Planting peonies in the fall: optimal timing and growing rules. Planting peonies in autumn What depth to plant peonies in autumn

Read how to plant peonies correctly so that they bloom: place, soil, distance, depth and choice of seedling.

We find out when it is better to plant in spring or autumn open ground and call the dates for planting peonies. Plus we describe how to care for them after planting and when they bloom.

Which is the best peony seedling to choose?

It is best to plant a 1-2 year old seedling. You can buy it or grow it yourself from a small “cut” (2-3 buds and part of the rhizome with completely renewed light (young) roots and large buds).

The optimal size of a seedling is 20-25 cm in height, but 10-15 cm is allowed.

In spring and summer, peony seedlings in pots are often sold - these are first-years, the divisions were planted in the fall, and now they have hatched and are growing.

An example of a peony seedling from a store


  • It is better to buy “cuts” from adult bushes. They have an unattractive appearance, large irregularities and sharp points.
    Beautiful rhizomes with smooth outlines, most often from the so-called “shkolka” (bushes up to 4 years old) and it is these that flower growers are more willing to buy, but such “divisions” grow and bloom worse.
  • Do not buy overdried cuttings with dried and blackened buds. Sellers will claim that sleeping buds will wake up, but remember that this is an unnecessary risk.
  • The chances of saving a wilted tree with growth stimulants are minimal.
  • Do not purchase yellowed seedlings of tree peonies at a low price - it is more difficult to obtain a luxuriously flowering bush from a weak and diseased specimen.
  • Before buying a seedling, carefully inspect the roots, choose the ones with the strongest appearance.
  • Try to study the varieties offered on the Internet (frost resistance, height and size of the bush, flowering time and their color).
    Especially check varieties with fantastic, beautiful names - “Blue Sapphire” does not bloom blue, and “Black Panther” blooms black. Read in a separate article about blue and light blue peonies.

When is it better to plant in spring or autumn?

Experts believe that the favorable time for planting peonies is August, September or October (depending on the climate zone). General rule– 30-40 days before the arrival of frost, the earlier winter comes, the earlier the planting.

By autumn, the plant forms many new roots and becomes stronger, which increases its survival rate. It is also in a dormant state and can more easily withstand manipulation of the rhizome. They are even sent by mail without harm.

Some experts advise planting purchased cuttings in September or October (beginning - middle). At proper care they winter well and grow in next year.

When can you plant peonies in the fall?

Before disembarking, check the weather forecast for 1-2 months ahead to avoid a false start. IN recent years, there are often long thaws in late October and early November, which can cause flowers planted early in August to begin to grow.

Planting a peony in spring: what to do?

Another risk of planting peonies in the spring is that the overgrown stems are easy to break.

At the same time, many gardeners have successfully planted in the spring and believe that the general laws of nature are stronger individual characteristics. After all, nature has maximum strength, and the suction roots grow no worse than in the fall.

Opinion of the magazine “Flower Festival”: “It is better to plant seedlings purchased in the spring without a pot (with an open root system) in the fall, while those with a closed root system are allowed in the spring and summer.”

When to plant peonies in open ground in spring?

Pay special attention to planting dates. If you still decide, we recommend planting as soon as possible after the snow melts. When the earth is still full of moisture, there is no heat, and the flower has not begun to grow.

In our experience, it is better to plant a little earlier in the spring rather than later. In the Moscow region, this is approximately the end of March - mid-April.

  • It is important for the “spring” peony to ensure further good care(watering, fertilizing) - this significantly increases the chances of survival and successful wintering.

How to preserve peonies before planting in spring?

Often, the roots of herbaceous and tree-like peonies are ordered from Asia (China, Japan) and Europe in winter and early spring, and they don’t always arrive at the right time.

If the buds have not started to grow, then the “cut” is placed in a bag and sprinkled with vermiculite or sphagnum, and then in a box with vegetables in the refrigerator for storage.

When the buds wake up and growth begins, plant the rhizome in a pot (2-3 liters) with strong drainage and a light nutrient substrate. Place in a dark and cool place (4-6 degrees Celsius - cellar, basement) to delay the growing season.

In the spring, dig the peony in the area along with the pot, and transfer it in the fall.

Option 2

You can immediately transfer to permanent place, but minimal risk is still present.

Option 3

If you plan to plant in the fall, then after the buds awaken and begin to grow, move the pot to a bright place in the apartment. Care as for an indoor flower.

How to care at home?

Sprinkle wood ash and sand on top of the soil mixture to prevent rot. Provide maximum light (ideally illuminated for a couple of hours a day until May) and coolness with moderate watering (you can put ice or snow cubes on top of the pot, which will add coolness by melting).

Inspect the flower weekly. By May - June, suction roots appear, and if you don’t want to wait for August - September, you can plant them in open ground.

  • The main thing is moderate watering after the soil surface dries.
  • The maximum period for growing a peony in a pot in the house is one year, as the rhizome will no longer be able to grow normally.

Summer planting

Many garden centers sold in summer tree peonies in pots. Experts believe that they can be planted from April to October.

But if you want to play it safe or the seedling is not entirely healthy, then it is better to wait until August - September. Read about tree peonies at the bottom of the page in the special material.

Planting rules: location, soil, distance, depth

On the Internet there are not always accurate and good advice regarding planting flowers.

Therefore, we have collected rules proven by many years of experience in growing peonies, not only by amateurs, but also by scientists who specialize in them in botanical gardens and nurseries throughout the former USSR.

Experts kindly shared the secrets of agricultural technology with us, and we supplement them with our own recommendations and share them with you.

We hope that now as possible more people will be able to successfully plant a peony in the garden. After all, these beautiful flowers bring amazing aesthetic pleasure and lift your spirits!

So, for the successful growth and development of a plant, you need to take into account several key factors: place, soil, timing, planting hole, distance, planting depth and the seedling itself.

Peony planting site

The flower is very resilient, it can grow for several decades without replanting and bloom profusely every year. Therefore, you need to choose a place for it with all seriousness.

It should be well lit and warmed by the sun, protected from drafts. It is advisable that the sun illuminates the plant in the morning and evening, and slight shading during the peak of the heat will prolong its flowering. The best position is the eastern side, with morning sun and afternoon partial shade.

  • A humid place where there are even short-term stagnant waters (spring/autumn). Flooded roots will begin to rot and lead to the death of the flower.
  • Shaded place. Shade is contraindicated for herbaceous and tree-like peonies; even if they are heavily shaded for 2-3 hours a day, they will begin to wither and you will have to forget about flowering.
  • The distance from trees is closer than three meters, and from large bushes and a house 1.5-2 m. The roots of a tree or bush will be taken away minerals from the ground, which will result in their shortage for the flower. And the walls of the house emit heat and create a temperature difference.


Peonies grow great on soil with a neutral and slightly acidic reaction - pH 6.2-6.8. Therefore, check and normalize the acidity of the soil. Be aware that fertilizing with mineral fertilizers increases acidity, as does mulching with peat.

Tree and herbaceous species love loamy soil with a high level of moisture and air permeability. Add sand and compost to excessively clayey soil.

It is not recommended to plant in peat soil because high level acidity. To reduce it, add wood ash, sand, humus and slaked lime. More details in the section - step by step instructions upon landing.

Planting depth and distance

This is very important points, which determine future fate plants. Will it bloom profusely and develop well? How will it survive the winter? How effective will fertilizing be, and how often will it be necessary to fertilize?

At what distance are peonies planted?

The distance between peonies when planting is great value for their further development. Remember that it is better to retreat a little more than less.

At what depth should peonies be planted?

The depth of the upper bud on the rhizome is 3-4 cm (heavy soil) or 5-7 cm (light soil). Golden rule tested many times all over the world.

The correct planting depth of a peony lays the foundation for successful growth and development. The rhizome of the plant gradually grows upward, and during weeding the soil is sometimes raked away from the buds, they are left unprotected and suffer from heat or frost.

At the same time, planting too deep provides excellent development, but leads to a lack of flowering.

For convenience, you can put a board, pull a rope and navigate along it.

Adjusting the peony planting depth

How to plant peonies correctly? Instructions

  1. Pit. Cone-shaped, depth - 70-80, width 50-60 cm (tree-like peonies and tall herbaceous ones), and low-growing herbaceous peonies: depth - 60-70, width - 40-50 cm. Flower roots can penetrate up to 80-90 cm, but only in loose soil.
    Therefore, if the depth of the hole is shallower, they will begin to grow to the sides, which is fraught with a lack of moisture and mineral elements.
  2. Feeding layer. 70% of the depth of the hole is filled with a nutritious soil mixture, but so that there is at least 15-20 cm to the surface.
    Composition: humus, sand (except sandy soils), peat and turf land in equal parts + 100-150 g superphosphate + 300-350 g bone meal or wood ash + iron sulfate – 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Top layer. Sprinkle regular soil on top, at least a 15-20 cm layer, and plant the peony at the correct depth.
  4. The soil must be carefully and gently compacted with your hands so as not to damage the buds, and then watered generously (8-10 liters of water). Then add some wood ash to prevent it from drying out.
  5. For the first winter, the peony needs to be prepared: cover it with earth or add a 10-12 cm layer of peat.



If groundwater rises close to the roots, then in order to reduce its level, they dig drainage hole and fill to the top with crushed stone, pebbles or broken bricks. And the flower itself is planted on a high ridge, but the root collar of the bush should be above the row spacing to drain water when the snow melts.

Many articles on planting write about creating drainage at the bottom of the planting hole, but for herbaceous peonies There is no need to do this, but for tree-like ones it is possible. Drainage is vital in wetlands, but it is generally not advisable to plant in them.


Fertilizers play an important role during planting and lay the foundation for good flower development. The roots get nutrients and fill it with strength.

Phosphorus fertilizers must also be added to the fertilizing layer so that over time they do not appear on the leaves. brown spots. When fertilizing after planting, phosphorus often forms insoluble compounds and settles in the top layer of soil.

Better to use organic phosphate fertilizers (bone meal) than mineral ones (superphosphate) since they decompose more slowly, and the plant receives nutrition for a long time.

Top layer

There should be no fertilizer in the top layer of the planting hole (15-20), so ordinary loose soil is poured on top so that the roots grow down and oxygen flows to them.

Diagram of a hole for planting a peony

  • Experts advise digging a hole 20-30 days before planting so that the soil subsides a little. That is, add drainage (if necessary), a layer of fertilizing to the dug hole, cover it with regular soil, and after a few weeks plant the bush at the required depth.
  • In order for the roots to take root better, it is better to treat them with a clay solution or soak them in a growth stimulator (“Heteroauxin”, “ Succinic acid", "Rooter", aloe juice). Composition: natural clay + copper sulfate and “Heteroauxin” - two tablets each. The components are mixed with water (“batter”) and the roots of the “divide” are completely dipped into the resulting solution before planting. Then they are dried for 5-10 minutes.
  • Attention! Handle the roots delicately as they are quite fragile.
  • It is useful to add rotted weeds, weeded from clay soil. It is clay soil that retains more nutrients, unlike sand, peat or podzol.
  • If the pH level is below 6.5, add 100 grams of slaked lime to the top dressing layer, and if below 6.0, add 200 grams per bush.

How to make compost for planting?

In a well-sunny area, make a narrow pile of weeds. Air will penetrate well into it and develop aerobic bacteria. If there is no rain, then water compost heap to attract earthworms.

Mineral fertilizers and wood ash are added to the finished compost only at the time of laying the planting hole.

Care after landing

The first spring of growth is a key stage in the life of a peony.

  1. From May to mid-June it is necessary to feed it - this is the most favorable period. Best comprehensive mineral fertilizer and nitrogen (ammonium nitrate). Pour the nutrient solution into a circular hole - this will speed up the formation of the root system, promote excellent vegetation and the formation of renewal buds.
  2. It is in the first year of life that experts consider foliar feeding more effective. Spray the flower three times: 1. After the shoots begin to grow – 30-40 grams of urea/5 liters of water. 2. After 2-3 weeks, 30-40 grams of urea (carbamide) and a tablet with microelements / 5 liters of water. 3. After 2-3 weeks, two tablets/5 liters of water.
  3. If there is no rain, then it needs to be watered every 2-3 days for the first 2-3 weeks after planting. And in the future, during drought, it is better to water the bush less often, but abundantly: 10-15 liters per bush. The next day, loosen the soil to provide oxygen to the roots.
  4. In the fall, prepare the bush for winter. In September - October, cover with a little soil and cover with a 10-14 cm layer of peat (except acidic soil) or spruce branches. The mulch is removed in the spring and covered again the following fall.
  • There is an opinion that seedlings do not need feeding for the first two years. However, Flower Festival strongly recommends fertilizing young plants, since they do not have enough nutrients, and the roots have not yet grown to the bottom of the planting hole.

What year do peonies bloom after planting?

Many gardeners think that a plant must bloom in the first year, especially when planted in the fall.

However, we think differently, which is confirmed in practice - usually the bush blooms after planting after two years, and often after three, depending on the variety and care.

Tree peonies with their own roots bloom in the 4th-6th year, and with those grafted from herbaceous type on the 2-3rd.

  1. Moreover, early flowering should not be allowed. In the first spring of growth, be sure to cut off all flowers after buds appear so that the plant can better develop root system. At the same time, do not forget about proper care and watering.
  2. In the second year, leave one bud, and after it blooms, cut it as short as possible and examine it for compliance with the variety.
  3. If the compliance is not complete, the procedure must be repeated next year, and so on until the flower is identical to the varietal characteristics. Often this happens in the 4-5th year.

We wish you to plant peonies correctly so that they bloom profusely and brightly!

The end of August - mid-September is considered optimal time make sure that the peonies bloom well next year. It is during this period that they are ready for planting, digging, dividing and replanting the bushes, since renewal buds are already being formed in their roots. But to do this, you need to know how to plant peonies correctly in the fall so that they take root.

Let's consider the main stages of this process, which consists of: dividing, planting and caring for peonies.

Dividing peonies in autumn

Before you start planting peonies in the fall, they should be divided. You need to do it like this:

  1. Cut off the peony stems.
  2. Dig the bush with a shovel from all sides, being careful not to touch the roots, and lift it above the ground.
  3. Wash the roots with water and leave to dry for 24 hours in the shade. If the rhizome of the bush is very large, then to divide it into parts, drive a stake into the middle.
  4. Clean the root collar from rot, remove the roots that are rotten or damaged, and shorten the rest to 15-20 cm, keeping 3-5 buds.
  5. Then place in a dark solution of potassium permanganate for several hours and sprinkle the resulting sections with crushed charcoal.
  6. Dry the resulting cuttings in the shade for 24 hours to form a cork layer that will protect them from microbes.
  7. To prevent fungal diseases, treat peony cuttings with Heteroauxin solution (dilute 2 tablets per 10 liters of water).
  8. If the divisions are not planted immediately, they need to be buried in the shade.

Planting peonies in autumn

A prerequisite for planting peonies is choosing the right one. seat. It should be:

  • sunny, but they can tolerate light partial shade;
  • protected from the wind;
  • so that trees and shrubs do not grow nearby;
  • not close to the house, from the foundation to the bush should be at least 2 m.

The preparation of the planting hole for planting peonies in the fall should be done about a month in advance, so that by the time the bush is planted, the soil has time to settle and compact. To enable the bush to form a powerful root system, the depth of the hole should be at least 60-70 cm and the size 60x60 cm. To ensure air movement and to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases, peony bushes are planted at a distance of 90 cm.

Before planting, the soil must be fertilized: with a mixture of organic fertilizers(well-rotted manure or compost), removed top layer of soil, chemical fertilizers (and potassium sulfate) and ash. Add to clay soil river sand, and in the sandy one - one and a half buckets of clay.

How to plant peonies in the fall:

  1. We install the peony rhizome into the already prepared hole so that the topmost bud is 3-5 cm below ground level (to protect against frost).
  2. We fill the peony section or bush, without compacting it, with soil (fertile), so as not to damage either the buds or the roots.
  3. Water the bush well and mulch the top with humus.
  4. Watering after planting is very important for good rooting, and in dry weather you should continue watering until late autumn.

The best time for planting is considered to be from August 20 to September 20, i.e. so that there are 40-45 days left before frost. Since it is very important that the peony has time to grow suction roots, which are necessary for the full development of the plant next spring.

Caring for peonies in autumn

For good flowering Next year, it is important how you care for your peonies in the fall. For good flower development, watering, fertilizing, pruning and disease prevention measures are very necessary.

If you take proper care of your peony in the fall, then in the spring you will receive abundant blooms from the grateful flower.

It is preferable to replant and propagate peonies in the fall, but how to choose the right time for this procedure, carry it out and prepare the bushes for wintering? Let us examine in detail all the intricacies of October care for peonies.

Carved peony leaves remain decorative until frost, so often, in an attempt to somehow decorate empty flower beds, gardeners leave dried plant stems in the flower beds. You can't call it the right decision, after all, by wasting energy on old greenery, the peony bush weakens and degenerates, and no one has canceled the wintering of pests in this convenient shelter. In order for the bush to bloom magnificently next year, you need to take proper care of it before wintering.

Caring for peonies in October

If you have young bushes planted on your site, and you do not plan to change their number or location, then get by with standard care measures.

  1. After the first frost, trim the peony leaves flush with the ground to avoid stumps.
  2. If the weather has been dry the last couple of weeks, water your peonies. It is advisable to do this not in the middle of the bush, but in the groove surrounding it.
  3. Place 300 g of ash and 200 g of bone meal into the ground next to each bush.
  4. If your region has snowless, frosty winters, mulch the peonies with a layer of low-lying peat or humus 7-10 cm thick.

Peonies are frost-resistant plants, and their main problem is not freezing, but a lack of nutrition, so do not ignore autumn feeding - it is just as important as that carried out in the spring.

Planting and replanting peonies in October

The optimal time for planting peonies is the velvet season. But after it, until October, and sometimes even until November, you can see such tempting offers in stores and on websites of gardening products that it is simply impossible to resist purchasing a new bush. If you were among those who managed to buy a peony in October, do not despair. You have every chance to successfully plant the plant and see it bloom next year.

If you don't know how to plant peonies in October, just use the following algorithm:

  1. Select perfect place for planting - peonies love sunny areas with good air circulation, shading during the hottest hours, and prefer cultivated neutral loams from soils.
  2. Prepare holes with a diameter and depth of about 60 cm, lay 15 cm of drainage (gravel, sand, small stones) at the bottom, and fill the holes with water.
  3. Prepare the soil - mix chernozem, neutral peat, humus and sand in equal parts.
  4. Add 300 g of ash, 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of urea to the prepared soil.
  5. Rinse freshly purchased peony in warm water, dry and carefully inspect the roots - all traces of rot must be removed with a sharp knife.
  6. Disinfect the root for 15 minutes in a red wine-colored solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry.
  7. Plant in a prepared hole and cover with soil so that the buds are buried 3-5 cm.

It is known that peonies can grow in one place for up to 10 years and still bloom beautifully. However, if this fall your views on the design of the site and the location of the plantings have changed, and you want to replant the peonies in October, you do not have to wait until the end of the ten-year period.

Carefully trim the stems and leaves of peonies to 15 cm. Then dig up the plants, clean them of damaged and diseased rhizomes and plant according to the scheme described above.

Peony propagation in October

In regions with mild autumns and late frosts, peonies can be propagated in October and even early November. At the same time, for division it is better to choose 3-5-year-old bushes, which can be cut into six full-fledged specimens. But bushes aged 8 or more years already form dense tussocks of rhizomes, which are not so easy to divide, and they take longer to adapt, so they begin to bloom a year or two later.

The method of propagating peonies is similar to primary planting, but there are several subtleties in the division process itself.

  1. After digging, washing and removing rotten parts, lightly dry the rhizome. To do this, leave it in the shade for 2-3 hours.
  2. Find the points at which you will divide the root. If the plant is mature, then first cut the rhizome into 2-3 parts, and then proceed to the final division.
  3. The part of the root that is to be cut is quite easy to distinguish - it looks more like a rope connecting the vertical pieces of the rhizome.
  4. Make cuts with a clean, sharp tool to minimize trauma to the plant.
  5. Treat the cut areas with a mixture of crushed charcoal and sulfur (1:1).
  6. If planting in a new place does not take place on the same day, then be sure to dip the roots in a mash prepared from clay, fresh mullein and a growth stimulator (300 g of clay, 500 g of mullein and 40 mg of Heteroauxin per 1 liter of water). The consistency of the mash should be like thick sour cream.
  7. When planting, do not forget to deepen the root collar by 5-7 cm or, if the depth of the hole does not allow this, cover the peony with mulch on top.

A correctly divided and replanted peony will begin to bloom magnificently already in the 3rd year after planting, and will be able to please you with single flowers the following year.

Every amateur gardener knows that planting peonies in the spring is undesirable. These perennial flowers grow better and bloom faster once planted in the fall.

Lush peony bushes create unique beauty in the country house and spread a sweet, pleasant aroma throughout it. To decorate a flower bed, you can choose a variety of varieties and colors. Red, soft pink and white peonies with double or semi-double buds are often found. Achieving gorgeous blooms is not difficult. You need to choose the right place for planting and carefully care for peonies.

Why autumn planting is better

IN climatic conditions In our country, peonies need to be planted at the end of August or at the beginning of September. During this period, the flower is dormant. Green shoots stop growing, and the buds, from which new shoots will begin to develop in the spring, are fully formed. Now is the best time to dig up and divide mature plant for several bushes.

Over the winter, peonies take root, at the end of March they send out shoots, grow very quickly and begin to bloom. This is why it is much better to plant peonies in the fall.

Despite this, peony seedlings are usually sold in stores in the spring. What to do if you purchased your favorite variety of flowers at an unfavorable time?

  1. Place it in a wide pot, cover it with low acidity soil and place it in a cool, dark place.
  2. Constantly moisten the soil, but do not flood it too much so that the roots begin to rot.
  3. When the first buds appear in the pot, place it on the windowsill and care for it as you would any indoor plant.
  4. After the frost stops, the flower can be planted in open ground in a permanent place.

The roots and buds of peonies awaken under a layer of snow in early spring. As soon as it melts, the shoots begin to stretch upward, and a lush green bush. If you plant a purchased plant directly in the ground, its development will begin later, the flower will look stunted and may dry out.

Choosing a place in the garden

Take care of your choice good place for peony. Don't forget that this perennial, which will delight you for many years if you provide it comfortable conditions. Try to ensure that water does not stagnate in the garden bed in spring or autumn. The flower tolerates frost well and is tolerant of drought, but constantly wet roots begin to deteriorate and rot.

The flowerbed must be on sunny side. This is necessary for vigorous flowering. In shaded areas you will only be able to enjoy green shoots. In such conditions, buds rarely set and turn out small.

You need to prepare the bed several weeks before planting the flowers. It is best if it is loamy soil with a neutral acidity level. But, in principle, a peony can grow in any soil with proper care.

Dig holes for each bush about 50-70 cm deep and wide. The distance between them should be at least 70 cm. Place 25 cm of broken brick or other drainage at the bottom.

Be sure to sprinkle fertilizer on top. It is better to use the following components:

  • 100 g humus;
  • 100 g lime;
  • 300 g wood ash;
  • 100 g potassium sulfate;
  • 200 g superphosphate.

Mix the ingredients and fertilize landing hole. Supplement it with soil from the garden and wait a couple of weeks until the soil settles and a hole appears at the planting site. Take the peony and dig it into the hole. Gently compact the soil, moisten well and sprinkle thin layer compost.

It is very important to ensure that the lower buds of the flower are 4 cm above ground level. If you dig them deep into the soil, the peony will not be able to bloom and develop properly. This must be monitored constantly. Sometimes it happens that the rhizome gradually rises up and ends up almost on the surface. This is also harmful. The flower must be hilled to the recommended level.

Caring for peonies

Young peonies need regular watering. They love moisture, but stagnation of water must be avoided. Water them 2 times a week in spring and early summer when lush crown bushes In August, too, frequent watering will not be superfluous. Then the peony will bloom better next year.

Make sure that no weeds appear in the flowerbed. They take away nutrients from peonies. Weed the bed thoroughly. Systematic loosening has a beneficial effect on the growth of flowers. When cultivating the soil near the rhizome, be careful not to damage the roots.

When the peony buds bloom and you want to make a bouquet out of them, do not cut the stems at the root. Be sure to leave part of the lower shoot with several leaves on the bush.

Before frost, do not forget to prune drooping bushes, leaving only a couple of centimeters from the ground. In the first few years, cover peonies with sawdust for the winter. Adult plants are not afraid of frost, so they do not need to be wrapped.

If you start planting peonies in the fall, they may bloom the following spring. Experienced gardeners It is advised to carefully tear off the buds. The plant must spend all its energy on rooting and development. After spring planting bushes usually do not bloom for several years.

Feeding young flowers

Some gardeners believe that if a peony is planted correctly, it does not need to be fed for 3 years. Others recommend doing this without fail. Many have noticed that in loamy fertile soils Peonies develop well without feeding. Therefore, fertilize the soil under young flowers when it is poor in nutrients.

In the first year it is better to use natural fertilizer. Prepare a mullein solution and water the holes under the peonies with it once a month.

Useful for young plants foliar feeding. Dilute 1 g in 1 liter of water boric acid and moisten the shoots with liquid. The first time this should be done after the first leaves appear, and then 2 more times throughout the summer.

How to fertilize adult peonies

In early spring, take 3 g of potassium permanganate, stir it in 10 liters of water and water the ground under the peonies. The solution should be enough for 2 bushes.

When the plant begins to grow, you need to make a second feeding. It can be made nitrophoska. You will need to dilute 40 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and pour 500 ml of liquid into each well.

Instead of nitrophoska, the following solution is often used:

  • mullein is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • add 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfide there;
  • mix thoroughly and add a liter jar of liquid under each bush.

When the peonies fade, wait two weeks and feed the bushes with a special mixture. Take 10 liters of water, add 5 g of potassium salt and 10 g of superphosphate to it.

Can also be used complex fertilizers, which are sold in any store. “Kemira-universal” and “Kemira-combi” have proven themselves well. They must be added according to the instructions. They provide flowers with all the necessary minerals.

Stir in late fall top layer soil in the hole with a pile of wood ash and mulch the ground with sawdust.

Peony diseases

Sometimes peonies are affected by gray rot. First appears on the shoots white coating. Over time it darkens. The branches themselves begin to break off and the leaves fall off. To prevent the disease in early spring, you need to spray the buds and soil. Process 1 percent Bordeaux mixture 2 times every 12 days.

If gray rot However, peonies have attacked, spray them with a 0.7% solution of copper oxychloride, and cut off the diseased shoots and burn them.

When rust appears on a bush - fungal disease, – spots form on the leaves of the flowers, the leaves curl and fall off. It needs to be combated by timely removal of spoiled greenery and spraying with Bordeaux mixture.

How best to propagate flowers

The easiest way to plant peonies is after dividing their rhizomes. To do this, dig up a large bush in early autumn, divide the root into equal parts so that each has at least 3 dormant buds. The roots themselves are shortened by a third, placed in a planting hole and covered with earth.

If you want to achieve large buds, leave only one flower on the stem, carefully cutting off the side ovary. It is advisable to tie up large bushes. To do this, thin pegs are driven around the plant and a thread is pulled along them at a distance of 50 cm from the ground. This method helps to avoid wind damage to branches and provides good support for shoots with large flowers.

Peonies - tender plants, loving care and care. In return they will please you lush flowering and they will decorate the garden for a long time.

Peonies have long been popular among gardeners. Indeed, in terms of decorative foliage and the beauty of flowers, it is difficult for them to find analogues. Peonies delight the eye with variety color range, starting from the most delicate shades and ending with a bright, rich palette. In addition, they have a wonderful aroma. It is not surprising that almost all gardeners strive to grow and propagate such flowers. This is a simple process if you follow necessary conditions. So, let's consider when to plant peonies in the fall? And how to do it right.

Autumn planting

Beginning gardeners are often faced with the question: autumn or spring?

Professional flower growers recommend planting flowers in open ground in September. The beginning of autumn is the most suitable moment for planting any kind. In this case, preparation for the procedure can begin in August. However, the planting itself should be postponed until mid-September.

When wondering when to plant peonies in the fall, gardeners often ask the question: why September? This period was not chosen by chance.

Florists give the following arguments:

  1. Renewal buds on the plant are fully formed.
  2. The bush stops growing in September. This applies to the ground part.
  3. The process of formation of the smallest roots has not yet begun. Therefore, during transplantation you do not injure the plant.
  4. The heat has already passed.
  5. The rainy season begins. This promotes better rooting.

But what to do if the plant was given as a gift in early spring? Knowing very well when to plant peonies in the fall, novice gardeners can get confused. Don't despair. The plant can be temporarily planted in a pot. And transfer it to open ground in March or April. However, be aware that such a procedure is only permissible if the temperature outside has established itself and reaches + 5 C.

Now let’s look at what conditions should be created for the peony.

Selecting a location

So, now you know when is the best time to plant peonies in the fall. But it is important to understand the features the right choice plot.

  1. Peony loves the sun. Therefore, choose a well-lit area.
  2. The flower does not tolerate winds and drafts. Therefore, it is recommended to plant the plant near shrubs and trees. They will provide excellent protection from the winds. However, provide free space for the root system.
  3. Do not choose a place close to home. This will be a disservice to the plant. After all, the walls of the house constantly radiate heat, and the flower cannot tolerate overheating. As a result, the peony simply dies. The distance from the house to the peony should be at least 1.5-2 m.

Soil preparation

Now let's move on to the soil. What kind of soil is needed for the plant?

Take advantage of the advice of professionals:

  1. Peony grows best in loamy soil.
  2. If the soil is heavy and clayey, it is recommended to add sand, humus and peat to it. Such soil will allow the plant to develop well.
  3. Sandy soils are supplemented with peat, clay and humus.
  4. Peaty soils are the most unsuitable for peony growth. However, even such soil can be made of high quality for peony development. It is necessary to add sand, wood ash and organic fertilizers to the soil.

Necessary fertilizers

Of course, it is very important to understand when to plant peonies in the fall. However, experts cite many more factors that influence the development of the bush. You should also have an idea about them. It is quite important to feed the flower correctly.

  1. Before planting, add superphosphate to the hole and 200 g of such fertilizers will be needed. They should be mixed with wood ash. The latter will require a liter jar.
  2. Now prepare a manganese solution. It should be dark pink, rich in color. You will need approximately 10-15 liters of it. Fill it with the applied fertilizer mixture.

Subtleties of landing

The preparatory activities are completed.

Now let's look at how to properly plant peonies in the fall:

  1. The planting hole should be prepared in advance. In this case soil mixture will have time to give the necessary shrinkage.
  2. Make a small mound at the bottom of the hole. Place a plant on it. Be sure to straighten all the roots.
  3. Cover the voids with soil. Carefully squeeze the plant on all sides with your hands. You must form a hole for watering.
  4. Plant the flower in such a way that the top bud is covered with soil by approximately 3-5 cm. You can plant it a little deeper.
  5. After planting the plant, the hole should be watered generously. Mulch with compost.

If groundwater come close to the surface, then think about drainage system. To make it, you can use crushed stone, tiles, broken brick, gravel, shell rock.