Why does the ovary of cucumbers turn yellow and fall off? What to do? Small cucumbers turn yellow and do not grow. The ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow. What to feed

Even gardeners with considerable experience in growing vegetables may experience yellowing of some parts or the cucumber fruits themselves. Why do we sometimes have to pick yellow cucumbers? For various reasons. You can learn about them by reading the article.

It often happens that a cucumber is normal on the outside, but yellow on the inside:

  1. This is absolutely normal. Most likely, he was simply overripe.
  2. Most often, it is customary to eat cucumbers that are not ripe. They are also called greens. And if the vegetable manages to ripen to the end, then it becomes large and yellow.
  3. Or it may also be due to an excess of nitrates.

But most often the first option is correct. They are often laid for seed. What to do? Collect fruits on time. This is the only way to prevent over-ripening.

Have your cucumbers often become overripe?


Why did the cucumber tops turn yellow?

Yellowing of the tops is a common occurrence. For some, only part of the leaf turns yellow, for others, absolutely all the tops may turn brown and dry out. Sometimes this happens: a gardener notices a light border on the green mass of a bush.

Most often, the reason for this kind of “change” cannot be found out. But you cannot despair, otherwise there is a risk of losing absolutely the entire harvest. It's better to try to find out the reason.

If you know the reason for this kind of change, then you can take the necessary measures to save the harvest. There can be many of them:

  • the plant does not have enough sunlight;
  • the cause may also be an excess of sunlight;
  • if watered cold water;
  • the plant is not pollinated enough;
  • it became ill with a fungal infection or was attacked by aphids;
  • her lifespan has simply expired;
  • The yellowing was due to a lack of minerals in the soil.

We need to take a closer look at some of the reasons:

  1. Lack of light. This is the most common reason why cucumber tops turn yellow. Especially on lower leaves. IN middle lane This is a fairly typical situation in Russia, and there is no need to worry. But if even in ideal lighting the tops of cucumbers turn yellow, what should you do? Inspect the beds, do they resemble dense thickets? It is difficult for the rays to get through the thicket of plants, so some of them will turn yellow. You just need to remove them in time.
  2. Fungal infection And aphid. A solution of soda will help against fungal infections. A tablespoon of this mixture is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Then you need to water the bushes with the resulting solution. The following remedy is effective against insects: a decoction of onion peels should be infused throughout the day. Then you need to dilute it with water and spray the leaves with it. If the gardener is sure that the cause is aphids, then an infusion of hot pepper and garlic will help him.
  3. Aging due to natural causes. In July, the tops turn yellow for natural reasons. By mid-summer, the vast majority of gardeners have already managed to harvest their harvest. So few people think about the problem of yellowing of tops.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

If the plant was planted in a greenhouse, a yellowing problem is quite likely. Lack of pollination, in turn, leads to the fact that the ovaries are formed worse. Also, for this reason, the plant is affected by pests and various diseases. Beginner gardeners often water the plant with cold water. And one of the most important rules agricultural technology, of any variety - water the plant only with warm water and preferably after sunset.

Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow?

Cucumbers often experience such a nuisance as the ovaries falling off, followed by their yellowing.

What should I do? If no other damage is observed in the plant, then there may be two reasons:

  • adverse weather conditions;
  • improper care of the plant.

IN open ground, if the leaves are not covered with cobwebs, there are no longer any flaws in them, there are no spots on them, then there may be several reasons. Each should be analyzed and, if possible, eliminated:

  1. The cucumbers are planted in the wrong place. For example, a bed with cucumbers planted on it tends to flood after rains or is constantly in the shade.
  2. Excessively sharp temperature changes. In particular, there is a large difference between night and day temperatures.
  3. Set too high or low temperature air.
  4. If a gardener waters cucumbers for any reason with cold water.
  5. If he doesn't water them enough.
  6. There are many side shoots on the bush, i.e. the bush is not formed.
  7. Many cucumbers are overripe and they are hanging on the branches.
  8. Cucumber lacks microelements.
  9. There are a lot of cucumbers stuck in the bosoms, which is not possible for the selected variety.

All these problems can be fixed. Therefore, the solution is to eliminate them and continue to grow cucumbers without incident.

Why do small cucumbers turn yellow?

If you mean that cucumbers in the embryonic stage turn yellow, then there are the following reasons:

  1. The temperature is too low or the temperature is too high.
  2. Artificial pollination. This should be done from 6 to 10 am. It is in the morning that plant pollen is most active. In order for pollination to take place, you need to prepare a soft brush. Then the pollen is transferred to the pistils of the “female” plants. You can pick off the flowers of the “male” plants and rub them on the “female” ones. It will even be more effective.
  3. The plant was not watered correctly. If the temperature during watering is lower than +25 degrees, then only “male” flowers will begin to develop on the plant. And women's ones will simply disappear. And this is not good.
  4. The plant lacks microelements.
  5. The bush was formed incorrectly. The varieties and hybrids that have been invented by scientists in our time can produce simply a huge number of ovaries. This is not good, but bad. There may not actually be enough nutrients for all the fruit. Yellowed ovaries can turn into dead weight for cucumbers. If the plants are planted in open ground, the number of ovaries should not be more than 20-25.
  6. The plant became ill with bacteriosis. If this happens, up to a third of the fruits are usually affected. Weeping, very unpleasant yellow ulcers most often appear on the embryos of the fruit. As a result, the fruits rot.



You can also watch a video where they will explain to you why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow.


Inappropriate growing conditions. Watering cucumbers should be done quite often. This is a moisture-loving plant. Lack of moisture affects the appearance of yellowness of the ovary and leaves. It is better to water in the early hours or late evening every day if the weather is dry enough. Feeding in the form of wood ash and urea will supply the cucumbers with potassium and nitrogen. Useful substances are contained in cow and chicken droppings, so root feeding should be done at the slightest sign of deficiency.

If the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow, then most likely they remain unpollinated. Often insects are not able to pollinate the ovary, and it turns yellow and falls off. Only pollinated plants produce productivity. To do this, it is necessary to provide insects with access to the ovaries in a confined space (if it is a greenhouse or greenhouse), and if this is not possible, then pollinate manually. The best solution There will be self-pollinating varieties and hybrids.

Sharp temperature changes may well be the reason why cucumber ovaries turn yellow and the yield decreases. The reason lies in the ability of cucumber roots to absorb nutrients only at temperatures above 10°C. At low temperatures, the ability is minimized, and the ovaries begin to lose nutrients and turn yellow. Such changes contribute to the development of fungal diseases of cucumber roots and their mass destruction. In this case, only feeding the roots can save.

What to do if the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow, although the temperature is quite acceptable and watering is timely. It is possible that the reason for all this is the scorching sun. Cucumbers should be planted in a shaded area. The bright sun can burn the leaf and ovary, especially if water gets on them during watering. Therefore, you should water only at the root, avoiding getting on the ovaries.

Capable of attacking cucumbers and bacteriosis. Too high humidity in the mail can lead to damage, so if bacteriosis is detected, the plant should be sprayed with Bordeaux solution.

A large number of ovaries can also lead to their yellowing. After all, a large number of ovaries consume much more nutrients. Therefore, their number on one vine should not exceed 30. Proper and timely care of the crop will allow you to get a high yield of cucumbers.

Even a novice gardener can grow a fairly abundant harvest of cucumbers, because cucumbers are not a very capricious crop and do not require much attention. However, if some growing conditions are violated, this may negatively affect the fruits, for example, they may begin to turn yellow.

Why do cucumber embryos turn yellow in a greenhouse?

In most cases, cucumber embryos in a greenhouse begin to turn yellow due to a violation thermal regime when the temperature environment either too low or too high. If cucumbers are grown in open ground, then yellowing occurs precisely because of the low temperature; when growing the crop in a greenhouse, it occurs because of the high temperature. It is worth noting that cucumbers are a heat-loving crop, its ovaries can turn yellow and fall off at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius (with a long stay in such conditions), in order to avoid such a disease, every effort must be made to ensure that the temperature does not fall below the specified mark and does not fluctuate within night and day hours by more than 10 degrees.

Yellowing and falling off of ovaries greenhouse cucumbers- also a common ailment. The fact is that at temperatures above 32 degrees, pollen loses its former activity, flowers simply are not pollinated. Another reason for non-pollination of flowers in a greenhouse is incorrectly selected plant varieties. The fact is that bees rarely fly into greenhouses, so for growing plants in such structures, preference should be given to self-pollinating hybrids.

Improper watering can also have a detrimental effect on the development of ovaries. Use for watering is unnecessary cold water can provoke the development of only “male flowers” ​​in cucumbers, while the female ovaries will simply fall off. The time of watering is also important, for example, on cool days it is not advisable to do it in the mornings and evenings, optimal time- day, on hot and sunny days, on the contrary, watering during the daytime hours will negatively affect the development of plants, in this case watering must be carried out either before nine in the morning or after 18 in the evening.

The ovaries on cucumbers can also turn yellow due to a lack of microelements. Most often, gardeners use nitrogen and potash fertilizers, thinking that this is enough for the normal development of culture. However, this is not true. The absence of a sufficient amount of boron, zinc, copper and other things in the soil will inevitably lead to yellowing and, subsequently, falling of the ovaries.

Bacteriosis is a disease that quite often attacks cucumbers, and it is with this disease that the embryos of the crop turn yellow. The disease manifests itself as follows: small yellowish sores appear on the ovaries, after a short period of time the embryos rot and fall off.

Why do cucumber embryos turn yellow in a greenhouse and

First of all, you need to find out the reason why the ovaries turn yellow, and then eliminate it. If yellowing occurs due to a violation of the thermal regime, then it needs to be adjusted: when growing cucumbers in open ground, cover the crop with special materials at night; when growing in a greenhouse, close the windows and doors of the structure at night, and do not forget to ventilate it during the day.

If cucumbers of a non-self-pollinating variety are planted in a greenhouse, then in this case you must take care of attracting bees to the greenhouse or contribute to the pollination of female ovaries yourself. The easiest way is to pick a few male flowers and gently rub the female flowers with them.

If the reason for the yellowing of the embryos is improper watering, then it needs to be adjusted: water the plants daily, with warm water and only at the root. If the weather is cool and the soil in the greenhouse is moist, then it is advisable to reduce the watering regime.

If there is a shortage of microelements, as you might guess, it is necessary to feed the plants. For feeding can be used as purchased complex fertilizers, and homemade based on weeds and ash.

If the cucumbers are affected by bacteriosis, then it is enough to treat the culture with either 1% Bordeaux mixture, or any other fungicide, for example, “Quadris”, “Topaz”, “Alyette”, etc. And in order to prevent this disease, before planting you need to take a set of measures against fungal infections.

There are probably no gardeners who have not at least once encountered rotting cucumbers on their property. After all, even special care and maintenance conditions are not always enough for cucumbers to avoid fungal diseases.

In general, cucumbers are plants that are especially susceptible to fungal diseases. The fact is that cucumbers love high humidity, and in a humid environment, as is known, mushrooms develop, so it is not at all surprising that this crop often gets sick. If you keep plants in a drier climate, then you can’t hope for a good harvest, so there is nothing else to do but maintain the required air and soil humidity in the greenhouse and carefully monitor the seedlings, and take action when the first signs of fungus appear. Cucumbers are susceptible to many types of rot, for example, root rot, basal rot, gray rot, white rot, and so on, but in this article we will look at those types that primarily cause the fruits to suffer. So, the vegetables themselves are most often susceptible to gray and white rot.

Gray rot

The causative agent of gray mold is a fungus called Botrytis cinerea, it develops due to high humidity air and low temperature regime. The first signs of gray rot are:

  • the appearance of a gray coating on the leaves;
  • the appearance of black specks on the leaves;
  • cessation of ovary formation;
  • the formation of a large number of barren flowers;
  • rotting of barren flowers;
  • death of plants.

If you take timely measures against gray rot, namely, normalize the temperature regime (reduce temperature changes) and reduce air humidity, then gray rot will retreat.

White rot

The reasons for the formation of this fungus (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) are high humidity (85-95%) and temperature changes, so eliminating these unfavorable factors is main step to the recovery of seedlings. Signs of white rot are:

  • softening of plant fruits and their stems;
  • the formation of white spots on leaves and fruits;
  • watery shoots;
  • cessation of ovary formation.

To get rid of this fungus, it is not enough just to reconsider the care (ventilation, fertilizing, removing diseased seedlings, etc.); you cannot do without treating the plants with special preparations. If the disease is initial stage, then for processing seedlings you can use folk remedies, for example, whey, but if the fungus has consumed a large area of ​​the greenhouse, then it is better to give preference to specialized drugs like Oxychom, Topaz, Rovralya.

Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow is a question that often arises among gardeners and summer residents. This problem can be caused by various reasons. At the same time, you can encounter it when growing cucumbers both in open ground and in a greenhouse. What to do here is important to know, otherwise good harvest will have to forget.

If the ovaries of cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow, then the problem most likely lies in the lack of pollination. After all, here plants grow in a confined space. Therefore, insect access to them is limited. As a result, unpollinated ovaries first turn yellow and then fall to the ground.

But how to solve such a problem? There are 3 options here:

  1. The most optimal is to create conditions for free access of pollinating insects to plants.
  2. Transition to growing varieties that can self-pollinate.
  3. Pollination by hand, which is quite troublesome, but quite accessible to everyone. For such purposes, it is best to use special preparations, including “Bud” and “Ovary”. If you can’t find them, you can use home methods. For example, you can take 5 ml of boric acid and dissolve it in a bucket of water.

There is another common reason for this problem - overload of ovaries. It is important to understand that there should not be more than 25 of them on one lash. This parameter should be followed when growing regular varieties. If hybrid cucumbers are planted, then the number of ovaries can reach up to 50 pcs. If you do not follow these recommendations and do not remove new shoots in a timely manner, then most of the ovaries will turn yellow and fall off, and those that remain will produce cucumbers of irregular shape.

Fungi and infections

The ovary of cucumbers can also turn yellow due to fungal diseases. Most often, such plants are affected by fusarium. To be sure that this is the reason, you need to observe the cucumbers. If at first they grow actively, but then the leaves suddenly begin to turn yellow, then the ovaries, and then the vines dry out, then the problem is the fungal disease fusarium.

This problem can be dealt with by removing contaminated soil and regularly replacing the variety of vegetables being planted.

This disease provokes the cessation of the process of photosynthesis. Subject to availability powdery mildew, the lashes and leaves of cucumbers become covered with small light spots, which gradually become larger and larger. Then it starts to appear white coating and a reddish tint.

This fungus can be combated by treating the soil with potassium permanganate. But it is best to choose cucumber varieties that are highly resistant to powdery mildew.

It is also often called downy mildew. It arises due to high humidity soil and excessive frequent landing cucumbers This disease also causes light yellow spots on the foliage. After a while, they begin to turn brown and take on an oily hue. If not accepted necessary measures, then the plant will soon die. Here you need to use special chemicals.

Yellowing of cucumber ovaries can be caused by root rot. This disease affects the plant different stages development. Its occurrence is provoked by a sharp change in temperature and is used during irrigation with too cold water. You can get rid of this disease only with the help of special medications. Previkur helps well with root rot.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse (video)

Pests and lack of fertilizers

Cucumber ovaries often turn yellow due to pests. The melon aphid can provoke a similar problem. It can be seen on the lower part of the leaves, from which such pests extract juice and nutrients. As a result, the ovaries receive a minimum of nutrition. That's why they buy yellow and then die off. Another dangerous pest - spider mite. It also settles on the lower part of the leaves and weaves a web. The mite first attacks the stems. Then the leaves and ovaries themselves.

It is best to control pests with the help of special preparations, including Akarin and Tsimbu.

Most often, this problem occurs due to nitrogen deficiency. In this case, the cucumber leaves lighten first, and then their veins. After which yellowing begins on the lashes and ovaries. If fruits have already appeared on the plants, then due to a lack of nitrogen they acquire a hook-shaped shape.

To neutralize this problem, you need to fertilize with mineral fertilizers. To prevent similar phenomenon, you need to add rotted manure to the soil before planting cucumbers.

There are a huge number of reasons for the occurrence of ovaries. Having identified the factor that triggered the problem, it is important to begin eliminating it as soon as possible, if possible. Then it will be possible to save the harvest.

Why do the ovaries on cucumbers turn yellow (video)

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Many gardeners have encountered the problem of yellowing of the ovaries of cucumbers. For some, this is a real problem: the ovary has just finished blooming, but it has already turned yellow. This leads to a logical question: “ Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow?" There are many reasons for this. In this article we will try to answer this question in great detail.

Those who grow cucumber plants quite often encounter the problem of yellowing of the ovaries. This process begins with the yellowing of the flower itself.

The reasons for yellowing of the ovaries in cucumbers may be: improper growing conditions, lack of nutrients, irregular watering, inability to pollinate, sudden temperature changes, improper formation of bushes, as well as various diseases plants. All this can be monitored, prevented in advance and prevent yellowing of the ovaries on your plants.

Yellowed ovaries inevitably fall off and cannot produce a harvest; accordingly, the yield of cucumbers from your plot decreases sharply. Therefore, it is in your interests to eliminate all causes of yellowing and falling of the ovaries. Below we have listed all the main reasons and ways to eliminate them.

Unpollinated ovaries

Today, most varieties and hybrids of cucumbers are bee-pollinated. However, it often happens that pollinating insects cannot pollinate the plant. This most often occurs in closed growing conditions, such as greenhouses or greenhouses.

Pollinated ovaries immediately begin to grow and the fruit grows, while unpollinated ones inevitably turn yellow and fall to the ground.

There can be three solutions to the problem:

  1. Ensure that pollinating insects have access to your plants.
  2. Plant only self-pollinating varieties and hybrids.
  3. Pollinate your plants by hand. (read about how to do this in the article:).

Lack of nutrients in the soil

A very common cause is a lack of all essential nutrients in the soil. The fact is that for the formation of a fruit from the ovary, a lot of a substance such as potassium is spent from the soil. If there is not enough of it in the ground, then the ovary cannot properly set and produce a harvest.

That is why it is necessary to constantly feed cucumber plants. During fruiting, cucumbers need potassium and small amounts of nitrogen. There is a lot of potassium in wood ash. And urea can act as a nitrogen fertilizer. However, it is best to feed cucumbers with liquid chicken or cow droppings.

If you need to eliminate the problem of yellowing of the ovary in a short time, then it would be better to produce. Add 1 tablespoon of urea and 3 tablespoons of ash to a bucket of water, stir thoroughly and spray the plants: leaves and stems. You should spray only in the early morning or evening, when there is no scorching sun. After foliar feeding the plant will recover very quickly, within 1-2 days and the ovaries will no longer turn yellow.

Improper watering

A very common reason Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow? the watering mode is incorrect. This is especially true for growing cucumbers in greenhouse conditions.

It's no secret that cucumbers love frequent, abundant watering and high humidity. However, many vegetable growers neglect this and as a result, the ovaries and leaves turn yellow and the entire plant dries out. It is recommended to water cucumbers growing in open ground 3 times a week (on particularly dry days you can water every day). It is much hotter in greenhouses, so the plants are watered 4-5 times a week.

Moreover, it is necessary to water cucumbers exclusively warm water in the evening or morning hours.

A large number of ovaries

You should not allow too many cucumber ovaries to form on a plant at the same time. One plant should have no more than 25-30 ovaries.

It should be remembered that the more ovaries, the more nutrients are consumed for their maintenance and maturation. As a result, some interfere with the growth and development of others, and the vegetable grower has yellowed ovaries, inflorescences and small crooked fruits. The plant simply cannot provide too many ovaries; as a result, they turn yellow and no longer provide any benefit, and the nutrients (albeit not many) have already been spent.

To prevent this problem, it is necessary to plant cucumbers correctly and on time. Read about this in detail in the article:.

Sudden changes in temperature

With sudden changes in temperature or during long cold weather, a lot of bad things can happen that will lead to yellowed ovaries.

Sudden temperature changes can cause the development of many diseases in cucumbers, which will lead to yellowed ovaries. This is especially true for fungal diseases.

During prolonged cold weather (below 10-14 degrees), the roots of the plant stop absorbing nutrients from the soil. Accordingly, there will not be enough nutrients for fruit ripening. In this case, foliar feeding can help.


The ovaries of cucumbers can also turn yellow due to bacteriosis. Bacteriosis can appear due to too high soil and soil moisture. Too high a planting density can also contribute to its development.

These are the main reasons why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow?. Avoid these reasons, follow all the growing rules and you will undoubtedly have a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Also watch a very useful video about growing cucumbers.

It is important to figure out in time why the ovary of cucumbers turns yellow and falls off. This will save the harvest and preserve the taste of the fruit. There may be several reasons, mainly either improper care or infection.

It is not always possible to avoid problems if all agrotechnical requirements are met. There are several main reasons why the ovary of cucumbers in a greenhouse may turn yellow; some tips will help you on what to do in this case.

  • Cucumber embryos may develop slowly due to infrequent ventilation of the room. The air becomes humid or too dry and stale.
  • Hot air is another reason why cucumbers do not grow. If the air temperature in the greenhouse is more than 27 degrees, then the leaves and ovaries turn yellow and crumble.
  • Another unfavorable factor Why the ovaries do not develop and wither is due to close planting of cucumbers. The green tops of densely planted seedlings create shade and do not allow air to pass through. Therefore, it is very important to maintain distance during boarding. The distance between each cucumber bush in a row should be at least 45 cm.
  • The reason why chicks do not grow is due to untimely harvesting. During the period of active ripening of cucumbers, it is recommended to harvest every other day. If the fruits remain on the vines, they become overripe, which begins to take away all the nutrients. The new ovary does not develop, but dries out and falls off.
  • Violation of the watering regime is often the main factor why small cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow. A lack or excess of moisture causes cucumber ovaries to dry out in the greenhouse. The water for irrigation should be warm (about 20 degrees) and it is advisable to let it stand. You should not sprinkle too often; it is better to water at the root, with a stream without pressure.
  • Cucumbers do not form ovaries or they turn yellow due to a lack of microelements in the soil. When correcting the situation, the main thing is not to overdo it, since an excess of fertilizers is not beneficial.
  • Green plants do not develop due to too many ovaries on one bush. Their optimal number is approximately 26 pieces. If there are more ovaries, then more nutrients begin to be consumed and the cucumber ovaries turn yellow and dry out.

Insufficient pollination or its complete absence also causes yellowing of cucumber ovaries. Since the greenhouse space is most often closed, it is best to choose self-pollinating varieties. It is better to choose the same varieties of cucumbers for growing on the window. The inflorescences of such cucumbers have both stamens and pistils. If bee-pollinated varieties are planted, then care must be taken to ensure free access of insects to the cucumber beds.

The reasons why cucumber ovaries turn yellow in open ground are almost the same as in a greenhouse. Additional factors include frost, heavy rain and draft winds.

What to do if cucumber ovaries turn yellow in a greenhouse

As soon as the reason why the cucumbers turn yellow has been identified, we begin to eliminate it. The following steps will help.

  • When cucumbers cannot set, the watering regime should be adjusted. Before the fruiting period, it is recommended to water every other day with warm, settled water in the evening. During fruiting, it is recommended to water less frequently. Each root should take approximately 5 liters.
  • Poorly developing cucumbers need ventilation. It is advisable to equip a greenhouse ventilation system, on a hot day you can open a window or door.
  • Be sure to monitor the air temperature at night and during the day.
  • To prevent the ovaries from drying out, it is necessary to form a stem, tie it to a support and not allow the fruits to hang excessively from one branch.
  • When cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse, what to do depends largely on the variety. If bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, then you need to check whether bees can enter the greenhouse. It is recommended to open the greenhouse door during the day; to attract the attention of insects, you can use a sugar-honey solution. There is an option to help the plant yourself.
  • If the ovaries of cucumbers fall off due to a large number on the branch, then it is recommended to pick some of them. But it is better to carry out stepsoning on time.

If cucumbers set but do not grow, the situation may be the result of a lack of fertilizing. Soil depletion leads to a lack of beneficial microelements. Wood ash will help replenish potassium. Nitrogen deficiency will be compensated by urea. Chicken droppings and mullein are also popular.

You should not overuse nitrogen fertilizers, as this will cause tops to develop and the ovaries to dry out and may crumble. You can feed cucumbers with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

It is useful to carry out foliar treatment of the plant. An infusion based on urea will come in handy. Add 50 g of urea and 90 g of soda to 10 liters of water. This composition helps restore damaged seedlings in just two sprays.

Gardeners may encounter not only yellowing, but also falling of the ovaries. The problem of why the ovary on cucumbers falls off is often caused by non-compliance with the temperature regime, improper watering, lack of mineral fertilizers and poor pollination.

Why can the ovaries on cucumbers turn yellow and dry out, diseases and pests

The resulting cucumber ovaries turn yellow and fall off as a result of various infections.

  • Sudden temperature changes, humid air, dense planting of plants leads to the development of downy mildew. First, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, and brown spots. After just a few days, the entire plant begins to turn yellow, including the ovaries on the cucumbers in the greenhouse. The first step in solving the problem is to stop watering and fertilizing. You can use drugs such as Topaz, Oxychom.
  • The reason why cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow is often due to: fungal disease, like fusarium. Getting inside the plant, it interferes with the movement of nutrients and the plant dries out. Treatment is carried out with drugs such as Fitosporin, Trichofit, Kornevin.
  • Cucumber ovaries do not develop due to bacteriosis. Frequent watering and excess moisture causes fungus to multiply. You should not plant the bushes too close to each other, you need to water them correctly, and after watering, be sure to ventilate the room.

The invasion of various insect pests becomes another reason why the ovaries dry out and the embryos turn yellow. The most common unwanted guests are spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies. You can fight them with compounds from folk recipes or use insecticides (Aktara, Aktellik).

  • If the cucumber does not grow due to pests, then you can make an infusion of hot pepper. The product is poured with boiling water and left to infuse for a day. Ready solution filter, add shavings of crushed soap and wood ash.
  • You can make an infusion from onion peels. Half a bucket of husks is poured into a bucket of water, put on fire and brought to a boil. Then you need to leave it to infuse for 10 hours. The strained solution is diluted with water and sprayed on the cucumber beds.
  • An infusion of potato tops will prevent the ovaries from drying out. The greens are poured with boiling water and left for a day. For better adhesion of the solution, soap should be added to the composition during spraying.
  • Infectious diseases that can cause the ovaries to fall off are treated with skim milk. A few drops of iodine and soap are additionally added to a liter of milk. You need to water the cucumbers at the root.

For preventive purposes against insects, you can spray cucumbers with modern preparations: Tsimbush, Fitoverm, Akarin.

What to do to prevent the ovaries of cucumbers from turning yellow, preventive measures

General preventive measures will prevent yellowing of cucumbers.

  • In autumn and spring, disinfect the greenhouse structure and garden equipment.
  • To prevent cucumbers from wilting and growing well, it is recommended annually top layer replace the soil in the greenhouse with a new one.
  • Before planting cucumbers, it is recommended to fertilize the soil, for example, with rotted manure.
  • Cucumber beds in a polycarbonate greenhouse must be regularly weeded and loosened after watering.
  • It is useful to mulch the soil. An additional layer of straw, grass, sawdust will help protect the plant from adverse factors.
  • The distance between the beds and seedlings in the row should be maintained.
  • During active fruit ripening, it is recommended to harvest the crop daily or every other day.

Few ovaries may be due to poor seed quality and poor preparation planting material. Therefore, before planting, cucumber seeds must be carefully selected, heated and treated with special preparations.

In order to have fewer yellowed ovaries, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of cucumbers. Spraying has a positive effect on the formation of cucumbers boric acid. You can dilute the solution from drugs such as Bud, Ovary.