Opening under the stairs to the second floor: features of calculations and installation. Options for compact stairs to the second floor for small areas Floor beams 2nd floor opening for the stairs

The opening for the stairs to the second floor is determined based on the height of the rise, design option, area, angle of inclination and number of steps. In the case of a straight type of device, the angle of inclination is less than that of a rotary product.

Structure of the structure

  1. Support beams in the form of bowstrings or stringers.
  2. Support posts placed for screw structures.
  3. Steps.
  4. Railings including balusters and handrails.

If a large opening is selected for the stairs to the second floor, the bowstrings are placed on the sides. They cover the ends of the steps, which are inserted between the supports for further fastening. Treads with risers are recessed in the installation. If a stringer is installed, then the steps are laid on top of it. Bowstrings are created in the form of two designs, but no more. And the stringers, based on the width of the march.

The size of the opening for the stairs to the second floor provides for the installation of 1 to 4 stringers (load-bearing and additional). A tread is a horizontal part of a step, and a riser is a vertical part. The latter is optional. The railing acts as a support to provide safety properties.

There are 2 main groups of staircase structures:

  1. Curvilinear type. They are available in rotary and screw versions.
  2. Marching option. Straight with or without intermediate or rotary platforms.

Standard parameters: Steps

Calculation of the opening for the stairs to the second floor begins with determining the basic parameters. The gap between the finished floor level of the two floors acts as the height. When determining the number of vertical parts of the step, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended height of 15-18 cm.

However, it is possible that a decrease to 12 cm or an increase to 20 cm is possible. When determining the number of steps, the result must be rounded. Calculations are made by dividing the total height by the riser size.

The height and depth parameters of the steps must be equal in size within the same flight. This is required so that the user’s step does not go astray when moving upward.

Height and depth

The standard size of the opening for the stairs to the second floor is 2 m in height. The depth of the steps is 23.5 to 35.5 cm, but optimal parameter reaches up to 28-32 cm. To create accurate calculations, you will need a formula where the mandatory criterion is the sum of the height (h) and depth (b) of the steps in plan, equal to 47 cm.

Simply put, tread depth:

b = 47 – h.

The calculation results are accepted as a basis if they satisfy the specified parameters.

b = 63 – 2a.

Installation length

To determine the parameters, the previously determined number of steps in the flight, minus one, is used. The resulting indicators are multiplied among themselves.

If the length is too long, a rotating structure of 90 or 180 degrees is created. It will be supplemented with intermediate sections or winder steps.

The vertical gap varies between 190-200 cm. This eliminates the possibility of injury when ascending or descending one person.

Calculation example

To create a project, the main dimensions are determined:

  • H – the segment between the floors. In this case, all surface filings are taken into account.
  • Plan of the 1st floor building, where it is necessary to indicate the direction of movement D along the steps and the beginning of the approach to the flight E.
  • The step length is 60 - 64 cm. The horizontal and vertical parts of the stairs are calculated according to the calculated data: 2A + B = 60...64 cm.
  • The depth of the step is 20 – 32 cm. The height of the riser is 15 cm.
  • The elevation angle ranges from 23 to 37°. If the rise is less than an angle of 23°, the staircase can be replaced with a ramp (a flat platform at an angle), if it is more than 45°, then an attached or folding structure can be built.

Parameter calculations

Knowing the location of the installation in plan (for example, 500 cm) and the height of the room (300 cm), the number of steps can easily be found by dividing the height of the building by the height of the riser (15 cm): 300: 15 = 20 steps.

1 step is subtracted from 20 (the floor of the upper floor acts as a step) = 19 tbsp.

Then 500 cm: 19st. = 26.32 cm – tread width.

Then the previously given formula 2A+B = 56.32 cm is used, the rise is formed at an angle of 29.4°. The recommended parameter 60-64 cm does not correspond to the calculated data.

However, if we create 17 steps with a height of 17.65 cm and a width of 28 cm, the result is 63.29 cm, which suits us. The elevation angle is 32.2° and the length is 448 cm. This allows you to determine the type of construction. The distance between the step and the ceiling is 1.9–2 m. This parameter should not change along the entire length of the flight.

The width of the march is equal to the width of the exit to the cell:

  • Indoor structures are 90 - 100 cm.
  • Buildings with an increased level of comfort 1.25–1.5 m.
  • Garden houses are equipped with a march with a width of 70 - 80 cm.

A width of 80 cm is provided for auxiliary structures of simple shape. These include basement or attic installations. The width is determined between the railings or between the balusters and the wall.

Screw structures create a gap from the central support to the outermost part of the step. The optimal size is 110 cm. Between the marches placed in the opposite direction to each other, a gap of 10 cm is provided.

Using a similar technology, a staircase with winder steps with a 180° turn is created.

Types of installations

The optimal solution in choosing steps is a crossbar of 300 mm and a rise of 170 mm. These indicators are formed when the march is inclined at 30 - 40 degrees. In addition, there is a number of other important requirements:

  1. The staircase is installed in the non-residential part of the building.
  2. Interlevel stairs can go to the attic. Then the exit is close to the longitudinal axis of the attic.
  3. In calculations, a leg located opposite an angle of 30 degrees is equal to ½ of the hypotenuse. That is, if the ceiling height is 3 m and the slope is 30 degrees, the length of the opening is 6 m.
  4. The installation of screw structures forms a steep angle. This is due to the limited availability of free space.
  5. Stairs can be open or built-in. The first ones are installed where the space cannot be cluttered with massive structures. And built-in ones are placed where it is necessary to use the space under the stairs (bathroom or pantry).
  6. If it concerns monolithic floors or floors with reinforced concrete slabs, a separate project is developed.

Construction of the structure

The start of work is determined by measuring the distance between the openings and the opening parameters. Then a project is drawn up, where all the dimensions and type of structure are noted, the material for the stringer or bowstring, and the angle of elevation are indicated. The number of ordinary balusters and the size of the railings are calculated.

When preparing materials, a stringer marking is created with inside products. The stringer of the device is cut using a jigsaw.

The outer parts are milled. The milled parts of the stringer are finished with abrasive (sandpaper No. 8, then No. 4). LSM grinding is done with a grain size of 100, and then 180. An analogue of a LSM is a high-pressure grinder.

The wall support of the left part of the structure is mounted.

A support column (temporary support bar) is placed and the external stringer of the 1st right part is installed. Both stringers are set according to level. Try on the staircase support with a groove for the stringer tenon.

The vertical part of the step is sawed down. The wall and outer parts of the stringer of the second segment are placed wooden device. The opening is finished overnight wooden shields. All connections are made using glue.

When planning to make a wooden or metal staircase with your own hands, you need to pay a lot of attention to calculations. Despite its apparent simplicity, the staircase is a very complex engineering structure, each node of which must be thought out, and all together they must create a single ensemble.

The design of a metal/wooden staircase must take into account its functional and decorative components. This will be more difficult to do, the less experience you have in this type of work. Since we don’t do calculations every day, we need to describe in detail how to calculate the stairs to the second floor of a private house. General principles wooden and metal stairs no different. As they say, “the devil is in the details.” We will consider them in detail.

It is worth noting that the arrangement of stairs in apartment buildings or administrative buildings is regulated by many documents. The main ones are GOST 23120-78 Flight stairs, platforms and steel fences and SNiP IV-14-84 Collection 1-14 Stairs.

However, in private houses, the height of which is often limited to two floors, the owner is free to choose the configuration. Although, of course, the basic rules for constructing stairs must be followed.

Rule 1 - Choosing the location of the stairs in the house

Making a straight staircase in accordance with the standards in a private house is hampered by limited space. Therefore, many owners give preference complex structures: flight staircase with a turn or spiral. Professionals put forward several recommendations regarding where and how to place the staircase in the house so that it takes up little space.

  • It is better to place the stairs in the part of the house that is least used. The staircase in the living room creates certain inconveniences;
  • provide free access to the stairs;
  • landings are preferable to winder steps. Especially if independent construction is planned;
  • Keep in mind that you will need to not only walk up the stairs, but also bring in/take out furniture and equipment. It should be easy to use for all family members;
  • if you plan to use the space (place) under the stairs in the house, it is better to choose a closed structure. And, conversely, an open staircase makes the space more spacious, so it is advisable to use it in rooms;
  • Keep in mind that the installation of a metal staircase in a wooden house can be done after the house shrinks. That is, in 1-1.5 years. Otherwise, shrinkage of the house will lead to a violation of the integrity of the structure.
  • make sure that you can make an opening in the ceiling (ceiling) for a staircase to provide access to the attic or attic. For example, in monolithic slab the construction of a staircase creates significant difficulties.

How to reduce the size of the opening for the stairs to the second floor?

Useful tips from experienced professionals:

  • 20% is possible if a staircase with 180 degree winder steps is installed;
  • Installing a staircase with two flights and a platform will help by 30%. Space saving is achieved due to the fact that the movement changes by 180°;
  • by 60% by installing a staircase with “duck step” steps;
  • 80% is achieved by installing a spiral staircase. In this case, the movement changes 360°.

Rule 2 - Shape and types of stairs

In a private house, it is possible not to strictly follow standards and GOSTs. However, the basic principles of staircase arrangement must be observed, since neglecting them may result in a decrease in the safety of this engineering structure.

Before you start making calculations, you need to know that there are two important factors, which will affect the result.

Firstly, this is a design feature.

From a design point of view, all stairs can be divided into three types:

  • marching. Consist of separate marches. They, in turn, are divided into single-flight, two or more - multi-flight. In addition, the flight of stairs can be straight, with a landing or with turns (winder steps).

In private homes, wooden and metal staircases with winder steps (rotated 90, 180, 360 degrees) are popular.

  • screw (spiral). In stairs of this type, the steps are twisted around an axis. They are convenient when there is no free space in the room for a marching structure. But the construction of a spiral staircase is much more labor-intensive and requires more careful calculations.
  • folding. Refers to portable structures, so we will skip them, since we will do the calculation for a stationary staircase.

Secondly, this is the shape of the frame.

Metal frame and wooden stairs can be done in three options:

  • staircase on stringers. The basis of the frame is one or two solid beams, on which steps are laid on top.
  • ladder on a bowstring. The frame consists of two support beams that support the steps from the sides
  • staircase on rails(from German “pin”). The steps are fastened directly to the wall.

Rule 3 - Calculation of staircase parameters

Many users do not know what needs to be taken into account in order to calculate the stairs correctly. Professionals say that taking into account three main parameters will make the design safe, beautiful and easy to use.

The parameters of the stairs are shown in the figure

Stair height

Height - the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor (not ceiling) of the second. Often the upper end of the staircase rests on the ceiling of the first floor. For ease of movement, there is a gap above such a staircase.

The distance from the step to the ceiling can be calculated as follows: take the height of the tallest family member and add 100 mm. The recommended clearance value (working height of the stairs) is 2 m. This value must be constant throughout the entire flight.

Note. Place the ladder in living rooms This is only possible if the rooms on the first and second floors are heated. Otherwise, it should be placed in a non-residential area.

Stair length (flight length)

For a traditional march design, the length of the staircase is equal to the length of the flight or the sum of the lengths of the flights plus the landing between them.

When calculating the length of a spiral staircase or a staircase with winder steps, the average length of the flight is calculated. In this case, the measurement is performed at a distance of 50 cm from the railing (edge ​​of the span).

Width of stairs in a private house

Width - the distance of the stairs from the wall or between two handrails. Recommended parameters are shown in the diagram.

Width of the flight of stairs:

  • 1.5 m - increased level of comfort;
  • 1-1.2 m - comfort zone;
  • 0.8-1 m - only permissible for a flight of stairs located along the wall;
  • less than 0.8 m. is only suitable for auxiliary stairs.

Width of a flight of stairs with winder steps:

Spiral staircase width:

  • 1.4 m - comfort zone;
  • 1.1 m is the minimum allowable width.

This is due to the fact that the winder steps taper towards the central element of the staircase.

Stair inclination angle (steepness)

The angle of inclination determines the ease of use of the stairs. Too much steep stairs allows you to save useful space, while the flat surface makes movement along it more comfortable.

The type of staircase depending on the steepness is shown in Fig. Here you can clearly see at what angle the stairs in the living space should be.

The most comfortable option for movement is in the green zone of the picture.

Material prepared for the website

Note. When the angle of inclination is over 45°, you can only go down the stairs with your back forward.

As practice shows, most often in the house they use combined options. To understand at what angle to place the handrail on the stairs, you need to draw a parallel between the base of the stairs (stringer, bowstring) and lay the handrail along it. Mathematically, this is a simple calculation of the angle using the Pythagorean theorem.

Number of steps of the staircase

The number of steps is not regulated and depends on the height of the stairs and the height of the tread (riser). In double-flight staircases, it is recommended to have the same number of steps in both flights, but in practice the steps are distributed unequally between the flights.

Note. For multi-apartment residential buildings, the number of steps is regulated and is 9-11 steps.

Tread height (distance between stair steps)

Users found the distance between adjacent steps to be 150 mm most convenient for movement.

Note. For those who make their own stairs, the excess height can be easily removed by adjusting the height of the tread between the last and penultimate steps or between the first and second.

Stair step (step width)

You need to rest your full foot on the stair step. Therefore, the optimal width of the stairs should be at least 230 mm. (size 35). The minimum acceptable width is 100 mm. But frequent walking on such steps is fraught with injury.

Note. If you increase the width of the steps beyond 650 mm (the average step length of an adult), then when walking on such stairs you can get confused and stumble.

You can increase the width of the step by extending the step. In this case, the step should not overhang the previous one by more than 50 mm.

Note. When calculating the width of the stairs, do not forget that the distance between the balusters should be within 100-150 mm. Otherwise, such a fence will be unsafe. In turn, the balusters are installed so that the aesthetics of the fence are maintained - one per step, two per step, or otherwise.

Stair step length

The length of the step is determined by the design of the staircase. If two bowstrings are used as the main structural element- the length of the step corresponds to the distance between them. If there is a stringer (one or two), then the length of the step is determined by the customer.

Rule 4 - Accurate calculation of the dimensions of the stairs

Since all the parameters are interconnected, to calculate them, it is enough to have basic knowledge of geometry. We will show you how to calculate a staircase using an example.

Example 1. Calculation of the length of the stairs and the width of the opening

In this case, the calculation is simple and suitable for those who have a lot of free space in the room.

How to calculate the length of stairs in a house

Defined as follows. To the room height of 3000 mm, a ceiling width of 200 mm is added. The resulting value is 3200 mm. divide by 160 mm (recommended riser height) and we get the number 20. That is. the staircase will contain 20 steps.

Based on the fact that the recommended step width is 300 mm, the length of the stairs should be 6000 mm (20 steps of 300 mm each). Or, if the step is extended by 50 mm, then the length of the staircase will be 5000 mm (20 steps by 250 mm (300 mm - 50 mm)).

How to calculate the width of a staircase opening

It is determined as follows: 1900 (recommended clearance value) is subtracted from 3000 mm (room height). We get 1100 mm. We divide this value by 160 mm (step height) and get the number of steps over which the ceiling can be located. The calculation result is 6.875, i.e. 7 steps.

The remaining 13 of the 20 steps must be located in an area free of overlap. Otherwise, walking under them will be uncomfortable. The width of the step is 300 mm, then the width of the opening will be 13x300 mm = 3900 mm.

We check 1100 (overlap width) + 3900 (opening width) = 6000 (staircase length)

However, not everyone has the opportunity to leave 6 or 5 meters under the stairs. In this case, it is worth playing with the width of the step or the height of the tread. Or you can make a staircase with a turn or with “duck step” steps. Such structures are more complex, which means the calculation will also be more complex.

An example of a drawing of a metal staircase on one stringer

Example 2. Calculation of the angle of inclination of the stairs and parameters of the steps

These calculations are more complex and can be performed using several methods. Among them the following are known:

  • computer method;
  • Danish method;
  • line lifting method;
  • sweep method;

What these methods have in common is the need for basic design knowledge. The diagram of the staircase in a graphical interpretation obtained using the methods described above is shown in the figure.

  • method of proportions.

Suitable for a beginner in the field of design and allows you to easily calculate both a straight line and stairs with winder steps or a spiral one. After all, there is a peculiarity here, namely, the steps narrow towards the center.

Calculation of a metal or wooden staircase with winder steps of 90 and 180 degrees using the proportion method is based on the uniform distribution of space on the turning section. The calculation is performed as follows:

  1. a sketch of the stairs is made in horizontal projection;
  2. a line is indicated showing the average length of the march. For convenience, we will place it in the middle;
  3. a line indicating the middle of the staircase turn is indicated. The place where the longest step will be located.
  4. We plot the width of the steps on the middle line. Thus, their number can be calculated. The calculation is carried out from the turning line.
  5. We determine the points where the last identical steps will end. There should be two such points - at the beginning and at the end of the stairs. In rare cases, stairs begin or end with winder steps;
  6. in the place where the step will have a minimum width (near one of the stringers, a bowstring or a screw pipe, we set aside 50 mm from the turning line. In total, 50+50 will give us 100 mm. Which is the minimum allowable width of the step;
  7. we connect the marked points with the previously marked points that show the width of the steps and extend them to the opposite side (the second stringer, bowstring or railing of a spiral staircase).
  8. set aside the remaining steps. Approximate proportion 1:2:3. One mm on the narrow part of the staircase is equal to 2 mm on the center line and 3 on the wide part of the turn.

The data from the sketch is transferred to the staircase blanks in accordance with the scale.

The diagram of a staircase with winder steps and a 90-degree turn is clearly presented in the drawings

A staircase with winder steps with a 180-degree turn is calculated in a similar way.

The diagram of a staircase with winder steps with a 180 degree turn is presented below

This method of calculation cannot be called ultra-precise, but calculations sufficient to build a staircase with your own hands can be obtained. If you don't trust him, you can contact a specialist or use a computer program.

Calculation of stairs on bolts

The process is similar to calculating a staircase with winder steps. The only difference is in the method of fastening. The option of mounting on a wall string or without it is possible.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

Calculation of stairs spiral type is carried out similarly to the calculation of winder steps. But in this case, you need to accurately determine the configuration. From a design point of view, there are four types.

Note. The spiral staircase is considered the most dangerous in terms of movement.

Drawings of spiral staircases

Duck step ladder calculation

This configuration is good because it takes up minimal space, but such stairs are very troublesome to manufacture and operate. A duck step ladder is installed if the slope angle exceeds 45 degrees, and there is no desire to use an extension ladder. The peculiarity of this design is that only one leg rests on one step. However, despite this, the design of the frame of such a staircase is no different from the frame of a marching staircase. The only difference is in the shape of the steps.

Goose step staircase diagram

Note. According to the standard, the number of steps in a duck step staircase should be odd. Moreover, it is preferable to do the first step on the right. This is because most users have their dominant foot on the right. The maximum tread is also set to the right.

Computer programs for calculating stairs

The software method allows you to create a 3D project, visualize the project and obtain a drawing of the staircase with an accurate indication of all parameters. The most widespread programs are:

  • “Compass” (as practice shows, most craftsmen are familiar with this program);
  • SolidWorks - allows you to create the design of various engineering structures, not just stairs;
  • Consultec Staircon - makes it possible not only to create a staircase project, but to calculate an estimate for its construction. A complete three-dimensional model allows you to get a complete picture of the future design.

Rule 5 - Detailed drawing or sketch

Calculation using a computer method or the method of proportions already presupposes the presence of a drawing of the future staircase. However, even those who do simple staircase It’s worth creating a sketch with dimensions marked on it.

Note. On the sketch you need to put not only the parameters of the staircase, but also indicate the main parameters of the room. For example, the presence and size of a window, a protruding part of a window sill, columns or other objects that can be placed change the configuration or parameters of the staircase during work.

Having thus prepared, you can begin building the stairs with your own hands.

Building a two-story private house, cottage or summer house is a profitable solution that allows you to expand your living space. To save money usable area In such buildings, small-sized stairs are installed. Such designs differ in the number of steps and the shape of the marches. At the same time, a compact staircase to the second floor must meet the requirements of practicality and safety.

Stylish and compact staircase configurations

Small stairs are installed to save useful space. When making them, they make sure that the steps are located as close to each other as possible, but it is convenient to move along them. It is necessary to carefully select a model in order to install the safest possible structure in your home.

Even such a compact staircase can look very organic

Of particular importance is the shape of the opening and its width. The choice of the type of design of small dimensions depends on these indicators. The dimensions of the steps are the main data that should be taken into account. It is important to understand what types of structures are best suited for small spaces.

Single march

Single-flight models are the simplest. However, when installing such stairs to the second floor, you can save space. The minimum required space for a 3-meter floor height is 80x180 cm.

Designers decide for this purpose on various non-standard solutions. For example, these include models in which the treads are narrowed on each side.

Staircase structures with one flight can also be folding and retractable.


Models with march turns are installed in a corner or against a wall. The platforms in them play the role of an element necessary for a turn. Turns are performed 90° or 180°. Double-flight stairs do not take up much space, but it is quite convenient to go up and down them. Winder steps in such cases they are simply irreplaceable. The minimum required space for a 3-meter floor height is 160x180 cm.

A good corner solution for a small area

Thanks to the installation of such a structure, the narrow passage to the second floor becomes more elegant. Compared to straight marches, when moving you have to change the direction of movement. There are other differences:

  1. Compactness. They do not take up much space, and the parameters remain optimal.
  2. Convenience – it is convenient to move around them even with a large object in your hands.
  3. Aesthetics. Corner products look interesting and neat.
  4. Safety. According to this indicator, rotary products are safer than screw ones.


Small-sized screw models are popular today. These structures are installed both in multi-level apartments and in country houses. The ease of operation of such structures lies in compliance with the rules of ergonomics - movement up and down is carried out comfortably, and no dead zones are created under the steps. It is more profitable to place such a staircase to the second floor of a house in a small area. The minimum dimensions in plan for a floor height of 3 m are 130x130 cm.

The steps are attached to vertical rack in a spiral. One of the main advantages of screw products is the elegance of their forms. They are made of metal or wood - in any case, they are able to fit into modern interior.

However, screw products also have their disadvantages. For example, if a person is carrying a large object in his hands, it will be uncomfortable to descend. Wooden models give the house a cozy atmosphere.


If you have to go upstairs infrequently, it is better to install in country house folding type design. It is great for the attic. Its advantage is the ability to fold if necessary. Small retractable models are attached to a hatch in the ceiling. You can easily fold the structure back and then push it back. For attic maintenance folding design- ideal option.

This model can be installed in any area of ​​the house. Its choice depends only on the location of large-sized furniture. In addition, installing a folding model does not affect the interior.

There are several types of such products:

  • telescopic;
  • retractable;
  • folding;
  • sectional.

The width is usually close to that of conventional attached structures. As a rule, it is 60-65 cm. With a large slope, you can only go down it backwards.

When choosing suitable type designs of small dimensions look at overall design premises. The main thing is that it is durable, ergonomic and safe. like this small stairs for a summer residence they are installed where the attic is rarely used. It is effective to install such structures in houses with ceiling heights of up to 3 m.

Small solutions

If it is necessary to install a staircase that would not “conceal” the space and be as comfortable as possible, pay attention to small-sized structures. There are several types of such products that can meet the requirements of practicality and reliability.

Modular designs

When installing modular lifts on the second floor, you can experiment with the interior and choose various options assemblies. You can make them yourself, which is the main advantage. Modular designs are screw, spiral, L- and U-shaped. They can also be rounded. Modular system allows you to give the staircase any shape in plan, and adding required quantity elements allows you to gain arbitrary height.

They are installed in openings of different widths and lengths. It is important to install correctly modular staircase– the safety of residents depends on this. At the same time, attention is paid to the residence of persons with disabilities in the house. disabilities– children and elderly people.

Choose a modular staircase with a small opening to the second floor in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Before choosing, measure the area of ​​the room and find out the dimensions of the opening.
  2. It is better if the structure is equipped with railings that will ensure safe movement.
  3. For ease of ascent and descent, choose stairs without risers - this ensures comfort when placing your feet.
  4. The design of the structure is created taking into account general style premises.

Thanks to small platforms and compact turns, it is easy to save living space. First, pay attention to the safety of the product and only then – to its appearance. Modular structures are installed in a house where you need to move between floors quickly. Often this design is chosen for installation in a bathhouse.

Goose step staircase

Among single-flight structures, it is worth highlighting the “goose step” staircase. It does not take up space, but also does not restrict movement when ascending and descending. When changing the size of the march, it is important to maintain the optimal step width and slope range. If, even when choosing extreme values, it is not possible to create a rise to the second floor, it is not worth saving space for constructing a staircase.

The difference between the design is the alternate narrowing of the tread on each side. This allows you to create comfort when moving, while keeping the length of the march relatively short.

This design can become the highlight of the entire interior.

The goose step staircase is designed for comfortable movement in confined spaces. For such models optimal slope– 50° – 60°. Their width is reduced to 60-80 cm. Moreover, the ratio of the height of the riser and the width of the tread in such structures is quite unusual. If you transfer it to a regular one-flight staircase, moving along it would be unsafe.

Important convenience and safety issues

When installing a staircase to the second floor of a small house, it is important to combine the design with the background style of the interior. There are still some requirements to consider:

  • compact dimensions;
  • safety;
  • comfort of movement.

The design should not be too steep - no more than 60°. The slope is calculated based on the possibility of its use by children and the elderly. It is better to equip the structure with railings. The coating is chosen so as not to slip on it when moving. If the staircase is made of polished stone, you can lay a carpet on it.

Often structures have to be made with a large slope - up to 75° degrees. In this case, the steps are set to a fairly large depth. You can increase the convenience and safety of the stairs by installing handles that you can hold on to when ascending and descending.

Safety rules:

  • starting from the first meter, the stairs are equipped with a fence 90 cm high;
  • the gaps between the railing posts should not exceed 10 cm;
  • the width of the tread should be sufficient for comfortable placement of the foot - 25-30 cm;
  • for ease of grasping by hand, the handrails are created with an optimal diameter of 32-60 mm;
  • all steps must be the same height.

Optimal sizes fences and handrails

When designing a staircase to the second floor, it is important to take care not only of its ergonomics, but also of functionality. Therefore, such structures are created according to individual drawings. You can perform the calculations yourself using free

You can expand the area of ​​a small building by installing a second floor above it. To connect the levels, the construction of a staircase is required, which must be compact.

It is also important that it be a convenient and fairly safe design that does not take up much space. The article will tell you what kind of stairs there are for small openings - their features and installation methods.

When building stairs to the second floor, you almost always have to choose between saving space and ease of movement.

For these purposes, several types of stairs are used:

  • Straight marching. These are the most comfortable designs for small angle tilt But for small openings and room areas, such models are made quite steep, which significantly reduces the safety and convenience of using the stairs;
  • The best solution for small rooms - for a small opening. It takes up little space and has quite high angle tilt, which allows children and the elderly to use the device safely, but with caution. The disadvantage of a spiral staircase is the difficulty in transporting bulky items;
  • Convenient to install in small spaces. These are compact designs that allow maximum space saving in small room;
  • in a small opening - this is the most compact design. Visually light and airy, they absolutely do not overload the interior of the room with details. Stylish design stairs in a narrow opening will decorate the modern interior of the house and emphasize the taste of its owner. But it is better to use them as an additional option, and choose the more practical main staircase - a flight staircase;
  • Attached. These are unstable structures, quite dangerous and inconvenient to move to the second floor;
  • "Duck Step". In this case, a person can fully lean on the step with only one leg;
  • . Their inconvenience is the need to constantly close and open the opening under the stairs.

Which opening to leave for the stairs, which structure to install to climb to the second floor, is determined by each owner himself. In this case, much depends on the characteristics of the room and the preferences of the residents of the house.

You can choose between round and square ceiling openings for stairs screw design. And for older people, it is worth building U-shaped stairs in a rectangular opening, despite the fact that the products occupy more space.

Choosing the type of staircase for a small opening

Advice: In construction there is golden rule: the larger the staircase opening, the more comfortable the staircase will be for him, and as the opening decreases, the comfort of movement between floors worsens. It must be taken into account that main problem small openings is that when rising a person rests his head on the ceiling.

For example, you can consider installing a flight of stairs with a narrow opening in a room with the following parameters:

  • The height from the floor level of the first floor to the floor level of the second floor is 2600 mm;
  • The height of the opening from the floor of the first floor to the ceiling is 2050 mm;
  • The opening on the second floor is 1925 mm long.

When installing a staircase of 13 steps with a step of 200 mm into an existing opening, after calculations, the length of the structure will be equal to 3000 mm. For clarity, this can be seen in the photo.

Based on the example given, the distance between the first step of the staircase and the ceiling is only 1850 mm. This is not enough for a tall adult.

The diagram clearly shows that a person will enter the opening only after the third step, when the distance between the ceiling and the third step is only 1450 mm.

Conclusion from the above example: to install a staircase under these conditions, you need to either increase the angle of inclination of the staircase, reducing comfort, or increase the length of the opening, making it 3000 mm.

Conventionally, small openings can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Up to dimensions 935x650 mm. In such an opening can only be installed attic stairs or stepladders. For other construction options, the opening is too small;
  • From opening sizes from 935x650 mm to 1200x900 mm, you can install a ladder with goose step. This staircase can have several designs. The tilt angles of the structure can vary between 50° - 72°;
  • For opening sizes of 1.2x0.9 m to 2.3x0.8 m, the best option would be to install a spiral staircase;

Tip: With such dimensions, you should take care of the free area behind the opening on the ground floor. This is due to the fact that in order to increase the length of the step to make the structure more comfortable, the designer extends it beyond the dimensions of the opening on the first floor. In this case, the person will climb the first four steps from the ceiling.

  • In openings with dimensions greater than 2.3x0.8 m, you can fit a flight of stairs that are comfortable for use.

Places for installing stairs

For installation in a small opening, screw and modular designs are best suited.

Their advantages:

  • Versatility;
  • Possibility of installing the structure in the corner of the room, against one of the walls, in the center of the room;
  • Can be installed in a building with any architecture, without the need for additional redevelopment.

In such a situation, the optimal type of design is: spiral staircase into a narrow opening, mounted on bolts.

  • In this case, the trapezoidal steps are attached to the support post with the narrow side, and outer side steps are limited by railings (see), which can touch the walls.
  • At the same time, the same type of wood is usually used for the manufacture of railings and balusters as for steps.
  • For staircases freestanding from the wall, the railings can be made of different materials, which can be: glass, metal, plastic. This will serve as an additional decoration for the structure.
  • When installing a flight of stairs, you should free up space near the wall. Rest one span against the supporting wall, and secure the second to it.
  • A modular staircase can be installed in any room layout.

Private country houses residential buildings and dachas in two or more floors- have long ceased to seem like a curiosity. This approach to planning their properties allows owners to achieve the maximum possible usable area of ​​housing even on “modest” building plots. It is clear that both the design of a building with several levels and its construction become seriously more complicated. In particular, in addition to the usual architectural and interior elements typical of any house, it is necessary to think through the creation of interfloor transitions. Most often, stairs play this role. And if we look at the statistics individual construction, then the undisputed “leaders” in popularity are

Nowadays there is no shortage of finished projects staircase structures. You can also find special applications on the Internet that conduct necessary calculations. But it is quite possible to independently calculate a wooden staircase to the second floor. For many, this will be even more interesting and understandable, since during the calculation the owner of the house delves into many of the nuances of such a structure, applying them to his possessions.

In this publication, let's go step by step through the stages of basic staircase calculations. You will see that everything is not so prohibitively complicated.

Basic structural elements of a wooden staircase

First of all, what are they like - wooden stairs?

  • The simplest option is a single-flight straight staircase. Such designs are relatively simple to calculate and install, and are characterized by high reliability and ease of use.

A significant disadvantage of such a staircase is that it “eats up” a lot of usable space in the room. And a decrease in its size (meaning its projection onto the floor plane) leads to an increase in the steepness of the ascent and descent. Which, in turn, makes the flight of stairs inconvenient and even unsafe for movement, especially for children or for people with physical disabilities.

  • If the space available in the room does not allow for a single-flight staircase, or it turns out to be too steep, it is divided into two or more flights, changing their direction to perpendicular or opposite.

It is clear that the total length of the marches, with the same height of ascent and its steepness, will not become less. But this approach allows, so to speak, to optimize the space. For example, flights of stairs are located in the corner part of the room along the walls, and it does not clutter the room. Or, a small separate room is allocated for the interfloor passage, turning it into a compact staircase with opposing marches.

  • Stairs with two or more straight flights may also vary. And this difference lies in the features of ensuring a change in direction of movement. So, between the marches there can be a horizontal transition platform. Another option - the marches are connected by a curved section with a smooth change in direction, with steps of a characteristic trapezoidal shape. Such steps are called winder steps.

A staircase with a winder, of course, looks more elegant in the interior. And due to the fact that the rise does not “stop” anywhere, including at a turn, there is a gain in the overall dimensions of the structure. But winder staircase- much more complicated in calculations, design and installation, and in operation - not as convenient and safe as a similar one, but with a transition platform. So it’s better to weigh all its advantages and disadvantages in advance.

Prices for wooden stairs

wooden staircase

  • The design allows you to place the interfloor passage literally “on the spot”. And one cannot but agree that such a staircase in the interior looks very vintage (pardon the pun). But, however, this is where its advantages are limited.

But she has more than enough shortcomings. The complexity of calculations and installation largely limits the possibilities for independent creativity - the construction of such structures is still the lot of professionals. Moreover, many models use curved, bent parts, to produce which on our own without special equipment and without knowledge of technology - it is completely impossible. From the point of view of convenience and safety of moving along spiral steps, the staircase generally loses to all its “brothers”. And one more thing - just imagine that you need to lift some large piece of furniture or household appliances to the second floor (or lower it down)!

  • On the inside, the steps can be covered with riser panels (item 5). However, this element is not mandatory, and often risers are not installed either for the sake of giving the structure visual lightness, or so as not to create an obstacle for placing one’s foot (this is typical for stairs with a significantly steep rise).

To make risers, use a board with a thickness of at least 20 mm (30 mm is recommended). This part can be positioned and fastened in different ways, and this must be taken into account in advance, since its position often affects the “working” width of the tread.

The figure above, just as an example, shows two different principles for connecting treads to risers. It is quite obvious that on the left fragment the position of the riser does not affect the width of the step. But on the right, where the riser is installed in the selected grooves, you will have to make an adjustment to the width of the tread panel so that the calculated width of the step does not decrease.

Prices for stair steps

  • The first stage of the lower flight (item 6) may be no different from all the others. But sometimes its configuration is varied (while trying not to change the height), made wider, with rounded edges, so as to make it easier to approach the flight of stairs from the left or right side. This step is called frieze.

  • An important element of any wooden staircase is the design of the railing. This provides both security and an additional decorative “highlight” of the interfloor passage. The basis for installing the fence are powerful posts (item 7), which should be placed at the beginning and end of each flight. At the transition site, such a column becomes common to both marches. If the entrance to the staircase is made with a frieze, then the lower pillar can be shifted to the second or even third step.

Between the pillars, with equal spacing, which should not be more than 150÷180 mm, (item 8), forming a common balustrade. There are railings (handrails) (pos. 9) running from pillar to pillar, which rest on the upper ends of the balusters along the march.

As a rule, pillars and balusters are given a beautiful configuration - the details are turned into lathe. There is now no shortage of offers for such products, and it is quite possible to order a set from a carpentry workshop. The railings will also be made there. the desired shape in cross section. Some recommendations for the shapes and sizes of stair railing design parts are clearly shown in the diagram.

By the way, it is the position of the fencing system that determines the width flight of stairs– it is calculated between the wall and the handrails, or between the handrails on both sides. From the point of view of convenience, a flight of width from 900 to 1000 mm is considered optimal from the point of view of convenience for indoor stairs - not too wide so as not to “eat up” the space, and quite convenient for moving one person and carrying furnishings. However, the upper limit in width is not indicated anywhere - this is at the discretion of the owners. But minimum size- strictly stipulated by fire safety rules. In any case, the staircase is considered as one of the escape routes, and its width cannot be less than 800 mm.

It is clear that staircase models can combine various elements, including those that were not shown in the proposed diagram. But since our article is intended for beginners ( experienced craftsmen already know all the intricacies of calculation and installation for a long time), it is better not to get carried away, but to limit ourselves to analyzing the most available options.

The basic structure of the staircase is considered. You can choose the type of structure that is most appropriate for specific conditions and proceed to calculations.

The main stages of calculating a wooden staircase

Stairs can be classified as structures of increased complexity, however, for a real owner, nothing is impossible. The main thing is that the design being created is convenient and safe in everyday use, and is highly reliable and durable. Plus, no one, as a rule, ever discounts the aesthetic component, since the staircase should fit well into the intended interior.

And they begin the calculations by assessing the place where the stairs are supposed to be installed. The steepness of its rise directly depends on this.

Calculations basic general linear parameters of the staircase structure

Although the owner is free to “experiment” within his home, he will, one way or another, have to adhere to certain rules when creating a staircase design. And above all, this concerns the steepness of the flight of stairs, that is, the angle between the direction of ascent and the horizontal plane.

The staircase should be both convenient to use and safe. Therefore, there are certain limits to its steepness. So, the rise should not be too gentle - this is both inconvenient for a person and will take up too much space in the room. Less than 20 degrees incline residential buildings stairs are not made at all, but it is still better to consider 24 degrees as the permissible lower limit of steepness, although this is also a bit too little.

The most optimal the range is considered to be approximately 27 to 33 degrees - such marches are the most comfortable and safe. But often in cramped conditions at home it is difficult to achieve such values, and stairs are made with a slope of up to 40 degrees. Well, the top one. The critical limit for a staircase in constant use to the second floor can be considered an angle of 45 degrees. But for individual family members, even this bias becomes quite difficult to overcome.

It is clear that the flatter the staircase, the more space will be required for its installation. Therefore, it seems appropriate to take the first step to assess the steepness of the march and the size of the horizontal projection - how it will “fit” into the space of the room that can be allocated for its installation.

So, we consider the interdependence of the steepness of the stairs and the space required for its installation.

This dependence is expressed by the trigonometric relation:


Below is an online calculator, which already includes this trigonometric function. And if you approach the calculation, with a known lifting height (and it is calculated “from floor to floor,” that is, taking into account the thickness of the ceiling), you can do it in two ways:

  • It is planned to create a staircase with a precisely selected angle of flight steepness. The calculation will show how much space she will have to allocate in the room.
  • The dimensions of the area for the stairs are strictly regulated - you need to determine what angle the flight will have, and whether it will fall within the acceptable range. For this calculation, you just need to vary the slope in the input field to achieve the required value of the projection length at the output - all this will take a few seconds.

If there is not enough space for a single-flight staircase (and this most often happens in a small private house), then it should be divided into two flights, as mentioned above. In this case, for each of the marches you can carry out your own calculation, changing the height of the transition platform. But at the same time, not forgetting that the slope angle must be maintained the same for all marches. This is a strict rule that cannot be broken!

Calculator for analyzing the relationship between the slope of a staircase and the size of its horizontal projection


Staircase steepness angle, degrees

Once the horizontal projection length has been obtained, it is easy to calculate the flight span length. This parameter is necessary, for example, when ordering materials for the manufacture of stringers (strings) and handrails for fences. It is clear that the blanks must be with a reserve - for precise cutting in place, but you need to have an idea of ​​​​the estimated length, at least in order to ensure this reserve.

The calculation is simple, since it obeys the Pythagorean Theorem, known to everyone from school:

L = √ (D²+H²)

Prices for balusters


We simplify the task for the reader - he has an online calculator at his disposal:

Calculator for calculating the length of a flight of stairs

Enter the requested values ​​and click

Lifting height (from floor to floor), meters

Horizontal projection length, meters

One more important nuance, which should be immediately taken into account when planning the stairs. This is an opening in the ceiling through which the flight of stairs will pass. Here you need to focus on the following:

  • A person climbing stairs should not risk hitting his head on the ceiling or the edge of the opening. Therefore, a safe distance must be maintained from any point on the stairs to the ceiling. Usually it is taken to be at least 2000 mm, but for tall people who are making a staircase “for themselves”, it can be set even more.
  • In order not to weaken the floor structure, it is better to position the opening so as not to resort to complete dismantling of the beam or cutting out its fragment with the subsequent installation of additional support. That is, it is better to think through this issue in advance.

Using the diagram presented above, it is easy to establish the dependence of the length of the cut opening (S) from safe passage height (V) and the angle of march steepness (A), taking into account the thickness of the floor (P).

S = (V+P) / tg a

The same dependence, but “transformed into the appearance” of an online calculator:

Calculator for calculating the length of the opening in the ceiling

Enter the requested values ​​and click

Safe height to ceiling, meters

  • The height of the step should not be too small so as not to knock you out of step. But at the same time, the height of raising the leg, followed by transferring the center of gravity and taking a step up, should correspond to the normal ergonomics of human movement and not cause rapid muscle fatigue. It is believed that in optimal option this indicator should be in the range from 150 to 180 mm. It is permissible for marches with too flat or steep elevation angles to use a height from 130÷140 to 200÷210 mm, but comfort will certainly decrease.
  • The width of the tread should ensure the fullest possible placement of the foot or sole of the shoe, but at the same time not force the person to take too wide a step when moving to the next step. That is, the optimal range is considered to be from 310 to 270 mm, with permissible variations up to 320 and 250 mm. True, if the calculated width of the treads is insufficient, it can be “increased”. For this purpose, either oblique risers are made, or they are removed completely so that no barrier is created for the foot, or, what is most often practiced, the tread is made with an overhang over the bottom step.

1 – staircase with straight risers;

2 – staircase with risers sloping inwards;

3 – staircase with protruding treads above the lower steps;

4 – stairs without risers.

How to determine the optimal ratio of height and width of a step? It is almost universally recommended to use the so-called “safety formula”

2 h+b = 600÷640 mm

h- step height:

b- tread width

600÷640 - the approximate length of a person's average stride.

The formula itself is certainly correct. But there are two nuances:

— The step width can be larger or smaller. It is no secret that there are very tall families and, conversely, people with shorter heights.

— The formula does not take into account the steepness of the flight of stairs at all. That is, it allows you to find the optimal ratio of a single value, but does not give an answer as to what this one of the initial parameters should be.

Therefore, another algorithm can be considered more universal and accurate calculation, which takes into account the ergonomics of human movement and makes the size of the steps dependent on the steepness of the stairs. This method can be implemented graphically and mathematically.

Graphically, the calculation is done as follows:

  • The coordinate axes are drawn - X and Y, respectively, length and height.
  • The X-axis shows the normal step length of a person (naturally, on the selected scale). Everyone is free to carry out calculations in accordance with the most acceptable value of this parameter. The points of these “steps” can be numbered - they are indicated on the diagram 1 ; 2 ; 3 etc.
  • The Y axis contains segments equal to half the step length. It is believed that this is the height to which any person can easily lift their leg, without feeling discomfort or rapid fatigue. These points are numbered 1c; 2v; 3v And T.d .
  • Now points with equal numbers can be connected by auxiliary lines.
  • The next step is to draw the line of the flight of stairs through the coordinate center, that is, at an angle that was obtained as a result of previously carried out calculations. Just for clarity, the diagram shows two options - for two stairs of different steepness.
  • The intersection points of the march line with the auxiliary lines will indicate the outer edge of the step. From these points it is easy to draw vertical and horizontal lines to draw the entire profile of the staircase.
  • After this, all that remains is to measure the resulting steps, and, knowing the scale value, convert the obtained values ​​to real ones.
  • By the way, pay attention to the nuance. If you connect the dot 1c With 2 , 2v With 3 etc., then the lines will pass exactly through internal corner steps.

As mentioned above, the same algorithm can be applied purely mathematically, without going through graphical constructions.

Let's try to enlarge one of the fragments of the diagram:

The X axis represents the step length, and the Y axis represents half of this length. The result is a right triangle with legs, one of which is twice as large as the other. This is only possible in a triangle whose angles (except for the right angle) are approximately 63 and 27 degrees (the indicators are not actually rounded, but this is not of fundamental importance).

Knowing this, we can determine the length of the segment G that connects the edges of the steps. We apply the theorem of sines:

G / sin 63° = (0.5 × L) / sin (27° + α)

And the found segment G – this is nothing more than the hypotenuse of a triangle whose legs are the altitude ( h) and width ( b) steps.

h = G × sin α= G × cos (90 – α)

b = G × cos α = G × sin (90 – α)

It is these trigonometric dependencies that became the basis for the recommended calculator, which will carry out calculations in a matter of seconds.