Lily home plant care. Indoor lily: description of varieties, cultivation and care at home

Lily is an unusually beautiful flower, famous for its diversity color range, exquisite shape and sweet pleasant aroma. At all times, there was a special attitude towards this plant, because it was not for nothing that it was even called royal. Being an open ground plant, the lily shows all its beauty and grace in the garden. Indoor lily- the name is not entirely correct. However, it is quite possible to grow this wonderful flower at home. So let's get started.

Variety selection

Among the numerous varieties of lilies, of which, thanks to the hard work of breeders, there are several thousand, the most popular for growing in pots is the white indoor lily, the flowers of which emit a very strong, unusually pleasant aroma and reach 15 cm in size.

For growing in room conditions Also suitable are varieties such as “long-flowered lily”, “beautiful lily”, “royal lily”, “golden lily”. A significant part of all grown in flower pots lilies are hybrids, which most often have tubular or goblet-shaped flowers with snow-white, red, interspersed with other shades, petals. You can also grow at home double lilies, among which the “tiger lily” is especially popular. This indoor flower attracts with its incredibly beautiful, incomparable color.

Buying bulbs

In order to plant a lily, you must first of all purchase planting material, which is the bulbs of this flower. Bulbs should be selected very carefully, paying close attention to their condition. Thus, a healthy and lushly flowering indoor lily plant can only grow from healthy, intact, large fleshy bulbs, the scales of which should in no case be overdried.

Preparing garden bulbs

For those who are concerned about quality planting material, purchased from strangers, and has on its own personal plot healthy lilies pleasing the eye with excellent blooms, there is a very tempting alternative. You can take the bulbs garden plants and plant them in a flower pot, thereby turning them into indoor flowers. Lily will soon delight you with an unusually pleasant aroma spreading throughout the house. However, for this to happen, a number of conditions must be met.

First of all, dig up lily bulbs from open ground experienced flower growers Recommended from late September to early October. Next, they must be placed in a specially prepared box, which will contain moss or wet peat, and sent to a cool place. Over the course of two months, you should moisten the soil from time to time, and do this very carefully, since waterlogging or stagnation of water can have the most detrimental effect on the condition of the bulbs. Thus, the plant is provided with a kind of rest period, without which further flowering of the lily is impossible.

Only by strictly following these conditions can one expect with full confidence that the lily will in the near future delight all household members with its fabulously beautiful flowers. So, it's time to plant the bulbs in the soil mixture.


In order for an indoor lily to feel comfortable, it is necessary to prepare a large and deep container for it. To successfully germinate bulbs, you will also need an unusual soil consisting of pebbles and a mixture of sand. In order to ensure good drainage, pebbles should be placed at the bottom of the flower pot, and coarse sand should be placed on top of them. The next layer is fine, well-sifted sand, into which you need to carefully place the lily bulb without damaging its roots. However, this mixture should not fill the pot completely; there should still be some space left in it.

As soon as stem roots appear from the bulb, it is necessary to add soil to the flower pot, and do this so that the surface of the soil from the top of the bulb is no more than 5 cm. It is recommended to choose turf soil enriched with leaf humus as soil.

Now the indoor lily should temporarily be in a cool place, the temperature in which does not exceed +10 degrees. It is important to provide the plant with abundant watering, but at the same time it is important to ensure that water does not linger in the soil, causing it to become waterlogged, but is promptly removed from the pan.

After sprouts appear on the bulbs, the length of which is at least 10 cm in height, the lily can be moved to a warmer place (temperature up to +16 degrees is acceptable) that has good lighting. As the plant grows, you can increase the temperature regime of its content. On average, 18-22 weeks pass from the planting date to the appearance of the first lily flower. Now it’s time to find out what kind of care these indoor flowers need. Lily is a rather demanding plant, and therefore you will have to pay a lot of attention to it.

General conditions of detention

The most optimal temperature for lilies is considered to be +25 degrees. Since from this plant we first of all expect beautiful flowers, then sunny color and good lighting are very important to him. Lily is one of the few domestic crops that can safely tolerate direct sunlight. For this reason, southern windows will be a favorable place to place the plant.

According to experienced flower growers, in ideal lilies should be placed on the windowsills of south-eastern windows, where they will receive the required amount of sun, and direct sunlight can be observed only in the morning, and then for a short time.

It is worth keeping in mind that the higher the level of illumination in the room and the higher the temperature of the plant, the sooner the indoor lily will delight everyone with its flowers.


Lilies love moisture very much, and if there is insufficient supply of it, the long-awaited period of flowering of plants may never occur. It is very important to prevent the soil from for a long time water stagnated, and this requires good drainage. Watering should be done with settled water at room temperature. A little dryness will indicate the need for moisture. top layer soil. If in the room where the plant is kept there is enough high temperature, then the lily can sometimes be sprayed, while avoiding moisture on the flowers.


The indoor lily needs additional feeding, and it is necessary to apply fertilizers from the period of formation of the stem. It is recommended to use a special fertilizer intended for flowering plants, or alternately apply mineral and organic fertilizers and do this first three times a month until the buds appear. Then you need to fertilize less often - no more than once a month.

For example, these indoor flowers will respond well to nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Periodically adding wood ash to the potted flower will help improve plant growth.

What to do when the lily fades?

After the indoor lily has bloomed, you should minimize watering the plant, waiting until its leaves dry completely. Next, the above-ground part of the lily must be removed, for which appropriate pruning must be done. There are two options for further actions: replant the plant in open ground or save the bulbs until next year by placing them in the refrigerator.

It should be borne in mind that lilies can be grown indoors for no more than two years in a row, since otherwise the depleted bulb will not bloom.

These flowers tolerate any soil and climatic conditions and do not require special care during the cultivation process. That is why lilies are grown in open ground, pots and containers.

The features of growing and caring for lilies at home with photos and videos will be described in detail in this article.

Lily is one of the most popular garden ornamental plants, attracting attention not only with its bright lush color and amazing aroma, but also with its unpretentiousness to climatic soil conditions.

However, it would be useful to know some of the features of growing this crop in open ground. First of all, you need to start with choosing a site and preparing it.

Features of site preparation

Lilies grow and bloom best in sunny areas protected from the wind. Before starting cultivation, prepare the soil, since these flowers grow in one place for several years (Figure 1).

Note: The soil must be dug up, removing the remains of other plants, as well as their roots. Moreover, for autumn planting the soil is prepared in the summer, and for spring - in the fall.

To increase soil fertility, together with digging, well-rotted manure (1 bucket per 1 sq.m.), superphosphate (30-50 g) and wood ash (0.5 liters) is applied. If you want to plant plants on an already prepared flower bed, pay attention that the plantings are not adjacent to too tall plants that will shade the flowers. For the same reason, it is not recommended to plant them under trees or bushes.

Figure 1. Procedure for growing in open ground

Try to avoid dry areas of the soil, give preference to well-drained soil. Pay attention to the acidity level: an alkaline or slightly acidic reaction is considered optimal. If the soil is too acidic, it is necessary to add wood ash or liming.


Despite the fact that growing these flowers in the country is considered simple, and even novice gardeners can do it, for abundant flowering a number of conditions must be met.

When growing lilies in open ground, follow these rules::

  1. Choose a well-lit, slightly raised area with good drainage.
  2. Fill the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers before planting.
  3. Try to bring the soil acidity level to optimal level using liming or adding wood ash.
  4. Carefully inspect the planting material to identify diseases, disinfect the bulbs before planting.
  5. Conduct spring planting for late flowering varieties. Autumn planting begins at the end of summer and continues until mid-autumn.


Lilies are cultivated both in flower pots and containers, which can be displayed in the open air, and in the open ground in a flower bed and in the garden, and in conditions closed ground- in the greenhouse.

At the same time, all kinds of propagation methods are used: bulbs, seeds, scales, children. Each method has its own advantages and difficulties. Let's look at some methods of growing outdoors.

Growing lilies from seeds at home

Propagation by seeds is a rather lengthy process, but it makes it possible to immediately obtain a large number of young, viable, resistant to various diseases plants. New varieties are also developed in this way.

For successful cultivation lilies from seeds at home you need to know some features(Figure 2):

  • Different varieties have different temperature regimes for seed germination, but most of them germinate at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  • Seeds do not need pre-treatment cold, their germination does not depend on lighting, but depends on the timing of collection.
  • It is recommended to plant seeds no later than the second year after collection.
  • To increase the rate of seed germination, they are pre-soaked for 15 hours, and to reduce the risk of infection various microorganisms and bacteria are treated with bleach or 0.04% zinc sulfate solution.
  • To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown between February and March.
  • Crops are produced in a substrate consisting of garden soil with the addition of peat, humus and sand.
  • For sowing, use containers 10 cm deep, while sowing seeds to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm.
  • The sown material is sprinkled with earth, moistened with a spray, and covered with film or a glass cover.
  • After the sprouts appear, the shelter begins to be gradually removed, starting from several hours a day until it is completely opened.
  • Seedlings are provided with scattered sunlight, while reducing the temperature environment up to +12+20 degrees.
  • Water the seedlings regularly, preventing the soil from drying out.

Figure 2. Growing lilies from seeds

With the appearance of the first leaves, young plants are transplanted into individual pots, observing the rules of care, which include careful loosening, watering and maintaining the level of lighting.

At the end of spring - beginning of summer, the seedlings are transferred to open ground, having previously selected and prepared an area with light and fertile soil. When planting young plants, maintain an interval of 30-40 cm between them. Subsequent care involves loosening the soil, watering and timely fertilizing.

From the video you will learn how to properly plant and grow these flowers at home.

How to grow lilies from bulbs

Growing lilies from bulbs is one of the most popular methods, because it does not require special costs or effort. To do this, you need to first stock up on onions of the desired varieties. It is best to plant bulbs in early autumn, when the plant is already dormant (Figure 3).

Note: When inspecting the bulbs, it is recommended to remove all dead scales and shorten the roots to 5 cm, then disinfect the planting material immediately before planting using a weak solution of 0.2% foundationazole.

If you're wondering how to grow these flowers from bulbs, you'll be pleasantly surprised that the process is quite simple. To plant the bulbs, dig holes with a diameter of no more than 40 cm and a depth of 25 cm. The bottom of the holes is covered with gravel to ensure good drainage of water. The drainage layer is sprinkled with fertile soil on which the bulbs are laid.

Figure 3. Features of growing lilies from bulbs

The planting material is covered with earth in such a way as to hide the tops, and the soil is compacted. Subsequent care consists of loosening, watering, fertilizing, and pest control.

The author of the video will tell you even more useful information about methods of propagation of lilies.

How to grow lilies at home in a pot

Among the huge number of varieties, those that are adapted for growing indoors have been bred (Figure 4). These include Asian and Oriental hybrids, which form a small number of children and therefore can grow in one pot for several years.

By growing indoor varieties, you have the opportunity to regulate the flowering period. To do this, it is enough to correctly determine the time of planting and provide the necessary conditions.

Choosing a pot

If you are interested in the question of how to grow lilies at home in a pot, you should know that such plants have some features.

Figure 4. Features of growing flowers in pots at home

One of necessary conditions for the full growth of indoor varieties is right choice flower pot. To do this, you should be well aware of the characteristics of the variety being grown, because the taller the flower, the taller the pot should be. For example, with a stem height of one and a half meters, the planting container should have a height of about 40 cm.

Note: You should know that one bulb occupies 16 seat.

This fact should also be taken into account when planting a crop in a flower pot, since excess free space provokes the plant to produce children before the entire container is filled. For this reason, it is not recommended to carry out single plantings, but to plant several bulbs.

Caring for a lily in a pot

After planting the bulbs in a pot and before germination, it is necessary to provide the plant with a low temperature and water it as the soil dries. With the emergence of seedlings, the first fertilizing of the soil with liquid organic fertilizer. A week later, a second one is carried out, but now using mineral fertilizer saturated with potassium and phosphorus.

Figure 5. Planting and care indoor varieties in a pot

It is recommended to spray the sprouts with a growth stimulator twice a week to encourage the development of large bright colors. When the sprouts reach a height of 10 cm, it is necessary to add soil to the edge of the container. Next, they regularly loosen the soil, water it daily, and feed it every week. flowering plants. While the crop has not bloomed, its leaves can be sprayed for rapid growth and development, carefully ensuring that wet leaves were not exposed to direct sunlight (Figure 5).

Flowering plants need to be sprayed very carefully, trying to avoid moisture getting into the petals, as this leads to a shortening of the flowering period itself. Starting from the age of one month, the plant begins to be hardened, gradually accustoming it to being in the open air. However, at night the crop can be left outside without loss if the air temperature does not drop below +10. At abundant flowering Additional supports are installed in the pot to support the stem and peduncles.

Pineapple lily: cultivation and photos

The pineapple lily variety is grown mainly in open ground, since in indoor conditions the plant blooms only at good ambient temperatures and sufficient lighting, which can be difficult to organize. Therefore, it is left in flower pots only for wintering, and in the spring it is transplanted into open ground (Figure 6).

Note: As a rule, eucomis are grown from bulbs - babies that are separated from the mother bulb. The bulbs are planted in separate containers using light fertile soil with sufficient drainage from the beginning of March to the end of April. In this case, they should be placed so that the top remains flush with the ground.

While waiting for sprouts, gentle watering is carried out as needed, and after flower stalks appear, irrigation is made more frequent and more abundant. Before transplanting eucomis into open ground, it is recommended to carry out hardening by taking pots with young plants into the open air.

Figure 6. External features pineapple lilies

You can transfer the plant from the pot to the flowerbed only when the soil has warmed up sufficiently, that is, approximately in mid-May. In the southern regions of our country, eucomis bulbs can be immediately planted in open ground without prior germination. It is important to know that the pineapple lily is a prominent representative of light- and heat-loving plants. Therefore, for planting, select an area that is well lit by the sun. This variety is completely frost-resistant, so its bulbs must be dug up every year and stored.

Planted eucomis must be watered sparingly until the first leaves appear. Then watering is gradually increased, taking into account that during the flowering period the plant needs a lot of moisture. After the plants fade, the application of moisture begins to be reduced, and after the leaves turn yellow, they stop altogether. It is also necessary to regularly fertilize complex fertilizers, do not contain nitrogen, since this element causes plant diseases. Unlike other varieties, eucomis in conditions indoor growing requires annual transplantation into a new container with a complete replacement of the substrate. Bulbs from open ground are dug up, disinfected and stored in a cool, dry room.

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Indoor lily: features of care at home

Almost everyone is widely familiar with such a plant as the indoor lily, caring for which at home usually does not cause much difficulty. There are many varieties of lilies that you can grow at home. And each plant is different unique view both leaves and flowers (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Each variety of lily special kind flowers, but they are all very elegant and beautiful.

In order for lilies to bloom as often as possible, you need to learn how to properly care for them. They are usually propagated by bulbs, which causes some fear in some people, because the bulb can quickly rot if there is excess moisture in the soil. But this fear is false.

Indoor lilies in pots can be either bulbous or ordinary rooted plants. There are many more bulbous varieties. And even despite this, caring for all varieties of domestic lilies is approximately the same. You just need to follow some very simple rules.

Choosing a container for a lily

Before planting a lily, it is important to choose the right pot for it.

First of all, you need to choose the right container for the flower. This is especially true for bulbous varieties. They can reach up to 1.5 m in height. And the higher it will be mature plant, those deeper pot should be selected for it in advance. This will determine how often the lily will bloom.

If it is assumed that the height of the plant will be about 1.5 m, then you need a pot with a depth of about 40 cm. This way the roots will have enough space in it, and the lily itself will be firmly anchored in the ground, which is very important in the first time after replanting.

You also need to correctly determine the width of the pot. So, if you plan to grow one plant in one container, it is recommended to use a fairly narrow pot (about 20 cm in diameter). Otherwise, the plant will constantly produce babies, thereby trying to fill the free space in the soil.

You can also make a very interesting composition from bulbous lilies, planting 3-4 plants in one pot. At the same time, it is important to maintain a distance of approximately 5-7 cm between them. So, there will be no free land for the children to grow, and in the end such a “bouquet” will look quite beautiful. After all, during the flowering period, lilies produce several buds at once.

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How to plant a plant

Before planting, it is useful to keep lily bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate.

You should also be no less serious about planting bulbs and transplanting mature lilies into new pots. These flowers love a mixture of light, nutritious soil with a small amount of sand. It is quite possible to buy the substrate in a store already prepared.

If you plan to plant bulbs, you should first keep them for 2 weeks in the refrigerator at a temperature of about +5°C, and then 2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate to kill all pathogenic bacteria. This is a kind of prevention for the plant.

If an adult plant is being replanted, then first you need to cut off the dried flowers (it is strictly not recommended to touch lilies during the period of active flowering), separate the children if desired, and inspect the bulb for diseases. If everything is fine, you can replant the flower into a new substrate. Experts advise replanting adult lilies no more than once every three years.

To grow lilies in pots, you need to make a good drainage layer of about 3 cm. This will protect the soil from oversaturation with water, which can have a detrimental effect on the bulb. You need to pour about 5 cm of base soil on top of the drainage, and then plant the bulb. Then sprinkle everything with soil again, lightly compacting it, all the way to the very edge of the pot. This method of planting applies to both young bulbs that have not yet sprouted, and adult lilies that already have stems.

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Watering, temperature and fertilizing

Lilies love fresh air, so it is recommended to ventilate the room with the flower.

Proper watering and temperature conditions are the main conditions for growing a healthy plant. Indoor lilies tolerate temperature fluctuations well. But it is important not to allow the temperature in the room to change below 16°C and above 30°C.

The house lily simply loves fresh air. For this reason, it is useful to take out warm time year old indoor lilies for a balcony or loggia. And best of all - into the yard, if this private house. But if there are no such opportunities, it is recommended to open windows and vents more often. Just place the plant further away so that it does not catch a cold from the draft.

Lily responds well to bright, diffused light. But you cannot keep the plant in direct sun, as this can lead to burns of the leaves. This is especially true for southern windows, where it is always very hot and there is a lot of sun. But even complete shade will not do anything good for the growth and flowering of lilies.

In hot summers, lilies in pots love moisture. Therefore, they need to be watered often - at least once every 3 days. It is very important not to allow the earthen feed to dry out completely. This may cause the bulb to deteriorate. In winter, the plant needs to be watered more moderately. It is best to check the soil in the pot before adding more water.

Successfully growing lilies at home includes timely feeding.

And the plant should be fertilized already in the first days after germination of the bulb. It is recommended to start with drugs with a high content organic matter. After two weeks, feed the lily with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

As soon as the lily blooms, you will need to apply special liquid fertilizers for flowering plants every two weeks. indoor plants. It is also recommended to do foliar feeding by spraying the still unopened buds with a nutrient diluted in the required proportions from a spray bottle.

So, when growing indoor lilies, caring for them at home is not difficult if you follow the recommendations described above, it is very important to cut off the first buds. This will further contribute to the formation of a strong plant, which will certainly delight you with numerous beautiful flowers already on next year. But this only applies to young lilies. In all other cases, during the flowering period, you just need to provide the plant with rest so that it does not drop its buds, try not to move it to other places in the apartment or house.

One of the most beautiful flowers grown on a windowsill is the indoor lily. It has a pleasant aroma and lush greenery. In order for a plant to please its owners for a long time, you need to know how to properly care for it.

In the open ground, lilies do not always withstand wintering, but care at home ensures its comfortable growth. There are many varieties of plants, and each requires special conditions. It is important to maintain a certain temperature and humidity; lilies love a lot of light. It grows well in summer on the balcony, but the scorching rays of the sun burn its leaves. For wintering, provide a temperature of at least +16 degrees.

The stem can reach from 40 cm to 1.5 m in height. With short daylight hours, the shoots develop before the bud formation period. When lilies bloom at home, they need a lot of light. Planting and care require certain knowledge. If everything is done correctly, the indoor plant will delight its owners with lush flowers and fragrance.

Varieties of indoor lilies

Many varieties have been developed that are suitable for growing at home. They differ from each other in the height of the stem and the shape of the flowers.

The classification depending on the shape of the petals is as follows.

  • Dwarf lily and Citronella belong to low-growing species. The height of the stem reaches 60 cm. Flowers with bent petals are small, their diameter does not exceed 5 cm.
  • Royal Gold, Domestic Lily, Long-flowered, Regal Lily are distinguished by funnel-shaped petals collected in a tube.
  • Lily of Taiwan and its hybrids look very beautiful on the windowsill. The compact bush does not exceed 40 cm in height. TO dwarf species include Miss Rio and Garden Party, they have fairly large flowers.
  • Asian hybrids are odorless, but have very beautiful flowers with spots, stripes, and specks.
  • Grand Commander, Empress of China, Lily the Beautiful, Gilded have flowers shaped like a bowl.

Many hybrids have also been developed that are perfectly adapted to growing at home.

How to determine the type of lilies by bulb

Growing lilies at home requires compliance with the necessary conditions for the selected type of plant. How to identify it? By the color of the bulb you can determine what type of indoor lilies are:

  • white - in Asian and LA hybrids, they require slightly acidic soil, can be fertilized with ash;
  • multi-colored loose with yellowish, pink, purple veins - in oriental plants, they require acidic soil, ash cannot be added to the composition;
  • purple and other dark shades - for trumpet lilies, they need soil with added lime;
  • colored yellowish, pinkish - in OT hybrids adapted for growing outdoors.

Several bulbs belonging to the same species are planted in a pot. This is important. To ensure that all plants bloom at the same time, choose bulbs of the same size.

Planting in pots

Lilies are planted in a pot in the fall. Sometimes this is done in winter. The most common bulbous method of planting. Potting containers can be made of ceramic or plastic. Prepare a vessel no more than 20 cm in diameter in advance, pour drainage in the form of expanded clay onto the bottom, broken bricks, foam or pebbles.

To grow a healthy, strong plant, you need to pay attention special attention choosing soil for a certain type of lily. Buy ready-made soil in the store or make it yourself.

Plants will do well in sod land, mixed 1:1 with humus or compost. Add 50 grams per liter of soil mineral fertilizers: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen.

The prepared soil is disinfected by pouring boiling water with the addition of manganese. Calculate the height of the container so that after planting the plant there is about 7 cm of free space between the top layer of soil and the edges of the pot.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant a lily in a pot:

  • 10 cm of prepared soil is poured into a container with drainage;
  • lay the bulbs upside down, press them slightly into the ground;
  • cover with 15-20 cm of soil;
  • water with warm water;
  • leave until germination in a cool, dark place;
  • After germination and the formation of an additional root system, you will need to add soil to the pot so that it covers all the roots.

Features of care

A lily in a pot looks very beautiful, but caring for it requires care and patience. If everything is done correctly, the plant will soon delight you with magnificent flowers and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

Basic rules on how to care for lilies to get lush flowering, the following.

  • After planting the bulbs in the pot, keep the temperature low. Watering is carried out as the soil dries out.
  • After the first shoots appear, the soil is fed with organic additives.
  • After 7 days, fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus are applied.
  • To quickly form buds, the plant is sprayed with growth-stimulating compounds every 3-4 days.
  • When the shoots grow to 10 cm, add soil to the top edge of the container.
  • Caring for a lily is not at all difficult. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil to ensure oxygen access to the root system. Water the plant 1-3 times a day. The soil should be moderately moist. Feeding is carried out once a week.
  • After a month they begin to accustom the lily to open air. Take the pot out onto the balcony for 15-30 minutes, making sure it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Every day, the time spent in the air is increased by half an hour. After the plant has not withered on the balcony for 4 hours, it can be left until the evening and overnight.

You can grow lilies on the balcony all summer long. It should be taken into account that at temperatures below +10 degrees, flower buds form poorly. Before the buds appear, the leaves are sprayed every day, this stimulates rapid growth and development of the lily. Until the moisture dries, the leaves protect from the sun. Water getting on the buds shortens the flowering period. After the end of the active phase, the pots with the plant are placed in a cool, dry place. At this time, you can replant the lily.

Diseases and pests

Pests rarely attack indoor plants. But excessively dry air contributes to their appearance. Lilies can be affected by: spider mites, aphids, mealybug. In this case, you can see insects on the foliage or stem, and also learn about their appearance by the following signs:

  • yellowing, falling leaves;
  • lethargy, slow growth.

Must be purchased at specialty store means to destroy uninvited guests and use them according to the instructions.

Indoor lily care, as already mentioned, is simple. In order to recognize a plant disease in time, you should pay attention to the following phenomena.

  • Yellowing of leaves occurs due to dry air. You need to pour expanded clay into the tray and keep it constantly moistened, spray the foliage, and use a humidifier.
  • Leaves turn yellow in spots or on one side sunburn. You need to move the pot into the shade.
  • Due to a lack of mineral and organic substances, the foliage withers and turns yellow. Fertilize 1-2 times a week.
  • Leaves fall off, become sparse and thin due to lack of light or lack of necessary organic substances.
  • Gray and red rot affects the plant due to excessive watering and stagnant moisture.
  • Fusarium affects the root system, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, and the bulb gradually collapses. To prevent disease, the bulbs are kept in a foundationazole solution for half an hour before planting.
  • The fungus develops when the air is too warm and humid. Forms on the leaves and stem yellow spots. The plant most often dies.

Growing lilies in pots without replanting is acceptable for 2-3 years. To next spring The plant was pleased with its lush color; it should overwinter in a cool, dark place. Watering once a month is sufficient.

Who said that lilies can only be grown in the garden? Large bushes such as the Regale variety will look spectacular in large tubs, while the exquisite Hanson lilies will fit perfectly in medium-sized pots. Having provided good conditions maintenance and decent care of the lily at home, you can get the same abundant and long flowering, as in the garden plot.

Features of caring for lilies at home

Amaryllis and hippeastrum are often called “indoor lilies,” although they belong to different families and are similar only in the shape of the flower and the presence of the bulb. Lily, like all bulbous plants, needs special care, because improper watering or failure to temperature regime in summer and winter time can lead to the death of the flower.


Lily will feel comfortable in rooms whose windows face southeast or southwest. It is good if the tub with the plant does not stand on the windowsill, but on a stand near the window - the flower prefers slightly diffused sunlight.

Air temperature

In the spring and summer, caring for lilies is quite simple. Considering that this is a fairly hardened plant, the bush will feel good at average room temperature, withstanding both heat and slight cold, but not frost.

With the onset of spring, the tub can be taken out to open veranda, balcony or put in the garden. Fresh air will benefit the plant, so if the lily remains in the room, you need to ventilate the room more often.


Lily - home care will not require maintenance high humidity air, it is enough only occasionally, on particularly hot days, to spray the flower with a spray bottle. To remove dirt from the leaves, it is recommended to wipe them once a week with a soft sponge or piece of cotton wool soaked in water.

Watering lilies

In the spring-summer period, you need to remember the basic rule - water more often, but with a small amount of water. It is known that bulbous plants rot quickly, so dampness should not be allowed. It is better to water a little early in the morning and if the top layer of soil begins to dry out, repeat the procedure in the late afternoon. Water the flower only with soft water warmed to room temperature.

Important! The flowers were quite heavy, and to prevent it from knocking over the pot, it is recommended to tie the stems to a support.

Composition of soil for growing lilies

In order for a strong and healthy lily to grow, planting and caring for it must be carefully thought out and you need to start with the choice good substrate. It is better to prepare the mixture yourself; it should be light, loose and at the same time nutritious.


  • turf soil - 3 parts,
  • leaf soil - 1 part,
  • fresh humus - 1 part,
  • coarse sand – 1 part.

Be sure to prepare drainage: large expanded clay, ceramic shards and other materials are suitable. Drainage should occupy at least a third of the volume of the pot.

A container that is too spacious for lilies is not needed, otherwise it will affect the flowering. But you can plant several specimens in one tub, in which case you will need a wider container.

Fertilizer application

After planting, lily care must include regular feeding with complex mineral compounds and organic matter. It is better to choose fertilizers specifically designed for bulbous plants, and apply fertilizing according to the attached instructions. It is necessary to take into account that during the active growth phase the lily needs nitrogen, and with the appearance of the first flowers - potassium and phosphorus.

The best organic fertilizer for a flower is considered to be slurry, diluted in a ratio of 1:10; you can start applying it with the onset of warm spring days and no more than once every 3 months.

Planting and replanting lilies

It is best to plant bulbs in the fall; the most favorable time is October. You should choose those bulbs that have a fairly well developed root system and there are no stains of rot. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour drainage and a little prepared soil, then carefully place one or more bulbs and sprinkle them with soil about 2/3. In this case, the pot should not be filled to the top with the substrate, after the leaves begin to grow, top part the bulbs will need to be covered.

Before the young leaves appear, the flower should be in a cool and shaded place in a slightly moist substrate. After the shoots appear, the pot should be moved to the windowsill and watering should be gradually increased. As you can see, planting and caring for a lily will not cause many difficulties.

It is not advisable to transplant lilies into larger containers; it is enough to replace the substrate.

Advice! To prevent the bulb from rotting, experienced florists It is recommended to plant it on a “cushion” of sand with a layer of 3 cm, previously calcined in the oven.

How to ensure a dormant period for lilies during the winter season?

In autumn, the life processes of bulbous plants slow down and they need to be provided with a “rest” phase. During this time, the lily should be kept at a temperature of about +5 °C, away from the sun. Watering should be reduced as much as possible and only slightly moisten the substrate. With the onset of spring, the container can be placed on the windowsill and the frequency of watering can be gradually increased.

If there is a need to separate the daughter bulbs, then it is best to do this in late autumn, so the mother plant is less injured, and the children can be immediately planted in separate containers.

The lifespan of a lily is 5–6 years and at this age it blooms less and less often, so it is better to plant the tub and re-grow the bush from young bulbs.

Diseases and pests of lilies

When caring for a lily at home, you need to carefully inspect the bush, because in the fight against diseases and pests it is important to detect symptoms of damage as early as possible.

  • The leaves are pale and lifeless - this indicates improper watering; you need to check the condition of the substrate.
  • The flowers of the plant begin to darken - the room is too cool.

Excessive dampness can cause lilies to get sick. gray rot. This infectious disease, which first strikes lower leaves, and then spreads throughout the bush. No less dangerous disease -fusarium, its causative agent is a fungus that enters the bulb due to mechanical damage, which is why it is so important to sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal . The spread of the disease begins from the bottom of the bulb and gradually spreads to the entire surface. If the flower’s condition is not advanced, then you can try to cure it with the help of modern antifungal drugs.

Like most indoor plants, when dry and hot weather the lily may become a victim of spider mites or thrips. Spider mite characterized by a silvery coating and yellowish spots on inner surface leaves. Thrips are small, light green insects that quickly spread throughout the bush. You can start treatment by washing off the pests with a solution of laundry or potassium soap, and consolidate the result with the help of reliable insecticides wide range actions.

Decorate a room, greenhouse or winter garden with the help of tub lilies it is not at all difficult. They will not only delight you with large and bright flowers, but will also fill the room with a delightful and delicate aroma.

Video of planting lilies