Instructions for the correct connection and use of a thermostat for an infrared heater. Thermostats. Types and work. Application and features What is a thermostat in an oil cooler

Oil radiators are in great demand, so you can find them in almost every home. And this is not surprising, because the oil heater is compact and very convenient to use.

However, despite all its advantages, there is one obvious drawback in the operation of an oil radiator: high energy consumption. In order to electrical energy less was consumed, the thermostat is designed. It monitors the operation of the heater, turning off the heater when it is heated to the desired temperature and turning it on when it has cooled down.

Oil cooler thermostat KST401 16A/250V/70°C

The thermostat is designed to automatically regulate temperature. A heater without a thermostat is inconvenient to use, because... turning the device on and off, depending on the room temperature, will have to be done manually. If you want the room to warm up while you are away, then manually this will not be possible. Moreover, heaters that are not equipped with thermostats are a fire hazard if left on for a long time.


There are 3 types of thermostats for oil radiators:

  • mechanical;
  • electromechanical;
  • electronic.

The main difference is the design of the thermal relay for the oil radiator. In other words, the method by which the temperature sensor detects the temperature and opens the circuit is different for each type.

Let's look at the characteristics of each type.

Electronic thermostat is based on three main components:

  • temperature sensor;
  • a microprocessor that processes and transmits information;
  • thermostat.

Electronic regulators are highly accurate in determining the room temperature, and they are also easy to operate.

Electromechanical thermostats are divided into several groups:

  1. The first group includes contacts and a double metal plate. When the device heats up, the plate bends and opens a group of contacts. As a result, electricity stops flowing to the heating plate. When the radiator cools down, the plate returns to its original point and begins to function as before.
  2. The second group is devices equipped with relays. The relay is represented by a cylindrical tube containing a substance responsive to heat. The pipe is placed in a container of water. When the temperature of an oil heater rises, the substance expands. When the temperature reaches the desired level, the expanded substance acts on the electrical circuit through a drive. As a result, the contacts are closed or opened and overheating of the device is prevented.

Mechanical thermostats look like normal shut-off valves. The device is constructed of a cylinder with a rod containing a sensitive substance. When heated, the substance expands, the rod blocks the flow of coolant in the system.

When choosing a thermostat, give preference to proven brands that have positive user reviews.

An electric convector is one of the most popular heaters used for heating domestic, industrial and office premises. Despite the fairly wide popularity of the heater of this type, few people have an idea of ​​how it works and what the purpose of certain convector controls is.

Let's look at the operating principle of a convection heater. The operating principle of an electric convector is based on natural circulation(convection) air. The convector usually has rectangular shape, there is an electric heating element inside it.

There are holes on the surface of the convector designed for air circulation. The convector is designed in such a way that the air coming from the bottom and side openings is heated after passing through the heating element and then exits through the holes located on the front panel of the convector.

For example, it heats a room due to thermal radiation that comes from heated radiators. The convector has a different principle - the room is heated by a directed flow of heated air. Thanks to this, the convector heats the room much faster and, what is equally important, evenly over the entire area.

The heating element of a modern convector is low-temperature; it is made of a special alloy, due to which it heats up much faster than conventional tubular-type heating elements. As a rule, 30-60 seconds after being connected to the network, the convector already begins to release heat into the room.

The efficiency of this type of heater reaches 90% due to the fact that almost all the energy is used to heat the room, unlike other types of heaters, for example, oil heaters, which do not begin to release heat into the room immediately, but only after its heat-conducting medium has warmed up - oil, and then its metal body (radiator).

There is an opinion that heaters, including electric convectors, burn oxygen. But is this really so? As mentioned above, low-temperature heating elements are installed in an electric convector; their maximum heating temperature, as a rule, does not exceed 600-60 o C.

At this temperature, oxygen is not burned, which is a significant advantage of the convector compared to other types electric heaters, the heating elements of which heat up to several hundred degrees. In addition, the low operating temperature of the convector allows it to be installed almost anywhere, including near fire-hazardous surfaces, for example, on a wooden wall.

How can a convector effectively heat a room if the operating temperature of its heating elements is significantly lower than in other types of heaters?

The heating element of the convector has a significantly larger size, compared to heating elements that have a higher operating temperature. Thanks to this, the convector generates a sufficient amount of heat and, despite the low operating temperature of its heating elements, is able to heat a large area. Depending on the power, one convector can heat a room up to 30 square meters. m.

Most convectors are equipped with a thermostat, which is designed to regulate the temperature heating element and, accordingly, the temperature of the air that leaves the convector. On cheaper models, mechanical thermostats are installed, with the help of which the temperature is adjusted roughly.

Expensive models are equipped with controls that allow you to regulate the temperature with high precision - up to a tenth of a degree. For domestic use, precise temperature control is not so important. If the room is cold and you need to warm it up faster, set the thermostat to the maximum temperature. When the optimal and comfortable temperature is reached, the thermostat can be set to a lower temperature value.

Accurate temperature control is important when it is necessary to maintain temperature in rooms where strict temperature conditions must be observed. Thanks to the electronic thermostat, automatic adjustment of the room temperature is possible.

In addition to the thermostat, the electric convector is equipped with a switch to supply voltage to the heating element. Convectors with a power of 1500-2500 W may have 2-3 heating elements and, accordingly, a switch for several positions. For example, when installed in the first position, one heating element is turned on, in the second position, two heating elements are turned on, and in the third position, the convector operates at full power - that is, all three heating elements are turned on.

On some types electric convectors Independent switches are installed for each of the heating elements. This option for turning on the heating elements is the most acceptable, since if one heating element burns out, you can turn on another that is in good condition, while if the heating element burns out in a convector with a step switch, there is a high probability that in none of the switch positions the convector will not work.

The presence of a thermostat and heating element switches allows you to regulate the air heating temperature in fairly wide ranges.

Electric convectors can be mounted directly on the wall or installed on the floor. If this type of heater is installed on the floor, there is a risk of it tipping over, which may cause a fire. Therefore, almost all convectors are equipped with a special protective device that automatically turns off the power to the heating elements in the event of accidental or spontaneous overturning of the convector.

The principle of this protective device is as follows. When the convector is in a vertical position, the contacts are closed and the heating elements of the convector receive power. In case of overturning of the convector, that is, when it deviates from the vertical position by a given angle, the contacts of the protective device open and the heating elements of the convector are de-energized.

It should be noted that the convector operates in normal mode only if there is unimpeded air circulation. Therefore, in order to avoid failure of the convector, covering it is prohibited.

Conventional heaters without temperature controllers are not very convenient to use, since they constantly need to be turned on and off, focusing on the air temperature in the room, and with their help it is impossible to warm up the room in advance, for example, in especially cold winter before coming home.

In addition, heating appliances without controls increase the risk of fire if left on for long periods of time. for a long time. But this problem can be solved if you use a thermostat with a temperature sensor.

Thanks to such thermostats, it is possible to automatically control all types of modern heaters located in a private house, apartment, garage or warehouse. If, for example, you leave a regular heater on overnight, it can “burn” all the oxygen, especially if the room has a weak ventilation system and few windows, and in the morning it will be extremely uncomfortable for a person to be in the room.

In addition, such use of heaters will lead to increased energy consumption and increased utility bills. If you install a thermostat in the room and connect heaters to it, it will turn them on and off as needed.

To maintain the same heating level in the room, you just need to set required level temperature, the thermostat itself will do the rest. The heaters will automatically turn on if the air temperature drops below the set value, and turn off when this indicator reaches the set value.

Thanks to thermostats, the problem with the microclimate of children's rooms, warehouses where goods sensitive to temperature changes are stored, as well as any non-residential premises that manage to freeze enough during the winter night is solved, and at the beginning of the working day it is uncomfortable to be in them. This reduces energy consumption and does not burn oxygen.

Main types of thermostats

Thermostats for heaters are devices that can be used to set the frequency, mode and intensity of operation of the heating elements. Conventional regulators are available in most modern devices, which are intended for heating or, conversely, cooling air and any objects. The main types of regulators are:

  • electronic
  • electromechanical
  • mechanical.

Electronic thermostats

The electronic thermostat has three main elements in its design:

  • sensor that determines the air temperature level;
  • microprocessor, whose task is to process and transmit signals;
  • a key that performs the functions of a thermal relay, that is, control switching.

The main advantage of thermostats with an electronic processor and sensor is high precision determination and regulation of the temperature level in the room, ease of setting and control of heaters located in the room.

Such thermostats are used to control the unified heating system of a house or apartment, as well as to regulate the operation of air conditioners and any other similar systems responsible for creating and maintaining a microclimate in the room. An electronic thermostat can be built into a system like " smart home"and monitor the temperature not only of the air in the room, but also of the heating devices themselves in order to increase fire safety.

Electromechanical thermostats

Electromechanical thermostats can be considered one of the simplest in design. ABOUT their new design is the relay, of which there are many types, but the most commonly used are the following:

  • Thermostats installed in irons, kitchen electric stoves, kettles and others household appliances capable of changing their temperature. Their design is considered the simplest and consists of a group of contacts and a double metal plate. When the device heats up, the plate begins to bend and this opens a group of contacts, which stops the supply of electricity to the heating plate or coil.

When the device cools down, the plate returns to its original state and the electrical circuit resumes its operation, since the group of contacts is closed again. Thanks to this cycle, it is possible to maintain the temperature level of the device at approximately the same level.

  • The second type of electromechanical regulator uses a slightly different principle of operation. In such regulators a relay is installed, based on the expansion of some of its elements when heated. The simplest example is thermostats that are present in home boilers designed to heat water in an apartment or private house, as well as oil heaters

If you do not go into scientific details and speak in a language accessible to most people, then we can say that such a relay is a cylinder tube filled with a substance sensitive to heating and cooling, placed in a special small tank of water. When the boiler begins to heat up, the contents of the control tube expand and, having reached critical value, using a special drive, controls the electrical circuit, closing and opening contacts, thereby preventing critical overheating.


Another type of thermostat that is used in many household appliances is thermostat regulators. In everyday life, such regulators can be found, for example, in systems central heating. Appearance Thermostat regulators are very similar to the most common taps that shut off the water flow in a pipe. Thanks to their use, it becomes possible to maintain different temperature levels in rooms or offices.

This feature is very convenient if there are small children in the family, to maintain a slightly higher temperature in their room than in the rest of the apartment, or in offices where some employees stay overnight. The design of the thermostat is as simple as possible, reliable and includes a thermal cylinder with a rod filled with a heat-sensitive substance. When the substance heats up to a predetermined level, it expands and pushes the rod out, which completely or partially restricts the movement of water in the pipe.

The same thermostat regulators are used in automobile engines. It is not recommended to try to use these devices for flexible temperature settings, since they have several basic operating modes, going beyond which can lead to the entire heating system depressurizing and failing.

Thermostats for infrared heaters

IN recent years Heating devices using infrared radiation are becoming increasingly popular. Such heaters increase the temperature not of the air, but of the objects within their reach. Special designs of thermostats have been developed for them, slightly different from conventional ones. Conventionally, they can be divided into two main categories - mechanical and programmable.


Mechanical thermostats are produced by most companies engaged in the production of products of this kind, but they are all practically the same from each other, since their design is extremely simple and the difference can only be in the quality of the materials used for manufacturing. Almost all models of mechanical regulators are wall-mounted; they can be divided according to the installation principle into mortise and surface-mounted devices, so they can be connected to any type of wiring.

The standard range of temperature settings that such regulators can support is from +5 to + 30 degrees. They are slightly larger in size than conventional sockets and switches, so they do not disturb the interior of the room. Mechanical regulators are controlled by a knob that sets the temperature level at which the heating system should start or stop operating, as well as a button to turn the regulator itself on and off.


If you are looking for maximum comfort, then you should definitely buy a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats are the most modern and easy-to-use types of devices of this type. They have a wider range operating temperature, which most often ranges from +5 to + 45 degrees, which makes their capabilities more flexible and somewhat expands the scope of application. Their main difference from all other types of regulators based on mechanical principle action, this is the ability to set a complex heating program designed for several days or even weeks, depending on the model.

Moreover, for each day you can set a different sequence of temperature changes and controls. They have two sensors for measuring temperature, one monitors the entire room, the second monitors the heating level themselves infrared devices. In smart home systems, programmable versions of thermostats are used as the most convenient and comfortable.

When choosing a thermostat, you need to consider the following points:

  • external climatic conditions;
  • reliability of the room’s own thermal insulation;
  • quantity heating devices;
  • types of heaters.

All thermostats designed to work with infrared heating devices and systems can connect several devices, but their total power should not exceed 3-3.5 kW. If the total power of the heaters is higher than this value, then a magnetic starter must be built into the circuit, redistributing the load between individual devices of the heating network.

All types of wall thermostats are installed at a height of approximately one and a half meters, in accordance with the rules for installing devices of this kind. Schemes for their connection to electrical network the premises are quite simple and do not fundamentally differ from the connection diagrams for sockets and switches; the main thing is to ensure that the cross-section of the wires used corresponds to the power of the heating devices that they connect to the regulator.

In conclusion, we can say that installing thermostats on heating systems and heaters is a profitable and reasonable solution that will not only make life easier and more convenient, especially in regions with cold climates, but will also help you save on utilities without wasting electricity. It is also worth giving preference well-known manufacturers, since the thermostat is always part complex system and if it is of poor quality or defective, this may lead to an emergency in the room where it is installed.

When choosing a specific model, you should take into account all the nuances of heating the room, starting from the number of heaters and ending with the power of each of them. If your own knowledge is not enough to calculate and select the right model, you need to turn to electrical and heating specialists, and not choose the first one that comes across or seems most suitable only at first glance.

The thermostat is important element engine. It is a mechanical valve whose main task is to regulate the coolant in the system.

It contributes to the normal operation of the car, preventing engine overheating and, accordingly, extending the life of the vehicle.

Structure and main functions

The thermostat is necessary to ensure that the engine warms up quickly before starting to operate, preventing fluid from moving through the cooling system until the engine reaches the required temperature. After this, the thermostat appears new task– maintaining a normal temperature level.

The operating principle of this valve is simple: it is based on the melting of wax, which is located in a small cylindrical hole towards the motor. Wax melts only at a temperature of at least 80 degrees Celsius.

At the same time, it is modified, becomes wider and helps to squeeze the locking pin out of the cylinder. The result this process is to unlock the thermostat, as well as start the cooling system while the vehicle is running.

The components of the thermostat are:

  • inlet and outlet pipes - the first is connected to the engine cooling system, the second to the pump;
  • a bypass valve, which at the moment of need closes the smaller cooling circle;
  • springs for the bypass and main valves - their purpose is to hold the valves;
  • inlet pipe that connects to the radiator;
  • wax ball;
  • piston;
  • frame;
  • the main valve, which is necessary to block the main movement of liquid.

When the engine warms up, rotation through the cooling system does not completely stop. The liquid moves around a small circle, where it passes through the pump, cooling jacket and furnace radiator. This way the system does not stagnate. When the main valve opens, the small circle is no longer accessible to liquid.

A thermostat essentially consists of several main parts: a cylinder, a wax and a pin, as well as elements of less important importance. This scheme is considered simple, but at the same time reliable. Therefore, it has not been modified for quite a long time and is used even in new versions of vehicles.

They differ from each other depending on the car model. They can be configured to different temperatures openings. It is mainly indicated on the body of the device. Different cars may have built-in housing thermostats, as well as those that do not have one.

But this is not the main difference. The main thing is where exactly the thermostat will be installed: either in the motor block or in a separate housing, which consists of complex two-level circuits.

Reasons for possible breakdown

Like any technical element, the thermostat can break. Most common cause it is considered that there is no circulation of liquid through the cooling system. If it stops moving around the motor, it overheats.

There is another popular reason. This is corrosion that damages the surface of the cylinder and the locking pin. Because of this, the fluid flow does not stop and the thermostat is damaged. Corrosion can occur after several years of operation of the thermostat, so it should be replaced as a preventive measure.

Advice! Considering that the engine is one of the most expensive parts, it is recommended to change the thermostat every two years.

In this case, you can avoid overheating of the motor and its breakdown. Also, with a new thermostat, it will function much better, and the engine heating process will occur faster. Replacing this element will provide normal work car and will help its owner avoid major engine repairs due to temperature changes.

How to determine the functionality of a thermostat?

To understand whether the thermostat is working or not, it is not necessary to know where it is located. It is enough to warm up the engine a little, but do not bring the heating to the red mark. After this, you can turn off the car and open the hood. It is important to find two radiator hoses near the engine.

By touching them you can understand exactly how the thermostat functions. If the top hose remains hot while the bottom hose never warms up, this indicates that the valve has not opened. This means the thermostat is faulty. Don't think that it's cheaper to repair it.

This part is inexpensive, so for most car models it is easier to replace than to repair. Several criteria for thermostat damage:

  1. The functional temperature of the motor takes a long time to rise to normal levels.
  2. The engine gets hot too quickly.
  3. The engine temperature arrow drops during a trip and rises after braking.

Attention should also be paid to the pipe. He talks about thermostat problems. If it becomes warm within a few minutes after the engine starts running, this indicates that the valve is open.

When the pipe remains cold when all other devices are under high temperature, while the engine operates for a long time, this may indicate that the valve is closed and the coolant is not moving through the engine.

But we can assume that the radiator fan indicator may have broken. These signs may indicate mechanical damage to the element, as well as the use of low-quality fluid.

Remember! Due to incorrect temperature when operating a car, the engine suffers greatly, which leads to faster wear.

You can also analyze the operation of the thermostat using boiled water. Since the shell indicates an acceptable temperature for its normal functioning, it can be lowered into a container with heated water, where a thermometer is also located.

Thanks to this, you can see how this element functions. Based on the readings of the thermometer, you can determine the serviceability of the part.

A thermostat is a device for automatic control temperature conditions, installed on heating equipment. Using a heater without a thermostat is inconvenient, since you will have to constantly turn on the device manually depending on whether it is cold or hot in the room. In addition, it is not possible to preheat the room manually, for example, before returning home from work.

It should also be noted that appliances that are not equipped with regulators pose a fire hazard if they are left on for a long time. And finally, the thermostat allows you to optimize energy consumption in the room, since the automation turns on the equipment only when it is really needed.

Types of thermostats

There are three types of regulators:

  • electronic;
  • electromechanical;
  • mechanical.

Below we will briefly look at the characteristics of each of them.

Electronic regulators

Thermostat with electronic stuffing has three components:

  • temperature sensor;
  • microprocessor responsible for processing and transmitting information;
  • thermal relay, thanks to which control switching is carried out.

The main advantage of electronic regulators is the high accuracy with which the room temperature is determined, effective and simple temperature control.

Electronic thermostats are used not only in oil heaters, but also to organize the control of larger heating systems (for example, a “smart home”).

Electromechanical regulators

Electromechanical devices based on relays are much simpler than electronic devices. There are several types of electromechanical regulators:

  1. Devices of the first group include a group of contacts and a double metal plate. When the equipment heats up, the plate bends and, thus, opens the group of contacts. The consequence of an open circuit is to stop the flow of electricity to the heating plate. When the heater cools, the plate returns to its starting point, and the electrical circuit begins to operate as before, since the contacts are closed again. Cyclic operation allows you to maintain the temperature level at approximately the same level.
  2. Devices equipped with relays operate on the principle of expansion of its elements as a result of heating. The relay is a cylindrical tube containing a substance that is responsive to heat. The pipe is in a container of water. When the temperature of the heater increases, the substance in the pipe expands. When the temperature reaches a certain value, the expanded content acts on the electrical circuit using an actuator, resulting in the closing or opening of contacts. This way it is possible to avoid overheating of the equipment.


Mechanical type regulators are the simplest. Such thermostats are a common shut-off valves. The design of the device includes a cylinder with a rod, which is filled with a thermally sensitive substance. As a result of the expansion of the substance when heated, the rod partially or completely blocks the flow of coolant in the system.

Typical failures of oil heaters

Before you begin to fix the problem, you need to diagnose it. Below are some tips to help you find out the cause of the problem:

  1. A cracking sound after switching on does not mean a breakdown. Most likely, we are talking about heating the oil inside the radiator. The cracking noise can also be a result of the heater being tilted or dropped, resulting in the displacement of oil and air. Installing the equipment on a perfectly flat surface will help reduce noise levels.
  2. If the radiator does not turn on, you need to eliminate the socket from the list of potential problems by connecting the device to another source of electricity. Based on the severity of the breakdown, it can be arranged in the following sequence: loose contact, problem with the plug, damage to the cord.
  3. If the device shows external signs of operation (indicator lights are on, fans are spinning), but does not heat up, the problem is most likely in the thermostat. You can replace this part yourself.
  4. Lack of heating may also indicate a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, it is not recommended to carry out repairs on your own; you will need the help of a qualified specialist.
  5. A malfunction of the thermostat can be said when the heater does not turn off after reaching the required temperature.


If the cause of the breakdown is electrical, you will need special device– multimeter.

Using this device we check:

  • serviceability of the plug and socket;
  • absence short circuit between the heater elements.

Often the problem is the burnout of wires at their connection points. We de-energize the equipment and check all the switch keys.

To check, use a multimeter in the following positions:

  • in the “on” position there will be a short circuit;
  • in the off position there will be no reaction.

We check the regulator using a multimeter. The resistance level should be negligible if there is no short circuit.

We disassemble the housing and assess the condition of the contacts in the control unit: they may be loose, burnt out or oxidized. If the contacts are oxidized, treating them with alcohol will help, as well as cleaning them sandpaper and isolation. The best insulator is fiberglass insulating tape that can withstand temperatures of 200 degrees. We tighten the loose contacts with a screwdriver, and replace the burnt ones. After working with the contacts, we check the equipment again for a short circuit.

Thermal fuses

There may be several fuses. After ringing and finding a blown fuse, remove it. We install a new fuse and insulate the wiring.

Bimetallic plate

If the plate has become deformed, it needs to be replaced.


  1. Let's disassemble the thermostat.
  2. Set the heating temperature to minimum.
  3. Remove the thermostat handle from the screw, unscrew the nuts, and remove the frame.
  4. We replace the bimetallic plate with a new one.

Severe damage to the plate often causes an oil leak.

Oil leak

In this case, the tank will need to be repaired. This is not always justified, since the tank is easier to replace. However, if you decide to carry out repair work, the following nuances must be taken into account:

Heating element malfunction

This oil cooler part is not subject to repair work, it needs to be changed. However, replacing the heating element is only possible if it is removable. The new part is selected based on the required power. Best material, from which high-quality heating elements are made, is copper.

When installing the heating element, pay attention to the junction of this part with the body. The gasket should be treated with sealant, although repeated sealing will probably be necessary in the future. It is possible to install a new heating element on a non-separable structure, but in this case it will be very difficult to roll an already flared part.

Position sensor

This safety element is a load that, when its angle changes, causes automatic shutdown device. To check the operation of this part, you need to place the heater on its side and ring the contacts. If the sensor is faulty, it cannot be repaired.

When choosing a thermostat, it is recommended to give preference to well-established manufacturing companies, since this part is part common system and its malfunction can cause an emergency situation in the premises. It is also necessary to take into account all the features proper organization heating system, including room area and equipment power.