What kind of radiators for a private house. Heating radiators for a private home - types and classes, selection rules, prices. Variety of sizes of heating devices

It is not possible to create a heating system in a private house without batteries. Equipment of this type provides heat in the premises, which is very important for residents of Russia, since our climate does not allow us to feel comfortable all year round. This raises a reasonable question: what kind of heating radiators are suitable for creating autonomous systems in a private home? The answer can only be given after considering the appearance and technical characteristics of this product, which is what we will do in this article.

In country houses, heating systems are installed that are connected to the boiler. They have significant differences from central heating, typical for multi-storey buildings. Firstly, in autonomous structures the pressure is within 3 atmospheres. Secondly, in heating a private house a coolant of a different type and quality is used.

The low pressure of individual heating systems virtually eliminates the possibility of water hammer. To do this, it is also necessary to operate the equipment in accordance with certain rules, thereby preventing the occurrence of various types of leaks and any damage.

When using water as a coolant, you should pay attention to its quality. Excessively hard liquid is saturated with salts. This causes precipitation to appear on the surfaces inside the radiators, which reduces the heat transfer coefficient and leads to narrowing of the gaps tubular elements batteries

Circulation type

The choice of heating radiators for a private home depends on the type of circulation. If your system is equipped with a pump, this allows you to install various types batteries Required condition in this case is the volume of the system. The boiler must cope with heating, and the pump must cope with pumping.

In practice, the mentioned physical quantity is usually calculated when it is planned to install cast iron radiators, and the system is of a certain scale, for example, it contains more than ten heating devices.

This kind of calculation is in demand when there are welded registers or tubular heating radiators made of steel. An aluminum battery, characterized as reinforced, contains about 0.4 liters of liquid in one section, and a cast iron MS-140 with a distance between the supply pipes of 500 mm – 1.45 liters.

It is quite difficult to choose batteries for installation in systems that feature natural coolant circulation. Here it is necessary to select radiators with minimal hydraulic resistance, so that low pressure in the system ensures the movement of the coolant. You have to choose from four types of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum, characterized as cast and reinforced, which are equipped with a vertical collector (wide);
  • steel, consisting of large diameter pipes;
  • welded registers.

Cast iron products are highly efficient because they have the largest collector cross-section compared to other radiators. If you plan to create a heating network of significant length, you will have to make preliminary calculations regarding the required amount of water. But you also need to make sure that the boiler can handle the expected loads.

If you are not interested in cast iron radiators, then you are most likely operating with old concepts, that is, remembering what such batteries looked like before, which is quite incorrect. Today, the market offers cast iron heating radiators for private homes in a wide range of designs, including different styles, among which there are such trends as retro and modern.

As for choosing aluminum batteries, it is recommended to purchase reinforced models of these products. This is due to the fact that such products are equipped with vertical collectors of large cross-section. For example, standard option An aluminum radiator contains a coolant volume of 400 ml, while a conventional radiator contains around 200 ml.

In modern homes you can rarely find welded registers, but in country houses they are installed quite often. This equipment has low hydraulic resistance, so it is also necessary to calculate the optimal volume of coolant.

Types of systems

Heating systems are divided into open And closed. At the same time, the first type is used less and less, as it is recognized as extremely unreliable. Such designs require the installation of radiators made of cast iron, copper or an alloy of copper and aluminum that can resist corrosion.

In addition, the installation of registers is necessary, but they still find their use only due to the fact that they have thick walls. In closed systems, it is possible to install any radiators, which shifts the priority of selecting appropriate equipment towards boilers, heat exchangers and pipes.

Boiler types

As a heat source, not only the usual devices for heating water can be used, but also alternative systems, for example, those powered by solar panels. In any case, such designs differ in that they cannot heat the coolant to high temperatures, and this in turn leads to the need to install exclusively low-inertia radiators in terms of heat transfer.

Typically, such devices refer to batteries made of copper or aluminum, as well as copper-aluminum equipment. Aluminum radiators are the most affordable, while copper radiators are the most expensive. At the same time, devices made of red metal are distinguished by high heat transfer rates, which sets them apart from other similar equipment.

At the same time, the radiators described above are suitable for heating systems equipped with condensing boilers.

Copper heat generators and copper-aluminum products are the best option for a private home if the boiler is also made of copper. This condition ensures long-term operation of the system as a whole, if fittings and pipes that are neutral in their composition are additionally installed, and a normal coolant is used.

It is worth noting that copper heat exchangers can function properly for a long time even in the presence of aluminum batteries. But systems based on them must be assembled taking into account the exclusion of direct contact between copper and aluminum parts through the use of neutral adapters.

Along with low-temperature heating systems, designs are used that can briefly heat the coolant to high temperatures. This usually manifests itself during the operation of solid fuel boilers.

For such systems, predominantly cast iron batteries are used, since they are heavy. This allows this equipment to easily withstand sudden temperature changes, which is a standard situation when using fuels such as coal and wood. Those with a tubular design can withstand temperature changes.


Copper is a somewhat problematic material due to its properties. As a result, it is necessary to install radiators made of copper and on a copper-aluminum base if the pipes are also made of red metal.

The heating system of a country house will be as reliable as possible if the appropriate fittings and fittings are selected. This must be correlated with the presence of grounding and the use of a quality substance used to transfer thermal energy, which could be, for example, antifreeze that is compatible with copper.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with copper radiators for heating a private home, you can purchase steel batteries or products made of bimetal. Installation of this kind of radiators should be carried out in conjunction with the installation of filters and mud traps capable of trapping rusted steel particles.

To eliminate the possibility of suspended matter appearing in the coolant, you can resort to installing batteries with stainless steel collectors. However, this does not have the best effect on the cost of such products. As a result, radiators of this type will differ minimally in price from copper devices that have better heat transfer.

The optimal choice of batteries for a private home

Today the market is saturated with a large number of radiator models from various manufacturers. If any option does not meet the technical characteristics, there is always a product that, in terms of its parameters, will best meet your requirements.

Basic tips when choosing batteries for a private home boil down to the following:

  • if the functioning of your system is carried out due to natural circulation, opt for radiators made of cast iron, steel and aluminum in a reinforced version, as well as registers;
  • an open system places its own demands on radiators, which determines the relevance of using cast iron, copper or copper-aluminum batteries in this case;
  • if there are wood or coal fired boilers in the system, it is advisable to install cast iron batteries, although steel products with a tubular structure may also be suitable;
  • the cheapest devices are panel radiators made of steel;
  • for systems with cylindrical copper products, it is necessary to use batteries made of red metal or copper-aluminum devices, but this does not exclude the possibility of installing panel and tubular devices made of steel.

Depending on the cost of certain radiators, you can create another list of tips necessary when choosing a specific product:

  1. Panel steel products are the cheapest option for batteries for a private home. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and are installed in a niche under the window, where the devices take up minimal space. This product can be used with any coolant, including antifreeze.
  2. Steel batteries with a tubular design, as well as cast iron products, are more expensive. Such equipment does not require painting or special care, is diverse in design, is resistant to rust and is interesting because it not only heats the house, but also allows you to dry shoes and things.
  3. If you have sufficient funds, you can choose for your home expensive, corrosion-resistant, characterized by high heat transfer and long service life. Installing equipment of this type allows you to get rid of the problem of organizing home heating for many years.

If you want to create heating for your home by installing aluminum batteries, you must keep in mind that this will require special preparation of the coolant, which can be antifreeze.

Views of summer residents

To the question of which heating radiators are better, the most reliable answers will be given by their owners, whose personal experience will help you decide and understand how to choose the best option for yourself.

Installed steel radiators, because I heard that they are ideal for a private home due to the low pressure in the system. I refused cast iron, because they are mainly used in multi-storey buildings based on a centralized system with high pressure.

Sergey, 45 years old, Kazan

On a country-type heating system or similar, where the pressure is within 1.5 atm, you can install almost any radiators that will last a very long time if you do not hammer them. It all depends on the price and taste of a particular person.

I also recommend thinking about controlling heating appliances. Here it is better to choose those that have low thermal inertia. Every good home radiator is equipped with a thermal head. These devices quickly heat the room and also turn off instantly if the temperature in the room rises due to heat from other energy sources.

Victor, 50, Novosibirsk

My house is 2 floors, 300 sq. m. m, where the second floor is an insulated attic. I thought for a long time which radiators are best for heating a house. I spent time on forums and information sites. I purchased a Hermann Thesi 30SE boiler. The floor will be warm in any case. Where you bought this equipment, they also advise you to purchase Royal Thermo aluminum products.

The premises. Water or other coolant passes through the battery, heats it, and the plates or pipes heat the room using the principle of convection and heat exchange. The thermal conductivity and quality of the product are directly affected by their design features. Some of the radiators do not withstand use in a private home at all, while others have been successfully used for 50 years or more. So, let's figure out which heating batteries for a private home are the best.

Cast iron batteries

They are resistant to corrosion, durable, take a long time to heat up, but also take a long time to cool down, so the room remains warm, even when the system is turned off. But the possibility of a smooth one is completely excluded. Cast iron is heavy, but it has a large flow area, i.e. deposits can form inside, and this will not affect the throughput or heating of the battery.

Cast iron batteries made by artistic casting look very good in country houses, but standard budget options it needs to be tinted, which spoils the surroundings.

Aluminum batteries

The metal is very susceptible to corrosion, so some manufacturers protect the core with a polymer layer. Such radiators are made by two methods: casting or extrusion (extrusion). The advantages of aluminum are low price, light weight and excellent heat dissipation. Disadvantages include: low operating pressures and high susceptibility to corrosion processes.

Bimetallic batteries

are positioned as the highest quality, because the outer part is made of lightweight aluminum, which has excellent heat dissipation, and everything internal pipes and the cores are steel. The steel is durable, does not corrode and can withstand pressure of 25-30 atmospheres at a rated load of heating system 5−7 atm. You can choose an option with a copper core in case antifreeze is added to the coolant, which has an aggressive effect on the steel base.

The presence of alkalis in water and different expansion of steel and aluminum lead to rapid destruction of the core.

Sections or panels: main differences

Based on the type of design, radiators are divided into sectional and panel.


Prefabricated structure connected to the manifold. Easy to operate and repair, lightweight. The number of sections can be changed even after installing the radiator.

Each block is removed and cleaned if dirt appears. Thanks to the use of new production techniques and high-quality materials, sectional batteries can withstand high pressure and last 20-50 years. They differ from monoblock and panel options by the ability to easily replace parts and adjust the required power level by changing the number of elements.


Panel radiators consist of an upper grille and fins for convection, heating panels, channels for coolant and pipes for connection. They are much better suited because... They consume little energy, dissipate heat well, are environmentally friendly, and cost little. Disadvantages: water hammer is dangerous for them and they are subject to corrosion when water is drained from the pipes.

There are also tubular and plate radiators. Tubular models are two horizontal collectors connected by a curved steel pipe. Plate batteries are metal pipe, on which thin plates are placed. Heat transfer depends on their area and quantity.

Advertising and a list of technical parameters say little about the suitability or unsuitability of a particular model for a particular case. To choose the best quality option you need to consider:

  • The maximum pressure in and this indicator is for radiators. Upper pressure limit different models and manufacturers range from 16 to 100 bar. Even if the heating system operates with lower values, the margin will indicate the reliability of the product and the ability to withstand water hammer;
  • The coolant and the temperatures to which it will be heated;
  • Diameter of pipes and sections for connecting the radiator;
  • Type of heating system (one or two pipes);
  • Warranty and service life.

If the choice is made on sectional models, you need to take into account the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the room in order to select the optimal number of sections. Heat transfer depends on both the material and the width of the product, so you need to pay attention to this point.

The required power is calculated using the formula: It remains to divide the resulting figure by the heat transfer indicators of the selected manufacturer and determine the required number of sections.

Long-term and safe operation depends on the sum of all parts.

Thus, radiators for a closed autonomous heating system must withstand high temperatures and pressure and be located away from highly flammable interior elements and wood.

Manufacturers: prices, characteristics, reviews

Each manufacturer tries not only to make high-quality heating radiators, but also to add some unique features. Thus, the Italian brand Sira was the first to begin producing bimetallic batteries. Syrah sections are available in lengths of 300, 500 or 800 mm. The cost of each ranges from 700 to 1200 rubles.

In terms of quality, the Russian Rifar also belongs to the premium class, which has both aluminum and bimetallic models, at a price of 450-900 rubles. per section (depending on thickness, height, model).

Radiators from GLOBAL and SMART are manufactured conscientiously. Beautiful and durable cast iron radiators are produced by Demir Dokum, Retrostyle and M300. The exact price is determined by the design and configuration. Demir has the most affordable option - 4 sections for 18 thousand rubles.

Cast iron

Consumer Reviews

  • Michael:“Cast iron heating radiators for a private home are the best! At my dacha high ceilings, you need good heat dissipation. Only cast iron radiators can be used for heating. There are no complaints after 10 years of service.”
  • Svetlana:“We chose cast iron for the house because affordable price. It is necessary to tint periodically and plaque will form inside - this affects the quality of the water. But overall everything works great."


Buyers' opinion

  • Natalia: « I bought CALIDOR Super aluminum batteries 5 years ago (I didn’t have enough money for more). In winter you can sleep with the window open. There are no leaks."
  • Bogdan:“I heard a lot that they leak and wear out quickly (the warranty is only for 10 years). But I consulted with experts and installed aluminum batteries, and installed them myself. They serve well and don’t hurt your wallet.”

The heating system is the most complex engineering project in a house. Heating types are constantly being improved due to high energy prices. Any heating system will work efficiently only if the thermal engineering calculations are competent and the installation is carried out correctly.

The radiator heating system continues to function reliably in this century, having undergone some modernization. The number of heating radiators for installation is determined by calculation, and not “look at how your neighbor has it.” There is no point in comparing houses; your house is not the same anyway. Only correct calculation and high-quality heating system can create a warm and cozy atmosphere in your abode.

Heating radiator classes

The modern heating equipment market offers a wide selection of them constructive solutions and manufacturers. With such abundance it is easy not to right choice, which will ultimately lead to big trouble. For example, radiators in a central heating system are subject to the most severe operating conditions:

  • Large and varying pressure in the system;
  • The destructive effects of water hammer on heating devices shorten their service life;
  • Increased corrosion and abrasive wear due to the influence of a coolant saturated with oxygen and small solid particles;
  • Outside the heating season, the central system is without water, which contributes to the destruction of pipelines and radiators;
  • Not everyone will be able to withstand pressure testing of the system before the start of the heating season with high pressure, one and a half times higher than the working pressure.

Much better conditions operation of radiators in autonomous heating systems of private households, but even here there are a lot of pitfalls. Traditional materials for their manufacture are steel, cast iron and aluminum.

These materials have different heat transfer characteristics, react differently to the coolant of the heating system, and the service life of radiators and their cost depend on this. For example, copper ones would be ideal, but their price and service life are incommensurable.

Cast iron sectional radiators

Now many, living in “Khrushchev” and “Stalin” buildings, have begun to consider cast iron radiators a relic of the past, primarily because large sizes, Not fashion design for a modern interior and several layers of paint on them. And after working for half a century in the central heating system, the end sections have not warmed up for a long time.

This is an operational problem, but not a reason to abandon them when working in urban networks. Contemporary artistic cast iron and bold design solutions changed significantly appearance cast iron radiators, maintaining their efficiency and durability.

Advantages of cast iron batteries:

  • Longest service life, more than 50 years;
  • Resistant to corrosion and aggressive coolants;
  • Greater inertia when the heating system stops operating, up to 2 hours;
  • High working pressure;
  • Low hydraulic resistance, which means they can be used in systems with natural water circulation;
  • Low cost with unlimited service life.

With so many advantages of cast iron batteries, there are also significant disadvantages:

  • Large dimensions and weight make installation difficult;
  • Brittle cast iron does not withstand water hammer;
  • Radiators on sale are primed, so they require painting after installation;
  • Heating occurs by radiation with slight convection, which complicates uniform heating of the room;
  • Increased inertia complicates the operation of weather-dependent automation;
  • A large volume of liquid, which in an autonomous heating system leads to increased fuel consumption.

Ideal cast iron batteries inexpensive option for a central heating system and their use in individual systems of houses and cottages is not recommended (although when operating a cast iron solid fuel boiler running on coal, cast iron radiators have proven themselves well).

Bimetallic radiators

The high cost of bimetallic radiators is due to their special design: durable steel pipes of the inner layer ensure reliable operation, and the outer layer of aluminum accelerates heat transfer and gives them a modern appearance. Their sectional structure allows you to adjust the size of the set and its power.

Their advantages include:

  • Long service life, from 20 to 50 years;
  • No fear of water hammer thanks to the durable steel core;
  • The aluminum body provides high heat dissipation;
  • Less susceptible to corrosion, which is essential when operating in a central heating system;
  • A small amount of liquid guarantees a quick response to the operation of the thermostat, which contributes to efficient and comfortable heating of the home;
  • They do not require painting; aluminum gives them a pleasant appearance.

The high quality of composite radiators implies one of their biggest drawbacks: high cost. They have a nice appearance, so when searching for a manufacturer you should rely on the wall thickness steel structure, quality of aluminum coating, lack of contact of aluminum with coolant, etc.

Aluminum radiators

Aluminum has higher heat transfer than cast iron and steel, and its plasticity allows radiator sections to be shaped into different shapes. The sections are made by pressing aluminum with the addition of silicon. They are connected to each other by thread, and I assume the upper and bottom connection to the heating system.

Advantages of aluminum radiators:

  • Low inertia ensures quick heating of the room;
  • Light weight allows installation on plasterboard structures;
  • High visual appeal at an affordable price;
  • In addition to radiant heat, the design includes elements for convection heating;
  • Service life without the use of Teflon internal coating is up to 20 years;
  • Quickly respond to room thermostat commands.

But there is a problem when using aluminum batteries together, steel pipes and copper-containing boiler structures, which increase corrosion inside the radiator sections. And the low operating pressure generally excludes their installation in central heating.

The scope of application of aluminum batteries is quite narrow: individual heating systems for houses and cottages, excluding boiler equipment with copper heat exchanger.

Tubular radiators

In the last century, cast iron was the main construction material; now alternative steel tubular and panel radiators have become popular. Tubular radiators are a design of bent tubes located vertically or horizontally without stiffeners. Therefore, its effectiveness depends on the length of the tubes, their number and the pitch between them. This system is non-separable, which eliminates leakage at threaded connections.

Advantages of tubular radiators:

  • Good heat transfer, which directly depends on the diameter of the tubes;
  • Aesthetic appeal;
  • Light weight;
  • Interior polymer material reliably protects against corrosion;
  • High working pressure;
  • The absence of sharp corners, smooth shapes suggest installation in children's rooms;
  • Variety of colors and designs.

Despite the polymer coating, the presence welding seams limited their use in multi-storey buildings with central heating. There is low resistance to water hammer and the formation of deposits, which increase hydraulic resistance and reduce flow.

Panel radiators

When heating residential buildings, the greatest importance is financial issue: what to heat with and how much to pay for it? This problem made panel radiators popular due to their combination of efficiency and low price.

This heater consists of two stamped parts connected to each other. steel sheets with channels for coolant circulation. The power of a panel radiator depends on the size of the welded panel and their number, for example, type 33 radiator involves a design of three panels.


  • Maximum heat transfer coefficient;
  • High heating rate due to the convection effect;
  • The smallest volume of water, which ensures rapid circulation of water and reduced heating costs;
  • Light weight makes installation easier;
  • Responds well to thermostat commands;
  • The panels are painted and equipped with decorative grilles;
  • The delivery set includes fasteners, an installation kit, a plug and a Mayevsky tap.

But the small internal volume of water implies its rapid cooling, and narrow channels and the presence of free oxygen limit their use in systems with natural circulation and in a central heating system. The operating pressure of such radiators directly depends on the thickness of the steel panels.

Convectors (plate batteries)

Structurally, they consist of a pipe with a coolant on which many plates are mounted. Such radiators have sufficient reliability and high heat transfer. Unlike previous radiators, installation in the floor is possible here, which significantly saves living space. But it does not provide uniform heating of the room and there is a problem with dust removal when installed in the floor.

Which heating radiators are best suited for a private home?

What owners of their own homes are proud of is their own heating system. Such a system operates at low coolant pressure, the water in the system is clean, there are no water hammers, which requires the use of radiators of any type.

But each type of radiator requires the creation of operating conditions for it, taking into account the design of the heating system (forced or natural circulation), the conditions of its operation (coolant water or antifreeze), the type of boiler equipment (solid fuel boiler, gas steel floor-mounted, gas mounted double-circuit or electric).

For a private home, you should pay attention to two options: aluminum and steel panel radiators.

What should you rely on when choosing the type of radiator for a private home?

Comparison of operating pressure and application areas of various radiators

Radiator typeWorking pressure, atm.Scope of application
Steel panel6 — 10
Steel tubular8 — 15 For individual heating
Aluminum (sectional)6 — 25 For individual heating
Bimetallic (sectional)20 — 30
Cast iron (sectional)6 — 9 For individual and central heating

Radiator section power and its parameters

  • Domestic section of cast iron radiator MS-140 with a height of 588 mm has a weight of 8.2 kg, a volume of 1.45 liters and a heating surface area of ​​0.244 sq.m;
  • Aluminum radiator section 580 mm high, 80 mm wide and 81 mm deep, has a weight of 1.35 kg, a volume of about 0.4 liters and a heat output of 152 W;
  • Bimetallic radiator section 564 mm high, 80 mm wide and 80 mm deep, has a weight of 1.75 kg, a volume of 0.2 liters and a heat output of 168 W;
  • Steel panel radiator 22 types 500 mm long, 505 mm high, 102 mm deep, weighs 18 kg and has a power of 1078 W (for comparison, an aluminum radiator of 7 sections will have the same power).

There are average data for determining the power of a heating device: 1 kW will provide heat to a room of 10 square meters. m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m.

Radiator dimensions

The simple installation of heating radiators is due to their universal dimensions, which are suitable for most rooms and their parameters satisfy operational requirements. But this choice is not always made for aesthetic reasons; heat transfer conditions are of primary importance.

The number of radiator sections determines their heat transfer and the reality of installation in the location specified by the design. When installing a radiator under a window, to ensure its efficient operation, the distance from the radiator to the window sill must be at least 100 mm, from the bottom edge to the floor at least 80 mm.

It is preferable that the length of the radiator corresponds to the width of the window opening. Thus, following these rules, you can choose optimal size panel radiator or decide on a set of sections of a sectional battery.


In addition to standard radiators, new design solutions have now appeared for non-standard interiors. For example, cast iron radiators with decorative patterns (retro design) and original appearance, created by artistic casting, will decorate country house, fireplace room, restaurant.

Now the market offers a wide selection of designer stainless steel heating radiators with a unique design. Often, in addition to the heating function, they act as a heated towel rail or. The use of such radiators in the interior gives any room its own unique atmosphere of coziness and comfort.


All countries whose geographical location suggests a heating season produce radiators. But the leading position is traditionally occupied by German companies with their guaranteed quality and durability (Kermi, Buderus, Oventrop). Finland (Purmo) and Italy (FondItal, Calidor, Radena) are not far behind them. Our customers are currently most interested in cast iron radiator s Konner (China), well, we love cast iron.

Price comparison table for different types of radiators

Radiator typePrice
Steel panelNot high
Steel tubularAverage, but very high for decorative models
Aluminum (sectional)Not high
BimetallicFor radiators of domestic and made in China average. European manufacturers have a high one.
Cast iron (sectional)On radiators the MC is low. Very high for decorative casting.

The above recommendations for choosing a radiator are not instructions for use, but rather tips, since each type of radiator meets certain operating conditions, taking into account technical features of this heating system and the properties of the structures of the house or apartment as a whole. The size of the budget is also important, so it is advisable to find a “golden” mean between the technical capabilities of radiators and their price.

Which heating batteries are best for a private home?

An important link in any heating system is the radiator, which is installed in each of the heated rooms. It is this device that is responsible for how comfortable living conditions will be created in your apartment or private house.

Unfortunately, not every sales consultant will provide you with adequate assistance in choosing, so let’s figure it out one by one: how to choose the right heating battery so that it heats well, looks beautiful and doesn’t “bite” at the price? So it’s not easy to answer this question right away - you need to take into account many nuances. We will tell you how to avoid basic mistakes.

Comparative characteristics of heating radiators

On the heating equipment market, heating radiators are represented by products that differ from each other both in design and in materials of manufacture. When choosing them, you can use the table of comparative characteristics of the most popular heating devices. The manufacturer indicates data on a specific model in the technical data sheet.

Comparative table of modern heating radiators

Very often, when choosing, the main criteria are price and appearance. Undoubtedly, these points are very important. And yet they should not be decisive. First of all, you should pay attention to compatibility with the heating system in terms of parameters such as the type of coolant. Equally important is the corrosion resistance and durability of the radiator. Ultimately, making the right choice will save you money, time and stress. Next, we will consider the features of each type.

Aluminum radiators have a stylish, interesting design and do not require special care during operation.

High heat transfer is combined with low weight, convenient sectional design and excellent performance. If you consider that these factors are complemented by ease of installation and elegant design, it is not difficult to understand the reasons for the popularity of products made from aluminum alloys when installing individual heating systems.

Comparison table aluminum radiators heating systems of the most popular brands

When choosing an aluminum radiator, one should not forget that such equipment places higher demands on the quality of the coolant (water). Water with high content alkalis cause corrosion of the metal, and leaks during this process chemical reactions lead to gas formation. As a result, the service life of radiators is reduced and the risk of intersections increases. For this reason, you should abandon cheap Chinese-made products in favor of products from well-known European manufacturers.

The likelihood of intersectional leaks is virtually reduced to zero in the design of aluminum radiators from the STOUT brand. The equipment is produced at the Italian GLOBAL plant, heating devices are adapted for operating conditions in Russia. The working pressure of each radiator is 16 atmospheres, they are suitable for working with antifreeze and have a 10-year warranty from the manufacturer. Modern design V Italian traditions will fit into any interior, and the increased heat radiation area will increase indoor comfort.

Statistics show that aluminum radiators have almost the same service life as steel ones - no more than 25 years, while bimetallic batteries can be used for 30-35 years, and cast iron products easily survive the half-century mark.

The destruction of aluminum radiators most often occurs due to poor water quality and exceeding the permissible pressure in the system

Steel radiators

Like other heating equipment with open welds, they require stable coolant pressure. For this reason, they are most often used for installation in private homes and other buildings with autonomous heating. In this case, the closed heating circuit helps slow down oxidative processes, and does not suffer from constant contamination of the coolant with alkali and other aggressive impurities. When using purified water and regularly monitoring the pressure, steel radiators do not require replacement for 20 years or more.

Technical characteristics of steel radiators from famous European manufacturers

When installing steel radiators in buildings with central heating, you should be aware of the danger of water hammer and low quality coolant. Sudden pressure changes and water containing salts and alkali reduce the battery life by more than half. In this case, you should not expect the equipment to last more than 10 years.

Such deposits in the central heating pipe indicate heavy pollution coolant with impurities - it is better not to use steel radiators in this case.

You can find two types of steel radiators on sale:

  • tubular,
  • panel.

The advantages of the former stem from a simple and reliable design, which resembles a ladder of parallel vertical tubes.

Tubular radiators are experiencing a second youth, being the object of attention of designers and hobbyists modern trends in the interior.

Tubular radiators are more resistant to water hammer than panel radiators. Their design allows for the implementation of any wiring scheme and arbitrary placement in space. The range of tubular batteries includes both monolithic and sectional models, from which you can easily assemble a battery of the required power. Simple technology manufacturing is reflected in the affordable cost, and the appearance of the radiator from many vertical elements provides a wide field for design research. Unpretentious at first glance, tubular radiators are not so bad in practice, if you write your opinion about it in the comments, we’ll be happy to discuss?

Flat, smooth surfaces panel radiators make care much easier. That's why housewives love them so much

For the manufacture of panel radiators, steel zigzag plates are used, which are welded to each other spot welding. The cavities formed in this case serve as channels through which the coolant circulates. To increase heat transfer, manufacturers complicate the design by assembling a radiator from three panels. The downside of this improvement is that the structure becomes heavier - the weight of multilayer steel heat exchangers approaches that of cast iron.

To manufacture a panel radiator, profile steel plates are used, the space between which acts as the water circuit of the heat exchanger

As you can see for yourself, such advantages of panel radiators as low price and attractive appearance are overshadowed by disadvantages in the form of low performance indicators. Most often, these heating devices are chosen for undemanding heating systems in the budget category.

The appearance of copper radiators is suitable only for fans of industrial design, which is why manufacturers complete heating devices with decorative screens made of wood and other materials.

A pipe with a diameter of up to 28 mm is complemented with copper or aluminum fins and decorative protection made of solid wood, thermoplastics or composite materials. This option provides efficient heating premises due to the unique heat transfer of non-ferrous metals. By the way, in terms of thermal conductivity, copper is more than 2 times ahead of aluminum, and steel and cast iron - 5-6 times. Possessing low inertia, a copper battery provides quick heating of the room and allows the use of temperature control equipment.

In terms of thermal conductivity, copper is second only to silver, being far ahead of other metals

The inherent ductility of copper, corrosion resistance and the ability to come into contact with contaminated coolant without harm allows the use of copper batteries in apartments of high-rise buildings. It is noteworthy that after 90 hours of operation inner surface The copper radiator is covered with an oxide film, which further protects the heating device from interaction with aggressive substances. Copper radiators have only one drawback - they are too expensive.

Comparative table of technical characteristics of copper and copper-aluminum radiators

Plastic radiators

At the moment, heating radiators are made entirely of plastic, a kind of know-how. Russian engineers in Skolkovo are also working on this type of heater. Contrary to popular belief, in terms of reliability, plastic radiators are close to metal products, and in terms of corrosion resistance, they have no equal. Products made from thermoplastics have high mechanical strength, good thermal conductivity and wear resistance. Plastic radiators are not very heavy, so they are easy to transport and install.

For those who doubt the thermophysical properties of plastic, we recommend remembering the water circuits warm floors made of cross-linked polypropylene. Its thermal conductivity is lower than that of rigid thermoplastics, and, nevertheless, this does not prevent the use of plastic pipes to build reliable and effective systems floor heating.

Simplicity of manufacture and, as a result, low cost make thermoplastic batteries an excellent offer for those who have set themselves the task of saving money. A significant disadvantage of plastic heat exchangers is that they can only be used in systems with a stable pressure of up to 3 atm and a coolant temperature not higher than 80 °C. For this reason, the promotion of plastic batteries in our market is difficult.

Electric radiators

In addition to the heating devices discussed above, there are others - those that do not require connection to the heating system. You probably already guessed that we are talking about.

Modern electric radiators combine high efficiency, reliability and safety.

Depending on the design, there are several types of heat exchangers operating from the electrical network:

  • oil radiators;
  • convectors;
  • infrared devices.

The design of the oil radiator most closely resembles a traditional heating battery. Used as a coolant mineral oil, and heating is carried out by a tubular electric heater (TEH). The closed design contributes to fire safety and mobility of the device, in addition oil heater does not burn oxygen and dust. The disadvantages include bulkiness, low efficiency and the possibility of getting burned when touching a metal surface.

Oil radiators differ from traditional heating batteries in their mobility - if necessary, they can be easily moved from place to place

Electric convectors also use heating due to ohmic losses, only their design uses an air heating element rather than a liquid one. Thanks to their closed design, heaters of this type have the same advantages as oil radiators. As for the design, it is optimized so that the device uses convection as efficiently as possible. The only disadvantage of a convector is low mobility - most often such devices are intended for stationary use.

Simple design and heat transfer by convection contribute to the reliability and efficiency of electric convectors

Infrared radiators are the most modern type of heating equipment. Unlike any other equipment, their design is based on the principle of heat transfer by radiation.

The principle of operation of infrared radiators is borrowed from the Sun - it is not the air in the room that is heated, but reflective objects

By heating not the air, but the surrounding objects, IR heaters are highly efficient and at the same time have the most high efficiency. The disadvantages of devices operating similarly to the Sun include only relatively high cost.

Unlike other radiators, infrared devices work most effectively on the ceiling - in this case, the radiation penetrates into the most remote corners of the room

How to determine the optimal radiator size

The dimensions of the radiator affect not only whether the heating device can heat the room to a comfortable temperature, but also the efficiency of the heating system.

When determining the size of the heating radiator, among other factors, you should take into account the width of the window opening and the height of the window sill

The dimensions of the battery are directly related to its thermal power, so the first step is to calculate the heat losses of the room. For this purpose the volume is cubic meters multiplied by 41 W - the amount of heat required to heat 1 cubic meter. m of building located in mid-latitudes. You should add 20% to the desired value - this reserve will not be superfluous in the event of an extreme low temperatures. Knowing the heat costs that will be needed to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, you can choose a monolithic battery the right size or count the number of sections of a modular radiator. In the latter case, the resulting figure should be divided by the power of one section.

When determining the number of sections of heating radiators, you can use a special table.

For rooms with non-standard ceilings, a larger heating battery will be required. In this case, a table that takes into account the height of the ceilings will help you determine the number of radiator sections.

The table enlarges when clicked.

It must be remembered that the radiator installed under the window must cover ¾ of the length of the window opening. In this case, the glass will not accumulate cold air, and they will not fog up.

For those who do not want to deal with power calculations, there is a convenient one on our website. All that is needed in this case is to enter the room parameters and the heat transfer of one section of the selected radiator. The program will do all the necessary calculations for you.

To sum it up comparative characteristics various types heating appliances, the following main points can be highlighted:

  1. For a centralized open heating network, present in high-rise buildings, as many years ago, a cast iron radiator remains the best option. It is resistant to the poor quality water that circulates through our pipelines and will last for many years. The “accordion” will withstand pressure drops and water hammer, while effectively heating the air in the room. The low price of this type of heating device makes it quite affordable for everyone. However, the high inertness of cast iron will not allow combining such a radiator with a thermostat.
  2. Not a bad alternative cast iron battery in apartment buildings - bimetallic based on steel with aluminum or copper. The steel has sufficient rigidity and corrosion resistance to withstand water hammer and adverse chemical composition water in the central system, and aluminum or copper compensate for the not very outstanding heat transfer of steel. However, the high cost does not allow us to say that this will be the best option.
  3. For closed heating systems found in private homes, choosing batteries is usually easier - there is no overpressure in the heating system, and the water is treated before it enters the pipeline. Therefore, the optimal type of heating device for a home is aluminum. Its price is affordable, the design is good, and the heat dissipation is high. The low inertness of this will allow it to be used in conjunction with a thermoregulation system.
  4. A good alternative to aluminum batteries in conditions of autonomous heat supply is steel radiators. Having lower heat transfer than aluminum, steel heating devices have many advantages - low weight, low inertia, nice design, attractive price.
  5. Steel and aluminum batteries are produced primed along the inner plane of the heating element to prevent corrosion from the aggressive coolant environment. Scale and rust particles present in the coolant open systems heating, lead to mechanical destruction of the primer layer inside the devices, so manufacturers recommend using them in closed heating systems of private houses. A good option for open centralized systems A copper radiator can be used, but not everyone will be happy with its cost.

With the onset of cold weather, it's time to think about how to properly and economically insulate your home? You have to think about which batteries for heating a private home are best to buy? Another important issue is replacing heating batteries.

Types of heating radiators

  1. Cast iron radiators;
  2. Bimetallic radiators;
  3. Panel radiators;
  4. Radiators made of aluminum;
  5. Tubular radiators.

The cast iron radiator consists of sections and is durable. Provides excellent heat. Such radiators are resistant to corrosion, good choice heating for the apartment. Disadvantages - heavy weight, depressurization of joints over time.

Bimetallic radiators are made of steel and aluminum, expensive, of excellent quality. They have an anti-corrosion coating, are durable - service life is up to 40 years, are not susceptible to water hammer, and have high heat transfer. Economical. Bimetallic heating is the best option. You will definitely feel warm with them.

Cons: high cost. Panel radiators - maximum heat transfer, reasonable price, compact size, ease of installation, lightweight.

Disadvantages - the need for frequent washing (3 times a year) to avoid slagging. Aluminum batteries heating systems - last up to 20 years, quickly heat the room, are light in weight, and have a presentable appearance.

Disadvantages - rapid reaction of the metal to acidic and alkaline environments, corrosion of the radiator when connected to pipes made of other alloys.

Tubular radiators are light in weight and high in cost precisely because of the huge variety of shapes and sizes. The basic data is approximately the same with panel and sectional ones. Disadvantages: frequent replacement of radiators, low heat transfer, thin walls, minimal amount of coolant.

Calculation of the number and type of batteries

For those who want to properly install or replace heating batteries in an apartment, you can also read this.

The article will not use complex formulas and will also simplify the calculations.

Self-installation of a heating battery with your own hands requires:

  • You need to know how to select and connect a heating radiator and install a tap on the radiator;
  • Studying the rules for connecting radiators;
  • Carrying out accurate calculations and measurements;
  • You must have the necessary tools.

The design of the heating battery is simple. Heated water to the required temperature flows from the boiler into the apartment through pipes. Later it goes to the radiators.

Regardless of the temperature, heating batteries always give off approximately 60% of energy by radiating thermal energy, the remaining 40% are given off by convection. In this way, minimal air convection and good heating of those objects that are present in the room are achieved.

Now let's look in more detail at how to calculate the number of sections for individual heating:

  • Based on current building regulations, 100 watts of thermal power is needed to heat 1 “square” of a room. For example, the area of ​​a room is 24 square meters, the power of one section is 160 watts, therefore the calculation is: 24 x 100: 160 = 15. To heat the room required quantity batteries - 15 sections, power 160 watts.
  • In this version, the indicators are calculations based on room area and height. One section heats 1.8 m² of area with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, we do the calculation 24: 1.8 = 13.3. There are 14 radiator sections.
  • The last option is how to calculate the required number of sections according to the volume of the room. The length of the room is 6 m, width – 4 m, height – 2.5 m. The volume will be 6 x 4 x 2.5 = 60 m³. For heating 5 m³
    The heating battery power of one section is 200 watts, you need to buy 60: 5 = 12 (sections) of 200 watts each or 11 sections of 160 watts each.

Types of heating radiators are divided into sectional (cast iron, bimetallic, aluminum) and panel ones made of steel. Usually this is a flat battery with bulges for the movement of coolant.

Heating radiators for apartments are different, it is very important to install a radiator meter on them, which will help save up to 65% of the original amount for heating.

Types of heating radiators. Modern views heating radiators

Comparison of batteries for a private home

  • Steel, panel type 6-10 Suitable Low
  • Steel, tubular type 8-15 Suitable High
  • Bimetallic. 20-35 Suitable High
  • Cast Iron 6-9 Suitable Low
  • Aluminum 6-25 Suitable Low

For a private home, it is better to install batteries made of steel or aluminum, which have many advantages and an affordable price.

For a comfortable room temperature, you need a thermostat for radiators to help maintain a stable temperature.

How to shut off a heating radiator is a simple question. For owners of private houses, it is easy to adjust or repair radiators; a private house is equipped with an individual heating system. On the radiator you need to open the top valve and close the bottom one. In this case, there will always be water in the heating system, which will protect the radiator from corrosion.

According to the rules in houses, the water from heating radiators cannot be less than +18 °C (corner rooms - +20 °C). In places that have an average temperature of about -31 °C or more, the room temperature cannot be less than +20 °C, and in corner rooms the temperature should be - +22 °C.

At night (from 00.00 to 5.00 hours) the room temperature can drop no more than 4 °C. During the day, a temperature drop below that specified in the standard level is not allowed.

Why install a screen on a radiator? This good way out for closing outdated heating elements that are not suitable for the interior. The screen for the heating radiator is easy to install and affordable, eliminating the need to replace the radiator and supply pipes.

The heating radiators are connected using various pipes, experts recommend using polypropylene. Ball valves for piping are also bought in polypropylene, straight and angular, this option is simple and cheap.

On modern market flat radiators appeared. This new look The radiators are made of cast iron or steel; the buyer is presented with various sizes of heating radiators, their heating function and beautiful decor.

Why are vertical radiators more convenient? They are designed to be placed on free sections of walls, and the main difference between tall radiators and conventional ones is their small width with a significant height. Are being manufactured high batteries heating systems made of steel and aluminum.

Today, electric heating batteries are a new option for radiators. The type of these heating devices independently maintains the heating temperature of the housing and the air in the room.

Convectors (plate batteries)

Pros: durable, excellent heat transfer, easy to install even on the ceiling and floor.
Disadvantages - they heat the air unevenly, so the heating radiator does not heat well.

A common question is why is there air in the radiator? The coolant heats up, small bubbles form when oxygen separates, which create an air lock; the air vent does not work; in apartments air jams usually on the top floors. The Mayevsky valve will help remove air.

Based on the above, heating devices for a private home are installed taking into account the type of existing heating system. The best option for an individual heating system would be aluminum and steel batteries. In a private house, there are no temperature differences in the autonomous pipeline; prepared water is used and the pressure is regulated.

How to choose heating radiators Which batteries and heating radiators are better