Which heating radiators are better: choosing which radiators to install in an apartment or house. Review of manufacturers of aluminum heating radiators: which models are better Review of manufacturers of heating radiators

Today, in addition to cast iron batteries, aluminum and steel are actively used. Which ones exactly, steel or aluminum radiators choose, it all depends on the preferences of the homeowner. Many experts advise buying aluminum structures. Because they have higher performance characteristics.

If the apartment owner has decided on the type of heater, then he is faced with the question of choosing a manufacturer. There are many on the market different models, which are produced by different companies. This article will review the most popular brands and provide a rating of aluminum heaters.

If you have a choice between buying a steel or aluminum heating device, experts advise choosing the latter option. And the reviews about them are also much better than about their steel counterparts. The heat transfer coefficient of aluminum heaters is five times higher. Therefore, much fewer sections will be required for heating. In addition, a material such as aluminum is durable and strong.

Aluminum products are ideal for individual heating systems with forced circulation coolant.

Due to its small volume, the system heats up quite quickly. Is it true, steel models are somewhat cheaper.

Rating of aluminum batteries by category

Aluminum heaters are characterized by high heat output, attractive design and light weight. This best option for a cottage or a modern city apartment. True, they have one drawback - they are susceptible to corrosion. Therefore, it is important to purchase a high-quality and reliable model.

Of course, this rating cannot be called accurate and complete. After all different brands sometimes they become sales leaders, then they fall again. It all depends on consumer preferences. Moreover, manufacturers are developing and releasing new models of heaters. In this regard, it would be more logical to consider the rating by producing countries.

Rating of aluminum batteries by country of origin

Considering technical and performance characteristics heaters different manufacturers, Italy occupies the highest positions. Italy has been producing aluminum radiators for a long time and the products of this country have always been considered the highest quality. During the production of aluminum batteries, Italians take into account the possibility of pressure drops. All models perfectly withstand temperature changes and are also resistant to corrosion.

Radiators made in Italy

Considering numerous reviews, Italian-made aluminum heating batteries can be called the most durable and reliable in operation. Today, the Italian model of STI radiators is very popular in the domestic market. The heater is intended for use in residential buildings, industrial facilities, garden houses, cottages, garages, etc.

Specifications for aluminum radiators STI are given below:

Radiators from the UK

The UK ranks second in the production of high-quality and durable aluminum heating devices. It is worth paying attention to Bilux heating radiators, which are made from high-quality aluminum alloy using injection molding. All products undergo comprehensive tests for tightness and strength. This ensures excellent performance.

Radiators made in Russia

Russia is in third place. Among domestic manufacturers one can name the Rifar company. Aluminum radiators Rifar are intended for use in individual heating networks. The design is characterized by high strength, which is achieved through the use of a special unit developed and patented by the plant itself. The service life is about 10 years.

Radiators made in China

In last place is China. But I must say that the reviews for Chinese aluminum heating radiators are not so bad. It all depends on the company. For example, Monlan brand batteries have gained trust among domestic consumers. And all thanks to the special design of the device. The unit is manufactured by extrusion, which increases its strength and increases its service life. Reviews for the Monlan cast aluminum radiator are mostly positive. Users note modern design, safety and durability of the device.

How much do aluminum heaters cost?

Today there are various aluminum heating radiators on the market.

How to choose a high-quality and at the same time affordable product?

This question worries many homeowners. Regarding the cost, it is better not to buy cheap models. Most likely, this is a fake and will not last long.

Let's look at how much they cost in more detail. The price directly depends on the manufacturer. For example, Italian models, recognized as the highest quality and most reliable, will be expensive - 500 rubles per section. Of course, you can also purchase a used model. To do this, you can place an ad on the Internet: I will buy used Italian aluminum heating radiators, or find a suitable product on the market. Domestic models are much cheaper: about 300 rubles per section.

For the right choice heating radiators you need to know about their main technical parameters. Otherwise, the result may not meet expectations. Really important parameters There are not many radiators, so even a non-professional can easily figure them out.

Features of choosing heating devices

Now people no longer need to hide or, because... modern devices can become a worthy decoration of any interior. Radiators sold today may differ in color, size, material and general style implementation, so it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

Attention! Despite the fact that we are accustomed to batteries light colors, the heat transfer of black appliances is approximately ¼ higher solely due to coloring. Although when choosing a color, it is better to focus on the design of the home and personal preferences.

Regarding the shape, it must be streamlined. For safety reasons, it is advisable to avoid sharp corners altogether, especially if children live in the house. Please check the strengths and weaknesses each of existing species radiators to determine which one is more suitable for a particular room. The first thing you should pay attention to is the operating pressure of the devices.

Depending on the material, radiators are divided into:

The above-mentioned pressure, heat transfer coefficient, heat capacity, resistance to mechanical and chemical damage, as well as service life depend on the material.

Radiators in the interior

Also pay attention to the method of connection to the heating main. The connection can be side, bottom and universal. It is characteristic that in modern radiators All these connection methods are provided.

Attention! The environmental friendliness of the material used in the manufacture of heating devices is also very important. In internal elements There should be no formaldehyde; high-quality polymer coating on the surface is also welcome.

Now in more detail about each material.

Characteristics of aluminum radiators

Heating devices made from are considered one of the most popular types of radiators. Aluminum is a light and ductile metal, therefore, batteries made from it weigh a little and have increased heat transfer.

The devices consist of sections, each of which is a set of interconnected plates. Thanks to this, heat saving here is also at a fairly high level.

Advantages similar units are as follows:

At the same time, after turning off the heating, such radiators cool down quite quickly. Among others shortcomings worth highlighting:

  • instability to chemical influences (the problem can be solved by polymer coating on the inner surface);
  • low strength;
  • bad quality threaded connection in the top valve to bleed air from the system.

In view of this, before purchasing it is necessary to inquire about the operating pressure of the heating system. The maximum pressure of a particular product must be looked at in the data sheet, since it is different for different models.

But still, according to its characteristics, aluminum is excellent for the manufacture of radiators, and its fusibility has made it possible to significantly expand model range. Today you can choose exactly the battery that fits perfectly into the interior of your home.

Table 1. Comparison aluminum batteries from famous brands

ManufacturerModelWeight, kgPower, kWVolume, lPressure, bar.Dimensions, cmDistance between axles, cm
1. Rifar, Russian FederationAlum 5001,45 0,183 0,27 20 9x8x56.550
2. Fondital, ItalyCalidor Super-5001,32 0,193 0,3 16 9.7x8x55.750
2. Rovall, (Italy)Alux-5001,31 0,179 0,23 20 10x8x54.550
3. Radiatori 20000 S.p.A.500R1,6 0,199 0,58 16 9.5x8x57.750
4. FaralGreen HP-3501,12 0,136 0,26 16 8x8x4335
5. FaralTrioHP-5001,58 0,212 0,5 16 9.5x8x5850

Aluminum radiators from STOUT Bravo are ideal for installation in apartments and houses with individual heating. These heating devices are manufactured at the GLOBAL plant, Italy. Each stage of production is controlled by European specialists. Each section is manufactured by injection molding and is a monolith of two collectors and fins connecting the sections. Available center distance is 350 or 500 mm. Manufacturer's warranty – 10 years.

Prices for popular models of aluminum heating radiators

Aluminum heating radiators

Characteristics of bimetallic batteries

The main difference between bimetallic radiators is the use of two different metals in the manufacturing process - steel to create the core and aluminum to assemble the body. Thanks to this, the rod is very strong. Another advantage of such products is their high working pressure, which can reach 50 (!) atmospheres. Moreover, steel works well even with water that contains various impurities, while aluminum heats up quickly and gives off maximum heat.

In short, the use of two metals at once made it possible to obtain radiators that have the advantages of each of them. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the cost of these devices is the highest among all possible options.

Attention! are used primarily for heating industrial and public facilities. In residential buildings they are rare due to their high cost.

The service life is 20-25 years, which is quite normal.

Table 2. Comparison of bimetallic radiators

Manufacturer/ModelWorking fluid temperature, ᵒСWeight, kgVolume, lPower, kWWorking pressureSection dimensions, cm
1. Sira Group/Gladiator-500110 1,6 0,42 0,185 30 8x8x42.3
2.Gordi/Gordi-500100 1,7 0,3 0,181 30 8x8x57.2
. Rifar/Rifar Monolit-350135 1,5 0,18 0,136 100 8x10x41.5
4.Tenrad/Tenrad-500120 1,44 0,22 0,161 24 7.7x8x55
5.Global/Style-350110 1,56 0,16 0,125 35 8x8x42.5

All the advantages of using bimetallic radiators are clearly expressed in the design of STOUT Space heating devices. These radiators are easy to install, they are suitable for rooms of any design and have reliable designs. The maximum pressure that a heating device can withstand is 100 atmospheres. Production - Russian plant "RIFAR", the largest in the country. Service life - 25 years, warranty from the manufacturer - 10 years. available from 4 to 14 - you can complete any object and select a radiator for a room of any size.

Prices for bimetallic batteries

Bimetallic batteries

Characteristics of cast iron radiators

Such batteries are the most common and well-known option for everyone, since they are installed in most standard apartments. Agree, old cast iron appliances can hardly be considered stylish and attractive. New models look better, but in terms of aesthetic indicators they are still significantly inferior to devices made from other materials.

As you know, cast iron is very heavy. Batteries made from it weigh a lot, which cannot but affect the complexity of transportation and installation.

Let's consider their main advantages.

But cast iron also has flaws, among which:

  • significant weight;
  • slow heating;
  • unaesthetic.

Attention! Despite the abundance of more modern analogues, many prefer to install cast iron batteries, trusting what has been tested for decades.

Table 3. Comparison of cast iron batteries from the most famous manufacturers

Manufacturer/ModelWeight, kgVolume, lHeating area per section, m²Power, WPressure, atm.Dimensions, mm
1. Konner, ModernUp to 4.75Up to 0.96- Up to 15012 80x60x565
2. World Cup-3Up to 71,38 0,25 156 9 120x90x570
2. World Cup-2Up to 6.30,8-0,95 0,2 100-142 9 100x80x570
2. World Cup-1Up to 4.80,9 0,1-0,16 110 9 70x80x570
5. MS-140Up to 7.11,45 0,24 160 9 140x93x588

Prices for popular models of cast iron radiators

Cast iron radiators

Low carbon steel is used in the manufacture of these devices. For protection purposes, the surface is coated with special enamel. If good quality, then they have excellent operational parameters, among which:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • durability;
  • resistance to various types of aggressive substances.

Such batteries can be tubular or panel.

Tubular devices

For their assembly they are used steel pipes with high quality polymer coating. The maximum load that the devices can handle depends solely on the thickness of the pipe walls. It is desirable that the pipes are made of stainless steel.

The service life of tubular devices significantly exceeds that of panel devices and is about 30 years. It is possible to connect using all the methods described above. The operating pressure is 10-16 atmospheres; more detailed data should be clarified in the product data sheet.

Prominent representatives tubular radiators are models produced by Loten:

  • Loten Gray V;
  • horizontal LotenGrey Z.

These radiators are made of steel profile pipe having a rectangular cross-section. In addition to providing comfortable heating, the presented radiators demonstrate the latest trends in the design of heating devices, fitting perfectly into the interior of any home.

When creating Loten tubular radiators there were two main ideas:

  • create high-quality heating equipment: for the manufacture of radiators, high-strength metal with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm is used, due to which these heating devices have an operating pressure of 16 atm. Radiators withstand test pressure of 25 atm;
  • simultaneously turn the battery into stylish element interior of housing, office space, location public use etc.

The presented heater models can have a different number of sections, from 4 to 12. The length of the sections varies from 750 to 2000 mm. The price of each heating element is directly dependent on the following parameters:

  • number and length of sections;
  • connection type (side/bottom).

At no extra charge, you can purchase radiator models painted in colors that are at the peak of popularity in relation to interior design:

  • matte black;
  • classic white;
  • soft beige;
  • concrete gray.

However, lovers of bright furnishings can order any other colors and shades.

The presented radiator models are suitable for connection to a central as well as an autonomous system. Size range is really wide, you can equip the presented radiators as a cozy small one-room apartment, and a spacious country mansion.

Each model can be with side or bottom connection. Heating systems that are suitable for this battery can be:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

The high quality of the material and the laconic style of the products will allow them to take a place not only in the apartment, but also in the list of your preferred interior items for many years. Their peculiarity is that they have a long service life (warranty - 5 years, service life - 30 years), so you won’t have to think about changing batteries soon. This means you can confidently trust the manufacturer and make a choice in favor of the devices reviewed.

Panel instruments

As the name suggests, such radiators are made in the form of panels. To do this, a certain number of steel plates are connected to each other. Thanks to this assembly, high heat capacity is achieved, while the thickness of each individual plate is insignificant. In addition, they weigh a little and provide the ability to connect in all available ways.

Attention! Before purchasing new heating devices, look at how your old ones are connected. It is advisable that new batteries do the same.

Price panel radiators slightly higher than average, the working pressure is 10 atmospheres. According to experts, such units are best used in autonomous heating systems. As for city apartments, the use of such batteries is unacceptable due to too high pressure in the central system.

Table 4. Comparison of steel radiators with dimensions of 50x50 cm from the most famous manufacturers

ManufacturerConnectionWeight, kgVolume, lPower, W (at +70ᵒС)Maximum permissible liquid temperature, ᵒСPressure, atm.
1.DeLonghi RADEL(Italy)Lower14,9 3,1 1079 110 8,7
2. Purmo (Finland)Side + bottom13,6 2,6 926 110 10
3. Korado Radik (Czech Republic)Side + bottom15,6 2 914 110 10
4. “Lidea” (Belarus)Side + bottom15,1 3,3 1080 110 8,6
5. Buderus (Germany)Side + bottom14,1 3,15 913 120 10
6. Kermi (Germany)Side + bottom17,7 2,7 965 110 10

Prices for steel radiators

Steel radiators

As a conclusion

It is worth noting that any of the described types of batteries can be used for heating systems in residential premises. Although the purchase of bimetallic devices is often impractical, because their advantages are almost the same as those of aluminum, and the cost is several times higher. Therefore, it is better to let them continue to remain in industrial and public facilities.

It is undesirable to install aluminum appliances in apartments due to pressure drops in the system, which negatively affect the metal. The optimal and proven option for apartments over the years is cast iron batteries. One way or another, you need to focus on financial capabilities and personal wishes.

For those who do not want to dive into independent calculations, we recommend using a special calculator for calculations, which takes into account almost all the nuances that affect the efficiency of heating a room.

The choice of heating devices for heating a room is an extremely important matter, which must be preceded by power calculations correlated with parameters such as area and heat loss.

As a rule, only the best aluminum radiators meet most of the parameters of domestic heating systems.

Types of heaters

When the main criterion when choosing heaters for an apartment is price, then it’s time to pay attention to aluminum heating radiators. Which companies are better can be found out by studying the products on the market.

Manufacturers produce 2 types of aluminum batteries:

If you take a closer look at the statistics, it is clear which aluminum radiators are better - sectional ones. They are the best-selling ones, despite their higher cost.

Advantages of aluminum batteries

Interest in these heaters is caused by their obvious superiority over analogues made from other types of metals:

Speaking about the advantages of heaters of this type, we cannot remain silent about the disadvantages:

  1. The quality of the coolant, since aluminum easily corrodes in an environment where alkali predominates. Cleanliness is also important, since suspensions and debris quickly clog the narrow channels of heaters of this type.
  2. The maximum heating of aluminum radiators is +110 degrees, so this indicator should be taken into account before connecting to the system.

As many years of practice have shown, no matter what the rating of aluminum heating radiators is, they are best suited for a private home, where you can control the quality of the media.

Aluminum heating radiators: which company is better?

Russian manufacturers

If you carefully study the companies supplying products to the domestic markets of thermal devices, you can identify 4 main countries - China, Russia, Italy and Hungary.

If you determine it by quality, then the price will accordingly be quite high, so we can distinguish a rating of manufacturers of aluminum heating radiators by country.

Russia occupies an honorable third place among producing countries, and the greatest demand among them is:

Hungarian made

If you choose products manufactured in this country, then Nami products deserve attention. Its distinctive qualities are its resistance to the quality of the coolant, which can have 12 Ph, which is rarely found in aluminum radiators.

The heat output of these products up to 195 W looks no less attractive, so the Hungarian company is very popular among domestic consumers and occupies three times the place in the ranking.

Italian manufacturers

Italy can be given the palm. Aluminum radiators from Italian “masters” are expensive and belong to the premium class, having the highest quality indicators.

The most popular companies from this country:

  1. Global products are the leaders among Italian manufacturers.
  2. In second place is Sira Industrie, although it was with them that the production of aluminum radiators began in the country.
  3. The third place of honor is occupied by Fondital.

Any aluminum radiators manufactured by these companies are different high quality, safety and durability of operation and have earned a reputation as expensive but very reliable structures.

Chinese manufacturers

With Chinese manufacturers, everything is somewhat more complicated, since the market is “flooded” with cheap products with extremely low prices. They cannot be included in the rating at all, since these companies save on literally everything in order to make their products cheaper.

If you trust Chinese manufacturers, then only Bilux or Konner. Their products meet all the criteria of quality and safety, as evidenced by the fact that there are enough of them high cost. The location of their main offices plays a significant role here: Bilux is in the UK, and Konner is in Italy.

In order to choose the right aluminum radiators for the heating system, all factors must be taken into account, both technical and price, as well as the country of the manufacturer. By bringing together the parameters, you can have a warm “friend” in your home for many years, creating comfort on cold winter days.

The choice of heating devices for a water system always remains the prerogative of the homeowner, even when the installation is carried out by hired craftsmen. But choosing batteries based on the advice of sellers or reviews of Internet users is not easy - the former often do not understand the topic and repeat advertising slogans, the latter “praise their swamp,” which is understandable. To find out which heating radiators are best to choose for an apartment or private house, we suggest using a simple and understandable algorithm.

Instructions for choosing batteries - a simplified approach

We hope the previous description helped you figure out which heating batteries are best for an apartment in terms of price and technical indicators. Finally, here are some practical tips:

  1. Please use the instructions at the beginning of this publication. Choose radiators that best suit your design and budget.
  2. The operating pressure of the coolant is important only for apartments in high-rise buildings; only bimetallic and aluminum batteries can withstand pressure above 10 bar. Any water heating devices are suitable for dachas and private cottages.
  3. At limited budget Feel free to buy steel panels - in terms of heat transfer they are not inferior to other heaters or convectors.
  4. For a gravity-flow system, you need to take radiators with a large cross-section of internal channels. It is better not to install stamped steel heaters, only tubular ones.
  5. In terms of price-quality ratio and set of operating parameters, the first place is occupied by sectional batteries made of light aluminum alloy.
  6. It is worth paying for bimetal when there is no confidence in the parameters of the coolant - the pressure is unknown, hard water is used.
  7. Try not to purchase frankly cheap radiators made from unknown material in China. They will warm, but probably not for long.

Characteristics of heaters of the same size made from various materials, - comparison table

Conclusion regarding cast iron. Heating radiators of the old type MS-90 and MS-140 are cheap, but they look unsightly. Beautifully designed models are incredibly expensive, and therefore beyond the reach of ordinary homeowners. Cast iron is becoming rare, and the outdated “accordions” of the MC series are becoming a thing of the past.

If your budget allows you to install designer heaters, carefully select each battery according to its dimensions. It is better to place a vertical steel heating radiator in a narrow wall niche; stylish ones under the windows cast iron products. It is advisable to additionally attach heavy floor-standing versions to the wall using a pair of brackets.

Heating radiators: which ones better company

Reviews about heating batteries: which ones are better?

When replacing heating batteries in a house or apartment, buyers are faced with the problem of choice. The variety of types and models of radiators leads to the fact that a person who does not understand them can only trust a sales consultant, who will not always objectively assess the situation and help right choice.

You should start with the type of battery according to the type of material:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.

To make it easier to settle on a certain type of battery for a private house or apartment, and proceed to choosing a model, pay attention to the table below, compiled on the basis of technical characteristics (working pressure, heat transfer, compatibility with the coolant) and price analysis.

Cast iron heating radiators: description and reviews

The main advantages and disadvantages of this type are discussed in our material: “Cast iron radiators: technical characteristics”. Most often they modern models They are used for heating private houses, since their use in apartment buildings is not recommended due to possible pressure drops in the heating system.

Particularly popular design solutions European companies, which are quite expensive, but give the interior a special sophistication. To choose a specific model, you need to analyze its technical data and customer reviews.

Vasily P., Khabarovsk, private house:

The old ones were replaced a year ago cast iron radiators on designer Demrad Retro models from a Turkish company, they had a lot of trouble with the installation, despite the fact that there were three of us doing it. Very heavy, I had to install additional brackets. They look perfect in the interior, but are a little bulky.

Aluminum heating radiators customer reviews

The question of which manufacturers of aluminum batteries are better is still relevant today. Why are these batteries so attractive that consumers strive to quickly replace archaic cast iron radiators with modern aluminum models? There are several reasons identified during the analysis of comments, reviews and notes:

  • attractive appearance (many people replace old cast-iron radiators precisely for this reason, although for this purpose you can use a decorative screen on the battery);
  • high heat transfer;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation of radiators;
  • high reliability.

All of the above qualities may vary significantly depending on the model. To be objective, we will consider consumer reviews of the most popular brands of aluminum batteries to make a choice.

Aluminum radiators reviews about the manufacturer Sira

This Italian company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of aluminum batteries. It has been on the market since 1961 and during this time has produced a wide range of heating devices.

Lena I., Perm, private house:

For many years I looked at my antediluvian batteries with horror, but did not dare to change them. But circumstances forced me to do this: a leak appeared in the cast iron radiators, and it was necessary to urgently look for a replacement. Thanks to reviews on the manufacturer's forum, we chose the best option - Sira Alux.

This is a 100% Italian model and has an impeccable exterior. If previously cast iron radiators were warm, but not hot, then with this battery you even have to reduce the temperature (the possibility is provided).

Maxim K., Moscow, cottage:

To select a radiator for a long time I consulted with specialists from the installation company, their opinion came in handy. On their advice, I turned my attention to the Sira Nik 500 model.

A large intersectional distance ensures good heat transfer, and high-quality casting allows it to withstand a working pressure of 25 atmospheres. In addition, this model is assembled not in Italy, but in China, so such a purchase did not have too much impact on family budget.

Vitaly A., Zlatoust, apartment:

I live in an atypical apartment (Stalinist). For a long time, high window sills did not allow reliably protecting the room from the cold from the window. But my problems were solved by installing a Sira Quarzo radiator. This model, thanks to its high section, fits perfectly under the windowsill.

This model is produced using injection molding technology, which allows the manufacturer to provide a guarantee of 15 years of trouble-free operation. There is no point in talking about impeccable style (this feature is characteristic of almost all Italian models). The only drawback is the high cost.

Aluminum batteries reviews about the company Global

Another Italian company that is considered a leader in the global and, in particular, the Russian market of heating devices is Global. Aluminum radiators from this company are available in two models - Vox and Iseo. The difference between the models is power and price.

Global has the following advantages, which were noted by users in reviews:

  • elegant design;
  • protective fluorine-zirconium coating;
  • withstand coolant pressure of 16 atm.

Ivan, Barnaul, private sector:

I have a solid fuel boiler in my house, and I had to choose radiators. In terms of price, I leaned toward aluminum ones, since their price is much more attractive than bimetallic ones. But there were doubts about normal operation with my boiler. The consultant said that Global batteries are as reliable as cast iron models, and it makes no difference what type of heat generator is used.

In the end, I chose the Global ISeo 500 model. For the second winter now, I forgot what it was like to be cold in the room. The appearance of these models cannot be ignored - it is impeccable.

Daria, Saratov, apartment building:

After purchasing the apartment, the question arose about major renovation, which involves replacing the radiator with a more economical and stylish one. When choosing an aluminum radiator, reviews from friends played a decisive role. One of them had an Italian model Global Vox for several years.

When purchasing directly from the store, the consultant explained that in addition to aesthetic qualities, this model has the best heat transfer coefficient in its class, so it is impossible to freeze with it even in the most cold winter. In fact, we are very pleased with the choice; the apartment has become much warmer and visually more space The batteries look really amazing.

Reviews of Rifar aluminum heating radiators

But don’t think that there is no place for domestic aluminum batteries in the Russian market. The most prominent representative in this segment are Rifar aluminum batteries. They are really very easy to confuse with Italian models: smooth lines And ergonomic design allow you to fit perfectly into the interior of any room.

In addition to attractive appearance Rifar aluminum radiators have impressive characteristics:

  • working pressure up to 20 atmospheres;
  • absence welded elements(during the creation, injection molding technology is used);
  • heat output up to 183 W.

These characteristics allowed to the Russian manufacturer guarantee the buyer 10 years of uninterrupted operation of their devices. But to find out how true the characteristics declared by the Rifar company are, you should read user reviews.

Ivan, Smolensk, private house:

The failure of the old steel radiator due to the lack of a water purification filter (the metal was damaged due to partial corrosion) raised the question of purchasing a new one. I went to the store and the Rifar Alum 500 model immediately caught my eye.

Bimetallic radiators customer reviews

The advantages and disadvantages of this type of battery were discussed in detail in the corresponding material: “Choosing bimetallic radiators.” When choosing elements for heating a house or apartment, radiators play one of the most important roles. The heating efficiency and energy consumption depend on the model, the correctly calculated number of sections and the quality of installation.

Bimetallic heating radiators reviews about the company Rifar

The domestic brand Rifar produces not only aluminum radiators, but also more modern ones - bimetallic ones, and has recently greatly displaced Western companies on the Russian market due to its low cost and excellent quality.

Oleg, Tambov, country house

In my country house The boiler has a high pressure, so when choosing a radiator, aluminum models were immediately excluded from the list (they may not withstand the pressure, and they are too demanding on the quality of the coolant). Therefore, I settled on the Russian model Rifar b 500.

I installed the battery myself according to the instructions. The battery has been installed for two years now, looks great, and you don’t have to worry about its strength; it can withstand up to 30 atmospheres of pressure and a coolant temperature of 135 degrees.

Konstantin, Tomsk, apartment building

I live in corner apartment on the fourth floor, so the heating problem has always been acute. Insulating the walls did not help, since the old cast iron radiators did not heat up well enough. But that was until I was advised to purchase the Rifar base 500 model. This series has a favorable price, and the heat transfer is such that these batteries can heat any room.

On the advice of a consultant, I increased the number of sections due to the freed up space (modern bimetallic models are much smaller in size). After installing these batteries, I even began to notice that the rooms were hot and lowered the temperature. In addition, it is worth noting the impeccable design of the radiators - in this aspect they are in no way inferior to the leading ones foreign analogues.

As you can see, bimetallic radiators from the Rifar company have only positive reviews, as they fully comply with the stated characteristics of the manufacturers.

Which bimetallic heating radiators are better, reviews about the ATM company

A manufacturer of bimetal and aluminum batteries that recently appeared on the market, ATM, is a joint organization of Russia and China. The company uses the latest technologies and the latest alloys for the manufacture of batteries and thanks to this they have only positive reviews.

Oleg P., Khabarovsk, private sector:

It holds pressure perfectly (up to 185 atm), does not make noise when filling, heats up much better, compared to the steel ones I had. Very pleased.

Chinese heating radiators customer reviews

When choosing among the entire battery market, many pay attention to the Chinese manufacturer, but do not dare to purchase without finding reviews about bimetallic heating radiators from Russian users.

Since the companies are just entering the general market, the most complete and useful comments about them will allow you to purchase Chinese batteries without hesitation, while saving three times.

What are the best Chinese bimetallic heating radiators reviews?

Maria, Chelyabinsk, apartment building:

I decided to experiment by buying untested bimetallic batteries I couldn’t find any reviews from Russian buyers. I ordered a Golf radiator from China. These devices are manufactured at the TIANRUN factory, which is located near Shanghai.

The diameter of the vertical tube in my battery is 19 mm, the same figure for leading Italian models does not exceed 15 mm. In a word, contrary to all prejudices, the Chinese radiator has been regularly heating my room for 3 years now.

Dmitry, Moscow, private sector:

I bought a bimetallic Chinese Breeze radiator. This model is in no way inferior in appearance to the famous “Italians”, while in technical aspect even surpasses them. For example, the thickness of vertical collectors is 4 mm. I'm happy with the purchase.

Bottom line

If you have any doubts about which heating batteries are best, reviews from users who have already purchased this or that model will help you decide much better than recommendations from consultants or advertising characteristics of manufacturers.

Focusing on buyers from all over Russia and specific situations, which they used when choosing a radiator, will help you choose a Russian or foreign model, which will look good in the interior of a private home and provide warmth in the cold winter.