drawing on paper, you need to transfer it to the barrel. To do this, first paint the barrel one color (entirely). Next, using a brush, the contours of the design are drawn, which are then painted with a suitable paint.

To paint a barrel beautifully and at the same time involve the whole family in the work, it is recommended to first paint the container one color and wait until the paint dries. Next, using paints different colors, you can leave the handprints of each family member on the barrel. This idea will make the barrel creative and become a memory for the whole family.

After the barrel is completely dry, place it in suitable place at the dacha and enjoy the updated landscape design.

I would also like to note that the barrel can be additionally decorated with flowers. To do this, pour inside the container fertile soil and plant suitable plants.

Another tip is to make the background of the pattern on the barrels different. For example, paint one barrel red and the second green. The contrast of shades will make the composition of barrels more attractive.

Photo of painted barrels at the dacha

So that you can clearly see this idea for the garden, we present to your attention a photo of painted barrels in the country:

Beautiful water barrel

Metal water barrels are an indispensable attribute in almost any vegetable garden or garden. It’s not difficult to simply paint a barrel at your dacha, but you can approach this event creatively. As a result, beautifully painted old garden barrels become original element design country garden.

Selection and preparation of barrels for further decoration

Not only drawings on the surface are in demand, but also decoration with plants, as well as decoration with wicker boxes and other design elements.

You can simply paint the surface a single color or decorate it using special stencils. It’s not difficult to paint containers with your own hands in an original way, but it’s important to choose the right materials, and Also properly prepare your work surface:

  • the water barrel must be intact, without water leaks;
  • the container in which flowers or garden crops are supposed to be grown must have drainage holes in the bottom;
  • containers can be plastic, wood or metal, but metal and plastic structures;
  • the surface of the old barrel must first be very thoroughly cleaned of dirt.

So that everything is applied decorative elements preserved throughout the entire period of operation, it is imperative to remove rust and old paint using coarse grain sandpaper or a special brush with stiff metal bristles.

On the next preparatory stage you need to wash the surface well and dry it, and then thoroughly degrease the surface to be painted with a regular solvent, which will significantly improve the adhesion of the applied paint. Good result gives the use of a primer before applying the main, base background paint.

How to decorate a water barrel using a stencil

You can brightly decorate the surface by drawing fairy-tale characters or animals, seasons, and cartoon scenes. To apply a beautiful design, you can use ready-made stencils or create an original and stylish stencil yourself in accordance with your personal preferences.

Making your own stencil

The basis for the stencil can be cardboard or thin plastic of sufficient thickness, from a file folder. The picture can be selected from any source, but the most convenient way is to take a ready-made suitable pattern from thematic Internet sites and print it on a regular household printer. If necessary, an image that is too large is divided into several separate fragments.

How to paint a water barrel (video)

Basics and features of the technology for creating a stencil with your own hands:

  • the pattern is applied softly onto a paper or cardboard base with a simple pencil, and application to a plastic base is carried out using a felt-tip pen or marker;
  • Using sharp scissors, carefully cut out the design along the lines, without damaging the internal jumpers;
  • The inner small sections of the pattern can be cut with nail scissors or a wallpaper knife.

The workpiece must have smooth edges without burrs, dents, cracks or accidental cuts and tears. Landscape images are best done according to the template only partially, and most small details finish painting with a regular art brush. It is very convenient to fill large areas of the design with paint using a foam sponge.

Also, all kinds of natural materials, represented by leaves, twigs or shells, can be used as very original and quite accessible stencils. First, the surface of the container is painted with paint in light green tones and the diagonals are drawn in white, after which it is applied to the surface natural material and sprayed with spray paint.

Technology of applying a pattern to a barrel

After cleaning the rust and old layer, the surface of the metal barrel is coated with a metal primer. The standard technology of ornament or pattern, as well as a plot design on the surface of the tank is not complicated, but requires compliance with some rules:

  • the main background should not be too bright, and is applied from a spray can with paints for working with metal;
  • the stencil is fixed on the surface of the container using paint or ordinary stationery tape;
  • the paint must be applied very carefully and in doses, which will prevent the pattern from blurring;
  • to get a three-dimensional pattern, you need to add various shades paints ranging from more light color and ending with the darkest tone.

The only difficulty that a novice designer may encounter is the problem of accurately calculating the amount of paint and high-quality drawing of the smallest elements. To make the drawing durable, final stage varnish coating is carried out.

Garden barrels in garden design

Many owners of household plots and garden plots are very well aware that an incorrectly designed barrel can create real disharmony, and very often does not fit into the “ green interior» landscape.

Children's zone: how to paint a barrel and apply a design

To decorate a nursery or play area, you can use containers with the most fun and thematic designs that will harmoniously fit into the environment and become an original addition to sandboxes, swings or painted plywood houses.

Without fail, barrels of water are covered with tight lids, in which round hole for draining rainwater. You can paint with the brightest and most cheerful colors or depict funny faces and cartoon or fairy-tale heroes. The images of butterflies and frogs flying over flowers look especially interesting.

Ideas for decorating barrels (video)

Painted barrel flower beds

A blooming flowerbed from a barrel is the most interesting way designing flower beds in the garden area. The main advantage of a plastic barrel is its excellent safety and durability. This design does not rust, but before using it as a flower bed it should be properly decorated. Painting can be done using a spray gun or spray can.

Metal structure also often used as original flower bed. The simplest and most accessible stencil is used to use twigs or other available materials to create an easily recognizable outline. Such materials should have sufficient density, and the contour obtained around the template should be slightly adjusted using an artistic brush.

From a large number of metal containers, decorated in the same style, very beautiful and unusual compositions are obtained. Inside the barrel is poured nutrient soil or containers with soil are placed, after which petunias or various types ampelous, profusely and long-blooming ornamental plants. The barrels can be placed at different heights or dug into the soil at different depths.

Artistic painting of a barrel in accordance with the style of the garden

A win-win option for designing containers in accordance with different styles is the creation of original stories from plastic bottles. Plastic cut into random pieces transparent bottles are painted different colors in accordance with the plan. The cut out elements are glued to a surface painted in a base tone using regular construction adhesive. This way you can get a mosaic or plot design.

Barrels that are painted with floral patterns look very beautiful and harmonious with garden vegetation. The main condition is right choice background, which should not be too bright and distracting from flower beds, flower beds and garden edgings. You can effectively decorate the surface with a pattern of fluttering butterflies, bees and dragonflies, or use images of other representatives of flora and fauna.

Original ways to decorate a barrel

An unusual alternative to standard coloring is represented by relief decorative screening. In this case, the technique consists of applying a layer of construction adhesive to the surface of the barrel and adding a dense layer of screenings. After drying, the desired color can be achieved using spray paint. Bottom part containers can be decorated with large pebbles, and the top can be decorated with shells.

If you independently design a garden space in country style, then It is advisable to decorate barrels with wicker boxes:

  • harvesting willow, dogwood or bird cherry twigs a couple of meters long until the beginning of February;
  • The basis of the wicker structure is thick and even branches with a diameter of 20-30 mm in the amount of seven to eight pieces;
  • Thick frame branches are pointed at one end and buried around the container into the ground by about a quarter of a meter.

How to decorate a barrel (video)

Weaving with soaked rods begins from the back side. The ends of thin branches must be nailed with small nails to the supporting thick branches. Weaving involves threading each thin twig between vertically installed thick shoots of the frame. To obtain the most dense weaving, the twigs must be tapped periodically from above using a wooden hammer. The wicker structure can be supplemented with artificial sunflowers.

To get the original and stylish design, it is enough to show your imagination and purchase high-quality working material. It should be remembered that for proper painting it is best to use spray paint for painting cars, and also be sure to use rubber gloves, work clothes and safety glasses when working.

Barrels of various sizes are an indispensable attribute of a summer house. They often function as a reservoir for storing water; a place for a flower bed is another popular role for a container. Regardless of purpose, aesthetic appearance barrels indicate the thriftiness of the owner. To interestingly paint barrels for your dacha, you don’t need an art education. Creative approach will solve the problem with minimal costs.

Coloring ideas

A beautifully painted container does not need to be hidden away from prying eyes; it will harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the dacha. The choice of location depends on its purpose and the theme of the drawing. If children are relaxing at the dacha, images of fairy-tale characters will organically complement the playground, especially if a painted barrel is used as a flower bed. Floral themes, butterflies or other representatives of flora and fauna as a design that can decorate the front garden, vegetable beds or barbecue area. This is very practical from the point of view of the close location of water for irrigation.

There are several options for painting a barrel:

  • Having artistic skills allows you to select a suitable image and then transfer it to the barrel.
  • Absence creativity is not a barrier to creative design dachas All kinds of stencils will allow you to transform the barrel in accordance with your own ideas about beauty.
  • The painted barrel looks original, where all family members left handprints as decoration.

Having chosen the first method of decoration, the subject of the image can be different:

  • The presence of children at the dacha obliges us to take care of their aesthetic perception. Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, funny animals or insects are the most popular version of a painted barrel. If you want to combine relaxation at the dacha with unobtrusive activities, put colorful letters and numbers on the container.
  • Favorite flowers and ornaments are quite a favorite theme for decorating a barrel in the country.
  • A painted container can depict cheerful, mischievous and loving faces.

Using a stencil also gives free rein to your imagination. You can make it yourself or purchase it ready-made. Stars, flowers and other vegetation - suitable option get an attractively painted barrel. Using live tree leaves as stencils for decoration is a favorite technique of many novice garden designers. The following photos will help you get an idea of ​​the originality of the painted barrels:

Preparatory stage

Large painted barrels with a volume of 200 liters look most advantageous. Depending on the material from which the vessel is made and the method of applying the design, the following items will need to be prepared for work in the country:

  • clean containers;
  • sandpaper and metal brush;
  • paints for external works;
  • brush and solvent;
  • a simple pencil or stencil.

Preparation plastic barrel It is considered less troublesome; the vessel should be thoroughly washed and dried. Before you paint metal barrel, it is necessary to remove all rust using sandpaper or a special metal brush. At the next stage, the surface is degreased by wiping with a rag soaked in an alcohol solution.

Advice! If you want to paint a wooden barrel at your dacha, it must first be washed to remove any deposits, and after it has completely dried, it is varnished.

Creative process options

It’s practical to paint barrels at the dacha acrylic paints, which have the following advantages:

  • resistance to precipitation and other negative natural influences;
  • easy to apply to the surface and easily washed off your hands;
  • do not pose a risk to the child’s health when participating in coloring;
  • a painted barrel will have a bright design.

Working with a stencil

To paint a container using a stencil, you need to choose a dense and flexible product. If the finished copy has adhesive base, the decoration process consists of the following steps:

  • The future painted barrel should be given a plain background. The shade is selected depending on color palette future drawing. If you plan to paint the barrel with vegetation, avoid a green tone so that the image does not merge.
  • The adhesive base of the stencil is removed, the template is fixed on the barrel and carefully smoothed.
  • Free spaces are painted with a brush, aerosol paints or by tamponing using a sponge.
  • Painted containers look impressive, where the shades smoothly transition into each other.

Comment! In the absence of a sticky base, the glue is independently applied to the stencil, after which it is attached to the barrel.

You can paint a barrel at your dacha using a homemade stencil:

  • A suitable image is selected and printed on paper. If desired, apply your own design.
  • The paper is compacted by any in a convenient way: pasted onto cardboard or covered with tape. It is permissible to use plastic containers as a basis for a small stencil.
  • The contours are cut out using a stationery knife; it is better to do this on an old table.

The stencil is ready to be used in the country as a template for a painted barrel. Several templates are shown in the photo below:

Another simple way to paint a container using natural foliage:

  • First, you should take care of your own protection and the landscape of your dacha. Personal equipment includes gloves, a hat if necessary, a respirator and an apron. In order not to spoil the vegetation of the dacha, the surface is covered with polyethylene.
  • The background for the future drawing is created. In addition to the traditional plain surface, painted barrels with smooth white-green transitions applied diagonally with aerosol paint look original.
  • After the base has dried, large foliage with different outlines is fixed on the surface of the barrel, and its edges are emphasized with spray paint.

The procedure for applying an individual drawing

Barrels in the country are a great way to show creativity by turning them into an organic element by painting them landscape design. The painting process contains the following steps:

  • Clean containers are cleaned of rust using sandpaper or a wire brush.
  • The primer is applied.
  • Depending on the future appearance of the image on the painted vessel, the background surface is formed.
  • Using a thin brush, apply the contours of the image in accordance with the selected sketch. If adjustments are necessary, use solvent.
  • Then they begin to paint the inside of the picture. At large sizes A wide brush will help.

Advice! It is desirable that the dimensions of the picture correspond to the dimensions of the barrel.

When installing several painted containers nearby, it is better to paint them in various colors, giving the design of the dacha more bright touches. Admire the photo examples of how cheerful the painted barrels look at the dacha.

Non-standard methods of decoration

In addition to coloring, you can decorate containers at your dacha in other ways:

  • One of the most simple techniques- cut out colorful figures from plastic bottles and glue them onto a painted barrel. Most often they choose the butterfly option.
  • Mastery of weaving techniques allows you to decorate a barrel with vines. Such decor will organically fit into the design of the dacha, and periodically painting the container will no longer be necessary.
  • Using small pebbles, a kind of mosaic is created on the container. In this case, it is important to choose the right frost-resistant glue; liquid nails are used as a replacement.
  • Decorating a barrel with forest moss using twine is a rather original replacement for a decorated container.


Involving all family members in the barrel design process will help reveal hidden talents. A creative approach and a little free time can transform the design of a summer house with the help of simple painted containers.

A dacha is not only a place for labor, it is a way of life! And if we talk about dacha holidays, then our summer resident has no equal in creating the appropriate surroundings and decorating his possessions. Today we are pleased to share with you interesting dacha ideas for arranging a home and garden, and with this we will be helped by outdated wooden old barrels .

Country ideas: crafts from old barrels

It must be said that in dacha farming there are no absolutely unnecessary or unclaimed things. Greenhouses made from plastic bottles – please! Flowerbeds and flowerpots from old car tires– just a sight for sore eyes! Garden lamps made of tin and glass jars? Yes, nothing could be easier! In addition, reusing old or worn-out household items saves our landfills from excess waste. And our country interiors and cozy corners of the garden are replenished with new and original crafts, the price of which is creative inspiration and our skillful hands!

Old wooden barrels, it would seem, what are they good for? While you are pondering their fate, we will begin, perhaps, with the simplest thing - creating flower beds. From one single barrel, using a hacksaw, you can organize several wooden tubs at once. Moreover, you can saw an old barrel both lengthwise and crosswise.

We cut the resulting tub in half - and here you have two additional containers for planting flowers. They can be placed close to a stone border or the wall of a house, filled with soil and sown with bright, fragrant summer flowers. And, by cutting out a small barrel in steps and making fences from boards, you will get multi-tiered flower bed, which will decorate the entrance to the terrace.

With the help of old barrels you can create fabulous compositions in the form of picturesque islands on the lawn, and small barrels can be used as flowerpots for hanging plants. The combination of delicate openwork vegetation, old wood and iron hoops, wasted by time and rust, looks almost conceptual: life goes on.

From the inexhaustible floral theme we smoothly move to water procedures. Old barrels sawn in half are an excellent solution for organizing country mini-ponds. And those who prefer the sight and sounds of flowing water will certainly like country ideas for decorating a pond using wooden barrels.

Or maybe you like a cascading waterfall or a vintage washbasin made from a large oak barrel? For true jack-of-all-trades, nothing is impossible!

Continuing the “wet” theme in country interior, what can you say, for example, about plumbing “bells and whistles” in barrel decor? No extra pipes, original, hygienic, and most importantly, your country bathroom is in a fashionable and current eco style.

Garden furniture for the garden and home continues our hit parade of crafts made from old barrels. Here, as they say, options are possible, and there are an incredible variety of them.

Ottomans and armchairs, bedside and coffee tables, bar stools and tables made from solid wooden barrels and their halves.

With a certain skill and ability to handle carpentry tools, all these old and new things can easily settle into the interior of your country house and in the surrounding area.

If you are not attracted by solid shapes, old barrels can be freed from hoops and bent wooden boards can be used to make garden benches, armchairs, sun loungers and folding portable chairs. The latest model, by the way, is especially convenient to transport - throw it in the trunk of the car, and even for fishing, or for a picnic.

From the same wooden curved ribs of an old barrel you can make light ones garden swing, and an incredibly comfortable hammock. Just don’t forget to thoroughly sand and polish the boards before doing this, and enjoy your summer vacation!

Those who like to gather outside the city with a large and noisy group will certainly like the country ideas of mini-bars, solid barbecues and containers with ice for cooling strong drinks.

The front wall of the barrel is cut to the size of the door with an electric jigsaw, hung on hinges and, voila, the original bar table is ready to receive guests. All that remains is to equip it with shelves, partitions, glass holders and make sure that your mini-bar is not empty.

The kitchen in the country, as in any home, is a favorite and, one might say, sacred place for every housewife. Useful household little things like comfortable chairs, trays, baskets and fruit dishes or suspended structure for various kitchen utensils, may not be essential items, but they are the ones who create the mood and comfort in the kitchen feminine kingdom. And all this can be made from old barrels, or rather from their wooden planks, remaining after the manufacture of furniture.

And finally, a couple more country ideas for transforming old barrels into stylish interior items. Lamps, lampshades and entire chandeliers in the medieval style will undoubtedly become original decoration for the veranda and any room in your country house.

How can we bypass our smaller brothers, the lovers? country holiday and part-time security guards? A booth made from an old barrel is a reliable shelter for a serious watchdog; it looks simply fabulous and very cozy. It will suit your Mukhtar very much!

Booth-booth, but for pet Comfort is also important. A comfortable bed made from the bottom of an old barrel with a soft feather bed will appeal not only to small terriers, but also to large ones. You can immediately see who's boss!

Whitewash from wooden barrels. Photo