How to wallpaper in a corner. How to glue non-woven wallpaper in corners - step-by-step instructions. How to glue wallpaper to an inner corner

Modern wallpaper I can’t even call it a cheap finishing material - vinyl, non-woven, vinyl on a non-woven basis, textured and paintable... You will admire the result of wall covering for the next 5-10 years. Most often, problems arise with how to glue wallpaper in the corners. Let's figure it out together.

Types of wallpaper - choosing the latest materials

Paper wallpaper is an eternal renovation classic. Their unfading popularity is due to two factors - low cost and wide range. However, it should be understood that rolls of paper, no matter how beautifully decorated they are, remain a very short-lived material, and there is no point in gluing them in the hope of a long service life.

In just a year or two they will lose their former attractiveness, and if there are small children or animals in the house, this process can speed up significantly. However, this minus can be used to your advantage in cases where you need to make an easy cosmetic repairs V rented apartment, or when you like to experiment with the interior.

Vinyl wallpaper on paper based– a more durable finishing option. The front side, which bears the bulk of all operational loads, in this case is performed by a layer of polyvinyl chloride. And he has a lot of positive qualities:

  • it can be washed repeatedly, even with the use of detergents;
  • foamed vinyl up to 10 times;
  • vinyl does not fade, does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • the decorative effect in the case of silk-screen printing or thick wallpaper (varieties of vinyl) is comparable to the most expensive finishing materials.

Paper-based vinyl wallpaper lasts much longer. Among the disadvantages, you should remember the airtightness of vinyl, however, if you wish, you can find more on the market modern varieties finishes that do not have this problem. Paper-based vinyl rolls are glued in the same way as regular ones. paper wallpaper, so for most it will not be difficult to glue the canvases without special preparation.

Just keep in mind that the vinyl layer significantly increases the weight of the canvas, therefore, ordinary wallpaper glue will not work here; you need glue for heavy wallpaper.

The fact is that the glue is applied only to the wall. There is no need to apply it to the canvases and wait for them to absorb it and swell. To ensure perfect joints, very careful marking is required. Non-woven wallpaper - another type finishing material, made only from non-woven fabric. Wallpaper may have a textured pattern, but, as a rule, it is a smooth canvas with interesting drawings. They are glued in the same way as the previous version.

Where to start gluing - do we do it the old fashioned way?

Traditionally, the most difficult places in the gluing process are the corners. In most cases, they are far from ideal, therefore, if you start gluing from the corner of the canvas joint to joint, you can get a significant vertical distortion. Many people mistakenly believe that distortions can be avoided if windows or doors are taken as the starting point for gluing the walls, they say, they are probably perpendicular to the floor.

However, this is not always the case - you can check window and door frames for errors using the most ordinary plumb line. It is quite possible that you will be surprised how you ever got along with such a curvature. The tradition of gluing from the window began, first of all, because of the need to glue paper wallpaper overlapping. If you glue them clockwise from the window, the joints will not be so noticeable. However, in the case of vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, this is absolutely not necessary.

Ideally, if at least one corner is level, you can start from there. But it is best to make careful markings along the perimeter of the walls, focusing on the plumb line. In this case, you will see the overall picture in advance, and the curvature of the corners will not be so noticeable against the background of perfectly vertical canvases. If you make markings and glue wallpaper on a non-woven backing, then it makes absolutely no difference where you start - from the window or from the middle of the wall.

How to glue wallpaper in corners - be patient!

The first rule for perfect gluing in corners is not to glue the whole canvas into a corner. In most cases, this is fraught with inconsistency with the next canvas and the formation of folds. If you have chosen an expensive type of finishing, for example, vinyl wallpaper type silk-screen printing with a complex pattern, it is best to pre-align the corners with plaster or putty, depending on what kind of unevenness we are talking about.

If the deviations are not so noticeable, then minor irregularities can be hidden using overlaps. To begin with, we glue the canvas onto one of the walls, which abuts the corner, so that it extends onto the adjacent plane by a maximum of 4 cm. Please note that the corner should be very carefully coated with glue so that the canvas has maximum adhesion to the surface. Using a spatula or the blunt side of a knife, carefully press the sheet in the corner - act carefully so as not to tear the sheet. Then using rubber roller or sponges to get rid of air bubbles.

The next important step is gluing the canvas to the adjacent wall. To begin, take the measurements again - you need to ensure that the edge of the new canvas closest to the corner overlaps the one already glued by 2-3 cm, while the edge farthest from the corner fits flush with the new one.

Then, using a plumb line, we determine the vertical line that runs in the overlap area from top to bottom. Carefully mark it with a pencil and, using a ruler and a sharp knife, cut through two layers of wallpaper at the same time. The excess top fabric will fall off on its own, but remove the remaining bottom fabric by slightly bending it top layer. Reapply glue to the bent edge and press it firmly against the wall. If you did everything correctly, the result will please you.

How to glue wallpaper on the outer corner - subtleties and nuances

With the help of overlap, the problem with gluing external corners is also solved. Only the process looks a little different. The first canvas is glued so that one edge wraps around the corner a few centimeters. During the alignment process, it is likely that you will have to make several cuts to avoid wrinkles. Press the material firmly onto the base using a sponge or spatula and allow time for the glue to harden slightly. Then cut the strip folded at the corner so that only a thin edge remains, no more than 1 cm.

Before you begin gluing the second canvas, take measurements using a plumb line to determine the edge farthest from the corner. Focusing on it, we glue the second canvas so that there is an overlap of no more than 5 mm in the edge closest to the corner. This way you will get an invisible joint of the canvases.

When finishing main problem may become uneven walls and the resulting folds in the wallpaper. You also need to take into account that with curved walls, the joints of the wallpaper may diverge.

How to glue an external corner (external)?

The protruding corner must be pasted over in the same way as the internal one, however, there are small differences that also need to be taken into account when working.

What to do if the corners are uneven?

Uneven walls common problem old houses. Before you start gluing finishing coat, it is advisable to carry out preparatory work and put the surfaces in order. If the corners are visually smooth and do not require overhaul, it will be enough to walk with a hard cloth, removing small irregularities and dust. If the unevenness is noticeable to the naked eye, then it is better to do a little work before you start gluing the wallpaper.

Features of gluing meter wallpaper

Wide canvases are convenient because they allow finishing with fewer seams on the surface. Gluing them is more difficult, but the result is worth it.

How to join in corners?

It would seem that such a trifle as gluing corners in a room can completely ruin the entire job if done incorrectly. And if the wallpaper also has a pattern that needs to be adjusted, then you should approach the finishing responsibly.

How to adjust the pattern in the corners?

It is important that the pattern is continuous and even around the entire perimeter of the room. To do this, you need to correctly combine the pattern and trim off the excess.

  1. The strips are also glued overlapping. An allowance is left on both walls.
  2. Using a plastic spatula, press the wallpaper to the corner.
  3. After gluing the second sheet, the wallpaper is trimmed according to the pattern. This method applies to wallpaper with small patterns. Larger designs may require trimming along the edges.

Before gluing, you must first prepare the material for work by spreading the coating on the floor and studying the pattern. The segments are cut off after selecting the pattern in height.

Features of trimming wallpaper in corners

In order to get a perfectly even seam in the corner, you need to properly trim the excess.

  1. After the wallpaper is pasted to the wall, a straight metal ruler is applied, it can also be a spatula or a rule. You can use a level to keep the cutting line straight.
  2. Using a sharp utility knife, cut off the excess along the edge of the ruler, after which the top layer of wallpaper will come off.
  3. Carefully pry up the bottom layer of wallpaper and remove it in the same way.
  4. The canvases are coated with glue and pressed tightly to the corner. As a result, the coating fits tightly against each other.

Gluing wallpaper in corners is not that difficult, but it requires special care and precision. Today there is a finishing method that allows you to do the job without any joints at all, namely liquid wallpaper. They are applied in an even layer and do not require such difficulties as adjusting the pattern, width, accuracy in rounded places and other nuances.

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Wall decoration is an integral part of apartment renovation. Of the many options, probably the most famous and popular material for wall decoration is wallpaper. Huge selection textures and designs, affordable price and the excellent ability to radically refresh a room - these are the main advantages of this material, which have captivated owners of apartments and houses for decades.

Another advantage of choosing wallpaper is the ability to do simple work yourself, saving money and enjoying the result. However, the surface of the walls is uneven and many are stopped by the question: how to glue wallpaper in the corners?

Pasted canvases repeat the unevenness of the walls, hiding some of them. But on the corners it happens differently. Even non-woven wallpaper, which easily stretches like fabric, when dried on uneven corners wrinkles, folds and distortions appear. Later they come off in these places. To prevent this from happening, you should know how to glue them correctly.

Preparing wall corners


Even if the walls are plastered according to the beacons and well-puttyed, this does not mean that everything is in order with the corners. Small depressions and grooves are unacceptable; they are filled with putty. Ideally, when puttying and subsequent sanding, the inner corner is given a minimum radius of curvature.

This will allow you to completely remove excess glue and air when gluing. In preparation external corner It is necessary to use a perforated corner. This will help create straight lines and properly wallpaper, and will protect against the collapse of the plaster during light impacts, which happen, for example, when furniture is moved.

When applying primer to walls, use a roller. Use a brush to thoroughly prime the corners. Choose the order in which you will paste the sheets and decide where to start. It may be more convenient to start from the edge of the window or doorway. To start, choose a wall with a less noticeable corner, such as where a cabinet will sit.

Take in your hands a narrow strip of wallpaper, cut to width from a roll. Walk with it along the selected wall, trying out options for the arrangement of sheets. When choosing an option for how to properly wallpaper corners, strictly follow the rules:

  • sheet joints in the corners are unacceptable;
  • no matter how smooth the corner may seem, do not plan to cover it with a single sheet;
  • Instead of an overlapped sticker, use an overlapped sticker followed by a double cut.

Shifting the starting point, select such a position on the wall for the first panel so that corner walls accounted for approximately the middle part of the next panel. Using a plumb line and a sharp pencil, mark a vertical line on the wall. It is not necessary to draw a solid line, which may later become noticeable.

You can make barely noticeable centimeter-long marks every 20–30 cm and draw a line not from the very joint, but, say, one centimeter to the left or right, so that this line is subsequently closed. Such an inconspicuous line will serve as a reliable guide and will not appear later at the junction itself, as sometimes happens.

Gluing the first panels

Let us recall the sequence of the stickers:

  • Open the wallpaper with or without a selection of patterns (according to the instructions on the roll).
  • Apply glue to the walls, canvas or walls and canvas (according to the instructions).
  • If the canvas is glued, fold it so that the glue does not dry out prematurely.
  • Glue the canvas onto the wall from the ceiling downwards, aligning it with the vertical mark or with the extreme edge of the already pasted canvas, aligning the pattern.
  • Carefully remove any remaining air with a roller or brush, smoothing from the center to the edges.
  • Using a wide spatula and a utility knife, trim the top and bottom of the panel, smooth it again with a roller, apply glue if necessary, and smooth it again.



How to wallpaper: inner corners

  1. We cut out a strip from a single piece of cloth, 5 centimeters wide greater than the distance from the last piece to the corner (we measure at the ceiling, in the middle and at the floor, take the largest), the remaining piece will be glued after the first.
  2. Apply glue (according to the instructions for the wallpaper) and paste the prepared canvas, smoothing it with a roller or brush, first on the wall, then in the corner and then the strip on next wall, removing excess glue and air.
  3. In places where the wallpaper wrinkles noticeably, we make horizontal cuts 5–10 cm apart.
  4. Using a plumb line, we draw a vertical line for gluing the remaining piece of canvas so that it overlaps 2 cm onto the previous canvas in its narrowest part.
  5. We coat and glue the remaining canvas, aligning the smooth edge with the applied vertical line, smoothing to remove any remaining glue and air.
  6. We prepare the knife; to do this, before each cut, we break off the tip of the knife according to the marks on the blade.
  7. Using a knife and a wide spatula, we cut without tearing, in one step, both layers of the canvas so that the cut passes a centimeter from the edge of the second strip.
  8. We remove the cut excess, if necessary, bend the edges and add glue, roll it with a roller.

After double trimming, an invisible joint remains. If you don't succeed the first time, remove the pasted strips and repeat with great diligence. It will definitely work out, and you will know how to properly hang wallpaper in the corners.


Pasting the outer corners of the room is carried out in the same order and in compliance with the same rules: we mark it so that there are no joints and do not try to paste it with a solid canvas.

After gluing the first corner piece of canvas, the wrapped part of the wallpaper should be at least 5 cm. Apply glue to the next canvas according to the markings so that the overlap in the narrowest part is at least 2 centimeters. Save

Useful advice from experts

  • If you find an air bubble and it does not smooth out, pierce it, remove the air, pour in a little glue with a syringe and smooth it with a roller.
  • Sometimes when trimming from above, below or at the window and door opening, the wallpaper gets chewed. Let them dry a little and repeat the cutting. Perhaps the knife has become dull and it's time to change the blade.
  • Do not allow drafts in the room, this can lead to premature uneven drying and peeling of the canvases.
  • De-energize the sockets and switches in the room in advance and remove their frames. You can return it to its place immediately after pasting.
  • When gluing to problem areas, add 10% PVA glue to water when preparing the glue.
  • If old wallpaper is difficult to remove, wet it with a primer using paint roller. Remove immediately before the primer dries.

Video: how to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room

In the manufacture of non-woven wallpaper, non-woven cellulose is used.

The advantages of the material are easy wet maintenance, hiding the unevenness of wall panels, attractiveness and fairly simple gluing.

Thanks to the obedience and non-pulling of the material, even gluing in the corners takes place without the formation of “bubbles”.

Difference from other species

This type of trim is made not from paper, but from non-woven fabric. This is a non-woven gasket material based on cellulose fibers. These cellulose fibers can be sized or not, modified or not.

There is a purely non-woven version using up to 70% long cellulose fibers and special additives.

Pros: air and vapor permeability of the material, smoothing of wall irregularities and reinforcement of microcracks.

Pasting is carried out without bubbles, without longitudinal and transverse shrinkage.

There is an option with a non-woven base instead of paper. They are classified as vinyl. The surface of such material can be smooth, foamed and embossed, ready for painting.

The downside is the airtightness of the material. Pros: leveling and reinforcing effect, possibility of wet cleaning using detergents.

If you want to update the finish, the top layer of material is removed from the wall, and the non-woven base remains, acting as a reinforced base for new wallpaper.

Features of pasting

This material is considered quite “obedient” and, following the step-by-step instructions, there will be no problems when gluing large strips of canvas and how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners.

For this type of finishing, special glue is sold, and the walls are pre-primed for better styling material onto the surface of the wall panels.

Technological difference this process is the absence of the need to smear the canvases themselves. Only wall ceilings are treated with adhesive.

The material is cut taking into account the pattern and with an upper and lower allowance of 1.5-2 cm to the length of the blade.

Pasting is done end-to-end according to the markings. The glued canvases are leveled with a roller to allow air and excess glue to escape from under the canvases to the seam.

The glue is removed with a damp sponge to maintain aesthetics. appearance finishing.


  • For evenness of pasting, a plumb line or building level;
  • Long tape measure from 3 m;
  • For smoothing, use a roller with long pile material;
  • Brush and plastic spatula;
  • Sharp knife, pencil and mesh;
  • Containers for adhesive and water;
  • Narrow metal spatula;
  • Sponge.

Work progress

Technically, gluing wall panels with non-woven fabrics is carried out in 3 stages: preparatory work and marking the walls; cutting wallpaper; the direct process of gluing them.

Gluing overlapping wallpaper is done starting from wall panel perpendicular to the window and moving deeper into the room. Light from the window will help smooth out the seams. But the non-woven version is only glued end-to-end.

The quality of the edge edges of the wallpaper strips allows for pasting without visualizing the joints. For the success of the pasting process, it is better to start from the corner of the room.


Having chosen the angle for starting work, measure 1 m from it, for meter wallpaper, on adjacent walls. Standard width 0.53 m or 1.06 m. 0.06 m will be used for corner overlap.

For pasting wide wallpaper wall panels must be absolutely flat.

Having measured 1 m from all corners of the room with a plumb line or level, draw a vertical line on the meter marking.

You can use strokes in increments of 40 cm.

Cutting the canvases

The volume of all canvases is prepared immediately, taking into account the fit according to the drawing. Plain fabrics are easier to cut and there is so much finishing material left over.

The strips are cut so that when they are combined, there is no need to re-glue the individual strips on top or bottom.

For the cutting process, polyethylene is spread on the floor, on top of which a wallpaper roll is rolled out face down.

The 1st strip is cut along the length of the walls + 10 cm for allowances. A notch is made with a knife along which the canvas is bent: the edge of the bent strip must coincide with the edge of the main canvas. An angle of 90° is formed and the wallpaper is cut along the fold.

Rolling out the next canvas begins from the same place, observing the cutting direction.

It is necessary to check the compatibility of the pattern and mark the top of each strip, which is rolled into rolls facing inward from bottom to top.

Pasting internal corners

You cannot cover a corner with a single piece of cloth. Steps:

Measure the distance from the edge of the last strip to the corner with an extra 5 cm.

If the angle is crooked, measurements are taken at 3 points: bottom, middle and top of the wall panel. For calculations, the largest value is taken.

The wall surface and corner are carefully coated with glue. After gluing the strip, it is carefully smoothed in the corner opening and on the next wall.

When the wallpaper wrinkles, horizontal cuts are made in increments of 5-10 cm.

The curvature of the corner opening can affect the uneven width of the wallpaper overlaps. Therefore, in the narrowest place, markings are made with an indentation of 1 cm from the edge of the strip towards the corner.

From this point, the distance in the width of the material is measured and a vertical line is drawn with a plumb line. The next strip will go from this place. Gluing is done overlapping.

The seam of the glued strips is trimmed at the same time to avoid discrepancies in the cut line. Excess wallpaper is removed.

External corners

The distance to the corner protrusion from the last strip is measured and the next one is prepared so that it wraps around the corner up to 5 cm.

From the nearest turning point to the corner, the distance for the next strip is measured in the width of the material minus 1 cm.

Pasting is done with an overlap on the turn. Then the seam is trimmed and excess is removed.

If the outer corner protrusion is even, you can try gluing it with a solid canvas. The discrepancy is no more than 0.2-0.4 cm.

Renovating an apartment or house is a very complex and time-consuming process. And if workers do it for you, it is also expensive, since the price for the services of craftsmen is often the same as the cost of the material. Therefore, if you are at least some part repair work If you do it yourself, you can save a lot. Many people successfully hang wallpaper on their own, and find nothing difficult about it other than gluing wallpaper in the corners.

Wallpapering the corners - responsible and important stage work

Even in very nice apartments there are bad angles. Not good because they are not perfectly even. What do the experts advise?

When gluing the outer corner, you need to ensure that the strip fits snugly against the wall.

Never glue an entire strip of wallpaper. If the angle is uneven, the strip will lie in folds and will not meet the other strip. Leave a protrusion of 1.5-2 cm around the corner, then the strip will lie against the wall. Be sure to use a plumb line if you are gluing thick wallpaper. Glue the piece with a slight overlap onto the adjacent wall so that it is as vertical as possible.

If there are switches or sockets close to the corner, you must first remove the covers, remembering to turn off the electricity in advance. Glue the fabric onto the sockets and switches, then make cuts on the wallpaper and cut the circle slightly smaller than the size of the casing. After this, return the covers to their place.

When gluing a wall near a door, it is better to approach the doors from both sides. The strip of wallpaper that spans the door should be cut vertically to the beginning of the frame. It is attached along the edge of the wall. The lip should be trimmed and fit over the door frame.

How to properly glue wallpaper in corners: step-by-step instructions

  • Step 1: Preparing the Corner

This step is performed long before the actual wallpapering at the stage of wall putty. The corners of the room should be equipped with special plastic corners. They are attached to the walls with putty and must be fastened very securely. After this, you can move on to decorating the corners of the room.

Don't cover all the corners at once. Having chosen the corner from which you will start, prepare a strip of wallpaper of the required length. Coat the area with wallpaper glue along the width of the cut strip (plus 3-5 cm), do not forget to apply glue to the plastic corner as well. When a section of the wall and a corner have been treated with glue, attach the wallpaper there. If you started gluing from left to right, you need to attach the left side to inside angle so that the strip is positioned perfectly even along its entire length.

  • Step 3: leveling the wallpaper

Level the wallpaper well in the corners to visually hide existing defects

The wallpaper is rolled out with a special roller or spatula. After this, the next section of the wall is covered with glue, and the wallpaper is glued to the next corner. How to glue the closing corner? The last strip of wallpaper should have a new strip associated with it. Roll the glue towards the corner, and when the wallpaper is glued to the inside of the corner, cut off the excess area along internal line corner with a stationery knife.

    How to glue non-woven wallpaper in corners

Non-woven fabric is a special material that consists of cellulose and non-woven fibers. This is wallpaper that is intended for painting, since its outer layer is not resistant to mechanical damage. Gluing non-woven wallpaper in the corners is much easier than any other wallpaper, since the glue is applied only to the wall, and the dry wallpaper is attached to it. Pre-decorating the corner of the room plastic corner, stick it in the same way as described above.

How to hang wallpaper with a pattern in the corners

With a clear geometric pattern on the wallpaper, distortion must be minimized

If the pattern on the wallpaper has vertical lines, its distortion will be especially noticeable in the corners of the room. And if the pattern is horizontal, it will be skewed in relation to the ceiling and baseboards. How to avoid such troubles? It's simple. Firstly, do not forget to make a slight overlap on the adjacent wall, and secondly, hide the existing joint at the top of the corner. Thirdly, try to paste wallpaper in the corners of the room so that the smooth edge lies exactly along the vertical line you drew (plumb line). In this case, the other edge is trimmed along the edge of the corner.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid a shift in the pattern - a slight shift will most likely remain. But this is a drawback that only you will know about. After all, to detect it, you need to carefully study the corners of the room. If you follow all the rules, the wallpaper will lie vertically on adjacent wall, which means that the distortion of the picture will not be noticeable.