Deren shrub: types, planting, care. Top tips for caring for and planting variegated turf

Variegated dogwood, or svidina, is found everywhere in parks, gardens and where green hedges are built. Shrubs often “participate” in landscape design. He attracts beautiful leaves and dense crown. In addition, this plant is frost-resistant, therefore it does not require special shelter. winter time. It is these qualities that attract gardeners to it, so this article discusses the description of the plant, rules of care, planting and pruning, as well as issues of its propagation.


Variegated dogwood is classified as an ornamental shrub crop with spreading branches. It reaches a height of no more than three meters, and spreads its crown to the sides by the same amount.

The branches have a brown-red or coral-red bark. The stems of the branches are very strong and have a strong tissue structure. The bright green leaves are edged with white or yellow, which makes it stand out from other shrubs, making it variegated and beautiful.

Variegated derain blooms in May-June. The flowers are white or pinkish, collected in umbellate inflorescences 5-10 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are not very bright, but when there are a lot of them, the bush looks quite attractive. In addition, the plant blooms much longer than other varieties of turf.

At the end of flowering, inedible blue-white or blue-black berries appear on the branches. They are balls and look quite picturesque among the foliage.


To plant variegated turf in your garden, you need to know its characteristics. He feels great in a illuminated area. It can also grow in the shade, but in this case the leaves lose their brightness. The plant does not like the proximity of conifers and other shrubs.

It is best to plant this variety of turf in the spring months, when frost is no longer expected. The soil should warm up to 10 degrees. You should choose a bush that is at least four years old. Then the young bush quickly adapts to its place of growth and prepares for winter frosts. Transplanting adult bushes is stressful for them.

For a plant such as variegated dogwood, planting and care is not burdensome. It does not differ in anything special from the planting of many other shrubs. Like any other plant, it is planted in a prepared hole, where fertilizers or compost mixture are added.

Important to know: if the area is swampy or nearby groundwater, it is necessary to carry out drainage work.


Caring for the plant is simple; variegated turf easily tolerates prolonged dry weather and rain, frosty days and strong winds.

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In order for the bush to grow actively, it needs to be watered regularly. In early spring, the bush needs shading and watering if it has just been transplanted. Young bushes need to be watered every day, and older ones only in very dry weather. It is enough to do this a couple of times a week, or even less often. Excessive humidity may cause fungal diseases. If the soil is not dry, there is no need to water it, and in the fall, watering should generally be reduced.


The most suitable temperature for turf growth and development is 16 – 20 °C. He is also not afraid of heat, especially with increased watering. There is no need to cover for the winter, since the shrub tolerates frosty weather.


One of the main points of plant care is its pruning. You can create very beautiful shapes from turf bushes; trimming in the form of a ball or cube is especially beautiful. But we must remember that the foliage gives the plant its special beauty, so it is advisable only to correct its shape by removing old and damaged branches. Pruning is needed regularly throughout the year, except during the winter months. After pruning the tree, new young shoots grow faster and the bush becomes denser. If dogwood bushes are used as a hedge, they give it a clear shape, constantly adjusting it.

Reproduction methods

Turf propagation is carried out in several ways, well known to gardeners: seed, layering, seedlings and cuttings.


Reproduction using seeds is most successful, since their germination rate is very high. You just need to take them from plants that have been growing for more than three years. The seeds are sown in the fall, when the ground is already frozen. It should be remembered that the seeds do not ripen at the same time. Before sowing them in the spring, the seeds must be hardened for several months. To harden the seeds, prepare a soil mixture of sand, sawdust and moss. You need to take 4 times more soil than seeds by weight. The seeds are placed in layers with this mixture. They are kept in the mixture at a temperature of +5° C for about two months. In the spring, sow seeds per 1 m2 of no more than 14 seeds and no more than 5 cm in depth. Deren reaches the size of an adult bush in no less than five years. This is a long and painstaking method of propagation; for this reason, it is rarely used by amateur gardeners.

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To preserve the parental characteristics of the mother plant, you can use cuttings that are cut during spring pruning of bushes. At least seven buds must be preserved on a branch prepared for cuttings. Place them in a pot or special container with nutritious soil. The container is then placed in a greenhouse. All summer, the cuttings are fed with fertilizers and watered daily. By the beginning of autumn, the seedlings will have developed a small root system and they will be ready to be transplanted into open soil.

Dividing the bush

Overgrown turf bushes can be divided into sections and planted as individual bushes. To do this, the root is divided so that each part contains young shoots. The procedure of dividing the bush is carried out in the spring. To do this, the bush is dug up and the root is freed from the ground. Then the root along with the stems is divided into parts, which are planted in separate holes.

By layering

Turf has a spreading crown with cascading branches; this fact allows the plant to be propagated using layering. The method is no different from propagating other shrub plants in this way. To get a new bush, the branches are pinned to the soil and sprinkled. This method of reproduction is carried out early spring, as soon as the kidneys begin to wake up. Then the shoot is rooted throughout the year. The new plant will not be ready for planting until next year.

Diseases and pests

The shrub does not attract pests due to its unpleasant taste to them. Therefore, insects can settle on the turf only when there are a lot of them and there is absolutely nothing for the insects to eat. Basically, only omnivorous aphids infect the turf, which can destroy it in a fairly short time or deprive it of its decorative beauty. Aphids most often settle on young branches of a bush, so they need to be inspected first. The proximity to thickets of black elderberry helps the “infestation” - aphids simply adore it. For this reason, if the turf is adjacent to the elderberry, it is necessary to spray both plants with chemicals for prevention. You can use Decis for this purpose. You also need to get rid of black ants in the garden. If there are black ants in the garden, there will be aphids.

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  • mechanical, when the aphids are washed away with jets of water, but this method only partially helps to get rid of the aphids, therefore it is not effective;
  • chemical, in which special chemicals are used to spray the trees e on or with a solution of laundry soap.

Often the turf also suffers from leaf rollers. They settle on plants in old and neglected gardens.

The gall midge can infect Svidina. It settles on young shoots of turf. Its presence is signaled by specific tubercles. Branches damaged by these pests have to be cut off and burned. There is no other way to fight it yet.
Spider mites also prefer to settle on young shoots of the plant. It attacks the tops of branches during dry times. To prevent this from happening, the tree must be regularly watered or sprayed with water in dry weather. And settled ticks can be destroyed with almost any insecticide.

Dogwood sharp-winged moth or warty sawfly are also frequent visitors to this plant. They settle on bushes that are planted too densely. In such cases, pruning damaged shoots helps.

Flowers can be attacked by bronze beetles and stag beetles, which like to feast on the delicate, light-colored parts. Insecticides fight them.
A May beetles damage the roots of the bushes. They are destroyed by spilling chemicals around the bush.

Also, all dogwoods, including dogwoods, are susceptible to fungal pathologies. To prevent the plant from being affected by these infections, you must not overdo it with watering. If the soil under the plant does not have time to dry out, you should not water it. The soil and roots must dry out.

If aphids have settled in the garden, then a sooty fungus will also appear, which loves the sweet secretions of aphids. Destroying aphids will help get rid of this scourge. Pruning the affected branches and treating with chemicals will also help get rid of it.

If the plant is affected by a fungal infection, it must be thoroughly treated with foundationazole.

Landscape use

The shrub looks good in single plantings and in group plantings. Due to the fact that the shrub has the ability to change the color of its leaves, it is often used in bright compositions. Low bushes look beautiful under tall trees. They create decorative compositions in the vicinity of roses, juniper, as well as thickets of barberry and viburnum.

White dogwood (Cornus Alba) is an original garden crop that is distinguished by its unique decorative qualities. The shrub can decorate garden plot, delighting with its beauty throughout the year.

All types of wood are considered spectacular ornamental crops, however, white derain has won special love among Russian gardeners.

The shrub is also called white dogwood and white dogwood. And in the West and in the USA, the turf is called the dog tree. This is probably due to the fact that the fruits of the tree resemble wolfberry. However, it is possible that dogwood is a modified form of the word dagwood, which means "wood". Previously, in fact, weapons were made from the wood of this bush - knives, daggers. The shrub is also popularly called redwood.

The shrub belongs to the Dogwood family. White dogwood is one of the species that gets along well in Russia, since it is perfectly adapted to harsh winters. This is a large crop. Its branches are spreading and flexible. Branch bark colors: red, red-brown. IN natural nature Krasnothal is often found along roadsides, on the shores of reservoirs and on forest edges.

The bush is beautiful all year round. At the end summer season The fruits ripen and are round in shape and white in color. Their diameter does not exceed 8 mm. At this time, white small flowers appear, which are collected in inflorescences. In autumn, the foliage of the shrub is decorative. It takes on possible colors: burgundy, orange, crimson. And even in winter, against the background of white snow, the reddish bark of the tree looks very beautiful.


Thanks to the work of breeders, varietal species of this plant were developed.

Sibirica- This is a popular variety in Russia. This ornamental shrub. It is distinguished by spreading branches, the bark of which has the color of corals. Especially bright color the cortex gains in winter period. The bush grows up to 3 meters in height. The leaves are oblong and dark green. With the coming autumn season they acquire purple and burgundy colors. After rains, the color of the foliage becomes even juicier, but drought is fraught with paleness and rapid falling.

From early summer until autumn, Sibirika blooms with white flowers, which are collected in inflorescences in the form of corymbs. At the same time, the fruits also ripen. At first they are white, and as they ripen they turn bluish.

This is a shade-tolerant and frost-resistant variety. Widely used in garden design. Shrubs are planted in groups, from which beautiful hedges and mixborders from shrubs are created. It can also be used for landscaping parks, squares and squares.


Elengatissima- This is a common shrub variety. It is distinguished by its large size - up to 3 meters in height and width. It is distinguished by spreading branches, decorative bark and foliage throughout all seasons of the year. Can live more than 50 years.

Flowering begins in May and ends at the end of June. Flowering is represented by small flowers that are painted white. They are formed into inflorescences in the form of corymbs. The foliage of the leaves is very decorative. Green leaves are distinguished by the presence of a wide border white. Can reach 8 cm in length. In autumn they take on yellow, orange or purple hues. At the beginning of the autumn period, berry-shaped fruits ripen, which have a bluish color.

The variety is different rapid growth. In a year it can grow 40 cm in both height and width. Elengatissima is a drought-resistant, frost-resistant and shade-tolerant variety. The shoots are distinguished by red bark and look especially beautiful in the winter season.

The variety is good for group plantings, plantings in cities, squares and parks. Goes well with other shrubs. The ideal application is to create hedges.


Sibirica Variegata- a varietal variety, somewhat similar to Elengatissima. However, its dimensions are somewhat smaller. The height that the bush can reach is 1.5 meters. The diameter of the shrubs is up to 2 meters. The branches are spreading, deep red.

The leaves are large in size, dark green inside with a cream-colored border. From a distance they simply remind white spot. With the onset of autumn, the leaves acquire a purple color, while the border remains light. This makes the shrub very decorative throughout the year. It blooms with small white flowers with a greenish tint. The flowers have a pleasant aroma. White fruits acquire a bluish tint as they ripen.

This is a shade-tolerant, winter-hardy and drought-resistant variety. It is used for group plantings and goes well with deciduous and coniferous shrubs. Ideal for small gardens and hedges.

Sibirika Variegata

Shpeta (Spaethii)- decorative variety. On average it grows up to 2 meters. It is distinguished by its incredible beauty in the autumn due to the purple color of the leaves with a yellow border.

The castings are large in size. In summer they are light green with a wide yellowish border, and in autumn they turn purple, while the color of the border remains the same. The bark of the branches is red-brown. Looks great in winter against the backdrop of white snowdrifts. The berry-like fruits ripen in September and are distinguished by a bluish tint. Small white flowers form inflorescences no larger than 5 cm. Flowering lasts from May to July.

The variety is shade-tolerant, drought-resistant and frost-resistant, but often freezes in cold and snowless winters. Shpeta is a good tapeworm and is also excellent for planting in groups. One of the areas of use of the variety is the creation of hedges.

Ivory Halo- This is a decorative varietal variety. Its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The shoots are distinguished by their cherry color and form a compact crown. The green leaves have a wide yellowish border. In autumn, the leaves change color to purple.

It blooms with small yellowish flowers. They form themselves into inflorescences in the form of scutes. The fruit ripening period occurs in September. They are white and spherical. As the fruits ripen, they acquire a bluish tint.

Ivory Halo is suitable for planting in groups and as a tapeworm. Goes well with other deciduous and coniferous shrubs. Good for forming hedges and urban landscaping.

Ivory halo


Planting Sibirika, Elengatissima and all the others does not require special skills and knowledge. The bush is unpretentious. It is not demanding on the composition of the substrate. Moreover, it grows better and longer on fertile soil. It is better to choose cultivated soil that is cleared of stones and various debris. However, vacant lots and city streets are also suitable for the successful growth of derain.

Derain doesn't like white acidic soils, therefore it is better if the soil is neutral or slightly alkaline. The shrub loves the high humus content in the soil. In addition, a good drainage layer is necessary. There should be no stagnation of water in the soil. It is advisable to choose planting areas where the soil is loose. In such soil the root system will develop much better.

For planting, it is best to choose places that are well lit by the sun. However, derain also grows well in partial shade, since most varieties are shade-tolerant. However, in strong shade the leaves will not be as bright as in the sun. This is especially true for such varieties as Elengatissima, Sibirika Variegata, Shpeta.

It is advisable to plant in early spring, when the ground has not yet thawed. If you purchased a seedling that has a closed root system, you can plant it at the end of autumn. It is better to do this at least a month before the arrival of stable frosts so that the plant can adapt to such conditions.

The planting hole should be slightly larger in diameter than the size of the root system.

Sibirica Derain and Morrow Sedge


Adult specimens tolerate drought well, but young plants need high-quality watering. Watering should be plentiful so that the entire root system is saturated with moisture. Insufficient watering can lead to drying out of the shoots. Adult plants should not be watered as much as young ones. The exception is a long drought.

Curling leaves and drooping branches are a clear sign of lack of moisture. If this happens, then the crop needs to be watered abundantly, wetting not only the surface of the soil, but also the entire root ball.

During the midday heat, the crop should not be watered. Optimal time- this is early morning or evening hours.

Spring care includes pruning, fertilizing and occasional watering.

Feeding is mainly needed only by young specimens. It is recommended to feed with humus or humus. Adult plants need to be fertilized only after diseases or pruning, and also if the bush develops poorly or slowly.

Shelter for the winter is not required, since white derain is a frost-resistant crop. For example, the Elegantissima variety can withstand the most severe frosts. Even if the trunk of the bush freezes above the snow cover, the plant will quickly recover with the arrival of spring.

Composition with heuchera and allium.

Propagation by cuttings

Seed propagation of dera is a long and difficult process, therefore it is used extremely rarely. In view of this, propagation by cuttings is used for varieties Elengatissima, Sibirika and others.

Semi-lignified or lignified ones are used as cuttings for propagation. If there are a lot of cuttings, then they can be planted in cold greenhouses. If it’s not enough, then take separate containers; flower pots will do.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in the spring.

Planted cuttings must be regularly watered and sprayed.

This propagation method allows you to obtain a large number of new plants.

Conservatory border at Bressingham Gardens, Norfolk, UK.

Trimming and cutting

Anti-aging pruning should be done in the spring. You can do this in the fall, but in winter the crop looks very decorative, so you should not prune it in the fall. When pruning, all old branches are cut off. Pruning stimulates the growth of new young shoots. Leave the height of the shoots about 20 cm from the stump.

The crop is cut several times a season (about 3 times). Since the crown is very spreading, it needs to be shaped. Usually given an oval or spherical shape. In addition to improving the visual appearance, a haircut helps maintain decorative properties bush.

Varieties (Elengatissima, Sibirika and others) lend themselves well to pruning and shearing.

Application in landscape design

White dogwood is used in single and group plantings, used for mixborders of deciduous and coniferous shrubs. It is used to create hedges and winter gardens.

Variegated dogwood ideal option perennial plant for planting in dusty or polluted areas. This bush is not only unpretentious in terms of soil, air and light, but also has high level decorative, and is also not afraid of pruning and tolerates severe frosts absolutely calmly.

This whole bouquet of only useful properties, made this plant one of the most sought after and beloved in landscape design.

There are several types of this plant; it can grow both as a shrub and as a tree.

The flowering period of the shrub begins in June; during this period, in addition to decorative foliage, small white flowers collected in clusters begin to bloom on the plant. With all this, the shrub does not stand out much against the background of other plants.

In mid-September, the derain begins to show itself in all its glory. The leaves will begin to acquire a previously unseen variety of colors and shades, from yellow to dark purple. During the summer, the plant will grow berries, which in the fall will also transform and change their coloring.

In winter, variegated turf will also please the eye, standing out from the general picture of grayness against the background of other plants because the branches of the bush are painted in orange and red shades. It looks amazing against a white background.

Some types of shrubs begin to bloom in early spring, standing out against the general background of the garden that has not yet awakened.

Thus, this amazing plant can decorate your garden all year round.

In landscape design, a huge number of different subspecies of derain are used, including evergreen plants, but most often white derain is used in decorating gardens, park alleys, or just a summer cottage.

Compatibility with other plants

Derain is a fairly sociable species, allowing you to plant other types of plants in close proximity to it.

The bush looks decent both when planted alone and in combination with other plants or densely planted.

Variegated and colorful types of derain are successfully combined with both deciduous and. The bush can serve as a background composition for both perennials and annual plants.

An example of such compatibility would be multi-colored flowers blooming against the backdrop of a growing hedge made of wood.

The use of Derain in landscape design of a personal plot

Variegated dogwood is actively used not only in the design of park areas by professional landscape designers but also found its application on ours summer cottages, due to the fact that it tolerates extreme weather conditions (heat, drought, cold, short-term floods), is practically not susceptible to disease and has a high degree of decorativeness.

Derain looks very good in combination with low-growing perennial plants, as well as with large herbs. A variegated bush planted along the contours of buildings will serve as an excellent addition and decoration, giving the entire area fresh colors.

The turf can also be planted as a hedge, although in this case it will have to be trimmed to its width and height every year. In this case, the fence will be able to perform not only a decorative function but will also visually divide the area into zones.

Variegated types of derain look great solo. The background for them can be a mowed lawn, backfill with crushed stone, or low-growing carpet plants such as ivy, periwinkle, tenacious, etc.

Types and varieties of Derain

There are a lot of varieties of this plant; at the moment there are about 50 species of this shrub, which include evergreen species, deciduous and maiden-like species.
The variegated turf grows to a height of no more than 3 meters, the structure of the bush has a spreading shape, the leaves are colored green with a white, sometimes yellow, edge. Which, combined with the variegated coloring of the branches, looks very beautiful.

In landscape design, in addition to variegated deer, other varieties of this wonderful plant will be used:

Deren White

Variegated Derain

Derain Blooming

Derain Otryskovy

This is only a small part of the diversity and splendor of this ornamental plant.

Reproduction of Derain

There are several ways to propagate this plant: shoots, seeds, cuttings, layering and roots. As you can see, there are really a lot of ways, and the plant is quite capricious in this regard. The most common methods of propagating shrubs are cuttings and shoots.


In the spring, it is necessary to cut several cuttings, which must necessarily contain from 7 to 9 buds. Next, the cuttings are placed in water and the root is allowed to sprout. By autumn, the cuttings will have acquired the necessary initial root system and the plant can be transplanted into open ground.

From the root

As you know, many shrubs can be safely propagated by young shoots growing near the main shrub and having the same root system as it. With derain everything is similar. In the spring, a young shoot is selected, which is separated from the main bush and transplanted to a place prepared in advance.

By layering

It won’t be difficult to do this the same way. To do this, you need to choose a longer branch, bend it to the ground, secure it, for example, with a metal bracket or wire and sprinkle it with earth. After some time, the plant will take root and adapt.


Propagation by seeds is not particularly popular due to incomparable labor costs and is generally used only for breeding purposes.

Derain in your garden

I bought the dogwoods growing in my garden a long time ago. At that time, these were two tiny twigs. Each seedling had two small flyer branches sticking out in different directions.
On the pot of one of the plants it was written "Gold" and the other was called "Silver". But, as it turned out later, there was a re-grading of plants.

Back then I had no idea about garden forms oh and varieties of white turf. And when my bushes grew and acquired a typical color, it was time to find out their real names.
I spent a long time traveling on the Internet through virtual thickets of derain. I carefully looked at the appearance of all kinds of tree trees, studying the features different types, forms and varieties. I scrupulously looked for their similarities and differences with my pets.
It turned out that turf can be identified not only by its leaves, but also by the color of the plant bark.

And now I know exactly what plants I have. My derens are representatives large group garden forms and varieties that emerged as a result of breeding work.

One of my bushes with yellow-edged leaves is "Spaethii" turf.
The "Spaethii" form of the white tree is a plant 2–2.5 m high. Its leaves are unevenly bordered by a rather wide golden stripe. The branches are red.

The second bush is white derain “Argenteo-marginata”, or “Elegantissima”). It is a shrub up to 3 m tall, with an unevenly wide white leaf margin. Its shoots are also red.

White dogwood in landscape design

Derens grow in my garden along the northern border of the plot. Even in the cloudiest weather, bright bushes variegated dogwoods, as if by magic, they transform the far corners of the garden into very bright and sunny ones!

Thanks to the elegant coloring of the shoots, turf trees are a wonderful decoration for the garden at any time of the year. What is remarkable is their bright shoots against the background of white snow.

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Variegated turf or, as it is also called, svidina, is a fairly large ornamental shrub or low tree that often adorns the urban landscape, parks and squares. Most often it is used to create picturesque hedges.

It got its name from its hard, durable wood and variegated leaves. It takes root and grows well in temperate and southern climates.
There are about fifty varieties of this plant, which include deciduous and evergreen varieties.

Derain is in great demand among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness. Its shiny bark is colored in reddish-brown shades, and the leaves are bright, variegated, with a border along the edges. This combination gives the plant a very elegant look.

At the end of summer, large white flowers bloom on the branches. In autumn, the leaves take on all sorts of shades - green, orange, red and even purple. Moreover, the entire variegated range is present on every leaf. Later, dark blue, blue or reddish-brown berries ripen. They are not edible, but also greatly decorate the plant.

Let's talk about planting turf, caring for it and propagating it right now on the Popular About Health website:

In the photo there is derain

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Variegated dogwood is unpretentious and grows well almost anywhere in the garden - in partial shade or in the sun. The main thing is not to plant it next to tall trees, especially coniferous ones, the proximity of which it does not tolerate.

Shrubs grow quickly and need enough free space. They are usually planted to delimit different zones, for example, a recreation area or playground.

Planting turf seedlings

It is better to carry out work in the spring, when the soil thaws. Then the plants will have time to take root well by autumn and will easily endure the winter.

By selecting suitable place, remove the top fertile layer earth, combine it in half with leaf humus, add sand (half of the total volume) and complex granulated mineral fertilizer(100 g per 1 sq.m.).

The dug hole should be larger in diameter than the clod of earth so that the root system fits completely and does not protrude to the surface. Leave a distance between the pits of at least one and a half meters. Place a small amount on the bottom soil mixture, pour out 5-6 liters of water. Place the seedling, cover with the remaining soil, bury, compact, and mulch on top.

Turf care


Trimming important stage shrub care. The crown of the seedlings, when they grow a little more than 50 cm, needs to be pinched to allow side shoots to develop. In adult plants, branches need to be pruned, giving the plant the required form. They do this several times a season, starting in early spring. The branches are cut off as low as possible, as they grow back very quickly.

You also need to remember that variegated turf is a chimera plant, that is, it includes tissues of different genotypes. Therefore, if you find branches with ordinary green leaves, they need to be removed. If this is not done, the plant will gradually lose its decorative appearance and become ordinary and green.


Water as needed when the soil dries out. In dry, hot summers this needs to be done more often. However, do not overwater the bush to prevent the roots from rotting.

Top dressing:

The trees are fed in April and August - early September. If the choice falls on spring, then use nitrogen fertilizer. If for the summer - then phosphorus.
The rest of the time, periodically add leaf humus to the roots. Then the turf will bloom profusely, and its leaves will delight with bright variegation until autumn.

Turf propagation

Most often, turf is propagated using cuttings. Just cut several cuttings from an adult, healthy plant from woody shoots (green shoots of the current year are not very suitable), 10-15 cm long, with two internodes and several buds. Remove the lower leaves and cut off the top of the cutting. Place in a jar of water so that the lower buds are completely submerged.

In about a week the roots will appear. When they grow 1 cm, the seedlings can be planted in the ground, covered with a jar on top for a while until they get stronger.

You can plant the cuttings in a greenhouse, place them at an angle and water them regularly until the roots grow. Best time for cuttings - June.

Variegated dogwood can be propagated by shoots cut from old bushes, when last year's wood is also cut off with young growth.


The plant has good winter hardiness, so adult shrubs do not need to be covered for the winter. However, it is better to insulate young plantings in the first winter. But do not overdo it, do not cover it excessively, as this can lead to the plant dampening during thaws.

Decorative turf, a photo of which you can see at the beginning of this text, will decorate any corner of the garden. Looks great as a bright colorful fence. But, in order to rid the landscape of excessive diversity, designers recommend planting it next to plants that have ordinary green leaves.