Laying natural tiles. Price for installation of ceramic tile roofing. Varieties of natural tiles

One of the most respectable and attractive coverings for the roof of a house is natural ceramic tiles, which are not only durable and reliable, but also resistant to many types of influences, high humidity, ultraviolet radiation. Roofing from natural tiles- this is a sign of style; even complex installation and fastening systems are not an obstacle to its flooring. She always looks modern and fashionable.

Types of natural tiles: 1-Cement-sand tiles, 2-Glazed tiles, 3-Angobe tiles.

So what are natural tiles? This roofing covering is in the form of plates small size and various shapes, which can be made from baked clay or plastic, lightweight clay with additives in the form of fireclay. This coating is one of the most attractive, but its cost is high. Therefore, today there are cheaper options on the market, which does not affect their quality.

Among these varieties, it is necessary to note silicate tiles, which are made from lime-sand mortar, and cement-sand tiles. But the most common option is still a coating made of fireclay mixture.

Read also: – how to choose the right one.

Shape of tiles

Forms of natural tiles: a – ridge strip tiles with a double curved edge; b – strip tiles with a curved edge; c – strip tiles with a double curved edge “baking tray”; d – strip tiles with a double curved edge “beaver tail”.

The tiles differ in their shape and the method of their manufacture (pressing): strip, flat, groove (pressed, stamped). Additionally, a special form is produced for laying ridges, as well as ventilation, end, ridge, hip, gable, X-shaped, T-shaped and many other types. Today, more than a dozen models are used, which may differ not only in their shape and features, but also in installation.

The color of the coating can also be different, ranging from natural color (brick red) to gray-yellow. To give the tiles decorative look, it is often painted with weather-resistant paints over the surface of the plate or throughout its entire thickness.

Advantages of natural tiles

Natural tiles differ from other roofing coverings in numerous advantages. Such natural roofing material practically does not age and is able to withstand various weather conditions, strong humidity, frost, and ultraviolet radiation. Tiles would be an eternal material if it weren’t for the fragility of the plates, which can be broken by a strong blow (but for roofs this matters little; only a fallen tree can break it).

From additional benefits It should be noted that natural tiles perfectly regulate the microclimate in the house, allowing you to keep warm in winter and cool in summer heat. The installation features prevent snow and ice from accumulating on the roof, and moisture does not penetrate inside even during heavy rain.

Of the minuses it should be noted high cost similar roofing, the complexity of installation.

Making tiles

In the manufacture of tiles today, a variety of technologies are used, which affects their appearance. In total, the following stages of production can be distinguished: shaping the clay workpiece, drying, applying a coating (glaze or engobe), firing in tunnel kilns at a temperature of 1000 degrees. Natural tiles always come without coating.

In order to give the roofing material additional aesthetics, two types of coating are used (but the natural one is usually left in its original form).

Glaze is a glassy mass that contains metal oxides. It is applied before firing products and only when high temperatures. During processing, the tiles acquire a protective glossy layer, which is durable and attractive.

Engobe is powdered clay that is mixed with water. They add to it minerals. The content of various metal oxides allows the tiles to various shades. This type of coating is considered the most common; previously it was called “whitewash” and was often used in ancient construction.

Varieties of natural tiles

Used for installation various types, which are grouped by:

  • type of production (stamped and pressed);
  • method of fastening.

Stamped tiles are divided into S-shaped, grooved, and Munch-nunn. Groove tiles also have Marseille and Dutch varieties. The pressed one has a so-called “beaver tail” shape, which has slightly elongated contours.

Laying features

Installation of a roof made of natural tiles has some peculiarities; it can be called quite complex, although an untrained person can perform such installation.

Let's consider individual types of tiles, their characteristics and installation features.

  1. The most common tile in Europe today is German, which is distinguished by the presence of double locking joints horizontally and vertically. Makes styling easier big gap of all locking grooves, the individual plates fit very tightly to each other. The consumption of such tiles is up to fifteen pieces per square m, the sheathing pitch should be 34.7 - 35.3 cm. The dimensions of the plate itself are 25 * 41.1 cm, weight - up to 3.2 kg for one plate and 46. 4 kg – for square meter coverings. Such tiles can be used for roofs with a slope angle of 20°, although they can also be laid at 12°, but with the use of an additional layer of waterproofing. The color of German tiles can be very diverse; the palette includes naturott, rot, tiefschwarz, maron, nusbaum, graphitschwarz, edelschwarz, two-color rustic and many others. Engobed and glazed natural tiles are produced.
  2. Gross tiles are a very stylish covering, similar in appearance to German ones. The sides of the plates have locking grooves, which make installation easier; each length is 36-38 centimeters, depending on the type. The weight of the plate is 4.2 kg, consumption per square meter is 9-10 pieces. Used for styling wooden sheathing, the pitch of which depends on the type of tile.
  3. Wave tiles S-shape It has an attractive appearance; with its help you can create a beautiful wave-shaped roofing covering, which has a characteristic wave effect due to chiaroscuro. The length of the plate is 33.5 cm, the width is 20.8 cm. Laying it requires lathing in increments of 36.3-36.9 cm; approximately 12.5 or 14 pieces of plates are required per square meter. It is recommended to use such tiles at an angle of inclination of 19°, the maximum value is 22°.
  4. Toledo is a shingle in Mediterranean style, which is distinguished by strict, classical forms. The length of each plate is 34.8 cm, width - 19 cm. Consumption per square m is 15 pieces. The sheathing pitch should be no more than 36 cm. The recommended roof slope is 22°.
  5. Medium wave tiles are a covering that is ideal for installation on roofs country cottages. The weight of the plate is only 3.8 kg, which allows it to be used for any roof structure. The length of one plate is 46.4 cm, width is 30.4 cm, up to 10 individual plates are required per square meter. The sheathing for laying should have a pitch of 39-39.6 cm. Such tiles can be laid at a minimum angle of 16° (using waterproofing) or at a standard angle of 22°.
  6. Piemont is an unbreakable tile that is frost-resistant. Installation of roofing using this model should be carried out taking into account the following dimensions: length is 47.2 cm, width is 29 cm. Only 10-11 plates are required per square meter,

Rafter system for roofing from ceramic tiles has specificity due to the weight of the roofing material. Natural tiles are ten times heavier than metal tiles, and the load per m2 of roofing is about fifty kilograms. For the rafter frame, you should choose dry wood with a moisture content of no more than 15%. The rafters are made of timber with a section of 50x150 mm or 60x180 mm. The pitch range should be 80 – 130 cm and depends on the roof slope. The greater the roof slope, the greater the rafter pitch.

Installation of a waterproofing layer.

With a roof slope of 22 degrees, it is necessary to install a waterproofing layer made of roll material. The overlap of the canvases should be ten centimeters. To calculate the waterproofing material, it is necessary to multiply the area of ​​the slopes by 1.4.

Marking and installation of sheathing.

The sheathing for natural tiles is made of beams with a section of 50x50 mm or 40x60 mm. Along the eaves, it is necessary to lay lumber with a width two centimeters greater than this figure for ordinary elements. Horizontal sheathing beams are laid in a quantity that corresponds to the number of tile rows with the addition of an additional cornice row. Based on standard data, the sheathing pitch is the length of the tile, from which the amount of overlap is subtracted. As a rule, optimal size pitch not less than 31 and not more than 34 cm.

Installation and fastening of natural tiles.

Laying tiles begins with evenly distributing the stacks roofing elements on the roofing surface. This principle does not load the rafter system with excess weight. First, the top row of natural tiles is laid out. It is located along the ridge. Then the bottom row of roofing material is installed, which should be laid along the overhang. It is necessary to attach the tile tiles to the sheathing frame after checking the correctness of the installation. After fixing the cornice row, further installation of the tile covering is carried out in the directions from bottom to top and from right to left. Then the elements of the ridge and gable sections are laid.

To fasten natural tiles, galvanized hardware or special clamps are used. The mandatory fixing points for tiles are:

  • places subject to significant wind loads;
  • a row located along the cornice;
  • sections of gables and along the ridge element.

Fastening of ceramics on slopes with a roof slope of more than 50 degrees is carried out strictly through the element.

Valley equipment on roofs of complex configuration.

Before laying the waterproofing layer, it is necessary to secure the continuous sheathing. The valley bottom is equipped with edged boards, on top of which the corresponding layer will be laid. Improving waterproofing is achieved by gluing double-sided self-adhesive tape to the valley. For fastening, special steel clamps are used, which are mounted in drilled holes. The edge is painted with special pigments. For a valley whose length exceeds six meters, a row of ventilation tiles is laid. For this purpose, tiles of the appropriate category are used.

Connecting the roofing to the chimney.

An important role is given to the competent and tight installation of chimney connections using self-adhesive material based on lead or aluminum. All roll joints are fixed using a clamping strip. The seam in the upper part of the strip is treated with colorless sealant. When arranging the ridge, the parameters of the edge tiles are taken into account, which are leveled by cutting the material along the edge bevel.

The classic roofing option for those who prefer reliable and durable materials is the installation of natural tiles. Most often, the basis of this coating is clay, so the colors of ceramic tiles are dominated by natural shades - red, ocher, yellow, burgundy, etc. Some varieties are additionally coated with colored glaze or a powdery layer of clay - engobe - to expand the color palette.

Natural tiles have many advantages:

  • it is non-toxic and completely safe for the environment;
  • durable - can retain its properties and proper appearance for more than 100 years;
  • durable - withstands significant drops in temperature in winter, resistant to heat in summer;
  • waterproof - not afraid of snow and rain;
  • completely fire resistant.

Thanks to the clay it contains, ceramic tiles provide free access of air masses into the space under the roof, thereby significantly extending the life of the structure.

It starts with calculations and ends with laying the coating. There are two stages of installation work - preparatory and executive. In the first case, roof calculations are made and required quantity materials; in the second, the sheathing structure is installed and natural tiles are laid.

Typically, ceramic tiles are installed on roofs whose slope angle is 220-500, however modern technologies allow it to be mounted on roofs with an inclination angle of 100-900 degrees. If all installation technologies are followed, you will receive a high-quality roof with a long service life.

Due to the special properties of natural tiles for a long time remains one of the most popular roofing materials. It is noteworthy that some roofing decking often resembles the appearance of shingles from natural materials, however, they cannot compare with it in terms of performance and durability. With its help, you can create a high-strength coating that is resistant to ultraviolet rays, moisture and aggressive environments.

The company "MosStroyKrovlya" operates in the market of services for roofing work for a long time, during which our specialists gained invaluable experience, allowing us to lead in this field. When ordering ceramic tile installation work from us, you can be sure of the high quality of materials and work.

By cooperating with us, you receive the following benefits:

  • affordable cost of all types of services;
  • highly qualified craftsmen;
  • individual approach to each client;
  • meeting deadlines;
  • control of work at each stage of installation.

By entrusting the installation of natural tiles to professionals, you will get an excellent result: our specialists will carry out everything necessary work in strict accordance with the rules and building codes.

Prices for installation of soft roofing in Moscow and the Moscow region

No.TYPE OF WORKunits changeprice (rub)
1 Installation of Euro slatesq.m.300
2 Installation of metal tilessq.m.550
3 Installation of seam coveringsq.m.650
4 Installation of copper coveringsq.m.1000
5 Installation of zinc-titanium coatingsq.m.1100
6 Installation soft roof in 2 layerssq.m.270
7 Installation of a soft roof in 2 layers (mechanical fastening of the bottom layer) with insulation with a 200mm thick mini-slabsq.m.400
8 Installation of PVC membrane roofingsq.m.200
9 Installation of ceramic tilessq.m.600
10 Slate roof installationsq.m.300
11 Mauerlat installationp.m.300
12 Installation of the rafter systemp.m.600
13 Draft ceiling installationp.m.150
14 Installation of sheathingp.m.300
15 Roof insulation (mineral plate)sq.m.300
16 Vapor barrier devicep.m.100
17 Septation of lumbercubic meters1200

At all times, ceramic tiles have been considered the best roofing material, due to their high consumer characteristics, aesthetic beauty and unsurpassed durability.

However, today, natural tiles, as a roofing material, have lost most of their ( share of ceramics per modern market does not exceed 15%) construction market.

This trend is observed due to the constant development and improvement modern materials for roofing installation. IN modern conditions construction, ceramic coating has occupied its stable niche and is used in accordance with its advantages and disadvantages.

We bring to your attention alternative types:

The advantages include:

  1. The service life of ceramic roofing is the longest, among all roofing materials and is more than 100 years old. After this period, the material begins to gradually deteriorate under the influence of corrosion and other environmental factors.
  2. Aesthetic beauty. The vast majority of modern roofing materials, one way or another, imitate the appearance and texture of classical ceramics. Consequently, the visual parameters of a ceramic roof are the standard, and other materials try to imitate it.
  3. Manufacturability. This characteristic is due to the relative ease of installation of roofing made from this material. The use of such tiles does not require specialized expensive equipment.
  4. Possibility of installation with negative temperatures , unlike most other roofing materials.
  5. Ceramics is a non-flammable material, therefore, the ceramic coating belongs to the fire class NG and is completely fireproof.
  6. Ease of maintenance and repair. Ceramic roofing consists of individual tiles, each of which, if necessary, can be replaced without dismantling the roofing. Also, when dismantling the roof to carry out repair work, such tiles can be reused.
  7. Possesses high noise insulation and heat insulation characteristics. Perfectly retains heat during winter frosts, and at the same time leaves interior spaces buildings cool in the summer heat.
  8. To produce such a coating, only natural ingredients, which allows us to call it an environmentally friendly material.

Modern ceramic tiles are considered the most prestigious roofing material, due to which it is in stable demand in the private construction sector, despite all its shortcomings.

Natural tiles: photo of coating

The main disadvantages include:

  1. High price material.
  2. Need for strengthening the rafter system due to the high weight of ceramic tiles.
  3. Material can only be laid by hand, which creates some difficulties and slows down the roof installation process.
  4. Another disadvantage of ceramic roofing material can be considered fragility. Ceramic tiles require careful handling during transportation and installation work.

Additional elements

Variety of types and shapes of ceramic tiles

Among everything diversity of companies, producing natural roofing materials, should be highlighted:

  • Natural tiles Braas.
  • Koramic.
  • Creaton.
  • Erlus.

All of the above-mentioned manufacturers have been producing natural roofing tiles for many years and do not need advertising. These companies use raw materials highest quality . Also all finished products undergoes the strictest final control, so when purchasing material from these manufacturers, you can rest assured of its quality.

Today you can find tiles on sale various forms. Here are the main ones:

  • Groove elements.
  • Grooveless.
  • Skates.
  • Specialized. They are produced individually or in small batches to solve specific problems.

Types of ceramic tiles

Also, natural ceramic tiles are divided into several types according to certain characteristics.

  1. By production method, can be divided into stamping and tape.
  2. By shape, ceramic tiles are divided into smooth, grooved and profiled.
  3. By surface type.

The surface, in turn, is divided into the following types:

  • In the absence of specialized surface treatment of the tiles, the tiles have a natural color and texture of baked clay. Color solutions vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, as they depend on the characteristics of the raw materials used.
  • Angobated tiles have a matte surface. This effect is achieved by adding specialized minerals to the clay mixture.
  • The glazed coating of the tiles has a glossy surface. Glazed material is the most expensive and prestigious among all natural roofing coverings. This coating is obtained by applying a glassy mass to the tiles, followed by firing.

Color solutions

Today, many roofing companies offer shingles with different profiles to solve specific problems. The main types of profile are:

  • Traditional (low profile).
  • S - shaped.
  • Beaver tail.
  • Groove.
  • Flat.
  • Romanesque.

Variety of profiles

By size, tiles can be divided into large-format and small-format.

Instructions for installing a roof made of natural tiles

The process of installing a tiled roof is divided into 2 stages.

The first stage includes calculating the need for materials and preparatory work.

At the second stage, all manipulations are performed according to installation of roofing pie.

Ceramic tiles overlapped, depending on the angle of inclination of the roof plane. Therefore, to calculate the required amount of material, it is necessary to know the area of ​​the roof and its slope relative to the horizon.


When the roof slope is less than 16 degrees, the overlap will be 10 centimeters or more. With a slope of 16 to 30 degrees- 8-10 centimeters, and at a greater inclination, an overlap of 7 centimeters will be sufficient.

Rafter system

, created by ceramic tiles per 1 m2 of roofing, is approximately 50 kilograms. Also, when making calculations, snow and wind loads should be taken into account. Therefore, in order to withstand such weight, rafter system must have a sufficiently high load-bearing capacity.

The best solution for manufacturing a rafter system would be using timber with a cross section of 75 by 150 millimeters.

Construction of the rafter system

Manufacturing of sheathing

To make the sheathing you must use bars coniferous species with cross section size 50x50 mm. and humidity not exceeding 25%. The number of sheathing guides should be equal to the number of tile rows, plus an additional row running along eaves overhang.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the width of the laths running along the eaves overhangs is need to increase by 1.5 - 2 centimeters. This is necessary to level the roof surface.

Sheathing device

Installation of thermal insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing

Installation of a ceramic roof involves the installation ventilation gaps , to prevent moisture from penetrating inside the roofing pie, getting the insulation wet and condensation forming.

  • The first layer is a vapor barrier material. It is attached to inside rafters with an overlap of at least 15-20 millimeters.
  • Next, a layer of insulation is laid between the rafters. Insulation boards must be laid apart to prevent them from falling onto the vapor barrier layer.
  • The last layer of waterproofing is installed. It is necessary to leave a ventilation gap between the insulation layer and the waterproofing. The film unfolds from the lower edge of the roof slope horizontally, along the eaves. The recommended overlap when installing a waterproofing layer is from 10 to 20 centimeters, depending on the angle of the slope.


It's important to remember that waterproofing film should sag between adjacent sheathing elements by 1 - 2 centimeters. This is necessary so that condensation accumulates in the formed grooves and does not linger on the roof elements.

Roofing pie under tiles

Installation of natural tiles: instructions

  • First of all, it is necessary to check the roof for deviations from the plane of the slope. The deviation for each meter of surface should not exceed 2 - 3 millimeters.
  • Next, it is necessary to lift all the material onto the roof and evenly place stacks of several tiles on its surface.
  • In the future, it is necessary fully Lay rows of tiles along the eaves and ridge.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to mark lines for mounting vertical columns. It is important to mark the gable line and additional lines every few rows of shingles.
  • Further installation begins from the lower right corner of the roof made of natural tiles, with gradual advancement to the left and upward.
  • At the next stage, gable and ridge elements are installed. At the points of contact between the gable and ridge tiles, they need to be adjusted to each other by trimming.
  • The eaves overhangs are hemmed with boards so that ensure air access to ventilation ducts.
  • To prevent installers from falling from the roof, it is advisable to use safety ropes.

Installation at joints

Fastening tiles

Installation of a ceramic roof is a rather complex and time-consuming process. It is advisable to entrust all of the above operations to a professional team of builders. This approach guarantees compliance with all the rules for installing natural roofing tiles, and therefore, the roof will delight the owners of the home for many years.

Useful video

You can learn all the nuances of laying natural tiles from this video:

Installation of natural tiles

The entire technology for installing natural tiles can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Installation of the waterproofing layer.
  2. Construction of the foundation for the roof.
  3. Roofing made from natural tiles.

At the final stage of installation, the tiles are screwed with special screws or nailed to wooden base. The first row is laid according to a pre-prepared template.

In addition, a roof made of natural tiles also has numerous components and elements that will have to be installed to give the house a complete look.

The craftsmen of our professional organization handle natural tiles very carefully, since their structure is a very fragile material that can crack even due to a slight chip on its surface.

Save on self-installation Natural tiles are unlikely to succeed unless you have special skills and knowledge in this area. But The masters of “Moscow Roofers” are precisely those specialists who love this painstaking and rather complex task, take into account all the nuances correct installation and comply with established technology.

During a friendly conversation, our experienced master will tell you about the main pricing factors that have to be taken into account when drawing up estimates. Therefore, prepare data in advance regarding:

  • type of building;
  • height of the structure;
  • roof area;
  • roof structures;
  • location of the construction site.