How to decorate a veranda at the dacha. Design ideas for decorating a terrace. What types of summer verandas are there?

In this article we will look at the design of a veranda at the dacha. The 80 photos we selected will tell you about all the main styles that can be used when designing and decorating both open and indoor spaces. We will also tell you how to paint correctly to protect the boards from rotting. Next we will discuss the main elements veranda design and decoration:

  • railings and fences;
  • landscaping;
  • roof;
  • doors;
  • lighting;
  • furniture, etc.

Design features of verandas

What is a veranda? A living space, an extension to a house or a full-fledged part of any home? What kind of veranda should there be at the dacha? Design (photo provided) what style is best?

The most accurate definition would be, perhaps, this - this is an open or closed (most often glazed) room attached to a building (as an option - built into it). Let's figure out how the veranda is structurally different from other rooms in the house.

In this material) is often used as extra room, especially if it is insulated, which allows you to spend time there even in winter. The open veranda at the dacha is intended for use in warm time year. We propose to consider the main styles in which these extensions can be made.

Veranda at the dacha - photos of design and different interior styles

When decorating residential premises, designers around the world use dozens of different styles that came to us from both the Far East and Africa. Also, when designing a veranda at the dacha, photos of different ideas will tell you how to do it better.

Let's not stray too far from Russian realities, join the trends of other world regions (and they are radically different from ours) and consider the styles of designing a veranda at the dacha, which are most realistically applied when designing to an ordinary person living within our country.

Rustic wood effect

When developing the design of a veranda at the dacha, many owners country houses stop exactly at rustic style interior design and no wonder, because this particular setting is most suitable for a country house.

The rustic style is distinguished by its coziness and simple design - these are, first of all, natural materials (the advantage always goes to wood and stone), as well as painting in natural colors. Veranda floors are usually stone or wood.

It is best to choose furniture for the veranda in this style that is massive and carved. Even a buffet or small closet. Clay pots right on the floor will also look great - they will add the atmosphere of a real village hut or an old merchant's house - depending on what flowers will be planted in them.

Modern modern

It should be noted right away that the “modern” style as such does not exist anywhere except in the Russian language. If you want to look for information about it on foreign websites, then look at the names “liberty” or “art nouveau”. The term “Jugenstil” is also used. What is it? In fact, a new classic, discreet minimalism. There are many points of view, however, common features there is, and the interior of a veranda in a similar style is quite appropriate.

A characteristic feature of modern architecture is a large amount of light and space. The building, accordingly, looks more like a greenhouse - it is either glazed with panoramic windows or completely open to the sun. Floor coverings and walls are in light shades.

The style works to combine modern technology with natural materials. Despite Art Nouveau’s commitment to cold colors and shades, they are always compensated by warm inserts - these can be bright mosaics on or the floor, as well as designer furniture rich tones.

Well-established antique

The antique style of design on the veranda (photo below) is distinguished by strict majesty, and therefore the materials with which you have to work will not be the simplest. The primary materials used are ceramics and marble. The style prefers geometry - this can be like mosaic floors or triangular elements in the decor (for example, on curtains or upholstery).

There is no need to think that the antique style is extremely cold - due to the abundance of sunlight (large windows, arches), the rooms seem large, spacious and calm.

Modern summer verandas An antique-style dacha also requires the presence of a large number of lamps, lamps and sconces. If you buy several strict floor lamps with a long leg, you can’t go wrong - visually they resemble torches, and therefore will look very atmospheric.

You can throw a small carpet on the floor or leave it mosaic. Pay attention to the ceilings - they are most often decorated with stucco, but this option is not necessary. Images painted with special paint will look much more organic.

Minimalism for perfectionists

An excellent choice for those who love a lot of free space. Easy style, combining pastel shades, light walls and natural colors of furniture and decor. Characteristic feature There is also a commitment to wicker furniture - these can be armchairs made of wicker, wicker tables and even elegant floor lamps made of thin branches.

Minimalism is, first of all, light and geometric perfectionism, therefore the veranda will be equipped with a large number of windows with ideal proportions. Most often chosen panoramic windows However, the opposite options are possible - small windows, but additional lighting in the form of sconces or lamps, preferably in white colors.

The floors of the veranda are made in light shades - it can be either natural wood or painted panels, but always in natural shades.


When people hear the word “Provence,” they first of all remember simplicity and elegance. What do these characteristics mean when applied to the design of a veranda in the Provence style? Do not forget that the word itself means “provincial”, and, therefore, only what is natural can be provincial – wood and various kinds of careless details are used (cracks, chips, abrasions, by the way, are also these details).

Provence furniture is massive furniture in light shades, and old photographs in heavy frames must hang on the walls. One view of this place should speak about its history, but not deliberately pompous, but small, cozy. Curtains for small Provence veranda windows in soft colors are best chosen from linen and cotton fabrics.

Photos of veranda designs at the dacha in different styles

Interior design of an open summer veranda

Having talked about the main stylistics, we can move on to dividing the verandas according to the architectural composition. In particular, open buildings are more suitable for the warm season - they are intended, rather, for relaxing on fresh air than for life. It’s great if a house located close to the forest has such a veranda - it’s simply great to breathe there.

Accordingly, where advantages are hidden, disadvantages can also be found - rain, wind and, of course, snow will be the enemies of the building. Excessive sunlight will also not please the owners, since it will be impossible to hide from the heat in walls without windows (especially in the southern regions - Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, etc.).

Construction of a veranda open type made of wood depends on the imagination of the builder, however, the choice of material for it is entirely a practical task. It is best to choose inexpensive but durable wood - ideal options will be:

  • pine;
  • ash;
  • larch.

Oak, hornbeam and beech are also good, but are much more expensive and, in addition, are susceptible to cracking.

Design open veranda at the dacha you can choose regardless of the style of the house - however, it is preferable that they still correlate.

An important element is the floor. For an open building, a warm floor is not so important (in any case, it is not suitable for winter pastime), so you can use both wide boards and bricks for covering, concrete slabs and even ceramic tiles.

An interesting approach even for small verandas is division into zones. The following main areas can be distinguished: a barbecue or other place for preparing food, a place for eating food, a relaxation area with a hammock or sofa.

If you want to do so, find it on the appropriate page.

Design and decoration

You can design and decorate the veranda at the dacha (photo below) starting with the walls - they will also be part of the decor, especially if they are made of timber. Add some to this palette natural stone– it will turn out both beautiful and environmentally friendly.

Don't forget the details:

  • paintings;
  • embroidery;
  • photographs on the walls;
  • flowers and greenery;
  • pillows;
  • various lamps;
  • correctly selected;
  • pots and vases;
  • themed things.

If the veranda is designed in a certain style (for example, river or pirate), then you can play on this by hanging a lifebuoy or ropes on the wall. If you are a big music lover, emphasize this by placing an old gramophone on a decorative table and hanging records. It will look original, and such decorations will be quite inexpensive. And don’t forget about the main decoration: flowers and greenery - more on that later.


In the hot season, an open-type veranda can be both a desirable place to relax, and quite repulsive - if you cannot escape the heat in it. Usually, openings and windows are covered with curtains or canopies, but why such difficulties? – You can always resort to landscaping.

This term refers to the cultivation of climbing plants that will cover the building, thereby providing a natural curtain. In addition, landscaping the veranda will help maintain a pleasant and healthy atmosphere - the air will be more humid.

What plants can be used for landscaping? Usually these are grapes, hops, honeysuckle, decorative beans - any type of vines. A wooden mesh is hung on the walls of the fence, along which the shoots can begin to curl. It would also be a good idea to plant several small trees nearby.

Veranda railings and fencing

First, let's try to figure out what the differences are between fences and what types they come in. By type they distinguish:

  • closed – designed to combat the wind
  • open - needed solely for decorative purposes to decorate the veranda at the dacha.

The materials for creating veranda fencing can be varied. Among them are metal, wood, glass, cables and ropes, and even bamboo. Depending on the type of execution, you can distinguish your own subgroups:

  • Horizontal – the location of the jumpers is horizontal.
  • Vertical - jumpers, respectively, are located vertically.
  • Cross - jumpers cross each other vertically and horizontally or diagonally.

You need to choose from the types of supports based on the availability and cost of the material, as well as the weight of the future structure and, preferably, the possibility of replacing elements in case of damage.

Interior design of a closed veranda at the dacha

The interior design of a closed veranda at the dacha is distinguished, accordingly, by the presence of not only strong walls, but also doors and windows, essentially representing a separate room. Here, just like in the house, it should be warm, dry and comfortable. We have already covered most of the information about arranging and decorating a veranda, but there are points that most often apply only to enclosed spaces, and we’ll talk about this further.

Doors to the veranda

Doors to the veranda must be chosen based on the logic that they will not only be a successful piece of decor, but also a guarantee of the safety of household members. Also keep in mind that the door must retain heat - its thermal insulation properties are important. The best options would be doors:

  • steel;
  • plastic (somewhat similar to a regular balcony).

By design they can be:

  • single-sex – the most common option;
  • double-field – door leaf is divided horizontally into two parts using a special element;
  • sliding – slides to the left or right;
  • folding - folds like an accordion.

Arrangement options

There are enough DIY options below to get confused if you don’t know what to look for. We offer the most interesting and original solutions.

Veranda as a dining room. You won’t need any unnecessary things there - you can decorate it in a minimalist style, which means that you can only place furniture and indoor plants. No need to choose large furniture, if the room itself is small, it will be both inconvenient and not very aesthetically pleasing.

This could be a great idea for kids. veranda-children. This will be a kind of themed corner for a child, but close to nature. Details, such as curtains, play an important role here. You can read about how to decorate them correctly in our separate article about. How to decorate a veranda as a nursery:

  • toys and pillows on the floor;
  • bright colors for painting walls;
  • children's swings;
  • table for drawing.

Veranda-winter garden with glass walls and the roof. It is advisable to choose plants that will be there that are more or less heat-resistant - for example, palm trees, ivy, and ficus trees take root well.

And finally, the most comfortable option is a veranda with a fireplace. It will not only be possible to warm up on a bad day, but also to cook. It is important to understand that it is recommended to build such a structure yourself only if you have special skills. It is not for nothing that the profession of stove makers is considered expensive and in demand.

A private house has one valuable advantage over city apartments - the owner can decorate the property according to his taste and desire. The territory sometimes looks like a real work of art, since there are practically no restrictions.

Below we will talk about the design of the veranda - it is not enough to create an extension, you should take care of its decent appearance. Several ideas described below will help owners focus on specific styles in order to make the property their own, one where they want to spend more time.

Veranda interior styles

The appearance of the extension depends entirely on general style Houses. It is stupid to build Indian pagodas if the object itself is presented in the form of a Russian hut. So, choosing a style:

The owner has the right to choose something of his own, but before decorating the veranda at the dacha with your own hands, you should take care that the styles do not pile on one another - an abundance of interior items or inappropriate proximity will only spoil the overall picture.

Exterior decoration of the local area

The veranda, no matter how beautiful it looks, requires a corresponding view around it. The beds with vegetables are removed to the backyard, and the area is decorated as follows:

  • Paving the path to the veranda. A popular way to make a convenient approach. You don’t have to follow strict lines, but come up with a winding path decorative bushes. Manufacturers of paving slabs have taken care of the variety of types and prices.
  • Alpine slide. This is a combination of interesting boulder stones and ornamental plants and bushes. There can be no repetition, therefore the question of how to decorate the veranda outside, namely local area, it’s worth examining this design technique.
  • It has many stages: preparing the site, planting plants in a certain order, laying stones. The great thing is that when the planted flowers and shrubs begin to make their way to the sun, it will look great.

Landscape designer is a fashionable and in-demand profession. A professional uses a lot of ideas interspersed with knowledge in his work. But this does not prevent the owner himself from becoming one and realizing his own plans.

The way to decorate a veranda with flowers is good and inexpensive. However, any plants carry moisture, as well as caring for them.

Therefore, attention should be paid to some aspects of such decoration, especially if the veranda is a wooden structure. So, how to decorate the veranda with flowers without harming the frame made from natural raw materials:

The choice of plants also matters:

  • Preference should be given to flora common in the area - exotic options may not tolerate the climate, they will get sick and transfer their illnesses to healthy shoots.
  • Also, you should not plant tall cedars and pines near a low veranda - this will create shadows, and permanent ones at that. Then rotting will occur much faster than if it were in an open area.
  • If the plants are climbing or weaving, then one sprout will be enough when planting - as a rule, they gain growth quite quickly. You should periodically cut off the excess, otherwise it will soon wooden frame will get an unnecessary shadow.
  • Flowers and bushes should be perennial, so that you don’t have to constantly change them and wait for enchanting flowering. Of course, if the owners are fans of floristry and decoration, then go ahead - you can update the facade and veranda every month.
  • Sick or stunted plants should not be left to their own devices. The appearance of the veranda and the house as a whole will seem strange - a chic facade and dead plants are not comme il faut.

Beautiful cut bouquets will decorate any object - the veranda is no exception. Especially if it is used as a dining room. In this case, the best option would be a bouquet of field daisies and cornflowers - the nostalgia of the Russian people.

Caring for floral interiors

It is not enough just to regularly nourish flowers with life-giving moisture. Winter is always just around the corner and therefore leaving beauty to chance is criminal. With the onset of frost, the bushes near the veranda are wrapped in canvas and bent to the ground.

They are sprinkled with soil on top - in this form they will spend the winter. Pots and baskets are planted in the garden and also covered with a special cloth.

It is worth taking care of the frame of the veranda:

  1. Inspect the contact points between flora and wood. There may be pockets of rot.
  2. If a problem is found, it is fixed immediately. They clean off the spores, polish them, change the pieces.
  3. Coat the wood with protective agents.

With the onset of summer, before decorating the veranda inside or outside, the frame is again inspected for damage. Yes, yes - wood is the most capricious construction raw material - owners must be prepared for this from the beginning.

Decorating your own residential area - veranda, house, plot - is a creative and individual process. Based on the ideas presented, owners can create a unique look for their home, using not only means, but also imagination. In a beautifully decorated building, on a veranda or terrace, household members gather much more often - isn’t this an indicator of family unity?

It's not enough to build on summer cottage terrace In order to perceive it correctly, decoration is necessary. Comfortable relaxation is possible only in a building that is attractive outside and inside, and also fits perfectly into the overall landscape.

The terrace is most often decorated with flowers. This is the most easy way arrangement, but giving an incredible result at the end. Plants on the terrace can connect the house and garden together, and also fill the surrounding space with an incredible atmosphere and unique aromas. This article will tell you how to properly decorate your terrace with flowers.

Flower design options

There are many ways to decorate your terrace with flowers. Each of them depends, first of all, on the shape of the structure and how it is adjacent to the house. If the terrace unusual shape, then you can emphasize this by making a kind of frame with flowers. Such techniques can be implemented using:

Decorative flowerpots with flowers or other plants can be placed across the entire surface of the floor, on railings or protruding parts of the walls. They can also be suspended, which are installed in the place where the owner wishes. Tall flowerpots with flowers on the steps look very impressive, as in the photo.

The nuances of decorating with flowers

In order for a mini-garden of plants to please the owners of the house and their guests, it must be carried out in accordance with some recommendations, which will be given below:

Choosing the right plants for the terrace

High-quality plants are the key comfortable atmosphere and the constant beauty of the terrace without human intervention. When choosing plants, you should be guided by the following tips to help you make the right choice:

At the entrance to the terrace or on the stairs you can place containers with terry pelargonium, begonia and petunia. In any combination, they make quite effective compositions. The voids inside the container are easily filled with just soil or moss.

Important! These varieties love moisture, so the soil needs regular moisture.

Can be taken out for seasonal decoration indoor flowers, which will also organically fit into the interior of the terrace at the dacha.

You can decorate the terrace in calm colors, which are diluted with bright and bold ones. Original varieties are selected depending on growing conditions and personal taste. You can combine annuals and perennials together. An interesting combination is obtained with those plants that are suitable for alpine hills and cereals.

For maximum brightness, plants intended for flower beds are planted on the terrace. These can be roses, lavender, geraniums, citrus trees, nasturtium, sage and other types.

Many owners of suburban areas try to create a beautiful and cozy design not only inside the house, but also outside. The design of a country veranda requires maximum attention and a serious approach.

A terrace furnished with love will become great place for relaxation and entertainment

It's fun to think through the details, but there will be many difficulties at various stages of arrangement. Therefore, it is worth knowing in advance all the information regarding the terrace and its decoration.

The veranda can be open or closed. If it is insulated, it helps expand the dimensions of the house. The room often houses a dining room, kitchen, library and work area, garden, creative corner. You can connect several directions at once.

An open building, blown by the breeze and protected from the sun, is in demand only in good weather.

The open-type design is designed specifically for summer season, when it will be comfortable to rest on, thanks to the constant coolness. But can only be used in good weather. Regardless of the type, it is better to place the terrace behind the house. If it becomes a continuation of the home, then it is placed on the required side of the facade.

The design of the veranda must correspond overall design Houses

You can design a veranda at your dacha yourself. There are several things to consider important nuances and you will be able to embody functionality and beauty.

Design of an open veranda in a house

At each stage of arrangement, attention should be paid to the selection of materials, color range, details.

Light and space are the main decorations of an open veranda

All important elements open terrace designs are reflected in the table.

Registration Description
Fencing Wood undergoes many tests every day in the fresh air. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of variety. Pine is affordable, while oak is more reliable, but expensive. The decorative grille can be positioned vertically, horizontally or crosswise. The distance between sections can be any, as well as the shape of the product.
Floor The obvious option is wood. But due to regular exposure to moisture and sunlight, the coating will quickly deteriorate. This can be avoided by annually covering the tree with special paint. For the floor, tiles or linoleum are suitable. They are easier to care for and do not require regular painting.
Furniture Depends on the type of veranda. Closed view can be arranged as usual home room. The open type involves using the terrace only in good weather. Therefore, it is wise to place folding products. If weather conditions change dramatically, the structures will be able to be assembled quickly. Choose models made from artificial rattan. They have an attractive appearance and do not deteriorate from strong winds, exposure to moisture or sun. You can place a sofa, several hanging chairs. Wicker furniture is perfect for the veranda.
landscaping The heat and direct rays of the sun can get boring, and you want to hide from the heat in the cool. For this, curtains or landscaping are used. The latter involves the design of openings climbing plants, performing several functions at once. They save you from the heat and successfully decorate your appearance. Vertical gardening makes the air more humid and reduces dust levels. A classic is the use of hedges.
Curtains You can complement the design with transparent curtains, creating an airy atmosphere. There are special acrylic curtains suitable for outdoor use. They are able to repel dirt and dust. Curtains made of bamboo or rolled models are suitable. This design detail is optional when decorating the veranda , but if the home owners want to decorate the structure, it is recommended to use the listed options.
Lighting The gazebo is used not only during the day, but also in the evening. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to lighting special attention. A spotlight should be installed in the roof of the structure. It will become the main one. An addition can be a garland placed around the entire perimeter. When placing lighting fixtures, remember safety. Devices must be reliable and resistant to moisture.

Open terrace with good lighting easily replaces the kitchen in the summer

Design of a closed veranda in a private house

The enclosed veranda acts as a place for relaxation and relaxation. Therefore, it is worth reliably protecting it from bad weather, making it warm and consistent in style with the general appearance of the house. Give up hi-tech. It is too “cold” for such a room. Use more natural materials, living plants and wood furniture.

Wooden finishes combined with soft light create a warm atmosphere of comfort and tranquility

Popular sliding windows leading to the gazebo. They help you easily turn a closed object type into an open one. You can make the mechanism automatic, controlled remotely. Glass construction It will be expensive, but it will look impressive. There will be a view of the entire territory of the site, but you will be under reliable protection from weather conditions.

Comfortable upholstered furniture and plenty of natural light

An excellent option is to place a fireplace in the area. There is a wide selection of models, which allows you to choose an option for any room.

The fireplace will create cozy atmosphere and will warm you on cool evenings

Choosing a style for a summer country veranda

When decorating a veranda, it is important to adhere to one style direction. The choice will be affected by the location of the object. If it is located to the east or north, then an English colonial interior will do. The furniture is made of rattan; a rocking chair is required.

Buy furniture for the terrace good quality, practical and wear-resistant

Predominantly use wicker furniture. The most common solution when choosing country furniture thanks to its convenience and functionality. Colonial design includes a fireplace. At closed type he will perform additional source heat.

The fireplace is appropriate both on the open terrace and in the closed veranda

Eastern and southern structures are designed mainly in Provence style. There are wooden beams on the ceiling and furniture made only from natural materials. Chairs and table, many flowers placed in vases serving additional element decorations.

Provence style is associated with comfort, romance and lightness

If classic options n suitable, there are many modern interiors. The basis is interesting combinations of finishing materials, such as glass columns. Complemented with low pieces of furniture.

Lighting on the veranda at the dacha

To choose from lighting fixtures depends on the type of construction. For open objects, choose mainly outdoor lamp models. They can withstand moisture and are impact resistant.

An example of successful lighting for an outdoor terrace

Agree that it is much more pleasant to look at an illuminated terrace than in the dark

Choose models that match the overall interior, which will emphasize it more. These can be stylized lanterns for open gazebos. On such a design more space to install the light. Make sure that they are securely and securely fastened. Closed objects can be illuminated like ordinary rooms.

Zoning the space on the country veranda

Most designs have an elongated shape. There is a lot of space, so there are several segments on one territory for various purposes. To avoid mixing them, it is recommended to carry out zoning, outlining the boundaries. This will make your stay comfortable.

When placing furniture on the veranda, leave more space for free movement

Potted plants are great for zoning an open terrace

You can place not only relaxation corners, a dining area, but also a work office. Enclosed veranda Great for increasing the usable space of your home. If there is not enough space inside to accommodate a specific purpose, you can select a corner in the gazebo. Global zoning elements such as massive partitions should be abandoned in view of the main purpose of the terrace. Like an estimate for a vacation. You should arrange the furniture correctly, design the passages and add decorative details, which will reveal the subtle line between segments.

Furniture for the veranda at the dacha

A place for relaxation requires the presence of convenient and comfortable items in which you can relax perfectly. You don't have to buy new products. Old furniture, skillfully complemented by decor, slightly restored will give a special atmosphere to the place. Bright covers, changing upholstery, painting will help. If there is enough space, place a large soft sofa, complemented by pillows.

You can safely place upholstered furniture on the veranda protected from rain

If you intend to eat in this room and not just spend time, be sure to place a table and chairs. Keep it in moderation. The space should not turn out cluttered or overloaded with unnecessary details. A place to relax requires space. It’s a good idea to hang a hammock nearby. It will allow you to enjoy the sun's rays if desired, and then spend time in the cool shade of the terrace.

What could be the decoration and design of the veranda?

The extension can be made of wood or have a metal frame with clapboard cladding. Aluminum stained glass windows are suitable. They are installed on the base of the object. There will be walls that will not require finishing due to glazing. All you need to do is wash everything regularly. The only thing left to decorate is the base. To do this, choose stone or brick.

Panoramic glazing on metal frame will provide an all-round view and unity with nature

Glass blocks can be used for glazing. There is a wide range on the market. Models with frosted glass, corrugated or colored. You can combine them with each other to create a unique effect. The blocks are suitable for organizing lighting or creating panels. One of the negative aspects of such finishing is the price.

To enjoy gorgeous views, make the windows as large as possible.

A combination of several options is allowed. One wall is allocated for glass blocks, the rest are made of aluminum stained glass windows.

Special garden parquet was used to furnish the floor of this open terrace.

In the open type of object, the concept of finishing inside and outside is mixed. This applies to the design and decor in general. Therefore, wood is the most preferred. It is only important to take proper care of the material so that over time negative street factors do not spoil the building. To create objects that will last for many years, there is decking, which is terrace board. She can handle everything very well negative points streets and is suitable for finishing a veranda. The material contains polymer additives, which improves its strength and moisture resistance.

Verandas with glass roof

One of possible options design is the roof glazing. This idea looks impressive. The glazing system is installed on pre-built supporting structures.

The glass roof of the veranda visually increases the size of the room, giving the extension lightness and airiness

It will be light all day on this veranda

An additional advantage of this solution is significant energy savings. No need to install a lot of lighting fixtures. During the day there will be enough light inside. High strength glass is used, so you can not be afraid of rain or scorching rays of the sun. Double-glazed windows are reliable and perfectly protect the room.

Natural stone and wood in the interior of terraces

Stone is often used to decorate the floor. It may not end at the boundaries of the object, but extend further into the yard, becoming paths. This allows you to create something common in the design of the entire site. The stone is used in the construction of the foundation. Externally, the design looks reliable, a little primitive. You can combine it with wood to create interesting combinations. The object will look like a house in the forest, and not a place to relax on a suburban area.

Highlighted wooden beams and stone-lined openings between windows

The stone can be used when installing a fireplace. The device will become a source of heat and the highlight of the room. The space near the fireplace should be complemented with stonework to make everything look complete.

Veranda design in light colors

Light shades visually enlarge the space, give airiness, lightness and create an atmosphere of solemnity. A classic is the design of windows and ceilings in a snow-white palette, and the floor in dark colors. Suitable even for tiny terraces. A smooth transition from gray to white helps add coziness and cleanliness. Be sure to complement the space with several bright details.

Light colors expand the space and create a truly festive mood in any weather

White window frames and a light ceiling echo the same shades of furniture and interior design

For those who want to create scandinavian interior light colors should be present throughout the entire room, including the floor and walls. Bright elements in the form of pillows and curtains will help to dilute the atmosphere. This design is perfect for a dining room located on the veranda. Light color, which is neutral, becomes an excellent backdrop for centralizing various details, including the fireplace. If the flooring is white, it is worth diluting it by laying a carpet of a contrasting shade.

Arrangement of a corner for relaxation and reading on the veranda

A small reading corner can be created with a soft, comfortable chair located next to the racks and shelves. Be sure to add a lamp to the place.

Cozy corner for comfortable reading books

During the day the space is well lit, but in the evening a sufficient amount of light is needed for reading. It is better to choose a distant corner for the design of the veranda at the dacha so that the segment turns out to be quiet and cozy.

Video on how to make a cozy veranda for year-round use

50 country veranda design ideas in photographs

How to decorate a veranda in a house or country house? Terraces and verandas are buildings that combine the warmth of a home and the beauty of the nature that surrounds it. These are cozy places to relax, where you can enjoy the picturesque landscape and have a party with your friends. What kind of design can you come up with for a veranda? country house The article will tell you to make it bright and comfortable.

Before you get acquainted with the intricacies of decorating a veranda or terrace with your own hands, you should determine what type of existing extension is.

It happens:

  • Open. Despite the fact that the veranda and terrace have much in common, they are different structures. If a veranda is a room attached to a house, then a terrace is a platform located on on a separate basis. Structures can be equipped with a roof or have a shading canopy (see), most often low fences are installed instead of walls. The main decoration open space is the light and space that should highlight its design. For lighting design Open-type verandas are most suitable for pastel shades, close to the colors of nature. To diversify the landscape design and cover open openings, the support posts can be entwined with climbing plants:
  1. campsis;
  2. clematis;
  3. wild grapes.

Beautifully flowering vines planted around the perimeter of the building, as shown in the photo, will become an elegant decoration of the space and will reduce the penetration of dust into the room.

Advice: You should not use ultra-modern innovations in the design of an open veranda; they are not appropriate here. When designing a structure, wicker furniture, hanging wrought iron shelves, and porcelain figurines look good.

  • Glazed. In this case, everyone decides for themselves whether only part of the openings or all the windows will be glazed. When using frames different designs and size, you can easily turn a closed room into a bright and open space.

Verandas and terraces have an original look, the glazing of which does not use frames (see). Glass ceilings blur the line between the interior decoration and the surrounding nature. Frameless glazing is the optimal solution for arranging a winter garden on the veranda.

The use of thickened glass that freely transmits the sun's rays will perfectly protect delicate leaves exotic plants from the wind in the cold months.

Tip: To visually enlarge a veranda with a small area, it is necessary to make the roof of the extension with glass inserts. A glass roof will give the appearance of the building lightness and airiness.

Verandas with a transparent roof are practically buried in streams of bright sunlight. All day long, the sun's rays will penetrate through the arches of the dome-shaped glass roof, which will enliven the room with its glow.

This effect can be enhanced by using furniture in light colors and creating a light environment for the relaxation area at minimal cost.

How to choose finishing material for the veranda

For the flooring on the veranda, slabs are most often used from:

  • Porcelain tiles.
  • Stone.

This facing material:

  • Quite attractive, but most importantly - practical.
  • In an unheated room, moisture-resistant materials will not become damp in cold weather.
  • Cleaning the surface will not take too much effort and time.
  • Cold from ceramic tiles helps compensate for heat wood panels, from which the ceilings and walls are made. This technique is often used by designers in combination of two natural materials - stone and wood.
  • Flooring made of wood emphasizes the originality of stone or brickwork.
  • Interior addition wooden beams will create a light touch of antiquity in the room of country life.
  • With a harmonious combination of natural untreated stone and natural wood you can create the feeling of being in a house located in the forest.
  • Decoration from different types of wood, each with a unique shade, allows you to create a unique and memorable interior.
  • The warm color will be supported by the bright material on the upholstery. upholstered furniture.
  • A stone stove or an original fireplace on the veranda is very often used when arranging a room. They will provide an excellent opportunity to relax in comfort and admire the picturesque landscape.
  • Create a calm, relaxing atmosphere cozy fireplace against the backdrop of large windows and upholstered furniture in neutral colors.
  • The feeling of safety and reliability of the interior in the spirit of antiquity is given by finishing the room using elements of masonry.

How to choose the right furniture and accessories for the veranda

The design of such a room in the country includes correctly selected and quite comfortable furniture (see), the choice of which depends on the size of the extension and the chosen style direction in the design:

  • If you have a small space, you should decide on the zones that will be placed on the veranda.
  • If the area is only two or three square meters, you can install two chairs or armchairs, creating a cozy corner for tea drinking.
  • Folding furniture helps to avoid cluttering the area.

Tip: To save space you should use: special tables with folding tabletops, folding sofas.

  • Upon registration spacious room, can be purchased comfortable sofa.
  • If the ceiling structures are very durable, you can attach a sofa swing to them, which is decorated with decorative pillows.
  • When arranging a glazed room, the furniture is protected from harmful weather conditions, but it can fade from sunlight. To prevent this, it is better to choose unsaturated tones.
  • It’s good when a cozy corner is pleasing to the eye with sofas and armchairs made of natural material. These could be:
  1. wooden coffee tables, armchairs that are covered with covers made of cotton fabrics;
  2. wicker furniture made from wicker or rattan.

  • Removable soft seats will help you create a comfortable place to relax. They will add a bright touch to the interior and enrich the color palette on the veranda.
  • A glazed, bright veranda placed in front of the house can become ideal place for book lovers. The sun's rays penetrate through large window openings most of the day. There is a shelf with your favorite books against the wall, a comfortable sofa next to it, and original lighting for reading literature in the evening.
  • In the interior of the open veranda, furniture with forged elements. It fits perfectly into the styles:
  1. country or rustic style;
  2. chalet or alpine style;
  3. Provence
  • As decoration you can use:
  1. floor mats made of dyed straw;
  2. wooden sculptures;
  3. hunter's trophies;
  4. porcelain flowerpots with dried flowers;
  5. glass trinkets.
  • Soft sofas and ottomans with colorful pillows, low tables with elegant jugs help convey the aura of the East.
  • The Mediterranean style is characterized by an abundance of interior items made of wood. For flooring a wide deck board is used, rough wooden benches and chairs are installed - this is an ideal solution for decorating ethnic styles. The picture is complemented by tablecloths, chair covers and pillows in sandy shades. Clay and ceramic amphorae and flowerpots placed on tables and the floor will add a special charm to the room.
  • Coating wooden elements with a special varnish will give them a spectacular vintage look.

Advice: When designing a veranda in your home, you should not use large number pieces of furniture. This will only clutter the space, and the price can become much higher.

It is better to decorate the interior of the veranda with small accessories:

  • Candy bowls and vases.
  • Original figurines and boxes.
  • Beautiful rugs and furniture covers.

Such things help create an atmosphere of home comfort.

How to choose curtains for the veranda

Verandas or terraces that are framed by glass surfaces often receive too much sun. The easiest way to solve this problem is to hang roller blinds, which are very convenient to use. When framing the veranda, they will act as a kind of screen, creating a light-proof barrier, but by pulling the string you can very easily open the window opening.

Curtains for the veranda in the making harmonious design play a key role:

  • Curtains made of thick fabrics will save you from scorching rays;
  • Transparent, draped curtains will be an excellent attribute for celebrations.
  • The canopy will perfectly complement the interior.
  • Light, translucent fabrics for curtains are ideal for decorating a veranda in Scandinavian or Mediterranean styles. Light shades will create a festive atmosphere in the room.

  • Flying, airy chintz or white tulle will add grace and elegance, creating the illusion of heavenly clouds frozen for a moment.

Tip: To create original design verandas in the country, you should use horizontal or vertical blinds. They easily fit into any chosen interior.

  • It is better to use fabric curtains only during the warm season, and after it is over, remove them from the curtain rods and store them indoors.

Veranda landscaping elements

Flower arrangements become a real decoration for any veranda. Lively, aromatic and beautiful flowers give a feeling of peace and tranquility, creating a favorable microclimate on the sunny veranda.

These could be:

  • Petunias.
  • Surfinia.
  • Geraniums.

They can be placed in hanging flowerpots, which are then attached to window openings, or simply place them on shelves or window sills. Besides this:

  • Forged racks with several pots and ornamental plants help to effectively complement the design.
  • The room can also be decorated with dwarf trees and beautiful flowers simply placed in pots everywhere.
  • IN floor vases and containers you can plant garden and medicinal crops, such as:
  1. mint;
  2. oregano;
  3. thyme;
  4. lemon balm;
  5. rosemary.

Herbal compositions can be additionally diluted:

  • Stumps coated with varnish.
  • Colored branches.
  • Originally laid natural stones.

Today there are many options for how to decorate a veranda. In any case, verandas for dachas should be harmoniously combined with architectural ensemble home and the surrounding landscape. The video in this article will show you how to do this better.