How to clean facing bricks. How to clean brick from mortar and efflorescence? Using chemicals and liquids to remove contaminants

If you are a builder, then you know better than anyone that after building a brick box, the walls do not have a completely finished look. This is due to the fact that when laying on clean bricks it remains cement mortar, which spoils the overall picture. Another case is if you want to build something using used bricks. They will also be in cakes of cement. No matter what situation you are faced with, you will have to solve the same problem - clean the brick from the mortar.

Is it possible to do this? Yes, and in this article we will tell you how to do it quickly and efficiently. Below we will describe several methods for cleaning brick that you can choose for yourself.

A little about ways to clean bricks

The good news is that there are several ways to clean bricks from excess mortar. After all, if there is something to choose from, then the task can be completed better. Moreover, bricks are different and differ in hardness, size and surface type. In addition, the degree of contamination also influences the choice of method. All cleaning methods can be divided into two groups:

  1. Mechanical removal of mass.
  2. Chemical removal of mass.

Their name already indicates how the work will be done. The mechanical method comes down to using physical force, as well as available tools such as a hammer, chisel, trowel, etc. However, this method cannot always be used. There is a risk of damaging the bricks if they are not hard enough. Therefore, they often resort to the second method - the use of special chemicals, to remove contaminants. These solvents are based on the following acids: phosphoric, sulfuric and hydrochloric.

Attention ! Chemical method cannot be used to clean white sand-lime brick.

Under the influence of aggressive acids it will be destroyed. In the old days, it was cleaned in the simplest way - by rubbing bricks against each other. Let's take a closer look at how to clean brick from mortar, using one or another cleaning method for different types of bricks.

Cleaning bricks mechanically

In order to cope with the task mechanically, you need to know some rules. So, you can get rid of dirt quickly, efficiently and without damaging the material. For example, it is impossible to clean ceramic and sand-lime bricks using the same method, because cement mortar adheres much more firmly to sand-lime bricks. So before you clear facing brick from the solution, you must stock up on the following tools:

  • construction spatula, metal brush or trowel;
  • hammer, chisel and chisel;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction hammer;
  • gloves, respirator and safety glasses.

The first stage is to soften the solution so that it becomes more pliable and moves away from the material more easily. To do this, pour water on the wall or bricks until the water stops being absorbed. Washing the mortar off the brick this way will help get rid of the particles, making it easy to stick to. Now determine the nature of the contamination: if the cement stains are flat and not voluminous, then use a trowel, spatula or metal brush. Your goal is to carefully remove excess solution mechanically. It is convenient to pry up the solution with a spatula and quickly remove it. A metal brush will help complete the job. With it you remove the remaining mortar left after working with a trowel or spatula. Finally, wash the bricks thoroughly again, removing any excess.

As for large dried pieces, they must be knocked down with a hammer and chisel. You need to work carefully here, because there is a high probability of damaging the brick. Do not strike perpendicular to the bricks. Work parallel to them so that the blows are directed either up or down. For convenience, you can use a chisel instead of a chisel.

Her small angle sharpening and uneven sides will ensure ease of work.

Please note! Initially, chisels are not intended for cleaning mortar from bricks. During operation, it will quickly become dull and become unusable.

Some “masters” advise removing cement using nails. This is not correct, since with the conical working part you will leave marks, indentations and scratches on the bricks, which will affect the appearance. When your goal is to clean up used materials, there is nothing better for you than a construction hammer, similar to a pickaxe. It is easy for them to knock down hardened pieces of cement. Once all large particles have been removed, all that remains is to treat the surface sandpaper. At this point, the mechanical processing of red brick ends.

Cleaning sand-lime brick

Cleaning sand-lime brick requires more effort, attention and perseverance. To work you will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • drill with grinding attachment;
  • metal brush;
  • respirator and safety glasses.

As in the first case, wet the cement and try to peel it off with a metal brush. When using a drill, work extremely carefully so as not to damage the surface of the brick and not leave marks (it is better to use a drill to remove large pieces). Be sure to wear a respirator and goggles to protect your respiratory system and eyes. Clean the treated surface with sandpaper and moisten with water. Using a chisel and hammer is highly not recommended, as you can damage the material.

Chemical cleaning of bricks

Let us repeat that this method can only be used for ceramic bricks; silicate products cannot be exposed to chemical attack! The principle of operation is quite simple: you need to apply a brick mortar cleaner that will fight dirt. First, you must buy this product. IN specialized stores There is a huge selection, so you shouldn’t have any problems choosing. You can consult with the store employees. They can recommend a quality product. The main thing is to read the instructions and choose a cleaner that will match the type of surface. This way you will prevent possible damage to the material.

Basically, all products are made on the basis of acids. Only the conditions for using one or another product can be different. For example, some of them need to be applied to a dry surface, others - to a wet or completely wetted surface. The packaging will contain detailed information about consistency and holding time. The main advantage of the method is that you save your energy, and the cleaning process is significantly accelerated.

If you don't want to buy the product at the store, you can make it yourself. You will need a solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10. Mix thoroughly. Before you wash the brick from the mortar, you need to wet it. Then apply the solution with a rag, brush or roller. After 10-15 minutes, rinse everything off with water. Any small stains of solution will be removed. When you need to remove massive pieces, the procedure is the same, but the exposure time increases to 20-30 minutes. Remove the softened solution with a tool (spatula, trowel, chisel) and rinse everything running water. Since this is an acid, it is important to take precautions. Be sure to wear gloves and goggles!

You need to clean used products in a different way: put them in cast iron bath, pour in an acid solution and boil over a fire until the cement is completely dissolved. Finally, rinse thoroughly with water.

It is worth noting that chemical cleaning using solvents has one drawback - sometimes after work white marks and smudges may appear on the surface. But this is not a problem, since you can easily get rid of them. You can purchase façade cleaners to remove dirt. As for cleaning with store-bought mixtures, the instructions are quite simple:

  1. Dilute the concentrate according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Apply ready solution to the surface.
  3. Wait the time specified in the instructions.
  4. Remove excess solution with water.

Be sure to use protective equipment! On at this stage everything is almost ready. All you have to do is bring everything to mind. Cleaned bricks must be coated with a water repellent. It will give the material the ability to repel water, thereby protecting it from contact with water. This step is not necessary.

As you can see, it is possible to get rid of mortar on bricks, and you can choose several methods. If you follow the instructions and do everything correctly, the result will not be long in coming.

Today, brick remains the main material from which buildings and fences are built. Knowing how to clean a brick from mortar, you can return it to its former beauty, which fades significantly during the construction process. Paint, putty and splashes of concrete get on the masonry. If you work with tar, the walls become covered with a layer of soot. It is quite clear that in this state the operation of the structure is simply impossible. The brick needs to be cleaned of mortar and other contaminants.

Residues remain on the brick after laying mortar that need to be removed in order for the building to look presentable.

There are several ways to do this. Considering that the surface of a brick wall can be stained with substances of a wide variety of origins, to remove them you will have to use brute physical force, solvents and ordinary water. Let's look at the methods by which bricks are cleaned.

Mechanical method of cleaning bricks

This method is used in cases where fences and walls are lined with durable building material. The object of impact will be large influxes of hardened cement mortar.

To clean brick from cement you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • chisel;
  • spatulas;
  • drill with a nozzle in the form of a steel brush;
  • belt grinder;
  • sandpaper;
  • safety glasses and gloves, helmet.

They clean the cement very carefully, since strong impacts leave noticeable scars on the surface of the masonry. First you need to try to remove the sagging with a spatula. The remaining fragments are beaten off with a hammer and chisel. Cutting tool should be held at a minimum angle to the surface being treated.

After large fragments have been separated, you need to finally clean the brick from cement using abrasive materials. For this you can use grinding machine, a hammer drill with an attachment, or regular sandpaper mounted on a wooden block.

Considering that white sand-lime brick is much inferior to its red counterpart in terms of strength, you need to work with it more carefully. You can clean sand-lime brick without damaging its surface using an abrasive. If this old material, then it is cleaned by rubbing the bricks against each other.

Cleaning bricks with water solution

This method is used when the surfaces are heavily smoked, stained with paint on water based or putty. These materials absorb moisture well and soften under its influence. It should be taken into account that cleaning bricks from plaster with water should be carried out using an antiseptic. This precaution is necessary because if you wash it with plain water, there is a high probability of mold formation.

You should be prepared for the fact that pollution will not just go away. In order to clean the walls the first time, you need to purchase a powerful compressor.

There are several ways to clean brick from cement: mechanically, by washing, or with special cleaning agents.

Strong water pressure is guaranteed to wash away paint, pieces of plaster and clay from the surface.

Under high pressure It is quite possible to wash off the cement, which will avoid severe physical work with hand and power tools.

If a compressor is not available, use a hard bristle brush and detergent. You will have to work hard, but the end result will bring you a feeling of deep satisfaction. The walls will shine with pristine purity. Handmade only possible in warm weather. Otherwise, you may end up with ice-covered, wet walls.

It is quite difficult to decide how to clean such a fragile material as facing brick. Since it contains composite components, it is not at all afraid of water. Mechanical cleaning For decorative finishing not suitable because it is not strong enough for this. The most the best solution There will be abundant wetting of the facing brick until the plaster and cement on its surface soften. After this, you need to water the wall with water from a hose, after rubbing it with a stiff brush.

Cleaning bricks with solvents

Contaminants such as paint, bitumen and fuel oil cannot be removed with water or abrasive. They can only be cleaned with solvents. Sometimes regular gasoline is enough. But it should be taken into account that this is a very volatile and extremely fire-hazardous substance. At the same time, if you choose how to clean bitumen stains, then the best remedy can't imagine. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, basic precautions should be taken.


When working with flammable liquids, you must:

  1. Use eye and respiratory protection. A regular filter gas mask will work well.
  2. Use small amounts of liquid when working on areas small area. Change the location only after the used area has dried.
  3. Remove from the workplace all objects that pose a danger in case of fire. It is best to lay old tin, slate or asbestos fabric along the wall.
  4. Do not allow open flames or smoking within 50 m of the object being processed.
  5. To prevent pollution environment, a layer of sand should be poured along the walls, which must subsequently be disposed of.

Today in hardware stores you can buy products that dissolve or destroy literally everything. Acidic solutions can soften even hardened cement. They can be used to clean buildings made of ceramic bricks. It is not recommended to use acid for silicate products. From exposure to such a strong chemical, their surface darkens, becomes covered with spots and small cracks.


As for red brick, it is completely immune to even concentrated acid solutions. You need to apply the drug and wait the time indicated in the instructions. You can speed up the process by attacking dirt with scrapers and brushes. After this, the resulting substance is removed from the brick with a rag, and the surface is washed with water.

After construction work Brick cleaning is required. This procedure is necessary when it comes to finishing a brick wall. facing material or it is not intended to be decorated in the future. To ensure that the cleaning procedure does not cause harm and brings a positive result, it is important to know the rules for removing a particular material.

What are the cleaning methods?

Sometimes after construction work, the brickwork needs to be cleaned of paint, plaster, or the remains of concrete must be removed from it. There are several types of cleaning that allow you to wipe away dirt from the structure:

  • mechanical - cleaning of sand-lime brick;
  • washing with water;
  • use of special solutions.

To clean a brick wall from foreign material, you need to prepare in advance the following tools:

  • metal scraper, brush, spatula, chisel;
  • bucket;
  • drill with replaceable attachments;
  • gauze mask or respirator;
  • gloves.

From white plaque

To effectively clean facing bricks using a special liquid, you must follow all the instructions specified by the manufacturer.

Efflorescence is best removed by blasting.

The salts that the cement mortar contains penetrate the surface of the brick and cause the appearance of white plaque on masonry. It occurs after heavy rainfall. Similar phenomenon dangerous because it can destroy top layer materials: cracks and chips appear. You can wash a brick facade from this plaque with a special blasting - a highly concentrated substance that is diluted with water, maintaining a ratio of 1:10. After this, they proceed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Using a brush, apply the liquid onto the red brick.
  2. Leave for 20-30 minutes to absorb.
  3. Washed away clean water. This kind of cleaning brick walls against efflorescence is considered the most effective.

Cleaning bricks from grout

To wash off contaminated areas from facing bricks without difficulty, it is better to do this on the first day. Then, for removal, the wall is wetted and the residue is removed with a spatula. Cleaning the facade in this way is quick and without harm to the material. If the grout on the surface of the decorative brick is ingrained, proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. Select a special blasting agent and dilute it according to the instructions.
  2. Apply to the surface and leave for the required time.
  3. Remove the residue with a spatula.

From plaster

You can remove old plaster using a hammer and chisel.

Popular decoration method brickwork- applying plaster. However, such a coating requires updating over time, and the old material must be completely removed before cleaning. Here's how to properly clean your walls:

  1. Remove all furnishings from the room.
  2. Close doors and windows tightly to prevent dust from entering other rooms.
  3. Use a chisel and hammer to remove cement from the brick.
  4. Wipe the surface from dust.
  5. Apply special varnish.

After completing the work, it is necessary to wash the facing brick from any remaining dust. The washing procedure must be performed in the direction from the top corner. There is also a special cleaner for cleaning walls from plaster, but it takes longer and does not guarantee complete removal of material residues. To the surface masonry material You can also lay decorative, three-dimensional plaster containing gypsum.

From cement

After completing construction work, it is necessary to clean the brick facade from the remains of the cement-sand mixture. To choose how to clean the masonry, you need to pay attention to the degree of contamination of the structure. It is best to clean bricks from mortar in the first 24 hours after contamination. There are two ways to clean a building:

The cement can be cleaned with a brush.
  • Mechanical option. Involves treating the surface with a metal brush or chisel.
  • Chemical method. A brick cleaning agent containing hydrochloric or phosphoric acid is used. Sand-lime brick cannot be cleaned this way.

Clinker bricks cannot be cleaned by hand, as their structure is not particularly strong and can easily collapse.

Brick processing can serve different purposes, for example: cleaning from dirt or impregnation to give the material new qualities. Below we will consider the main processing options for this building material.

Removing contaminants

Most often, brick is processed in order to clean it from traces of dirt and construction dust. Due to its high porosity, brick is easily soiled, so to maintain the attractive appearance of the material, it must be cleaned occasionally. In addition to mortar residues, the most different types contaminants, including paint, dirt, bitumen, fuel oil, lime, soot, rust.

Often the brick becomes moldy or has traces of efflorescence. It will take a lot of time and effort to remove dirt, since cleaning brick is a very labor-intensive job.

In practice, the question of cleaning the material usually arises after the construction of brick walls made of ordinary or facing bricks. It is also often necessary to clean the solution old brick, which they decided to reuse. The specific method of cleaning the material is selected based on the type of contamination.

The following types of cleaning are commonly used in the construction industry:

  • washing with running water high pressure;
  • sandblasting technique;
  • mechanical cleaning with a tool or manually (hammer, sandpaper, chisel, brush with stiff bristles, hammer drill);
  • using a special cleaning fluid, which can be purchased locally finished form, so it was made on its own.

Below we will look at each method separately.

Water jet cleaning

A high-pressure water jet (15-220 bar) removes, first of all, efflorescence. Despite this pressure, cleaning occurs very carefully, without damaging the material. In addition, the method is environmentally friendly.

Sandblasting method

Cleaning is carried out using special equipment and under high pressure. During the process, the brick is treated with sand or another abrasive substance.

The purpose of sandblasting is to remove foreign materials and prepare the surface for application. various coatings. The brick is sanded before filling or painting. Thanks to sandblasting, you can clean the brick from old paint, bitumen, fuel oil, plaster, soot and all kinds of substances containing dyes. The result is a clean surface suitable for further processing.

The challenges of sandblasting and finishing are not the same as with surface preparation. The difference is that this technique involves improving appearance products and improving it performance qualities, and not just preparation for coating.

To confidently use sandblasting equipment, you will need certain qualifications. Therefore, the cost of such work is quite high.

Cleaning manually or mechanically

Typically, the method is used to remove solution residues or other solid foreign substances from the surface of a material. The main tools for cleaning are a drill, sandpaper, a hammer drill, jackhammer, brush with stiff bristles, chisel, hammer.

When carrying out work, you need to take care of your own safety, so you will need safety glasses, a respirator, and rubber gloves.

Red brick is cleaned only by hand. To do this, you need to break off pieces of the mortar using a hammer and chisel. After removing large pieces, the crayons are sanded with coarse sandpaper.

Sand-lime brick is stronger, so it can be cleaned using equipment such as a hammer drill or jackhammer. Then, as in the case of red brick, sanding is carried out with sandpaper. The process is completed by soaking the material in water to finally wash off the remaining solution. During soaking, you can additionally use a brush with stiff bristles. The brick must be dried before use.

Chemical cleaning

Based on the type of contamination, a certain chemical composition, which you can either purchase or make yourself. Also during the work, a tool is used, as with mechanical cleaning.

You can remove cement mortar as follows:

You can get rid of other contaminants like this:

  1. Efflorescence will become less likely if the brick is well dried, there is waterproofing, and drains for waste water.
  2. During laying, work should be carried out carefully to prevent excessive contamination of the material. This will require additional effort, but will further reduce the need for cleaning brick walls.
  3. When cleaning brick, you must not forget about technological nuances, otherwise the material may be damaged.
  4. When working with facing brick or stone, you should use a dry sponge to avoid damaging the surface.
  5. To remove traces of soot on facing bricks, it is recommended to use specialized pastes and household chemicals.

Brick impregnation

The impregnation process is called hydrophobization. The technique can be partially classified as cleaning methods, since in this way efflorescence is removed.

However, the main purpose of hydrophobization is to give the material (stone, brick, concrete, ceramics, etc.) protective water-repellent properties and resistance to low temperatures. When waterproofing, a special impregnation for brick is used. As a result, the material interacts with moisture differently.

Most often, the key component of the water repellent is silicon, although other bases can be used. An example is Kristallizol, one liter of which is enough to treat 150 square meters surfaces.

The drug not only increases the frost resistance of the material, but also increases its strength by about a quarter. The product is often used to protect surfaces in rooms with high humidity(for example, baths and saunas). The drug allows you to block moisture from entering the coating structure and also prevents the appearance of microorganisms, including fungi.

Another important quality of Kristallizol, like any other good impregnation, is that the drug prevents the accumulation of dirt on the surface of the material, which allows you to achieve a greater decorative effect. And finally, the use of impregnation makes it possible to reduce consumption finishing coating(for example, paints).

A good water repellent has a number of qualities:

  • absence of visible film after treatment with the drug;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • neutrality to existing vapor tightness;
  • durability.

Before use, “Crystallizol” is diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 30. Then the solution is applied in an even layer to dry and clean brick. For brick, one layer is enough. More layers are needed only for concrete surfaces.

Processing bricks to clean them or improve their properties will significantly extend the life of the masonry and improve decorative qualities material. At the same time, one should not forget about timely care of the masonry and periodically clean it from emerging contaminants.

The most common and very unpleasant contaminants that spoil the aesthetic appearance are: cement deposits, the appearance of salt, the appearance limescale on the facade or fence. Moreover, this does not depend on time - plaque can appear almost after laying or during brick laying. Often, efflorescence forms white, hardened smudges that can increase in size every day.

Unscrupulous builders try as much as possible to hide or disguise defects; unfortunately, their actions are temporary and in 99% of cases, plaque and drips appear again. This is explained by the fact that by removing the efflorescence itself, we are fighting not the cause, but the effect.

What is the cause of efflorescence?

There are three main types of efflorescence:

  • Calcareous efflorescence appears in the form of hard, fairly thick deposits.
  • Lime stains appear thin layers in the form of dusty deposits, quite soft to the touch.
  • Lime efflorescence in the form of crystals of insoluble and soluble salts.

When do efflorescences form?

  • In a fresh mixture (primary efflorescence). With a porous mixture, OH and Ca ions move outward with the help of residual moisture, where humid air combine with CO2 (deposits form on the surface).
  • In the hardened mixture (secondary efflorescence). Water from precipitation groundwater, condensed moisture penetrates inside the brickwork, thereby dissolving the salts of various chemical elements, including calcium. In warm, dry weather, the salt solution rushes to the surface of the masonry. The water evaporates, leaving salt crystals on the wall in the form of a white coating.

What accelerates and makes possible the appearance of limescale efflorescence?

  • High Water/Cement ratio.
  • Insufficient mixing of the masonry mixture.
  • A large amount of Ca(OH) 2 (calcium salts) and other foreign salts in mixtures.
  • Insufficient content of binder (cement) in masonry mixtures (increasing porosity and, accordingly, water permeability).
  • Poor seam care – incorrect seam profile.
  • Poorly prepared mixture - movement of water and lime.
  • Filler not washed from impurities
  • Filler of uncontrolled composition and quality.
  • The water is highly chlorinated, containing salt or other foreign substances, which contributes to prolonged drying.
  • Filling joints with mortar after precipitation until the base is completely dry.
  • Drying of cement mixtures too quickly.

How to clean cement deposits and efflorescence

Many people, when faced with such a phenomenon, panic and partly they are right, is this how they imagined their house or fence during construction. But don’t panic, this is all quite easy to solve.

There are two ways:

  • Calling a cleaning company that cleans stone;
  • Clean it yourself.

What do we need for cleaning?

    1. Soap for natural stone. Exactly for stone, do not confuse it with ordinary detergents.
    2. Cement and salt removal agent;
    3. A stone scraper and a small spatula, for cleaning heavily ingrained and hardened areas;
    4. Wire brush and regular brush;
    5. Grinder with a metal brush (recommended to be used only as a last resort, for severely ingrained dirt that a metal brush cannot remove).

Let's start cleaning

  1. The first thing we must do is wash off all non-surface dust and dirt. To do this, we dilute the soap concentrate for natural stone in water, in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer, and thoroughly wash the brick surface with the resulting solution using a regular brush. And rinse thoroughly with water. At the first stage, it is not recommended to overfill the stone with water so that it dries faster.
  2. We dilute the cleaning agent concentrate in the recommended proportion and apply it to the surface with a brush and use circular movements (the direction does not matter) to clean the surface. Leave for 5-10 minutes. And rinse thoroughly with water.
  3. After completing the first two steps, you will immediately notice the cleaning effect, but areas with heavily ingrained dirt will also begin to stand out. To deal with them, pour the undiluted concentrate into a small container and apply it to the contaminated areas with a brush. When applied there will be chemical reaction and the concentrate on cement and salt contaminants will foam, but don’t be alarmed by this, this is how it should be. Give it 5-10 minutes and begin rough cleaning using a scraper and, if necessary, a metal brush. And rinse thoroughly with water. Let it dry and repeat until the surface is completely clean.
  4. The main thing is to rinse thoroughly with water after complete cleaning, as chemicals can leave a white residue.

How to protect brick from efflorescence and plaque

There are two types of protection:

  1. Transparent impregnation for stone. Apply to the surface with a brush 1-2 times. Creates a protective layer on the surface that does not allow water to pass through and counteracts subsequent deep contamination.
  2. Impregnation with color enhancement and wet effect. The most in demand and popular at the moment. Creates a protective layer and gives the stone a rich color.