Bathroom tiles: design ideas. Review of fashionable tiles for a small bathroom: design examples Tiles for a small bathroom

A small bathroom is a common problem in apartment buildings. But even these 3-4 square meters. It’s quite possible to turn it into an oasis of comfort and relaxation if you use design techniques. Having chosen the right finishing, plumbing and furniture, you will see that it was not the narrow area that was the cause of the cramped space, but only the illiterate placement of things. Our recommendations will help you correct mistakes and make your bathroom comfortable and tidy!

Remodeling a small bathroom. Where to start?

The first thing you need to decide on at this stage- make the bathroom combined or separate.

By removing the partition between the toilet and the bathroom, you can slightly expand the area and save on finishing materials. But, firstly, this will require permission from special authorities; secondly, the wall may contain important communications (water or sewer pipes, ventilation ducts, electrical wiring); and thirdly, for a large family, a shared bathroom will be very inconvenient practical point vision.

As for the separate bathroom, the only drawback in this option is that both rooms often turn out to be very tiny and there is simply no room left in the toilet for a separate washbasin. In this case, you can use a compact sink, placing it, for example, in a corner, slightly above the cistern.

You can also add a little extra square footage to your small bathroom by reducing the hallway or corridor.

Bathroom finishes and materials

While taking a bath or shower, everyone can observe how much steam and condensation forms in the air. This means that absolutely all materials for decorating a small bathroom must be waterproof and resistant to temperature changes.


At first glance it may seem that concrete base in the bathroom it is enough to tile it and its renovation will be over. But this is far from true - it would not hurt to do some more work under the top decorative layer. Thus, the “warm floor” system will provide a comfortable temperature, and a dense layer of waterproofing will save you from a visit from angry neighbors in the event of a flood.

The ideal structure should look like this: a concrete slab is covered with a bitumen primer, a polymer is glued to it waterproofing film(its edges are raised onto the walls at a height of at least 15 cm, and the seams must be overlapped and firmly fused together), fine-grained quartz sand, stacked heating elements, and then ceramic tiles are attached to concrete tile adhesive. It is desirable that it be large and light, but at the same time slightly rough, because it is easy to slip on a wet glossy glaze and get injured.


To decorate the walls in a small bathroom, you can use ceramic tiles, plastic panels, painting, fake diamond or moisture-resistant wallpaper.

First of all, it is important to properly plaster the surface and apply a high-quality primer. You can also level the surface with aqua panels.

For paints, it is advisable to use non-toxic water-based (acrylic, silicone) and water-dispersion compositions. It is better to avoid traditional oil-based ones - as they take a long time to dry, emit the smell of acetone and quickly crack under the influence of temperature.


The best choice for decorating the ceiling in a small bathroom is a stretch film with a mirror effect. It is absolutely resistant to water vapor (you only need to occasionally wipe it with a sponge) and will serve for at least ten years without losing its original aesthetic appearance. In addition, such a ceiling will help minimize the unpleasant consequences of flooding.

If needed budget renovation, then you can stop at painting, but it will have to be updated every year.

Another good way to finish the ceiling in the bathroom is by covering it with plastic panels (siding). For the frame under them, only a stainless metal profile should be used.

Bath or shower – what to choose?

In a small bathroom where it is difficult to allocate space for a spacious bath, without a doubt you should give preference to a shower stall. Moreover, there are models equipped with deep trays with a Jacuzzi, so lovers of romantic baths with candles and rose petals will not be offended.

In addition to significant space savings, the cabin reduces water consumption. Considering rising utility bills, this is a big advantage.

The presence of ventilation above the shower will quickly remove moisture and minimize condensation on the finish outside.

But if you still want to lie in the water at full length, then owners of small bathrooms should pay attention to corner and curved bathtubs.

Arrangement of furniture, appliances and accessories

Thoughtful placement of plumbing fixtures and furniture will make even the tiniest bathroom comfortable as well as practical.

Sink and toilet

To save space, it is advisable to choose not a semicircular washbasin, but a small rectangular or square one, but with high sides. This sink can be mounted into a cabinet.

If possible, the toilet tank should be hidden in the wall, leaving only the flush button outside. If this option is not possible, you can buy a corner or tall narrow tank.

Washing machine

A compact side-loading washing machine can be built into any free niche: under the sink, boiler, in the corner between the bathtub and the wall, or above the toilet. All you have to do is provide an insulated outlet nearby and hide the pipes discreetly.

In order not to spoil expensive plumbing fixtures, drain dirty water It is better to take it directly to the sewer hole.

Cabinets and shelves

To store things in a small bathroom, you should make the most of the vertical space - install tall pencil cases, hanging shelves, towel dryers.

For shampoos, gels, foams and other hygiene products, you can equip the sides of the bathtub with shelves-doors on brackets that open at an angle of 45-60 degrees, or you can make narrow horizontal shelves with sliding screens.

Another interesting idea - pull-out rack. You can fold clean towels in it, and they will be well protected from moisture.

Lighting in a small bathroom

In a small bathroom you can get by with one or more light sources, but in no case should it be a hanging chandelier.

It is also worth abandoning conventional incandescent lamps - they get very hot during operation and can burst if splashed with water. LED lamps are best suited to these criteria.

To create a more romantic atmosphere in a small bathroom, you can use neon stripes, spot lighting shelves and niches, as well as luminescent elements on the floor.

Choosing an interior style

To make the interior look harmonious, before starting a bathroom renovation, you need to choose the style that the owners like most. It will promote relaxation and improve your mood every time during water procedures.

Small bathroom in modern style

Clear symmetrical shapes, the absence of unnecessary details, monochrome tones, chrome or glossy finishes will create the impression of conciseness and completeness.

Small bathroom in classic style

Shades Ivory, sparkling porcelain and shimmering gold floral patterns - a royal bathroom for true aristocrats. The abundance of light and shine will perfectly cope with the task of increasing space.

Small bathroom in Provence style

In this decor french romance intertwined with rustic freedom and simplicity. Pastel shades are used - lavender, greenish, blue, soft pink. Among the designs allowed are small, dim flowers. Furniture should have a slightly vintage look, such as wear and tear on light paint.

Small bathroom in loft style

A loft is characterized by bare walls, imitation stone or brickwork (preferably grayish-white), high whitewashed ceilings, and lack of decorations. Suitable for free artists, bohemians, as well as those who despise routine and value freedom.

Small bathroom in minimalist style

Space saving and compact shapes are an ideal solution for a small bathroom. Everything you need is hidden in the cabinets, creating an atmosphere of lightness and spaciousness.

Small bathroom in Scandinavian style

The snow-white color with small splashes of gray and black is reminiscent of northern mountain rivers or ice-covered peaks. This environment is wonderfully refreshing and also fills you with energy. Finishing in unobtrusive colors and without any bright details will visually increase the area of ​​the room.

Color solutions for a small bathroom

To ensure the integrity of the interior, to decorate a small bathroom you need to use no more than three colors that are close in saturation. It is advisable to leave dark, contrasting, voluminous things and designs for some spacious halls or outdoor pools.

White bathroom

Gray bathroom

The shimmering shimmer resembles a clear stream running from the peaks between the stones. Surrounded by mirrors and chromed metal, light gray will help relieve stress after a hard day at work and restore vigor in the morning.

Blue bathroom

The shade of sky and water is the most soothing. It makes you breathe deeper and seems to fill the entire space fresh air. This is the perfect frame for a white bathtub and sink. Breaking up such a magical duet with “spots” of other colors is a real crime; as a last resort, you can add a little silver accents.

Green bathroom

When the leaves reflect in the river, the water appears greenish. In the same palette you can find shades sea ​​waves, shimmering bluish-turquoise with a golden glow from the depths. Such a design in a small bathroom will give rest to the eyes and relaxation to the body.

Design of a small bathroom in Khrushchev

In Soviet apartments you can most often see a one-meter toilet and a cramped bathroom, the area of ​​which does not exceed 4 sq.m. But even in such conditions you can be smart.

One of the most popular finishing materials for bathrooms and toilets today is ceramic tiles.

The optimal combination of practicality and aesthetics appealed to most connoisseurs of comfort and homeliness.

With the help of a competent combination of colors and tiled decorative elements, any bathroom can be made stylish, original and visually more spacious.

Ceramic tiles will help hide certain imperfections in the room and promote complete relaxation after a weekday.

Methods of finishing with ceramic tiles

Before choosing a tile layout option, you should evaluate the area of ​​the bathroom, the height of the ceiling and the presence of shortcomings that it would be desirable to correct.

Among existing methods The following claddings are worth highlighting:

Following the example of a wall panel. This is a traditional layout that illusorily expands the space and lowers the ceiling.

The bottom line is this: first, dark tiles are laid from the floor, approximately 1/3 of the wall height, then the cladding continues with a lighter shade.

The junction of dark and light tiles is decorated with a ceramic border. The floors can be the same color as the bottom of the wall, or darker.

An example of this option can be interpreted when dark tiles are laid on top and light tiles on the bottom.

Sometimes contrasting tiles are laid not from the floor, but closer to the middle of the wall height, but this method is only suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Layout with horizontal lines. A method in which contrasting stripes are laid out on a light background. They can be narrow - from decorative elements, or wide - from several tiles.

These illusory lines make the room more voluminous and create a feeling of coherence.

Facing with vertical lines. This option visually narrows the bathroom, but creates a feeling of more high ceilings. Just like horizontal stripes, stripes can be narrow or wide, single or multiple.

IN modern design Multi-level lines are becoming more and more common.

Border from the floor. An elementary layout option, in which the tiles from the floor “extend” onto the wall by about 1 - 2 pieces in height. Visually, this example slightly increases the volume, but takes away the height.

Accent elements. One of the most popular layout methods. The bottom line is that on a general, usually light, background, attention is focused on bright elements in certain functional areas.

This can be a tile of a contrasting color, or with a decorative pattern, or a ceramic panel. But you should not get carried away with accents; even in the most spacious bathroom it is not recommended to use more than 3 fragments.

Use several colors in equal quantities. In this option, tiles of different colors are not mixed, but each color decorates a specific area. In this case, the floors can be decorated with several used colors mixed at once (for example, according to the type chessboard).

Facing in the style of "kaleidoscope". Especially suitable for creative people. The tiles in this version are used in different colors, which alternate in a random or specific order.

"Spray". The general background is formed from a single-color, usually light, tile, then randomly arranged tiles of a contrasting color are added. The method is suitable exclusively for spacious bathrooms.

Laying out geometric shapes or patterns with ceramic tiles. This option is not recommended for use in cramped rooms.

A combination of several options at the same time. For example, the method “ Wall panel"and accent elements or multi-level vertical stripes. The more spacious the room, the more options combinations can be applied.

Special attention should be paid to the “screen” for the bathroom. It should be decorated in the same style as the entire room, or become an accent element.

The most important thing is that the resulting cladding result makes the room more comfortable, stylish and eye-catching.

Photos of ideas for laying out tiles in the bathroom

Most often, the bathroom is tiled. This material is durable, hygienic, and easy to care for. But the cost of such renovations is considerable, so they try to arrange everything so that the bathroom looks its best for a long period of time. To solve this problem, they carefully select a collection, select colors, and a layout method. Read about the options for laying tiles in the bathroom and how they are perceived in the article.

General principles and rules

Everyone knows that light walls visually make a room more spacious. No one is going to argue with this, and this fact is taken into account when choosing options for laying tiles in the bathroom. But there are a few more interesting moments, knowledge of which will help to avoid mistakes when drawing up the layout and selecting the color of the tile, its location, and the color of the grout.

Vertical and horizontal layout

Recently, rectangular tiles are more often placed on walls. In this case, the first thing you have to decide on is whether to place the tiles horizontally or vertically on the walls. It is believed that a horizontal layout visually makes the room wider, and a vertical layout makes it taller. In reality, on colored, bright tiles, the seams between which are sealed with grout of the same or similar color, the difference is very insignificant (in the photo there are a couple of pictures below). In this case, the direction of laying has almost no effect on perception. In this case, you can choose options for laying tiles in the bathroom based only on your preferences.

This effect is more pronounced when using light tiles with contrasting grout (top pictures). In this case, the eye “slides” along the seams, creating the desired visual changes. In this case, the vertical or horizontal layout really does influence our perception.

Guide strips

To expand the room or raise the ceiling, when selecting a layout, vertical or horizontal “guides” are made. These are strips of tiles of a different color, along which the eye glides. These stripes change the visual perception of the size of the room.

A lighter horizontal stripe, which runs along the perimeter of the room approximately in the middle of the height, visually significantly expands the space. If to light walls add a dark stripe, no effect is observed. Or rather, the room will look like its own volume, since the dark stripe neutralizes visual increase space due to light colors in the decoration.

If necessary, make the ceiling visually higher, with vertical layout You can lay out a strip of lighter tiles on one of the walls (preferably opposite the entrance). Even with bright or dark tiles and matching grout, the ceiling will “raise.” If you use tiles of a lighter tone on this wall, and even with a contrasting grout and a vertical stripe of tiles with an ornament, the effect will be even more obvious (in the picture below on the right).


Another way to make a room appear taller is to place decorative border tiles closer to the ceiling. Being high, they attract attention, making the room seem higher. The border does not have to be around the perimeter. It is enough to make one wall a different light shade and place a border at the top. Moreover, this contrasting wall can be darker or lighter.

All these techniques are easy to implement, but they help to correctly lay out the tiles. To visualize what you get, you can use special programs.

Tile layout examples

In addition to the layout examples given above, there are options for laying tiles that can be considered classics; others, on the contrary, have appeared quite recently and, although they often go against many recommendations, they look very good.

Darker bottom

This technique is a classic: the lower third of the wall is made of a darker color, the upper third is several tones lighter. This layout method ceramic tiles, to put it mildly, is not at the peak of popularity. It was popular about a decade ago. But there are several techniques that give the classics a modern twist.

With this method of laying tiles, the room seems spacious, since most of the walls are decorated in light shades. In this case, the tiles for the floor are chosen in the same color as the tiles on the bottom of the wall. If you can’t find exactly the same one, look for something very similar in texture and color. In its “pure” form, this method of laying tiles does not look very modern.

To make this bathroom tile installation look more modern, you can add vertical or horizontal stripes to break up the monotony. Many collections offer not only darker and lighter tile options, but also decor different sizes, from which strips of different widths are formed.

More often, not two, but three types of tiles are combined: two plain ones and a decor that combines both primary colors. Decorative elements can be of different widths. Then you can make strips or columns of different widths from them. So that the upper part is not so monotonous and boring add thin stripes the same color as the bottom of the wall, and a plant or flower border is added below.

Most factories produce collections that contain two basic tile colors - darker and lighter - and a set decorative elements. Such collections are usually not cheap, but it is easier to create a competent composition from them, and they are the right size, so there will be no problems with styling and fitting.

Accent wall

If dividing the walls by height does not appeal to you, but the monochromatic design makes you despondent, you can consider the option with accent wall. Most often, it is decorated with tiles of the same color, but of a different shade - several tones lighter or darker than the main one.

In this case, more than one wall is decorated with brown tiles, but it also extends onto part of the adjacent one. This technique is suitable for narrow, long rooms - it visually makes the room more like a square.

An accent wall does not have to be decorated with tiles of the same size. One wall decorated with mosaics or small tiles looks great.

The mosaic looks great both on its own and in combination with tiles of different formats - square, rectangular, large and medium-sized. It is used when finishing curved surfaces - thanks to its structure, it fits even columns of small radius.

Floral motifs

Recent design trends have resulted in most bathroom tiles being made in a single color. Many collections have an interesting texture, but are made in the form of monochromatic fragments. Not everyone likes this design - the interior turns out to be too “cold”. You can add a touch of fantasy using tiles with flowers or butterflies, floral or geometric motifs.

But you need to be careful with this type of decor: it’s too easy to “overdo it,” especially in a small volume. But even a few isolated fragments don’t look good either. So, it is advisable to work with floral decor in programs that provide a three-dimensional picture - it will be easier to imagine what you will actually get.

Floor tile layout

In addition to choosing options for laying tiles on the walls in the bathroom, you need to decide how to decorate the floor.

When using square tiles, they are usually laid in the form of a chessboard (checker pattern); a method with an offset of 1/2 tiles can be used. There are two installation directions - parallel to the walls and diagonally.

If you choose a rectangular tile, there are more layout options - offset (deck, wicker, herringbone).

There are also options for a combination of rectangular and square tiles - a labyrinth, if methods using fragments of different sizes.

Everything is more or less complex circuits It makes sense to implement it in large rooms - here unusual compositions can be appreciated. In small bathrooms, most often choose the most simple circuits- usually only a few tiles fit, so there’s simply no point in complicating the work.

More options

Decorative tiles are often used in the bathroom as the most practical, economical, inexpensive material with a huge selection of colors, textures and shapes. It can be used both on the floor and to decorate walls. With this finishing material you can create any design, depending on the style you want to achieve.

Today, there are many different options for laying out bathroom tiles. Experienced craftsmen know many ways. But the most often used are 3-4. In this article we will figure out what are the methods for laying tiles in the bathroom, what are their advantages and weak sides, what kind of design they allow to implement.

Pros of using tiles in the bathroom

Why do most bathroom owners prefer to decorate these rooms with ceramic tiles:

  • The material is very practical. Horizontal and vertical tiles are moisture resistant, last a long time, and are easy to maintain.
  • A large selection of colors, sizes, textures allows you to experiment with design, finding the right combination of shades, and implement any decor ideas, even in a small bathroom. For example, a design with black and white tiles in the form of a chess board is very popular.
  • Many options for tile layout make it possible to combine different colors, thereby achieving the individuality of the room, making it an original, original work. There is an individual layout for each bathroom interior.


What are the most popular layouts of tile and ceramic materials in the bathroom on the floor and walls today:

Standard without offset

This is the most popular layout plan. In Soviet times, all bathrooms in new buildings were decorated this way, so for many this layout causes instinctive visual rejection. Her example in that version can still be seen to this day in the apartments of elderly people. However, if it is done using large tiles, then the standard layout without offset looks quite stylish and original.

Diamond laying

Or diagonal. Also a very common layout option. Peculiarities:

  • Creates a very interesting visual effect and looks stylish. With its help, the most original and stylish designs are obtained. Gives depth to the room and sharpness to the design.
  • This is a rather labor-intensive option, so only an experienced master finisher can carry out such a layout. Requires careful calculations and careful cutting of material. Labor costs are comparable to laying mosaics.

Wall panel

This scheme is a classic of the genre, when the lower third of the wall is laid with dark tiles, and the upper two thirds with lighter ones. Docking location different color tiles are usually also decorated with a contrasting border in tone, or mosaics can be used. Often this method of decorating bathrooms can be seen, as an example, in various public institutions. These methods can also be used for your own bathroom, but this gives the bathroom a little severity and formality.

Features and rules:

  • This layout design makes the room lower while expanding it. You should carefully study the floor plan.
  • The floor can either coincide with the walls or be completely contrasting with them. Each design is interesting in its own way.
  • In some variations you can see a combination of light bottom and dark top. However, this layout of tiles in the bathroom lowers the ceiling level, so it is suitable for narrow and high rooms. And in most of our standard apartments Still, small and not too high bathrooms are more common.
  • The border on the walls of the bathroom can be made either as a narrow strip or as a fairly wide independent section, tiled in several rows. In addition, there may well be several of these strips, especially if they are narrow. Just don’t forget that each of them will make the room a little lower.

With border

In this layout option, the tiles that are laid on the floor continue on the wall. But not completely on the entire wall, but 2-3 rows above the floor. Higher up, it is advisable to make tiles of a different shade, most often lighter. This layout plan will make the room design lower and wider.

Fragments with an accent

A very popular layout plan today. But such options for laying out tiles in the bathroom are only suitable for a room of decent size. IN small room contrasting accents can create visual disproportion, which looks inharmonious.

  • If you decide to choose such a bathroom tile layout project, you should know that you do not need to focus on more than 2-3 areas of the bathroom. An ideal example of a layout where accents are made in the area of ​​the washbasin, heated towel rail and shower. Or in another similar version.
  • If you do not want to increase the height of the ceiling, then the accent area should not start directly from the floor, but it is better to do it at some distance. In this case, there is also no need to bring the accent to the ceiling.
  • You can make accents using mosaics.
  • This layout plan does not apply to the floor. Accents made on the floor look ridiculous and inappropriate.

Equality of colors

In this case, they take several colors - contrasting or similar, usually 2-3 shades - and decorate the bathroom walls with them. In this case, the colors should not be mixed. One wall is laid out in one color, the second in another, etc. It is imperative to choose a harmonious combination of colors. Peculiarities:

  • This way you can visually clearly separate functional areas in the bathroom. For example, highlight the area near the washbasin in red, and use black tiles to decorate the area near the shower. The layout can be both horizontal and vertical.
  • In this case, the floors are finished with tiles of the same colors, but they can be mixed. For example, it would be great to use a checkerboard layout for the floor.
  • This design does not look good in a small bathroom, as it will visually make the room narrow and small.
November 2016

In every home, the bathroom is a room for hygiene procedures. And for many, it is also a place where you can be alone with yourself, relax or have spa treatments. That is why the design in it should be, first of all, comfortable, as well as simple and sophisticated.

Bathroom tiles are nothing new. At the same time, with the help of this material you can decorate the room in a very bold and original way, and without compromising square meters at all. Anyone can be convinced of this by looking at a photo of a bathroom being tiled.

Advantages of tiles

For finishing works bathroom requires care and careful approach. Compared to the renovation of other rooms in your home, the renovation of a hygienic room should be done so that it is beautiful, cozy and comfortable, and all the nuances and subtleties should be thought out, since in such a room, as a rule:

  • increased humidity levels;
  • higher temperatures;
  • Various cleaning and abrasive detergents are used.

In such a room there is a specific microclimate and there is a considerable probability for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, which are very harmful to the human body! This is especially true for small children, who, as a rule, love to chew or lick some surfaces.

It is possible to avoid “troubles”. To do this, you need to think about decorating the bathroom design with tiles so that it does not deteriorate over time, and also constantly (regularly) maintain the cleanliness of the hygienic room.

We can conclude that the material for finishing the bathroom should definitely have some qualities, namely:

  • resistant to high levels of humidity.
  • resistant to regular temperature changes.
  • hygienic.
  • safe from an environmental point of view.
  • Quite easy to wash and clean.

Today there are a large number of manufacturers of ceramic tiles. Each of them offers a very wide range of finishing materials for both the ceiling and walls of the bathroom. You can also choose wallpaper that has a high degree of moisture resistance, or maybe plastic panels, plasterboard or special plaster for decorating the ceiling and walls.

But for finishing bathrooms, it is tiles that have won the trust of most people. This material has been used for decades!

Features of bathroom tiles

  • Price. Due to the fact that the material is produced on huge production areas and very wide range, everyone will be able to choose for themselves exactly the option that they like best or that suits the price. Even if you have limited funds for the purchase of material, you will select exactly what you need in an excellent price-quality ratio.
  • Tile is a hypoallergenic material, completely non-toxic. During the production process, the material is burned. It is at this moment that any toxins or allergens are destroyed. Therefore, you can rest assured that even with prolonged contact with the material, no allergic reactions will occur.
  • In addition, when tiles are produced, there is no release of harmful substances, because it is an environmental material. Accordingly, no pollution environment also doesn't happen.
  • Produced finishing material under influence high temperatures. Of course, during production any microflora is simply killed. Accordingly, if there are tiles on the floor and walls in the bathroom, there will be the lowest chance for the growth of bacteria and fungi compared to other finishing materials.

The only caveat is that mold and mildew can form at the joints between the tiles. This happens due to the fact that the walls in houses or apartments are not treated with anything. In order to avoid such formations in the future, it is worth using a special antifungal composition for laying slabs.

What is the advantage of tiles?

  • The tiles are moisture resistant. In addition, even over the years they do not lose their original appearance(especially with appropriate care!), and if the joints are properly sealed when laying, then the chances of flooding your premises or, worse, the neighbors below, will be zero.
  • The tiles in the bathroom are very easy to clean and wash. She is not at all afraid of cleaning and detergents. Thanks to what's on it special coating, any dirt or grease stains can be removed very easily. In addition, such material practically does not attract dust. That is why it is used for finishing work and in the kitchen.

  • If you lay tiles correctly and efficiently, they will last you for many decades! Most likely, you will want to change it, for which there will be reasons such as: the design is tired or outdated, it has become boring, etc., rather than it will fail and become unusable.
  • This material is very wear-resistant. It performs a protective function against damage to the appearance, for example, during the rearrangement and movement of furniture, from scratches and other minor mechanical defects.
  • Due to their high degree of strength, the tiles are able to withstand heavy loads (weight, pressure). For example, the same bathtub made of cast iron!
  • Also, the material is fireproof. After all, tiles are not a flammable material and can even prevent the spread of fire! Therefore, in the kitchen, such material is also very often used to finish the apron.

In the event of a fire in the apartment, a tiled bathtub is the safest place!

Our collection of bathroom tiles 2016 will allow you to display real masterpieces of creative art, as well as make your old dream of creating a comfortable and stylish hygienic room come true.

If we compare the price range of different materials, we can note that for bathroom design, tiles are the most inexpensive material, compared to stone, glass and porcelain tiles, which can also be used for the bathroom.

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic slabs are the most budget-friendly and most common material for bathroom cladding. It has a relatively low price level. Made from clay and sand, and top part covered with glaze, due to which the material acquires a variety of textures, colors or patterns.

As a rule, the following main types of ceramics are distinguished:

  • Sprayed;
  • Matte;
  • Glossy.

In special catalogs you can view the most various photos finishing the bathroom with ceramic tiles.

Please note that when creating designs, only one type of tile is not always used. They can also be combined with each other, using two or three different types - this design will look great. The main thing is to choose an original color combination.

Porcelain tiles

This type of tile is very similar in its composition to porcelain, but at the same time, it resembles stone. The peculiarity of this material is its inability to absorb moisture and liquid. Accordingly, he is absolutely not afraid of either water or temperature changes. It is for these reasons that it is often used for external cladding work.

Porcelain granite has a structure very similar to stone. Less susceptible to cracks, chips and mechanical damage. This is a great option for decorating the floor, since porcelain stoneware is a very durable material.

Stone tiles

This material is wonderful and, moreover, environmentally friendly and natural. Stone tiles for the bathroom 2016 - it is already much more affordable in comparison with the old days, when it was a very expensive material.

Due to the fact that it has a unique structure, designers can create completely unique designs for bathroom cladding.

But it also has its drawbacks. Namely, the stone is only to some extent able to withstand mechanical damage. It can also become covered with very small cracks. Due to the fact that stone slabs are not subjected to the same treatment, for example, as tiles, the risk of fungi and bacteria growing in them is much greater.

Glass tiles

If you are determined to create a futuristic style for the interior of your bathroom, then the ideal option for tiling the room is glass tiles. It can be used to decorate not only walls, but also completely decorate the floor. The glass used for decoration can be transparent or colored, as well as glossy or matte, smooth or textured.

Using glass tiles, you can create partitions in the bathroom, and quite stylish ones at that! Alternatively, you can also mask additional lighting with it.

But do not use such material to try to “hide” pipes, meters, valves, etc.

Choosing the size of tiles

Even though the color range of grout for sealing joints between laid tiles is presented in a fairly wide range, in any case it will not be possible to make them completely invisible, no matter how hard you try. And that's why great importance has the size of selectable slabs for bathroom finishing work.

Standard tile

This material has a size of 20 x 30 cm. Its best design is for large or medium-sized bathrooms, since the frequency of the seams will not “loom” much. In addition, if you lay the tiles vertically or horizontally, you can visually make the room wider or make the ceilings higher.

Large slabs

If the size of one tile exceeds 25 x 40 cm, it is considered large. Often such slabs are used for laying floors, in more rare cases - on walls. If you prefer large slabs, use them when you have a large bathroom. Or you can use it to decorate some elements. But only if it is combined with smaller tiles.

It is best to choose tiles that do not require cutting.


It is also called small tiles. Using this material, you can very easily make adjustments even if the surface of the walls or floors is not perfectly flat. But its disadvantage is that it can visually reduce the size of the room. For this reason, you can combine it with medium-sized tiles.

Tiles and house type

Let's look at the main types of houses and what tiles need to be selected for finishing work.


As a rule, houses of this type have a combined bath and toilet, in which there is very little space (up to three square meters). For a small bathroom, it is best to choose medium-sized tiles. Also, choose it light and without patterns, especially large ones.

You can visually raise the ceilings in a small room by combining two tile colors: lighter at the top, darker at the bottom.

Panel house

As a rule, the bathroom is separate. IN toilet room You can use the same finish as in the bathroom, or you can also create a contrast. Here it is - whoever likes it more. But as for the size of the slabs, it is advisable to choose it the same for both rooms. In this case, they will be in harmony with each other!

Bathroom design in nautical style with mosaic from the Dune factory

A private house

If you had an individual plan for construction, it means that you yourself provided for the exact dimensions of your bathroom and other premises. For hygiene procedures, the room can be made very comfortable, bright, and cozy. Here you can use large-sized tiles without causing any damage at all. square meters premises.

The floor in the bathroom is best made of porcelain tiles, since temperature changes can occur both indoors and outdoors.

Small bathroom tiles

  • It would be great to decorate the walls in a small room using medium tiles. After all, it is completely non-volumetric and will not ripple with joints (and in large numbers), compared to “small” material. In this case, you can also use mosaics, but as separate elements of interior decoration.
  • Since the bathroom should be comfortable and cozy, do not use cold shades of finishing materials in it!
  • If the room is small, it is best to choose tiles in light, warm shades. If applied dark colors, they will visually reduce the already small room. To make accents, you can choose small elements with patterns.
  • Visually raise the height of the ceilings. To do this, you need to lay the tiles vertically. As for the floor, it is best to lay the material on it horizontally.
  • If you use raised tiles, they can clutter up the space, so if the bathroom is small, install smooth tiles covered with glaze. Matte tiles also look very original. In addition, it is less visible of the limescale deposits that appear from water over time. But such material, again, will make the room smaller.
    Mirror tiles for facing work will greatly help to increase space.
  • It is best not to make niches using tiles. For them, use other methods and materials.

Choice of colors

The most important rule when choosing the color scheme of slabs is the lighting of your bathroom. After all, the dimmer it is, the lighter the wall decoration should be.


Very stylish. But some people associate it with being sick, which can make the bathroom feel downright uncomfortable. In addition, white color is very easily soiled, it needs to be constantly monitored and kept clean regularly.

If we look at the interior design in white from the other side, then with the right furniture and the placement of bright original accents, your bathroom can become the most sophisticated!


Just like blue is the color of water. Therefore, it is often used to decorate the interior of a hygiene room.

An original idea is to arrange a bathroom in blue tones, with a marine theme. Why would you need some decorative design(even shells, fish, etc. will do). Of course, manufacturers of finishing materials always take this into account. Therefore, in each collection you can always choose something suitable for your interior!


This is a great analogue to blue or cyan. Green is a calm and measured color that gives harmony. If decorating with plain green seems boring to you, you can hang a curtain in the bathroom, for example, with frogs. Then the interior will be much more mischievous and fun!

Other color options

Tiles in colors are often used. For example, if your hygiene room is decorated in purple shades, the tiles could be violets or lavender. A very original combination of pistachio or peach with violet.

Yellow as well orange colors add warmth to any bathroom. Even if it’s bitterly cold outside, you definitely won’t be able to freeze in a yellow or orange bathtub!

For young girls - a wonderful option for a pink bathroom.

For confident and impetuous men, a black or red bathroom design would be perfect.

DIY bathroom

If we consider the option of hiring workers to lay tiles in the bathroom, then this pleasure is far from the cheapest.

But if you have a strong desire, everything can be done with your own efforts. The main thing is to know and remember the main points:

  • It is necessary to clean the surface very thoroughly before laying the tiles.
  • The floor can also be leveled. But it's best to do it completely small angle to the center of the room. Because there is always a possibility of water leaking in the bathroom, and it is much easier to “remove” it from the center of the room than, for example, it is inconvenient to get behind the bathtub.
  • Prepare the adhesion solution (glue, etc.) strictly according to the instructions provided for it. And it must be applied in a very thin layer.
  • When laying the slabs, place plastic crosses between them. This is necessary for identical seams.
  • Start laying out the material from the corner opposite the front door.
  • If you mark the wall in advance, you can independently calculate the places where you will need to cut the slabs and lay out the very bottom row in pieces. But lay the top rows in whole slabs!

Bathroom design
Small bathroom design: photo ideas
Toilet design
Shower cabins (150 photos)

We also suggest watching a few video tips on laying tiles in the bathroom, which will greatly simplify the installation process.

Video - secrets of installing ceramic tiles

Video - where to start laying tiles in the bathroom

Video - laying tiles in the bathroom from start to finish (floor and walls)

Photo gallery (186 photos)

There are a lot of variations in bathroom design. They involve the use of modern technologies, non-standard materials. As a result, the room becomes beautiful, stylish and unique. Laying tiles is especially popular. And this is not surprising. The material is durable, resistant to moisture and temperature changes, durable. If you use different color schemes, shapes and styles, then the room will sparkle with new colors.

There are a lot of options for decorating a bathroom

Tile is the most common material for finishing a bathroom.

The tiles are very strong, durable and resistant to moisture.

Decorating the interior of a bathroom with tiles is beautiful and stylish. That's why she never ceases to be popular. Designers often choose this particular finishing material. The tiles are presented in a huge assortment. Different dimensions, textures, colors, ornaments, imitations allow you to make the interior interesting and original.

A non-standard solution is to depict nature on a tiled surface. Such a panel will add a touch of mystery to the interior. Tiles can be laid not only standard option, but also many others. It allows you to experiment and implement interesting ideas design. The use of tiles of more than one color looks original. Bright spots will make general form the pictures are more interesting. Will revive the interior mosaic tiles small size or large elements.

Tile will help make the bathroom interesting and original

The design in several colors will look very nice

Classic option color design is a white tone. It is chosen by successful and confident owners. In second place is the blue and soft blue shade of the room. Dark, rich tones are used less frequently. They are suitable for spacious premises. The atmosphere in them is solemn and strict. Red tiles are appropriate in oriental styles. You can also find it as an accent on a plain surface.

There are a lot of design ideas for the bathroom. They differ in the style used for decoration, color and other characteristics. Tiles make it possible to bring to life original and interesting solutions. A unique and noble composition is created.

Usually light shades are chosen for the bathroom

There are a lot of design ideas for the bathroom

Think through the interior of the bathroom in advance

Laying and tiling a bathroom: finishing features

Finishing walls with tiles is a simple process. You need to start with the choice of styling. It determines the appearance of the overall composition. Layout is done in several ways.

Method of laying tiles


The simplest installation option requires a minimum of effort and money. It consists in placing tiles in rows on the wall. The result is a surface resembling a checkered leaf.

Taking a running start

Each next row is offset relative to the previous one. The installation method is simple, the appearance is attractive, similar to brick laying. Used for uncalibrated cladding.


The first row is laid with tiles that are previously cut in half along the diagonal direction. This method is complicated. They are presented to him special requirements. They mainly concern the seams located between the plates. They should be located perpendicular to the wall at an angle of forty-five degrees. In addition, installation must be done as accurately as possible. A square or level will help you control this parameter. The disadvantage of this method is the large amount of waste during operation.


It involves the use of different types of tiles, but the side dimensions are the same. Thus, a drawing is created with an image that consists of blocks and is clearly visible. In this case, it is better to use special-purpose tiles.

Tiling walls is a simple process

Laying tiles can be done in several ways

What is the most popular installation method?

The most popular styling option is a combination of several colors. There is a dark shade at the bottom, a light shade at the top, and the middle is decorated. This sample is lightweight. No need to think things through design decoration, select a material that will be combined. To implement such a project, just measure the room and choose the type of tile. The amount of material is determined by the area of ​​the room.

This bathroom design option is not suitable for all rooms. Since it visually reduces space. If its area is small, then such a design will make it miniature. Vertical stripes will help get rid of this effect. It is appropriate to use them around the washbasin or washing machine. Bright stripe will decorate the interior and make the space more voluminous.

The most popular styling option is a combination of several colors.

For small rooms, use light shades

The classic design option is a dark bottom and a light top

Diagonal tile laying: what to pay attention to?

Today, diagonal tile laying is rare. No wonder. The process is labor-intensive and difficult. Only a specialist can deal with it high level. The work of amateurs, as a rule, has inaccuracies in location, which affects the beauty of the overall picture.

The main difficulty of the process is that it is necessary:

  • perform the correct markings;
  • accurately lay out the material. and this applies to all rows. especially the first one, it should be as clear as possible.

This bathroom design increases space. Therefore, it looks advantageous in small spaces and is recommended for use. The space not only expands, but also becomes higher. The dimensions of the room have no effect.

As for restrictions, they are present. Mills on the wall are not appropriate for this installation. This technique attracts a lot of attention. As a result, the expansion effect is reduced. The walls visually become smaller, but the ceiling does not increase.

To diversify the surface, other methods are used. Vertical stripes work great. They add volume and brightness to the design.

Diagonal tile laying is rare

When laying tiles diagonally, some difficulties may arise.

Bathroom color scheme

Bathroom color is an important design component. When choosing it, the first thing to consider is the area of ​​the room. If it is small, then decorative finishing should visually enlarge it. This can be achieved by choosing the right shade of the walls.

The tones used should be close. Place them next to each other color wheel. Yellow shades with orange, turquoise and green are perfect. Such combinations emphasize the advantages of the bathroom. The atmosphere of the room is pleasant and relaxing.

The marine theme is widely used in the bathroom. Its main colors are sand and different shades blue. The overall picture of the interior is reminiscent of the seashore, helping to forget about everyday work and relax. The color intensity is selected taking into account the wishes of the owners. It can be either calm or bright. The only drawback of such a project is the coldness of the interior. The room is not comfortable for hygiene procedures and spending time. This must be taken into account when choosing a design.

Color plays an important role in bathroom design

The color for the bathroom must be chosen carefully

If the room is small, it is better to use light shades

Bright walls look good in the bathroom. Rich shades allow you to create a surge of emotions in a room. It will become a kind of island of positivity, where you can recharge your energy and good mood. Orange and purple, red walls with green accents are perfect for this design. You can dilute the rich colors with white tiles.

The main tile is not always chosen first. There are interesting installation solutions in which the decorative surface. As a rule, the main white tile is complemented by several other shades.

The mosaic looks original and modern. This type tiles suitable for furnishing small rooms. It can be combined with regular tiles. The main thing is to choose the right color.

Some dark shades will also allow you to expand the space. Rich gray will visually expand it. But the overall interior can be sad and gloomy. To prevent this, it is worth adding to it bright accents. Red elements, turquoise and yellow will cope with this task perfectly.

Get stylish design bathroom can be done by using brown shades. They are diluted with white tiles. Soft, muted tones make the interior refined and noble.

Some dark shades can expand the space

Bright walls look good in the bathroom

How many tiles are needed?

If the repair is carried out independently, then calculating the amount of material needed for finishing is inevitable. To carry it out, first determine the size of the bathroom. Its area is calculated using a simple formula that is familiar from school: the height value is multiplied by the width.

After this, the dimensions of the window and doorways. The resulting value is subtracted from the total area. To determine the quantity required material, the height and width of one tile is multiplied. The area of ​​the room is divided by the last value. Thus, the amount of cladding is calculated.

Calculation of tiles should be carried out based on the size of the room

Tile consumption is calculated according to a ready-made scenario

Brown color in the interior will look very elegant

It is important to note that some rows require the use of partial tiles. This is explained by the fact that the walls may not correspond to the size of the tiles. As a result, it cannot be avoided splitting into pieces. This should be taken into account when calculating the amount of material required.

An excellent assistant in this process is a special computer program used by builders. It is mainly used in cases where the masonry design is unconventional. A mini plan to scale is drawn up in advance. It will allow you to preview the future pattern.

Now the calculation can be carried out using computer programs

Also, the number of tiles depends on the installation method.

The calculation of flooring material is carried out using a different formula. Surface area and tiles required. The first value is divided by the second. Based on the laying method used, the number of tiles is determined. If it is straight, then five is added to the resulting number, and ten percent for the diagonal.

Video: Correct installation of tiles on bathroom walls

50 photos of design ideas for laying tiles in the bathroom: