How to get rid of dampness in a private home: the best methods of combating it. How to get rid of dampness in an apartment How to get rid of dampness in a house

Dampness in rooms is fraught unpleasant smell, black spots and mold on the walls and in the corners. Wet warm air is an incubator for bacteria and microscopic fungi that cause various life-threatening diseases: tuberculosis, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, skin inflammation and suppuration. Dampness must be removed from the room using various methods.

Isolation of the source of dampness

If dampness comes up the wall from the soil in the form of groundwater, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to dry the room. A similar situation occurs when the foundation is poorly waterproofed. The way out would be drainage system installed on the territory adjacent to the building. If this is not possible, the wet wall is insulated by covering it with a layer of waterproof material:

  • rolled bitumen;
  • mastics;
  • penetrating mixtures based on polyurethane resins.

The latter method is preferable. Under the layer of bitumen, the wall continues to dampen and collapse. Penetrating mixtures penetrate into the pores, making concrete and brick waterproof.

Damp basements

On the first floors there is an increased humidity appears due to flooding of basements premises . The housing office should deal with the elimination of pipe breaks, but the owners of apartments on the lower floors can also take part in improving the microclimate by carrying out additional waterproofing of the floors:

  • floor slabs are cleaned of dirt and loose layers of concrete;
  • seal cracks;
  • level and prime the surface with bitumen or any other moisture-repellent mastic.

The insulation should cover the floor and part of the walls, rising vertically on them by 10-20 cm.

Neutral sealants are easy to use:

  • Penetron – mortar made of cement and quartz sand, which is suitable for waterproofing reinforced concrete and concrete surfaces.
  • Waterplug is a product made from aluminate cement, sand and active chemical additives. Applicable for quick fix leaks in concrete, brick and stone surfaces.

Premises on the ground floors require additional heat sources. They could be:

  • sun rays;
  • split systems;
  • electric floor heating systems;
  • household electric heaters.

Additional sources are used in spring and autumn, since humidity in basements increases sharply at this time of year. Heat quickly drives dampness out of the room.

Drying methods

The fight against dampness is successful when the root cause is eliminated. Air dehumidification will last a long time if you get rid of the source of the problem.

For example, if a wall becomes damp due to defects in the pipes adjacent to it or as a result of careless use of water (flooding), then to eliminate humidity in the room it is enough to restore the integrity and tightness of the water distribution system.

How to maintain normal air humidity in an apartment?

Alpine windows

Apartments on the upper floors most often become damp due to external reasons. Humidity appears as a consequence of insufficient wall insulation, poor-quality processing of interpanel seams, poor roof waterproofing, low Battery efficiency central heating.

Ventilation of apartments located on the fifth floors of Khrushchev-era buildings provides for the supply of fresh air through the cracks in window frames, and then its removal through ventilation shafts. Most residents replace their old ones over time wooden frames on plastic double glazed windows that impede the influx street air. Also, ventilation on the top floors of five-story buildings does not work efficiently enough, since the lower levels “draw” the main air flow in the shafts. As a result, mold in the corners and water on the window sills have become commonplace in apartments located under the roof.

Alpine windows help solve the problem of insufficient ventilation of Khrushchev and other panel houses. Holes for these structures are punched in the outer walls. The valves supply fresh air, which passes through the room and is removed through ventilation shaft, taking away moisture.

Construction of an alpine window

Alpine window - view from the room

Electric dryers

In rooms with poor ventilation, dampness appears even for ordinary household reasons. Daily drying of laundry, a large number of aquariums or plants, frequent cooking or showering can increase the water vapor content in the air to a concentration that is unacceptable for a living space.

For this reason, it is necessary to reconsider everyday life. Linen should be dried not in rooms, but on balconies, verandas, loggias, and attics. A range hood installed above the stove will eliminate fumes rising from boiling pots and kettles. An electric heated towel rail for the bathroom will help combat moisture in this room.

The safest way to eliminate high air humidity in an apartment is not to do it yourself, but to purchase a special dehumidifier with automatic operation. This view climate control technology successfully copes with the elimination of humidity in apartments, quickly regulating the air condition. Household dehumidifiers are economical and compact, operate silently, and are safe to use.

Household electric dehumidifier

The operating principle of the device is as follows:

  • the fan is sucking in room air inside the device;
  • it passes through the evaporator and is cooled below the dew point, while water vapor condenses and flows into the container;
  • the air is passed through the condenser, heated and returned to the room.

It has a higher temperature than the original one, so it is not advisable to use the device in hot weather. In the warm season, another drying method is used - ventilation.


Ventilation in sunny, dry weather helps get rid of minor dampness and is a good prevention of its occurrence. There are sanitary standards carrying out this procedure for various institutions, including preschool and educational institutions.

Residential rooms ventilate before going to bed and after waking up, opening windows or windows for 10-30 minutes. In the bathroom (if it has a window), close the doors first to prevent dampness from spreading to other rooms. The apartment is ventilated after long periods of cooking, showering, and washing. If you are going to dry clothes in a room, the door should be tightly closed and the window should be opened.

Additional heating

Heating devices increase the temperature and dry the air at the same time. This function is performed by central heating batteries. If the power of the radiators is not enough, install additional sources heat. They will reduce the relative humidity. Water vapor will not leave the room without ventilation, but the dampness will become less noticeable.

The following heaters are used for heating with dehumidification:

  • infrared;
  • oil;
  • convector;
  • fan heaters.

There are heating devices, which can actually remove moisture from the air by splitting it into oxygen and hydrogen atoms. In ordinary living conditions it is impossible to achieve such an effect, since a temperature above +2000 degrees Celsius will be required. It is typical for special carbide heating elements. In apartments, cottages and dachas such high temperatures are fire hazardous, so they can only be used in industrial environments.

Traditional methods

In the summer, wallpaper is removed from moldy walls and treated as follows:

  • Dissolve 500 g in 5 liters of water laundry soap.
  • Boil, let cool.
  • Apply the solution evenly to the wall using a brush.
  • Let it dry.
  • Repeat until the solution stops being absorbed.
  • Another composition is prepared - 100 g of alum is diluted in 6 liters of water.
  • Cover the wall once.

There is a way to eliminate dampness in a private home with stove heating. To do this, new bricks are heated and placed on fire-resistant stands near a damp wall. The operation is repeated until the dampness disappears. Bricks stop absorbing moisture after 10-15 heating, then they are replaced with new ones. The old ones are used as fireproof stands. Hot bricks should not be left overnight to avoid fire. There should be no flammable objects near them. The method is not used in houses with wooden walls: made of timber, logs or boards.

Table salt absorbs moisture from the air well. To dry a room, place any open vessel with a substance in a damp corner. From time to time, damp salt is dried in an oven, crushed and used again as a desiccant. Instead, you can use other folk remedies: calcium chloride (they sprinkle it on roads in icy conditions), quicklime, charcoal.

Mold on the wall damp room removed as follows:

  • the surface is well dried;
  • one part of salicylic acid is dissolved in 200 parts of alcohol and diluted with a small amount of water;
  • Apply the mixture to mold spots.

Salicylic acid and alcohol will prevent the fungus from multiplying in the old place, but it may appear on another wall if measures are not taken to drain the entire living space.

The dampness in the house is unbearable - there are ways to eliminate it!

The smell of dampness in an apartment can not only ruin your mood, but also harm your health. In the fight against this scourge, both an integrated approach and a precise understanding of what methods can be used are both important. In this material I will tell you in more detail how to get rid of the smell in the apartment and prevent its further occurrence.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Before you get rid of dampness in your home, you need to clearly understand what its source is. There may be several reasons:

  1. You were recently flooded by your upstairs neighbors. This is one of the most common reasons for the smell of dampness in an apartment, and getting rid of it will not be so easy. A similar situation may arise if you live on the upper floors of a house whose roof has long been in need of repair.

  1. Do you live in an old Khrushchev house on the first floor? Most likely, the unpleasant one spreads from the basement of the house and enters your apartment through cracks in the covering.
  2. The musty smell may be the result of poor insulation. water pipes, on which condensation constantly forms. Carefully check all communications for the need for additional insulation.

  1. The smell of dampness in the house may appear due to poor ventilation. It is quite possible that she simply cannot cope with the steam coming from the kitchen and bathroom. As a result, condensation settles in the corners of the rooms and provokes the formation of mold.
  2. In rare cases, dampness and mold can form due to excessive gardening. If you have a whole greenhouse in your house, and when watering it you forget about ventilation, don’t be surprised at the appearance of an unpleasant aroma.
  3. Have you noticed that your bath towel smells damp? The problem may arise due to the amount of moisture in the bathroom where you shower or dry your bed linen.

Solving the damp problem

The method you use to get rid of mold odor depends on what is causing it. So the first thing you have to do is understand what caused the problem. Below I will talk in more detail about ways to combat the scourge.

After the flood

The most common situation is that you are flooded by careless neighbors. If the flood was severe, then most likely you will have to resort to repairs. In this case, the first thing you need to do is dry the house thoroughly and remove traces of mold on the walls and ceiling. During the repair process, use a primer with special antibacterial additives.

If the flooding turns out to be not on a catastrophic scale, the instructions for action are as follows:

  1. First of all, check the humidity level in the apartment. If it is high, install a heater or dehumidifier in your home, they will help get rid of moisture.
  2. Buy a special aerosol odor absorber.
  3. Dry every item of clothing, shoes and carpet. From upholstered furniture It can also give off an unpleasant aroma, so drying it is definitely worth doing.

  1. Wipe all surfaces with vinegar - it will do a great job of removing mold and unpleasant odors.

In the bathroom

The main cause of unpleasant dampness in the bathroom is poor exhaust hood. You can solve the problem using one of the suggested methods:

  • Install a more powerful exhaust fan.
  • Implement renovation work and carry out a new hood.
  • Place a heated towel rail in the bathroom.

To ensure that the smell of mold leaves your bathroom, resort to bleach - it itself is an excellent assistant in the fight against this muck. Moreover, the price of such a product is affordable for everyone. Treat with bleach or chlorine-containing detergent all surfaces, pay special attention to the joints between tiles.

A steam cleaner, which can be used to clean any surface in the apartment, is no less effective.

In the basement

A damp basement in a house is not an easy problem. Get ready for the fact that you will have to do titanic work.

  • First, inspect all pipes in basement. If they leak, they need to be replaced.
  • Check the waterproofing of the walls and ceiling. If necessary, you can resort to the services of a repair company. If you decide to do everything yourself, then use special solutions and mixtures that help prevent moisture penetration. Follow the instructions on the packaging exactly, otherwise your plaster will be of little use..

In the closet

Getting rid of the smell of dampness in a closet is much easier than in the basement. For this it will be enough:

  • Remove all clothes from the closet and dry them. Hang heavy winter items in the sun and keep them there for two to three days; for light items, a few hours is enough.
  • Wash the cabinet with a vinegar solution or a small amount of bleach. After this, be sure to leave the doors open for a while and all the windows in the room open.

  • Clothes that have mold on them should be dry cleaned immediately.
  • Wash the bed linen, dry it in the sun and iron it through the damp fabric.

Healthy recipes

In this section I will add tips, and you will understand exactly how to get rid of excess moisture in the apartment. I'll suggest a few very effective recipes to create detergent:

  1. As I already said, bleach is enemy number 1 for harmful fungus. Dilute 1 part chlorine bleach to 10 parts water and wipe all infected areas with the resulting solution.

Since the component is very toxic and has a strong odor, cleaning should be done with gloves and a respirator.

  1. Increased humidity leads to the formation of fungus, which undiluted hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with. Apply it to all the black spots on the walls and ceiling, then rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. This recipe is not suitable for painted surfaces, because peroxide can eat away the colors..

  1. Regular table vinegar will help remove the smell. Using a spray bottle, spray it onto the affected areas. Wait just a couple of hours, then rinse these areas with plain water.

As preventive measures repeat the procedure after 10 days. Do not forget to ventilate the room thoroughly to get rid of the characteristic aroma.

  1. Don't know what to do with mold that appears? Use baking soda! Dilute a teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of water, soak a soft sponge in the solution and wipe the problem areas with it. Then treat the surfaces with water.

After this, wipe the walls and ceiling again with soda solution. Remember, you can’t wash off the baking soda a second time – it will prevent mold from forming..

  • Place small containers of salt in corners where there is dampness. Crushed activated carbon tablets, which need to be changed every week, also help equally well.

Instead of a total

I told you how to get rid of humidity in an apartment, the most in effective ways. Hopefully with these tips you can solve the problem in no time. And in order to never resort to extreme measures, try to dry things on the balcony or outside, and constantly ventilate the apartment.

Many more useful information You can learn more about the topic from the video in this article, and for clarification of unclear points, write in the comments. I think your fight against the nasty smell will be short and effective.

There are four main reasons why you need to get rid of humidity in your apartment as soon as possible:

Causes of dampness

Poor ventilation, nearby sources of moisture, savings on heating and improper insulation are the main reasons causing dampness in a private or apartment building.

Insufficient ventilation is the most common cause high humidity air. IN apartment buildings, especially in the old foundation, the installed ventilation shafts and grilles become clogged and overgrown with debris. As a result, air movement stops. The situation is aggravated by plastic windows, especially cheap ones, low quality materials for covering ceilings and walls. In private houses, especially self-built ones, owners sometimes try to save money by using ventilation, believing that there are enough windows and doors. This is wrong!

If the ventilation system cannot cope, it is not necessary to create a draft, especially in winter - this can lead to hypothermia. More expensive, but most practical solution will be forced exhaust ventilation, as well as amplifiers of an existing system, for example, exhaust fans.

Another solution to the problem is to install a recuperator or use a special air dryer. The latter device is indispensable if the cause of dampness is excess moisture (for example, in a bathroom, swimming pool, with an abundance of house flowers).

Source of moisture

Sources of moisture in the apartment:

  • precipitation: rain, melting snow, condensation can enter the apartment through a leaking roof, through wall pores and unsealed seams (especially if the wind, improper roof overhang or defective drainage constantly direct precipitation onto the wall);
  • stagnation of water in the apartment: leaking plumbing equipment, swimming pools, baths, aquariums, including those located on the floor below; the same effect is achieved by running a bath or taking a long shower;
  • the greenhouse effect from poor window ventilation (condensation accumulates on the glass), abundance indoor plants, especially if they need abundant watering;
  • The breathing of people, animals, and plants also increases humidity - usually this factor is not noticeable, but in cramped and / or poorly ventilated rooms it will be noticeable.

Near a private house there may be chambos or septic tanks that saturate the grant with moisture. As a result, the basement becomes very damp and mold develops in it. Another source of moisture in the basement and on the 1st floor is a split blind area (a waterproof covering located around the perimeter of the house). Moisture from the soil and precipitation will seep into the house or basement.

An unheated room is a refuge for dampness. Ideally, the walls of an apartment or house should be heated to at least half their thickness, then the place where condensation forms will go outside (to the street). In frozen walls, the place where condensation forms is shifted to a warm area, and is often even located on the surface of the walls on the residential side. The problem is aggravated by poor ventilation of the premises.

Housing where no people live or which is not heated enough begins to become damp very quickly: the wall decoration is destroyed on average in two seasons. In addition, in addition to natural wear and tear, the structure loses an additional 5% of its strength every year due to dampness.

Advice! Country house, dacha - no seasonal housing should be left without heating. Hire a person or arrange with a neighbor who will periodically monitor this. If you are going away for a couple of weeks, do not close the battery valves.

Improper insulation also causes dampness. The main mistakes are an insufficient layer to provide warmth, and poor materials with zero vapor permeability.

To properly insulate an apartment, you can use one of two options:

  1. The thickness of the polystyrene insulation layer is within 10-15 cm (and this is relevant for any region of the Russian Federation).
  2. Use vapor-permeable material as insulation, for example, ecowool, mineral wool. This will make it possible to ensure that moisture in the walls is removed.

How to remove high humidity

Dealing with moisture will likely require a significant investment of either money, time and patience.

The most reliable methods of dealing with dampness are expensive. However, after the restructuring you will not have to think about drafts or sachets. The methods are expensive, but they pay off with interest:

  1. Replacement of the ventilation system, installation of fans, hoods.
  2. Major repairs, in which old plaster in damp areas is completely removed. After this, the room is dried and the walls are covered with a fresh layer of plaster.
  3. Replacement and repair heating systems and water supply pipes. The task becomes more difficult if these systems are hidden.
  4. Solving problems with the waterproofing properties of the foundation, walls and roof, which is the most labor-intensive and expensive procedure. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope here on your own, without the involvement of specialists.

Available and simple ways reduce indoor humidity:

  1. When the weather is dry and warm outside, you should ventilate the room more often by opening the windows.
  2. The bathroom needs especially frequent ventilation; the hood in this room requires regular cleaning.
  3. You should not dry clothes in the room, as this will significantly increase air humidity. This is only permissible in winter, when the air is dried out by the heating system and needs to be humidified. In summer, it is better to dry clothes on the balcony or street.
  4. When cooking, pots with boiling water must be covered with lids. It is also recommended to close the doors to the kitchen, this will serve as an obstacle to the spread of steam throughout the rooms in the apartment. Open the windows for slot ventilation in winter or full ventilation in summer, do not forget to turn on the hood. Try not to let the pans steam too much (reduce heat).
  5. Reducing the number of indoor plants will help to slightly reduce the humidity in the room.
  6. A special air dryer (compressor or adsorption) will eliminate high humidity in a separate room.

Advice! Regularly ventilating the room, regardless of the time of year, will allow you to install plastic windows that are equipped with a “micro-ventilation” function.

High humidity is removed if the room is constantly heated at the same temperature.

How to remove damp smell

Often high humidity accompanied by a characteristic smell of dampness. Its cause is a fungus, therefore, in order to eliminate the problem, the infection must be destroyed. Thoroughly wash away mold stains; if it has become deeply embedded, replace the coating (down to the layer of plaster), if possible. Then treat with a disinfectant compound, and then with a protective one. Products must be labeled “antifungal” or “fungicide.”

To prevent mold from growing again, in addition to treating with protective drugs, you will need in warm, dry weather:

  • arrange a draft in the apartment, which will ensure good ventilation;
  • hang carpets, bed linen, curtains, clothes outside to dry and disinfect under the sun's rays.

Advice! In winter, heaters, household dehumidifiers, and air conditioners that are equipped with a heating function will allow you to dry the room.

Folk remedies for dampness in the apartment

Folk recipes also help to dry the air in the apartment:

  1. With the onset of summer, in warm weather, it is recommended to treat walls that are not wallpapered and covered with mold with the following composition: dissolve half a kilogram of laundry soap in five liters of water, then boil the mixture. Cooled down soap solution Cover the wall evenly with a brush and let dry. Repeat the treatment several times. There should be marks on the wall soap suds. After this, apply another composition consisting of 100 grams of alum diluted in six liters of water.
  2. Calcium chloride absorbs moisture excellently. Place containers with this substance in damp areas of the room. The advantage of calcium chloride is its reusability. It is enough to dry it (for example, in an oven). Be sure to crush calcium chloride before use.
  3. Treatment with a mixture of salicylic acid and alcohol will help eliminate mold and prevent the spread of dampness. Dry the walls thoroughly. After this, combine one part salicylic acid and two hundred (200) parts alcohol. Dilute the mixture with a small amount clean water. Lubricate the black mold spots with the resulting product.

Advice! Replace calcium chloride with charcoal or quicklime.

  1. Use a hydrometer. IN warm time year, the optimal humidity will be from 30 to 60%, maximum - 65. At the end of autumn, in winter, early spring Humidity should vary between 30-45% and not exceed 60.
  2. Provide access to the sun's rays.
  3. Ventilate the apartment; this must be done systematically and efficiently.
  4. Seal cracks in walls and floors.
  5. Provide high-quality waterproofing.
  6. Use fans, including exhaust fans, in the kitchen and bathroom. Check your traction periodically ventilation system. Check the condition of the plumbing equipment, and special attention Pay attention to the pipe connections.
  7. Systematically inspect the seal for plastic windows, promptly replace with a new one.
  8. Doing major renovation, use building materials on mineral based. This will make it possible to effectively regulate the humidity in an apartment or private house.

You can eliminate dampness in your apartment with simple and accessible ways. Wall treatment special compounds will destroy mold and prevent its reappearance. Systematic prevention will protect against increased humidity and fungus formation.

Excessive dampness often becomes a diagnosis of private houses, city high-rises and dachas. In the cold season, it manifests itself as mold on the walls and windows. Many owners begin and end the fight only with the fungus, because it has a sharply negative effect on the health of the residents. In this case, the root cause - high humidity - is ignored, so the mold soon returns. Only an analysis of the situation and an integrated approach will help you get rid of dampness.

Causes of high humidity

There are several hundred types of household mold in nature. Main factor their appearance in a living room is due to excessive dampness. The fungus forms in places with poor ventilation on surfaces prone to sudden temperature changes. In other words, if there is a cold wall in your house, a dark coating will appear in poorly ventilated corners as soon as you turn on the heating system.

In high-rise buildings, mold can occur due to global disturbances in the air circulation system. Check your cravings ventilation ducts by using an ordinary match. Its weakening or cessation occurs for the following reasons:

  • mistakes made by builders even at the stage of building a house;
  • illegal interference in the integrity of the channels of your vertical neighbors;
  • failure of parts of the system due to the old age of the house.

Fungal plaque appears due to dampness

It is difficult to eliminate ventilation in a high-rise building. Building management companies, as a rule, do this only if a global restructuring or reconstruction of the building is planned. You'll have to hope for folk remedies eliminating dampness in the room. In the private sector, such problems are relatively easier to solve, because everything depends only on the owner.

Attention! On the first floors of apartment buildings or in private houses, dampness may appear due to flooding of the basement by a burst of water supply, groundwater or poor thermal insulation between the wall and the foundation. Mold forms at the bottom of the wall.

Step 1. Fight against fungal plaque

To get rid of dampness, first of all you need to identify and eliminate all fungal plaque on the walls. Delay can cause the development of diseases. Fungal spores enter the lungs with air and disrupt the functioning of the respiratory system. Dampness and mold can cause acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis. In addition, it suppresses the immune system. For residents of the house, especially children and the elderly, this manifests itself in a deterioration in health, allergic reactions and exacerbation of all kinds of ailments.

Attention! The dark coating that appears due to dampness may not be immediately visible. But a strong musty smell will immediately give away the problem.

During the cleaning process, it is important not only to clean, but also to disinfect all surfaces where there is fungus. Use any suitable means:

  • chlorine bleach and other chemicals;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • tea tree oil, etc.

Attention! Wear gloves and a mask when working with any type of cleaning agent against dampness and fungus.

It is important that close contact does not introduce large quantities of spores into your respiratory tract. When using special store-bought products, never mix one with the other. This may cause chemical reaction with dangerous consequences for you. The video will help you understand in more detail how to combat mold and dampness.

If mold has extensively covered the surface of the wallpaper, get ready to rip it off the wall. The mycelium of the fungus is located under the paper layer. There are no means to kill it without damaging the wallpaper itself. In this case, the plaster will probably also have to be removed. First, thoroughly clean the surface of fungus, and then treat it with an antiseptic. For example, aqueous solution office glue (1:4) or urea. Before any further work To get rid of dampness, the wall section must dry completely.

Advice. For the disinfectant to work effectively, heat the cleaned walls to +50 °C.

Step 2. Finding and eliminating the root cause of dampness

Diagnosing the problem is the key to getting rid of dampness. Take the glass, press it against the wall and fix it in this position. After 2-3 hours, remove and check the surface:

  • dry - source of indoor humidity;
  • damp - dampness penetrates from outside.

In the second case it is easier to understand. Your task is to reduce the temperature difference from which the walls suffer due to dampness. There are two ways to do this. It's better to use them in combination.

  1. Thermal insulation of the wall. Cover it with breathable insulating material. Today many people choose external insulation, but experts advise first of all to carry out work inside.
  2. Check and, if necessary, upgrade the heating system. Perhaps it is cluttered or not powerful enough to warm up and protect certain corners of the house from dampness.

Advice. Often, large-sized furniture becomes the cause of the formation of harmful plaque if it interferes with the normal ventilation of the wall adjacent to the street. Do some rearranging.

Traditional methods to get rid of dampness due to poor ventilation:

  1. Place bags of sugar or salt.
  2. Place small containers of potassium chloride in the corners.
  3. Heat the bricks and lean them against the wall. Repeat until the surface is free of dampness. Use 1 brick no more than 3-4 times, then it should dry.
  4. Treat the wall in 2-3 layers with a decoction of laundry soap (100 g/l, bring to a boil and cool). After drying, apply the following solution with a brush: 100 g of alum per 6 liters of water.

Attention! Do not use sprays or other antifungal agents, and use air conditioning to dry the house.

You can get rid of dampness only by accurately determining its cause. When you eliminate the fungus and moisture, do not forget about further prevention.

How to deal with dampness in a room: video

But is the problem of dampness bothering you? Very often, residents of houses are faced with unpleasant problem mold on the walls and in the corners where they meet the ceiling. And they don’t know how to deal with dampness in the house. Mold destroys buildings, damages furniture, causes a number of diseases and creates an unpleasant odor.


Dampness in the house

If the causes of dampness are not eliminated. Wallpaper for walls, floor coverings and others building materials will become unusable very quickly. There can be no talk of any design or interior.
This problem needs to be solved radically, first by identifying the cause of dampness in the room. Its sources may be: water seepage from the street, poor ventilation of the room, or private work with water: washing clothes, washing dishes.

To accurately determine the cause of dampness, you can conduct an experiment. Securely attach a small piece of plastic to the wall and after two weeks you will see the result when you remove the plate. If dampness has formed on the wall, then it comes from the street, but if the place under the plate remains dry, then the reason is the increased humidity in the air in the room itself.

These include: water leakage from the upper floors, uninsulated pipes with cold and hot water, flooded basement, non-functional ventilation shaft, remodeling of kitchens on the upper floors, when kitchen appliances built into the ventilation shaft, thereby blocking the passage of air and its circulation.

If you are concerned about these reasons, be sure to contact the service with which you have an agreement to provide utilities. Specialists will install the real reason occurrence of dampness.

How to deal with dampness in the house, several options for solving the problem
If there are leaks on the ceiling, then the reason for this is water leaking from the upper floors. If water appears on the floor, the reason is due to a flooded basement or natural seepage of water from the ground. This reason can be eliminated using sealed material which is called " liquid glass", adding shine to the floor covering.
You can also eliminate the cause with cheaper materials, using cement mortar, which is applied on the outside of the building.

More effective way- This is the drainage of water from the foundation of a building. If condensation appears on the pipes, they are either replaced with polyurethane ones, or wrapped in glass wool or other heat-insulating material. The most serious problem humidity in the room - when the seams are poorly sealed and air moves between the walls. In this case, the building is thermally protected with outside.

If water seeps out of the ground naturally, then water-repellent paint or an emulsion with bitumen is applied to the outside of the wall. The coating layer must be at least 50 mm. First apply cement mortar with sand from bottom to top, and after drying, apply water-repellent paint.

A serious danger can be caused by cracks on the wall, which can form from subsidence of the house, pressure from tree roots and water. To eliminate this cause, you need to use a chisel to widen the crack to 1 cm, clean off the concrete chips and fill the gap with water-repellent mastic, while not forgetting to cover the adjacent surface near the crack. Putty with epoxy materials is applied on top.
To avoid being useless and the money spent on building materials not being thrown away, you need to solve the problem of dampness in advance.

After eliminating the causes of dampness, be sure to disinfect the room and ventilate well. If the work was carried out efficiently, then you will forever get rid of dampness and mold in the room!