Dollar plant. Dollar tree - why it blooms, signs and superstitions. Dollar tree "Zamioculcas" - home care

Zamioculcas is an ornamental deciduous plant with very beautiful shiny leaves dark green. Zamioculcas, or the more common popular name for this plant - "Dollar Tree", is included in the Aroid family along with such popular domestic species as Spathiphyllum (flower of Women's happiness) and Anthurium (flower of Men's happiness). Why is this beautiful plant called the Dollar Tree, and can this flower of celibacy (the second common name) really interfere with happiness with your “soul mate”? Below you will find answers to these popular questions, and also learn how to properly care for Zamioculcas at home. Photo and video materials will help novice flower growers correctly perform transplantation, choose a propagation method, and also effectively get rid of pests or diseases of this plant. indoor plant.

It is important to note that many interior designers very often choose the Dollar Tree along with the ficus benjamina in the form of a tree and the palm-shaped dracaena marginata to form a phytodesign in home space or for decoration winter garden in a glassed room. The branches growing straight up from the tuber in a pot with substrate are decorated with glossy, pinnately dissected leaves closely spaced. When developing the phytodesign of a room, such small indoor flowers, like homemade Saintpaulia violets, cyclamens with bright butterfly flowers, beautiful pelargoniums, graceful phalaenopsis orchids with delicate flowers.

So why is Zamioculcas called the Dollar Tree?

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

The desired soil acidity level is pH 6.0. The soil mixture is made in almost the same way as for cacti and other succulents: leaf soil, turf soil, peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:1 (you can add, but not necessarily, a very small proportion of rotted humus). The mixture in the pot should not be too heavy, but well drained. Be sure to sterilize the mixture before planting to destroy pathogenic viruses and fungi.

During the growing season, you need to feed Zamioculcas once every few weeks, alternating organic fertilizers with minerals. The concentration is half the recommended dose for indoor flowers.


The dollar tree can grow large (up to 1 meter in height), but grows very slowly. It is advisable to replant it no more than once every 3 years, choosing a pot a few centimeters larger in diameter and about 10% higher. There is a hole at the bottom of the pot to drain excess water. Before planting the plant, you need to pour a drainage layer of expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot. Immediately after transplanting, place the pot with the plant in partial shade for a week.


Cuttings. We cut the stem with a sharp knife, and then shorten the stalk so that the leaf and bud remain on a small piece of the stem. The cut area can be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon and then the cutting can be dried for several hours. Now you need to prepare a container filled with vermiculite and slightly deepen the cutting into it. We water the substrate daily. The roots will appear after 2-4 weeks.

Tuber division. During transplantation, you can divide the plant into two parts by carefully cutting the tuber. We plant each division in a shallow pot, which should be 3-4 cm wider in diameter than the rhizome. The soil mixture used is exactly the same as for the whole plant.


There are two main reasons for this phenomenon.
The first is that the leaves of Zamioculcas turn yellow for natural reasons. In this case, the old leaves begin to turn yellow, but a natural growth of young leaves is observed. In this case, there is no need to worry, as the old leaves gradually dry out and fall off. By the way, you cannot remove yellowed leaves yourself, despite the fact that they slightly spoil the aesthetic appearance of the plant.

The second common reason is external factors caused by improper care of a houseplant. In this case, against the background of yellowing leaves, the appearance of young leaves is not observed. Typically, yellowing of the leaves is caused by a violation of the watering regime (overmoistening). Constant drafts can also cause leaves to turn yellow. If in winter period If only the tips of the leaves dry out and turn yellow, then most likely the plant is very close to the elements heating system.


The dollar tree (scientifically called “zamioculcas”) has gained popularity relatively recently and has become a wonderful decoration for many home and office interiors. Zamioculcas is very unpretentious in care, which is incredibly pleasing to a beginner in the gardening topic, so let's figure out how to properly replant the plant

How to determine whether Zamioculcas needs a transplant?

We all understand perfectly well that replanting is always stressful for a plant, so it is important to be able to determine whether it is as necessary in practice as it may seem.

  • The dollar tree, in principle, grows very slowly, so there is no need to subject it to unnecessary tests. Zamioculcas should be transplanted for the first time immediately after purchase.– the soil that sellers use rarely contains useful minerals and serves only as a temporary refuge for the flower. In fact, it is a transport substrate unsuitable for life.
  • It is customary to replant a young plant (and this is approximately the first 3-5 years) once a year, according to the development of its root system. For an adult flower, the pot is changed approximately once every three years.
  • If you see that the roots of the dollar tree have filled the entire volume of the pot and have begun to grow a moisture-storing tuber, this is a sign that a transplant is necessary. Overgrown roots can often deform the pot, but this is completely extreme.

When to replant a dollar tree?

If you just bought a zamioculcas, then this question should not arise at all. It should be replanted after two weeks, when the flower adapts to the new climate. But if your plant has already settled down and found a place in the house, then change the pot in spring or summer - in warm time year.

It is advisable to wait until the end of the flowering period, but not in the case of a young plant. Remember that the more often you replant the dollar tree, the more actively it grows.

Transplantation after purchase: are there any special features?

New climate, watering conditions and even lighting - all this can leave an imprint on the plant.

That’s why you shouldn’t rush into transplanting after purchase – give the zamioculcas a couple of weeks to acclimatize. The most important thing is not to forget about him when immersed in everyday worries, because an African friend will not survive in a store container.

As mentioned above, most often Zamioculcas is transported to Russia from other countries. To do this, it is planted not in soil fertilized with minerals, but in special containers filled with a special substrate. There are no nutrients in it, and therefore there can be no development.

Attention! The Dollar Tree is pleasing to the eye at any age. It lives for a relatively long time (5-10 years), so they often buy it when it is already an adult. And the most important fear when buying a flowering plant is the fear of losing all its beauty. We’ll disappoint you right away: if you risk replanting Zamioculcas during the flowering period, it will definitely drop its flowers. Such stress will not pass painlessly for him, and he will try to adapt.

Which pot should you choose?

Choosing a flowerpot is an important issue, because the comfort of the plant and the development of its root system depend on it. If the time has come for replanting, then do not take sudden steps, but buy a pot that is only a couple of centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one.

Keep this in mind! A flowerpot that is too large will slow down the growth of leaves and the entire surface part of the zamioculcas, because the ground part of the flower begins to develop only after it has grown root system and the entire volume of the substrate is mastered.

The tree is very picky about the shape of the pot. Ideal option there will be a wide flowerpot with a narrowed lower part.

The flowerpot should have holes at the bottom through which excess liquid can escape during watering.

It is impossible to give clear advice regarding the material, because there are always risks.

Plastic containers are easily transformed by the influence of roots, and clay flowerpots can limit development and lead to the death of the tree. When choosing the lesser evil, stop, of course, on plastic - it can be easily cut and replaced. It won't be that easy to deal with ceramics.

Choosing soil

There is no particular dilemma with the soil.

In its natural environment, Zamioculcas grows on mountain plateaus, so experts have found that The dollar tree feels best in the lightest and loosest soil possible where air can easily penetrate.

Such soil provides the roots with moisture and, equally important, oxygen.

When choosing soil, pay attention to its components. It will be great if the soil is well nourished initially, but otherwise you can make your own mixture of sand, leaf (or turf) soil, and peat. Humus will bring considerable benefits - with it the plant will grow more actively.

There is no need to mix the soil yourself. You can always buy ready-made soil mixtures, choosing those designed for cacti or succulents. However, experienced gardeners It is recommended to add expanded clay or perlite to purchased soil - with it the flower will grow more actively.

How to replant at home?

Timely transplantation of a dollar tree is the key to its health and beauty. We have already learned how to determine the need to change the flowerpot, and now let's reveal the rest of the secrets of success and look at the process step by step.

  1. Specialists give Zamioculcas transplantation a completely different name - transshipment. This is the name of the optimal method with which you will not damage either the root or leaf systems.
  2. To transfer it, you need to either cut the container or carefully break it (if the flowerpot is clay). It is best to place the zamioculcas itself in the root solution while preparing a new pot.
  3. Prepare the drainage: pour expanded clay onto the bottom of the flowerpot, filling about three centimeters of the volume. The rest remains with the soil, but there is no need to pour it out right away. Cover the drain with a thin layer and place the dollar tree on it.
  4. The final step is to transfer the remaining soil into the pot - fill the entire space with soil and compact it a little. There is no need to water the flower - Zamioculcas does not like excess moisture.

Step by step photos of the process

  • Laying drainage material

  • Adding soil

  • We check whether it is possible to pull out an adult plant.

  • If the plant cannot be simply pulled out, then cut the pot. We don't water.

  • We try to minimally injure the plant.

  • Transfer the lump of soil to another pot.

Care after transplant

Caring for Zamioculcas is very easy for one reason: it doesn’t like special attention. The place for it should be chosen in accordance with the lighting: diffused light is required, which is most often found on a windowsill on the western or eastern side, but the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight and can get burned. If you decide to place the pot on the south side, shading is necessary.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, zamioculcos should be placed in the southeastern sector, where it activates the energy of wealth.

It is not necessary to water often; water is required only after the soil dries. The flower loves warmth and dryness! At excessive watering or lack of sunlight, the money tree may get sick - and this will have a hard time.

Reference! Your plant needs feeding from time to time, than younger plant, the more often it is needed. In the first year, experts advise feeding zamioculcas once every two weeks, later - once a year (late spring or summer). Mixtures for succulents are always suitable as fertilizer.

How to plant a flower?

Zamioculcas can be propagated using feathers or leaves.

It often happens that a leaf that has fallen on its own already has a formed tuber - and this is real luck.

All that remains is to plant it in the soil and wait for the root system to form. The process does not depend on the person in any way and, strictly speaking, does not require anything.

If there is no fallen leaf with a tuber, then separate it from the bush, dry it a little (4 days), and then plant it in sandy soil. The process will speed up if you choose the largest sheet possible. It will not be difficult to care for it, the main thing is watering.

Watering rules

Just because your money tree isn't growing doesn't mean you need to water it more often!

The biggest mistake of beginners is that they flood the zamioculcas, and for an “African” this is much worse than drought.

It only needs water after it has completely absorbed what is already there, so always wait for the soil to dry completely. As for the quantity, there should be enough liquid so that it saturates the entire depth of the soil.

Possible errors

The dollar tree is an extremely hardy plant. It is unpretentious and persistent, so even pests are not particularly scary for it.

The only threat to Zamioculcas is a persistent owner and inept care. Try not to overwater the plant, do not injure its root system and do not forget about feeding. This way you will get the most beautiful flower possible!

Yellow leaves: what's the problem?

Who said yellow leaves are a problem? Be aware: it is too early to conclude that the plant is sick.

Zamioculcas grows slowly, and some of its leaves manage to age, turn yellow and fall off.

New shoots will definitely appear in their place, and you can only worry if this does not happen. Leaves may turn yellow due to:

  • Drafts;
  • Sudden temperature changes;
  • Low amount of moisture;
  • Pests.

Determine the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible. A healthy plant will delight you with its foliage all year round, if you take care of it in a timely manner!

Useful video

Learn more about Zamioculcas transplant from the video below:

Modern home gardeners love to grow exotic plants. However, many “overseas” species are very demanding in terms of care and maintenance conditions, and on the windowsill they quickly lose all their decorative effect. Therefore, in most cases, preference is given to unpretentious specimens, which can sometimes be left without due attention and without fear for the health of the green pet. One of the favorites among these flowers is Zamioculcas.

One of the most popular indoor plants

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) is an evergreen representative of the exotic flora, belongs to the Araceae family. This species has no varieties. Zamioculcas is a tuberous herbaceous plant. Compound, imparipinnate leaves with correct form, form something like a rosette. The leaf blade is dark green with a strong gloss. The height of a houseplant is usually no more than one meter. Flowers have no aesthetic value.

This plant has a very caustic sap that causes a strong burning sensation when it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, Zamioculcas is considered poisonous.

Photo gallery: appearance of Zamioculcas

At home, Zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely; flowering is not considered decorative.
Zamioculcas roots are tubers in which the plant stores nutrients and water.
The young leaf of Zamioculcas is rolled up into a tube and has a lighter color.
Breeders are developing varieties of the popular dollar tree with variegated leaf colors
IN open ground Zamioculcas can grow up to one and a half meters and higher
In nature, if a leaf falls to the ground, it takes root, so zamioculcas is often propagated by leaves at home
Zamioculcas leaves have a very beautiful gloss
The petioles of Zamioculcas leaves are very powerful, thickened

In everyday life, Zamioculcas is often called the dollar tree. This name was attached to the plant, according to one version, due to the fact that with round, fleshy leaves it is somewhat similar to the “money tree” - Crassula. Many people believe that Zamioculcas brings material benefits to the home. The leaves of Zamioculcas are larger and more powerful than those of Crassula, and therefore are popularly associated with a larger currency than rubles. According to signs, if the plant is healthy and developing well, then this is a sign of rapid enrichment. If the flower withers, then financially don't expect anything good.

Under natural conditions, Zamioculcas is found in East Africa.. The presence of a powerful tuberous root allows it to store a large amount of moisture. Due to its resistance to drought and scorching sun, it is able to grow in desert areas. Therefore, indoors the flower is unpretentious and takes root well in room conditions. However, in a closed space (as well as in nature) it blooms extremely rarely.

Video: meet the unpretentious African Zamioculcas

Another nickname for this plant is “celibacy flower.” It was established thanks to the numerous superstitions of housewives. A zamioculcas brought into the house should attract female happiness to its owner, but only if it blooms. And flowering in this species is a very rare occurrence, so you have to wait a very long time for well-being in your personal life.


Zamioculcas is a very hardy and heat-loving plant that can withstand prolonged lack of watering. Excessive care can even negatively affect his condition. However, in order for it to feel comfortable and actively develop, it is necessary to provide the flower with certain conditions.

Table: home conditions depending on the time of year

Season Room temperature Lighting Humidity Watering mode Top dressing
Summer25–30 °CScattered light, indirect bright raysOccasional spraying or wiping with a wet spongeModerateOnce a month
Autumn16–22 °CAs the soil dries outNot required
WinterNot less than 16 °CNo additional moisturizing requiredRare watering
Spring16–22 °COptional infrequent sprayingAs the soil dries outOnce a month

When to water and feed

Zamioculcas is drought-resistant. Even in summer period it requires moderate watering. In winter, zamioculcas should be watered even less frequently, as the substrate dries out. Excessive moisture can lead to root rot and fungal infections.

Plant tubers have the ability to accumulate water and consume nutrients from high speed. In spring and summer, fertilization is an integral part of care.. Feeding is carried out once every 4 weeks with special nutrient substrates. It is preferable to use ready-made mineral complexes for succulents and cacti.

How to leave alone

The “hibernation mode” of Zamioculcas begins in October and continues until spring. During this period, watering should be reduced to once or twice a month. Fertilizers are not applied. Zamioculcas is placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of 16–20 ° C.

This flower prefers scattered sunlight at any time of the year.

Should the flower of celibacy bloom?

Even in nature, a money tree can bloom only in a sufficiently mature state and with the confluence of several favorable factors. A short peduncle forms near the leaf rosette, and subsequently an inconspicuous inflorescence in the form of a cob, which, according to numerous reviews on the Internet, has unpleasant smell. Flowering lasts for several weeks. In the natural environment, the appearance of an ovary followed by ripening of the berries is possible. The berry carries a single seed. However experienced flower growers note that flowering and seed ripening deplete Zamioculcas so much that after this the plant often dies - and goodbye, financial well-being!

Planting and transplanting

The dollar tree grows very slowly. Replanting the plant is required if the pot is completely filled with the root system. Optimal time for its implementation - the beginning of spring.

To plant zamioculcas, choose a tall pot (preferably ceramic) so that there is enough space for the roots and tubers. The container should not be too large, otherwise the plant will waste energy filling it with the root system and stop vegetative growth. There should be at least one drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

The soil substrate can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently. The ideal soil composition includes sand, peat and sod land in equal proportions.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil mixture yourself, purchase it at the store. The best option- soil for cacti and succulents.

Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method as follows:

Video: replanting Zamioculcas

More often appearance the flower deteriorates due to violation of growing conditions and errors in care.

Table: yellowing leaves, drying tips and other signs of care errors

Problem Cause Elimination
Small yellow leaves with dry endsLack of lightingMove the flower to a brighter place
The top leaves fall offInsufficient or excessive wateringSet up an irrigation regime
Black tubers and leavesDevelopment of rot at low temperature and high humidityEliminate the causes of putrefactive phenomena
appear on the leaves dark spots
  • Abundant watering;
  • low air temperature;
  • high humidity during the growing season.
  • Establish a watering and moistening regime;
  • move to a warmer place.

Zamioculcas is rarely affected by diseases and pests, because it is protected from damage by poisonous juice and wax on the leaves. But sometimes infection still occurs. Therefore, it is important for flower growers to know how to treat a dollar tree.

Table: dark spots on the stem and other lesions

Some flower growers highly recommend unusual ways Zamioculcas pest control. One of them is spraying a pencil solution against cockroaches: crush 1/3 of a pencil, mix with 0.5 liters warm water and spray the plant and soil surface for 2-3 days until all pests die. When Zamioculcas is infected with a putrefactive fungus, the tubers and leaves darken


Zamioculcas propagation is carried out by dividing tubers and rooting leaves. It is almost impossible to propagate the plant by seeds, and they are rarely found on the open market. And seeds collected from homemade zamioculcas, as a rule, cannot be called high-quality planting material.


Most often, flower growers use the tuberous propagation method.. It is considered the simplest and most effective. To propagate a dollar tree with tubers, you must follow the following instructions:

Young zamioculcas shoots often form in a pot. During transplantation, in most cases it is easy to separate it from the mother tuber and plant it in a separate pot.

Leaf cuttings

A less common option for propagating zamioculcas is using leaf cuttings. To do this, carry out the following procedure:

Video: reproduction of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas has a strong reputation as a fashionable plant. Its “folk” name, the dollar tree, speaks about this. Zamioculcas looks really impressive. Perfect for decorating office space and apartments, especially since caring for it at home is completely easy.

The indoor flower Zamioculcas zamiaefolia belongs to the aroid family, although it is difficult to call it a typical representative. It received its unusual name due to its external resemblance to zamia. The homeland of Zamioculcas is Madagascar. The leaves are pinnate, symmetrical, slightly pointed at the apex; dense, look waxy, which in combination with the dark green color creates decorative effect. The leaf blades of an adult plant can reach 80 cm in length. They inspired the popular nickname of Zamioculcas - the dollar tree. The shoots are short and horizontal. It seems that the leaves are growing “out of the ground.”

The dollar tree develops slowly - this explains the high price of adult plants. The “heart” of Zamioculcas is a large tuber that accumulates moisture reserves. Thanks to it, the plant behaves in many ways like a succulent. The dollar tree blooms in old age. The flower, justifying its “family” affiliation, is a spadix with a veil. The inflorescences are small, located close to the axils and do not represent decorative value, therefore Zamioculcas is not considered as a flowering plant. Popular rumor ascribes to the blossoming dollar tree the ability to “attract” female happiness. Well, since this can only be achieved by properly caring for the plant for many years, evil tongues call Zamioculcas a flower of celibacy.

How to care for a dollar tree

Caring for the dollar tree, thanks to its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to environmental conditions, will be within the capabilities of even novice gardeners. By following a number of simple rules, you can ensure that the plant maintains its spectacular appearance all year round.


Optimal for Zamioculcas will be an abundance of bright diffused light - that is, windows of western or eastern orientation. However, it feels great on northern window sills, and even at some distance from them. Shading will only affect the dollar tree's growth rate, not its appearance. The leaves are protected from direct sunlight, especially when kept outdoors - when there is too much light, they fade.


The indoor plant Zamioculcas feels comfortable in a wide range of temperatures. Thanks to its African origins, it does not need to be protected from the summer heat. The dollar tree is also tolerant of coolness, but it is advisable that the winter temperature does not fall below 12 degrees.

Humidity and watering

Zamioculcas will feel better if its leaves are periodically sprayed in the warm season warm water. But this procedure is not necessary - the humidity in our apartments is quite suitable for the dollar tree. But you need to wipe the leaves regularly, clearing them of accumulated dust. To do this, you can use a soft damp cloth.

Caring for Zamioculcas will not cause trouble even for those who are constantly on the move. The plant does not tolerate an excess of water, but is tolerant of its lack. During the active growing season, be sure to dry top layer soil; In winter, the amount of moisture is reduced even more, allowing the earthen clod to dry completely between waterings.

Fertilizer application

Proper care of zamioculcas at home involves regular feeding: from spring to autumn twice, and in winter - once a month. Additives with a slight predominance of nitrogen in the composition are used: universal or intended for succulents. In the first case, the dosage indicated on the package is halved. It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. Some gardeners recommend spraying the plant “leaf by leaf” with a weak urea solution in the spring to speed up growth.

Care after purchase

Industrial greenhouses keep plants in the most cramped containers, so after purchasing it is advisable to transplant the zamioculcas into another pot, several sizes larger. During the replanting process, the peat in which the plant was “sitting” is carefully peeled from the roots, trying not to damage the tuber. Be sure to check them for the presence of soft, darkened areas, which are cut off to healthy tissue, sprinkling the wounds with crushed charcoal. After transplanting, the dollar tree is watered sparingly; There is no need to place it in a greenhouse.


Zamioculcas, when cared for at home, is easily formed by pruning. If you remove the top bud from a leaf, it stops growing. Thanks to this feature, by pruning adult plants, you can give them various shapes, which will persist for a long time. Pruning can only be done in spring.

How to propagate Zamioculcas

Propagating a dollar tree at home requires patience - “young growth” grows slower than adult plants. For this purpose, methods of dividing the tuber and planting leaf cuttings are used.

Tuber division is used if the mother plant has grown greatly and is absolutely healthy. It is better to combine the procedure with a spring transplant. Usually optimal place It is easy to find for a cut: the tuber develops unevenly, its different parts are separated by a thin isthmus of tissue. Make sure that each division has its own growth point. The sections must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal and dried. Each division sits in a tight pot; Water a little at a time until new shoots appear.

Zamioculcas does not really like violating the integrity of the tuber, so as a result of the procedure, both young plants and the mother plant may die.

Zamioculcas propagation by leaf (separate leaf plate) is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. One of the old lower segments is cut off with a sharp knife along with part of the stem - the “leg”.
  2. Sits in a mixture of peat and sand without deep penetration.
  3. The containers are placed in a greenhouse with constant ventilation (or placed in plastic bag, without tying it from above), water it moderately.

After some time, the plate will take root and begin to form a tuber. This will take up to six months, after which it dies. If by this time the tuberous organ has managed to form sufficiently, after a while it will begin to sprout shoots. The apical parts of the leaves shrink in the same way. They form a tuber and grow faster. The length of the cutting does not affect the success of rooting, but the smaller the part taken for propagation, the more time it will take to transform it into a beautiful plant. You can use the material left over after trimming.

How to properly transplant Zamioculcas

Transplanting zamioculcas at home is not difficult, since the plant’s root system tolerates “invasion” well. The tuber itself is handled carefully, trying not to damage it. A young dollar tree is replanted annually, an adult one every 2-3 years, until it grows into floor tubs. Then each spring the top layer of soil is replaced with fresh one.

Suitable soil and pot for Zamioculcas

Most suitable land for zamioculcas - an equal mixture of turf, leaf soil, peat and sand. However, it is undemanding to the composition of the soil, so you can use a ready-made universal substrate or one intended for succulents with equal success. The main requirements: good breathability and neutral acidity. The pot for Zamioculcas is chosen to be low and wide. There should be a few centimeters between the tuber and the sides.

Step-by-step transplant process

The dollar tree is replanted as follows:

  1. The earthen lump is removed from the old container, the roots are partially freed from the soil.
  2. The tuber is carefully examined for rot. When detected, rotten parts are cut off with a sharp knife to healthy tissue, the wounds are sprinkled with crushed charcoal; The tuber is dried for half an hour.
  3. IN new pot a layer of drainage and fresh soil is laid so that after planting the tuber does not “settle” too deeply.
  4. Add soil to the top and sides, compacting it lightly.

Some gardeners prefer not to completely cover the tuber with soil; The more common method of planting is with partial, no more than 1 cm, deepening. The tuber is slightly poisonous, so be careful when working with it.

Problems during cultivation

Even when growing an unpretentious dollar tree, problems can arise. Sometimes zamioculcas does not grow, sheds its leaves or loses its attractive appearance. As a rule, such manifestations indicate violations of agricultural technology. If the problem is identified in a timely manner, it can most often be eliminated without harm to the life of the plant.

External manifestationsReasonsRemedies
Zamioculcas leaves turn yellowMost often this is a natural aging process. Zamioculcas can also respond to critical violations of agricultural practices by yellowing and dropping leaves. You should worry if the process also affects young leaves.Follow agricultural techniques - do not overdo it with watering, but remember that in summer time It is advisable not to let the earthen lump dry completely. Do not keep the plant in too cold rooms.
Spots on leavesThe cause of dark wet spots is waterlogging, possibly in combination with low temperature or draft. Yellow dry marks indicate exposure to direct sunlight or too dry air.Follow agricultural practices, do not over-water the zamioculcas and protect it from excessively low temperatures.

Do not place the pot on south-facing windows. Remember that in summer part of plant care should be spraying. In winter, keep it away from batteries.

The trunk turns black and the roots rotThis indicates overwatering.

Dark but dry, “painted on” spots on the central veins of leaves may naturally appear during the growth process.

Remove the plant from the pot, cut off all damaged parts, treat healthy tissue with charcoal or Fundazol. Plant in a tighter container; Before new shoots appear, reduce watering until the earthen clod is completely dry. Do not forget that the dollar tree has an extremely negative attitude towards excess moisture.
Dollar Tree Doesn't Sprout New ShootsZamioculcas grows slowly, but if there are no new shoots from month to month, this indicates that the plant does not have enough light or nutrients.Move the zamioculcas to a more illuminated place and feed it regularly.
Zamioculcas is cryingSometimes droplets of moisture appear on the leaf plates, looking like tears. This is an alarm signal indicating mechanical damage or improper care.Follow agricultural practices.

Zamioculcas can be affected by spider mites. The appearance of a pest can be determined by its thin web and deformed, developmentally delayed upper leaves. To combat it, acaricides are used, such as Neoron, Fitoverm, Aktofit. Treat the plant at least twice, with a weekly interval. Without the second processing there is no point in doing the first; the same goes for frequency.

Zamioculcas, also called the dollar tree, grows in East Africa and on the island of Madagascar. This perennial, which is grown in an apartment or house for interior decoration. We will tell you how to grow zamioculcas and care for this plant in this article.

The plant is very decorative and, with good care at home, grows 0.8 m in height. It is a perennial, but its lifespan is relatively short - only 5-10 years. Its homeland is a land with a hot climate and high humidity, but at home it is unpretentious and requires minimal care.

Zamioculcas is a rather large flower; it is distinguished by long, erect, glossy leaves on equally long petioles. It has been grown at home since the 90s of the last century; it gained popularity after Dutch nurseries introduced the first species of the plant.

The appearance of Zamioculcas resembles that of its closest relatives: callas, monstera and dieffenbachia. Popularly, this plant has received the special name dollar or money tree, the origin of which cannot be explained.

How does the dollar tree bloom?

Zamioculcas flowering at home is a rare occurrence. By the way, the plant practically does not bloom in nature. Flowers of any type of Zamioculcas are quite unusual. The male and female flowers are arranged separately in the spadix, with a stripe of sterile flowers between them.

This structure prevents self-pollination. The structure of the flower is determined by the natural growth zone of Zamioculcas; the succulent is pollinated by the wind and small insects. It is probably for this reason that the inflorescences are located in the lower part of the bush no higher than 20 cm above the ground.

After flowering, berries with seeds appear, but at home they never ripen. Some experienced gardeners note that the flowering of a plant is directly related to its location in the house. On the northern windowsill, the dollar tree will bloom in mature age. And if you place a small zamioculcas bush on a southern window, expect it to bloom soon.

Follow the flowering stages of the old plant. If it produces inflorescences but does not produce new stems, then you should consider taking cuttings to propagate younger trees.

Signs and superstitions: the flower of celibacy or women's happiness?

Zamioculcas is simply surrounded by various myths and superstitions. Maybe the reason for this is the strange flowering? For example, it was called the flower of celibacy, but this does not mean at all that a woman who breeds Zamioculcas will never get married.

If a woman bought it herself, then her personal life will not go well. And if she was given a small zamioculcas sprout, good luck in love is guaranteed. Do you already have a flowering plant? You can start sewing your wedding dress. Zamioculcas helps to get married, and ficus helps to conceive a baby.

The importance of plant content for women and men

According to Feng Shui, the magical properties of a flower increase a hundred times if it was given on a special day: a birthday, New Year, Christmas. It is also useful for career growth, material wealth and health; its presence in the house leads to money and well-being.

There is a belief that the flower feels treated towards itself and thanks its mistress or owner with the positive energy of good luck.

The plant that was given to you needs to be replanted immediately, this will have a positive effect on attracting money. You need to make drainage at the bottom of the pot, and some gardeners use coins instead of expanded clay. They say that in this way the plant is set up to generate profit.

Of course, one cannot say that this is correct or beneficial for the flower, because coins can react with water and fertilizer.

Types of Zamioculcas: description and pictures

IN flower shops European varieties money tree came about 15 years ago and over the years of their popularity have retained the status of an expensive plant. Scientists are developing new varieties of zamioculcas, for example, a small bush that does not grow above 60 cm. Therefore, it is difficult to give an exact figure for the number of plant species.

Zamioculcas zamifolia

Zamioculcas spp. zamifolia is a zamia-like plant, which is where it gets its name. The species of Zamioculcas zamifolia is unusual. This is a succulent whose trunk is hidden in the soil. In the first weeks of life, it has no roots, and moisture reserves are stored in a large tuber under a layer of soil. But the bright green leaves of the plant peek out from the pot, and it seems that they are growing straight from the ground.

The petioles of the leaves are highly developed and are often mistaken for the trunk. They grow up to 1 m in height, the leaves are tightly pressed to each other and resemble a rosette.

This variety is ideal for home grown and interior design. Having bought a zamioculcas, in a few years you can get several new bushes using cuttings, dividing an adult bush or leaf cuttings.

Note that breeding this variety can even bring profit, because the smallest plant of 20-30 cm costs about 500 rubles, the taller it is, the more expensive it is.

Variegated Zamioculcas: planting rules

The variegated variety is a real rarity and curiosity, so it is very popular. A small sprout of Zamioculcas consists of 4 leaves and a large tuber, but there are no living roots on it yet.

He is put in universal primer, to which 2 parts of poured are added. Place drainage, expanded clay, for example, at the bottom of the pot, fill in the remaining soil, place a small shoot of zamioculcas and pour out the rest of the soil.

The variegated variety does not like overwatering, so lightly spray the soil with a spray bottle - droplets of water are better for the plant than watering from a cup. That's all, now send the plant to the south window and wait. After about a week, the first roots will be visible through the drainage.

If you planted a small zamioculcas tuber with leaves in the fall, then by spring the first buds will appear, then each of them will grow into a gorgeous branch. ABOUT further rules We will tell you about care a little later.

Zamifolia Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas zamifolia (such an unpronounceable name) is the real dollar tree. It is believed that this variety will bring the greatest success in making money. Naturally, there is no scientific basis for this popular theory.

Even if Zamioculcas zamifolia does not bring success, you will get a wonderful ornamental plant. Green leaves, fleshy petioles - a real photograph, not a flower! Like other species of this family, it is a succulent.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas: from a small sprout to an adult plant

Zamioculcas is propagated in 3 ways:

  1. Dividing the bush.
  2. Cuttings from leaves.
  3. Simple cuttings.

The fact is that it is impossible to get the seeds of this exotic plant anywhere. They do not ripen at home, and they may not be sold in stores on purpose, because the cost of the smallest zamioculcas is high.

In principle, to propagate a plant, you can use all its parts from shoots to leaves. The main thing is to learn how to do it correctly.

Be careful, the flower is poisonous!

The plant that we will now learn to replant belongs to the aroid family, and its juice contains poison. Of course, it is impossible to get a fatal burn from a flower, but in places where it comes into contact with a bare cut on the leaf, the skin will be damaged.

Redness, itching, and poor health are possible. But the greatest harm that a plant can cause is allergies and even anaphylactic shock.

It's about exotic plant, which in natural conditions Our country cannot be found during the day with fire, so be careful. If you buy a small Zamioculcas sprout for home, choose a safe place to place it, and carry out all work with gloves.

Dividing the bush

Dividing the bush is the easiest way. In this case, an adult bush is simply removed from the pot and divided into equal parts so that each new bush gets a decent part of the root system with tubers. Very often, after leaving the pot, the plant simply breaks up into the parts needed for replanting.

After division, the rhizome is dried, pots with fresh substrate are prepared, each part is planted in a separate container. After planting, observe the plant. Note that 90% of divided bushes tolerate this procedure well.

How to grow zamioculcas from a leaf: the second method of propagating exotics

To grow from a leaf, you need to cut several leaves diagonally and sprinkle the cut areas with charcoal. If there is no wood, then we recommend crushing 2-3 tablets of activated pharmaceutical.

The leaf dries out, and you prepare the soil and pot for rooting.

  1. Which pot to choose is up to you. For small zamioculcas sheets, shallow plastic cups are suitable. plastic pots, mini-pots. Do not choose a beautiful flowerpot for initial planting - the plant grows quickly, and soon it will have to be planted in another container.
  2. Place a layer of polystyrene foam, expanded clay or crushed brick on the bottom of the selected container - this is our drainage.
  3. Now we prepare and fill the soil. The perfect combination soil for zamioculcas - peat and poured in a ratio of 2:1, respectively.
  4. Now moisten the soil, take the cut leaf and immerse it in the substrate. Plant to a depth of 1–2 cm. Then water and place in a warm place under diffused light. It is recommended to cover it with a jar so that the leaf does not dry out and is kept in a kind of greenhouse.

The leaves take root immediately after cutting; they are not immersed in water for root germination. A small leaf of Zamioculcas takes 30–45 days to establish itself in the soil; it requires moderate watering. After rooting, the sprout quickly gains growth, and within a few years it can become a donor for new bushes.

Diseases and pests

The plant is practically not susceptible to pests. Rarely does the plant come under attack spider mite, which leaves a white trail - a cobweb. For treatment, treat the flower with an insecticide. Decorative look spoiled by small midges (aphids), settling in heaps in the soil and on the leaves.

And from improper care or excessive generosity in the matter of watering and fertilizing, the plant simply dies.

Secrets of growing, or what to do if a flower is sick?

What to do if zamioculcas does not grow at all? Perhaps you planted the plant in too big pot, which is not recommended. A pot is chosen that is several centimeters larger than the one that was used before transplanting. Also, Zamioculcas does not grow at all during our summer, but it puts out new shoots from the end of August to the end of February (summer in the southern hemisphere).

What to do if a tuber rots in the soil? Rot on a tuber is a sign of overwatering, and in this case, gardeners recommend cleaning the damaged layer to living tissue. You can wipe it off with gloved hands and then clean it with a knife.

After cleaning, the tuber will become crusty, and only after that can the plant be replanted. If it rots to the ground, the plant disappears; hurry to take the petioles from it to plant them again. You can also separate good tubers from rotten ones, sprinkle them with wood ash and replant them.

Dark or black spots are a sign of cold air or a draft; you overlooked it, and the plant blew out. Treatment means moving the pot with the plant to a windless place.

If a plant's petiole or leaf wrinkles, this is a sign of overwatering or the presence of pests gnawing on roots and stems.

Home care

Caring for this plant at home is a real pleasure.

Problems that can happen to the plant

The only problem you may encounter is that the flower falls apart. The leaf petioles become thin, they droop and may even break. Many gardeners recommend tying up the leaves. If you don’t want a few of the lower branches to break off, you can tie them to a special lattice stand.

Description of soil moisture, air and irrigation regime

Like all succulent plants our exotic flower It reacts calmly to low air humidity, and the soil in the pot doesn’t particularly bother it. If you forget to water your pet, don't worry, give him the right amount of water, but don't fill the pot to the brim.

Watering is done after it dries out. upper part substrate layer. Overwatering can lead to rotting of the root system, and in this case it is very difficult to save the bush.

What temperature and lighting will the plant like?

The plant loves light, so try to save a place for it on a well-lit, warm windowsill. Note that if you decide to germinate exotic plants in winter, then they will need lighting with a lamp.

In the warm season, it is useful to place large and small zamioculcas on the balcony or in the garden so that the flower can get some fresh air.

Favorable air temperature in summer is 24–25 °C, and in winter not lower than 12 °C.

What to feed and when to replant the plant: time and recommended means

From the end of April to the end of August, it is recommended to feed 2 times a month with fertilizer for cacti or succulents. The fact is that zamioculcas quickly uses up its supply of nutrients, and regular feeding will help maintain its healthy appearance.

Replanting is done every year in the spring. After transplantation, the plant should be well fertilized and not flooded with water.