How to easily clean a frying pan from old carbon deposits? How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits at home

The considered methods of how to clean frying pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits will help you put your dishes in order. A thick crust of soot not only spoils the appearance of cooked dishes, but also contributes to their burning. About how to clean cast iron frying pan for long-term soot, there are many recipes that are very easy to apply.

Cleaning a cast iron frying pan

Many gourmets and lovers of preparing all kinds of dishes prefer cast iron products for frying. They believe that a Teflon-coated frying pan is not able to convey the taste of food that can be achieved by cooking in a massive cast-iron frying pan.

Important! Under no circumstances should you clean the frying pan with a knife, wire brush or other similar utensils. Rough cleaning will damage the coating and anything you fry will burn.

There is no arguing about tastes; everyone is free to decide for themselves which utensils to use for cooking. However, cast iron frying pans also tend to become dirty. outside carbon deposits For example, if you fry pancakes or cutlets, potatoes or mushrooms, in any case, splashes of oil will leave their mark on the walls of the cookware, both internal and external. There are several ways to clean a cast iron frying pan:

1. Firing. For better heating, place the frying pan on a hot stove, after pouring coarse table salt or simple sand into its container. You need to let the pan get hot, and then scrape off the soot layer with a spatula. The method is quite effective, but there is an unpleasant moment of getting it in the kitchen unpleasant odor, after which the room should be thoroughly ventilated.

2. Mechanical cleaning method. Here you will have to use a drill with an attachment in the form of a soft wire sponge. When using this cleaning method, do not forget about safety measures. You can wear glasses to prevent thin metal shavings from getting into your eyes. Gloves must be worn on hands.

You can remove a layer of soot that has recently formed using a cleaning agent. In this case, you will not need to spend a lot of time, since the dishes will be cleaned very quickly and ready for further exploitation.

No matter how much you want to update your cookware intended for preparing fried or stewed food, you should carefully look at the instructions for its use. If you don’t have one, you’ve already thrown it away a long time ago, just listen to our advice.

Do not resort to rough cleaning methods. If you start scraping carbon deposits from a cold frying pan with a sharp object, you run the risk of getting the pan unsuitable for further use. Use gentle cleaning methods, and they will bring you joy in future kitchen work.

Advice! Don't use cleaning products as they don't always work. It is best to trust folk remedies, baking soda and other methods.

Cleaning Teflon frying pan

Everyone understands that modern cookware has a protective Teflon layer on both sides that prevents burning, but it also tends to wear out. This means you need to remove it. For a better cooking process, it is recommended to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits. Disadvantages of soot:

The taste of prepared dishes deteriorates;
the aesthetic beauty of the frying pan is lost;
pieces of soot constantly fall off and fall onto the stove, or into the dish you are preparing;
carbon deposits absorb oil and fat, which also has a very negative effect on cooking efficiency.

To delicately clean a Teflon frying pan from carbon deposits, pour into it hot water, add a certain amount of washing layer and 3 - 4 tablespoons of baking soda. The mass obtained on the surface of the frying pan softens after a while and can only be removed with a soft dish sponge. You rarely need to think about how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits; it is best to keep it clean at all times.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you resort to quick action when cleaning, use hard sponges, as they can damage the Teflon layer, leaving scratches on the surface. After this, the cooking process will become more problematic.

Cleaning a Teflon pan with baking soda

Now that you know how to clean frying pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits at home, you can easily tidy up your dishes. Of course, the factors presented are incredibly important, since the quality of your dishes will depend on it. These are the most common techniques that you can use.

To remove thicker layers of fat and oil accumulations on the outer and inner surface frying pans, there is another way. To do this you need to prepare a special solution:

1. Pour water into a three-liter vessel to the bottom
2. Add a cleanser that has grease-fighting properties.
3. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
4. After this, you need to boil the frying pan with the prepared composition for half an hour.
5. Then wash the surface using a soft sponge.

Important! It is best to use cast iron pans when cooking at home. They are optimal for frying, stewing and other functions. They are also very easy to clean.

Utensils for humans have great value. We deal with it almost every day and the frying pan must be in appropriate condition. Therefore, having figured out how to properly care for the presented accessories, you should put everything into practice.

Tips from the professionals

Cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits at home will not be a problem, but here are some rules and recommendations that will make the whole job easier for you. Many chefs practice the techniques that were common above and are also advised to adhere to the following aspects:

When cleaning carbon deposits, use rubber gloves;
Under no circumstances should you rub the surface of the frying pan with various sharp objects;
use chemical cleaning products in extremely rare cases;
spend more time cleaning the frying pan, that is, as often as possible;
Store dishes in suitable conditions.

By following the presented rules, you can protect the frying pan from soot and soot. It is very important to clean on time, since the taste of the prepared food depends on it.

Advice! Before cleaning your pan, find out what material it is made of.

Today, there are an incredibly large number of varieties of frying pans, which differ in material of manufacture, functional features and other capabilities. Therefore, you need to find an appropriate care approach for each type. Many manufacturers indicate carbon removal technology in the technical data sheet. This is very important to know, since the above method may not work.

You can clean the frying pan from carbon deposits, removing dirt both outside and inside; you can wash aluminum, Teflon and ceramic dishes by different means.

A dense, very durable layer of burnt fat quickly eats into the surface. If it is not eliminated immediately, then the scale will grow and after a certain time the problem of how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits will become urgent and require an immediate solution.

Techniques for cleaning pans made of different materials

Various methods for cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits are transmitted through various channels, including oral ones. The most well-known techniques are for durable and reliable cast iron pans.

Method 1

One of them recommends dissolving in ten liters of water washing soda(100 g) and silicate glue (80 g), place the entire frying pan there and boil for thirty minutes. If necessary, you can additionally try to use a soap composition by putting laundry soap into the water, turned into small shavings with a knife or simply grated. After boiling, the solution with the dishes to be cleaned immersed in it is removed and left to cool. The final stage It becomes a thorough treatment of the entire surface with a hard sponge, or perhaps a metal one.

These techniques are also applicable if you need to make aluminum kitchen utensils shiny, but at the final stage use a soft sponge so as not to damage the surface.

Method 2

A common way to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits, which many housewives use, is to bake it in a conventional oven. The cast iron product is filled with washed sand and placed on medium heat. The time period depends on the degree of contamination and ranges from two to six hours. You need to be prepared for the smell of burning and smoke, so ventilation of the room is provided. After turning off the oven, the pan remains in it until it cools. It is easy enough to tap the removed dishes with a wooden object so that all the scale falls off.

Method 3

Vinegar is always available in kitchen supplies. A solution is prepared from one part 9% vinegar and three parts water in such an amount that after filling the pan, some of it still remains in the container. The dishes are placed on a burner with a low heating temperature for several hours. As the vinegar solution evaporates, add more. During the procedure, you need to open the windows due to the strong specific smell. After removing the pan, clean it with a stiff brush and boil water with lemon juice or soda to neutralize the acid.

Other secrets

If the frying pan is new enough, then the formed thin layer Burnt fat can be removed by vigorously rubbing it with fairly coarse salt. Good effect shows the cleaning composition “Sanklin”, if you simply pour it on the dirt and clean it after twenty minutes.

Nickel-plated kitchen utensils can be easily washed with salt dissolved in vinegar in a volume ratio of 1:2, respectively.

From antique piggy banks useful tips It is known that pea broth can help bronze shine with renewed facets. Having prepared a mixture of water, ammonia and chalk in a ratio of 4:2:1, respectively, you can easily wipe off carbon deposits from copper, cupronickel and brass products.

Having crushed activated carbon into powder (15 tablets), pour it onto dampened, contaminated areas for one hour, and then treat with any cleaning composition intended for dishes. It must be taken into account that significant efforts when scrubbing off carbon deposits with a metal sponge are acceptable for real cast iron products without innovative coatings. They can even withstand such an extreme method as burning off contaminants with a blowtorch. Such an experiment can only be carried out on outdoors in compliance with safety measures. Update aluminum cookware in this way is contraindicated.

A modern Teflon frying pan is easier to clean from possible contamination. Cleaning chemical compositions recommended for such purposes are quite aggressive, therefore they are more suitable for carrying out hygiene measures outside of the cookware.

  • The gels have a high degree of saturation with cleaning components, allowing them to remain in places prone to carbon deposits for about an hour. This time is enough to soften the stains on dishes with ceramic or Teflon coating and then wash them off with a sponge.
  • Modern sprays do not require excessive effort to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits, since after spraying all surfaces from the outside, they allow you to wash off the exfoliated dirt in just five minutes. This procedure is especially convenient for carefully cleaning Teflon cookware.
  • Products that are recommended to be whipped before applying into foam, according to the instructions, are dissolved in a certain proportion in water. They act quite quickly. The foam is distributed evenly on all surfaces outside with a holding time of 15 minutes. After this, use a foam sponge to clean the bottom and sides of a ceramic frying pan without applying pressure, or with a Teflon coating that requires caution.

Liquid special products show good results in practice. When working with them, you must protect your hands with gloves. The algorithm of actions is standard. The liquid is kept for a quarter of an hour on the problem area, cleaned with a sponge and rinsed thoroughly with water.

Effective cleaning of carbon deposits inside the frying pan

Even the most modern products cannot avoid the problem of how and how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits so as not to lose its positive characteristics. Housewives have enough in their arsenal effective techniques, allowing you to remove deposits of burnt food, taking into account the warning that, as well as Teflon-coated products, must be handled with care.

Method 1

Pour salt into the pan - preferably coarse or regular river sand and heat. When the salt turns brownish, it signals the end of the procedure. You can remove the cookware from the burner onto a stand to cool, but it is better to leave it in place. The bulk substance is poured out (the sand should be saved for reuse), and the surface is wiped with a soft textile napkin.

Method 2

When cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits, it is enough to have laundry soap in the house. It is rubbed or cut with a knife into a ceramic dish or product with any non-stick coating (a quarter of a standard piece is enough), filled with water and heated until the first signs of boiling appear. After this, the product should be removed from the stove and left for two hours. After draining the solution, it is enough to remove the soaked residues of carbon deposits with a sponge and a regular detergent.

Method 3

Baking soda, which is dissolved in water, also helps (five tablespoons are enough for one liter). Place a frying pan completely filled with this solution over medium heat and let the liquid simmer for twenty minutes. The dishes are cooling on the switched off burner. All that remains is to wash the surface with a soft cloth.

Method 4

Suitable for a Teflon frying pan, which is quite capricious in the selection of cleaning methods, the method of boiling in it is the following composition: detergent intended for dishes - Biolan, Myth, etc. (100 g), soda ash (glass), silicate glue (100 ml). This amount is for two liters. The solution is boiled for about an hour and then remains in the container for another day.

Reading time: 1 minute

Any frying pan - Teflon, aluminum, steel and even ceramic - still becomes covered with a repulsive-looking soot over time. Alas, his unsightly appearance is only the “tip of the iceberg.” Smoke that accidentally gets into food may well provoke the development of stomach cancer. Metal scale, burnt fat, coupled with those that multiply in this environment harmful microorganisms not very good for our health. But we will try to analyze in detail how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits in this article.

All methods effective cleaning frying pans can be divided into three large categories - chemical, thermal and mechanical. We will tell you in detail about each - and you will choose what you like most. In addition, they will tell you how to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits, see the video in this material.


The following will help you clean the pan mechanically.


Even our distant ancestors cleaned their frying pans using water and sand. Nowadays, there is a rather convenient alternative - sandblasting, the best answer to the question “How to clean a frying pan from heavy carbon deposits?” Sand pushed out by compressed air will clean any saucepan of soot and dirt in minutes. There is just one drawback - this procedure can only be carried out in a tire workshop.

Advice! Please note that sandblasting can damage the integrity of the pan surface.

A more masculine way is to use a petal end circle. Complete cleaning of even a large frying pan will take no more than 5 minutes. An alternative is a drill with a suitable attachment.

Metal brushes

You can buy such a tool in any hypermarket. Well, then we clean the pan from carbon deposits. To help yourself, heat a frying pan over the burner on from time to time. An alternative is a fire, a blowtorch. A metal brush can be replaced with a knife or a sharp scraper.

Advice! Mechanical cleaning is good for cast iron, but unacceptable for Teflon and ceramics.


For this method, stock up on the following:

  • Gas burner ( as an alternative - a blowtorch);
  • Brick;
  • Wire wool;
  • Pelvis with cold water.

Carry out the procedure either outside or in a well-ventilated area. Place the brick on a vertical edge and place a pan on it to clean the pan from dirt and carbon deposits. Process the bottom until it begins to smoke. This effect can be achieved in 15-20 minutes. Then place the pan in a bowl of cold water. Due to the effects of temperature changes, it is easy for soot to peel off from the frying pan when cleaning it with a steel wool.

Advice! Be careful - a cast iron frying pan may burst when using this method.


The method is the most common and acceptable at home. But when using it, do not forget about elementary rules safety: work only in well-ventilated areas, wearing thick rubber gloves and, in some cases, a respirator. Let's consider private methods.

Ideal for cleaning even the oldest saucepans. Therefore, this is the most appropriate answer to the question “ How to clean a heavily soiled frying pan from carbon deposits?“However, the product is very aggressive, so do not start work without rubber gloves. Heavy carbon deposits are removed with exposure time of 1-2 hours.

Household chemicals

What is most effective:

  • "Pemolux";
  • "Mr. Cheester";
  • Amway Oven Cleaner;
  • "Fairy";
  • "Zepter";
  • "Sanita";
  • "Antinagar Hedgehog" and so on.

"Antinagar Hedgehog" Line of products "Sanita" "Zepter"
"Mr. Cheester" "Pemolux"

The products shown in the photo cope well with mild to moderate dirt. Well, of course, this cannot be done without mechanical influence.

Sewer pipe cleaner

The liquid must necessarily contain sodium hydroxide ( pure lye). Naturally, you should carry out the work wearing thick rubber gloves. How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits using this method? Fill the solution ( 500 g of product per 1 liter of water) into a non-metallic bucket and leave the pan in it.

In this case, alkali is added to the water, and not vice versa! Otherwise it will be stormy chemical reaction. After the pan has soaked sufficiently, it will be enough to rub it to remove any remaining burning residue. After cleaning, be sure to immediately dispose of the toxic liquid in the bucket.

Advice! Specified method may lead to rust formation.

Acetic acid

If the frying pan does not have severe damage to the surface, then simply soak it in a basin with a solution of acetic acid for several hours. Otherwise, be sure to wear gloves and wipe the pan with a sponge generously soaked in vinegar.

To prevent the dishes from smelling like vinegar, after cleaning, boil them in a container with added soda.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Most safe way. Mix both of these components until a paste forms. Heat a frying pan and apply this mixture to it. After 5-10 minutes you can start mechanical cleaning– carbon deposits should come off the surface noticeably easier.

Citric, acetic acid and soda

If you are looking for how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits folk remedies, this is the remedy for you. Find a basin or vat of suitable size, place a frying pan in it, fill it with water so that the vessel is completely hidden in the liquid. Add lemon and acetic acid taking into account 1/4 cup of the first and ½ of the second per 1 liter of water. When this whole mass boils, reduce the heat.

In 15 minutes you will already see the first fruits of this process. Take out the frying pan and rub it with a mechanical sponge - it is not necessary to completely wipe off the dirt, your task is to disrupt the integrity of the burnt layer. Return the pan to the bowl on the stove, adding a couple of tablespoons of baking soda. Leave to boil for 15-20 minutes. Then use a metal sponge to remove the softened soot.

Salt and soda

Heat the frying pan slightly, wet its surface, then coat it with a layer of baking soda or table salt. Then return the pan to the switched off but heated burner and leave to simmer for an hour. Then all that remains is to wipe off the fumes with an iron wool.

Oven Cleaner

To begin with, you should thoroughly wash the pan with regular dishwashing liquid. Then spray generously with oven cleaner and wrap in a bag overnight. The next day you will have to do a little fiddling with a hard sponge.

Silicate glue

Now we will tell you how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits with silicate glue. You will need:

  • two bottles of silicate glue;
  • one piece laundry soap;
  • 500 g soda;
  • large capacity for a unique " boiling» frying pans.

Before the process, be sure to remove the wooden and plastic handles. Then follow the algorithm:

  1. Fill the container with water and put it on fire.
  2. Grate the soap and pour it into the water. Add glue and soda there. Mix all the ingredients and wait until they are completely dissolved.
  3. Now lower the frying pan into the container.
  4. Boil the vessel for 15 minutes.
  5. Turn off the burner, close the container with a lid and leave it for 2-3 hours.
  6. Finally, scrub away any carbon deposits with a stiff sponge or scraper.

You can clearly see this process in the video in this article.

Activated carbon

This method is good if something has recently burned in the pan. Crush 10 charcoal tablets and scatter them over the surface of the frying pan. Then add a little water and soak for 1-2 hours. Next, just wash the dishes.

Ammonia and borax

How to whiten a frying pan from carbon deposits? This method will thoroughly clean not only the stewpan, but also all other utensils. The method is quite simple: mix 1-2 drops of ammonia and 10 g of borax in a glass with warm water. Apply the solution to the pan and leave to soak for a while. Afterwards you need to rinse it off thoroughly.

Sunflower oil and washing powder

We'll tell you how to remove carbon deposits from a frying pan and present an ideal product for cleaning corrugated surfaces. Add a little powder and 2-3 tablespoons of oil to a vat of water. Then place the frying pan in the solution and put the vat on the fire. Bring to a boil, let the dishes soak a little and wash them as usual.


For those who like experimenting, we suggest using an electrolysis installation. Instructions for your attention:

  1. Pour 4.5 liters of water into a plastic bowl, add 1 tablespoon of soda and lower the pan. Place the steel plate in the water ( a baking tray is ideal).
  2. The red clip is attached to the baking sheet, and the black clip is attached to the pan. Turn on the device at 10 amps.
  3. Only the part of the pan that is immersed in water and facing the baking sheet will be cleaned. The closer it is to it, the greater the effect on the fumes. But they should not touch, otherwise the effect will be “ No».
  4. As soon as bubbles appear in the water, the process has started!
  5. After such an impact, all you have to do is scrape off the now easily deposited soot.

Frequent cases

Now is the time to look at tips to help you clean specific types of pans.


Let's present two methods that tell you how to clean a steel frying pan from carbon deposits.

Required components: Description of the method:
Soda Pour over the pan from all sides hot water and generously sprinkle all its surfaces with soda ash.

Rub the areas with soot, using force, and then leave the saucepan to soak in soda for half an hour. Then rinse with water and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Salt Pour half a glass of salt into a frying pan and place it on the fire. Heat for 15 minutes. Then leave the pan with salt for several hours. Finally, scrub the surface of the dish with a sponge.

Cast iron

There are two ways to wash such a frying pan.

Required components: Description of the method:
Laundry soap,


PVA glue

Take large saucepan, iron basin or vat, place a frying pan there and fill it with water. The vessel must be completely immersed in liquid.

Grind a piece of laundry soap into this container, add 500 g of soda and 200 ml of PVA glue.

Bring to a boil and keep on fire until the soot comes off in pieces. Do not forget to ventilate the kitchen.

To complete the procedure, damage the walls of the pan with steel wool.

Hardening in the oven And now - how to clean the grill pan from carbon deposits. Remove all plastic elements from it, heat the oven to 250 degrees and place the frying pan there. During the procedure, the kitchen should also be well ventilated.

Now let's look at how to clean the softer and " capricious» metal.


At the same time, we’ll tell you how to clean a stainless steel frying pan from carbon deposits. Aluminum should not be cleaned mechanically - heating and boiling the vessel will be quite effective.

Required components: Description of the method:

PVA glue,


The above can be replaced with 300 g of table salt

Pour ten liters of water into a large iron container, add the listed “ingredients” and, in fact, the frying pan - it should be completely hidden in the water. Place the vat on the fire and boil for at least 2 hours.
Sand - to remove carbon deposits inside the frying pan Pour sand into the frying pan to the very edges, put it on the fire and heat for 2 hours. Then all that remains is to throw away the sand along with the layer of soot.

And now a frying pan made of atypical material.


Ceramic frying pans are very convenient to use and are practically indispensable in cooking. quick breakfasts- pancakes, scrambled eggs. However, carbon deposits can form on this easy-to-clean coating. Under no circumstances try to remove it using abrasives - you are guaranteed to ruin the coating of the item. It is better to refer to the following methods that we have placed in the table.

Required components: Description of the method:
Alcohol How to clean a pancake pan from carbon deposits if it is ceramic? Rub the soot stain with a cotton pad - a few gentle movements and it will quickly come off the surface.
Boiling – if food is burnt in the pan Pour enough water into the bottom of the pan to cover it. Then place the saucepan on the burner. Leave to simmer for about 15 minutes.

In most cases, after this you can easily remove the carbon deposits with a soft sponge. If this does not help you, then repeat the procedure by adding a packet of citric acid powder to the water.


How to clean non-stick frying pan from carbon deposits quickly and safely? One effective method will help you clean such “capricious” material.

Having figured out how to clean a non-stick frying pan from carbon deposits, let's move on to the next question.

Restoration of oily coating

If the frying pan is not ceramic or Teflon, then effective cleaning will deprive it of an oily layer, and the food on such a vessel will burn. To prevent this from happening, you can return it in two ways, the cost of wasted funds for which is very symbolic.

With salt

Follow this simple algorithm:

  1. Generously sprinkle the bottom of the pan with salt and heat it for 15-20 minutes. As soon as you hear a crackling sound, start stirring the salt while touching the bottom of the pan. Heat it like this for another 20 minutes.
  2. Once the pan has cooled, remove the salt and rinse the pan.
  3. Heat the frying pan thoroughly again - when it becomes hot, grease its surface with a brush dipped in vegetable oil.
  4. As soon as the oil begins to burn, quickly wipe it clean with a paper towel and pour in a new portion. You will have to repeat the described procedure three times to achieve the effect.

In the oven

This method is also an excellent way to deal with rust. Follow the following algorithm:

  1. Heat the pan in an oven preheated to 120 degrees for 40 minutes.
  2. Grease the frying pan with oil - sunflower, burdock or olive, and return to the oven. However, this time the temperature should be 230 degrees. To prevent oil from splashing onto the oven, protect its walls and bottom with foil.
  3. After the pan has cooled, it will need to be greased again.

It is much easier to prevent carbon deposits from appearing than to remove it. Let us share with you some simple recommendations that will help you keep your pans presentable for a long time:

  • Make it a rule to wash dirty dishes as they appear. From soaking " for tomorrow“The first layers of fat appear, which later turn into soot.
  • Use laundry soap that effectively removes grease.
  • Wipe the frying pan with a hard towel after washing - it will help remove remaining particles of fat.
  • It is best to wash Teflon pans with laundry soap, and use special wooden spatulas when cooking.
  • Periodically calcining it before cooking will help your cast iron frying pan stay clean longer.
  • Cast iron is “afraid” dishwashers– It is better to wash such a frying pan by hand so that rust does not appear on it.
  • Under no circumstances should you clean aluminum with a steel wool or sandpaper - eating food cooked in such containers is dangerous! Damaged aluminum is highly oxidized. The oxide, entering the human body, is deposited in bone tissue, displacing calcium, which makes bones brittle.
  • If you decide to clean aluminum frying pan abrasives, then lubricate it generously soap solution and leave it like that overnight. During this time, a film of aluminum dioxide is formed, which will stop the formation of harmful compounds.
  • The safest and easiest to clean dishes are ceramic ones. But such a frying pan has a significant disadvantage - it is very fragile.

Now you know exactly how to quickly clean a frying pan from carbon deposits - mechanical, thermal and chemical method. But any problem is easier to prevent than to solve - so do not ignore our tips for caring for this cookware.

If you have fried or baked something, you have probably encountered the formation of soot that is not so easy to wash off. Especially if a long time has passed since preparation.

Today we will talk about the most effective means that will help restore the dishes to their original shine and cleanliness. There are many methods for cleaning dishes: ceramics, cast iron, Teflon have different “sensitivities”, so each material requires its own approach.

Mechanical removal of carbon deposits from a frying pan

From the outside, any frying pan looks the most neglected; this is where the thickest layer of soot forms. To remove it you can use by mechanical means, however, keep in mind that not every frying pan can be cleaned this way. This option is probably only suitable cast iron product, for other pans, use these methods at your own risk.

Take a regular wire brush or scraper and scrub the outer walls of the pan with strong strokes. If you don't have a scraper, you can use a knife. To simplify and speed up the process, heat the pan over a fire. The carbon deposits will come off the walls in pieces. When cleaning an aluminum frying pan in this way, be careful with the application of force, and also do not hold it over the flame for a long time.

If you don't have an open fire ( gas stove), you can use a blowtorch. The principle of use is similar. Heat the pan and remove the carbon deposits.

You can quickly remove carbon deposits from a cast iron frying pan using grinder. But the work must be done by someone who is good at operating this device. For this you need a protective suit, a respirator, and safety glasses. If there are scratches on the surface of the frying pan, remove them with fine sandpaper and run it along the walls after complete cleaning.

Of course, for ceramic and Teflon pans, you will have to use different methods.

Universal solution for removing carbon deposits from a frying pan

Take a large container that can easily accommodate the frying pan. If the frying pan has a wooden handle, it is better to remove it. Fill the container with water so that the entire pan is covered with water, put it on the fire to heat.

Prepare a universal cleaning solution of 0.5 kg of soda, 1 bar of 72% laundry soap and 2 packages of silicate glue. To do this, grate the soap and put it in water, add soda and silicate glue. Stir the mixture until all components are completely dissolved. IN ready solution Place a frying pan with carbon deposits; at the same time, you can clean other dishes with the same heavy contamination in the same place.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. After this, turn off the heat and cover the large container with a lid. Leave the frying pan to soak for 2-3 hours, after this time you just need to take it out and wash the dishes with a regular sponge, all the carbon deposits will come off from the frying pan on its own. If the contamination is severe, use a knife to help the largest pieces fall away from the walls.

Please note that this method, while effective, has one drawback - while “cooking” the frying pan, a very unpleasant smell spreads throughout the kitchen and throughout the apartment. Therefore, it is better if you do this outdoors or in a very well-ventilated area (with a draft) and with powerful hoods.

Folk remedies for removing carbon deposits

Depending on the funds at your disposal, you can choose suitable composition cleanser. Carbon deposits from kitchen utensils can be cleaned with vinegar. To do this, make a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Place the frying pan on low heat, pour the solution into it and heat, sometimes adding a little water as it evaporates. You will see that the carbon deposits will pull away from the walls on their own.

Once the process is complete, the dishes will smell like vinegar. To eliminate the smell, boil a soda solution in a frying pan. Minus this method cleansing is that vinegar most likely will not cope with heavy deposits, but will only be able to remove light and medium stains.

You can use classic laundry soap (72%) to clean the pan. Take half a block, grate it and add it to the pan along with a little water. Place everything on low heat, stir the mixture until the soap is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and simmer the mixture in a frying pan for about half an hour. Next, rinse well with water.

Use vinegar, salt and baking soda to clean carbon deposits. To do this, pour vinegar into the pan until the bottom is completely covered. Add 2 tablespoons of salt and bring this mixture to a boil. When boiling, turn the heat to low and add another 70 grams of soda. Boil for about 10-15 minutes, then wash the pan as usual. For any product you use, you can increase or decrease the boiling time, depending on the thickness of the deposit.

Next the method will work for cleaning stainless steel frying pans. Pour half a glass of salt into the bowl, spread over the entire surface and let it brew. If the deposit was small, it may come off completely and all that remains is to wash the pan. At heavy soot Additionally, you will have to use the following method.

Packaging activated carbon(10 tablets) crush and scatter over the surface of the frying pan, pour a little water to make a paste. Leave for an hour and a half, then rinse thoroughly.

A mixture of: washing powder and sunflower oil. You will need powder for hand wash to avoid excessive foaming. Add a little washing powder and 2-3 tablespoons of oil to the container to be cleaned. The quantity will depend on the volume of the container. Bring the solution to a boil and leave to soak until it cools completely.

Methods for removing carbon deposits from Teflon and ceramic frying pans

Take 3 liters of water, 200 grams of dishwashing detergent and 50 grams of soda ash. Combine everything in a large container where you will need to immerse the pans. Boil for 30 minutes without soaking. Finally, wash the dishes thoroughly running water. Similarly, you can use a mixture of washing powder and silicate (stationery) glue, taken in equal proportions.

To clean Teflon and ceramic frying pans, mix 10 grams of borax, 1-2 drops of ammonia and 1 glass of warm water in a bowl with carbon deposits. Distribute over all stains and leave for a while. After this, the carbon deposits will easily come off the pan; all that remains is to wash it as usual.

Super remedy for soot on a frying pan

A frying pan, - a saucepan, - water, - washing powder, - soda ash, - steel wool, - salt, - foam sponge, - dishwashing detergent.


Fill the pan with water so that the water does not reach 10 cm from its edge. This is necessary to prevent the water from splashing out of the container. Boil the water. Add two handfuls of soda ash and one handful of washing powder to it. Dip a frying pan into the solution of soda and powder and simmer over low heat for two hours. Of course, it may take more time. Remove the pan from the pan. Scrub it with a steel wool, adding a little salt to this “sponge”. Apply a little dishwashing detergent to the foam sponge and scrub the pan thoroughly. Rinse the pan with hot running water.

Please note

Among household chemicals, there are many whose action is aimed at combating carbon deposits and other formations on dishes. Typically these chemicals very aggressive: they instantly corrode carbon deposits, fatty deposits and other formations. But you should never use such household chemical products without gloves! Moreover, when using them, it is recommended to open the windows, since these chemicals are extremely toxic. By taking into account all the precautions specified in the instructions, you can not only protect yourself, but also achieve desired result– perfect cleanliness of the pan.

It is much easier to prevent something than to deal with the consequences and the problem itself. This is also true for carbon deposits.

To prevent carbon deposits Having bought a new Teflon frying pan, you should perform a number of manipulations with it: pour water into the new frying pan and boil it. Drain the water. Place a drop of oil on the bottom of the frying pan and spread it over the entire plane of the bottom. This primary treatment will preserve the attractive appearance your frying pan for a long time, preventing the formation of soot.

Perhaps the problem of how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits arises periodically in every kitchen. And, despite huge selection detergents, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result in cleaning soot and burnt grease. It is especially difficult to remove fumes from the outside, because this is where the immediate contact of fat with fire. Since pans are made from various materials, then each type has its own cleaning methods.

Therefore, in order to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits, you need to understand modern classification frying pans

Types of frying pans:

  • Cast iron– they are the heaviest and most durable, and therefore will last you for decades.
  • Teflon or non-stick frying pans. They are already equipped with the necessary layer for high-quality care and protection from burning. However, there are pitfalls here too.
  • Frying pans stainless steel.
  • Ceramic frying pans - requiring very careful care.

Before you figure out how to clean a frying pan from a thick layer of soot, it’s worth finding out what it is. Nagar formed during operation frying pans, namely, due to heating of fat and its deposition on the walls of the pan, outside and inside. These layers of many years of soot have become a real nightmare for neat and clean housewives, for whom everything should shine and shine with cleanliness.

Oddly enough, modern household chemicals cannot always cope with burnt fat, and some products are not suitable at all.

  • For example, aluminum frying pan Do not clean with aggressive abrasives or metal sponge. For this type of cookware, it is advisable to use baking soda and a soft sponge or cloth.
  • Non-stick frying pan He is also “afraid” of all kinds of aggressive means. They can damage the Teflon and the only thing left to do is throw it away. Therefore, housewives recommend boiling a frying pan in a special solution. To prepare it, dissolve 200 g of dishwashing detergent and 3 handfuls of soda ash in three liters of warm water. Mix and leave to heat over the fire. Place a frying pan in the solution and boil it for half an hour. Then remove and rinse with hot water.
  • During operation Teflon pans remember 2 main rules:
  1. Do not use metal spatulas when cooking.
  2. Do not expose the frying pan to sudden temperature changes.
  • Shiny and beautiful pans stainless steel Unfortunately, they can often burn. In this case, the usual table salt. To get rid of burnt food marks, take half a cup of salt and sprinkle it on the bottom of the pan. After a couple of hours, the coating will soften and be easily washed off the surface of the dishes. One more in an efficient way For a stainless steel frying pan, use soda. By the way, you can use it to wash pots from the same set, both outside and inside. Stainless steel is also cleaned using activated carbon. Crush several tablets of this medication and apply the powder to the blackened areas. Pour a small amount of water and leave for 10-15 minutes. After this, wash off the solution with a sponge.
  • Ceramic frying pan best to wash by special means using soft sponges. After the first use, such utensils must be washed. saline solution, rinse in warm water and wipe dry. To make ceramic last longer, do not soak it in cold water.

How to clean a cast iron frying pan from carbon deposits?

The hardest thing to clean is a good old cast iron frying pan. Firstly, this cookware can “live” in your kitchen for a very long time and will perform its “duties” just perfectly. Secondly, with outside"cast iron" burnt layers of fat collect, which harden very tightly, and sometimes it seems simply impossible to remove them.

We will reveal to you the most common ways our grandmothers from removing the burnt layer from a cast iron frying pan. After all, these are high-quality and expensive dishes, and cleaning them will be much cheaper than buying new ones.

  1. Burnt-on fat can be easily cleaned by using high temperatures . Place the frying pan on the fire and try to burn the sides evenly over the burner that is on. Some experts manage to remove the burnt layer using gas burner, blowtorch and even grinding machine. These mechanical cleaning methods can be called effective, but it is better to use them outdoors or in the garage, rather than in your own kitchen.
  2. In order to clean a cast iron frying pan from carbon deposits on the outside at home, you can prepare a special solution:
    In a bucket of water, stir 100 grams of grated laundry soap, 500 g of soda ash and 100 g of silicate glue.
    Pour this product into a large saucepan or boiler and place on fire.
    Place all smoked pans and cast irons into the solution.
    Simmer over low heat for about half an hour, then turn off, cool slightly, remove the dishes and rinse them under running water.
    All the fumes will remain in solution, and your favorite cast iron cookware will find new life.

Video lessons: how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits?