How to water cyclamen to bloom. Feeding and proper care of cyclamen - before and during flowering. Feeding an adult plant

The main difference is the area that needs to be watered. After all, there is much more, and you can water them as you please: for this purpose, special irrigation systems and simple, familiar watering cans are used, and sometimes just buckets of water. When it comes to home crops, even simple and unpretentious ones, the possibilities are somewhat reduced.

For each plant, the optimal watering option is selected from three existing ones:

  • using a special small watering can;
  • using pallets;
  • placing the plant in a container of water for some time.

Did you know? According to the language of flowers, cyclamen means farewell. It would be appropriate to give it, for example, to a colleague who has decided to change jobs.

How to properly water different varieties

To the benefits water retaining materials can be attributed:

  • the ability to independently regulate feeding;
  • less water consumption;
  • the most complete absorption of useful elements by the plant;
  • the need to use various pesticides disappears;
  • the root system is very accessible.

Important! Cyclamen is poisonous to dogs and cats!

Disadvantages of water-retaining materials:

  • unlike the soil, which provides stability to the roots, your mistakes and shortcomings in care can quickly multiply, which will lead to the death of the plant;
  • cannot tolerate heat;
  • high cost;
  • May not apply to all plants.

What can excess moisture lead to, how can you determine the need for watering by appearance?

Excess moisture when growing cyclamen leads to rotting of the tuber and death of the plant. You can determine that a plant is over-watered by yellowing and withering leaves and by how the root system begins to rot.

But even such a plant can be saved - taken out of the pot, dried and replanted.

When cyclamen does not have enough water, the leaves simply begin to wither, without first turning yellow. Then you need to start gradually introducing more water, and watering by immersion will also be effective.

Automatic watering systems: their advantages and disadvantages

When you need to go somewhere, sometimes for a long time, and there is no one to water your favorite plants, a system for house plants can help out. But before you invest in the purchase of such an assistant or try to make it yourself from available materials, it is worth considering all the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages: Write in the comments what questions you have not received an answer to, we will definitely respond!

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Many beginners start cyclamen at home because it is easy to care for. It is watered abundantly, fed, groomed and cherished. But it still fades over time. In fact, it is true that caring for a plant is not difficult, the main thing is to observe some features. One of these features is watering cyclamen.

The most common mistake of beginners is that they try to water the flower as often and as much as possible. This is wrong. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the tuber. Cyclamen should be watered sparingly. It is important to pay attention to the pot. For a flower, it is better to choose a container with drainage system. So that all excess moisture drained and did not injure the roots.

How to water cyclamen

There are at least two optimal watering options.

  1. Using a watering can.
  2. Placing a flower pot in water.

The first method is to carefully water the flower from a watering can, without touching the plant itself. That is, you need to pour water closer to the edges of the pot. This should be done infrequently, when the soil of the cyclamens is already dry.

For the second method, you need to fill a basin, bucket or any other large container with a large amount of water. Then you should let this liquid sit for at least 10 hours. After this, the pot with cyclamen is placed in this container, leaving the edges on the surface. The plant is kept in this form for only a short time; as soon as the soil on top begins to glisten with moisture, it’s time to take it out. All that remains is to let the excess water drain through the drainage holes.

Among these two options, it is difficult to choose the best one. Both cases have been tested many times. And both cases are equally good for cyclamen. Therefore, you can choose any method convenient for you. The main thing is settled and soft water.


This is the peculiarity of care - watering cyclamen should be moderate and not too frequent. During flowering, the watering procedure is carried out as the soil becomes dry. It is important to know that it is better to underfill cyclamen than to overfill it. After all, we have already found out that excess moisture injures the tuber.

Video “Cyclamen - subtleties of cultivation”

Optimal watering frequency

The process of watering cyclamen is already clear, but the question remains - how often to water the plant? In order to answer this, it is important to understand another feature of cyclamen. The period of flowering and dormancy is atypical for ordinary plants. The fact is that in the summer, at a time when most types of flowers bloom, cyclamen, on the contrary, goes into retirement. But in winter he begins to please his owners bright colors and a pleasant aroma.

So, let's get back to watering. The plant needs to be given water moderately, not very often, as the soil becomes dry. If the leaves of a flower begin to turn yellow gradually, one by one, they must be removed. Firstly, because it's ugly. Secondly, they do not bring any benefit. Leaves begin to fall as the plant prepares for dormancy. At this time, watering should be reduced.

But if you notice that many of the leaves and flowers of the plant are withering and drying out at once, then you should reconsider the watering regime. Most likely, you are giving the plant too much water. And this is very dangerous - it leads to death. Ideally, cyclamen should be watered in equal portions at regular intervals.

In the summer, when dormancy begins, watering must be changed, greatly reducing it. However, you can’t leave it completely without water! It is also not recommended to suddenly start abundant watering - the tuber will crack. The best option watering once every 2 weeks.

After the cyclamen flower begins to produce the first shoots after hibernation, watering should be increased. At this time, you can add a few drops of “Fitosporin” to the water so that the roots of the plant do not begin to rot.

That is, home cyclamen requires different care at different times of the year. In summer, when the flower regains its strength after flowering, it does not require much water or light. Therefore, it should be placed in a dark, dry place for several months, periodically, once every 2 weeks, taken out for watering.

During flowering, cyclamen is watered as the soil dries. The flower itself is placed in a place where there is a lot of diffused light. The main thing is that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate. The more light and heat in the room in which the flower is located, the more moisture it will need.

Watering also depends on the age of the plant. Young ones need constant light watering. For adults it's the opposite. Rare, but more abundant.

Proper feeding

Any gardener wants to grow lush and bright flowers. Therefore, the question often arises - how to water cyclamens so that they bloom? The most important thing is clean and settled water. You can also add a few drops of Fitosporin to prevent the roots from rotting. And to obtain beautiful and lush flowers, solutions are added to the soil. mineral fertilizers. For example, such as “Peace”, “Ideal” and so on.

There is no need to overdo it with fertilizers, add them little by little, otherwise the plant will grow lush hair instead of flowers. green leaves. Feeding cyclamen is carried out before flowering, in the fall, and closer to winter. But after the cyclamen has bloomed, there is no need to add mineral fertilizers. In general, the size of a flower and its flowering depend not on the amount of fertilizer poured into it, but on the size of the bulb. The larger the tuber, the larger the plants will grow.

Cyclamen in a pot is an excellent option for the home. In winter, this flower pleases its owners with beautiful bright blooms and a pleasant aroma. If you figure it out, caring for it is not strong work. The main thing is to take into account all its features. Proper watering is the most important part in all plant care. Because excess moisture will quickly destroy the plant, and when watering, you should not allow water to get on the plant itself and its tuber.

Pay attention to the yellow falling leaves. They can warn of improper care or signal the beginning of the dormant stage of cyclamen. During plant dormancy, watering is reduced. And as soon as the flower “wakes up” it is renewed. Fertilizers will be useful. With their help, cyclamen gains energy for brighter and more luxuriant flowering.

Familiar to many as usual indoor flower, cyclamen is actually listed in the Red Book. Although this plant is rare, it is not so capricious if conditions are created for it at home that imitate its natural environment. These include proper temperature, humidity, lighting and feeding.

Cyclamen care

To begin with, when purchasing, you need to choose healthy, rich blooming cyclamen in a pot suitable for growing. It will be possible to replant it only after a year from now, but the optimal replanting schedule is once every two years. It is not recommended to disturb the plant too often with such manipulations. The soil used must be special soil mixture for flowering plants.

Helpful advice: if you have doubts about the purity of the soil when replanting, you can disinfect it by steaming it in the oven and adding a sufficient amount of water. In extreme cases, a mixture of sand and peat may also be suitable, which will definitely have to be treated with special ready-made preparations or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

As for lighting, you will have to try to find a middle ground with it, since cyclamen does not like either direct sunlight or constant shadow. Thus, slightly darkened with blinds south side would be the best place for him. It is necessary to ensure that the air does not become too hot and dry, even in summer.

There are often recommendations to spray water around the plant, but this has its own disadvantage, because under no circumstances should it come into contact with the tubers, leaves and flowers. Therefore there are more safe way maintaining proper air humidity - simply place a container of water next to the flowerpot and constantly refill it. Before the start of the hibernation period, when the cyclamen begins to shed its leaves and petals, it is moved to a cooler place.

In caring for house flowers, watering features play perhaps the most important role. As mentioned above, it is impossible for water to get on the leaves, flowers and the tuber itself, which should be located 1/3 outside the ground. Therefore, the following method is usually used: pour water not into the pot itself, but into its tray. From time to time you need to carefully moisten the soil around the tuber. During the dormant period, when cyclamen has dropped its leaves and inflorescences, watering should be less frequent.

Important! If liquid fertilizing is used, then it should also be taken into account as part of watering, otherwise excessive waterlogging cannot be avoided, which will cause the plant to rot.

Signs of nutritional deficiency

Cyclamen reacts very quickly to proper care. This becomes noticeable by the deforming leaves. They turn yellow, curl, spots may appear on them, or even the plant will shed them before the onset of “hibernation.” There may be loss of inflorescences or complete absence of flowering. You also need to check the condition of the tuber - it should be hard. If a dent appears when you lightly press it, there is a high probability that the flower is sick or has begun to rot as a result of too much watering or too much feeding. high content nitrogen.

With sufficient nutrition, cyclamen blooms with large, bright flowers from October to March. If the number of inflorescences has decreased significantly, they have weakened or begun to fall off, this may indicate that the plant does not have enough strength or was planted incorrectly. This is also indicated by faded flowers that have lost their size. Too short a flowering period also indicates weakness or the presence of diseases. Since some flower diseases cannot be treated, you need to pay attention to their prevention by regularly inspecting and feeding cyclamen.

Key signs of nutritional deficiency:

  • lack of flowering,
  • dull shade of petals
  • weak inflorescences and leaves,
  • loss of leaves during flowering,
  • rapid fall of petals.

Timing and frequency of application

The schedule for applying fertilizing varies depending on the period of life of the plant. During “sleep”, which occurs in the summer, the intensity of watering decreases and there is no need for replenishment in principle. By the time flowering begins, the soil should begin to be gradually moistened. This will also be optimal time for transplantation, if there is a clear need for one.

When the period of active flowering begins, weekly mineral supplement. When choosing the right moment for replanting, you need to remember that after it, cyclamen is fertilized very moderately - 1 teaspoon every two weeks and not immediately after relocation. In general, flower growers agree that even during the period of active growth, this plant should not be fed too actively. This can contribute to the weakening of the natural ability to grow and repair.

Advice: you need to feed cyclamen in moderation; it is especially important not to overdo it with weakened or diseased flowers.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Cyclamen is very suitable ready-made mixtures for indoor or flowering plants. The packaging of mineral fertilizers usually contains instructions for feeding different plants at certain periods, these are the ones that need to be followed. It is impossible to increase the frequency or amount of fertilizing; only its reduction is permissible. It is better to choose mixtures that do not contain nitrogen. As already mentioned, it can lead to rotting of the tuber or a decrease in flowering intensity.

Important! Complex ready-made fertilizers already contain all the substances necessary for cyclamen, so you should not use additional homemade fertilizing recipes. You will have to choose one thing, since the flower as a whole does not like either frequent watering or oversaturation of the soil with minerals - it needs to develop its own immunity in order to be capable of active and long-term flowering.

Fertilizing is applied only a few weeks, or even a month after replanting or purchasing the plant. Self-grown cyclamens begin to be fertilized earlier. If there is any doubt about how safe the concentration of the diluted feeding solution is, there is a way to protect the plant - first water the soil a little with plain water. This will reduce the intensity of the mixture's effects. For flowers that are weakened or already sick, the concentration of fertilizers is deliberately made lower, since they react to any influence more actively than healthy ones.

Important! Cyclamen is not a fan of soil with a high acidity level, so it does not need fertilizers that increase it.

Homemade fertilizers

Fertilizer suitable for cyclamen can be prepared at home. You need to choose those options that are applied to the soil, and not to the plant itself. Mixtures of sweet and odorous foods should be used with caution as they may attract insects. Here are some of the most simple recipes, which do not require large financial expenses and a lot of time for mixing.

Potassium solution

To prepare it, you need to buy potassium granules and dissolve them in clean water. cold water. There is no need to add potassium solution too often, although flowering plants they love him very much.

Very beautiful flower! I tried to grow it, but my first experience was unsuccessful - the cyclamen disappeared. How difficult is home care? Is it possible to get it to bloom? all year round? One of my good friends is interested in cyclamen. I really love visiting her at home. All the window sills are filled with these flowers. Moreover, they bloom almost all year round. Some stop blooming, others begin. By the way, this flower has another name - cyclomenia.

Cyclamen (cyclomenia) on the windowsill

Among its neighbors on the windowsill, this plant stands out for its bright beauty and abundant flowering. How to grow cyclamen, how to replant it, what is behind it - let's look at it in detail. This representative is notable for the fact that it blooms in autumn and winter. If you are interested in the process of growing cyclamen yourself, you can buy seeds. It is also quite possible to obtain new plants by dividing the root. It should be borne in mind that the process of growing this flower from seeds is quite long; it can take a long time for it to grow a tuber and bloom.

Cyclamen (cyclomenia), photo:

The flowering process of a houseplant begins around November and ends by March. The five-petalled cyclomenia flowers on an elegant thin stalk are very beautiful - unusual shape with bent petals. The leaves are also very decorative - somewhat similar to a heart, an openwork white (or silver) pattern adorns the dark green “canvas”. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, hybrids of this flower are periodically born, which differ in shades and patterns on the leaves.

Photo of cyclamen flowers:

Features of cyclamens, varieties

The most remarkable quality of hybrids is the ability year-round flowering. Certain varieties can be planted in open ground, use as garden flowers. There are approximately 20 varieties of this plant, but for home grown the Persian, European, Neapolitan (ivy-leaved) variety is most often used.

The most common and popular representative is considered Persian cyclamen. Flowers of this species can be the most different shades: white, pink, dark red, lilac. The plant usually reaches 30 cm in height, has a large tuber with a diameter of 10-15 cm. The Persian variety can be grown both at home and in garden plots. If you want to plant it in your dacha, then choose a place protected from the wind and direct sunlight, for example, near trees or bushes.

Persian cyclamen, photo:

The purple variety has characteristic feature, distinguishing it from its counterparts - the bottom color of the leaf has a purple tint. Also, in this species, the tuber does not protrude above the soil; upon closer examination, it is completely covered with roots. Purple cyclamen retains leaves all year round (there is no dormant period). The color of the flowers varies from white to all shades of red, the leaves have jagged edges. The plant gives color mainly in summer (June/early October), its other name is European cyclamen. The flowers of this variety have a very pleasant aroma.

European cyclamen (purple):

Cyclamen neapolitanis (ivy leaf):

Among the varieties of cyclamen you can even find those that grow on mossy tree trunks. In this case, the tree does not suffer, since the root system of the plant is not buried under the bark. In summer, wild cyclamen blooms and smells (the aroma is somewhat reminiscent of lilies of the valley), and with the onset of autumn it “falls asleep.” The height of wild-growing representatives does not exceed 10 cm; they reproduce by seeds, and insects help them. Caucasian cyclamen grows wild, can be grown at home, and is propagated by seeds and by dividing tubers. It can also be planted in a summer cottage.

Wild cyclamen, photo:

We decided to buy cyclamen - what to look for in the store

It’s hard to resist the charm of cyclamen and not buy a flowering specimen! Even if it does not bloom, the cap of leaves with gray-blue spots looks very decorative.

The question arises: where and when is it better to purchase this plant? I would like to note that the most common type of cyclamen - Persian - begins to be sold in late autumn.

When choosing, I advise you to pay attention to those plants that have more unopened buds - the more of these, the better. Naturally yours new flower should not have damaged leaves. They should be located low relative to the peduncles. It’s also worth paying attention to the tuber. A correctly positioned tuber should be halfway out of the ground. This is important, since it will determine how your cyclamen will develop further.

When purchasing, pay attention to the soil. Typically, plants from a flower shop are sold in a poor peat substrate, unsuitable for normal cultivation over a long period. Such plants should be replanted immediately, but only after the end of the flowering period.

To do this:

  • carefully remove the plant from the pot, holding it close to the root by the leaves;
  • shake off the peat from the roots of the flower;
  • we check what condition they are in - if we see rotten ones, we boldly cut them off to healthy tissue;
  • soak the roots for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate - this procedure will disinfect root system cyclamen;
  • after disinfection, sprinkle the cut areas of the roots with activated carbon powder;
  • Before planting, be sure to pour a small layer of expanded clay onto the bottom of a clean pot;
  • Any one is suitable as a substrate universal primer for indoor or flowering plants.

An experienced friend always tells me that cyclamen (cyclomenia) unpretentious flower, but you need to know some secrets.

  • Firstly, cyclamens do not like large containers. They prefer the corms to be cramped rather than spacious. That is, the distance between the nodules and the walls of the pot should be no more than 2-3 cm.
  • Secondly, cyclamen is a plant that periodically “hibernates,” that is, it requires a period of rest that lasts about three months. At this time, the pot with the fallen cyclamen is placed in a cool place. This could be, for example, some kind of storage room, toilet room, even the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable if the temperature there does not rise above 11°C. During the dormant period, cyclamen is not watered, unless the soil in the pot is completely dry. One tablespoon of water per week will be more than enough.
  • Thirdly, this is perhaps one of the few plants that does not like bright sunlight. Be sure to shade the pot with cyclamen, or better yet, keep it on a north window.

How to grow cyclamen at home, caring for it

So that this bright flower makes you happy lush flowering, you must adhere to certain rules. The plant should feel comfortable: acceptable air temperature, absence of drafts, correct lighting, timely watering - all these requirements must be observed.

How to care for cyclamen at home:

  1. The ambient temperature should not be higher than +12..15°C, if the column mercury rises above +20°C or drops below +10°C – the plant will not like it. There should be no drafts where it will be located flower pot. The presence of a heating radiator (or radiator) near flowers is also extremely undesirable.
  2. This flower requires diffused light and light shade, since direct sunlight on the leaves can cause burns. The plant needs bright light only when it blooms; the flower reacts to excessive lighting by wilting leaves and the appearance of brown spots on them.
  3. How to water cyclamen? This plant should only be watered through a tray! You cannot pour water from above; it should not get on the tuber, flowers, foliage and other parts. It is recommended to fill the tray or saucer on which the pot stands with drainage expanded clay (a thin layer).
  4. This plant prefers humid air. Here, again, expanded clay or small pebbles poured into a tray will help you. Do not irrigate the flower with water from a spray bottle. With the onset of the dormant period, it needs to be watered, but not as often as during active growth and flowering. If you notice that the plant's leaves are turning yellow, this may also be an indicator of excessive dry air.
  5. The soil for the flower should consist of equal parts of rotted leaves (leaf humus), peat, turf soil, coarse sand, vermiculite and clay. You can also buy a ready-made substrate for cyclamen (the option for cacti is also suitable).

Cyclamen - how to replant

It is best to replant in the summer. In late spring, the plant stops blooming, a dormant period begins, at which time it is no longer watered, and the pot itself is laid on its side. Around July, slowly, in small doses, watering begins again; when the first leaves appear, you can begin to replant the flower.

It has already been said that the peculiarity of cyclamen is the minimum amount of soil in the pot! But it would not be amiss to repeat that the tuber should be a little cramped; it should be buried only partially - about a third of the tuber should rise above the soil level in the pot. After transplanting cyclamen, you should not overfill the flower with water; the soil should only be slightly moistened. Only when the plant comes to life, actively puts out leaves, and adapts to a new place, can you move on to normal watering and fertilizing.

How to grow cyclamen from seeds

If purchasing a ready-made potted flower doesn’t appeal to you, you are interested in going through this whole process yourself, then try to purchase high-quality seeds. Of course you can select planting material from existing flowers, but you will have to first carry out the pollination process (using a brush or cotton swab). Pollination must be done repeatedly, from flower to flower, while the presence different varieties welcome. When the plant has finished blooming and the seed pods are ripe, pick them before they crack. Wrap the boxes in a clean cloth or paper; when they dry, they will open on their own, thus preserving the seeds.

Seed pod, photo:

To sow seeds you should choose suitable soil. Substrates sold in flower shops are also suitable. Such soil most often contains peat, leaf soil, vermiculite. If you want to make such a substrate yourself, then you will only have to mix equal proportional parts of these components. Do not forget about drainage (large polystyrene foam balls or small crushed stone); there must be holes at the bottom of the container.

The two most commonly used methods for sowing seeds are:

  1. The seed is pre-soaked cold water(for two or three days), to which a couple of drops should be added every day detergent for dishes. This water should be changed daily and its temperature should be quite low.
  2. The second option is more familiar to flower growers and gardeners - pre-processing(soaking) with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate or Epin (2 drops per 200 ml of water). For seeds, 15 hours of such a “bath” is enough; after such treatment, even old seed gets a “shake-up” and sprouts.

You can try these two methods at the same time, and then choose the one that is more effective and convenient for you.

Next, to grow cyclamen from seeds, prepare a container with holes in the bottom, lay a layer of drainage, and pour soil on top. Make grooves in the soil, place the seeds there, or moisten the soil, spread the seed on top, and sprinkle a 2-3 cm layer of soil on top. Please note that there should be approximately 3 cm of free space between the seeds.

Further care of the crops - cover the containers plastic film, place them in a cool place. As mentioned above, the air temperature should not exceed +20°C.

Compliance with the temperature regime is extremely important for cyclamen, since when the temperature rises, the transition to a dormant period is triggered, and when it drops, the seed may simply rot.

Every day you should briefly lift the film to ventilate the seedlings; if you follow these simple rules, you will be able to see the seedlings approximately - it depends on the variety. After the pinkish sprouts appear, the temperature should be reduced to +8..15°C. From the moment of germination, the growth of young stock seems to slow down, this is due to the fact that the plants are actively growing roots. After about 4 months, they can begin to be planted in separate containers; by this time, each seedling should have 2 or 3 leaves.

Subsequent transplantation of cyclamen to permanent place residence is carried out by transshipment along with a lump of earth. A pot with drainage holes, drainage material, appropriate soil - everything must be in accordance with the rules. Young tubers need to be completely buried; adult representatives, as mentioned above, should rise above the ground by half or a third.

You can start fertilizing after 6 months; complex formulations for flowering indoor plants are optimal for this. Do not forget about high-quality regular watering of cyclamen.

Reproduction of cyclamen

The most convenient and in a simple way reproduction is the division of tubers during transplantation. It’s good if your flower has already grown a daughter tuber by this time. With the onset of the dormant period, you can cut such a tuber into pieces yourself, the main thing is that each fragment contains roots + a bud. The surfaces of the cuts should be treated with green paint or thoroughly powdered with crushed activated carbon. The tuber division method really works, try it and see. Another method of propagating a plant by seeds is described above.

If you notice that your cyclamen is starting to fade and the leaves are turning yellow, what should you do? Most likely the cause is excessive lighting. Move the container with the flower to a shady place or hang thick curtains on the window. Heat and dry air can also cause yellowing of foliage.

A lack of iron can also affect the well-being of the plant: the leaves turn yellow in the same way and begin to droop. This phenomenon is called chlorosis, but adding the drug “Microvit K-1” (iron chelate) to the water for irrigation helps to cope with the problem.

Sometimes yellowing of foliage can be a consequence of spider mite- It is recommended to irrigate the flower with an insecticide. Make sure that the soil is moderately moist; too dry or too wet soil also leads to yellowing of the plant leaves.

Cyclamen has faded - what to do next?

With the onset of the dormant phase, the plant's foliage withers and dries out. Remaining leaves and flowers should be trimmed or torn off by hand, making sure that the tuber is not damaged. By this time, as mentioned above, watering should be kept to a minimum, but the earthen ball near the tuber should not be too dry. If you have the opportunity to bring a flower to fresh air, do it. The plant should always be in a cool, shaded place; if you notice new leaves sprouting, this will mean that the dormant period has ended.

The beginning of the dormant period, photo:

Sometimes the flower along with the pot is buried in a shady place on the site; replanting is done when the plant “wakes up” from hibernation. In this case, the soil and earthen ball are completely replaced, the tuber is inspected, spoiled fragments are removed, and a month after transplantation, fertilizing begins to be introduced during watering. You can buy a ready-made earthen mixture for cyclamens.

Another option for preserving tubers is described above - laying the pot on its side, replanting in July or August.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom? You can sometimes see a similar question on the relevant forums. The answer to this is proper care, following the rules when sowing seeds, replanting, and dividing tubers. It is very important to provide the plant with the required temperature regime and acceptable air humidity. Proper watering of cyclamen and timely application of fertilizers are the basic needs of the plant, the key to its future lush flowering.

Separate mention should be made of diseases and pests that threaten the plant and can affect its flowering. Timely treatment with insecticides and maintenance products is very important. Regularly inspect the flower from all sides, take action at the slightest suspicion of the presence uninvited guests or deterioration in appearance.

Cyclamen drops

It is worth mentioning one interesting and healing features this decorative flower- he is medicinal plant, whose anti-inflammatory effect was already known to Hippocrates. Today, with its help, sinusitis is successfully treated, drops, ointments, and tinctures are made. Like any other plant gifts of nature, cyclamen should be treated with caution and not be too zealous with doses and frequency of treatment.

Cyclamen root, also known as a tuber, contains biologically active cyclamine (a substance from the saponid group), which provokes increased secretion of the mucous membranes and thereby helps the natural cleansing of inflamed (“clogged”) sinuses. To prepare medicinal homemade drops based on the root of the plant, you need to take part of the tuber, grate it on a fine grater (or squeeze by hand press for garlic). The resulting pulp should be strained through a layer of clean cloth, and the resulting juice should be diluted with boiled (or distilled) water 1:4. Thus, you will receive a natural cure for sinusitis and runny nose; instill it daily, 2 drops in each nostril for 7-10 days.

You can also grind 2 g of root, pour 100 ml of boiling water over it, leave for about 1 hour, then dilute one teaspoon of infusion with a liter of boiled water and drip it into the nose.

An oil extract based on the root helps very well with dry nasal mucosa. The squeezed tuber juice is mixed with the same amount of olive or sunflower oil, left for about a day, and then 3 drops are dripped into the nose for 7 days.

Taking into account all the information, now you will know how to care for cyclamen, how to grow flowers from seeds, how to replant the plant and propagate it by dividing the roots.

Its flowers resemble bright summer butterflies perched on a thin stem, but the most amazing and valuable thing is that we can enjoy this splendor during winter snowstorms and cold weather.

For cyclamen to bloom in winter, care for it at home should include high-quality summer holiday. The root should not waste energy and nutrients on growing foliage. Despite the fact that this flower requires the same approach as most indoor plants, it is considered capricious, but the result fully justifies the investment of time and effort.

If you have recently purchased cyclamen, it is worth learning how to properly grow, feed and water this flower so that it develops well and blooms profusely. Special attention needs to be hydrated. Each plant has its own schedule of flowering and rest - cyclamen is ready to delight you with lush inflorescences in winter period. Be glad that your green pet will give you beauty during the cold season, and do everything possible to create the most beautiful favorable conditions for life and abundant development of a lush flower cap.

How to water cyclamen in the summer season?

All winter, the owners rejoiced at the bright flowering of cyclamen, dreaming that in summer time with long daylight hours and warm weather, twice as many buds will develop. Warm days have come, but the flower has stopped developing, the old flowers have withered, and new ones do not form. It seems to the grower that the plant wants to drink or eat, and he begins to intensively water it with a fertilizer solution. As a result of such care, the flower loses its strength, withers, and begins to hurt.

The secret is that cyclamen lives according to its own regime: in winter it has a period of activity, and in summer it has a period of rest. As soon as you notice that the flower has begun to produce fewer buds, sheds old leaves - reduce moisture. The plant cannot be left completely without water; it may die. Keep the soil slightly moist (excess moisture can cause root rot). The frequency of watering depends on the temperature and humidity in your apartment; on average, a plant needs 2 waterings per month.

Be especially careful with specimens whose rhizomes have become cracked as a result of improper care. To prevent the appearance of rot, add 2 drops of Fitosporin to the water for irrigation. When watering, remember one thing important rule: excess moisture is destructive for cyclamen; it is better to give it a little less water than to turn the potted soil into a swamp. Don’t demand the impossible from a flower - all winter it has delighted you with its bright blooms, now give it a rest before the next season.

If the air in your apartment is very dry, humidifying it at home will help decorative fountain or a tray with wet pebbles and moss. Cyclamen does not like droplets on above-ground parts, so there is no need to spray it with a spray bottle. As a last resort, you can spray air around the pot, but so that the mist does not fall on the flower. Do not forget that the plant is now sleeping, there is no need to offer it active nutrition or heavy watering. Don't let the soil dry out, that will be enough.

How to water a flower in winter?

Observe dormant cyclamen. When you notice that the bush has begun to produce new leaves and buds, gradually increase the amount of watering liquid and reduce the intervals between watering. Do not change the care regimen suddenly; too much moisture may cause the plant to rot. The frequency of watering depends on the age of the flower. Young bushes have weak roots; they need to be watered often, but not very abundantly. In a three-year-old cyclamen, a strong tuber is capable of creating good reserves of water and nutrients, you can moisturize it less often, and the volume of water should be larger. The following conditions must also be taken into account:

  • room temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • lighting (in the light the flower needs more water than in the twilight).

For watering you need to take soft clean water room temperature. It would be nice to use a key, melt or rain. During the flowering period, watering can be combined with fertilizing with fertilizer for violets. The flower responds very well to watering with water containing phytohormones. But do not overfeed your pet, otherwise it will produce lush greenery to the detriment of flowering. Read the instructions, it should say how often to use and in what proportions to dilute the drug. Typically, it is recommended to fertilize no more than once a month.

Water cyclamen as soon as top layer the soil will dry out. Drops of moisture have a detrimental effect on both the leaves and flowers of the plant.

  • It is most convenient to use a small watering can, the spout of which can gently moisten the soil along the walls of the pot. If you do not overdry the flower, the moisture will quickly spread throughout the entire volume of the earthen clod. With this method, the tuber will also not suffer from moisture. After an hour, drain the released liquid from the trays.
  • You can water cyclamen by immersing the pot in liquid. If tap water is used for this purpose, it should sit for at least a day. Fill the basin and place the pot in it so that the liquid does not reach the edges of the container. When a wet sheen appears on the surface of the soil, indicating that water has saturated the entire soil, you need to remove the flower and allow excess moisture to escape through the drainage holes.

Do not put several pots in one basin or use the same water for several plants. Through the liquid, infection from a diseased bush can spread to other flowers.

All winter, cyclamen delighted you with bright inflorescences, but in May it became sad: the leaves turned yellow, the buds were not visible. This means that the flower is tired, it’s time for him to rest. Place the pot in a cool place and proceed to watering summer mode. Don’t worry, during the warm season many plants will delight you with lush inflorescences, and let the cyclamen rest. In the winter cold, it will again produce numerous buds and decorate the room with an abundance of flowers. Do not disturb your pet, let the plant rest and gain strength before the new flowering season.

Mistakes of an inexperienced gardener

Each flower develops according to its own schedule. If cyclamen continues to actively produce buds in summer, reduce watering and fertilizing. Novice gardeners sometimes cut off flower buds in the spring to force the flower into hibernation. This cannot be done; the plants may die from improper care. Watch your green pets - perhaps they will begin to reduce activity not in the spring, but in the middle of summer.

Cracks on the tuber may appear in the spring, when the flower intensively stores nutrients in the underground part before hibernation. Do not overfeed the plant; water that gets into the wounds can destroy it. The rhizome can crack if the owners dry out the flower and then start watering it abundantly. Moisten the soil regularly to avoid sudden changes from thirst to too much water.

Watering and fertilizing

In the summer the flower slept, but in the fall it woke up and really wants to eat. In a short time, it needs to grow the missing leaves, form buds and produce flowers. This cannot be done without nutrients. The plant pulls food from the soil, and you must help it with this.

Cyclamen is grown indoors for beauty; no parts of it are used for food. You can safely feed the flower with chemicals; they will not cause any harm to your health. Buy at flower shop fertilizers for violets or other indoor flowers. They work very well:

  • "Kemira";
  • "Blossoms";
  • "Ideal".

If you are a supporter of environmentally friendly technologies and do not want to use chemicals even for plants that are not eaten, you can use biological fertilizers. Some people collect bird droppings, others infuse cattle manure. You can simply collect food waste in a saucepan, fill it with water and let it sit. The liquid will absorb many useful compounds, and even a small addition to water for irrigation will help indoor plants get the nutrients you need.

To indoor flowers not affected by infections and pests, you can also use chemicals, And folk remedies. If you purchase a protective chemical in a store, carefully read the instructions - is it acceptable to use for cyclamen? The drug can be added to water for irrigation. If the flower is healthy, for prevention, the soil can be treated with an infusion of onion peels, garlic or other medicinal herbs. When watering, add a healing agent to the water, and the soil will be disinfected.

Few indoor flowers delight their owners with abundant blooms in winter. If you want there to always be flowering plants in your house, place cyclamen in your apartment. This flower will decorate your home in the winter cold. It will not require special care - water the basket according to the schedule your pet needs, and he will thank you with flowers in the winter cold. New Year you will celebrate in a room decorated with bright flowers.