Calculation and selection of refrigeration equipment. Category “Refrigeration equipment” Where to buy reliable industrial refrigerators

Refrigeration equipment is needed mainly in industry. It is a rare case when large refrigeration units or chests can be seen in a residential building. And even then, the person who keeps them is most likely engaged in trade.

Great Application similar equipment is found in industrial enterprises and shops. Here, without a properly organized refrigeration system there is literally no way around it.

All retail outlets, from large megamarkets to small street kiosks, use refrigerators to one degree or another, pursuing several goals:

  • First of all, any refrigeration equipment is designed to preserve the freshness of certain products that quickly deteriorate at room temperature;
  • besides this, refrigeration units designed for long-term storage of certain products. This mainly applies to meat products and semi-finished products;
  • Modern refrigeration equipment also has a decorative function. It creates a certain image of the store and may indicate status;
  • Finally, refrigeration equipment can also serve as a way to promote a brand. It is popular to place advertisements directly on chests and refrigerators.

Refrigeration equipment, like any other equipment, requires careful inspection before purchase. This is due to the wide selection of these products on the market, which do not always differ in quality and meet operating requirements.

To be confident in your purchase, you can purchase refrigerated counters in Nizhnevartovsk at the store All models are different here high quality and accessibility.

Let's move directly to the choice of refrigeration equipment. Here you should be guided by several criteria:

  • purpose of purchase;
  • the amount to count on;
  • availability of sizes, etc.

Refrigeration equipment for shops and home

So, when choosing refrigeration equipment for a store, kiosk, or storing large quantities of perishable products at home, first decide on the quantity necessary equipment.

How many, what type and size of refrigerators, refrigerated counters, chests, display cases do you need to run your business comfortably. In the case of small stores, sometimes a couple of refrigerators and a modest-sized display case are enough.

A large supermarket requires more sophisticated equipment. Here big role Refrigerators for storing drinks and baked goods, dairy products and frozen foods also play a role.

In addition, the choice of refrigeration equipment is also influenced not only by the need to have one or another refrigerator, but also by the ability to place it in the room, according to the instructions.

The size of the room where refrigerators and other refrigeration devices will be located plays almost a decisive role in the choice.

The size of the room directly affects the size of the refrigerators. How bigger structure, the more equipment can fit there and the better the quality of the sales floor can be arranged.

Another important factor- characteristics of the product that is supposed to be stored in the cold. Literally everything influences the choice of a particular cabinet:

  • preferred position of the goods during sale and storage;
  • recommended optimal temperature for storage;
  • purpose of the goods ( long-term storage or simultaneous demonstration and sale);
  • sanitary and hygienic storage standards.

Depending on the listed characteristics, you can choose the following types of refrigeration equipment:

  • showcases (slides);
  • lari;
  • baths;
  • counters;
  • glass display refrigerators.

These types of refrigeration devices differ in different parameters. Let's start with the fact that, depending on the expected shelf life, store refrigeration units may have a blank lid or a glass door.

The first ones are intended more for placement in utility rooms, if deliveries are not too frequent and in large quantities. This refrigerator is also suitable for placement in a private house or on a property.

It allows you to store frozen meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, berries and other products for a long time.

Glass doors turn a simple refrigerator into a demonstration one. It performs two functions at once: it maintains the temperature required for storage and makes simultaneous demonstration available.

It is worth remembering that each product has its own sanitary storage standards. Some products or goods are prohibited from being stored nearby, which means you should think about purchasing several refrigeration devices.

If you still have questions, go to ours and ask them there. Our specialists will try to help you.

The most important parameters on which the power of the selected refrigeration unit depends are the following:

  • refrigerator volume
  • chamber temperature
  • temperature environment
  • chamber wall thickness
  • product update speed in the camera

First of all, the power of the unit depends on refrigerator volume– the larger the volume, the greater the power.
Model range Ariada refrigeration units for cooling chambers are presented as monoblocks and split systems that operate in two temperature modes:

  • Medium temperature monoblocks - AMS and split systems - KMS, maintain the temperature inside the chamber +5...-5 °C.
  • Low temperature monoblocks – A.L.S. and split systems – KLS With operating temperature-18 °C.

At medium temperature operating conditions (+5...-5 °C) most food products such as vegetables, fruits, sausages, cheeses, drinks, milk are stored. At low temperatures (-15...-20 °C) frozen meat, fish, and ice cream are stored.
Ambient temperature very significantly influences the choice of refrigeration unit. In most cases, it ranges from +20 to +40 °C. Wrong definition external temperature, can lead to the choice of a low-power unit, which subsequently can result in a decrease in the shelf life of products or even their spoilage.
Of course, walls with a thickness of 100 mm are relevant for low-temperature chambers or for chambers with a large volume of 50-80 m3, but in practice most chambers have wall thickness 80 mm.
Product update speed in the camera is especially important for low-temperature conditions, since, at the moment goods are placed in the chamber, the ambient temperature in the chamber increases, caused by the higher temperature of the goods placed in it and the loss of cold when the door is opened. All this can influence the choice of refrigeration unit. The standard calculation of a refrigeration unit is based on the value of 10% renewal of the chamber volume within 1 day.

You can accurately select the required refrigeration unit using the tables provided by the manufacturer of the refrigeration units. For example, below are tables for selecting Ariad refrigeration units for refrigeration chambers with a wall thickness of 80 mm.

Table "Selection of medium-temperature Ariada units for refrigeration chambers of different sizes"

Table "Selection of low-temperature refrigeration units Ariada for chambers of different volumes"

In them, the temperature conditions for storing food products are indicated in vertical blocks, and in horizontal blocks the brand of the refrigeration unit and the ambient temperature. At the intersection of the selected conditions, the maximum permissible volume of a refrigerating chamber with a wall thickness of 80 mm is indicated.
For example, we have refrigerator Ariada KHN-14.9 and volume 14.9 m3.
We require food to be stored at -18°C.
Ambient temperature + 30 °C.
Based on the second table, we need either an ALS 220 monoblock or a KLS 220 split system with a maximum allowable chamber volume of 18 m3 under given conditions.

And commercial enterprises. When a private entrepreneur opens his own business, he is faced with the choice of equipment. Unfortunately, today, this choice has turned into a kind of problem, since the market for commercial refrigeration equipment is growing every day: various technologies, models, design, functionality. How to do right choice among all this abundance?

First of all, you must decide exactly how trade will be carried out in your store: through self-service or through the counter. In addition, it is worth getting at least a rough idea of ​​the entire assortment of your grocery store, because for different types products require certain equipment.

All equipment should be planned before completion repair work indoors. This fact is due to the fact that some types of finishes may impede the installation of equipment; for example, hanging racks may limit access. Also, if you intend to use commercial equipment with a remote compressor, then the refrigerant line should be laid during construction work.,

Naturally, store equipment includes freezing units. They are needed for storing products, as well as for demonstrating goods to customers. The choice of this element of your store should be determined first of all, because refrigeration equipment takes up a large area trading floor and are expensive products.

Commercial equipment for supermarkets and shops can be divided into the following types:

  • Refrigeration chambers are dismountable and prefabricated structures that are highly airtight and are also equipped with refrigeration units, a ventilation system and other specialized devices to maintain an optimal storage environment for products.

  • Refrigerated cabinets are separate worthwhile equipment, which has a built-in refrigeration system

  • Refrigerated slides (regals) are racks that are used for visual display of goods, and are also supported by a cooling system.

  • Refrigerated counters (showcases) are devices for storing short-term products, displaying and selling chilled or frozen products.

Refrigeration equipment is the most important element any grocery store. So it wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with all the types in more detail!

Chambers with cold supply. Refrigeration chambers can be easily divided into food storage units, as well as freezing and cooling chambers. If you specifically need to store goods, medicines, flowers, then you need a storage room that supports optimal temperature in range: -25; +14 (depending on the product itself).

For freezing or cooling you will need chambers with low temperatures: -25; -40. Be sure to take into account the volume of products for which the camera is purchased. This is required in order to select the correct size and power.

Refrigerator cabinet. For relevant conditions on point of sale Be sure to install a refrigerator. It is desirable that such an “industrial” refrigerator have two door structure. This is because it is precisely this type of equipment assembly that ensures minimal penetration into work area warm air.

Before you buy this design you definitely need to decide what you need this storage for. For example, for the beverage trade, refrigeration units that maintain temperatures from +1 to +9 are ideal. For meat products, a storage temperature of -5 to +5 is required.

Refrigerator regal. Equipment for supermarkets - the presented cooling slide should be included in this category, as it is suitable for large retail areas with a self-service system. Such modular systems made of durable and resistant ABS plastic, they save space by providing ample space for displaying goods. Even perishable products can be preserved longer in the refrigerated container, thanks to the maintained temperature range from +1 to +10 degrees.

Refrigerated display cases. One of the most common types of refrigerated display cases are medium-temperature (universal) display cases. They only store non-frozen food. Pre-frozen goods require only low-temperature display cases. This device has several modes: deep freezing (0 - 18 degrees) and regular freezing (0 -6 degrees). There are also combined counters that have the properties of low- and medium-temperature display cases. The temperature regime in this case ranges from +6 to -6.

Wall displays should be purchased from supermarkets or self-service stores refrigeration type, freezers, chests and other demonstration trade equipment with a cooling system.

Stores that trade over the counter will also need refrigerated chests and display cases that have some kind of lightweight design. Don't forget about warehouse where food will be stored. In this case, each store requires freezers and refrigerators.

Another thing worth adding to the list of mandatory equipment is refrigerated tables. They are designed for high-quality storage sausages, cheeses and fish, scales and cash register. If you are opening a hypermarket, then freezer islands will come in handy.

Any refrigeration equipment for stores should be purchased from specialized stores And well-known organizations, such as . Our sales consultants will certainly help you choose a high-quality and suitable product for long-term service.

It is not advisable to purchase used equipment. It is best to purchase with a long-term manufacturer's warranty. Used equipment quickly becomes unusable and you will have to spend money on repairs.

For storing food in accordance with sanitary standards it is necessary to purchase industrial refrigeration equipment for production and retail facilities. The list of industrial equipment is much wider than household equipment: it includes not only refrigeration and freezers, but also refrigerated cabinets, display cases, special chest freezers, blast freezers and dozens of other types of equipment. It protects food and drinks from spoilage by ensuring compliance temperature regime storage

Industrial refrigerators and freezers are selected taking into account several other parameters, which determine the ease of their use. Please note following features:

    1. Availability of a control panel with indicators. A convenient panel simplifies and speeds up setting the temperature level; in addition, it allows you to control the operation of the refrigerator.
    2. Recessed handles for opening compartments. This is an important difference from household refrigeration units: A household refrigerator has external opening handles, while an industrial refrigerator has recessed handles. This eliminates collisions with trolleys and simplifies personnel movement.
    3. Compressor location. It is better to purchase a refrigerator or freezer with a top-mounted unit: it provides easy access for maintenance and repair, and it suffers less from contamination.
    4. Availability of a self-diagnosis system. With its help, you can quickly identify and eliminate the malfunction to return the equipment to operation.

Where to buy reliable industrial refrigerators

The online store of refrigeration equipment "HolodPark" offers large selection equipment for equipping catering establishments, shops and other commercial facilities. The catalog contains various models equipment that differs in operating conditions, purpose, design and compressor power. Select suitable model and order it at an affordable price.

Our catalog also offers a selection of cash registers for stores and other types of retail equipment for points of sale of various sizes. All offered furniture and appliances meet high quality and reliability requirements.

With the increase in production capacity, modernization of technological lines of plants and factories, there is a need to protect frequency drives and other control automation not only from external influences (dust, oil), but also from high temperatures. In those workshops where it is impossible to use filter fans due to increased dustiness of the air environment, as well as due to high value temperature at the production site, monoblock freon air conditioners of the new generation Rittal Blue e+ series come to the rescue.

Where to start

  • The maintenance temperature inside the automation cabinet must be equal to or lower than the temperature outside the cabinet (at least part of the time of the equipment operating cycle). If the temperature outside the cabinet is below the required temperature to maintain inside the cabinet throughout the entire operation of the system, then a freon unit is not needed: excess heat in the cabinet can be removed with a filter fan if the air is low in dust or with an air-to-air heat exchanger if the air is highly dusty.
  • IP protection degree of the cabinet in which it will be installed freon system cooling must be at least IP54. Otherwise, outside air may enter the cabinet uncontrollably from production premises. This will lead to a large amount of condensation. It should be noted that during operation of the compressor and the freon circuit as a whole, condensate will still fall out, albeit in small quantities. Rittal Blue e+ units are equipped with a built-in condensate evaporator, which “evaporates” the resulting liquid and discharges it into an external air circuit.

How to calculate

The next step in system design is to determine the required refrigeration load of the unit, and it is necessary to know exactly not only the heat dissipation of the active equipment - Qv [W], but also the following parameters:

Qs = k A ΔT.

Where: Qs – heat radiation through the cabinet surface [W]; k – heat transfer coefficient of the cabinet surface [W/m2 K] (depends on the material from which the cabinet is made);
A - effective surface cabinet heat exchange [m2] (according to IEC 60 890);
T – difference between the maximum required temperature inside the cabinet and the maximum ambient temperature [K].
The required cooling power is calculated using the formula:

Qk = Qv – Qs = Qv – k A ΔТ [W].

All the advantages of the Blue e+ line in wall-mounted and
ceiling mounting allows you to save energy
and precisely cool the active components inside the cabinet

How to position

The location of devices and components plays a very important role; the performance and efficiency of the entire system directly depends on the installation location.

The direction of the cold air flow towards the active components that generate heat should be from bottom to top. Do not direct the cooled air flow from the refrigeration unit directly to the active components to avoid flow cycling.

The openings for air inlet and outlet should not be obstructed by devices, cable ducts, documents, or diagrams.
Cooling of the condenser of the refrigeration unit by the air flow of the external circuit should not be covered by the walls of adjacent cabinets or the ceiling of the room when installed on the ceiling. Minimum distance from the condenser grille to the obstacle - 200 mm.

When using ceiling refrigeration units, it is necessary to direct the flow of cooled air downwards using duct systems.

Do not lower the indoor air temperature setting. The average value of 35°C is suitable for operating active equipment in 90% of cases. (The exact value of the required maintained temperature inside the cabinet volume must be checked with the manufacturer).

Which installation method to choose

In general, there are 3 options for installing wall-mounted refrigeration units and 2 options for installing ceiling-mounted refrigeration units:

Flush wall mounting- the condenser grille of the refrigeration unit and the display are placed on the front part of the automation cabinet, while the main part of the unit is located inside the cabinet. Saves space in the room, suitable for loosely packed shells active ingredients.

Semi-flush wall mounting- half of the depth of the refrigeration unit is installed in the cabinet, half - outside the cabinet. Saves space both inside and outside the shell.

Suspended wall mounting- the entire unit is hung on the door from the outside, the inside of the cabinet remains completely free for the location of active equipment. Suitable for tightly packed cabinets.

Ceiling installation - such freon monoblock units are suitable in cases where, for technological, service or aesthetic reasons, the unit cannot be located on vertical surface automation cabinet.

Integrated Solution- ceiling mounted refrigeration unit pre-installed in the cabinet modern line Rittal VX25. Suitable for quick cabinet integration into production process: no cutouts are required for installation of the unit and their cleaning. Ready assembled wardrobe The Rittal VX25 is supplied with the Blue e+ ceiling cooling unit already installed and does not require additional installation door limit switches (already preinstalled).

Why Rittal Blue e+?

A number of advantages of these monoblock freon refrigeration units allow them to be used at any production site: metallurgy, machine tool building, manufacturing building mixtures and paints, automotive industry, shipbuilding, etc. There are 5 capacities in the line of wall-mounted units: 1.6; 2; 2.6; 4.2; 5.8 kW, while the mounting cutout is the same for units with a power from 2 to 5.8 kW.

Combination the latest solution Rittal
in the field of distribution cabinets
VX25 and ceiling refrigeration
Blue e+ unit, installed and
connected at the factory

The Blue e+ ceiling unit is available in a standard size of 1.42 kW of cooling capacity. The integrated VX25 Blue e+ solution is also available with a power of 1.42 kW.*

The units have 2 built-in freon circuits: one active, with a working compressor. It turns on when the temperature of the outside air of the production room in which the refrigerated cabinet is located increases. The rest of the time, the second circuit, the so-called “heat pipe”, operates, while only the internal and external circuit fans consume energy, the compressor is turned off. Heat removal occurs in the right quantity thanks to the integrated PID controller. Moreover, even when the compressor is turned on, thanks to inverter control, consumption can be reduced from 10% to 80%. Electronically commutated motors on the fans also control the speed of rotation, which allows you to adapt to the required level of cooling power and save energy. This raises your seasonal SEER to 8! Precision cooling is also determined by the ability to regulate the temperature of the internal air using a remote sensor, which is installed in the hottest point of the cabinet in the place of the greatest heat generation.

Blue e+ refrigeration units have a touch display for intuitive and quick setup. The internal temperature is displayed in real time, errors are displayed on the screen in text rather than codes. Russian is one of 21 languages ​​standardly “built into” the controller. The NFC interface included in the basic package allows you to set the parameters of several refrigeration units from one mobile phone(with support for NFC module).

Blue e+ units up to 4 kW, both wall and ceiling mounted versions, including the VX25 Blue e+ integrated solution, can be powered from various types voltage: both from 1 phase 220 V and from 3 phases 380 V without any modifications from the operation at a network frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. This solution simplifies the number of design options and simplifies the logistics of spare parts.

Thanks to the RiDiag III program, troubleshooting the system is easier: just install this program on a PC and connect the Blue e+ unit to it via a USB cable. The program will diagnose the current state of the unit and provide a history of errors, if any. You can also view the load on individual components of the refrigeration unit and draw conclusions about the overall level of energy efficiency. The search for spare parts will be performed automatically for a specific type of connected unit.

Using additional module The IoT interface uses common communication protocols (SNMP, OPC-UA, Modbus, CAN-bus, etc.) to connect the refrigeration unit to higher-level monitoring, electricity metering and customer dispatch systems. Also, using the IoT interface, it is possible to connect several Blue e+ refrigeration units to the master-slave operating algorithm, if joint operation of the units is required when there are a large number of cabinets connected in a line.