Do-it-yourself electric heating system for a private house. Economical heating with electricity: pros and cons. Ceramic heating panels

Supplying electricity to the house - the task is real and less expensive than gasification. Therefore, many people think about heating using electrical devices.

This type of heating is convenient: does not require loading and filling of fuel, changing gas cylinders. And if desired, it can be automated.

Features of heating a house using electricity: which method is the most economical?

There are many ways to heat your home using electricity.

Electric boilers

Transfer of energy to coolant heating electrodes. Hot water enters pipes and radiators distributed throughout the rooms, and thus the building is heated.

The efficiency of electric boilers is high, some models reaches 99%. Heating of the coolant begins immediately how the boiler turns on.

Advantages of such heating:

  • affordable prices;
  • low cost of installation;
  • there is no need for a separate furnace;
  • simple and reliable device;
  • no open flame;
  • environmentally friendly: no emissions, no duct required;
  • minimal maintenance;
  • remote control and automation possible;
  • overheating protection and emergency shutdown.

Disadvantages of heating:

  • heating costs due to the cost of electricity;
  • risk of power outages;
  • high power requirements;
  • Hard water forms scale on heating elements.

Important! Electric heating is considered the most expensive ( 1 kW is 7.5 times higher than with main gas heating). In addition, the capacity allocated to private households is not enough for heating with electricity.


The electric boiler is the central element. The heating scheme usually includes:

  • pump;
  • expansion tank;
  • collector;
  • a number of taps (drain, balancing) and valves (distribution, air);
  • filter;
  • pipes;
  • radiators (batteries).


In the beginning read the instructions to the equipment.

Installation of the heating system is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. installation boiler;
  2. installation expansion tank;
  3. installation collector;
  4. organizations security groups;
  5. inclusion in the scheme pump;
  6. installation devices to improve the system(control devices, valves, taps);
  7. wiring pipes;
  8. installation radiators.

General principles of savings when using electric boilers

The coolant liquid does not cool quickly. And also:

  • Select economical model electric boiler
  • Switch to a two-tariff electricity meter and use the heating boiler mainly during the day with low cost 1 kW.
  • Integrate a heat accumulator into the system, which accumulates heat at night and releases it during the day, when the price of electricity is higher.
  • Qualitatively insulate the house.

New electric boiler

Common options for electric boilers for heating:

  1. heating elements;
  2. electrode;
  3. induction

A heating element boiler has heating elements inside - heating elements in the form of curved metal tubes.

They heat up themselves and transfer energy to the coolant. If heating elements are not immersed in liquid, they may burn out.

Pros of heating:

  • heat the house with only electricity;
  • There are models on the market that can be used with the electricity capacity allocated in Russia.

Disadvantages of heating:

  • the most expensive heating option;
  • requires maximum power;
  • efficiency decreases over time.

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It is cheaper to use heating element boilers low power for heating, if possible.

The remaining options are similar to the general recommendations described above. for liquid electric heating systems.

Induction boilers. How much does the equipment cost?

Coolant liquid heats magnetic field , which is produced inside such a boiler. Two main components of the device: The coil and core that contains the water.

Photo 1. Induction electric heating boiler. It is a small container and takes up little space.

An energized coil creates a magnetic field that heats the core, which transfers energy to the coolant flowing through it. Since the coil is not in contact with water, the coolant is not energized.

Pros of heating induction boiler:

  • Reliability: work for years without repair.
  • They are considered economical among electric boilers.
  • Small dimensions.
  • No special requirements to the coolant.
  • Low inertia. Energy costs are spent on the initial heating of water in the system, and maintenance is no longer expensive.
  • Easy installation.
  • Possibility of electronic control.

Disadvantages of heating with an induction boiler:

  • Difficulties in self-repair.
  • The main disadvantage of induction boilers is the cost. If prices for heating elements for new electric boilers start from 3-4 thousand rubles, then this option will already cost more than 30 thousand rubles. Although some sources claim that the difference between these types is from 2 times.

Savings when using induction boilers

Achieved thanks to the operating principle . More economical than heating elements and are considered profitable to operate, especially if there is high-quality automation.

For heating using an electric boiler, economical models are selected and use the listed cost reduction opportunities: high-quality insulation, the presence of a heat accumulator, a two-tariff meter and heating of the coolant during the cheapest period of the day. This will save on heating costs with electricity.

How to cheaply heat a private house with other electrical appliances

In addition to the methods described above, there are more innovative options for heating houses using electricity.

Infrared equipment - will heat the room economically

Manufacturers of similar equipment effective and safe for all living things, electromagnetic oscillations are called, which follow the visible red part of the middle spectrum (infrared rays). Wavelength from 6 to 20 µm, according to various sources. It is this interval that is used in infrared heating devices.

Photo 2. Installation of infrared heating: special films are attached to the ceiling, which emit heat.

The device does not heat the air in the room, but only the objects at which it is aimed. And they already transfer heat to the surrounding air.

Options for such heating equipment:

  • infrared film;
  • wall panels;
  • hanging heaters;
  • floor heaters.

It is used for placement on the ceiling, walls or in heated floors. It is possible to either cover the IR film with a decorative finish or use it independently wall panels as an element of the interior, thanks to a variety of design options.

Installation of IR heaters

  • floor heaters, which are simply plugged into an outlet;
  • panels, which are hung on the wall in the same way as paintings;
  • ceiling fixtures, similar to fluorescent lamps.

Film options require more complex installation. The film sheet is cut to size.

Mounted on the ceiling under decorative finishing or suspended ceilings.

Lay on the floor on a prepared base layer, and on top they use tiles, laminate, parquet, carpet or linoleum.

Features of IR heating

  • Heating occurs only near an infrared device or film.
  • Virtually no energy consumption for heating the air. Therefore, they are also used outdoors (for example, to warm guests on open verandas restaurants, greenhouses).
  • IR heating can be either additional (spot) or primary in brick and other types of houses. The number of required devices or film area depends on this.
  • This type of heating considered economically beneficial.
  • As with other types of heating there is no pronounced difference between the air temperature near the floor and near the ceiling.


  • Little else from heating devices used on outdoors.
  • Fast heating.
  • Does not dry out the air.
  • Silence.
  • Resistance to power surges.
  • Economical.


  • The presence of constant electromagnetic radiation when the devices are turned on.
  • Objects nearby become very hot.
  • Film parts are mounted under the finishing, which makes them difficult to replace in case of breakdown.

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What are the savings?

Economical this type heating is due to the fact that it is directional. No energy is wasted on heating the air, and people and objects are directly heated.

Users note low energy consumption for infrared heating of rooms.

Electric fireplaces for heating cottages

Some electric fireplaces operate on the principle of infrared radiation. That is, their impact is directed.

To heat the dacha, an electric fireplace is installed in the room where people spend most of their time. Other rooms will not be heated by such a fireplace.

Pros of electric fireplaces:

  • Fast heating.
  • Low prices.
  • No chimneys.
  • Imitation of a real flame, creating comfort.
  • Possibility to install in an apartment.


  • Only one room is heated, the most efficient is a small one.
  • A separate outlet may be needed due to the significant power.

What are the savings?

  • Cost-effectiveness achieved thanks to the infrared heating principle(energy is not wasted on heating the air).
  • Heating only one room where people are.

There are other types of electric fireplaces on sale, so You can select a model with the characteristics you are interested in.

Convector devices

Electric convectors are one of the most popular heaters. There is a heating element inside such a device. The case has holes for air circulation. The flow passes through the convector, heating up, and then entering the room, heating it.

Photo 3. Wall-mounted electric convector. The device is plugged into an outlet, similar to a regular battery.


  • Fast heating.
  • Possibility to warm up a large room ( up to 30 sq.m).
  • Some models use electronic thermostats to effectively control the temperature.
  • The heating elements have a relatively low temperature, making the devices safe.


  • Significant energy consumption.
  • A noticeable difference between the air temperature near the floor and near the ceiling.
  • Movement of dust indoors.

What are the savings?

In general, this type of heating cannot be called economical. But if the country house is used only a couple of days during the winter, then this option will save significant funds on organizing a full-fledged heating system. Due to the absence of liquid, a house with convectors can be safely left at sub-zero temperatures.

Oil appliances

Such heaters - sealed devices with a metal body in several sections. Used inside mineral oil. With the help of a tubular electric heater, the oil heats up and warms up the housing, and from it the air in the room. This type of heating devices is widespread.

Photo 4. Oil heater. The device is on wheels, it can be moved to different parts of the house.



  • They take a long time to heat up.
  • Costly as primary heating.

How savings are achieved

This heating option will be economical for rare visits to a country house and as an addition to the main heating.

And it will be critical for savings high-quality insulation of the room.

Fan heaters

A fan heater is a small device that begins to heat the room immediately after it is turned on. . Components are: housing, fan and heating element. Additionally Sometimes a thermostat and humidifier are built in and other devices.

Photo 5. Fan heater from the manufacturer Mystery. The device allows you to regulate temperature and air pressure.


  • Compactness.
  • Quick effect.
  • Affordable price.


  • Most household fan heaters are not suitable for full heating, but only to supplement it.
  • Some models make noise.

Attention! Spiral fan heaters fire hazard and dry out the air.

What are the savings?

When you need to quickly heat a small room, it is beneficial to use such an efficient and inexpensive device.

Electrical panels

Ceramic panels are one of the relatively new options for electric heating. The principle of their operation combines the advantages of infrared and convection heating methods.

This allows you to warm up quickly, but at the same time the ceramic component will retain heat longer, creating special comfort.

The panel consists of a ceramic front part, behind which there is a metal body. Between them is located heating cable.


  • Safety.
  • Automation.
  • Long service life.
  • Can be installed in the bathroom.
  • Economical.


  • To heat an entire house, you will need a significant amount to purchase panels.
  • Electricity costs will still be noticeable.

What are the savings?

  • Installation thermostats.
  • Usage multi-tariff meter with main heating at night.

Electric mats

Such electrical appliances consist of a film heater(which allows them to warm up evenly over the entire area), and also rubber flooring and carpet on both sides of the heating element. The design also includes reflective material. Such rugs often eat from a 12 Volt outlet.

Photo 6. Electric mat for heating a room. Similar to a regular carpet, but has a wire for connecting to the electrical network.

Electric mats can be like small(to warm the feet), and the size of a full-sized carpet(to heat an entire room).


  • In a large version, this is an analogue of a heated floor that does not require complex installation.
  • Mobility, can be easily used in any room.


What are the savings?

  • One mat can be used in different rooms as needed.
  • Only the right place is heated.

Reference. For heating country house, which is used from spring to autumn, separate ones are better suited electrical devices without connecting the coolant circuit. Installed separately for hot water supply boiler.

Inverter boiler

In conclusion, another option using pipes and coolant .

The operating principle is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The device converts direct current into alternating current, and the resulting magnetic field produces an induced current. It's happening using an inverter 160.

Such a boiler has two key parts: heat exchanger and magnetic circuit, due to which an alternating magnetic field is created. The heat exchanger is turned on to transfer energy to the coolant.

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For various reasons, despite the high cost of electricity, owners of private houses often opt for heating using electrical equipment. This method of building is considered the most expensive, so the question of saving money spent on maintaining a comfortable temperature in the premises is relevant. Economical electric heating of a private home will help solve the problem. This article explains how to organize it.

Types of electric boilers

Electric heating devices are divided into several main groups:

Tubular heaters (heaters)

They are the most popular type of heating devices. Their work is based on the transfer of heat from a tubular electric heater to a liquid coolant (usually water is used, less often antifreeze).

Advantages of heating elements:

  • the design of the unit shown in the photo eliminates electrical contact with the coolant. Thanks to this, they can be equipped with emergency automatic equipment designed for protective shutdown;
  • the type of coolant does not affect the power of tubular heaters; it changes if the voltage in the network increases or decreases. Thanks to this feature of the device, it is possible to organize a stepped or smooth heating method. When the owner wants to implement economical heating with electricity, this advantage should be used (read also: " ").

Disadvantages of heating elements:
  • work resource heating elements limited. When purchasing such a boiler, you need to pay attention to whether it is possible to replace the heating elements, which will subsequently lead to saving money, since you will not need to buy a new device;
  • scale forms on the surface of the heating elements and for this reason they may fail ahead of schedule;
  • water must have a certain hardness, therefore, if this indicator exceeds the norm, measures must be taken to reduce it.

Electrode boilers

The structural design of such a boiler is simple: electrodes are built into the container. Heating of the coolant occurs due to the release of heat when current passes through the liquid. However, there is no
electrolysis process, so the anode and cathode alternate in a continuous mode with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Advantages of electrode boilers:

  • Compared to tubular electric heaters, they are more reliable and have a longer service life. If scale forms on the electrodes, they do not fail;
  • have smaller dimensions.

Disadvantages of electrode boilers:
  • when using water as a coolant, it requires special treatment;
  • When antifreeze is used, it must be formulated by the device manufacturer.

Induction equipment

Its structure is similar to that of a transformer.

The induction device has two circuits:

Advantages of induction devices:

  • the possibility of boiler breakdown is minimized, since it does not have heating elements;
  • practically no scale is formed;
  • high degree of electrical safety;
  • equipment operates under a wide range of pressure and temperatures;
  • usage different types coolants.

Disadvantages of induction devices:
  • significant weight;
  • large dimensions;
  • high cost;
  • the possibility of problems arising during smooth power control.

Infrared heaters

It is believed that the most economical electric heating can be organized using infrared devices. From different manufacturers they differ not only in size, but also in weight and color. Often these devices are called panels, and they are usually installed on the wall or ceiling, where they will not interfere with the movement of people (read also: " ").

Infrared heaters can be used to heat residential premises, offices, industrial workshops, etc. They are usually used when quick heating is required. The principle of their operation is based on the fact that IR rays coming from the device heat the surfaces of walls, floors, and objects in the room, after which they give off heat to the air. Often, this is how it is organized.

Advantages of infrared heaters:
  • they provide rapid heating of rooms;
  • there is no combustion of oxygen;
  • people in the room feel pleasant warmth;
  • it is possible to heat the room only from below, which makes it possible to organize economical electric heating;
  • no combustion products are formed during operation;
  • availability of automatic adjustment and control of the device;
  • there is no air circulation, which means dust does not move;
  • the device is simply installed and is easy to care for – it is not necessary to involve a specialist;
  • long service life ranges from 12 to 35 years;
  • The devices are absolutely fireproof.
Infrared heaters have one drawback. Since objects heat up first, after turning on the device the air remains cold for some time (short time). But such equipment allows you to get.

Electric heating device, see video example:

How to organize economical heating

In a private house, you can organize economical heating with electricity using an electric boiler (read also: "").

But provided that the following requirements are met:

  1. The heat output required to heat the premises should be reduced. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate heat loss by insulating the walls, ceiling, and windows of the house. After carrying out a number of works to reduce heat loss, electricity consumption will decrease.Of course, implementing such measures will require financial costs, but laying and connecting a line from the main gas pipeline is also not a cheap pleasure. Read also: "".
  2. To organize economical heating with electricity for your home, you need to choose correct option heating. The correct method will be the one that will save more money (read also: " "). For example, if a one-room apartment is well insulated, it is better to use an electric boiler as an additional heat source, despite the fact that the centralized steam heating system will constantly function. In apartments with a large number of rooms, it is advisable to install devices with built-in power control, since they allow you to maintain different temperatures depending on when they are used.
  3. The room needs to be installed various types heaters and combine them to make it really economical heating private house with electricity. All types of heating devices differ in operational characteristics, and their correct combination can provide efficient heating with electricity.

    For the bathroom best choice will be an infrared heater, since it will need to be turned on before the reception water procedures, and, as you know, this device warms up the room very quickly. In the kitchen you can use a combination of heating devices. The optimal solution there will be an infrared heater plus an electric convector. You can use them as follows. will constantly operate at low power and thereby maintain the minimum permissible temperature in the kitchen when all the residents of the house are absent. In the evening, after returning, you need to turn on the infrared heater and quickly warm the room to a comfortable state.
  4. It is necessary to control the temperature in the house using thermostatic automation. It can be configured in such a way that in the absence of people in the house the temperature is significantly reduced, and in their presence the room maintains comfortable living conditions. As a result, operating heating equipment in this mode will allow significant savings.
  5. If possible, use night rate. The price of electricity at night is several times lower compared to the daytime cost. To install a multi-tariff electric meter, the property owner needs to contact the regional energy supply organization.

As follows from the information above, it is quite possible to organize economical heating using electrical appliances, but without taking a number of measures this is unrealistic. Before you begin to implement the project, you should decide which electric heating is the most economical in this case and think carefully about everything. Read also: "".

The cost of heating your home will not be so high if everything is done correctly. When the power consumption of heating devices planned for installation exceeds the value established in the supply contract electrical energy, then this issue must be agreed upon with the organization supplying electricity, otherwise serious problems consumers cannot avoid it.

The cost of supplying main gas and related approvals pushes many owners of country real estate to organize a private home. Electricity is an excellent alternative to gas, safer and does not require special permits. The only drawback is this method heating costs are the cost of paying bills for the kilowatts used. In this publication, we will try to figure out whether heating a country house with electricity makes sense.

Possible methods of electric heating of a private house

There are two principles on which all (SO) are built:

  1. Direct. Each room is heated by devices powered directly from the mains.
  2. Indirect. This principle involves heating radiators installed in heated rooms.

There are a lot of opinions about which electric heating in a private home is better. The main argument of supporters of the indirect method of heating a home is the rather long process of cooling the coolant in the system, which provides advantages when the boiler is stopped. Everyone who uses direct heating claims that they benefit significantly from the purchase and installation of equipment.

How to heat your home with electricity

Let's look at the most popular options

  • Water heating with electric boiler.
  • Heating using electric convectors.

The first option involves creating a heating circuit that uses pipes to transport coolant, radiators to transfer thermal energy to the room, as well as the devices and mechanisms necessary for the operation of the system (expansion tank, circulation pump, shut-off and control valves, safety and control devices).

CO of your home, according to the architecture of the building, design features and other factors.

The second option involves installing the required number of electric convectors in each room. The benefits are obvious: there is no need to create heating circuits, design and complex installation of equipment. All work can be done independently, without overpaying to expensive specialists.

Let's consider design features and the operating principle of each heating option, which will make it possible to conclude whether electricity can be used to heat private and country houses.

Electric boilers: design features, advantages and disadvantages

There are three principles of heating the coolant that are used in modern hot water heating boilers:

  • heating elements.
  • Electrodes.
  • Based on magnetic induction.

The first type of boiler is the most common. The coolant from the system enters the internal tank of the boiler unit, where it is heated by tubular heating elements, after which it enters the CO.

This type of equipment is safe, functional, and has built-in automation to control the temperature of the coolant and air in the room.

Electrode boilers use a completely different principle to heat the coolant. The heating element in them consists of a pair of electrodes to which high voltage is applied.

Electric current, passing from one electrode to another, heats the coolant, after which it enters the CO.

Important! In boiler rooms with an installation of this type, there is no electrolysis process (which eliminates the appearance of scale) since alternating voltage is used with a frequency of at least 50 Hz. Depending on the intensity of use, the electrodes become thinner over time and their ability to heat is lost. Replacing electrodes is a standard procedure in electrode boilers.

Structurally, induction ones look more attractive, although much more complex. IN this type There are no installations (familiar to everyone) of heating elements.

The coolant passes through a heat exchanger, which is part of a magnetic circuit in which a powerful magnetic field is generated. It is this that heats the heat exchanger and the coolant that circulates through the CO.

Electric heating of a country house, through indirect heat transfer, has its advantages over gas and air heating in the following: electric hot water boilers are quite reliable, have high efficiency and do not require a chimney.

As a disadvantage of such home heating, it can be noted that the use of electric boilers requires good wiring and stable voltage in the network.

Creating a water CO with an electric boiler requires significant initial costs, especially if you involve a third party to develop the project, install, configure and balance the system. You should be prepared for additional expenses on, which includes regular flushing of radiators, checking the operation of valves, etc.

Electric convectors: design and principle of operation

The design of convectors is simple and therefore effective: in bottom part Dry heating elements are placed in the metal (steel, aluminum) body, the operation of which is controlled by an adjustable thermostat. The air heats up, rises and exits through the grille at the top of the housing. The “vacated” space in the device body is occupied by colder air masses, which, when heated, exit through the grille into the room. Air circulation occurs, which ensures uniform heating of the heated room.

Today, the Russian market of climate control equipment is represented by the widest range of convectors, which differ in power (from 1 to 5 kW), design and installation method (floor-mounted, wall-mounted, universal).

Requires minimal upfront costs to purchase equipment and have wiring checked by a qualified electrician. The difficulty lies in the selection required power and number of convectors. This will require calculations carried out by specialized organizations based on data on heat loss for each room. However, you can be guided by approximate data: to heat 10 m 2 of a private house, 1 kW of power is required. For a room of 10 m2 you need one small convector of 1 - 2 kW, which can be purchased at specialized stores for less than 100 USD For example, in one of the largest federal online stores RUSCLIMATE huge selection of convectors from 2241rub, and when ordering through the website there is also a 3% discount. And in the climate company prices for convectors start from 2260rub .

Heating with electricity: benefits, costs, conclusions

In order to answer the question whether it is possible to heat private house electricity, some calculations must be made.

Initial data: a brick house with basic insulation of the attic and floor, with an area of ​​150 m2. Moscow region. We proceed from the data that heating 10 m2 requires 1 kW of thermal power. To heat such a property, 15 kW of electricity per hour is required. In practice, within heating season There are about half of these days when such power is not required. We take an average value of 7.5 kW/h for heating the original country house.

So: 7.5 kW/h multiplied by 24 hours and 30 days. We get 5400 kW. Since the average duration of the heating season in the central region of the country is 5 months, we multiply the resulting value by 5 and by the cost of 1 kWh in Moscow (5.03); 5400 x 5 x 5.03 = 135810 rub. This figure shows the cost of paying for electricity for using electric CO for one season. Here it is worth adding the cost of the equipment: for convector heating it will be 300-400 USD. For a water system, this amount will increase to 8 - 10 thousand USD for the creation of a CO project, the purchase of equipment and the cost of installation and commissioning work.

For example, gas CO will entail the following costs:

  • Purchase necessary equipment, project, installation and commissioning work will amount to 10 -13 thousand.e.
  • With a boiler installation efficiency of 90% average consumption gas for the original country house will be 3.5 - 4 thousand m 3 during the season. In Moscow, the cost of 1 m 3 of gas varies within 6 rubles. In total, 24 thousand rubles will be spent per season.
  • The cost of connecting to the gas main is more than half a million rubles.

Even without going into details, the difference in operating costs is visible, based on which we can conclude: gas heating cheaper, apart from the huge initial investment.

Advice: if there is no opportunity, means or desire to use gas as an energy carrier, then the most economical way to heat a house with electricity is to use electric convectors.

Cosy warm home– probably every person’s dream. Today, most people prefer to live in private houses, because this has many advantages. But how to make your home the most comfortable, everyone decides in their own way. And, probably, it’s first worth considering the amount of heat and light.

Which heating is better for a private home?

There are several ways to heat a country house. Each of them has its own pros and cons, operating principles, and requires certain costs. The choice of a specific type of heating depends on many factors. For example, the presence of a fireplace or stove in the house, electricity, the availability of materials such as gas, fuel, firewood or coal.

Depending on this, the following types of home heating are distinguished::

  • Air;
  • Electric;
  • Water.

An air heating system passes air through special device– a heat exchanger, after which the heated air is distributed evenly throughout the room. This type of heating is expensive and requires a huge amount of space. However, it provides quick heating of the house.

Electric heating is based on the conversion of electricity into heat.

This type is environmentally friendly and easy to install and use, but despite this, it significantly increases energy costs and forces you to constantly ventilate the room, as oxygen is burned. Water heating is based on the circulation of liquid through pipes, which heats the room. Such a system can be installed without the help of specialists, however, during frosts when the system is turned off, the water can freeze and rupture the pipes.

The most popular and economical heating method is electric. This will be discussed further.

Heating a house with electricity: cheap or expensive

There are a huge number of heating methods. But, unfortunately, not all of them can be used in your own home.

Electric heating is the cheapest and most convenient option:

  • The installation of such heating requires a minimum of effort;
  • Installation of the system does not require adjustment to any season;
  • The heating system is very compact and does not require building an additional room for the boiler room;
  • There is no need to provide maintenance;
  • The cost of using such a system depends on the degree of operation and temperature level;
  • The electric heating system is the most environmentally friendly.

Thus, electric heating does not require special physical and monetary costs and is most common in private homes.

Types of electric heating systems

Electric heating systems are designed to convert electricity into heat. The methods of such transformation vary, and this is what the main types of such systems are based on. However, they all have one minus, unlike gas - the cost of their use is high, since they are based on electricity.

Among them are:

  • Electric boilers;
  • Heaters based on the use of infrared rays;
  • Warm floor running on electricity;
  • Fan heaters.

Electric boilers operate by heating the liquid in the heating circuit that is connected to them. Electric convectors also use heating elements. Only in this case electricity does not pass through the liquid. Heating is carried out by heating the aluminum or steel housing and the air that is inside this housing. Hot air rises, changing places with cold air. With the help of such circulation, the room is also heated.

Electric heating is the most economical: without a boiler

Which method is the most economical? Convectors do not take up much space and can be placed on the wall, on the floor, built-in or external. They quickly warm up the air and accurately perform the assigned tasks. The only downside is that one convector will not be enough to heat the entire house.

Infrared heaters convert electricity into infrared rays that can heat any object. They can take the form of rectangles built into the floor or wall, or mounted on a stand. This heating system heats the air only in a certain area of ​​the room. In order to heat the entire house, you need to install a large number of such devices. On the one hand, they are cheap to use, but their quantity increases the cost.

Infrared heaters are economical because they different areas You can set an individual temperature regime in the house. Therefore, these heaters are on average 35% more economical compared to boilers. An electric heated floor is installed under the tiles and may not be the main heating system.

Advantages of heated floors:

  • The temperature in electric heated floors can be adjusted easily and accurately;
  • An electric heated floor does not need to be filled with new screeds, which require additional costs and put extra pressure on the floors;
  • Due to the ease of installation, electric heated floors can be installed both in a private house and in a multi-storey one.

The only disadvantages of such a system include energy costs. But, on the other hand, if an electric heated floor is still not the main one, then this drawback can be crossed out. Fan heaters (heater, not radiator) are not the main heating system. They have a quick effect only in small rooms, but at the same time they use a large amount of electricity, due to which the costs greatly increase. Electric batteries are not bad heaters.

Economical electric boilers: options

Boilers are divided into those based on heaters - heating elements - and electrode ones.

The work of heating elements is that they heat running water and distribute it throughout the system. Special pumps are often installed with heaters to help circulate fluid through the system. Usually there are 3 or 4 heating elements in the boiler, which can work simultaneously or one at a time - it all depends on the temperature level.

The power of electric heating boilers also varies. There are models that operate from a single-phase or three-phase network. An electrode boiler fails because electricity passes through the liquid from electrode to electrode. Instead of water, non-freezing liquid is used here.

Advantages of electric boilers:

  • Easy to install and regulate;
  • Do not take up much space;
  • Accurately and quickly regulate the temperature level;
  • Their work does not create noise;
  • Relatively low cost and economical maintenance.

Disadvantages of electric boilers: high energy costs; with prolonged use of heating elements, the heaters become covered with scale and stop working; in the absence of water, heating elements burn out. Often boilers do not cope with their tasks and cannot warm up the entire house, that is, they slowly heat the house. The operation of boilers depends entirely on power electrical network. Correct circuits and high-quality batteries for a cottage allow you to heat your house inexpensively. Homemade device quite possible.

The most economical electric heating and electrical appliances

The most economical and easy to use system is electric convectors. They consist of an aluminum or steel body that heats the air from both the outside and the inside. Warm air gives way to cold air, and thus the entire room is heated.

Advantages of using convectors:

  1. The convector is the most effective system heating. Due to small sizes heating elements, the air heats up faster, evenly distributed throughout the room.
  2. This is the most quality look heating, since it does not waste electricity, completely converting it into heat. This is also the reason for its efficiency.
  3. Convectors are easily adjustable and do not heat up above 100 ºС. Many models have a safety system that turns off the device if air access is blocked.
  4. This heating system is quite easy to install and use. All you need to do after purchasing is to install it on a wall or on a stand and plug it into the network.
  5. Convectors are much cheaper than electric boilers.
  6. Since one convector will not be enough to heat the entire house, you need to purchase more devices. However, this can be done gradually, depending on the need or availability of funds.
  7. Such a heating system does not respond to possible power surges and continues to work properly.

The choice of convector depends, first of all, on the expected price. However, it is best to buy a device from leading manufacturers, since the issue here is about home security. It is important to pay attention to the restart function after turning off the device. If in this case the convector requires human intervention, then this will create some problems in its use, including the risk of great damage from freezing the house. Efficient and profitable alternative heating according to new technologies.

Installation of electric heating in a private house

An electric heating system is very easy to install. Therefore, you can do this yourself. It will save cash, since you don’t have to call specialists.

Installation consists of three stages:

  • Planning;
  • Installation;
  • Launch.

First, you need to prepare a heating circuit and appliances, taking into account the way it will be used. In order to carry out an economical heat calculation and choose an electric boiler for a private home, you can call a specialist or use ready-made programs.

Next, panels are equipped with separate circuit breakers for each room and the wiring is installed. You need to consider how many boilers and other equipment you need to purchase. You will need automation, ceramic or other pipes. An electric battery that will heat, with an electricity consumption similar to that of a light bulb, is everyone’s dream. Modular energy-saving gas elements for country house premises will help you save some fuel.

After the electrical wiring is ready, you can begin installing equipment that will help heat the room (energy or economical radiators). It is important to pay attention to the temperature regime. At first, the device will work hard. This will warm up the room very quickly. And then the system will go into normal mode and will turn on to maintain the set temperature level, like a drip device.

However, using only electric heating can cost a pretty penny. Therefore, you should use other means of heating your home to increase your living comfort.

Methods of additional thermal insulation:

  1. Insulating loggias, balconies and verandas will block the penetration of cold street air into the house. Thus, heating the house will be much more efficient.
  2. Replacing old windows with plastic ones. This will eliminate the occurrence of drafts, which is also good for heating in bad weather. If it is not possible to install new windows, then you can insulate the old ones. To do this, you need to coat the space between the frame and the opening with sealant and seal it with electrical tape.
  3. Using the same principle, old doors are replaced with new ones.
  4. You can insulate walls both outside and inside. Internal insulation reduces the size of the room, so experts recommend insulating walls with outside. For this purpose, heat insulators are used.
  5. Ceiling insulation is most often carried out in the attic. In this case, mats are used, under which a vapor barrier is placed, and a water barrier is placed on the mats.
  6. You should pay attention to floor insulation. This is important because most often the floor does not warm up well, which causes some discomfort.

According to the laws of physics, warm air rises, giving way to cold air. Therefore, it is important to insulate the roof so that the heated air does not leave the house at all. The method of roof insulation depends on its type. If this pitched roof, then insulation is carried out inside the house using mineral wool. If the roof is flat, then hard materials are used on the outside that are not exposed to various negative influences. Homemade products (convection, autonomous, innovative heating for an apartment) are also possible, the panels will allow you to save money, but the equipment must be thought out thoroughly.

For each residential building, whether it is large apartment building, or we are talking about private households of one and two-story types, organization is of great importance efficient heating. Existing options Today there is quite a lot of heating, however, due to technical capabilities, not every house can be connected to gas. It is not always possible to supply solid fuel or liquid fuel boilers with the required amount of fuel. In such situations, the house will be heated with electricity.

Already at the design stage of an electric heating system, we can conclude that this heating method will be much cheaper and more economical. Moreover, if you compare the speed of installation of electrical equipment with the installation and installation of other types of heating systems. In some cases, efficiency is a decisive factor when choosing a heating system. Despite the fact that today electricity is constantly becoming more expensive, new technologies make it possible to use electric heating devices with high efficiency.

Electric heating in your home - the main advantages and disadvantages

The concept of electric heating should be understood as a fairly wide range technical means and opportunities. Electricity is unique view artificially produced energy that can be successfully used for domestic purposes. Electric heating can be of two types:

  • with intermediate coolant;
  • with direct heat transfer.

In the first case, we are talking about a system based on an electric boiler that heats the coolant and distributes it through a pipeline system. In the second case, we are talking about independent heating elements and devices operating from the electrical network. To heat a house, like any other room, convectors, thermal electric fans, spiral and infrared heaters are actively used. This heating method is much simpler from a technical point of view. The only negative is a significant overconsumption of electricity, which will have to be paid for. Warm floors deserve a separate discussion, a technology that makes it possible to truly achieve comfort in heating living spaces.

If we consider the ratio of the possibilities and benefits obtained from using electric heating with other types of heating, then electricity will look preferable. The main advantage of electric heating systems is high efficiency. Other positive points include:

  • durability of operating systems;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • fairly reasonable costs for the purchase of equipment, installation and connection.
  • silent operation and high level safety of modern electric heating installations;
  • absence permitting documents for the installation of electric heating systems.

The economic effect is achieved by installing thermostats on electric heating devices, thanks to which automatic switching on, power off.

The above advantages are offset by one disadvantage. To install sufficiently powerful heating electrical appliances in the house, an electric boiler will be required additional equipment residential building with electrical distribution devices and devices.

Important! The wiring in the house must be able to withstand significant loads, especially in the cold season. In addition to everything, electric switchboard need to be equipped with a multi-tariff meter that allows intensive use of the cheap night tariff. The main task when installing electric heating systems is to optimize the operation of the entire complex.

Electric boiler or convector - what's the difference? What should you pay attention to?

From a technological point of view, an electric boiler is the most favorable in terms of price-quality ratio. Before making a purchase, you should carefully study the technical capabilities and characteristics of the models on the market. When assessing the capabilities of the boiler, it is necessary to take into account the amount of work that the new equipment will have to cope with. To heat a house with an area of ​​150 m2, according to rough calculations, at least 150 kW of electricity per day will be required. Not every boiler is able to cope with such a volume, and not all power lines are able to withstand such a load.

The boiler is connected to a regular standard water heating system, heating the coolant during its operation.

Each model is equipped, which allows residents to independently choose the temperature regime. The automation itself regulates the boiler power based on the specified parameters, without requiring human intervention, providing the necessary energy savings. The water supply is also regulated using a built-in pump, so there is no reason to worry about normal pressure in the system. Additional equipment that comes with most modern models of electric boilers today increases the functionality of the system and is aimed at reducing energy consumption, saving you money.

In the process of optimizing the operation of the heating system, it is important to take into account the heat losses that are characteristic of the room. This indicator depends directly on the thickness of the walls, the presence of insulation, the number of doors and window openings. The main heat loss occurs through windows and doors.

Last but not least, the heating efficiency depends on the parameters of the selected electric boiler model. There are classic boilers with heating elements, as well as more efficient modern options– induction and electrode (ionic). Moreover, they all have an efficiency coefficient of 90%.

For reference: Often, manufacturers write in the accompanying documents for the product that the efficiency of the model is 95-98%. The numbers look impressive, although in reality the figures are much lower, in the range of 90-92%.

When simultaneously using a large number of electrical household appliances, the temperature of the coolant in an electric heating system can be reduced, saving on balanced energy consumption. Each specific case provides different options for savings, in contrast to the use of other heating systems. For example, an area of ​​50 m2 will require an electric boiler with a power of 3 kW. Having the necessary figures at hand, it is not at all difficult to calculate the number of kilowatts that will be consumed during the month with continuous operation of the boiler.

For example:

  • house area – 50 m2;
  • electric boiler – power 3 kW;

We make arithmetic calculations using the following formula: 3x24x30, where 24 is the number of hours in a day, 30 is the number of days in a month. We get 2160 kW per month with the boiler running, and now we multiply this figure by the electricity tariff that is established in your region.

All calculations are approximate. The real amount of energy costs will be visible only after some time. Only then can you make independent adjustments to the operation of the heating system in the house and decide on the advisability of using other electrical appliances in your home.

If you need to organize heating in your own home without laying mains and installing numerous equipment, you can get by with convectors. Unlike electric water heating in convectors, the main operating principle is convection warm air. Due to the operation of the heating elements, the surrounding air is heated. The system is almost completely autonomous, compact and capable of quickly warming up small interior spaces.

Convectors are equipped with temperature regulators, with which you can set the optimal heating parameters. The presence of automation ensures automatic switching on/off of the device depending on the temperature conditions inside the room. To install heaters of this type, you must have high-quality sockets and reliable wiring.

Convectors can be installed both on walls and on the floor. The cooled air falls down, falling into the field of action of the heating elements, heats up again and rises up, and so on in a vicious circle. Thus, the process of convection of air masses is achieved. The operating mode for heating convectors is 60-100 0 C. Additionally, the room can be equipped with fans, the action of which will speed up the air exchange of the air mass. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design and the elementary principle of operation, heating of the room with the help of convectors is carried out unevenly. The air near the ceiling will be warmer, while the air masses below will feel cooler.

To achieve savings when using convectors, it is enough to carry out a simple mathematical calculation that allows you to determine the required number of devices for normal heating of the room. Practice shows that convectors are effective in heating wooden residential and domestic buildings small area. In permanent, stone buildings with large premises, it is not advisable to use convectors. Large volumes of air quickly cool down, the time for heating the room by convection of air masses increases significantly. Consequently, the energy consumption of the heating system increases.

Warm floor - economical heating of a private house

An electric boiler and convectors are not the only options for equipping a private home with an efficient heating system powered by the electrical network. Warm floors, which today have become fashionable to install in country houses and in apartments it can be a successful alternative to any other heating option. From the point of view of physics, a warm floor does not provide a noticeable effect in heating residential premises, however, in comparison with the operation of other electric heating devices, thanks to a warm floor, it is possible to reduce energy costs for heating.

The required effect is achieved through rational heat distribution. Floors are known to be the coolest part of any room. Thanks to heated floors the coldest part of the room is automatically repurposed from a cooler into a source of thermal energy. The air heated from below throughout the entire area of ​​the room rises upward in uniform flows. For residential premises, heated floors provide savings of 30-40%; for heating other premises, savings can be 50% or more.

With the help of temperature regulators, optimal heating parameters are achieved. Having independently decided on temperature conditions indoors it is possible to achieve significant savings in energy consumption.

The advantages of heated floors are:

  • an effective way to quickly warm up rooms;
  • acceptable economic indicators;
  • a comfortable indoor microclimate is maintained (oxygen is not burned);
  • simplicity and reliability in operation.

Against the background of the advantages that a heated floor has, the only drawback of this electric heating option seems insignificant. The problem lies in the complexity of installing such a heating system, associated with the need to reorganize the floor covering.

A preliminary calculation of the cost of heating costs in this case is as follows:

Approximate power standard models used in everyday life is 1.5 kW per 10 m 2. We calculate the average daily consumption and get a figure of 360 kW. For rooms of other sizes, calculations are made according to the same principle, the power varies in proportion to the area.

For reference: 360 kW x 2.5 (tariff 2.5 rubles, approximately) we get 900 rubles. Now let’s multiply the resulting figure by real square meters, for example 50 m2. As a result, we face a figure of 4,500 rubles.

Today there is large selection options to achieve the necessary comfort inside a residential building using electric heating.

Each of us has the right to choose which heating option suits him best. Electric boiler, heated floor or electric heating devices - options that solve specific tasks. You can solve the problem globally by creating a major heating system or resolve issues locally. You can achieve savings in any case if you rationally equip your home with heating elements, reduce heat loss in the room and optimize the operation of the entire energy system in the house.