Kalanchoe: why do the leaves of the tree of life turn yellow and dry? What to do if Kalanchoe leaves begin to turn yellow and dry? Some Kalanchoe flowers are drying up

Many people have Kalanchoe growing at home. Caring for this plant is not difficult, but in some situations the flower withers. Moreover, this composition is typical for both the stem and leaves. This article will tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

Why does it wither

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant and therefore very easy to care for. But if the care is not correct, some problems may begin. For example, a flower will take on an unsightly appearance and will have withered leaves. They will be soft in consistency, and if nothing is done, the leaves will soon fall off.

The following points can lead to such a situation:

  • overwatering plants. Kalanchoe is capable of accumulating water to some extent in its leaves. That’s why they look fleshy and dense near the flower. And if you flood the plant, the leaves will begin to fall;
  • insufficient watering. Of course, Kalanchoe can remain without water for some time (even an earthen crust may appear in the pot), but if watering is insufficient, the leaves will dry out. During prolonged drought they fall off;
  • water indicators. “House Doctor” should be watered with settled and soft water. Otherwise, various diseases and other manifestations of poor health of the flower may appear;
  • light mode. For some varieties of Kalanchoe, a negative factor for growing at home is exposure to direct sunlight on the leaves. In this case, the leaves may curl and appear brown spots, which indicate a sunburn of the leaf blade has occurred;
  • temperature regime. When the wrong temperature regime is created, the leaves of the plant also begin to dry out and fall off.

It is very important to properly monitor the flower during the dormant period and in winter. In this situation, even slight fluctuations in the parameters described above can lead to the leaves beginning to fall and the plant itself to become sick.

Also, yellowing of the leaves occurs after the end of the flowering period and indicates depletion of the plant. Here the leaves fall from below, thus exposing the stem, which begins to stretch. During this period, the flower is most susceptible to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid this, it is necessary to fertilize Kalanchoe immediately after the end of the flowering period.

If the leaves dry out, this indicates a lack of micro- and macroelements (for example, boron). To restore proper nutrition, you need to do additional feeding of the plant. Why a flower withers can be answered differently depending on its age. In young plants, improper watering is often the reason for the appearance of spots on the leaves, which leads to their falling off. The sluggish appearance of the flower indicates insufficient or irregular watering. In this situation, you only need to do one thing - normalize proper watering.

But for old plants, this condition may be a consequence of the natural aging process. There is no need to do anything in this situation, since Kalanchoe can no longer look different for natural reasons.

This is why homemade Kalanchoe withers. But this is only part of the reasons. To the question “why does the plant wither?” You can give a completely different answer - the plant began to hurt. When a flower sheds its leaves, the first thing you might think of is disease. And only then about the fact that caring for him was incorrect. If the plant begins to hurt, then the first symptoms will be a sluggish appearance, small and underdeveloped leaves, as well as the appearance of various spots on them.

The reason why this houseplant began to hurt should also be sought in its care. A very common cause of disease development in domestic Kalanchoe is overwatering. Root system succulents are very sensitive to moisture and if there is too much moisture, the roots begin to rot. As a result, a favorable environment is formed for the development of many pathogenic microorganisms, as well as insect pests.

As you can see, the reasons why the “house doctor” withers can be different. But most important parameter, which is worth thinking about first when Kalanchoe leaves began to fall off - improper watering.


If improperly cared for at home, Kalanchoe becomes susceptible to various types of diseases. External manifestations of flower disease can be different. If this plant is sick, black spots and even mold may appear on its leaves. At the beginning, the spots will be small, and then they will begin to increase in size. The appearance of spots on the leaves indicates that the Kalanchoe has been infected by a fungus. To get rid of it, it is necessary to completely spray the plant with fungicides.

The main reason for the appearance of fungus and black spots is severe waterlogging of the soil, as well as a violation of its aeration. Therefore, it is not enough to simply spray the flower with fungicides; you also need to transplant the plant into another pot with new soil.

In addition, brown spots may appear on the leaf blade. Their appearance indicates the presence of a disease called Dropsy. It develops with a combination of waterlogging and temperature changes. To get rid of this disease, you need to move the pot to a drier and warmer place, and also reduce the number of waterings. Sometimes you can notice on the plant white coating. This means that watering was carried out with too hard water with a high content of lime and salts.

Video: how to bring roses to life in a vase

Kalanchoe, in addition to the conditions described above, can also be subject to the following diseases:

  • late blight rot. When it occurs, brown spots form on the leaves. The reason for the appearance is poor ventilation, temperature changes between soil and air, or excessive watering. To combat the pathogen, it is necessary to eliminate negative influence factors and treat the flower with fungicides;
  • gray rot. As this disease develops, weeping spots appear on the stems and leaves, which are always covered gray coating. The main reasons for the appearance are excess moisture, insufficient light conditions and poor ventilation. The means of control are the same as for late blight rot;
  • powdery mildew. This disease manifests itself in the form of white spots with a powdery coating. Outwardly, they resemble mold. As a result of this disease, leaves fall from the stems. The causes of the disease are considered to be high air temperature and low humidity.

As you can see, improper care of the “house doctor” can lead to its infection with fungal microorganisms and treatment will be required to avoid death.

Video How to help a plant


Kalanchoe is often grown at home and is rarely attacked by pests. But if care is improper, the plant can become a reservoir for harmful insects.

  • scale insect
  • worm.

Let's look at each pest in more detail.

Aphids are the most dangerous enemy for Kalanchoe. Aphids are small greenish-black sucking insects. It initially lives on the underside of the leaf and eventually spreads throughout the plant. In the presence of such a pest, the leaves begin to lighten and become sticky to the touch. This is the result of the action of aphids, which secrete a toxic substance. In this case, Kalanchoe does not bloom, and the buds that appear wither and fall off.

The danger of infecting flowers with this particular insect is that aphids become carriers of many viruses and create optimal conditions for fungal development. The fight against it involves destruction by burning the affected stems and leaves, as well as treating healthy parts with an insecticide. It will not be possible to destroy aphids in one go. A minimum of 4 treatments are required at one week intervals.

Video: Kalanchoe

Scale insects are less dangerous for Kalanchoe. This is a small insect (2 mm in length) with a scale insect that covers its entire body. Settles on the underside of the leaf, forming colonies. A sooty fungus develops in the secretions of this insect. If it appears, then the surface of the leaves and the flower should be treated with a solution of laundry soap.

The scale insect or mealy worm has white look and is clearly visible on a green leaf. As a result of its activity, the leaf becomes waxy. Promotes the development of sooty fungus. To prevent it from appearing, spray the plant regularly.

How to revive a plant

To revive Kalanchoe, you need to do the following things:

  • organize proper care;
  • eliminate pests or pathogenic microorganisms;
  • pinching;
  • apply fertilizers;
  • observe optimal humidity, light and temperature conditions.

All these manipulations will help you restore the plant after illness or insects on it. This is the only way Kalanchoe will delight you with health and beautiful flowering.

Video How to grow a healthy Kalanchoe flower

There are a whole bunch of nuances in this issue. Improper care, diseases and pests - all this can significantly deteriorate the quality of your plant. To know how to deal with this, watch the following video.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl? Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off? The problem lies in the conditions under which the plant is kept. In addition, Kalanchoe can be affected by pests such as powdery mildew, spider mites, and scale insects. Rot is often found on the roots of Kalanchoe. So, how to recognize Kalanchoe diseases and treat them effectively? What to do if there is a white coating and brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe? What do the soft leaves of Kalanchoe say? Recommendations from experts, photos of diseases and effective treatment of plants.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, dry and wither?

Why and what to do if Kalanchoe leaves wither and fall off? How to treat Kalanchoe if the plant's leaves dry out and turn yellow? Kalanchoe leaves often indicate improper care of the plant. Below you can consider common diseases of this flower. Experts will tell you how to treat Kalanchoe.

What to do if Kalanchoe leaves wither? Reasons: abundant watering combined with low temperature. Kalanchoe leaves wither if the plant has been replanted with a complete replacement of the soil. Kalanchoe leaves wither if during replanting the volume of the pot, and therefore the soil, was significantly increased. In all of the above cases, the root system of the flower suffers.

Kalanchoe leaves wither if the soil in the pot does not have time to dry between waterings, plus the temperature is low. The optimal temperature for the plant is +18...+25 degrees. In such cases, watering is carried out after the soil has dried to half the pot. Some “drying” of the plant will benefit it. If the temperature drops to +17 degrees or lower, the plant enters a period of rest. The life processes of the flower slow down, including the amount of moisture consumed. Now between waterings the soil in the pot should dry halfway. At low temperatures, excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. Damaged roots can no longer absorb moisture, and therefore Kalanchoe leaves wither even in moist soil.

What to do? First you need to let the soil in the pot dry. The next watering is carried out when the soil dries to the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to add 1 drop of cycron per 1 liter of water to water for irrigation. Be sure to provide the plant with artificial lighting (phytolamp, cold light fluorescent lamp). Summer Kalanchoe is best placed on windows facing east or west side houses with shading from direct sunlight.

To be sure, you can remove the plant from the pot without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball and inspect the roots for rot. Rotten roots are flabby and brown in color. Healthy roots are elastic and light. Rotten roots are removed and the plant is returned to the ground. In this case, you need to reduce the volume of the pot. The size of the latter must correspond to the size of the root system. In a large pot, the roots may rot back. After replanting, the air humidity around the Kalanchoe is increased (spraying, placing a container of water near the pot). Watering is poor, bright, diffused light.

Limp leaves of Kalanchoe after transplantation indicate a violation of the root system. Like any plant, Kalanchoe does not like it when the integrity of the earthen coma is violated during transplantation. In such cases, the smallest roots, which participate in the process of nutrition and moisture absorption of the plant, suffer. When completely replacing the soil, it is very easy to tear off these small roots, but they are not restored immediately. That is why replanting with a complete replacement of the soil is also called a rough replanting and is resorted to only in the most extreme cases, for example, when the roots of a Kalanchoe rot. In all other cases, replanting is carried out by careful transshipment or is limited to replacing the top layer of old soil with a new substrate.

Very often, during transplantation, the volume of the pot is significantly increased. After which the Kalanchoe leaves wither. The explanation is simple: there is soil in a large pot that is not occupied by the roots of the flower. An excess of moisture accumulates in this soil and between waterings the excess soil does not have time to dry out, which leads to waterlogging of the plant and rotting of its root system.

What to do if Kalanchoe leaves wither after a rough transplant or a significant increase in the volume of the pot? It is necessary to normalize watering. The lower the temperature, the less often the plant is watered. Zykron is added to the water for irrigation (every two waterings on the third). Increase air humidity around the flower. Provide bright but diffused light. In winter - artificial lighting, in summer - windows on the east or west side with shading from direct sunlight.

Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom? Kalanchoe lays buds for flowering only in conditions favorable for this. Firstly, the plant needs winter rest. To do this, it is placed in that part of the room where there is a lot of light in winter. This is the main condition. Without lighting, Kalanchoe does not set buds and does not bloom. The second condition is a low temperature of +16 degrees, no higher. The third condition is very infrequent watering, in which the lump of earth is kept dry without the plant drying out. The fourth condition is regular feeding during the period of intensive growth and development of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe leaves have black spots. They look like small warts and protrude slightly above the surface of the leaf blade. Similar black spots on Kalanchoe leaves are the result of waterlogging of the soil and the simultaneous action of cold air currents. Ways to eliminate the problem - it is necessary to prevent cold air flows from entering the flower and moderate watering.

Silvery spots on Kalanchoe leaves in the form of streaks. What to do with Kalanchoe leaves? The leaves of Kalanchoe were affected by a disease - thrips. They appear on the plant in dry air, lay eggs in the leaf tissue, which gives rise to a characteristic pattern. Plant larvae also live in the thickness of the leaf. That is why the spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe gradually increase in size.

How to treat Kalanchoe leaf disease? In this case, contact medications will not help. Systemic treatment with Aktara or Confidor is required. It is necessary to spray and shed the soil with preparations not only on the affected plant, but also on all the flowers in the apartment or house, since thrips easily move through the air and easily infect other plants. For spraying, you need to dissolve 4 g of Aktara in 5 liters of water. For irrigation, the concentration of the solution is reduced, 1 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of liquid. The treatment is carried out 4 times. Treatment interval is 7-10 days. The higher the temperature of the plants, the more often they are sprayed and watered with Aktara solution.

Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry. If this lower leaves and the plant has not been rejuvenated for a long time (the plant is more than three years old and has not been re-rooted apical cuttings), there's nothing wrong with it. Kalanchoe's lower leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off due to their aging. Recommendations from experts - in the spring it is necessary to rejuvenate the plant by re-rooting it with apical cuttings.

If the young leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow and dry out. It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of keeping the flower. Thus, Kalanchoe leaves dry and fall off in the middle of the crown in winter if the flower is placed near heating devices. Hot air currents from the battery dry out the plant, its leaves turn yellow around the edges. The problem can be solved by increasing air humidity. Next to the pot with Kalanchoe, place a container filled with water or wet expanded clay. As water evaporates, it will increase the humidity of the air.

Kalanchoe leaves wither if the plant is overcooled or if it is periodically exposed to cold air. In some cases, dark brown spots appear on Kalanchoe leaves. Such leaves of Kalanchoe fall off over time. Dark brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe are dropsy, which appear when the soil in the pot is excessively moistened and parallel currents of cold air act on the plant. These spots also appear if Kalanchoe leaves come into contact with cold glass or the plant is frostbitten during transportation.

What to do if Kalanchoe leaves wither and are covered with raised, dark brown spots called dropsy? Normalize the conditions of detention, namely, the temperature in winter should be within +16...+18 degrees. Do not allow cold air to reach the plants. For example. from an open window. Watering is carried out very sparingly. The soil in the pot should dry completely between waterings. This can be easily determined by the weight of the pot. Dry soil is light. It is necessary to water rarely, but abundantly. so that the soil in the pot is completely wet. Excess moisture from the pan after watering is immediately removed. It is recommended to water Kalanchoe with settled water heated to +35 degrees.

Brown spots have appeared on the stem of the Kalanchoe, and in some places the stem is covered with a gray coating. At the same time, the flower continues to grow. Reason: waterlogging of the soil. As a result, the stem became corked due to unfavorable conditions. Ways to eliminate the problem: moderate watering, do not spray for a while.

By giving him necessary care, you will achieve both proper development and flowering.

But if it starts to hurt, its leaves become stained, or you find small insects on it, you need to take immediate action.

Leaf diseases

Yellowing of leaves

Why does Kalanchoe turn yellow? and what to do about it? This usually happens after flowering. The stem is stretched and exposed from below.

This is a sign of exhaustion. New soil and intensive fertilizing are needed.

Replant the plant in a new substrate. After transplanting, feed it with Zircon solution.

Why do Kalanchoe often The leaves turn yellow and dry at the tips? This is primarily due to a lack of boron and the flower needs to be fed with fertilizer containing a high content of this substance.

Curling leaves

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl? Kalanchoe leaves curl, most likely due to damage to the root system.

The reason for this is excess water. Remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots.

Damage must be cut out, the healthy part must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Then treat the cuts with charcoal powder and plant the surviving part in fresh soil.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl?

If leaves curl and at the same time change color to burgundy, which means that the plant is in a place that is too lit, it for a long time direct rays fall during the day.

In this case, shade the flower and spray it during the day.

The leaves are falling

Why does Kalanchoe shed its leaves? U Kalanchoe fall off leaves due incorrect content in winter. This happens when the flower is kept in a stuffy room, next to heating radiators.

If you notice this, move it to a cooler room. It is advisable that the temperature in it should not exceed 15 degrees. In this case, the winter will pass without losses.

So why leaves are falling in Kalanchoe and what to do? Another reason for this may be coolness that is not combined with humidity - it appears on the leaves. mold or black spots. It's a fungus. Fungicides will help destroy it.

Why does Kalanchoe wither?

What to do if Kalanchoe withers? Why does the plant have soft leaves? The reason depends on the age of the plant.

If it is young, then such signs indicate a lack of water. But this is not necessarily related to quantity.

If the root is rotten, then moisture does not enter the leaves, but accumulates in the soil.

This can also happen with irregular watering.

If the soil dries out too much and then is watered too much, the plant may also wilt.

Watering should be done when dry, not dry.

In an adult Kalanchoe, the leaves wither due to aging. Rejuvenate him. Separate the cuttings and replant.

Black spots on leaves

If Kalanchoe leaves turn black, this indicates the presence of a fungus. This occurs due to an excess of moisture, the soil does not dry out and its aeration is impaired.

Change the soil, increase its looseness by adding sand. Adjust the watering in the future and then the leaves of the Kalanchoe will not turn black.

Brown spots on leaves

Dry brown crusts on the leaves - it's Kalanchoe disease, called dropsy. It arises from temperature changes combined with waterlogging.

Move the Kalanchoe to a warmer, drier place and reduce the amount of water used. Make sure that cold air does not come into contact with it, for example, when ventilating.

White coating on leaves

Kalanchoe covered white coating due to the fact that irrigation water too hard. It contains salts and lime impurities.

It needs to be softened: settled, filtered. The best remedy is freezing and then thawing.

To soften once a month you can contribute to it citric acid on the tip of a knife per liter. You can add three percent vinegar - 1 teaspoon per liter. The liquid with acid is left to sit for two days so that all the salts settle, then drained and used for irrigation.

The leaves have fallen

Mainly Kalanchoe lowers the leaves due to the fact that the plant is freezing. This often happens when overflowing in a cold room. Move the Kalanchoe to a warm, dry room.

If it does not recover, change the soil. Plant the plant in almost dry soil and water only after 1-2 days, when the excess moisture has gone.

Kalanchoe grows upward and does not bloom

A special feature of Kalanchoe is its abundant flowering in the first year of life. So why does the flower then grow upward and not bloom? After the primary flowering, it enters a dormant phase.

Starts stretch upward and does not bloom, accumulate leaves. To make it produce new buds, you need to form a bush.

Cut off the tops and root them. You will get new plants, and old specimens will begin to accumulate strength for budding.

What to do if Kalanchoe stretched out? Remove the top couple of leaves from such shoots. After this, new shoots will grow on them.

Do this until your flower becomes a lush, rounded bush.

To stimulate flowering, they also reduce daylight hours to 12 hours. Clean up dark place Kalanchoe at 7 pm, and at 7 am put it back into the light.

Why do Kalanchoe have small leaves?

The leaves become smaller and dull due to lack of light. Kalanchoe needs bright light as long as possible during the day.

This is especially necessary during the period of bud formation and flowering, since at this time it needs a lot of strength. Fertilize once every 14 days.

Chewed leaves

Why does Kalanchoe have nibbled leaves? Sometimes holes appear on the leaves, as if someone had chewed out pieces. These are burns that occur when spraying in direct sunlight.

The drops act like lenses, and the sun burns through the delicate skin. These areas turn into small holes.


Leaf diseases and pests of Kalanchoe:


Diseases of leaves of flowering Kalanchoe and treatment

Late blight rot

Brown spots indicate infection. The reason is excessive watering, poor ventilation.

In addition, this can happen due to a difference in soil and air temperatures of more than 8 degrees.

To prevent this disease from occurring, Kalanchoe should be planted in a loose substrate for good ventilation of the roots.

If disease develops, stop watering.

You can replace part of the soil with new one. It is also necessary to treat with fungicides (Profit Gold, Ridomil)

Gray rot

When it occurs, weeping spots covered with a gray coating appear on the leaves and stems. Like other diseases, gray mold develops when there is an excess of moisture in the soil and air, poor ventilation, and lack of light.

Treatment will help get rid of this systemic fungicides(“Fundazol”, “Rovral”)

Powdery mildew

The disease manifests itself in the form of white spots with a powdery coating, similar to mold on the leaves.

As a result, the leaves die.

The reason for the development of this disease is low humidity and high air temperature.

Under such conditions, the elasticity of the leaves suffers and they become vulnerable to fungus.

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the watering rules. Spraying with Topaz and Fundazol will help.

Pests of Kalanchoe


One of the most dangerous enemies. These are small greenish-black sucking insects that cover the leaves first on the underside. Gradually the entire plant becomes covered with the pest. The leaves begin to lighten and become sticky.

This happens because the aphid secretes a toxic substance. The breathing of the leaves is disrupted, and the plant may die. Aphids also get into flower buds; they do not bloom and fall off.

Infection by aphids is also dangerous because it carries hundreds of viruses. And its secretions are a breeding ground for fungus.

Leaves affected by aphids are cut off and burned. Healthier parts are treated with insecticide. good auxiliary is laundry soap. Surfaces are washed with its solution before treating with poison.

But it will not be possible to destroy aphids in one go. Treatment is carried out 4 times at weekly intervals.


Why do they turn yellow and the lower leaves of the blooming Kalanchoe fall off? This insect is approximately 2 millimeters in size, its body is covered with a brown shell - scale insect.

This coating protects the scale insect from poisons, making it difficult to fight.

Why do Kalanchoe plants dry out and leaves fall off? This happens because the scale insect settles on the underside of the leaves. Thus, they contribute to disruption of their nutrition.

A plaque of insect colonies appears. Plus, sooty fungus grows in the thyroid secretions. This worsens the condition of the plant.

Prevent infection scale insects are possible ventilation of the room and spraying m (scale insects do not like moisture). If the pest does appear, collect it and wash all surfaces with a solution of laundry soap.

Before doing this, wipe them with vodka or alcohol, this will make the scale insects easier to wash off. There are no special poisons produced for this pest, so use any.

What to do if Kalanchoe still dies? There are folk remedies against this pest. This is an infusion of garlic - 6 cloves per glass of water, infused for 3-4 hours and filtered.


Mealybug- sucking insect white. You can notice it with the naked eye.

To the question why the leaves of Kalanchoe dry out, one can answer that the plant is affected by scale insects. It covers the leaves with a waxy coating, the entire above-ground part, and multiplies with enormous speed. A sooty fungus settles on the excretions of scale insects. Kalanchoe affected by scale dries and does not develop.

Prevention against scale insects is cleanliness. Wash and spray Kalanchoe regularly, remove dried leaves.

If you notice the appearance of a pest, take action immediately.

Wash off the scale insects with soapy water and a cotton swab. Then spray the plant three times with an interval of 10 days with infusion of tobacco, garlic, or treat with alcohol tincture of calendula.

If you Kalanchoe leaves dry, this means the plant is severely affected by scale insects, carry out 3 treatments at the same interval with the preparations “Aktara”, Tanrek”, Fitoverm”, “Mospilan”

How to revive Kalanchoe?

If your pet is severely damaged and in this form is no longer pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to restore it. There are several ways:

Pick up optimal place for its existence, follow the care recommendations, avoid damage by insects, and it will thank you with long and very decorative flowering.

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Why is my Kalanchoe dying? How to revive Kalanchoe? Let's look at the problems with a house plant and tell you how to revive a succulent?

How to revive Kalanchoe?

Kalanchoe does not often cause the gardener to worry - the leaves and inflorescences develop well from season to season. The plant is unpretentious and develops steadily. Why does Kalanchoe fade?

Why does Kalanchoe wither?

  • Filled it up.
  • Direct lighting.
  • Temperature changes.
  • Little moisture (soil or air).

The main indicators of care can be both a saving oasis and the death of Kalanchoe. The plant does not like direct light, but diffused and volumetric light from an eastern window is necessary for development.

An increase in temperature, as well as a sharp decline, have equally negative effects on Kalanchoe.

It will not be possible to revive the roots if they are systematically flooded. It is possible that the leaves wither and curl - then the problem is a lack of moisture, both with direct watering and air humidification.

How to restore Kalanchoe?

Start with the care indicators that failed. Give Kalanchoe back confidence in “tomorrow.” Adjust the temperature, lighting volumes and daylight hours, dry the soil before the next watering and alternate moistening with periods of moisture evaporation, adjust fertilizing.

After the main indicators are normalized, begin resuscitation of the Kalanchoe itself.

How to revive Kalanchoe:

  1. Dry the flooded roots. Replant in a dry substrate to prevent the development of rot. Treat the soil with a fungicide. Water moderately.
  2. Add water or humidify the air if this was the reason for the death of the Kalanchoe.
  3. Rearrange to suitable place, if the temperature and lighting are not suitable.

Preparations to revive Kalanchoe

You can bring Kalanchoe back to life fungicides – These are special complexes that suppress the development of fungus. Let us remember that Kalanchoe is susceptible to powdery mildew, gray rot, and late blight. Preventing the development of diseases is better than treating the consequences.

Do I need to prune Kalanchoe?

Withered, rotten shoots, as well as diseased roots, can be cut off. When repotting, focus only on the root system. Do not combine pruning of the surface part with resuscitation of the roots. The cut areas can be sprinkled with both fungicide and charcoal to prevent rotting.

What kind of land is needed to transplant Kalanchoe:

- 1 part sand.

- 1 part leaf soil.

- 1 part turf.

Steam or pour hydrogen peroxide. By the way, a peroxide-based solution not only disinfects, but also saturates with oxygen. The root system will begin to develop faster. Take a pot maximum 2 cm larger in diameter. Replant as necessary, but in the future – once a year, in early March, before active sap flow.

↓ Share in the comments the reasons for your Kalanchoe’s illness and how you revived the plant?

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Why do the leaves of flowering Kalanchoe turn yellow?

Can Kalanchoe be planted outside?

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn black?

In what soil should Kalanchoe be planted?

Do I need to prune Kalanchoe after flowering?

How many times should I water Kalanchoe?

Many people have Kalanchoe growing at home. Caring for this plant is not difficult, but in some situations the flower withers. Moreover, this composition is typical for both the stem and leaves. This article will tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

  • 1 Why does it wither
  • 2 Diseases
  • 3 Video How to help a plant
  • 4 Pests
  • 5 How to revive a plant
  • 6 Videos How to grow a healthy Kalanchoe flower

Why does it wither

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant and therefore very easy to care for. But if the care is not correct, some problems may begin. For example, the flower will take on an unsightly appearance and will have limp leaves. They will be soft in consistency, and if nothing is done, the leaves will soon fall off.

The following points can lead to such a situation:

  • overwatering the plant. Kalanchoe is capable of accumulating water to some extent in its leaves. That’s why they look fleshy and dense near the flower. And if you flood the plant, the leaves will begin to fall;
  • insufficient watering. Of course, Kalanchoe can remain without water for some time (even an earthen crust may appear in the pot), but if watering is insufficient, the leaves will dry out. During prolonged drought they fall off;
  • water indicators. “House Doctor” should be watered with settled and soft water. Otherwise, various diseases and other manifestations of poor health of the flower may appear;
  • light mode. For some varieties of Kalanchoe, a negative factor for growing at home is exposure to direct sunlight on the leaves. In this case, the leaves may curl and brown spots appear on them, which indicate that the leaf blade has been sunburned;
  • temperature regime. When the wrong temperature regime is created, the leaves of the plant also begin to dry out and fall off.

It is very important to properly monitor the flower during the dormant period and in winter. In this situation, even slight fluctuations in the parameters described above can lead to the leaves beginning to fall and the plant itself to become sick.

Also, yellowing of the leaves occurs after the end of the flowering period and indicates depletion of the plant. Here the leaves fall from below, thus exposing the stem, which begins to stretch. During this period, the flower is most susceptible to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid this, it is necessary to fertilize Kalanchoe immediately after the end of the flowering period.

If the leaves dry out, this indicates a lack of micro- and macroelements (for example, boron). To restore proper nutrition, you need to do additional feeding of the plant. Why a flower withers can be answered differently depending on its age. In young plants, improper watering is often the reason for the appearance of spots on the leaves, which leads to their falling off. The sluggish appearance of the flower indicates insufficient or irregular watering. In this situation, you only need to do one thing - normalize proper watering.

But for old plants, this condition may be a consequence of the natural aging process. There is no need to do anything in this situation, since Kalanchoe can no longer look different for natural reasons.

This is why homemade Kalanchoe withers. But this is only part of the reasons. To the question “why does the plant wither?” You can give a completely different answer - the plant began to hurt. When a flower sheds its leaves, the first thing you might think of is disease. And only then about the fact that caring for him was incorrect. If the plant begins to hurt, then the first symptoms will be a sluggish appearance, small and underdeveloped leaves, as well as the appearance of various spots on them.

The reason why this houseplant began to hurt should also be sought in its care. A very common cause of disease development in domestic Kalanchoe is overwatering. The root system of succulents is very sensitive to moisture and if there is too much moisture, the roots begin to rot. As a result, a favorable environment is formed for the development of many pathogenic microorganisms, as well as insect pests.

As you can see, the reasons why the “house doctor” withers can be different. But the most important parameter that you should think about first when the Kalanchoe leaves begin to fall off is improper watering.


If improperly cared for at home, Kalanchoe becomes susceptible to various types of diseases. External manifestations of flower disease can be different. If this plant is sick, black spots and even mold may appear on its leaves. At the beginning, the spots will be small, and then they will begin to increase in size. The appearance of spots on the leaves indicates that the Kalanchoe has been infected by a fungus. To get rid of it, it is necessary to completely spray the plant with fungicides.

The main reason for the appearance of fungus and black spots is severe waterlogging of the soil, as well as a violation of its aeration. Therefore, it is not enough to simply spray the flower with fungicides; you also need to transplant the plant into another pot with new soil.

In addition, brown spots may appear on the leaf blade. Their appearance indicates the presence of a disease called Dropsy. It develops with a combination of waterlogging and temperature changes. To get rid of this disease, you need to move the pot to a drier and warmer place, and also reduce the number of waterings. Sometimes you can notice a white coating on the plant. This means that watering was carried out with too hard water with a high content of lime and salts.

Video: how to bring roses to life in a vase

Kalanchoe, in addition to the conditions described above, can also be subject to the following diseases:

  • late blight rot. When it occurs, brown spots form on the leaves. The reason for the appearance is poor ventilation, temperature changes between soil and air, or excessive watering. To combat the pathogen, it is necessary to eliminate negative influence factors and treat the flower with fungicides;

  • gray rot. As this disease develops, weeping spots appear on the stems and leaves, which are always covered with a gray coating. The main reasons for the appearance are excess moisture, insufficient light conditions and poor ventilation. The means of control are the same as for late blight rot;
  • powdery mildew. This disease manifests itself in the form of white spots with a powdery coating. Outwardly, they resemble mold. As a result of this disease, leaves fall from the stems. The causes of the disease are considered to be high air temperature and low humidity.

As you can see, improper care of the “house doctor” can lead to its infection with fungal microorganisms and treatment will be required to avoid death.

Video How to help a plant


Kalanchoe is often grown at home and is rarely attacked by pests. But if care is improper, the plant can become a reservoir for harmful insects.

  • scale insect
  • worm.

Let's look at each pest in more detail.

Aphids are the most dangerous enemy for Kalanchoe. Aphids are small greenish-black sucking insects. It initially lives on the underside of the leaf and eventually spreads throughout the plant. In the presence of such a pest, the leaves begin to lighten and become sticky to the touch. This is the result of the action of aphids, which secrete a toxic substance. In this case, Kalanchoe does not bloom, and the buds that appear wither and fall off.

The danger of infecting flowers with this particular insect is that the aphid becomes a carrier of many viruses and creates optimal conditions for the development of the fungus. The fight against it involves destruction by burning the affected stems and leaves, as well as treating healthy parts with an insecticide. It will not be possible to destroy aphids in one go. A minimum of 4 treatments are required at one week intervals.

Video: Kalanchoe

Scale insects are less dangerous for Kalanchoe. This is a small insect (2 mm in length) with a scale insect that covers its entire body. Settles on the underside of the leaf, forming colonies. A sooty fungus develops in the secretions of this insect. If it appears, then the surface of the leaves and the flower should be treated with a solution of laundry soap.

The scale insect or RјSѓS‡РЅРёСЃС‚ый червь has a white appearance and is clearly visible on the green leaf. As a result of its activity, the leaf becomes waxy. Promotes the development of sooty fungus. To prevent it from appearing, spray the plant regularly.

How to revive a plant

To revive Kalanchoe, you need to do the following things:

  • organize proper care;
  • eliminate pests or pathogenic microorganisms;
  • pinching;
  • apply fertilizers;
  • maintain optimal humidity, light and temperature conditions.

All these manipulations will help you restore the plant after illness or insects on it. This is the only way Kalanchoe will delight you with health and beautiful flowering.


Dieback lower leaves- the process is natural, there is no need to be afraid of it.

The biggest problem when keeping Kalanchoe is waterlogging - this causes the plant to rot very easily.

Do not get carried away with watering, otherwise the entire plant may die. It is better to water Kalanchoe rarely, so that the soil has time to dry out to the entire depth of the pot between waterings.

Watering can also be done in a tray, but the water should not stand in it for more than 1-2 hours; it must be drained on time. It is best to carry out combined watering - through the top of the pot and into the pan.

You should not pick off the leaves; it is better to cut them off with a sharp knife at the stem or allow them to dry on the plant, releasing all the nutrients back.

Kalanchoe loves a bright location and moderate temperature, warm in summer, cool in winter. In winter, the optimal temperature is 13-15 degrees (not lower than 10 degrees); the soil is left almost dry. Under the hot rays of the sun, the leaves of Kalanchoe turn red, so from spring to autumn it is better to keep the plant on the windowsill of an eastern or western window, and in winter - on a southern window.

After Kalanchoe has finished flowering, its flower stalks are cut off and the pot with the plant is placed on a shady windowsill; it begins a period of rest. For a month after flowering, Kalanchoe is almost not watered, then it is moved to a well-lit place and normal watering is resumed (limited, after the soil dries). Kalanchoe Blossfeld does not require spraying.

Kalanchoe is replanted annually after the end of the spring dormancy period; the substrate is made up of a mixture of leaf, compost soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. Kalanchoe is fed from March to August, applying cactus fertilizer once a month; Kalanchoe Blossfeld is fed with flower fertilizer every 2 weeks.

either the roots are flooded or vice versa there is not enough water

It’s definitely a matter of watering it too much, most likely the soil ball is still wet, and in the worst case, the roots or part of it have rotted. better check the roots

flooded or frozen

Perhaps the window is too hot and the soil dries out quickly. Perhaps the roots are rotting. Is it blooming? “So you have to leave offspring, even if with all your might.” Source: from experience


Kalanchoe dries: why it appears yellow leaves? Read in today's article about the reasons why Kalanchoe leaves dry out and fall off? Basic ways to restore Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe can be:

  • Do not water for a long time;
  • Almost no feeding;
  • Place anywhere;

Then why do most flower growers complain about problems with leavesthey turn yellow, dry out, and fall off. Excluding the natural stages of the life cycle, we suggest immediately determining for what reasons Kalanchoe leaves dry and fall off.

We would like to point out right away that Kalanchoe reacts differently to sunlight. Leaves may dry out on the upper tiers due to insufficient lighting, but they may also turn yellow along their entire length, which will indicate an excess of sunlight in the room. Place the Kalanchoe so that the room is flooded with light, but the plant is not clearly in the path of the sun's rays. The length of daylight hours and the volume of lighting increase gradually with the arrival of spring.

In early spring, Kalanchoe is exposed to new weather conditions, so moderate watering and gentle feeding are required. From mid-spring you can spray leaves, apply fertilizer to spilled roots and water with settled water, but for now leave the flower to calmly adapt - he is like an owl person by temperament at 5 in the morning, who does not yet understand what they want from him.

How to fertilize Kalanchoe: potassium + phosphorus.

Pests on the plant, of course, need to be killed, quickly and accurately. Insecticides and acaricides will help with this: "Aktellik", "Dichlorobiphenyl", "Fitoverm". Treat Kalanchoe according to the instructions, in a well-ventilated area, do not come into contact with the solution and do not inhale its vapors.

Kalanchoe diseases: spots, mold, powdery mildew, fungus on stems and leaves, dropsy. When a disease is detected, the affected part is immediately cut off, then the cut site is treated with fungicides, for example “Acrobat”, and the rest of the plant after a few hours is spilled or sprayed with a lightweight version.

Since no disease occurs without a cause, it is necessary revive Kalanchoe due to the normalization of care: restore the air temperature, which, in all likelihood, affected the flower spasmodically; place in the same moderately lit place; do not overfill or feed, but do not forget that these are basic and necessary procedures; control air humidity; water with soft water without chlorine or salt impurities.

The main ways to revive Kalanchoe:

  1. Eliminate the acute cause using medications;
  2. Carry out complex therapy for recovery;
  3. Trim affected areas;
  4. Normalize home care and related criteria;
  5. Continue to care for Kalanchoe moderately and unobtrusively;

↓ Write in the comments why your Kalanchoe began to dry out and fall off? How did you solve the problem? What else would you like to add to today’s post?



Leaf diseases

Yellowing of leaves

Why does Kalanchoe turn yellow? and what to do about it? This usually happens after flowering. The stem is stretched and exposed from below.

This is a sign of exhaustion. New soil and intensive fertilizing are needed.

Replant the plant in a new substrate. After transplanting, feed it with Zircon solution.

Why do Kalanchoe often The leaves turn yellow and dry at the tips? This is primarily due to a lack of boron and the flower needs to be fed with fertilizer containing a high content of this substance.

Curling leaves

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl? Kalanchoe leaves curl, most likely due to damage to the root system.

The reason for this is excess water. Remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots.

Damage must be cut out, the healthy part must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Then treat the cuts with charcoal powder and plant the surviving part in fresh soil.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl?

If leaves curl and at the same time they change color to burgundy, which means that the plant is in a place that is too lit and receives direct rays for a long time during the day.

In this case, shade the flower and spray it during the day.

The leaves are falling

Why does Kalanchoe shed its leaves? U Kalanchoe fall off leaves due incorrect content in winter. This happens when the flower is kept in a stuffy room, next to heating radiators.

If you notice this, move it to a cooler room. It is advisable that the temperature in it should not exceed 15 degrees. In this case, the winter will pass without losses.

So why leaves are falling in Kalanchoe and what to do? Another reason for this may be coolness that is not combined with humidity - it appears on the leaves. mold or black spots. It's a fungus. Fungicides will help destroy it.

Why does Kalanchoe wither?

What to do if Kalanchoe withers? Why does the plant have soft leaves? The reason depends on the age of the plant.

If it is young, then such signs indicate a lack of water. But this is not necessarily related to quantity.

If the root is rotten, then moisture does not enter the leaves, but accumulates in the soil.

This can also happen with irregular watering.

If the soil dries out too much and then is watered too much, the plant may also wilt.

Watering should be done when dry, not dry.

In an adult Kalanchoe, the leaves wither due to aging. Rejuvenate him. Separate the cuttings and replant.

Black spots on leaves

If Kalanchoe leaves turn black, this indicates the presence of a fungus. This occurs due to an excess of moisture, the soil does not dry out and its aeration is impaired.

Change the soil, increase its looseness by adding sand. Adjust the watering in the future and then the leaves of the Kalanchoe will not turn black.

Brown spots on leaves

Dry brown crusts on the leaves - it's Kalanchoe disease, called dropsy. It arises from temperature changes combined with waterlogging.

Move the Kalanchoe to a warmer, drier place and reduce the amount of water used. Make sure that cold air does not come into contact with it, for example, when ventilating.

White coating on leaves

Kalanchoe covered white coating due to the fact that irrigation water too hard. It contains salts and lime impurities.

It needs to be softened: settled, filtered. The best remedy is freezing and then thawing.

To soften Once a month you can add citric acid to it on the tip of a knife at the rate of one liter. You can add three percent vinegar - 1 teaspoon per liter. The liquid with acid is left to sit for two days so that all the salts settle, then drained and used for irrigation.

The leaves have fallen

Mainly Kalanchoe lowers the leaves due to the fact that the plant is freezing. This often happens when overflowing in a cold room. Move the Kalanchoe to a warm, dry room.

If it does not recover, change the soil. Plant the plant in almost dry soil and water only after 1-2 days, when the excess moisture has gone.

Kalanchoe grows upward and does not bloom

A special feature of Kalanchoe is its abundant flowering in the first year of life. So why does the flower then grow upward and not bloom? After the primary flowering, it enters a dormant phase.

Starts stretch upward and does not bloom, accumulate leaves. To make it produce new buds, you need to form a bush.

Cut off the tops and root them. You will get new plants, and old specimens will begin to accumulate strength for budding.

What to do if Kalanchoe stretched out? Remove the top couple of leaves from such shoots. After this, new shoots will grow on them.

Do this until your flower becomes a lush, rounded bush.

To stimulate flowering, they also reduce daylight hours to 12 hours. Put the Kalanchoe in a dark place at 7 pm, and at 7 am put it back in the light.

Why do Kalanchoe have small leaves?

The leaves become smaller and dull due to lack of light. Kalanchoe needs bright light as long as possible during the day.

This is especially necessary during the period of bud formation and flowering, since at this time it needs a lot of strength. Fertilize once every 14 days.

Chewed leaves

Why does Kalanchoe have nibbled leaves? Sometimes holes appear on the leaves, as if someone had chewed out pieces. These are burns that occur when spraying in direct sunlight.

The drops act like lenses, and the sun burns through the delicate skin. These areas turn into small holes.


Leaf diseases and pests of Kalanchoe:


Diseases of leaves of flowering Kalanchoe and treatment

Late blight rot

Brown spots indicate infection. The reason is excessive watering, poor ventilation.

In addition, this can happen due to a difference in soil and air temperatures of more than 8 degrees.

To prevent this disease from occurring, Kalanchoe should be planted in a loose substrate for good ventilation of the roots.

If disease develops, stop watering.

You can replace part of the soil with new one. It is also necessary to treat with fungicides (Profit Gold, Ridomil)

When it occurs, weeping spots covered with a gray coating appear on the leaves and stems. Like other diseases, gray mold develops when there is an excess of moisture in the soil and air, poor ventilation, and lack of light.

Treatment with systemic fungicides (Fundazol, Rovral) will help get rid of this.

The disease manifests itself in the form of white spots with a powdery coating, similar to mold on the leaves.

As a result, the leaves die.

The reason for the development of this disease is low humidity and high air temperature.

Under such conditions, the elasticity of the leaves suffers and they become vulnerable to fungus.

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the watering rules. Spraying with Topaz and Fundazol will help.

Pests of Kalanchoe


One of the most dangerous enemies. These are small greenish-black sucking insects that cover the leaves first on the underside. Gradually the entire plant becomes covered with the pest. The leaves begin to lighten and become sticky.

This happens because the aphid secretes a toxic substance. The breathing of the leaves is disrupted, and the plant may die. Aphids also get into flower buds; they do not bloom and fall off.

Leaves affected by aphids are cut off and burned. Healthier parts are treated with insecticide. A good auxiliary product is laundry soap. Surfaces are washed with its solution before treating with poison.

But it will not be possible to destroy aphids in one go. Treatment is carried out 4 times at weekly intervals.

Why do they turn yellow and the lower leaves of the blooming Kalanchoe fall off? This insect is approximately 2 millimeters in size, its body is covered with a brown shell - scale insect.

This coating protects the scale insect from poisons, making it difficult to fight.

Why do Kalanchoe plants dry out and leaves fall off? This happens because the scale insect settles on the underside of the leaves. Thus, they contribute to disruption of their nutrition.

A plaque of insect colonies appears. Plus, sooty fungus grows in the thyroid secretions. This worsens the condition of the plant.

Prevent infection scale insects are possible ventilation of the room and spraying m (scale insects do not like moisture). If the pest does appear, collect it and wash all surfaces with a solution of laundry soap.

Before doing this, wipe them with vodka or alcohol, this will make the scale insects easier to wash off. There are no special poisons produced for this pest, so use any.

What to do if Kalanchoe still dies? There are folk remedies against this pest. This is an infusion of garlic - 6 cloves per glass of water, infused for 3-4 hours and filtered.


- a white sucking insect. You can notice it with the naked eye.

To the question why the leaves of Kalanchoe dry out, one can answer that the plant is affected by scale insects. It covers the leaves with a waxy coating, the entire above-ground part, and multiplies with enormous speed. A sooty fungus settles on the excretions of scale insects. Kalanchoe affected by scale dries and does not develop.

If you notice the appearance of a pest, take action immediately.

Wash off the scale insects with soapy water and a cotton swab. Then spray the plant three times with an interval of 10 days with infusion of tobacco, garlic, or treat with alcohol tincture of calendula.

If you Kalanchoe leaves dry, this means the plant is severely affected by scale insects, carry out 3 treatments at the same interval with the preparations “Aktara”, Tanrek”, Fitoverm”, “Mospilan”

How to revive Kalanchoe?

If your pet is severely damaged and in this form is no longer pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to restore it. There are several ways:

Choose the optimal place for its existence, follow the care recommendations, avoid damage by insects, and it will thank you with long and very decorative flowering.


The main causes of leaf fall in Kalanchoe

Despite the ease of caring for Kalanchoe, some problems may arise with this plant.

Particularly common is the sudden falling of leaves, which is difficult to explain. There are a number of reasons that contribute to the fact that Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and fall off:

Incorrect water regime. Kalanchoe requires balanced watering: if there is a lack of moisture, the leaves turn yellow, wrinkle, dry out, and eventually fall off. Also, you should not allow excessive watering: from too much water, the stem begins to wither and the leaves fall off.

Insufficient or excessive lighting. You can very simply determine what lighting mode Kalanchoe needs: if only the upper leaves turn yellow and fall off, while the lower ones remain green, this means that the plant does not have enough sunlight. In the case when the leaves dry evenly along their entire length, this may be a signal that the Kalanchoe is suffering from excess lighting.

Low humidity and incorrect temperature conditions. This plant does not tolerate dry warm air, as well as high or too low temperatures. Especially this problem relevant cold winter, when there is severe frost outside and air humidity is very low, and it is quite difficult to ensure the optimal temperature regime.

Pot size. Choosing the right pot is an important point in growing Kalanchoe. If the roots of a plant do not have enough space, this can lead to the fact that it begins to dry out due to the inability to actively develop.

The above problems are the most pressing for those who grow Kalanchoe. It is necessary to understand exactly what causes a particular plant to dry out in order to choose the right measures for its rehabilitation.

Fighting methods

To permanently eliminate the cause of drying of Kalanchoe leaves, as well as to return the plant to a fresh, healthy appearance and lush green leaves, you need to take some measures to get rid of this problem:

Proper watering. This is very easy to do, since Kalanchoe is absolutely unpretentious in this matter. It is worth watering the plant if you notice that the soil is dry. Thus, in the hot season, it is worth moisturizing Kalanchoe more often than in winter.

Optimal lighting. The plant does not tolerate direct action sunlight, so you need to move it away from the window in case of excess light or do the opposite if there is not enough light.

You should not place Kalanchoe close to window glass, as it reflects the sun's rays and can burn the leaves.

Correct temperature conditions and sufficient air humidity. This criterion is especially important since dry hot air destructive to Kalanchoe. In summer, the ideal temperature for the plant is 18-20°C, and in winter – 13-16°C. If the air is very dry, you can use special humidifiers or regularly spray the Kalanchoe with a spray bottle.

Pests of Kalanchoe

The cause of Kalanchoe leaf falling can also be specific plant pests. The main insects that attack Kalanchoe are the following:

Aphid. This pest is very dangerous for many plants. As a result of aphid infestation, the Kalanchoe may die completely, but before that it will begin to turn yellow and the leaves will fall off. Detecting aphids is very simple: small green insects are clearly visible to the naked eye. To get rid of aphids, you need to treat the leaves and stems of Kalanchoe with water and potassium soap.

To get rid of pests, you need to wipe the leaves and stems with alcohol or an alcohol-containing product.

The sooner you eliminate all pests, the greater the chance that the plant will revive and become healthy again.

While watching the video you will learn about growing Kalanchoe.

Thus, Kalanchoe leaves can fall off for various reasons: improper watering and lighting, insufficient humidity, very low or high air temperatures, as well as pests. To eliminate the impact harmful factors, it is necessary to comply with all requirements for caring for the plant. This is not difficult, but the Kalanchoe will become healthy again.



Possible causes of yellowing leaves and their solutions

Yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves is the most common reaction of the plant to unsuitable living conditions. Leaves may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • Temperature too high;
  • Incorrect lighting;
  • Non-optimal watering regime;
  • Very low air humidity;
  • Incorrect feeding;
  • Late replanting and lack of pruning.


Kalanchoe grows well at temperatures of 18-22ºС. And if the flower tolerates a slight decrease in temperature without harm, then an increase in temperature negatively affects the appearance of the plant.

If the air temperature stays around 30ºC for a long time, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and fall off. First, the oldest lower leaves of Kalanchoe dry out and fall off, but if cool weather does not set in, the young leaf blades also begin to yellow.

Kalanchoe grows best in air-conditioned rooms, where even in the summer heat the air temperature is easy to regulate. If there is no air conditioning in the room, in summer the flower is kept on the north-eastern windowsills, where it is not hot and the sun only appears in the morning.

Incorrect lighting

Kalanchoe requires bright lighting. For 2-3 hours a day he needs direct sunlight. Without this, the stems will begin to stretch and the leaves will shrink.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves dry out? Do not leave the plant in direct sunlight all day.

In this case, yellow spots sunburn on Kalanchoe leaves.

The burned leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow and the leaves dry out and then fall off.

To keep the plant green and beautiful, it is kept on eastern windows, where the sun appears only for a few hours. The rest of the time, the flower here is in diffused light, which has a beneficial effect on its growth.

Watering errors

Sometimes yellowness on Kalanchoe leaves occurs due to improper soil moisture. Despite the fact that Kalanchoe is a succulent, it requires regular watering. However, too wet soil is detrimental to the plant. It is harmed by both drying out of the soil and stagnation of water in it.

If the plant does not regularly receive required quantity moisture and the earthen ball in the pot dries out completely, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

If the plant is watered too often and intensely or the drainage in the pot does not provide outflow excess moisture, water can stagnate in the ground. This leads to rotting of the root system.

The flower stops growing, then its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off en masse.

Optimal watering regime will ensure plant health, its intensive growth and decorativeness. At proper watering The soil in the Kalanchoe pot should be slightly moist. Between waterings, only the top layer should dry out.

Very low air humidity

Kalanchoe is adapted to exist in low humidity. However, very dry air can greatly harm the plant. This is especially dangerous in combination with high temperature conditions. Under such conditions, the leaves turn yellow and dry out, and then fall off.

Most often, plants suffer from dry air during heating season . At correct content In winter, the air temperature for Kalanchoe should be reduced to 15-17ºС.

But if this is not possible and the plant is kept at room temperature, and even near a heating radiator, it may lose most of its leaves, especially from the side of the heating device. To prevent this from happening, in winter you need to keep the flower on the coldest windowsill, away from heating.

Feeding errors

Why do Kalanchoe leaves fall off? Often in Kalanchoe, when there is a lack of nutrition, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and then fall off. It is necessary to feed the plant, because it is planted in soil for succulents, which is usually not rich in humus.

During the growing season, soil depletion soon occurs. And regular but moderate feeding will provide the flower with a decorative appearance and green foliage.

This plant should be fed very carefully. Any excess of nutrients in the soil is just as harmful to the flower as their deficiency.

Fertilizing is carried out only from May to September. In other months, Kalanchoe is not fertilized.

Kalanchoe is fed 1-2 times a month with liquid fertilizers for succulents. They need to be diluted so that their concentration in water for irrigation is 2 times lower than indicated on the package.

Late timing and errors in pruning and replanting

Young bushes need to be replanted annually. Adult Kalanchoe is transplanted into fresh soil every 2-3 years. If replanting is not done or done very rarely, the soil in the pot is greatly depleted and the plant lacks nutrients. Even regular feeding does not help. The lower leaves on the branches turn yellow and crumble, the shoots become bare.

Particular attention should be paid to pruning the plant. Only a properly formed bush will delight you with beautiful, large and green leaves.

If the plant is not pruned, the old leaves will gradually turn yellow and fall off. This is a natural process, but if the shoots are not rejuvenated by pruning, they become very elongated and unattractively exposed.

Why do the tips of the leaves turn yellow?

Sometimes only the tips of Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry out. This happens especially often with recently acquired plants. The reason is the changed conditions of existence.

The leaves of the plant are very sensitive to temperature and humidity.

If the temperature in the room is significantly higher than in the garden center where the plant was previously located, then yellowing of the tips of the leaves cannot be avoided.

Decorative Kalanchoes are most often purchased in winter, when they bloom luxuriantly. Getting into a heated city ​​apartment, plants react negatively to dry air. The tips of their leaves turn yellow and then dry out. It is advisable to humidify the air near the plant at first.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves wither?

Quite often, gardeners are faced with the following problem: Kalanchoe leaves become soft, wither and soon fall off. There are several reasons for leaf wilting:

  • Lack of moisture in the soil;
  • Root system rotting;
  • A sharp drop in temperature.

Young plants that have not yet accumulated enough water in the above-ground part may drop their leaves when the soil dries out.

The leaf blades become soft, but after watering they are completely restored. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out.

If you still forgot to water the plant, drying out should not be long, otherwise the flower will shed its leaves.

When water stagnates in a pot, root rot occurs - fungal disease . It manifests itself in the withering and falling of the leaves of the plant. Unfortunately, in this case the plant cannot be saved. To prevent root rot, you must strictly adhere to the watering regime.

Causes of blackening of Kalanchoe leaves

Why do the leaves of Kalanchoe turn black - it was struck by a fungal infection. Often the flower suffers from leaf or stem rot, which occurs when there is excess moisture. Increased humidity and stagnation of air in the room contribute to this. Therefore, you need to keep Kalanchoe in a regularly ventilated area.

Often fungus occurs due to improper watering. Even if watering is moderate, but water regularly gets on the leaves and shoots of the plant, there is a high risk of infection with rot.

Therefore, it is necessary to water carefully, making sure that the water gets only into the soil and does not wet the ground part of the bush.


Main diseases of Kalanchoe, treatment at home

The main cause of Kalanchoe disease is improper care and poor conditions for the plant. Leaves and stems may develop spots, mold, plaque, small organisms, etc. You may not even be aware of why Kalanchoe leaves are falling off. Let us consider in more detail what leaf diseases Kalanchoe has and what else can be caused by improper care.

The disease is also called late blight rot. You can detect the main signs of this disease when there are brown spots or brown plaque on the Kalanchoe. This is caused poor ventilation and excess water in the soil.

In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the frequency of watering, carefully select fertilizers and carry out preventive procedures, treating Kalanchoe with fungicides for high-quality and quick fix diseases.

The first signs of powdery mildew appear in characteristic white spots with a fungal coating. This disease is associated with excessively warm and dry air indoors. This is why Kalanchoe sheds its leaves. Powdery mildew is a sign that the flower needs to be watered more often and moved to a cool place.

When powdery mildew appears on Kalanchoe, then treatment is recommended by spraying with fungicides. If you react quickly, the flower's health will be restored.

In case due to illness indoor flowers you notice sticky leaves with a gray coating that turn into mush - this means that your plant has caught gray rot. Replacing soil, regular watering, proper ventilation, treatment fungicides and good temperature conditions for the plant - all this will definitely return Kalanchoe to health.

Sometimes the trunk or stem of the plant turns black, the Kalanchoe withers, and you don’t know what to do in this case. There is only one reason here - your flower frozen.

For Kalanchoe in winter, the optimal temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. This regime gives the plant the opportunity to develop properly and not get sick.

It is also important to calculate watering at such a temperature that the plant is not subject to rotting and fungus. By the way, stem rot is another sign why Kalanchoe leaves become smaller, because a fungal disease affects the entire plant.

Leaf ring spot

When the stem of a Kalanchoe rots and circle-shaped spots appear on the leaves, this is a dangerous sign for the plant. Unfortunately, the already affected flower begins to die and it is impossible to save it.

What pests affect home Kalanchoe?

This small insect feeds on the sap of Kalanchoe and is capable of short term harm the plant. Mealybugs breed a fungus called black mold. Usually the disease occurs spontaneously, and if action is not taken, the Kalanchoe will die.

Appearance mealybug can be identified by white waxy discharge on the leaves and stems. For Kalanchoe treatment use mineral oil, which is sprayed on the leaves. Particularly affected areas are removed. However, it is useful to carry out prevention by checking new flowers and soil.

Insects like to breed in soil rich in nitrogen. If you notice that your Kalanchoe is falling off, carefully inspect the stems and leaves. If you find scale insects, remove them with a paper towel and then throw them away. Also be sure to check the plant for larvae - they look like cotton balls. To prevent pests from appearing, wipe the Kalanchoe with a delicate detergent.

Scale insects do not like moisture, so spray your favorite houseplant several times a week. And if bugs do appear, remove them and wipe the surface of the leaves with alcohol. After this, carefully wash the plant with soap and water and treat with a special insecticide. Simple and regular procedures will be enough to keep the Kalanchoe blooming and smelling.


In addition, the leaves begin to harden, bend, and a brown crust forms.

Measures to combat ticks are quite simple: treat the flower soap solution or mineral oil. If the plant is neglected, Akarin, Fitoverm or Vertimek will do.

These small insects often found on Kalanchoe plants because aphids fly in from the street through the window. She is attracted to soil oversaturated with fertilizers. Small black or green aphids love the inside of the leaves, stem and trunk of the flower.

The bugs suck out the juice, covering the plant with a sticky substance, which prevents the Kalanchoe from breathing. At the same time, the aphid injects poison inside and poisons the plant.

How to deal with this? Using laundry or potassium soap, treating the entire flower once a week for at least a month. Also effective is pruning damaged leaves and treating with insecticides.



Location and lighting

Loves bright rooms with diffused light. In the summer, it should be placed on windows located towards the west and east. Direct sunlight should be avoided to avoid leaf burns. Loves fresh air, but drafts should be avoided. In winter and during the flowering period, you can use phytolamps if daylight is not enough (the plant begins to stretch and the inflorescences become smaller). The complete absence of light also negatively affects indoor plants.

If the gardener wants the Kalanchoe to bloom, it is necessary to provide it with full lighting for ten hours, i.e. make daylight hours shorter.


Kalanchoe flower easily withstands high temperature in summer, up to thirty degrees or more. In winter, you need to maintain a cool temperature of +16-18 degrees (not lower than +10), this helps the rapid formation of flower buds. When it is cool, the flower becomes comfortable to bloom. If the room is too hot, this process is suspended.


Air humidity does not play a key role in the life of a plant. Kalanchoe feels great both in dry air and in high humidity. There is no need to spray the plant, but sometimes you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge to remove dust. After this procedure, it is necessary to repeat wiping with a dry cloth.


Moderate, with drying out of the top layer of soil. In summer - about 1-2 times a week (but do not forget to check the soil). In winter, watering should be done a minimum number of times. Kalanchoe can tolerate an insufficient amount of water, but an excess will destroy it, because... may lead to root rot. If the soil dries out greatly, the plant may shed its leaves.


For such an unpretentious plant as Kalanchoe, you can choose any soil for succulents. It can usually be found in many flower shops. A skilled gardener can create such soil himself. To do this, you need to mix peat, turf and leaf soil in equal quantities. You can add charcoal. It is necessary to put drainage at the bottom of the flower pot. (Read more about how to prepare the soil in this article).


It is enough to fertilize non-flowering species once a month during the growth period (spring-summer). They bloom once every three weeks in spring and summer, and also in autumn (for the formation of flower buds). In cold weather, you should absolutely not fertilize the plant. Even if it withers, fertilize in winter it is forbidden. It is recommended to use store-bought fertilizer for succulents or complex fertilizers(mineral and organic) with low nitrogen content.

Do not forget about this important factor in feeding the plant: the fertilizer must be diluted in warm water. Then you need to wait a while for it to cool down and then you can fertilize the flower.


It is necessary to replant a houseplant if the flower pot in which the Kalanchoe is currently located becomes too small for it. Replanting may also be required when the plant’s soil begins to rot after prolonged watering.

Young Kalanchoe requires annual replanting due to the rapid growth of roots. It is recommended to do this when the spring period ends. To replant, you need to take the plant out of the flower pot along with a small amount of soil, place it in another and water it.

Then the plant begins to slowly adapt to its new “place of residence.” In the new pot, it is necessary to maintain equal proportions of new soil and existing soil. Most often, Kalanchoe goes through an adaptation period of seven days. After which you can feed the flower. When choosing a new flower pot, you should choose wide and deep shapes. (For more information on how to replant a succulent, read this article).

How to trim and pinch correctly. Video

Pruning and pinching Kalanchoe is carried out for a more beautiful appearance plants. The operation of pruning shoots should be carried out in spring time. For the sample, use a sharp knife, scissors or blade, pre-treated with an antibacterial solution or boiling water. Overgrown shoots must be cut off by almost half. And pinching of shoots is done in the summer. Or after the plant blooms.


In propagation, Kalanchoe, as in many other things, is an unpretentious plant. Propagation by leaves of this plant is the simplest.

Plant parts for propagation include: babies, seeds, cuttings:

  • Process“Homemade ginseng” is grown in damp sand, covered with a clear jar on top, in the spring season. Or they are placed in water for germination, and then planted in the soil.
  • Seeds It is recommended to place the flowers in a flower pot under glass with any light-proof material so that they are in the dark. A couple of times a day you need to ventilate the pot and pour in a small amount of water. The soil should not be dry. (Read more about how to propagate succulents from cuttings and seeds in this article).
  • After a month, the plant needs to be planted in a larger pot and covered with film for two days. As soon as the leaves begin to appear, it must be transferred to a full-sized flower pot suitable for succulents. During the period of active growth, fertilizing can be done in small quantities. Do not forget about pinching so that the flower becomes large and beautiful.
  • The babies can simply be placed on the soil, they are accepted well.

Diseases and pests

Kalanchoe can get sick due to various factors. The most popular plant diseases are described below:

  • Aphid- this is the most serious illness for a plant. Identifying this disease is not difficult. Small greenish insects begin to spread throughout the flower. If aphids appear, the plant stops receiving beneficial compounds, the leaves become yellow, if there are flowers, they begin to fall off. This disease can even cause death. Kalanchoe flower.What to do? If the aphids have spread heavily throughout the plant, then the affected areas of the flower should be cut off and the remains should be washed laundry soap. However, if a small part of the plant is affected by aphids, you just need to rinse the flower with a soapy solution. Such liquid should not get into the soil of the flower.
  • Scale insects — This is a grayish coating of small insects. As a result, the Kalanchoe rapidly wilts, the fungus spreads, and the plant stops blooming. What to do: When removing scale insects, it is necessary to use an alcohol solution because of the mucus they secrete. After treating the plant with alcohol, you should carefully remove the insects with a cloth without injuring the plant. After the manipulations have been done, the flower will restore itself.
  • Dark spots on the trunk and leaves - signs of rotting soil and roots. What to do: Follow the watering schedule. In summer - about 1-2 times a week (but do not forget to check the soil to make sure the top layer is dry). In winter, watering should be done once every 10 days. If the ground is covered with mold or has a rotten smell, it is better to transplant such a plant into a new substrate, washing the roots in a solution of potassium permanganate.
Rot spots
  • White coating on leaves - sprayed with hard water. What to do: Stop spraying (this plant does not need it). Wipe the leaves with boiled or filtered water.
Spraying with hard water
  • Leaves turn yellow, dry, curl and fall off often the drying and falling of the lower leaves is a life cycle that forms the tree-like stem of the plant, but drying out of the soil or very dry hot air in the room (plant next to heating battery). What to do: Follow the watering schedule and remove it from a strong source of heat.

If yellowed leaves are visible only from above, your plant is suffering from a lack of light (should be moved to a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight). If the leaves turn yellow along their entire length and curl, there may have been too much bright light. solar lighting, in this case it is better to place the plant in a shaded place.

If the tips of the leaves dry out, you need to pay attention to the size of the pot; perhaps it is too small and the plant needs to be replanted. The leaves curl up - examine the plant for the presence of aphids (read about the fight against aphids above).

  • The leaves have become soft- most likely the plant was in a hot place, in the open sun, or in a room with dry hot air. What to do: remove the plant from the heat source, water if top layer the soil has dried out. in the future, observe the watering regime and place it in a shaded place with a temperature of 18 - 25 degrees.


Flowering of "House Doctor" occurs once a year. But there are ways to create auxiliary flowering of a plant, thanks to artificial lighting. At the end of autumn, beginning of winter, flower buds form. Then, the Kalanchoe blooms at the end winter period. Flowering lasts about a month. If this does not happen even in March, then it is necessary to examine the flower for the presence of pest diseases and create optimal conditions, which you can find below.

Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom?

Many people who know nothing about indoor plants, and in this case about Kalanchoe, they may not even realize that this plant should bloom. However, there are also knowledgeable gardeners.

Below we will consider the reasons why Kalanchoe still does not bloom:

  • Stays in direct sunlight for a long time. The flower also does not tolerate shade very well. Based on this, the plant should be placed in a bright place, but not in the sun.
  • The temperature regime is violated. In winter, you need to maintain a cool temperature of +16-18 degrees (not lower than +10), this helps the rapid formation of flower buds. When it is cool, the flower becomes comfortable to bloom. If the room is too hot, this process is suspended.
  • Lighting for too long. To flower, this plant needs daylight of no more than ten hours. To do this, the flower can simply be covered with some material that does not transmit light.
  • Feeding the plant too often.
  • Not following the watering schedule.
  • If the Kalanchoe does not bloom, it may be time to replant it. flower pot should be spacious and roomy. The use of quality drainage is imperative. It is worth purchasing special soil for succulents. (For more information on how to replant a succulent, read this article).

How to care for a blooming species. Video

As mentioned above, the plant is quite unpretentious. In the warm season, Kalanchoe can be moved to the garden.

In the end, I would like to note that such a houseplant as Kalanchoe can be grown by any gardener, even a beginner. If all care rules are followed, the green friend will be able to please the “owner” for a very, very long time.

Is it possible to plant Kalanchoe outside in the summer?

If you have such an opportunity, then you can drop off your home friend V open ground on summer season. To do this, you must prepare the plant for bright sunlight to avoid leaf burns. Also, if night temperatures are below +13 degrees, the plant may freeze out of habit.

In order to accustom Kalanchoe to the street, you need to start taking it outside. daytime(avoiding direct sunlight). First, a few days for one hour, then a couple of days for two to three hours, thus increasing the time of stay by an hour every day. When your plant spends the entire day on outdoors, leave it overnight. After 3-4 nights it will be possible to land in open land. Usually, small flower beds or garden pots are used to plant Kalanchoe in the garden.

If your area has very hot summers, it is recommended to shade the plant during sunny hours. And don't forget about watering. Make sure to return the plant home on time. It is best to do this in late summer - early September, when night temperatures have not yet begun to drop below +13 degrees.

It is not necessary to replant the plant in open soil. To prevent plant stress and the introduction of pests, you can simply take the pot of Kalanchoe to your garden plot.

Signs and superstitions

Medicinal plants such as Kalanchoe radiate positive energy to the person and the house in which they are located. Here's what people say about Kalanchoe:

  • This plant harmonizes the atmosphere in the house, cleans negative energy. In a family that starts Kalanchoe at home, things will improve good relationship, there will be less swearing and arguing.
  • It is customary to grow the flower on the kitchen windowsill, because... the whole family gathers there, and Kalanchoe is the guardian of the family hearth.
  • Kalanchoe blooms in families with a good, friendly atmosphere; if your plant has not bloomed for many years, it means one of the family members is dishonest in their feelings or good intentions.
  • If there is a person in your family who often gets angry or swears, put this plant in his room. It sets a person up to positive emotions, and absorbs the energies of anger and anger.

If we consider the teachings of Feng Shui, Kalanchoe belongs to the element of Fire (Plants preferring well-lit rooms). Can help people suffering from depression and despondency. Helps you find peace of mind. Recommended for cultivation by grandparents, to remove “heaviness” from the body and soul.

The teaching also helps us choose a plant to our liking:

  • If you want to attract money to your family, choose a species with small round leaves (K. Mangina).
  • To fill your home with creative energy, choose species that grow upward (K. Dergemona, felt, pinnate).
  • To ground strong energy flows, ampelous species are used, in which shoots grow down to the ground (K. Tessa, Mangina).
  • To enhance energy flows, place a plant with pointed leaves (dissected, tubular-flowered Kalanchoe) at home.
