How to unclog a sink? Removing clogs in the kitchen or bathroom sink. How to unclog a sink - the most effective and fastest ways to eliminate it How to unclog a sink at home

07/21/2017 3 10,049 views

Plumbing fixtures often become clogged and fail, and many housewives face similar problems. To solve them quickly, find out how to clear a clogged kitchen sink at home.

Causes of blockage

Before you start cleaning, it's worth finding out possible reasons blockage:

  • corrosion, which can spread to metal elements and plumbing parts (particles of rust settle on the walls, narrow the clearance and cause a blockage);
  • low-quality tap water (impurities and solid elements contained in it accumulate inside pipes and other parts of plumbing and clog them);
  • grease plugs resulting from washing heavily soiled dishes cold water(fat does not dissolve when low temperatures, settles on the walls and disrupts the normal flow of water);
  • small solid and insoluble food residues located on dishes that have not been pre-cleaned and accumulating in different parts plumbing items;
  • foreign objects entering the drain, such as a sponge, rag, thick paper, polyethylene or hair;
  • some features of the sink design: excessively flat shape, narrow drain, small diameter pipes, small siphon, a large number of bends.

How to unclog a sink? Best practices

If your sink is clogged, you can remove the blockage using the most in different ways, and all of them can be divided into several categories. The first is mechanical methods, which involve removing the resulting plug through mechanical action, that is, practically pushing it out. But such methods will not work if the blockage is severe.

The second category is household chemicals. The products included in this group contain components that literally dissolve blockages. But you need to remember that some aggressive substances can affect not only plugs, but also plumbing elements, so you should be careful when using them.

Third category - traditional methods, when choosing which you can use the means at hand and available in every home. Many of them are inexpensive, so an undeniable advantage can be considered minimum costs. And many folk remedies are really effective and make clearing blockages quick and safe.

Mechanical methods

You can unclog your sink at home using proven mechanical methods. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. If you have a plunger, use it. It is recommended to fill the sink first hot water, but you can skip this step. Then place the rubber part of the device on the drain: it should close completely. Press down on the plunger to push out all the air and create a vacuum. Next, holding the handle, make several sharp pushes and in one motion tear the rubber cup away from drain hole. If the water begins to drain, the blockage has been cleared. If it is still standing, the manipulations will have to be repeated. If there are two drains in the sink, both must be plugged.
  2. Another option is a plumbing cable. But it is important to use it correctly and carefully so that it does not damage the plumbing. And if most of the parts are made of plastic, then such elements may suffer due to mechanical stress. Place the end of the cable into the drain and begin to push it, turning the device using the handle. When you feel an obstacle, start twisting the cable more actively, you can also move it back and forth to push the plug. Periodically open hot water: it will wash away dirt.
  3. You can break through the blockage with a vacuum cleaner, but equipped with an air flow blowing function. Its nozzle is wrapped with a soft rag to ensure the tightness of the joint. Place it in the drain and turn on the device. First, select the minimum speed, then gradually increase it so as not to damage the plumbing and gently remove the blockage.
  4. For mechanical cleaning shells can be used spanner and a screwdriver. Using these tools, unscrew the siphon, first substituting a basin or bucket. Next, you need to remove accumulated dirt using a brush, a brush on long handle or any other similar device. It is also recommended to rinse the siphon well to dissolve any remaining fat. Next, screw the part on and turn on the hot water and clean the drain and pipes of dirt.

Household chemicals

What to do if the sink is clogged? Funds will come to the rescue household chemicals. They are released in various forms: liquid, gel, granular and powder. Best to use liquid formulations, since the powder or granules may not dissolve completely and further increase the blockage, aggravating the situation.

Anti-clog liquid or product available in other forms may contain acids or alkalis. The latter are more aggressive and are not suitable for some materials such as aluminum. Acids have a relatively gentle effect and dissolve most blockages.

The effectiveness and characteristics of household chemicals are also affected by the concentration of the active ingredient: the higher it is, the faster the plug will dissolve, but the greater the likelihood of damage to the plumbing. To avoid damage, carefully read the included instructions before use.

The most popular and effective remedies against blockages are “Mole”, “Mr. Muscle”, “Steril”, “Tiret”, “Sanfor” and “Domestos”. They all have a similar application: first you need to pour or pour the contents of the package into the plumbing fixtures in the kitchen or bathroom (you can use all the sinks at once) and leave for a while, which is indicated in the instructions. Next, turn on the hot water and direct the stream under maximum pressure into the drain to completely wash out the dissolved plug.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will help remove blockages in the sink:

  1. Use salt. The first option is to pour half a glass into the drain, and then immediately pour the glass hot water. The second option is to prepare a concentrated solution (five tablespoons of salt per glass of water) and use it. After use, rinse all parts of the plumbing thoroughly, opening the tap as much as possible.
  2. Soda is effective. You can simply pour it into the hole in the volume of one glass. Wait for the product to work and dissolve the fatty deposits, and then rinse the drain with as hot water as possible.
  3. Use regular boiling water: pour it into the drain hole to dissolve the dirt. But this method is not suitable for plastic pipes, as they can become deformed and damaged at high temperatures. And then hot water can be used.
  4. Use vinegar: pour a glass into the sink, leave for an hour or two, depending on the degree of blockage. Next, rinse the drain with maximum pressure of hot water.
  5. To quickly remove the blockage, you can combine soda with vinegar: first pour a glass or a little less of the powder, and then immediately pour in the acid. A quenching reaction will begin, which will help dissolve grease and other contaminants.
  6. To remove a clog in the sink, throw five tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) into the drain hole and pour in a glass of vinegar. Wait half an hour and open the hot water.
  7. Helps deal with minor blockages washing powder. Two or three heaped tablespoons should be poured into the drain hole. Now turn on the hot water to dissolve and foam the powder and gradually remove the plug.
  8. Surprisingly, you can use Alka Seltzer to unclog a drain. Two or three tablets need to be broken and poured into the hole, then filled with hot water. The hissing will start the dissolution of the blockage, and to speed up the process and make it more effective, you can pour in a glass of table vinegar. Then rinse the drain thoroughly with hot water.

Prevention measures

To avoid this unpleasant problem like a clogged sink, it is enough to follow simple preventive measures:

  • Do not pour grease down the sink; it can solidify and accumulate in the pipes, forming blockages.
  • Before washing dishes, clean them thoroughly, removing and disposing of any food residues in the trash.
  • Protect the drain hole with a mesh that traps small particles and prevents them from rushing down the drain.
  • Constantly monitor the serviceability of plumbing fixtures and correct all problems in a timely manner. Replacement of failed parts must be carried out in a timely manner.
  • If tap water is of poor quality and contains impurities, it makes sense to install a filter.
  • Perform preventive cleanings once a week using non-aggressive methods, such as hot water or a plunger.
  • Make sure that no foreign objects get into the drain.

Hello reader! In this article, I will help you quickly clear up a clog in your kitchen or bathroom. Here I will describe three effective methods for clearing a clog in a sink using folk and improvised means that do not require extra labor or the purchase of an expensive anti-clog agent or tool, for example, a pipe cleaning cable. I will ask you in advance to write a comment below the page about whether my article helped you or not, maybe there are additions. This motivates me to write further and help other people with advice. Check out the table of contents below and let's go!

A simple and popular method is a plunger. If your kitchen or bathroom sink is clogged and you don’t know how to clean it, follow the recommendations below.

Plug the drain holes with a plunger, turn on the hot water and add a little water.

Data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?fit=300%2C129&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" Clearing a clogged sink - Water expert" width="770" height="330" srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=770&ssl=1 770w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C129&ssl=1 300w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=768%2C329&ssl=1 768w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=330%2C140&ssl=1 330w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px">!}

After filling the water approximately 5-10 cm from the bottom of the sink, without turning off the water, plug the siphon overflow with one hand (shown in the picture below), and with the other hand start pumping the plunger up and down.

If you do not plug the overflow with your hand, then all actions will be of little use. If there is no overflow, then there is no need to close anything.

Data-medium-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?fit=300%2C129&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" Creating a vacuum when cleaning a sink - Vodoved" width="770" height="330" srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=770&ssl=1 770w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C129&ssl=1 300w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=768%2C329&ssl=1 768w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=330%2C140&ssl=1 330w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px">Если у вас нет вантуза, то прекрасно подойдут ваши руки (если отверстие стандартное - маленькое), тряпка или пробка от сифона (как на фото выше). Проделываете те же действия, только температуру воды делайте, чтобы она была терпимой, чтобы не обжечься.!}

After several pumping motions like this, the water should go away along with the blockage. All that remains is to wash the sink and wait for it to clog again. If this does not help and the clog in the sink remains, then move on to the next step.

Clean the sink with soda and vinegar - Let's extinguish the grease!

If that plunger method was useless and you're up to your eyeballs in water and grease, stop, catch your breath, and swear a little. Just during this time, the residual water that I wrote about above will go away. Or at least should go...

So..., we wipe the drain hole from the water, and in some cases we somehow get rid of it and pour soda in there. In my case, I used 4 tablespoons. We water all this white powder vinegar and extinguish this fat! After 15-20 seconds, pour in some hot water for an even greater chemical process and immediately close it.

After this, everything will begin to seethe and hiss. As soon as you notice that the soda and water begin to flow well into the drain, turn on the hot water and rinse off all the exfoliated fat with good pressure. I made a special little video. Watch how I cleaned the sink with baking soda. I’ll say right away that the video is for reference and my sink was not clogged! Almost...

Clearing a clogged sink with baking soda and vinegar is much cheaper than buying expensive drain and clog cleaners. If the vinegar and soda method did not help you, then you still need to buy this product or call and use the services of a plumber, but only after the third option. Read on!

Clear a clog in the sink - 100% method

Disassembly and collection method (if possible)

I left this method for clearing a clogged sink for later, because... it will definitely help, but only if the problem is not in the sewer system, but in the siphon. If the sewer itself is clogged, then all your previous efforts were in vain and you should call a plumber to remove the blockage. Hmm... I guess I should have written about this earlier

Let's check exactly what the problem is! We take out the corrugation after substituting a bucket or basin.

We take out the corrugation from the sewer

As you can see, the corrugation is not clogged, but there is only a coating on the walls. This is fine! Now we need to check what's going on in the sewer. Let's take a look there!

The water doesn’t stand still - there doesn’t seem to be a blockage

Let's turn the water on full and see how the water flows out of the corrugation. When the sink is clogged, a small stream should flow from the corrugation. If so, then this siphon cleaning method is for you!

Napor wants better

We found out that the siphon on the sink was most likely clogged. A blockage appears in the following cases:

  1. Fat deposits
  2. Large particles in the siphon
  3. The siphon was assembled incorrectly - was the reason for writing the article

Soda and vinegar should have removed the fatty deposits, so we discard this point. The second and third points remain. To do this you need to disassemble the siphon.

After unscrewing the siphon cover, I did not see any noticeable dirt deposits. Everything was almost clean, but this was after I had already cleaned everything with soda earlier. The tube sticking out of the siphon told me what to do when the sink became clogged. When installing the siphon, this tube was not cut and it practically blocked the passage of water. When the plug is screwed in, a gap remains of about 1-2 cm. And the siphon is a sump for large particles, so over time everything became clogged.

Next, I disassembled the entire siphon, washed some parts and cut off the extra centimeters from the tube. I cut it in such a way that there would be no smell from the sewer later. The tube should be lower than the hole for connecting the corrugation on the siphon. When assembling, it is advisable to use silicone; if the gaskets become rough, it may escape from the connection. But I assembled it as is and nothing worked.

I cut the tube, but with the condition that the water seal will work

Reassemble in reverse order.

Well that's it! In this article I tried to tell you all the details. If you have any additions, write below in the comments. I will read and definitely add. If nothing works out for you or you don’t want to do it yourself, you can call a plumber and not bother with it yourself. In addition, watch the video for the information above. Bye!

If my article helped you, then you can help my project and transfer a small reward. You can specify any price, even 1 ruble. Thanks in advance!

Probably everyone modern man at least once faced with the fact that water in the kitchen remains in the sink and does not flow away. This problem is called a not very euphonious word - “clogging” - a constant companion of any sewer pipes!

And here competent cleaning is urgently needed, which, of course, is better to entrust to plumbers. But not every owner has such an opportunity, and therefore, in this article we will talk about how to clean the pipes in the kitchen on your own.

Keeping your sink in perfect condition

Four effective ways to get rid of clogs

This disease occurs, as a rule, due to the accumulation of small debris on the walls of the pipes, due to which their volume gradually decreases until complete blockage. When faced with a blockage, you can immediately call a plumber who will solve all your problems for a certain amount.

But there are situations when it is much easier and faster to do everything yourself, while saving money and gaining a little experience.

Information! Blockages are excluded only in new buildings, or after overhaul water supply in an old house with complete replacement of all pipes.

Preliminary actions

If you have a clogged pipe in the kitchen, first of all you need to determine the type of blockage - local or a blockage of the main sewer pipe (see also article). To do this, check all existing drains in the house.

If the water does not drain only from kitchen sink, then the blockage is precisely in its outlet pipe. This means that the remaining pipes will not have to be cleaned.

Pour boiling water over baking soda and pour the mixture into the drain hole.

Then pour a solution of boiling water and soda into the sink drain hole - this method is effective when a large amount of fatty deposits accumulates in the pipe. It is quite possible that after this action you will no longer have to do anything.

Method 1: plunger

1 – most often the blockage occurs in this section of the pipe; 2 – plunger bowl; 3 – an additional hole can be located in this place to drain excess water; 4 – some siphons have a cleaning hole closed with a plug.

How to clean a sewer pipe in the kitchen if the steps described above did not help? For minor blockages, the well-known plunger can help.

With its help, pressure differences are created inside the pipe, which partially destroy the constipation - this will temporarily relieve you of the problem.

  1. Remove visible debris from the sink (hair, leftover food, etc.);
  2. Remove the filter plug from the drain hole;
  3. Close the overflow protection that allows excess water to flow out (if there is one, of course). This can be done using tape, a wet rag or a special rubber plug. This is necessary so that the pressure created by the plunger does not decrease;
  4. Fill the sink with water;
  5. To ensure that the bowl of the plunger has good contact with the surface of the sink, apply some thick lubricant (for example, Vaseline) to its rim;
  6. Insert the bowl of the tool so that the water filling it displaces all the air from it;
  7. Cover the drain hole with the bowl of the plunger and, holding the handle in a vertical position, make 10-15 sharp pushes down and up;

Important! When doing these manipulations, make sure that the plunger does not come off the surface of the sink. You only need to remove the tool abruptly at the end of the entire process.

  1. Remove the plunger from the sink with a sharp movement. The clogged pipe in the kitchen should move under the influence of the forward movement of the liquid. Didn't this happen? Then repeat what is written in paragraph 7 several more times.

Method 2: chemicals

Chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes

If your kitchen drain is clogged, you can try using liquid chemicals, of which there are a huge variety today (see also article). But you don’t need to buy everything at once and pour them at the same time!

Many of our compatriots believe that the more you pour in, the faster and more efficiently the pipeline will be cleaned. This is wrong.

In addition, there are instructions that tell you how to use chemicals correctly (and it is better to follow them, for your own safety):

  • For each individual case of blockage, a specific chemical cleaner should be used. For example, acidic preparations work well with hair and soap, and alkaline preparations with fatty deposits. Therefore, before making a purchase, consult with the store seller, who will offer you one of the most suitable remedy. The price of such cleaners is low.

Important! If used incorrectly chemicals very dangerous! Therefore, first carefully read the instructions, which must be included with the product.

  • These drugs cannot be used when the pipe in the kitchen is completely clogged. Otherwise, the substance may splash back into the sink, damaging its surface, and getting into your eyes and skin.
  • Also, you should not use them too often, as they contribute to the destruction of sewer pipes.
  • Before you start cleaning, make sure the area is well ventilated. Do not allow the chemical to come into contact with your eyes, nose, or mouth (even with product fumes). It is better to wear rubber gloves on your hands and a gauze bandage on your face.
  • Under no circumstances should you mix alkaline products with acidic ones! The consequences are unpredictable (even an explosion is possible).
  • After reading the instructions, pour the specified amount of chemical into the sink drain.
  • Wait a while and then check to see if the blockage is cleared by running a stream of water.

Pay attention! Liquid cleaners only help get rid of small blockages. And if you live in a fairly old house, where sediment has accumulated on the walls of sewer pipes for decades, then this cleaning method is unlikely to help you.

Method 3: plumbing cable

Plumbing cable

Is the clog in the kitchen more serious? In this case, it would be rational to use a plumbing cable - a special tool for cleaning pipes, which any plumber has. It can also be purchased for personal use.

Please note! This tool can only be used if you have metal pipes.

A plumbing cable is a steel twisted spiral spring consisting of several layers wound on top of each other in opposite directions. As a rule, the cable is also equipped with a special handle, for more comfortable work with the tool.

The main task of the cable is to hook and pull out debris from the pipe, due to which the blockage was formed.

How to clean a pipe in the kitchen using a cable?

Its use is quite simple and effective, but to do everything quickly and competently, read these instructions:

  • To clear the cable, it would be good to find a partner - you need someone to constantly keep the cable taut. If you loosen the cable tension during cleaning, it will twist and become unsuitable for further work.
  • Before running the tool into the pipe, remove the siphon and remove all dirt from it.
  • Then insert one end of the cable into the drain hole and carefully push the cable through the pipe. As soon as it hits something, have your partner turn the handle clockwise - most likely you just hit a bend in the pipe.
  • Push the cable further until you find a blockage. Try to break through the blockage with the cable, intensifying the shocks. And don’t forget to rotate the tool - this will help you go around the bends of the pipe and wind the accumulated debris onto the cable.
  • Bring the cable to the surface and remove all debris from it. At the final stage of the whole process, all you have to do is assemble the siphon and check the sewer to clear the blockage. To do this, simply turn on the water.

If the water drains well, it means the blockage has been removed.

Method 4: Spiral Cleaning Machine

Pipe Cleaning Machine

Perhaps the most effective method– eliminating blockages using special automatic equipment for cleaning small-diameter sewer pipes. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to use it yourself, since an automatic machine is expensive and requires certain skills.

Therefore, it would be most rational to call a specialist in this field.

Advice! So that you no longer have to think about how to unclog your kitchen pipes, install special filter plugs, as in the photo below. These devices will prevent debris from entering the sewer.

However, no one guarantees that you will never encounter blockages after this. They will just occur much less frequently.

Filter plug

Sewage smell in the kitchen

If you smell an unpleasant smell from the sewer in the kitchen, you need to immediately start looking for the cause (see also article). Don't expect to drown out this "aroma" with air fresheners, and remember that it is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to health.

Let's look at the possible reasons for its appearance, and also find out how to get rid of sewer smell in the kitchen.

  1. If you live in apartment building on one of the lower floors, and there is a sewer smell not only in the kitchen, but throughout the entire apartment and in the entrance, then this is a problem with the general building sewer system. In this case, you can only get rid of the disease with the help of the housing office and a plumber. After it eliminates the cause of the smell, you can sprinkle bleach on all the pipes in the apartment.
  1. If your kitchen riser is made of cast iron and the sewer pipes are also made of it, then perhaps a crack has formed somewhere and the smell is coming from there, or in the worst case, the pipes have rotted. Having discovered a crack on cast iron pipe, seal it with cement, diluting it to a consistency similar to plasticine. If the pipes are rotten, they will have to be replaced. There may also very well be a problem with sewer riser- then it needs to be replaced with a new one. If in your kitchen plastic pipes, and you find a crack on one of them, then it is better to replace it ( plastic sewer easily dismantled and assembled).
  1. The smell from the pipes in the kitchen may be due to a blockage in the siphon. Hair, leftover food and other debris decomposes and creates a very unpleasant “aroma”. In this case, you need to disassemble the siphon and clean it.

A little about sewage pumps

Convenient use of sanitary sewage pump

There are situations when it is necessary to relocate the sewerage system in the kitchen. Therefore, I would like to talk separately about such a wonderful invention as sewage pumps for the kitchen.

They are designed for collecting and pumping domestic water in cases where the bathrooms are installed far from the riser (that is, the water cannot drain into the sewer system by gravity). In other words, with the help of such a pump you can install a sink in any corner of the house convenient for you!

For kitchen area ideal sanitary sewage pump for the kitchen - it perfectly pumps out sewage dirty waters, while maintaining high temperatures. A grinder can be built into the pump, which, if necessary, will crush and transport wastewater to the nearest central sewer.

Important! About once a year, such a pump needs to be disassembled and cleaned, since the inside becomes covered with a greasy coating and begins to smell unpleasant.

Proper planning and implementation of sewerage is a rather important task that requires a responsible approach. And, of course, it’s better to entrust it to specialists. This is the only way you can be sure that the sewer pipes were moved correctly and are working properly.

In conclusion

Everything you need to know to an ordinary person about cleaning and preventing blockages kitchen pipes, we told. You can find more information in the thematic video material.

Remember, the most effective method avoid clogging - make sure that the kitchen sink is kept clean and that a lot of debris does not fall into it. Well, if a blockage does occur, then try one by one the methods for eliminating it described in this article.


Clogging in the kitchen sink happens to every housewife. To do this, just put a small piece of potato peel or a sprig of herbs down the drain. As a result, we have to decide how to clean the sink at home faster, since it is needed for cooking and washing dishes.

In order not to have to remove the blockage in an emergency and invite plumbers to help, you must adhere to the rules for using plumbing and purchase a high-quality sink and accessories for it.

When a drain becomes clogged, it causes the housewife a lot of problems that can be quickly solved if you know how to clean the sink with soda or another available method.

Why does the sink clog?

Before you begin to remove the blockage, you need to understand the siphon structure. Usually, after cleaning it, it is possible to eliminate the obstruction of waste water through the drain. As a rule, bottle siphons are installed, which are made with a diameter of 32 or 40 millimeters. You can see what these products look like in the photo. Practice shows that siphons with a 32 mm diameter clog faster.

All used in residential buildings and apartments, siphons can be divided into several types:

  • bottled - such products have a removable part that looks like the bottom of a bottle. To unscrew it, you don't need special devices. It is not difficult to clear a blockage in such a siphon (more details: " ");
  • pipe - these products are curved tubes;
  • corrugated - these siphons can be bent in different ways, so they are installed in the most unusual places. They are especially often installed in apartments with small area;
  • hidden - they are placed in a box;
  • with overflow - this siphon requires a special sink that has a drain hole excess water;
  • with a double or tee - such products are in great demand because they are intended for connecting several household appliances simultaneously, for example, washing and dishwasher;
  • flat - they are installed when they are going to place a large-sized device under the sink, which could be, for example, a mini washing machine. And although these siphons are rarely installed, they are convenient because they take up little space.

How to clean a sink at home

There are many ways to clean a sink at home:
  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • folk.

You can use one of them or several at once.

Chemical methods . How to clean the sink siphon and pipes chemical method? To do this, you need to purchase special preparations that are available in the retail chain - acids, alkalis, powders, gels and liquids. For example, Mole, Mister Muscle, Tiret - they contain sodium hydroxide. First, you should read the instructions on the drug label. The product is usually poured into the sink drain for about 30 minutes and then washed off with a large volume of hot water.

In progress chemical reaction A large amount of heat can be generated, which can lead to damage to cheap plumbing fixtures and aluminum products. Under no circumstances should you bend over the drain hole if gurgling sounds are coming from it, as this is extremely dangerous.

Mechanical methods. The simplest of them is considered to be the one performed using a plunger. This tool is so common that it is found in almost every household. It allows you to clear all simple blockages if they are formed from fatty deposits, small particles of dirt or debris.

To fix a drainage problem:

  • Fill the kitchen sink about a third full with hot water;
  • vigorously use a plunger to create the required pressure. The principle of performing the movements is similar to how air is pumped up with a pump for car tires.
True, a plunger is unable to cope with severe blockages. During education serious pollution A plumbing cable 3 meters long can help out the owners. At one end there is a handle, and at the other there is a peak-shaped nozzle, with the help of which the cork is gradually destroyed and broken. If the pipes in the house are more than ten years old, then you should act carefully so as not to damage them. You cannot use a cable if the siphon is plastic, chrome or brass.

Traditional methods. In practice, the following methods for dealing with blockages in sinks, used for decades, have proven themselves to be effective:

  • use of strong saline solution– it is poured into the drain and thereby removes the fat plug. After the composition is poured, use the plunger as described earlier. To make it fit more tightly to the hole, it is advisable to lubricate its edges with cream;
  • dirt can be blown out by using the appropriate function powerful vacuum cleaner. But this method will only help simple case;
  • also helps a lot baking soda. Thanks to its alkaline reaction, it cleans drains well. The solution is prepared from 150 grams of soda and 200 milliliters of water. First, the soda is heated for 15 minutes. cast iron frying pan and let cool. Then add a glass of water and stir;
  • You can also clean your sink with baking soda and vinegar. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour a glass of vinegar. After the chemical reaction is completed, the drain is washed with a large amount of well-heated water.

Knowing how to clean the sink with soda and vinegar, salt or soda solution, helps get rid of fatty deposits in the sewer pipes in the kitchen (read: ""). Cleaning is considered complete if the water goes into the drain noisily and a funnel forms.

Measures to prevent blockage

To reduce the likelihood of a clogged sink, you should thoroughly clean any food debris from your dishes before placing them in the kitchen sink. You can also install a plastic or metal mesh catcher over the hole. Many sinks made of metal are sold with protective products already included.
There is a relatively new mechanical method how to clean a sink without a plunger and plumbing cable– this is the constant use of the shredder. This device operates on the principle of grinding food waste that accidentally ends up in the kitchen sink.

After the food residues washed away with water enter the grinder, they are ground into the smallest fractions without knives or blades and discharged into the sewer network. To clear clogs in kitchen sinks, a device such as a grinder is indispensable for effective solution this problem at home.

Using this shredder provides several advantages:
  1. A food waste recycling device helps get rid of unpleasant odor. Cleaning pipes and siphons is required much less frequently.
  2. A chopper is a reliable and versatile device that can chop not only the remains of vegetables and fruits, but also, for example, chicken bones.
  3. The device does not make noise during operation.
  4. Saves time spent on cleaning the sink from accumulated peels, food debris and seeds.
  5. Maintenance and care of the shredder consists of rinsing the device with cold water.
  6. The siphon does not become clogged.
  7. The hygiene of the device is achieved by eliminating the source of germs and bacteria that live in the collected garbage.
  8. Takes up little space under the sink.
One of the disadvantages is the limitation regarding the diameter of the drain hole. The fact is that the shredder is not suitable for all kitchen sinks.

The best solution The problem with clearing a clog is preventing its formation.

If you don't stick pretty simple rules careful use, this will sooner or later lead to such an unpleasant phenomenon as a clog in the sink.

Therefore, it would not hurt to know how to remove a clog in the sink available means or solutions specially designed for this purpose.

Regardless of the type of sewerage system installed in your house or apartment, there is no guarantee that you will not encounter problems with its operation. The most common problem is that it gets clogged.

In order to understand how to deal with such a problem, it is necessary to determine its essence and identify possible problems that may arise.

Over some time of operation of the sewer pipe system, there is a high probability that deposits of organic and inorganic origin accumulate on their walls.

In addition, due to mechanical damage to the internal walls of sewer pipes, considerable damage can also occur on them, for example, in the form of scratches.

The result of such phenomena is that there is a significant inhibition of water flows, as well as the retention of various mechanical particles.

We must also not forget that as a result of deposits, the internal diameter of the pipes is significantly reduced (on average, it becomes smaller by approximately 2 - 2.5 cm).

Experts identify several types of blockages:

  • Mechanical. As a result of outsiders getting into the pipes, debris builds up in the pipe over time. Such a third-party item may be toilet paper, baby diapers, feminine hygiene items, various household waste, etc.
  • Technological. This type of blockage includes those when those sections of the sewer system that are located vertically with a slight slope become clogged. This type of blockage occurs as a result of an incorrect installation process of the sewer system, without observing the necessary standards and rules for their installation.

Therefore, the issue of sewer blockages must be taken seriously. This can protect you from possible problems with sewerage.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the causes of clogged sewer pipes can be very different. Depending on one reason or another, it is necessary to choose a method for removing the blockage.

How can you deal with clogged kitchen sinks?

Unfortunately, a clogged kitchen sink is a common occurrence for most users. In order to eliminate such a blockage, you need to have a basic understanding of the structure of the drainage system in the kitchen.

As a rule, the siphon becomes clogged first. When installing a kitchen sink, the following types of siphons are used:

  • Bottle. Distinctive feature of this type of siphons is that their design consists of a collapsible part, which appearance resembles a bottle. In order to clear the blockage in such siphons, it must be unscrewed. There is no need to use special tools. bottle siphons are most often used when installing kitchen sinks. The ease of working with them is the main reason for their popularity.
  • Pipe. Their design consists of curved pipes.
  • Corrugated. This type siphons are also quite often used when installing sinks in the kitchen. Among their advantages is that they can be easily deployed in the required position. It is because of this that corrugated siphons are used for installation in hard to reach places or small areas.
  • Hidden. This type of equipment is hidden in the wall when performing work. This gives the room harmony and attractiveness.
  • With overflow. This drain pipe system uses additional sink, equipped special hole for draining. This removes excess water from the sink.
  • Double (triple). This type siphons will be taken during installation washing machines or dishwashing equipment. Due to the specific design of such siphons, it is possible to simultaneously connect several pieces of equipment.
  • Flat. Used primarily in cases where there is a need to install under the sink additional equipment(compacts, washing or dishwashers, etc.).

After we have already decided on the type of siphon that is installed on kitchen sink, you can figure out how to remove a blockage in the kitchen. More details about clearing the blockage are shown in the video:

If it is necessary to clean the sewer, as a rule, the following basic methods are used:

  • Mechanical. One of the most available ways, which is used in the mechanical method of eliminating sewerage, is the use of a plunger. Such a “mechanism” must be present in every household. Using a plunger can get rid of a small blockage. When using a plunger, you must first pour boiling water into the sink. There should be approximately 2/3 of the sink's volume. When using a plunger, a slight pressure is created in the pipe. The plunger works on the same principle as car pump for inflating tires. When removing a blockage mechanically, equipment such as a cable is also often used to plumbing work. It is used to eliminate fairly serious and massive blockages that could not be removed with a plunger. The length of such a cable is approximately 3 - 3.5 m. As a rule, a special attachment in the form of a lance is installed at its end. Using such a nozzle greatly simplifies the process of breaking up the blockage and subsequently removing it. Before using the cable, in no case should you forget that if sewer system consists of brass or chrome-plated pipes; the use of cables is strictly prohibited.
  • Chemical. In this case they use special means(powders, liquids, acids, gels, etc.). Among the most common remedies are Silit, Mister, Muscle, Mole, Tiret. A distinctive feature of these products is that they contain a component such as sodium hydroxide. Before you start using this type of product, you must first study the instructions. As a rule, these products are poured in for 30 - 40 minutes, and then washed off with a large amount of boiling water. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when using some products, a certain amount of heat is released. Using such chemicals to remove clogs in aluminum pipes, this can lead to significant damage to them.
  • Manual. If neither a cable, nor a plunger, nor chemicals can remove the blockage, you can try another effective method - manual. Its essence lies in the fact that you will have to completely disassemble the siphon and clean it. After all, it is in it that all the garbage and litter accumulates as a result of the fact that the siphon has a curved pipe shape. You need to place some kind of dish under the siphon, and then unscrew its lower and upper rings. In this case, the siphon is easily separated from the pipe. Now you can safely clean out all the debris and wash the working parts of the siphon. If the siphon is of the corrugated type, then after disassembling it, you need to wrap the lower end corrugated pipe insulating material, pour boiling water into the pipe, and then wrap the other end of the corrugation in the same way. Take the pipe in both hands and stretch it thoroughly. This way it will be possible to remove all fat and other deposits from all folds of the corrugation. After this, you can begin assembling the siphon.

How to deal with blockages using folk remedies

Every housewife needs to know how to clear a clogged sink. folk remedies. For this you can use anything in the kitchen. For example, among the most common methods are the following:

  • Fall asleep in sewer drain 3 – 4 tbsp. l. soda, and then pour a large amount of hot water down the drain.
  • There is another proven method: pour 3 tbsp. soda 250 grams vinegar. Ready solution leave for about 15 - 20 minutes, and then pour into the drain and after a while pour in a lot of hot water again.
  • You can also achieve good results by using regular lemon juice or concentrate. citric acid, which is diluted in 0.5 l cold water and flows into the sewer drain. Do not use the sink for at least a couple of hours. Well, then, as usual, pour in a lot of hot water.

You can also use a simple concentrated salt solution, pour it into the sink, and then use the old but trusty plunger.

By the way, some housewives resort to this trick: before using the plunger, they lubricate its edges with a simple cream.

Thanks to this, it is possible to increase the coefficient of adhesion between the plunger and the surface of the sink several times.

If suddenly you don’t have a plunger at home, you can just as easily use a home vacuum cleaner that works with blowing.

Housewives often use caustic soda to remove blockages.

To do this, you need to dissolve 2 - 4 kg of caustic soda in 1 bucket of water. Then pour this into the sink and after 2 - 4 hours pour 2 - 3 buckets of boiling water there.

This method is one of the inexpensive, but quite effective. If you decide to use this method, do not forget that you need to carry out the entire process wearing rubber gloves, a face mask and special tools.

This must be done to avoid allergic reactions or chemical burns. Caustic soda can lead to this.

As a result of the use of such methods in sewer pipe a chemical reaction occurs that promotes the rapid removal of all fat deposits, plaque and sediment.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the use of folk ones is not only the most inexpensive or environmentally beneficial, but also the most effective.

Thanks to the use folk ways can be achieved excellent results in a short time, and at an affordable price.