Momordica: application, medicinal properties and contraindications. How to properly grow momordica from seeds

Coming to the market or supermarket, looking at the variety of fruits and vegetables, each of us probably thinks about what generous gifts nature’s pantry holds. Not all of them grow in our country. Some are unknown to us until a certain time, but, as medical research shows, almost every fruit or vegetable brings invaluable benefits to our body. For example, do you know what amazing properties does the Indian pomegranate have - momordica?! However, this fruit has many names. Some call it yellow cucumber, others Chinese melon.

Meet momordica

A fruit that has so much different names, actually refers to and is a distant relative of the familiar zucchini. Its value can be evidenced by the fact that in ancient times only members of the imperial family could eat it in China. And in India it was considered the plant of the Gods. Ancient Asians (namely, Asia is considered the birthplace of this fruit) deservedly appreciated its beneficial properties. It doesn’t hurt us to get to know them. So what kind of fruit is this - momordica?

Secrets of the title

An interesting plant, which today is actively grown in India, the Caribbean Islands, and China, is a climbing annual. Some of its species can also be found in Crimea. Of course, many of us want to know what momordica is and how to use it. Aren't you interested in the mysterious name? It actually goes back to a Latin verb translated as “to bite.” But this is not connected with the way the fruit is consumed, but with its appearance. The fact is that the leaves of the plant resemble animal bites in their shape.

Appearance of momordica

Indian pomegranate looks more like an elongated pumpkin or an oblong cucumber. At first the fruits are green, but as they ripen they turn yellow and then deep orange. All of them are dotted with warts. A ripe plant tends to split at the bottom, revealing small growths containing seeds. You can also recognize momordica by its pleasant aroma during flowering. Her yellow flowers emit a scent similar to blooming jasmine.

Chemical composition of the fruit

This tropical plant, which has entered our latitudes, is not in vain considered such a useful and unique fruit. After all, momordica truly stores a storehouse of substances we need. Moreover, not only its fruits are valued, but also all other parts of the plant: root, stem, leaves. Why is momordica so rich? Useful properties plants are explained by its composition.

  • The red shell of the fruit, which encloses the seed, contains oil rich in carotene. Everyone knows that this substance in our body is converted into vitamin A, the benefits of which hardly anyone will argue.
  • The seeds of the plant are also rich in lycopene. This is the most powerful antioxidant that exists today. Moreover, it can only enter our body with food.
  • Laboratory studies have proven the presence of triterpene saponins in the root of Momordica. And these substances are simply irreplaceable in the treatment of rheumatism.
  • And, of course, one cannot help but recall phytoncides, which kill numerous viruses and bacteria.
  • How about taking charantin, which lowers blood sugar? It turns out that the fruit is a natural medicine, the use of which is very useful for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Momordica: how to use?

Unfortunately, this fruit cannot boast of pleasant taste qualities. It is quite bitter, so it is more often used in pharmacology than in cooking. However, it can also be eaten. Quite often this plant is used in Asian cuisine.

How to eat momordica? It all depends on what exactly you decide to use.

It is recommended to use the pulp unripe, then it tastes like a cucumber. But when the fruit ripens, it becomes soft, but bitter. To make the taste more neutral, the pulp is often boiled in salted water. And then momordica can be added to bean dishes as a spice.

The situation is different with plant seeds. They are sweet, but quite tough. True, if you expose them heat treatment, the seeds will become softer. Most often they are fried. In Asian cuisine, it is an indispensable ingredient for all kinds of salads and stews.

However, not only seeds and fruits are given to people by Momordica. How to use its leaves? Young, fresh shoots will be an excellent addition to vinaigrettes. They can also serve as the basis for medicinal soups and delicious borscht. This fruit has high nutritional value. But, on top of everything else, momordica - low calorie product. Its 100 grams contain no more than 20 kilocalories. After all, it is practically (85%) composed of water.

The value of momordica in the treatment of various diseases

It is clear that a plant with such a composition rich in useful substances can provide enormous benefits.

  • Thanks to the carotene that momordica contains, the use of this fruit helps improve immunity and restore sharp vision.
  • Substances that have been found in the juice of this plant can stop the growth of cancer cells. This product is especially effective for pancreatic cancer.
  • Momordica root is actively used for bronchitis as an expectorant.
  • The seeds of the plant can significantly lower cholesterol levels. In addition, they serve as an excellent preventive measure for heart disease.
  • Momordica leaf extract can destroy not only common staphylococci, but even HIV.

The list of diseases for which this fruit helps is quite extensive. This is why momordica is so valued. You can test the beneficial properties of this plant for yourself. But first it is better to consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

Even if you know first-hand how momordica is useful and how to use this plant, do not forget that in some cases it is better to refuse to use it. For example, during pregnancy or lactation. After all, this is an exotic vegetable, and it is unknown how it can affect your child. In addition, its use is not recommended for those who have an individual intolerance to this fruit.

Momordica in folk medicine

The tropical guest has long been widely used not only in pharmacology. She also found her fans among those who prefer traditional medicine recipes.

Growing momordica

Despite the fact that this is an overseas vegetable, some amateur gardeners manage to grow it in our latitudes. True, only 2 types are suitable for this - “Indian pomegranate” and “balsamic pear”.

If you decide that this miracle fruit should settle in your dacha, try to get dark-colored seeds. They are the ones that are considered ripe, and therefore you don’t have to worry about germination. You can sow momordica either in March or April. IN open ground usually transplanted in May, but only if the thermometer already confidently shows +25 degrees. After all, momordica comes from the tropics, which means it is a heat-loving plant. Momordica emerges approximately on the 10-15th day. But the fruits fully ripen only towards the end of August.

Do not forget that this plant is quite finicky, so you can get a good harvest only if it is grown on fertile soil. Therefore it is good to use organic fertilizers. It is especially effective to apply them when digging the soil.

They give good results And mineral supplements. Feel free to treat the plant with superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, and potassium chloride.

And remember that momordica is a vine. This means she needs support. A trellis can be used for this purpose. The plant will be well lit and will produce a rich harvest. When a momordica lacks nutrition or light, the ovary crumbles. But even if the fruits can be preserved, they will be small.

This plant is often grown as an indoor plant (on a balcony or windowsill). Don’t forget to take care of it, and it will delight you with a rich harvest.

An amazing and healthy fruit - momordica. People who have already encountered it will confirm its healing qualities.

Instructions for use:

Momordica is a plant from the pumpkin family, used in official, folk medicine.

Pharmacological action and properties of momordica

Momordica is also called bitter gourd, balsamic pear, yellow or mad cucumber, Indian pomegranate.

The fruits of the plant have high nutritional value. The watery, crispy flesh of the fruit is similar in taste to bell pepper or cucumber, contains iron, vitamin C. Momordica leaves contain a lot of phosphorus, carbohydrates, and protein.

It is also known that the fruits of the momordica plant contain charantin, which lowers sugar, increases the number of beta cells in the pancreas and stabilizes insulin production.

The following properties of momordica are also known: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, astringent, and sedative properties.

This plant is recognized by official medicine and is used in the production of drugs that stabilize the functions of the pancreas.

Release form

The pharmaceutical industry produces a mildly salty-tasting solution containing plant extract. The solution is taken orally, administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously.

In folk medicine, the fruits and seeds of the momordica plant are used to prepare tinctures and decoctions.

Indications for use

The medicinal properties of momordica are used to treat acute, chronic pancreatitis, and dyspancreatism.

Instructions for use of momordica

To treat momordica in solution, it is used for 3-5 weeks. The permissible dosage for an adult is 2.2 ml (one ampoule with solution). Adults take the solution 1-3 times a week. Children after 6 years of age. You can give a whole ampoule to children under 6 years of age. – 0.5 ampoules, children under 2 years old are given 0.25 ampoules. Methods of use are determined by the doctor.

The fruits and seeds of momordica are used in traditional medicine recipes as follows:

  • fruit tincture. The momordica fruit must be finely chopped, placed in a glass container, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, cover with a lid and let steep for 2 weeks. in a cool dark place. After preparing momordiki, drink the tincture on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon three times a day for three days. It is believed that this infusion is effective for colds, fever, runny nose, cough, rheumatism, psoriasis, and is also used for general strengthening of the body, but these properties of the plant have not been confirmed by official medicine.
  • Decoction of seeds. To prepare it, momordiki seeds (15-20g) are poured with boiling water (250ml), boiled for 10 minutes, then left for one hour and filtered. The decoction is taken 50 ml 3-4 times a day for fever as a diuretic or for hemorrhoids.

Momordica leaves are not used in traditional medicine recipes. They are considered to be too toxic and may cause harm.

Side effects

Treatment with momordica can cause increased salivation and allergic reactions.

Momordica seeds can cause poisoning and anemia in children.

Contraindications to the use of momordica

Momordica should not be taken by pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.

Treatment with momordica is also contraindicated for thyroid diseases.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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Indian pomegranate, Chinese bitter melon, balsamic pear, yellow cucumber - all this is momordica, exotic herbaceous plant created by nature for beauty and benefit.

Useful representatives of the flora, preferring a tropical climate, come from Southeast Asia, grow in the Philippines, India, South America, China, Indonesia. Some types of Indian pomegranate are found in Crimea. Momordica, from the pumpkin family, is a close relative of cucumbers and zucchini. An amazing liana up to 4-6 m high looks impressive throughout the entire growing season. Beautiful carved leaves have the property of causing a slight burning sensation when touched - they “bite”.

Hence the name momordica, which means “biting” in Latin. Blooms yellow throughout the summer shiny flowers with a subtle aroma that attracts insects.

Medicinal fruits with bumpy growths are shaped like an oblong pumpkin or cucumber. As they ripen, they change color from light yellow to rich orange color. Ripening ends with the fruit cracking into three parts, exposing the ruby ​​pericarp. The seeds are not lacking in beauty either. brown with natural ornaments in Indian motifs, ripening in mid-June. Their raw taste is similar to persimmon with hints of aromatic melon.

All parts of the Indian pomegranate contain useful substances: leaves, fruit pulp and seeds. The healing qualities are due to a complex of substances necessary for the body:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins C, A, E, F and group B;
  • mineral salts with a predominance of calcium and phosphorus;
  • phenols, oils, resins, saponins;
  • nicotinic and folic acids;
  • charantina is a natural compound that lowers blood sugar.

Use in cooking

Tender shoots and leaves are added to salads. They make nutritious and medicinal first courses. The fruits are valued in their unripe form, when they do not yet contain the bitterness characteristic of a ripe plant. They are used to prepare vegetable side dishes, as well as caviar. Ideal for stewing, boiling, pickling, canning. They make delicious liqueurs, wines, liqueurs and even jam.

The rich ones have a special taste. essential oils seeds that successfully combine the oiliness of hazelnuts with the flavor of pineapple. They are ideal for dusting pastries and baked goods.

Contains Indian curry seasoning spice plants Momordica is also certainly present.

Healing properties

In traditional medicine, the drug “Momordica Compositum” is known ( Momordica compositum), which is obtained from the ripe fruits of the plant. It is used intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly or orally for the treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis. Refers to homeopathic remedies and is not contraindicated in childhood, starting from 2 years.

In China, people have long paid attention to the antimicrobial and antiviral properties of the herb. It is used to treat infectious diseases stomach and intestines, upper respiratory tract for colds.

Momordica has justifiably joined the list medicinal plants, increasing immunity and resisting acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

In South America, the herb is used to treat hepatitis, measles, and scabies. Its properties are in demand for bites from harmful insects and snakes, and for removing helminths. A positive effect was noted for arthritis, asthma, leukemia and cancer.

Fruits and seeds reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse blood vessels, and prevent heart attacks and strokes. Healing properties Momordiki help in restoring vision, treating psoriasis, liver and kidney diseases, increasing potency and helping to say goodbye to bad habits such as smoking and alcoholism.

The main advantage of the herb is associated with the presence of a rare substance called charantine. Natural component restores beta cells of the pancreas, responsible for the production of insulin. These unique medicinal qualities are used in endocrinology to normalize blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.

Medicinal tinctures

The fruit of the Indian pomegranate is used for the tincture.

Remove the pulp from the berries, chop finely, fill a jar (3 liters) tightly to the top and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Cover with a lid and hide in a cool, dark place for 14 days to infuse.

Take the drink half an hour before meals, a teaspoon three times a day as a remedy for colds, rheumatism and increase the body's immune strength.

Seed decoction

To prepare the decoction you will need 15-20 seeds, which, crushed, are poured with a glass of boiling water. Cook over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. After an hour of infusion, strain and take a quarter glass as diuretics and antifever drugs up to 4 times a day.

In cosmetology, the herb is used in the form of tinctures. Has a rejuvenating and toning effect, tightens pores and gives the skin blooming species and velvety. The plant, rich in vitamins, improves the condition of hair and nails, and gives healthy teeth.

Nutritionists use the plant’s properties to increase metabolism and remove excess fat in combination with low calorie content (100 g contains only 19 kcal). Thanks to Chinese bitter melon, you can easily lose those extra pounds.

Harm and contraindications

Exotic momordica, when consumed in excess, can cause excessive salivation and signs of poisoning. The peculiarities of its composition limit its use medicinal plant in cases:

  • pregnancy due to threat of miscarriage;
  • breastfeeding;
  • stomach diseases due to the risk of exacerbation;
  • individual intolerance to plant components.

Vertical landscaping allows you to camouflage ugly corners garden, and the main helpers in this are lianas. Among plants of this type, momordica stands out favorably, growing which is no more difficult than growing cucumbers. The exotic guest is still rarely found in gardens, but some summer residents have already appreciated its high more decorative quality and the unusual taste of healthy fruits. We will talk about growing momordica seedling method, cuttings, as well as caring for a tropical guest.

Description and varieties

Momordica is included in the Cucurbitaceae family; the genus includes about 20 species of tropical herbaceous vines. People call it the yellow cucumber, crazy melon or Indian pomegranate. The homeland of momordica is India and Southeast Asia, where the fruits and leaves are used in folk medicine and traditional dishes are prepared from them.

As vegetables and ornamental crops Two representatives of the genus are grown:

  • Momordica charantia;
  • Momordica cochinensis.

In our gardens, the first variety is more common - charantia. It forms long and thin shoots reaching a length of over two meters. Simple stems have a pentagonal cross-section and are equipped with tendrils. The shape of the leaf blades is kidney-shaped or round. The leaf is deeply dissected into 5–9 lobes. The leaves reach a length of 10 cm and a width of 12 cm, and are arranged on the stem in an alternate order.

Simple yellow flowers, reminiscent of cucumbers, are located in the axils of the leaves. They sit on long stalks and appear during the active growth of lashes. Flowers are divided into male and female. During flowering, the garden is filled with a subtle fragrance, similar to the aroma of jasmine. Momordica is pollinated by insects.

When grown in closed ground Artificial pollination will be required for fruit formation.

The elongated green fruits grow up to 15-40 cm in length and 5-8 cm in width. The surface of the skin is covered with tubercles and papillae, reminiscent of crocodile skin. Vegetables are spindle-shaped, cylindrical or oval.

As the crop ripens, the color of the crop changes to yellow-orange. When fully ripe, the fruit bursts from the bottom, opening into three pointed, fleshy lobes. Orange flesh and large ruby ​​seeds are exposed.

Growing momordica by seedling method

Planting a tropical liana on your plot or balcony is quite simple. Growing crops from seeds will not cause difficulties even for gardening beginners.

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the region where momordica is grown and further conditions of its growth. It begins to bear fruit 60 days from the first shoots. The seedling period lasts half of this period - 30 days. Momordica seeds are sown for seedlings in March.

Proper preparation of seed is the key rapid growth and healthy seedlings. The seed coat of momordica reliably protects the embryo, without preliminary preparation germination is not easy to achieve.

Before sowing, seeds need preparation, which includes the following steps.

  1. Scarification. The procedure serves to disrupt the integrity of the seed coat and stimulate germination. Gently rub the seeds with sandpaper.
  2. Disinfection. Protects seedlings from infection by fungi. The treatment is carried out by soaking in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes or a fungicide (according to the instructions). After soaking, the seed is washed in clean water.
  3. Soaking in a growth stimulator. It will speed up the process of awakening the seed and the emergence of sprouts. Usually a solution of potassium humate is used.
  4. Germination. After carrying out the described manipulations, place the momordica seeds in a damp cloth and keep in a warm place at a temperature above 25°C. Sprouts will appear in 2 weeks.

Select only ripe seeds that are reddish-brown in color.

Like other representatives of the Pumpkin family, momordica prefers loose and nutritious substrates rich in organic matter. For growing seedlings, a soil mixture based on humus is suitable, garden soil, sand and peat. The components must be taken in equal proportions, having previously steamed the garden soil.

Since momordica has an underdeveloped root system rod type, cultivation is carried out in individual containers to eliminate the picking process. It is advisable to select peat pots or cups with a volume of about 300 ml (diameter 9–10 cm).

Sowing momordica seeds for seedlings is carried out according to the following instructions.

  1. Fill the peat cups with soil mixture, not reaching 2 cm to the edge.
  2. Make a 2cm deep hole in the center of each pot.
  3. Place the sprouted seeds edgewise and fill the hole with soil.
  4. Carefully pour the container, cover it with film or glass and place it in the warmest place in the apartment. Optimal temperature content – ​​22–26°C.

The seedlings will appear only after 1–2 weeks; the first watering after sowing is carried out after 2–3 days. Before the seedlings appear, the shelter is wiped daily to remove droplets of condensation, and the soil is kept moist.

During cultivation, momordica seedlings are protected from drafts and waterlogging. The temperature background for the harmonious development of seedlings must be at least 25 °C.

Do not place pots close to glass. Leaves from contact with cold surface They will lose their decorative properties and may become infected with fungus.

Make sure the soil is well moistened, but avoid stagnation of water after watering. You only need to water the momordica with warm, settled water. Caring for seedlings necessarily includes twice the application of fertilizing. Alternate the full mineral complex and organic matter (humates).

Landing at a permanent place

The readiness of momordica seedlings for planting is indicated by the development of the bush to a height of 25 cm. It will reach such dimensions after a month from full germination.

Transplanting momordica into open ground is possible only after the return frosts have subsided. The air should warm up to 20–22°C, and the soil at a depth of 10 cm should warm up to +15°C. IN Middle lane In Russia the event is held in the third ten days of May. For Siberia and the Urals, the landing dates are shifted to June 5–10. In case of sudden bad weather, it is better to protect tender seedlings with temporary shelter. Momordica can be transplanted into a greenhouse 2 weeks earlier.

The site for growing momordica is selected to be flat and sunny, with slight shading in the midday heat. Low-lying areas are not suitable for cultivation. If you are going to plant a vine there, take care of good drainage and plant it on a “cushion” 30-40 cm high.

Momordica seedlings develop well on light loams enriched with organic matter. The area where potatoes, legumes, tomatoes, and green manure previously grew is best suited.

10–14 days before planting, the site for growing momordica should be prepared:

  1. dig up the soil;
  2. remove rhizomes of perennial weeds;
  3. add humus or compost at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per square meter;
  4. add 20-30 g of potassium chloride, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate per square meter;
  5. during repeated digging, add lime or dolomite flour and a little sand to improve breathability.

The grown bushes are transplanted together with peat cups into holes of such depth that the container completely fits. The momordica is removed from plastic cups very carefully, trying not to disturb the integrity of the earthen lump. Install the root system in the hole and add soil. After compaction, water carefully. When planting, keep a step between bushes of 0.6–1 m.

Caring for momordica in the garden

Caring for momordica in the garden is very simple: the same rules of agricultural technology apply to it as for growing other representatives of the pumpkin family.

  • Installation of support

To ensure the harmonious development of momordica, immediately after planting, install a support next to the bushes. It is best to use a vertical trellis for growing, with the lower crossbar located at a height of 80-90 cm.

The support will not only protect the fragile stems of the momordica from breaking, but will also ensure uniform lighting of the bush and ventilation. This will serve as protection against fungal diseases.

  • Bush formation

To secure good harvest, during cultivation, the formation of a momordica bush is carried out. Thickening will have a bad effect on the quality of the crop, so 2-3 stems are left and the remaining vines are removed. Ensure good ventilation of the root zone by removing all leaves and shoots to a height of 50 cm.

This is done after the first ovary appears. This period is related to defense mechanism momordiki - all above-ground parts of the bush are covered with small, burning hairs. During the first thinning, you should protect your skin from contact with stems and leaves, otherwise you will get a burn like from nettles. By the time of fruiting, the protection “turns off” and the hairs fall off.

  • Irrigation mode, fertilizing

Like cucumbers, momordica loves abundant watering. In hot weather, irrigation is carried out daily, pouring a bucket of water under each bush. Rely on weather conditions, water the plantings as the top layer of soil dries out.

During cultivation, a complete mineral complex or mullein infusion is added once every two weeks. It is advisable to alternate organic matter and minerals. Suitable for momordica and folk recipes, which are applicable to cucumbers - watering with whey, garden infusion.

  • Artificial pollination

In open ground, you won’t have any problems with momordica fruiting, but when grown in a greenhouse or on a balcony, you will have to work hard to turn into a bee. Arm yourself with a cotton swab or soft brush and carefully transfer the pollen from the male flowers to the pistil of the female flowers.

Artificial pollination is best done in the early morning, at which time pollen viability is maximum.

Disease and pest control

While growing a crop, you may encounter some problems. Momordica is threatened by the same diseases as its pumpkin relatives:

  • bacteriosis;
  • powdery mildew;
  • septoria.

For lovers of lush greenery, aphids may bite on the bush. Fungal infections are treated by adjusting the irrigation regime. After removing the affected parts, the momordica should be treated with a fungicide solution. You can get rid of aphids using garlic infusion or a systemic insecticide. The first option is preferable if you are growing a crop for harvesting fruits.

Harvesting and storage, beneficial qualities of fruits

Harvesting begins 8-10 days after the formation of the ovary. The taste of momordiki resembles something between persimmon and pumpkin. The pulp of the green “cucumber” is devoid of bitterness and has an appetizing crunch. Unripe fruits are eaten fresh, pickled, and used to make snacks.

The bright yellow fruits of momordica are bitter, but the bitterness can be removed by soaking in salted water. The fruits are boiled or stewed. The brightly colored pericarp of the seeds is also eaten; once ripe, it becomes sweet. In addition, the flowers, leaves and stems of momordica are also eaten. They are suitable for preparing vitamin-rich salads or seasoning green soups. Vegetables keep in the refrigerator for about three weeks.

Momordica is incredibly useful! It helps produce insulin, lower blood sugar levels, and eliminate cholesterol plaques. Substances contained in vegetables stimulate work digestive tract. Scientists claim that the juice of this exotic plant can suppress cancer cells and even treat HIV. Momordica is rich in iron, potassium, “vitamins of youth”, calcium, beta-carotene.

Reproduction of momordica by cuttings

Momordica is quite easily propagated by cuttings. Cuttings can be harvested throughout the growing season. To grow, the top of the cane, at least 10 cm long, is rooted in water or a peat-sand mixture.

Cuttings are covered with trimmed ones before roots form plastic bottles to support high humidity and temperature not lower than 23-25°C. After the root lobe is formed, the cuttings are planted in open ground. To speed up adaptation, shelter is maintained for the first time after disembarkation.

Having become acquainted with momordica, you will probably want to grow such an unusual and useful decoration for your garden. A spectacular representative of the flora will delight you with abundant fruiting if you properly care for it and pay due attention to growing seedlings.

Momordica, or Indian pomegranate, is an exotic fruit native to Asia. Oblong, bright orange (when ripe), all covered with “warts”, inside of which there are juicy berries. All parts of the plant are considered edible. But we are more accustomed to eating berries. Are Momordica fruits healthy?


  • Red berries - additional source potassium, zinc, selenium, silicon, vitamins B, E, A, C, folic and pantothenic acid.
  • Momordica is able to increase the level of beta enzymes in the pancreas. As a result, the function of insulin production is normalized, which has a beneficial effect on blood sugar concentrations.
  • The plant extract inhibits cancer cells. Regular consumption of the fruit stops the growth of prostate and liver tumors, the development of sarcoma, and melanoma. Research by scientists has proven the anti-leukemic activity of the substances contained in momordica.
  • The pulp juice has an antibacterial and antiviral effect. By enjoying the bright taste of the fruit, you can help your body quickly cope with various infections and inflammatory processes. The fact is that momordica is a source of phytoncides. Elements that kill viruses and bacteria.
  • Indian pomegranate stimulates the activity of the immune system. It helps remove waste and toxins.
  • Berries increase visual acuity and have a positive effect on the general condition of the eyes.
  • Vitamin E in the fruit helps cells renew. The body fights premature aging more successfully. Tocopherols have an antioxidant effect. Substances bind free radicals and make them inactive. Thanks to folic acid the process of hematopoiesis improves.
  • Momordica is a low-calorie product. One hundred grams of pulp contains no more than 15-20 kcal. This is due to the fact that the fruit is 85% water. You can eat to your heart's content without worrying about your figure. And provide your body with healthy vitamins and minerals.

In those countries where momordica is widespread, people treat many diseases with its help. Indian pomegranate is used as a therapeutic agent for diabetes, asthma, hepatitis, leukemia, and colds. It is used as an anthelmintic drug.

Medicinal properties

  • A drug prepared from the pulp helps cure infectious skin pathologies. It is used externally.
  • For acute respiratory diseases, inhalations from momordica are useful.
  • Decoctions from the plant are used to treat prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis.
  • Fruit tinctures are recommended for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Berries contain substances that reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, momordica is used in the treatment of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • A decoction of the leaves is effective as a prophylactic during influenza epidemics.
  • It also has an analgesic effect, which is successfully used for exacerbation of arthritis.
  • Fresh berries reduce itching and prevent swelling in areas of insect bites.
  • Momordica decoction helps with prickly heat and skin rashes.
  • If a person receives a gasoline burn, a hot compress of honey and leaves should be applied. The wound will heal faster, does not become infected and does not leave scars.

Indian pomegranate has found application not only in folk medicine, but also in pharmacology. Based on it, drugs are produced for the treatment of colds, flu, and psoriasis.


Fresh juice of an unripe fruit is poisonous!

If you overdo it with consumption, you can get an allergic reaction. In some people, allergies manifest themselves quite aggressively, even to the point of suffocation. Be careful!

Momordica is toxic to the liver. The seed peel should never be given to children.

When using drugs based on Indian pomegranate, side effects are possible:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • indigestion;
  • hypoglycemia.

Attention! A large number of plant seeds leads to poisoning. In severe form, it can present with fever and coma.

Calorie content

Momordica is harvested green or at the yellowing stage. It has a bitter taste. Therefore, it is soaked for several hours in salt water. Then they are stewed, boiled or canned.

Ripe fruits have sweet seeds. You can eat them just like that. The peel is still bitter. One hundred grams of momordiki boiled without salt or dried contains 19 kcal.


Eating exotic delicacies is prohibited for some people.

  • Momordica can cause spontaneous abortion and bleeding. Therefore, pregnant women should not eat it.
  • The berry is contraindicated for persons with individual intolerance to its active substances.
  • It is also better for nursing mothers to avoid Indian pomegranate.

Nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals


Item name % of daily requirement
A (RE) 6 mcg 1
Beta carotene 68 mcg 1
Lutein 1323 mcg
B 1 (thiamine) 0.051 mg 4
B 2 (riboflavin) 0.053 mg 4
B 3 (nicotinic acid) 0.28 mg 2
B 5 (pantothenic acid) 0.193 mg 4
B 6 (pyridoxine) 0.041 3
B 9 (folic acid) 51 mcg 13
E (tocopherol) 0.14 mg 1
K (naphthoquinone) 4.8 mcg 5
C (ascorbic acid) 33 mg 40


Item name Quantity per 100 grams of product % of daily requirement
Calcium 9 mg 1
Iron 0.38 mg 3
Magnesium 16 mg 5
Manganese 0.086 mg 4
Phosphorus 36 mg 5
Potassium 319 mg 7
Zinc 0.77 mg 8
Sodium 6 mg 0

Thus, Momordica has a number of useful characteristics. This is what its composition convinces us of. However, eating it without moderation is dangerous to health.