The apartment is in soft lavender tones. Lilac color in clothes: what to combine with and where to wear Lavender color combination with other colors

Hello, dear friends!

Lavender color- the favorite color of many fans of the Provence style. Almost all lavender fans want to surround themselves with their favorite shades of purple in their interiors.

With this article I begin a series of notes about the lavender color in the interior, so that after reading this information you can make your home beautiful, cozy, and the use of lavender color not only pleasant, but also useful.

And today I want to talk about lavender color in the bedroom interior.

At the very beginning, it is worth saying that lavender color belongs to the group of purple shades, and there is no point in considering it in isolation from the entire group. Shades of lavender can be warmer, lighter, and can border on lilac, sometimes lilac. So I would not categorically single out any one lavender color, especially if we talk about lavender as a plant, you will not find one single color, lavender is very diverse.

To begin with, I suggest you look at color palettes, based on real lavender, so it will be easier for you to find the lavender shade that is closest to you.

Which color you choose is a matter of taste. But if we are talking about decorating a bedroom, then it is still better to stick to a pastel shade. After all, the bedroom is a place of rest, relaxation, relaxation. The interior of the bedroom should soothe and set you up for relaxation and deep healthy sleep. In this sense, choosing a lavender color will have great importance: it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, restores calm, relieves tension, has a healing effect on various forms of neuroses. Perhaps that is why most women love this color;)

Lavender color goes well with the colors of its group: violet, lilac, lilac, as well as white, beige, pastel gray, mint, blue, lemon.

It is generally accepted that lavender color in the bedroom is definitely a feminine or girlish interior. I am ready to agree, but partially. It is for women that the beneficial effects of lavender color are sometimes vital. But in my opinion, color has no gender, and men's room could well be done in lavender color, or with accents on this color, you just need to choose the right shade and the companion color will no longer be pink or mint, but steel gray, for example, or the color of chocolate, and also a deep blue color is quite suitable for men's bedroom.

The matrimonial bedroom may well be lavender.

Light, romantic, calm atmosphere, in my opinion, this is what you need!

But if the spouse is against such a decision, then the main color can be chosen neutral, for example, white; lavender goes well with it. You can also add lavender color to the bedroom interior with decorative items: paintings, curtains, pastels, candles or furniture elements.

And if you think this interior is too simple and boring - add bright details, they will immediately change the mood of the room!

Lavender color in a child’s bedroom will be very appropriate if the baby is hyperactive, has trouble falling asleep, is whiny or capricious. Girls' rooms look especially harmonious in lavender.

Boy's room in lavender color is right choice, if its inhabitant is a creative person, an enthusiastic person with interests in music, painting and literature.

Regardless of the gender of the child, it is better to make the study area, the place where the child does homework, reads and draws, lavender. According to American scientists, lavender color has an excellent effect on memory, imaginative thinking and creative qualities of a child, which is why in America classrooms, auditoriums, and even corridors in educational institutions often painted lavender.

It is worth saying that a lavender bedroom is not necessarily a bedroom in the Provence style. That is, it may be so if this style and lavender itself are close to you. Then the bedroom may contain interior items characteristic of the style: wooden furniture, textiles made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen), lavender bouquets, metal flowerpots, candlesticks, images of lavender or Provençal scenes in paintings, postcards, posters.

But given that lavender color is universal, it goes well with any design; even a high-tech interior will look organic in lavender color.

In the following articles I will talk about lavender color in the living room, bathroom and kitchen, stay tuned;)

Creator of the LAVANDA shop project

Anastasia Danilova

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The interior of the bedroom will look most impressive if decorated in lavender. According to psychologists, it is the shades of this color that promote an even, calm and even spiritual mood. And warm combinations of lavender with other shades will successfully highlight all the advantages of a sleeping place.

But due to the complexity of the selected shades, not every average person will decide to decorate their bedroom this way. And rightly so, in vain. After all, this color has enormous emotional potential.

In such a bedroom it is easy to relax after a hard day. Warm shades relieve eye strain. Nervous excitement gradually decreases and eventually disappears. And the general psychological state reaches the level of peace. This is conducive to a good night's rest.

And vice versa, in the morning the lavender color, thanks to its natural freshness and purity, energizes, positively sets you up for solving problems and fulfilling the responsibilities of the coming day.

Favorite of flowers

It is also worth noting that lavender color in last years has become a favorite among colors and shades among many interior designers. Including in the design of bedrooms.

Of course, it would be inappropriate to paint the walls of a man's bedroom a rich lavender color. But for a child’s room or a young girl’s bedroom, this color is perfect. And a separate compromise between the masculine and feminine principles can be, for example, the design of a joint bedroom for spouses.

If the male half of the family categorically does not accept walls or ceilings painted lavender, and the female half wants to see this particular color in their bedroom, then a wall design in pastel colors may be a safe solution.

But various accessories, textile coverings (a blanket, a small rug by the bed, curtains, etc.), and even just bed linen can be chosen in lavender color.

The versatility of this color also lies in its beautiful, effective combination with other, but specific color spectrum, shades.

  • Combination with white. According to the theory of color spectrum, white color belongs to warm tones. And lavender has its origins in the blue spectrum. Therefore, combining it with white will bring a feeling of freshness and coolness to the bedroom. Which, from a psychological point of view, is very useful for healthy sleep. But if, at the same time, you want to add romance to the interior, then it is recommended to place various accessories in the shabby chic style in the bedroom. Or fill it with various textile textures in a vintage style.
  • Combination with pastel. This combination is very similar to the combination with white. However, a bedroom decorated in lavender with splashes of beige, cream or light gray will visually expand the space. But in the overall geometry it will look somewhat “blurred”. Therefore, designers advise focusing on bright accessories of the opposite color scheme or on accessories of the same lilac-violet theme, but with more monochrome.
  • Combination with bright shades. If the bedroom design was conceived in bright colors, then a combination of lavender with raspberry, purple, rich green, orange or lemon yellow can add dynamism to the interior. Such an interior will really look stylish, bright and with a “pretense of originality”. However, with this design, the dosage of one or another shade should be very strictly observed; after all, the lavender color should play a dominant role. Otherwise, you can easily turn the “original interior” into simply a “tasteless design”.

  • Combination with dark shades. The lavender shade, due to its color characteristics, can visually narrow and reduce space. If the bedroom is a fairly spacious room, then there should be no problems with decoration. But if the bedroom - small room, then you should exercise caution, moderation and a sense of style when combining lavender with dark colors such as brown, terracotta, chocolate, black, emerald, purple, rich metallic or dark green. Of course, these colors have the right to exist in the interior of a “lavender bedroom,” but only in moderation, and better in the design of some individual elements.
  • Combination with black. As a rule, it is used very rarely. This combination looks quite heavy, and psychologically gloomy and dreary, so it is not very suitable for decorating a bedroom. It is better to consider this option for the design of premises for any other purpose.
  • Combination with the “native” color group. Lavender color belongs to the violet spectrum, so shades such as lilac, lilac, pink, etc. are closer to it. such combinations will give bedroom interior more warmth, warmth, comfort, a sense of security, calmness, and at the same time lightness and airiness.

Undoubtedly, all the considered combinations of colors and their shades can be safely applied to other colors. However, it is precisely such color schemes as “main tone + neutral”, “contrasting pair + color addition” or “monochrome group” that are most universally applied, and most importantly with excellent and effective results, specifically to the lavender color.

Bedroom furniture in lavender color

Many people believe that lavender color is suitable for decorating a bedroom only in a minimalist style or, in extreme cases, in a vintage style. However, this very common statement is erroneous. A “lavender bedroom” can be decorated, for example, in French Provence, you just need to choose the right furniture and accessories.

As a rule, preference is given to furniture made of wood, and it should not be some kind of “conveyor” veneer or laminate, but a real solid tree of noble species. Such furniture is ideal for a classic or vintage style, but much, of course, depends on the area of ​​the bedroom and the dimensions of the furniture itself.

Youth style also does not deny the use of this color in the bedroom interior. It may be present on the surface of the table, bedside table or cabinet doors, but it must be glossy. Moreover, furniture in this option should, on the contrary, be light and mobile; a transforming bed or a transforming table are welcome.

In lavender shades you can create a bedroom even in a high-tech style. In this case, as in the previous example, glossy surfaces, metallized furniture and accessories, as well as a large number of mirror surfaces are required.

Bedroom textiles in lavender color

When decorating a bedroom in lavender color, it is worth considering the quantity and availability of textile materials. This could be a blanket on the bed, a blanket on the chair, curtains on the window, a light, flowing canopy at the head of the bed, small pillows or ottomans and much more.

It is important to remember here that if lavender is the dominant color in the design of walls, ceilings or floors, then it is more advisable to choose all kinds of textile coverings from combined color combinations - partners.

If, on the contrary, lavender color is present in the design as an auxiliary color, then textile coverings should be chosen in lavender, or, in extreme cases, purple or lilac shades.

Many psychologists note that lavender color is characterized by:

  • sensuality,
  • originality,
  • complexity
  • and even magical energy.

It’s not for nothing that in Old Slavonic times, lavender wreaths were thrown into the fire on Midsummer’s Day to appease the gods. And many of our ancestors constantly wore pouches (sachets) with dried flowers of this plant as amulets. And women used flowers in magical love rituals.

But even if you don’t rely on “ magical power"of this color, we can safely guarantee that in a bedroom decorated in lavender shades, its inhabitants will feel at ease, comfortable, and cozy. And most importantly, they will fall asleep peacefully in the evening, their sleep will be sound, healthy and peaceful. And the awakening will be cheerful and positive.


Dining room. Sofa, Estetica. Wall decoration, Affresco. Wall panels, according to designer's sketches, "Apartment" salon. Decor, Story Home

The apartment with an area of ​​96 sq. m is located on the nineteenth floor of a modern building - the windows offer panoramic views of the city. The landscape is beautiful, but mostly industrial. And the interior is warm, with the atmosphere of a cozy country house. The owner searched for a decorator for a long time and eventually found him through her daughter. “At the first meeting, I asked the customer what style she liked, and at first she found it difficult to answer,” recalls designer Anna Kiseleva. “Then my daughter helped: “Mom really likes Provence - the palette of blooming lavender fields, vintage things.” So in this apartment a soft lavender shade has appeared, which the designer combines with olive and color natural wood.

Designer Anna Kiseleva. Armchair, Estetica. Table, to order, Wallpaper, Zoffany Papered Walls, "Empire Decor"

In the bedroom, the designer refreshed the dense lilac with notes of lime; in the kitchen, she complemented it with shades of sun-bleached greenery, terracotta and sandstone. “The kitchen, bedroom and loggia are in a single lavender-lilac color scheme, buried in flowers,” says the designer. “The premises are united by a loggia - through it it is easy to get from the bedroom to the kitchen. And the hallway, bathroom and living room are designed in a more laconic color scheme, rather typical for Parisian apartments."

Corridor. Mirror, according to the designer’s sketches, Posters, to order,

The apartment needed redevelopment. The owner wanted to expand the rooms, combine the bathroom and bathroom, and smooth out the rough edges. Now there are two main rooms - a living room and a bedroom. In addition, there is a large spacious kitchen, combined with a dining room, a dressing room, an insulated loggia, a hall and a utility room where you can store large items and, if necessary, put a bicycle. "The owner's grandson periodically visits him; he comes after school. It was necessary to provide additional sleeping area, says the designer. “That’s why the sofa in the living room is a fold-out one.”

Living room. Sofa and armchair, Estetica. Carpet Esprit, "Ami Carpets". Floor, parquet board, Panaget, metlakh tiles, Winckelmans. Textiles, Nesthome salon. Floor candlesticks, studio "Elisey"

Almost all the furniture in the apartment is made to order according to the designer’s sketches: shelving in the living room, kitchen cabinets, a mirrored dressing table in the bedroom, furniture in the bathroom, a built-in wardrobe and a niche with hangers in the hallway. “By the way, the botanical posters in the living room and bedroom are also my production,” says Anna. “I often create panels and paintings for my clients and have now given this project a name - An electrical panel is hidden behind one of the photographs in the hallway.”

Dining room. Wall decoration, Affresco. Sofa, Estetica. Wall panels, according to designer's sketches, "Apartment" salon. Decor, Story Home. Ceiling lamp, Eichholtz. Floors, Panaget

There is a lot in the apartment load-bearing structures. “Many of them had to be disguised. This is how, for example, a niche with a fresco appeared,” says the designer. “There was a concrete beam on top, we supplemented it with two false pylons. They are trimmed with panels. We wanted to create the effect that the table was standing on open veranda, somewhere in Provence."

Living room. Library, made according to the decorator's sketches, salon "Apartment". Carpet, Esprit, "Ami Carpets"

"A fireplace is a necessary attribute of the interior in french style, says the designer. - Therefore, it was impossible to do without him in the living room. The portal is polyurethane with gilding and patina. The customer initially wanted to install an electric fireplace, but I persuaded her to go with the option with floor candles in a niche. It's a living fire after all. The candlesticks by designer Zlata Kornilova fit perfectly.”

Bedroom. Paints, Tikkurila. Wall panels, moldings and cornices, Orac Decor, "Empire Decor". Armchair, bed and bedside table, Estetica. Textiles, Nesthome salon. Posters, Bedroom. Wall panels, moldings and cornices, Orac Decor, "Empire Decor". Wallpaper Catwalk, Khroma, "Empire Decor". Bed, Estetica. Textiles, Nesthome salon. Doors, made according to the decorator's sketches, salon "Apartment" Bedroom. Wall panels, moldings and cornices, Orac Decor, "Empire Decor". Wallpaper Catwalk, Khroma, "Empire Decor". Chair, bed and bedside tables, Estetica. Textiles, Nesthome salon. Posters,

In the bedroom, the designer used a rich lavender shade to decorate the wall above the head of the bed. "The lilac shade is not tiring. When you lie on the bed, sit in an armchair or at the dressing table, there is a light background at eye level and fresh flowers hydrangeas on the walls. By the way, hydrangea is another leitmotif of this project. It is used on wallpaper and textiles in the bedroom, as a decorative element on the chandelier in the bedroom and on two decorative panels on the loggia."

Fragment of the bedroom. Wallpaper Catwalk, Khroma,"Empire Decor". Dressing table and mirror, according to the designer’s sketches,

“In the bedroom, during the renovation process, an incident occurred - the builders forgot to draw conclusions for the sconces near the dressing table, and the wallpaper was already hung,” says the designer. “So open wiring appeared in this area, which the customer was even happy about. My idea for solving the problem was accepted with enthusiasm."

Kitchen. Wardrobes, according to designer's sketches, "Apartment" salon. Wall Clock, "Interior shop". Dishes, Story Home Balcony. Wall decoration, larch. Rack, There are metlakh tiles on the floor, Winckelmans. Textiles, Nesthome salon

"The customer spends almost the entire summer in country house and loves to garden,” says the designer. - Therefore, the loggia is a place where she can devote time to her favorite hobby in the spring. For this, everything is provided here - open shelves and wide window sill for jars with seedlings, pull-out baskets for tools and fertilizers. Stylistically, I wanted to create the atmosphere of a Provençal courtyard. You can sit in wicker chairs and drink a cup of tea." The floors of the loggia are lined metlakh tiles. They also disguised the fire hatch.

Kitchen. Wardrobes, according to designer's sketches, "Apartment" salon. Wall clock, "Interior shop". Dishes, Story Home. Floor tiles, Tau Ceramica. Ceiling lamp, Eichholtz Corridor. Wall decor, Ulf Moritz, Orac Decor, "Empire Decor". Mirror, posters, according to the decorator’s sketches, Bathroom. Shower partition, Cezares. Floors, teak, Panaget. Plumbing, Kerasan. Tile, Italon Opera. Shower stand, Migliore

“The doors in this apartment are sliding, and they are open most of the time. I wanted all the spaces viewed from the hallway to be combined with each other, to be in harmony,” says the designer. “I am impressed by the attention with which the customer paid attention to detail. We understood that every picture, design on the pillow, shade of the frame has a meaning. I think that’s why it all worked out!”

Designer Anna Kiseleva,; [email protected]

Bathroom. Furniture, according to the decorator's sketches, "Apartment" salon. Plumbing, Kerasan. Faucets, Migliore. Lamps, Favorite Light. Doors Imola Art, Union

Lavender color is an excellent solution for lovers of original tones, especially in Provence, boho and hippie styles, when the emphasis is on creating romantic and feminine images. These shades will always be in fashion because this range suits any type and amazingly transforms both blondes and brunettes and brown-haired women.

Lavender color, what is it?

Evening dresses in lavender color are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty and tenderness, adding notes of elegance and royal charm to the overall intended image. They suit almost all women, regardless of hair and eye color, turning them into real princesses at the ball. These dresses range in color tones between lilac with a slight pinkish tint to gray-blue and light purple shades. A truly enchanting color that can attract glances.

Lavender stylish color is a shade combination of lilac with grey, blue, pink, blue and violet. A very popular tone for creating romantic looks in styles such as boho, hippie and glamor, an excellent choice for High school prom and elegant ensembles that highlight the natural beauty of a woman and reveal her beautiful inner world, full of mysteries and secrets. You can complement it with classic shoes, stiletto heels or pumps, high-heeled and platform sandals.

Lavender color combination

What does lavender color go with?

  1. This tone feels great in tandem with white and turquoise, when a contrast of warm and cold shades is created. You can easily complement the created compositional range with black, grassy green and medium brown tones. You can also play with a sharp combination by adding a little red and purple to your image, with accent options, for example, bright and catchy accessories, scarves and light scarves.

  1. Lavender beautiful colour goes well with yellow and golden, silver and coffee tones. The result will be interesting and non-trivial combinations that will look great, adding notes of extravagance and daring courage to the image. However, you should be careful so that the delicate dominant shade wins and does not lose against the overall created background.

Who suits lavender color?

Stylists, answering the question of who suits lavender color, recommend experimenting with it for every woman, regardless of her type. After all, there are many shades of it, and, for example, blondes will prefer the color of purple paisley and dahlia, where lilac is mixed with gray and blue tones. Brunettes and brown-haired women may like the shade of a blooming orchid and lavender, where there are pink notes. Lavender-colored clothes will look especially beautiful on those fashionistas who have blue and gray eyes, or chameleons.

Lavender color also goes well with red hair to create a play of contrasts. Owners of chestnut and brown hair should not refuse it. brown hair, you can always find your own shade of lavender to look beautiful, feminine and romantic, even in formal and business suits, with trousers and blouses, and not just in dresses and sundresses. A great home combination - shorts and a lavender T-shirt, comfortable and tasteful.

Lavender color in clothes

What goes with lavender color in clothes? With many cool and warm shades, for example, a great combination:

  • a lavender off-the-shoulder blouse, a colorful flared skirt in red, pink and blue and purple platform stilettos;
  • a shirt of a dominant color and purple bell-bottom trousers with a multi-colored jacket or jacket is a great option for hippie chic looks, and the accessory can be chosen to match the pants.

Lavender also feels great in tandem with black and white, creating an unsurpassed color type a combination of lightness and ease, black color makes it strict, and white makes it romantic and mysterious. A good option is yellow and brown with lavender. These combinations are chosen by confident women who are accustomed to always being the center of attention and captivating those present with their appearance.

Lavender dress

A lavender dress for a wedding for guests or just a special occasion looks perfect in a sheath style. Who decided that this tone would not suit curvy beauties? A wonderful look can be created with a classic cut, adding a wrap effect on the chest and making it a high waist. These dresses are also suitable for official occasions, for example, for creating beautiful business images if the company does not have a uniform or allows only dark suits or white blouses with black skirts.

Lavender color for a wedding dress is both an unconventional and unusually romantic choice when you want to move away from the classics of the genre - white, but at the same time not go beyond feminine youth and freshness. It’s not for nothing that lavender color is welcomed in one of the most gentle styles- Provence, which values ​​everything related to natural female beauty.

Lavender sweatshirt

Light lavender color also looks great in warm clothes, so a sweatshirt with this wonderful shade goes great with any clothes, with light jeans, gray trousers and purple or light lilac pants. If we consider that a sweatshirt belongs to sports-chic clothing, then a sports suit in a dominant color would be an excellent choice, which, even in street style, will look very gentle and calm, in harmony with the world around us.

Lavender color in warm clothes makes it unusually attractive, emphasizing all the charm of spring and summer, adding soft colors to everyday life, and even the golden autumn this year cannot do without it, because it is among the top colors leading in the new upcoming autumn season 2019 of the year. Feel free to combine clothes in lavender colors with various items, skirts, shorts, trousers, jeans and even leather “cigarettes”, you will get unique and non-trivial looks.

Swimsuit in lavender color

The ideal choice for swimwear during the holiday period is a soft lavender color, which looks very harmonious with both white and tanned skin, in the first case emphasizing its tenderness, and in the second, playing on the contrast. These swimsuits are this summer's hits and are in high demand among true fashionistas. They can be of any style, from mini bikinis to closed sports models for swimming in the pool. Additional design decor can include ruffles and flounces.

At the peak of popularity this summer will be not only the lavender color, but also knitted monokini swimsuits in its shades, with openwork and patterned inserts, beautiful knitting with additional decorations in the form of fringe, ties at the hips and lacing in some models. These swimsuits are chosen by self-confident fashionistas with an ideal figure, who are accustomed to being the center of attention even on the beach, especially if they complement the bathing suit with a tone-on-tone pareo.

Lavender cardigan

The shades of lavender are so versatile that they look different on every item. Cardigans in dominant colors go well with a variety of clothes, adding notes of true French charm and femininity to any planned look, especially in combination with light pants and dress shoes or strappy sandals in light colors. A very tempting choice, both for every day and for a holiday.

The shade of purple tulip and lavender also goes well with products in black tones. So, a wonderful option is a short knitted cardigan with a large patterned knit and a black flared skirt with lace-up boots, which adds a certain brutality to the image, so harmonious with Provence and fashionable in the new autumn season. A great idea for every day is a lavender cardigan that reaches mid-thigh length, and black tight pants or leggings with dressy ankle boots with a glass or stiletto heels, whichever you like best.

Lavender skirt

Fashionable lavender color works great in clothes such as skirts, which can be narrow, pencil or flared, which emphasizes and enhances feminine notes and French charm at the same time. A great suit would be a plain one with a jacket or jacket and a white blouse. Hippie and boho lovers can pamper themselves with a full maxi skirt with a multi-colored blouse, and a great choice for street style walks would be tutu skirts and flat pieces with versatile T-shirts and blouses.

Lavender jackets

Bright lavender color is great for demi-season jackets that definitely won’t go unnoticed. This clothing goes well with ripped jeans, especially in blue and light blue, and gray skinny and flared trousers. Beige or cream dress shoes with a narrow toe and thin heel or black beautiful boots with a zipper will successfully complement the look.

For those who like to create experimental street style or sport-chic looks, lavender jackets and versatile pants in gray and black tones are an excellent choice; shoes can be sports or dress, depending on the purpose of the image being created and personal preferences. “Men’s” style shoes, loafers and oxfords, high-top sneakers and lace-up boots will look interesting.

Lavender coat

Style setters very successfully use light lavender color to create outerwear; their coats will always be the center of attention, regardless of style and length. So, in the fashion of the coming autumn there will be short coats and coats of a loose fit, an eternal cocoon and trapeze, coats, robes and trench coats with a turn-down collar, which are wonderfully combined with different clothes from dresses and skirts with blouses, to jeans and trousers with sweaters.

Lavender trousers

Fashion gurus use a delicate lavender color to create trousers, which emphasizes women's natural beauty and charm. These pants will be in high demand among those fashionistas who are accustomed to being first in everything and always being on top, creating their own experimental images, full of sensuality and romanticism. These trousers look great in a suit version with a black jacket or cardigan, or with turquoise and light blue blouses and sweaters, and add bright accents Various accessories in red, white, yellow and brown will help.

Lavender sundress

The beautiful lavender color looks great in romantic clothes, such as sundresses with straps or with additional designer decor in the form of ruffles and flounces, or wing sleeves. True fashionistas choose interesting styles with a multi-tiered cut, flowy and light with embroidery and openwork inserts. The “cabbage” style and products with a difference in the length of the hem are in fashion, both semi-fitting and loose fit, made of crepe de Chine, silk, chiffon and cotton or linen, here the choice depends on personal preferences and who is most suitable.

Lavender hair color

Another seasonal hit is lavender-colored hair; it suits many women regardless of age, hides gray hair perfectly, and, depending on the hairstyle, changes the look beyond recognition. better side. So, for blue-eyed and brown-eyed beauties, the bob and all its varieties in a dominant color, both with and without bangs, are perfect. Blondes with gray eyes who decide to experiment can opt for an elongated cascade or bob, depending on who you like and what suits you best.

Lavender manicure

An excellent manicure in lavender tones is obtained in combination with white and blue as an accent color; it can be monochromatic or come with varied patterns. The best choice– on the dominant shade, draw a sprig of lavender, sakura or orchid, which will emphasize the delicacy of this design. Decorations with rhinestones, droplets and dots, both with moon and French jackets, will also look stylish.

Lavender pedicure

The beautiful lavender color looks gorgeous on the feet, especially when the manicure and pedicure are in the same design. Excellent solutions for stylish variations - a lunar white jacket with lavender shades; the option for thumb legs If you want to emphasize and reveal all the delicate charm of the lavender tone, then you can decorate your toenails with French French, small shiny kamifubiki or rhinestones along the oval of the nail plate or along the moon.

When designing an interior, it is very important to convey through it a piece of your soul and attitude, because every person needs to feel comfortable in their own home. Lavender color in the interior gives the room lightness, sublimity, calmness and tranquility. “Dream House” will tell you today how to properly apply it in interior design.

The influence of lavender color

Lavender color refers to calm neutral tones that do not irritate the human psyche, but, on the contrary, calm it. Since this color is calming and relaxing, the interior in lavender tones is perfect solution for decorating a bedroom.

Bedroom in lavender tones

According to psychologists, the shade of lavender promotes the development creative thinking and imagination. That is why in many European and American schools this color is used to decorate classrooms and play areas.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of color, the shade of a mountain flower can be safely used in the improvement of almost all residential premises. The only exceptions are workers and kitchen areas. The fact is that, being in a room where lavender color predominates, it is very difficult to concentrate on complex issues and tune in to active actions. In addition, lavender color dulls the appetite a little. But if you need it, then why not?

Combination of lavender color with other shades in the interior

Lavender color belongs to the group of purple shades that harmonize perfectly with both pastel and bright tones. The color of lavender in the interior in combination with white, soft pink or cream shades will add lightness to the room and make it brighter. In tandem with these tones, the shade of lavender can either dominate or complement the main colors.

Interior in lavender tones

Combination of lavender color in the interior

If you have set yourself the goal of creating a dynamic and bright interior, then you should try this season’s trendy combination of lavender color with light green and shades. Lavender color in combination with these bright tones will look stylish and original. However, it must be taken into account that in a game with bright colors the main thing is to observe moderation. In this case, lavender should be the main color.

Rich lavender color tends to visually narrow the space, therefore, when decorating a room, you should not give preference to a combination of lavender with black or dark gray shades. These colors may well be present in the design, but it is better if they are expressed as small additions.

Lavender shades harmonize perfectly with the tones of their color group - lilac, pink and. This combination will add playfulness and romance to the room.

Lavender color in the interior

How to use lavender color in the interior


Bedrooms in lavender tones are especially popular among interior designers. In this room, a shade of lavender can be present either as a main tone, for example, on the walls, or as an addition. If the bedroom is small, then you should not completely paint its walls this color, otherwise it will be very difficult to achieve spaciousness in the room. It is best to give preference to a combination of lavender and white shades.

Bedroom in lavender color

If the bedroom walls are painted in neutral colors, then you can add bright colors to the room using accessories or textiles in lavender tones.


When using lavender color in the kitchen interior, moderation should be used. Designers recommend including this color as a complement to the main shades. In addition, the lavender tone in this room can be used to create a fashionable technique - highlighting only one wall with a bright color. Also, a shade of lavender can become the main color for decorating a table or the entire dining area in the background general design kitchens in pastel colors.

Lavender cuisine

Living room

At in various ways combining colors, a lavender living room can become like a shining example classic style, and a typical creation in . To create a classic appearance living area, it is recommended to use a rich or muted lavender shade as a complement to accessories, small decorations or textiles. If you dream of a fashionable and stylish living room, then a combination of lavender with a variety of shades is appropriate. In this case, the main color can be present both on furniture and on wall decoration or other interior items.

Lavender color in the interior

Lavender walls in the interior


The shade of lavender is great for decorating a bathroom. A lavender bathroom will look fresh, bright and original. As a rule, this room is rarely spacious, so to decorate the bathroom it is better to use a combination of muted lavender and other pastel shades - pink, white, cream, etc.

If you dream of a simple and stylish bathroom, then feel free to combine light lavender with bright purple accents. If the room is spacious and well lit, then these shades may be the only ones in the design.

Lavender bathroom

Children's room

Lavender shades are an excellent solution for creating original interior in the children's room. Since this color has the ability to calm and calm, it will be a great helper for a hyperactive child. To decorate your baby's room, it is better to give preference to muted pastel lavender shades.

Concerning color combinations, then for this room, paired with the main color, it is better to use the lightest colors - white, cream, beige, pink, blue, etc.

To add playfulness to the room, you can add a few bright accents of a different color to the design. If the children's room is already decorated in some other color, then lavender shades can be used as a highlight.