The better way to cut profiled sheets. How and what is the best way to cut corrugated sheets? What is a professional worker afraid of?

Carrying out roofing work Many non-professional craftsmen are faced with the fact that they do not know how and with what to cut corrugated sheets. Lack of knowledge, experience or the necessary tool may lead to damage to the material. Improper cutting and processing of cut edges is the most common cause formation of corrosion on the surface of corrugated sheets. At the same time, such roofing can be very easy and convenient to install if the work is carried out in accordance with the technology. In this article we will tell you how to cut corrugated sheeting correctly so that it lasts the required 25-50 years.

At first glance, it seems that corrugated sheeting is an ordinary sheet metal, which was given relief using stamping. However, this opinion is erroneous, since this material has a complex multi-layer coating. As a basis for the production of corrugated sheets, they actually use 0.5-1.2 mm thick steel, which during the manufacturing process is covered with a layer of zinc and polymer (plastisol, pural, polyester). This structure of the profiled sheet protects the metal surface from contact with liquid, preventing the appearance of corrosion. There are the following types of corrugated sheets, differing in height, width and profile shape:

  1. Wall. This type of corrugated sheeting is used for cladding walls, constructing fencing and fences, and organizing formwork. It has a low load-bearing capacity, so it is not used as a roofing covering.
  2. Roofing. Roofing corrugated sheets has a large number of vertical stiffeners, which provide greater load-bearing capacity to this material. It is used for covering roofs.
  3. Universal. Universal corrugated sheeting has average characteristics; it can be used to perform any construction tasks.

Pay attention! The peculiarity of working with corrugated sheets is that it polymer coating extremely susceptible to high temperatures. It quickly burns out, exposing metal that is not resistant to corrosion. Therefore, processing, cutting and installation of corrugated sheets are carried out only using the cold method.

Grinder is the popular name for an angle grinder, which during Soviet times was imported mainly from friendly Bulgaria. This universal tool has many uses, including being used to cut corrugated sheets. Using a grinder, you can quickly cut a large amount of material; professional craftsmen perform cutting in batches. However, this method has 3 significant drawbacks:

  • Corner grinding machine is an abrasive tool, therefore, when cutting corrugated sheets, minor damage, chips and other defects will inevitably occur that impair the corrosion resistance of the material.
  • When performing a sharp operation, even if you use a special disk, high-temperature metal particles fly out and burn through the polymer coating of the corrugated sheet.
  • When cutting, a diamond and a special blade for metal leave uneven, torn edges at the work site, which need to be further processed.

Pay attention! To cut corrugated sheeting with a grinder, you need to buy a special disc for cutting profiled sheeting. It has a small thickness of up to 1.6 mm and teeth made of carbide materials.

To protect the edges of the cut from corrosion after processing with a grinder, they are treated with a special primer or paint.

Most professional craftsmen use a special metal hacksaw to cut corrugated sheets. It is in the arsenal of any builder, and the cutting blades are quite inexpensive. In addition, when performing work using a hacksaw, much less noise is created. This method is popular because it has the following advantages:

  1. The edges of the cut are smooth, without chips or burrs, so they do not require additional processing or application of a protective coating.
  2. Cutting is performed quickly and accurately without the use of great physical force. Using a hacksaw, you can independently cut sheets to size for making a small fence or roof.
  3. This cutting method does not require complex tools and can be used even in the absence of electricity.

Important! Using a hacksaw for metal, it is convenient to make cuts in a straight line. It is almost impossible to make curved cuts using this simple tool; scissors are better suited for them.

To cut corrugated sheets with a hacksaw, you will have to put together a cutting table to which the sheets will be fixed with special clamps. Otherwise, you will have to work together.

In the absence of a grinder and a hacksaw, you can use metal scissors to cut corrugated sheets. They are similar to regular ones, but have larger size and sharp straight blades made of carbide materials. Scissors are indispensable for metal if you need to cut thin strips of corrugated sheets or perform shaped cutting. Working with this tool is slow and quite difficult.

Professional roofers use metal shears as an additional tool when working with corrugated sheets. They cut this material well across the wave, but are practically not used for cutting along the profile, since the flexibility of the profiled sheet in this direction is extremely low.

Shears for metal are inexpensive and are usually in the arsenal of a roofing professional. There is no risk of getting damaged or injured when working with them. Compared to other tools for cutting corrugated sheets, scissors have the following advantages:

  • They do not damage the protective polymer coating of the profiled sheet, so the corrosion resistance and service life of the material are not reduced.
  • They can cut corrugated sheets across the waves without fear of damaging the material.
  • Using scissors, it is easy to make curved cuts that cannot be made with a hacksaw.


To obtain a shaped cut on corrugated sheeting, which cannot be made with a hacksaw, use a jigsaw. Hand tools are used for a small amount of work, and cutting a large amount of material is performed using a power tool. Cutting with a jigsaw is faster than with scissors or a hacksaw, but slower than with a grinder. This tool has disadvantages:

  • It is not suitable for all brands of corrugated sheets. Using a jigsaw, you can cut the material if the wave height is 25 mm or more.
  • A jigsaw is not suitable for making long longitudinal cuts; the work takes a long time and is inconvenient.

Pay attention! When using a jigsaw, cutting is performed at high speeds, due to which the polymer coating along the edges of the cut burns out, exposing the metal. To prevent the formation of corrosion in these places, the edges are treated with a special primer or paint.

Many inexperienced craftsmen wonder how to cut corrugated sheets so as not to be afraid of damaging the material. Roofing made from profiled sheets, as a rule, has a thin polymer coating that can be damaged even by minor abrasive effects or high temperatures. To reduce the negative effect of cutting, you need to treat the edges with a primer, mastic or paint.

Video instructions

When selecting corrugated sheets special attention is given to its length - in order to avoid transverse joints, it must exceed the dimensions of the roof slope. Due to this, it is possible to improve the roofing protection against moisture penetration, as well as simplify the installation procedure. If it is exceeded, the material is adjusted - trimmed in accordance with the required parameters.

It is better to place short sheets of corrugated sheets horizontally in rows, starting from the bottom and up to the ridge. Regardless of the choice of direction (from right to left or vice versa), subsequent sheets are placed on top of the previous ones and attached to the sheathing.

Where sheets are joined along slopes, the overlap level should be at least 200 mm, and bitumen sealant should be applied over the joints.

Those who do the installation roofing material independently, they must take into account that there must be a small gap (20-40 mm) between the corrugated sheeting and the heat-insulating layer for ventilation of the under-roof pie. Next to the ridge and at the nearest 1.5 meters from it, the sheets should be fastened with double fasteners, that is, not only to the sheathing, but also to the purlins.

When repairing a roof of any structure, the sheets should be placed parallel to the eaves with an allowance of 40 mm, that is, the sheet should still hang slightly from it.

Adjacent nearby sheets are fastened with one self-tapping screw. When laying the roofing covering, as well as when adjusting the material to the required parameters, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the protective layer of the sheets. If at the end installation work, large overhangs are noticeable, then the metal profile is cut to remove excess material.

How to properly attach corrugated sheets?

Material when laying on wooden sheathing fastened with self-tapping screws at the rate of 6-8 fasteners per 1 sq. m.

You should also adhere to some well-known rules:

It is not recommended to screw in screws “for profit”, so the hole is drilled with a drill with an increase in diameter by 0.5 mm from the size of the self-tapping screw. Fastening must be done strictly at right angles with the sheets tightly pressed to the sheathing. If some changes are necessary, you should decide in advance how to bend the corrugated sheet, because if at this stage If the structure is displaced or the seal is skewed, then when attaching the self-tapping screw, a through hole will form.

For convenience, you can tighten the screws with a screwdriver or drill. The screws are made of a special material, so they are easily attached to metal sheathing.

It is forbidden to nail corrugated sheets, as they can easily come off during strong gusts of wind. If you need to shorten the length of the sheet, you can use a grinder with a special disk inserted into it for cutting corrugated sheets, and avoid gas cutting and welding of the material.

Features of fastening the material in hard-to-reach areas:

  • Where the corrugated sheet is laid around vertical surfaces(pipes, walls), butt strips are installed.
  • The design of the ridge element must also be securely fastened using a sealant.
  • When laying a coating up to 0.7 mm thick, in order to avoid accidental damage to the roof, you will need wooden scaffolding and special shoes, and a cutter for metal profiles, which is offered on the market along with other components, will not be superfluous.
  • At the final stage, the corrugated sheeting is cleared of debris, shavings, scratches and cut points are painted.
  • After 3-4 months, you should check the quality of fastening of the screws and, if necessary, tighten them.

Corrugated sheet cutting technology

The structure of corrugated sheet metal is similar to sheet metal, but it has some peculiarities in installation techniques, in particular, this concerns questions about how to bend a metal profile and cut it correctly.

Since the material consists of a metal base and a special protective coating against corrosive effects, when cutting it, it is necessary to ensure the integrity of this layer.

When choosing a method for sawing a coating, its resistance only to low temperatures is taken into account, that is, you will need cold method cutting As a rule, these can be scissors for cutting corrugated sheets and other tools that will be convenient for the developer and will be able to meet the requirements.

Naturally, cutting with plasma, autogen and other similar tools is not suitable due to high temperature work. The same applies to abrasive methods, which destroy and char the material in the cuts.

So, what is optimal for cutting corrugated sheets:

  1. A hacksaw is the safest tool for working with corrugated sheets. Despite the fact that the entire procedure will be performed manually, it does not take much time, since the material is easy to cut, while protective coating remains unharmed. The only disadvantages of this technology include the inconvenience of working with complex shapes, which requires a special table.
  2. If you need to get more complex curved shapes, then you can’t find anything better than a jigsaw. The tool can be either electric or manual. A jigsaw not only simplifies the process, but also quickly cuts sheets required sizes, taking into account the original ones.
  3. The building materials market offers manual and electric shears for corrugated sheets, which, although not in great demand among professional craftsmen, will do an excellent job when cutting metal sheets. Since everything depends on experience, beginners may be disappointed with this tool due to the formation of uneven edges of the material. You can correct the situation by covering such an edge with the next sheet.
  4. An undeniable advantage of all the listed methods of processing the material is cutting using a grinder, but not with an abrasive disc, as mentioned earlier, but with a special disc for corrugated sheets. It will also help in cases where you do not know how to make an arch from a metal profile or what tool to use.

The disc provides thin and delicate cutting, which is achieved through the use of a strong alloy for its production. Durable teeth do not break or bend even with long work with metal.

As soon as the tool is selected, you can proceed to the description of the process of cutting corrugated sheets. It should be noted that even professional builders cannot achieve preservation of the integrity of the protective layer, which is why the service life of the material is significantly reduced.

The equipment described above only helps to reduce the destroyed area. The material cannot be restored, especially if bent corrugated sheeting is used, but to reduce the adverse effects, you can coat the cut area with an anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant compound.

How to cut corrugated sheets with a grinder, watch the video:

After cutting and processing the roofing sheet is completed, it is painted with factory paint, which is usually included with the material. If none was found, then you can purchase paint in a can in accordance with the texture of the roofing. This method of protecting seams from negative factors is even simpler and more convenient than traditional staining.

By following the basic rules for working with corrugated sheets, including laying and fastening, as well as cutting and processing sheets, you can achieve good result in the form of a high-quality and reliable roof covering (read: " ").

The popularity of the material is due not only to its low cost, but also to its ease of processing. In this article we will look at how to properly cut corrugated sheeting so as not to damage its protective zinc and polymer layer. For cutting you will need ordinary tools, many of which are likely to be found in any home. Since the corrugated sheet weighs little, it can be sawed right on the spot.

Features of the process and material

Rolled metal with stiffeners in the form of waves, squares or trapezoids is made of steel and aluminum with a thickness of 0.3-1.2 mm. Thick sheets marked “C” (wall) are used mainly for the construction of fences. Load-bearing corrugated sheeting “N” and roofing “PK” are more suitable for arranging canopies and roofs. The “NS” brand is universal and is used for covering the roofs of buildings and structures and erecting fences.

Despite the ease of processing, when cutting profiled sheets it is necessary to adhere to certain rules so as not to disturb the galvanized surface and special protective film. Otherwise, the material will quickly deteriorate and begin to rust.

What is the best way to cut corrugated sheets? Power tools:

It is definitely difficult to answer this question. Depending on the specific task: material thickness, cut line shape and installation features, different types tools. Much depends on personal preferences.


Prolonged exposure to high temperatures causes the greatest harm to the galvanized surface of corrugated sheets. Polymer or paint coating. The use of gas-cutting equipment, as well as grinders with conventional discs, for processing corrugated sheets is extremely undesirable. Indeed, in the process of peeling and even burning of the coating, edge corrosion quickly appears - lateral cracks at the ends of the sheets.

Abrasive discs are capable of heating metal up to 600°C. For acrylic, polyurethane or PVC coatings, they are dangerous and fly out for quite a long time. long distance sparks from under the disk. Plus, after cutting with ordinary discs, burrs remain on the metal that will need to be removed. And the tool makes a lot of noise when cutting.

Cutting with a grinder is allowed only using cutting discs with finer teeth. The edges after processing are quite smooth, with minimal damage to the coating. However, even in this case, in order to avoid the appearance of pockets of corrosion, you should be extremely careful and avoid overheating and sparking. By the way, noise when cutting cutting discs much less.

Disc for cutting corrugated sheets with a grinder

To work with profiled sheets, you need to purchase a special disk of small thickness (no more than 1.0-1.6 mm) made of carbide metal. It is intended specifically for cutting profiled sheets. The edge after processing is more accurate. Some specialists with diamond-coated discs can easily process a pack of corrugated sheets with a thickness of 10 sheets at once.


If you don’t have other tools at hand, you can use a jigsaw to cut a small amount of material with a profile height of up to 20-25 mm. At high wave he will tear the canvas. And the tool itself can quickly fail.

Before starting work, the sheet is fixed on the table (ordinary sawhorses are also suitable) so that the edge is suspended 10 centimeters from the surface. It is more convenient to use a jigsaw with a laser pointer - the line will be smoother. It is pressed tightly against the sheet and cut along a pre-designated line. To avoid injuries, you only need to hold the corrugated sheet, and not completely lean on it.

It is more difficult to cut a large amount of corrugated sheeting with a jigsaw, so professional roofers use it mainly to obtain shaped cuts. Such an adjustment may be necessary when laying the roof in areas adjacent to smoke or ventilation pipes. It will take much more time to obtain long longitudinal lines using it than when working with an angle grinder.

Important! Just as in the case of an angle grinder, the jigsaw should not be set at high speeds. Otherwise, the corrugated sheeting will simply burn out.

Electric shears for metal

Working with them when processing thin 1-mm metal is quite convenient - they are not inferior in speed to an angle grinder. With some skill, in a short time, electric scissors can cut a sufficient amount of material both in a straight line and along curved lines.

However, tin snips often curl the edges. Therefore, after processing, you may need to straighten the sheets using a mallet. If it is not at hand, the edge is trimmed with a regular hammer, after placing a wooden spacer.

Ideal option for cutting - nibblers. Essentially, this is a miniature punch press. Since the cut line goes in two directions at once, the corrugated sheet is not deformed. You can even start work from the middle of the sheet. To avoid burrs, before starting work, adjust the scissors so that the tool is turned at 90° to the line being cut. However, the tool is not cheap, and it is used mainly by professionals.

Electric circular saw

Speed hand saw 2 times less than that of an angle grinder, so the metal almost does not melt during processing. With this power tool you can cut quite a large amount of material in a short time.

An electric saw, just like a grinder, must be equipped with a disk for cutting corrugated sheets - they are sold in all hardware stores. A special cutting table will also be needed. When working, you should act carefully - the saw produces a large amount of chips, which can fly off at any moment. If you have no experience working with it, it is better not to undertake cutting corrugated sheets.

Advice! To adjust the profile, you can use a drill attachment. She's quite capable of cutting small sizes corrugated sheets in hard-to-reach areas.

Hand tools for corrugated sheets

In addition to power tools, there are also hand tools. They are difficult and slow to work with, but hand tools have their advantages. They may well be useful for small amounts of work or the need for a neat cut.

Hacksaw for metal

Professionals often use this tool for cutting profiled sheets. Of course, working with it is a little more time-consuming. But cutting with a hacksaw has many advantages:

  • the cuts are perfectly smooth, without chips and do not require additional processing;
  • it can cut even the thickest sheets without any problems;
  • there is no need to lay a cable to the installation site - in this case there will be no need for electricity;
  • a hacksaw is safer than any power tool, and a non-professional can work with it - the likelihood of injury is much less;
  • Great physical strength is not required when working: it is quite possible to cut roofing sheets with your own hands.

To work, you will need a table and devices for fixing sheets. Otherwise, you will have to hire an assistant who will hold the corrugated sheet.

Important! Use a hacksaw to make straight cuts only. Curvilinear lines are best done with scissors.


With this tool it is possible to make cuts of any shape, including curved ones. But manual jigsaw much smaller in size than a hacksaw, so it will take a long time to cut. Perhaps it can only be useful for processing short curved sections. As with the jigsaw, the limitation is the wavelength. With a profile over 25 cm, the edges will be cut unevenly and will look torn.

Metal scissors

This tool may be needed to obtain curved cuts. It can also be used for processing a small number of thin-walled corrugated sheets. However, in any case, the cutting process will be longer than when working with a power tool.

The only advantage of metal scissors is the complete preservation of the coating during processing. But it is better to use them as an additional tool if edge processing across the wave is required. The ideal option is slotted scissors. Punching and knife cutters do not have a special head that allows for an accurate cut.

How to protect cut edges from corrosion?

Even if special tools are used, the edge of the corrugated sheet after cutting requires additional processing to protect it from oxidation. To do this, you can cover the edges of the sheets special composition(mastic or primer) or paint the cut lines with anti-corrosion paint similar in shade to the color of the protective layer.

Quite often questions arise about whether it can be cut and how this can be done without damaging the sheet itself and the polymer layer. In our article we will try to figure out how to cut corrugated sheets, what tools are needed for this, and how you can treat the edges of the cut to avoid the appearance of traces of corrosion.

Features of cutting corrugated sheets

Today, corrugated sheeting is a sought-after material that is used for a wide variety of applications. construction work, from it you can make fences, gates, cover roofs, and make the strongest floors for houses. Corrugated sheeting can also be used to cover outbuildings and external and internal walls.

A corrugated sheet is a rather thin product and can be easily damaged when cutting. In addition, the metal is coated on top with a layer of galvanization and polymer, which makes it impossible to use conventional methods of cutting tin sheets.

High-temperature methods are also not suitable, since the coating, despite its strength and resistance to many factors, easily fades when exposed to high temperatures. That is, as a result, not only the coating will be damaged, but also the sheet itself.

A grinder with an abrasive wheel is also not suitable for cutting, as it greatly damages the coating, and this again leads to the formation of corrosion. In this case, you can only use a special disk with carbide teeth, which is used for cutting metal surfaces.

What is more convenient for cutting profiled sheets?

Let's consider how to cut corrugated sheets, what advantages and disadvantages the tools designed for this have.

Grinder: use it or put it aside?

As we have already said, the grinder can only be used with certain types of cutting discs, which are sold under the names

That’s what they’re called: discs for cutting profiled flooring. These are thin disks with a thickness from one millimeter to 1.6, its teeth are made of carbide materials.

After cutting, all edges must be immediately treated with special paints to avoid corrosion. Some people prefer to cut the entire pack of corrugated sheets at once using diamond-coated discs, but experts do not recommend doing this, since there is a high risk of damaging the metal.

There is only one advantage when working with an angle grinder - the speed of performing all operations. Cutting corrugated sheets will be quick and quite easy.

There are many more disadvantages. The grinder is, in any case, an abrasive tool that is quite capable of damaging the profiled sheet. This happens for the following reasons: when cutting, hot metal particles fall on the polymer coating and burn through it, and these are the prerequisites for the appearance of pockets of corrosion on the surface.

From negative aspects When using an angle grinder, it should also be noted that the edges of the metal become torn, which leads to additional work to eliminate such burrs on the surface. In addition, when cutting, an unpleasant, strong squeal is heard, which brings a lot of negative emotions, especially if there are neighbors.

Hacksaw for metal

Most often, cutting corrugated sheets is carried out using a hacksaw, which is more economical and convenient.

Let's consider the advantages of this method:

  1. The advantages are that cutting with a hacksaw is carried out very quickly and accurately; no nicks or burrs remain along the cut line. Using a hacksaw allows you to do all the work manually yourself, since it does not require significant physical effort. Most often, a hacksaw is used when working with small roofs, fences, gates, the material of which is small in thickness.
  2. Of the minuses, it should be noted that the profiled sheet is very easy to cut in a straight line, but it is impossible to make curved cuts with its help. Therefore, when using a hacksaw, you should also provide for the presence of another tool. In addition, when working with a hacksaw, you need to prepare a special cutting table on which you can strengthen the material for cutting. But here it should be noted that all the disadvantages of using a hacksaw are far outweighed by the advantages.

Jigsaw (manual or electric)

This tool is used when it is necessary to obtain curved surfaces that cannot be achieved using a hacksaw. You can use it for this electric jigsaw or manually, which depends only on the convenience of the work. Using a hand tool, you can make cuts on small areas, but large volumes are only available to electric tools. There is no difference in quality.

The electric tool is used for corrugated sheeting, which has a corrugation height of twenty-five millimeters, combined with a short length. Such cutting is carried out across or along the sheet, but the profiled sheet must be pressed firmly so that it does not rattle.

The work is carried out at high speeds, the file must be fine-toothed, special for metal. When choosing high speed A reciprocating mode with a longitudinal tilt of the tool file is recommended.

The advantages of working with a jigsaw can be called low cost such work, but there are also disadvantages. Among the disadvantages, it is necessary to highlight the inconvenience of working when cross-cutting corrugated sheets that have a high corrugation of twenty-five millimeters. In addition, it is not recommended to use a jigsaw for cutting thin strips, since the proper quality is not ensured and the cutting time is very long.

When using a jigsaw edge metal sheet and the polymer coating burn quite badly, that is, after cutting, the edges must be treated with special enamel. During operation there is a lot of noise.

Metal scissors

In some cases, ordinary metal shears are used to cut corrugated sheets, which allow excellent cutting across the wave. Here it is necessary to note such advantages of work as:

  • the ability to quickly, easily and efficiently cut very thin and even strips if necessary;
  • cutting across the corrugation wave without damaging the material.

Of the minuses, the following should be noted:

  • corrugated sheets are cut along very poorly, since the flexibility in this direction is low;
  • When using metal scissors, the edges of the cuts are slightly uneven.

But still often it is simple scissors for metal are used for minor work on decking, in the construction of garages, gates, and fences. They usually cut small volumes of material.

A couple more tools

Electric scissors are used for cutting when a straight edge does not matter. Therefore, electric scissors are often one of the most popular and effective tools. Among the advantages, we highlight the speed and fairly good quality of work, and the disadvantages are the slightly rough edges of the cut.

Manual circular saw with a fine toothed blade can also be used quite effectively in cutting. In this case, the profiled sheet is cut quickly and easily in any direction, but it is advisable to do this with an assistant. The feed used for this is minimal.

As we see, cutting corrugated sheets during construction work can be done in the most in various ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For small fence installation work they can use hand tools, but when laying corrugated sheets over a large area of ​​a building, electrical ones are needed.

Exactly from the right choice such a cutting tool will depend on the quality and speed of work. This also leads to a reduction in all financial costs for installation, maintaining the sheet in excellent condition, the absence repair work for cleaning corrosion stains.

The profiled sheet is covered with several protective layers - galvanization, anti-corrosion, primer, decorative polymer. Violation of their integrity will lead to oxidation and rapid destruction. The greatest damage is caused by sparks and heating to high temperatures, causing melting of the polymer layer and steel.

List of tools suitable for cutting

You can cut profiled sheets with the following devices:

  • electric circular saw with saw blade for steel;
  • hand saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • hand scissors for metal;
  • hand nibblers;
  • electric scissors - nibbling, knife, slotting;
  • drill attachment “Cricket” - an analogue of electric nibblers.

All of the listed types do not generate sparks during operation and operate on the principle of cold cutting. Electrical devices are available in two versions according to the type of power supply: wired and battery-powered.

It is theoretically possible to cut corrugated sheets with a grinder, but experts do not recommend using this tool. Galvanized steel, which is the basis of the material, and the protective coating on both sides melt at a distance of up to 5 mm from its impact. This causes edge corrosion. The second risk factor is sparks. Once on the surface, they damage the polymer coating.

1. Hand scissors on metal.

The simplest tool for sheets up to 1.5 mm thick at home is scissors with blades made of high speed steel. They are suitable for those who have to deal with small amounts of material from time to time. There are two types:

  • roller - blades and handles are connected with a screw;
  • lever - the cutting part with the handles is connected by a hinge, this is a more convenient design that makes work easier and requires less effort.

Based on the location of the cutting edge, there are three types of scissors: left-handed, right-handed and combined. If you need to cut from left to right, then use a right-handed device and vice versa. For curved cuts, there are options with curved blades. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to cutting ability: not everyone can easily handle thick sheets.

2. Hand saw on metal.

Use replaceable fine-toothed files. She has comparatively high precision and speed of work completion. Consists of a C-shaped frame and cutting blade. Disadvantages: cutting can only be done on a workbench, only in a straight line, requiring significant hand force. You should choose a hacksaw with a blade of at least 300 mm. For hard-to-reach places or complex cuts, there are options without a bulky frame, with a side handle.

3. Manual nibblers (notching, perforating) scissors.

This optimal solution for small volume. The main element is a cutting head with an open die for easy entry and a device for cutting off chips. An additional detail is a transparent plastic protective shield for sawdust ejection. It directs the chips forward, making the process safer. The minimum cutting radius with cutting shears is 25 mm. To start cutting, you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 8.5 mm in the material. The advantages of this tool, when compared with conventional scissors, are greater maneuverability and ease of arranging curved cuts.

4. Nibblers (notching) electric shears.

One of best options in order to carefully cut corrugated sheets quickly and in large quantities, from the edges and from the inside. They are easy to use and work on the principle of a hole punch. The main elements are a movable punch and a fixed matrix with a hole of the same shape. The tool does not heat the metal, does not damage the polymer coating, makes turns at any angle, cuts holes in hard to reach places, including complex configurations. There are no burrs on cuts made with electric nibblers, so there is no need to further process them.

5. Drill attachment “Cricket”.

It can cut vertically and horizontally, and makes round or shaped holes. The cut is very neat, the material is not deformed, but for this you need to select the right drill speed, otherwise the punch will bend the edges. Disadvantage - suitable only for small volumes.

6. Electric scissors.

In professional construction, for work related to cutting smooth and profiled sheets, two more types of electric shears are used:

  • Knife. It is convenient to cut in a straight line, but it is difficult to turn at an angle. The main element consists of two blades, one of which is movable and the other is not. The chips are diverted to the side, which prevents the appearance of defects on the protective polymer coating.
  • Splined. Their main part is the cutting head open type. Slotted electric shears are suitable for straight and curved cuts.

Both types have a powerful engine and are easy to use. The cut is perfectly smooth and clean, especially high quality for splined ones.

7. Jigsaw.

Special replaceable knife files are used. They allow you to make a very even, thin cut. With a jigsaw it is easy not only to cut a sheet in a straight line, but also to make curved cuts. It is impossible to place corrugated sheets suspended, since the metal is thin and easily deformed.


  • you can work directly on the construction site;
  • high speed compared to manual mechanical tools;
  • ease of control;
  • low cost consumables(files).

Disadvantages of using a jigsaw:

  • files wear out quickly and often break;
  • high noise level;
  • impossibility of cutting sheets with a profile height of less than 20 mm;
  • cutting with a jigsaw can only be done in a vertical position, that is, two people are needed to complete the work;
  • does not burn the protective coating, but tears the metal; the edges require primer treatment.

It is permissible to choose a jigsaw only if it is not possible to use other tools.

8. Electric circular (circular) saw.

Builders recommend using special carbide disks with fine pitch and reverse angle (curved teeth) or universal Pobedit disks. To cut corrugated sheets evenly, you need a plywood jig. A guide groove is cut in the center of the plywood. Marks are made on both sides of the sheet, then placed on a plywood jig and pressed tightly. The metal does not melt, but falls into small sawdust and does not spoil the polymer coating. This is the optimal solution for large items.

Advantages: smooth cut, minimal heating, no sparks. Disadvantages - the tool is not suitable for curved cuts, an incorrectly selected disc can tear the metal, the risk of injury is relatively high, the edges require primer treatment.