Technologies for installing thermal insulation of pipelines. Thermal insulation of pipelines Installation of thermal insulation: cylinder design

Correct installation thermal insulation of pipelines allows to increase its service life and provides effective work. Installation insulating material must be carried out in accordance with established standards and requirements.

Thermal insulation of pipelines: rules

There are several rules that must be followed:

  • For thermal insulation of pipelines should be used exclusively high quality materials, the technical characteristics of which correspond to the operating conditions.
  • Installation must be carried out by specialists, in which case you can be confident in the quality of the work performed.

Thermal insulation work occurs after the installation of the pipeline, but in some cases preliminary insulation is allowed. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to prepare the pipes:

  • complete metalwork and welding work;
  • check the strength and density of the surface;
  • coat the pipes with an anti-corrosion agent.

Cylindrical design: installation of thermal insulation

Most effective thermal insulation pipelines– fully prefabricated structure or prefabricated structure. The so-called cylinder insulation. Thermal insulation of the structure consists of laying it on pipes with further adjustment and fastening.

During the thermal insulation works It is necessary to follow some rules: installation should begin from the flange connections, installing the cylinders closely. Horizontal seams should not form one continuous line. The structure is attached to the pipeline with bandages, using 2 fasteners per cylinder with a distance of 50 cm. The side seams of the structure must have a spacing. Buckles secure the bandage itself and can be made from painted packing tape or aluminum.

If the thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out with half-cylinders made of hard material, for example, vulcanite, sovelite or diatomite, then they must be installed with mastic or dry. Siliceous lime segments, foam diatomite, and perlite cement are also used for insulation. The material in the form of mats is laid in such a way that the seams are covered, then they are secured with wire hangers at a distance of 50 cm.

Thermal insulation, depending on the temperature of the structure

By which a substance with a high temperature is transported, it is carried out using cylinders laminated with aluminum foil. For this type of insulation it is not necessary to use protective coating. It is recommended to choose aluminum material for the bandage.

If the pipeline transports cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed 12 degrees, then hydrofibized cylinders should be used as an insulating material. Additionally, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier, and the seams of the coating must be sealed. If vapor barrier layer if damaged, it must be sealed with a sealant or completely replaced.

When using cylinders for installing thermal insulation of pipelines in a vertical position, it is necessary to install unloading devices along the height of the pipe, at intervals of 3-4 meters. Such measures will help prevent slipping thermal insulation material .

Thermal insulation of pipelines can be carried out with various materials, but to make right choice, it is necessary to take into account some factors: the purpose of the pipe, the temperature of the transported substance and its location. Wrong choice or installing insulation will cause damage

Mats with one-sided lining can be used, in which case the mats are installed with the lining towards the frame (inside the structure). Fully prefabricated structures based on mats stitched into facings can also be used. 4.6. Thermal insulation cold storage tanks drinking water in water supply systems. For thermal insulation of storage tanks cold water In water supply systems, it is recommended, first of all, to use stitched mats covered with fiberglass on both sides. The design of thermal insulation is similar to that given in paragraphs 4.5.4 - 4.5.5 (with a frame made of wooden blocks) and is distinguished by the presence of a vapor barrier layer. Stitched mats produced by ISOROK CJSC are installed in one or two layers, depending on the calculated insulation thickness, between the racks wooden frame, fastened with pins and tied with galvanized wire along the pins (Fig. 59 - 64).

Technologies for installing thermal insulation of pipelines

FIELD OF APPLICATION OF THERMAL INSULATING MINERAL WOOL MATS PRODUCED BY IZOROK CJSC 1.1. Thermal insulation mats, pierced mineral wool, are intended for use in industrial thermal insulation at temperatures of insulated surfaces from minus 180°C to plus 700°C and in accordance with the recommendations of sections 2 and 3. It should be taken into account that at a temperature of the insulated surface above 600°C the period The service life of stitched mats is significantly reduced.
1.2. Stitched mats can be used for insulation industrial equipment industrial and housing and communal services facilities, including:

  • vertical and horizontal cylindrical technological devices of chemical, oil refining, gas, metallurgical, etc. enterprises.

Stitched mats made of mineral wool - to make pipes last longer!


CUTWOOL®MP tufted mats are made of mineral basalt wool on a synthetic binder with carpet stitching with glass roving, covered with fiberglass on both sides of the mat, according to TU 5762-002-89646568-2013. Marking: CUTWOOL®MP2 M50-2400.100.1000, TU 5762-002-89646568-2013, where: MP – symbol stitched mats; 2 — fiberglass lining on both sides; M50 – product brand; 2400 – mat length (mm); 100 – mat thickness (mm); 1000 – mat width (mm). Specifications: Length (mm) 2400 Width (mm) 1000 Thickness (mm) from 50 to 120; Density, kg/m3 from 30 to 100; Compressibility, % no more than 20 Humidity, % no more than 0.5 Thermal conductivity, W/mK 0.033 Flammability group NG Application temperature* from -180 to +600; * standard application temperature is +4000C, more on special order.

Advantages of tufted mineral wool mats

They are characterized by low smoke generation and also effectively prevent the spread of fire, providing additional time to rescue personnel and equipment.

  • Excellent sound insulation. Stitched mats guarantee excellent sound insulation for both residential premises and industrial workshops.
  • Ability to withstand high temperatures. Mineral wool pierced mats are a material that can withstand loads of up to 700°C! And some types of material, for example, having a combined composition with the addition of mullite silica, work at temperatures up to 1100°C!
  • Chemical resistance.
    Mineral wool mats pierced are not afraid of the effects of such organic matter, such as oils, alkalis, solvents.
  • Low water absorption. An important ability of tufted mineral wool mats is to resist the influence of moisture.

Thermal insulation products of Isorok JSC. part 2

To compensate for temperature deformations, creasing of coating elements or other constructive solutions. 4.3.14. The design of the protective coating of the vertical apparatus is shown in Fig. 47 and 48. The protective coating of vertical devices is also secured self-tapping screws 4x12 with anti-corrosion coating or rivets.


Screw (rivet) installation pitch: vertically 150 - 200 mm, horizontally - no more than 300 mm. 4.3.15. The height of the protective coating of the apparatus must include expansion joints in which the elements of the protective coating rest on unloading devices or hinged brackets (Fig. 79) and are not fastened horizontally (circumferentially). Hinged brackets can be installed on the covering sheets of the previous row.

Unloading devices are installed along the height of the apparatus in height increments of no more than 3-4 meters.

403 forbidden

In terms of density, mats are produced in grades 100. 2.3. The maximum application temperature is determined by the temperature resistance of mineral wool and lining materials. The maximum temperature for using mats depending on the type of covering material is given in Table 2.1. Table 2.1. Temperature of application of stitching mats.

Name of lining material Without lining material or with fiberglass lining on one side (install with the fabric facing out) 600-700 (see clause 1.1.) Fabric, mesh, fiberglass canvas (with lining material sewn on both sides) 450 2.4. Stitched mineral wool mats grade 100 with and without linings belong to the group of non-combustible materials (NG) according to GOST 30244. 2.5. The nominal dimensions of the mats indicating the maximum deviations are given in Table 2.2. Table 2.2.
Permissible temperature difference (to - tк) Air temperature, t0, °С Relative air humidity, φ, % 50 60 70 80 90 Estimated difference, (to - tк) °С 10 9.8 7.3 5.1 3.1 1.5 12 9.9 7.3 5.1 3.1 1.5 14 10.1 7.4 5.2 3.2 1.5 16 10.2 7.6 5.3 3.3 1, 5 18 10.4 7.7 5.4 3.3 1.5 20 10.5 7.8 5.4 3.4 1.5 22 10.7 7.9 5.5 3.4 1.5 24 10.9 8.0 5.6 3.5 1.6 26 11.0 8.2 5.7 3.5 1.6 28 11.2 8.3 5.8 3.6 1.6 30 11, 4 8.4 5.9 3.6 1.6 5.3.4. The heat transfer coefficient, (αн), should be taken in accordance with Appendix 2.1. 5.3.5. When designing, the thickness of the thermal insulation in the structure should be taken as a multiple of 10 mm, taking into account the current nomenclature of pierced mineral wool mats produced by ISOROK CJSC, and should only be rounded up.
Unloading devices are also installed at the upper and lower bottoms of the devices. To impart rigidity to the structure of the protective coating, the coating elements can be zided. 4.4. Thermal insulation of gas ducts and rectangular air ducts. 4.4.1. Thermal insulation mats are recommended to be used for insulating gas ducts of thermal power plants, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy facilities, etc., and air ducts of rectangular cross-section. A variant of the design of thermal insulation of a rectangular gas duct is shown in Fig. 49. Fastening of the heat-insulating layer is provided using pins (welded, plug-in) and bandages. At the corners of the thermal insulation of rectangular gas ducts, metal linings made of the coating material are installed under the bandages or wire rings replacing them.

Thermal insulation of pipelines with stitched mats

Temperature conditions of water heating networks, ºС 95-70 150-70 180-70 Pipeline Design coolant temperature, ™ ºС Supply 65 90 110 Return 50 50 50 b) design temperature of the external environment, at a laying depth to the top of the channel of 0.7 m or less : — for year-round operation of the heating network — average annual outside air temperature; - when operating only during the heating period - average for the heating period; c) if the depth of the top of the channel is more than 0.7 m - the average annual soil temperature at the depth of the pipeline axis. 5.4.3. Recommended thickness of insulation from stitched heat-insulating mats mineral wool grades 100, which meets the heat flux density standards for heating pipelines of two-pipe underground channel installations located in the European region of Russia, is given in Table 5.4.2.

Thermal insulation of pipelines with stitched mats

The calculated thickness of thermal insulation made of pierced mineral wool mats produced by ISOROC CJSC at an indoor air temperature of 20ºC and relative humidity of 60, 70 and 80% is given in Table 5.3.2. 5.3.7. When the temperature and humidity of the air in the room differ from those indicated, the thickness of the insulation should be determined using formulas (6) or (7), since with an increase in the relative humidity of the air in the absence of ventilation, the thickness of the insulation increases significantly. Table 5.3.2. Recommended thickness of thermal insulation made of pierced mineral wool mats, preventing condensation of moisture from the air on the surface of the insulation of pipelines and equipment located in the room.

Outer diameter, mm Relative humidity of ambient air.

The basic rule for installing thermal insulation(cylinders are used for insulation): installation work begins from the flange connection, with the cylinders installed close to each other with horizontal seams staggered. The structure is secured with bandages (about two per product) to the pipeline. Between bandages it is necessary to maintain an interval of 500 mm, and side seams cylinders should be spaced apart. The bandages themselves are secured with buckles. The material used to make the bandage can be painted packaging tape (0.7 x 20 mm) or aluminum tape (up to 30 mm wide).

In the case when thermal insulation of pipes is carried out with half-cylinders made of hard materials (Sovelite, vulcanite, diatomite, etc.), they are installed dry or on mastic. Calc-silica, perlite-cement, foam diatomite, etc. segments are also used. The mats are laid with overlapping seams and secured at intervals of 500 mm with wire hangers. The longitudinal seam is sewn with soft wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm. The outside of the mats is secured with bandages. The following materials are used during installation: bandage buckles ( , TU 36-1492-77), or buckles made of galvanized sheet steel 0.8 mm thick (GOST 7118-78). The bandages are made from packaging or aluminum tape 0.8 mm thick. According to SNiP 2.04.14-88, the use of rings made of galvanized or black annealed wire with a diameter of 2 mm is allowed; as well as wire rings (diameter 1.2 mm) made of stainless steel.

The cost of a bandage buckle TYPE 1A according to TU 36.16.22-64-92 is 7.30 rubles/piece.
Basically, the protective covering is secured with screws or bands. For internal pipelines with positive temperatures of substances transported through them, cylinders lined with aluminum foil are used. This insulation can be used without a protective coating. As a bandage, it is recommended to use tape made of aluminum and aluminum alloys (width 20-30 mm, thickness 0.8 mm) and aluminum buckles. For a cold water supply pipeline (the temperature of the substances transported through it is below 12 degrees C), as well as a process pipeline, exceptional is used as insulation. In this case, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier layer in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.14-88 “Thermal insulation of pipeline equipment.” The seams of the vapor barrier layer must be carefully sealed. Tears and punctures of the vapor barrier layer are not allowed. When using aluminum foil-laminated cylinders for installation, it is possible not to use a vapor barrier layer unless the project requires it. However, it is necessary to seal the seams and joints of the installed cylinders well. During installation, ruptures and punctures of aluminum foil are possible. If such damage is present, these places are sealed with sealing materials. When using cylinders,, for thermal insulation of cold water supply and process pipelines, with the temperature of transported substances below 12 ° C, it is recommended to install a protective layer under the metal protective coating to protect the foil from damage. In this case, it is recommended to secure the protective coating with bandages. When using cylinders on vertical sections of pipelines, unloading devices should be installed every 3-4 meters along the pipe height to prevent the thermal insulation layer and coating from slipping. For channel pipelines and tunnels, it is recommended to use it without subsequent installation of a protective coating. Thermal insulation cylinders made of mineral wool based on fiber from rocks are a highly effective environmentally friendly thermal insulation material that meets fire safety requirements. Hydrophobization, fire safety and lower price, compared to imported materials from foam rubber and polystyrene, makes the cylinders competitive for use in domestic practice as thermal insulation of cold water supply pipelines and technological systems negative temperatures. Cylinders, as form-stable products, they can be used in thermal insulation structures of horizontal pipelines without installing support structures. They can also be used as a heat-insulating material with the base of coupling and flange fittings of small diameters (valves, check valves) and flange connections. Laminated cylinders allowed to be used in rooms and channels ( heating networks, water supply) without installing a covering layer. Also foil-laminated cylinders, it is possible to use without a vapor barrier layer in pipelines with negative temperatures. In this case, it is necessary to ensure sealing of seams and places where the foil is damaged. This insulation option significantly reduces the cost of structures and thermal insulation work. Thermal insulation of pipelines is necessary both to protect the pipelines themselves from exposure external temperatures, and to avoid losses from the pipelines themselves. For example, cold water supply pipelines are thermally insulated from the effects of low outside temperatures. And steam pipelines, heating networks and hot water supply pipelines are insulated to reduce heat loss during external environment. For thermal insulation work they are used various materials, but the most popular is foil mineral wool. However, when insulating high-temperature objects (for example, thermal insulation of a boiler), it is more effective to use basalt products. This material is the easiest to use. Also except correct selection material, it is necessary to clearly know for what specific purposes the thermal insulation will be used. The wrong choice of thermal insulation materials leads to frequent repairs pipelines, and sometimes even to emergency situations.

To also learn about the possibilities of thermal insulation of tanks, thermal insulation of boilers, thermal insulation of chimneys and more technological equipment, we recommend contacting our specialists by phone or E-mail.

If the thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out correctly, this will significantly increase the service life of the system and ensure maximum efficient operation. The thermal insulation of heating pipelines itself must be carried out in accordance with all established norms and standards.

Basic rules of thermal insulation

So, in general, there are several basic requirements (recommendations, rules) that should be observed when installing thermal insulation:

  • For thermal insulation, materials should be used high quality, the characteristics of which are suitable for operating conditions.
  • Installation of thermal insulation is carried out exclusively by specialists; this is the only way to guarantee correct and high-quality execution all works.
In general, thermal insulation is installed only after the piping system has been installed; only in some special cases is premature insulation permissible. So, as mentioned earlier, before thermal insulation work, the pipes should be prepared for work. This includes:

  • Completion of all metalwork and welding work;
  • Checking the density and strength of the surface;
  • Coating of the pipeline with anti-corrosion agents.

Installation of thermal insulation: cylinder design

Thermal insulation of process pipelines will be most effective if it is a prefabricated or fully prefabricated system. In other words it will be a cylindrical structure. The essence of the work is quite simple: laying thermal insulation on the pipe with its further adjustment and strengthening.

When performing work, some requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines must be observed:

  • Installation should begin from the flange connections, while the thermal insulation cylinders should be mounted as tightly as possible;
  • The seams should not form one continuous horizontal line;
  • Special bandages are used as fastening: two per cylinder (in increments of 40-50 cm);
  • The bandage is attached using buckles, which are made of aluminum or packing tape.
If the thermal insulation of SNP pipelines is made with half-cylinders, which are made of a solid type of material such as diatomite, vulcanite or Sovelite, then they are mounted dry or using mastic.

It should be noted that insulation materials such as perlite cement, foam diatomite and siliceous lime segments are often used as thermal insulation. After the volume of thermal insulation of the pipeline has been calculated, the material in the form of mats should be laid in such a way that all seams are covered; then the insulation is fixed to the pipes using wire hangers in increments of 50 cm.

What is noteworthy is that in the event of a thermal insulation element of the structure failing, you can easily selectively dismantle the thermal insulation of pipelines and replace the damaged element with a new one.

Thermal insulation and temperature of the structure features

It should be remembered that the calculation of the thickness of pipeline insulation depends on some important factors, for example, as the temperature of the substance transported through pipes. If a substance has very high temperature, then thermal insulation is carried out using cylinders that are laminated with aluminum foil. For of this type No protective coating is used for thermal insulation. It is recommended to use aluminum-based material as a bandage.

In the event that water passes through the pipeline, the temperature of which does not exceed 12 ° C, the thickness of the thermal insulation of the pipelines can be increased, and hydrofibized cylinders are used as an insulator. As additional protection, a vapor barrier is installed, and the seams of the structure must be properly insulated (taped).

Attention! If the vapor barrier layer is damaged, it should be properly glued or completely replaced with a new one.

In general, it becomes clear that the calculation of thermal insulation of pipelines is made depending on the type of insulation, climatic factors and the liquid that is transmitted through the pipes.

“Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures”, order of the Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation dated December 30, 2009 No. “On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of design documentation, on construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects that affect the safety of capital construction projects.”

This standard was developed in development of the normative provisions of SP 60.13330.2012 “SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning” and SP 61.13330.2012 “SNiP 41-03-2003 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines”.

Authors' team: A.V. Samsonenko(Role Isomarket LLC), A.V. Busakhin(LLC "Third Installation Directorate "Promventilation"), Ph.D. econ. Sciences D.L. Kuzin(BUT "APIK"), doc. tech. spider A.M. Grimitlin(NP "NW Center ABOK"), G.K. Osadchiy(MAXHOL Technologies LLC), F .IN. Tokarev(NP "ISZS-Montazh").


1 Application area

1.1 This standard applies to thermal insulation structures (hereinafter referred to as thermal insulation structures) intended for equipment, pipelines and air ducts utility networks located in premises of categories B, D, D (according to SP 12.13130, clause 4.1).

1.2 This standard establishes the requirements, rules and control of thermal insulation work using thermal insulation structures and their elements made of pipes or rolls of foamed polyethylene or synthetic foam rubber, as well as cylinders or mats of mineral or glass fiber.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards and codes of practice:

Ensure that the temperature of the outer surface of the thermal insulation structure is safe for humans in accordance with SP 61.13330 (clause 4.2).

5.5 Installation of thermal insulation structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 61.13330 and this standard.

6 Technology for performing thermal insulation work

6.1 General provisions

6.1.1 Thermal insulation work should be carried out only when the facility is completely ready. Construction and installation work is considered fully completed if the pipelines and equipment are in the designed position and pressure tested in accordance with the work project, which must be confirmed by the relevant acts.

6.1.2 Installation of thermal insulation is carried out according to working documentation in accordance with the project for carrying out work on thermal insulation and taking into account the construction organization project.

6.1.8 In order to increase productivity and achieve high quality of thermal insulation work, it is recommended to use prefabricated thermal insulation structures manufactured in workshops.

6.2 Installation of thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks of heating systems, hot and cold water supply, technological systems

6.2.1 In thermal insulation structures on pipelines, thermal insulation products in the form of tubes should be used as thermal insulation, and if there are no tubes of the required standard size in the manufactured range, thermal insulation products in the form of rolls should be used.

6.2.2 Fastenings of thermal insulation products on pipelines, depending on the type of material, must be carried out in the manner recommended by the manufacturer. Requirements for installing tubes and rolls made of materials with a closed cell structure are set out in series 5.904.9-78.08.

6.2.3 To attach tubes to pipelines, the longitudinal and transverse seams of the products should be glued with contact adhesive recommended by the manufacturer. It is recommended to additionally seal the seams of the products with reinforced self-adhesive tape.

1 - bandage; 2 - ribbon


1 For the bandage, it is allowed to use metal tapes with an anti-corrosion coating made of stainless steel, aluminum alloys or polyamide.

2 The material of the bandage used to secure the covering layer must match the material from which the coating is made.

3 The material used to make the buckle (Pos. 2) must match the material from which the bandage is made (galvanized or stainless steel, aluminum alloy sheets).

6.2.5 To attach sheets (rolls) to pipelines, the seams of the products should be glued with contact adhesive recommended by the manufacturer. It is recommended to additionally seal the seams of the products with reinforced self-adhesive tape, and also secure the products with bandages made of reinforced self-adhesive tape, located in increments of 500 to 600 mm.

6.2.6 For thermal insulation of bends, tees, transitions and fittings, thermal insulating elements made of products in the form of tubes, cylinders, sheets or mats should be manufactured at the work site. The figure shows two options for thermal insulation of branches, differing in pipeline diameters.

a) insulation of the outlet with thermal insulating tubes (D n≤ 160 mm);
b) insulation of the outlet with thermal insulation sheets (D n> 160 mm)

1 - tube made of heat-insulating material at D n≤ 160 mm; 2 - sheet of thermal insulation material at D n> 160 mm; 3 - glue; 4 - reinforced self-adhesive tape

6.2.7 In multilayer thermal insulation structures intended for pipelines, the installation of the second and subsequent layers of thermal insulation is carried out by overlapping the seams of each previous layer. The seams of all layers of thermal insulation are glued together with contact adhesive. It is recommended to additionally seal the seams of the outer layer with reinforced self-adhesive tape.

Two-layer thermal insulation of a tee coated with metal shells and fastened with self-tapping screws is shown in the figure.

1 - tube made of heat-insulating material; 2 - sheet of thermal insulation material;
3 - glue; 4 5,6 - metal shells;
7 - self-tapping screw with press washer, galvanized, drill tip

Bandages are installed in increments of 500 to 600 mm. The figure shows the design of a thermally insulated pipeline with a metal shell, using bandage fastening.

1 - tube made of heat-insulating material at D n≤ 160 mm (sheet of thermal insulation material at D n> 160 mm); 2 - glue; 3 - reinforced self-adhesive tape;
4 - metal shell; 5 - bandage with buckle

6.2.11 When thermally insulating vertical pipelines with metal covering material, depending on the thickness of the thermal insulation and the height of the pipeline, support structures(unloading devices) that prevent deformation and sliding of the covering material.

Unloading devices are located in increments of 3 to 4 m along the height of the pipeline or equipment. In these same places, expansion joints are provided in the metal covering material. The design of unloading devices should not have through heat-conducting inclusions.

Unloading devices are made of metal or lumber. Unloading devices made from lumber must be impregnated with antiseptic compounds or fire retardants in accordance with GOST R 53292 and GOST 20022.5.

6.3 Installation of thermal insulation of reservoirs of heating networks of heating systems, hot and cold water supply, technological systems

6.3.1 In thermal insulation structures of tanks, thermal insulation products in the form of rolls and mats should be used as thermal insulation.

6.3.2 Fastening thermal insulation products to tanks, depending on the type of material, must be performed in the manner recommended by the manufacturer. For example, the requirements for installing rolls made of materials with a closed cell structure are set out in series 5.904.9-78.08. An option for performing thermal insulation on a horizontal tank is shown in the figure.

6.3.3 If the temperature of the insulated surface is below +90 °C, it is recommended to use products in the form of rolls with a self-adhesive backing.

6.3.4 Installation of coatings (linings) and linings on vertical tanks (Figure ) should be carried out from bottom to top with an overlap of 40 to 50 mm.

1 - sheet of heat-insulating material; 2 - glue; 3 - metal shell;
4 - aluminum self-adhesive tape; 5 - silicone sealant

1 - sheet of thermal insulation material; 2 - glue; 3 - aluminum self-adhesive tape

6.3.5 In multi-layer thermal insulation structures for tanks, the installation of the second and subsequent layers of thermal insulation is carried out by overlapping the seams of the previous layer. Sheets (rolls) of each subsequent layer must be glued to the previous one. The seams between products of the same layer are taped with reinforced self-adhesive tape.

6.3.6 Installation of thermal insulation of supports and tank heads is carried out in accordance with the working documentation.

6.4 Thermal insulation of equipment, pipelines and air ducts of ventilation and air conditioning systems

6.4.1 To ensure the quality of work performed when installing thermal insulation, the requirements of , , , and this standard should be followed.

6.4.2 Fastenings of thermal insulation products on pipelines and air ducts, depending on the type of material, must be carried out in the manner recommended by the manufacturer. For example, the requirements for installing materials with a closed cell structure are set out in series 5.904.9-78.08. The figure shows a thermal insulation structure made with self-adhesive thermal insulation material.

The thermal insulation structure, shown in the figure, is made using self-adhesive thermal insulation materials and a self-adhesive metal shell.

1 - sheet of self-adhesive thermal insulation material; 2 - glue;
3 - reinforced self-adhesive tape

6.4.3 When installing thermal insulation structures designed to prevent condensation of moisture from the outside air on the surface, materials with a closed cellular structure should be selected as thermal insulation materials.

6.4.4 Installation of the covering (lining) and cladding must be carried out with an overlap of 40 to 50 mm along the longitudinal and transverse seams.

1 - sheet of self-adhesive thermal insulation material; 2 - glue;
3 - self-adhesive metal shell; 4 - silicone sealant

7 Monitoring the performance of thermal insulation work

7.1 Monitoring the performance of work on thermal insulation of engineering systems in buildings and structures should be carried out based on the requirements and provisions of the working documentation.

When monitoring implementation installation work Compliance with the requirements must be checked - taking into account factors 5.1, as well as provisions 7.2 - 7.8.

Quality certificate.

7.3 Upon final acceptance of the thermal insulation structure at the facility, it is necessary to check that the temperature on the surface of the thermal insulation structure corresponds to the safe temperature (SP 61.13330). Temperature is measured by any verified instrument that has a verification mark in the device passport or a verification certificate in accordance with the requirements of SP 61.13330.

7.4 Operational control of the performance of thermal insulation work is carried out in accordance with the Appendix.

7.5 When carrying out operational control of a thermal insulation structure, the following is checked:

a) before laying the thermal insulation material:

Cleanliness of the insulated surface - visually;

Availability of anti-corrosion protection - visually;

Compliance of the thickness of the heat-insulating material used with the requirements of the RD, measuring the thickness, for example, using a thickness gauge according to GOST 28702 (Tables 1 - 3);

Compliance of the cover layer material with the material specified in the RD;

b) during installation of thermal insulation material:

Gluing seams and joints of heat-insulating material with glue and tape - visually;

The absence of counter overlaps (against the direction of flow of rainwater or flowing moisture) on the cover layer - visually;

No damage to the thermal insulation layer - visually;

Overlap assembly seams V multilayer structures- visually;

c) after completion of installation of thermal insulation material and structural design:

Fastening the cover layer - visually;

No damage to the surface of the coating layer - visually;

Absence of damage to the surface of the coating (lining), if any, visually;

Correspondence appearance and constructive design of thermal insulation according to working documentation - visually.

7.6 Acceptance control of thermal insulation work is carried out after completion of installation of thermal insulation structures.

During the acceptance inspection process, defects are identified, which should include:

Deviation from the data given in the working documentation regarding materials, structures and method of installation of insulation;

Inconsistency of the thickness of the thermal insulation layer with the data of the working documentation;

Mechanical damage to insulation;

Loose fit of the heat-insulating layer to the surface of the insulated object;

Lack of thermal insulation at the locations of the supports;

Failure to comply with the rules for the location of longitudinal and transverse seams of coatings (linings) and claddings.

7.7 After comparing the installed thermal insulation structure with the data from the working documentation and taking into account the changes made during the installation process, a final defective list is drawn up, where all actual figures, established during delivery and acceptance (Appendix).

8 Requirements for reporting and technical documentation

8.1 Reporting and technical documentation completed for delivery to the technical customer at the stage of delivery and acceptance of completed work.

8.2 For high-quality installation work and compliance with all technological operations, the working documentation accepted for production must satisfy.

8.3 Standard series of working drawings of thermal insulation can be used as working drawings. Thus, for polymer insulation with a closed cell structure, you can use the standard series 5.904.9-78.08.

8.4 If the working documentation accepted for production uses technical solutions thermal insulation standard series with the corresponding drawings, the technical installation sheet must contain a link to the sheets of the series, which show the corresponding designs.

8.5 The technical installation list must comply with GOST 21.405 (the form is given in the appendix of this standard) and, in addition, contain general data related to the thermal insulation structures being performed:

Information about the estimated ambient temperature;

Results of thermal engineering calculations;

Purpose of thermal insulation for certain types of equipment and pipelines;

Requirements for the manufacture of thermal insulation structures and their installation

8.6 Equipment specifications are drawn up according to technical installation sheets and working drawings.

8.7 The equipment specification is drawn up in accordance with the appendix and must contain the following sections:

Thermal insulation products;

Cover layer products and materials;

Fastening products (including adhesives, self-adhesive tapes, etc.).

9 Rules for safe work performance

9.1 Before the start of thermal insulation work, premises must be allocated at the construction site for storing materials and tools, as well as a workshop for preparing thermal insulation structures and performing technological operations.

9.2 Work must be performed in special clothing.

9.3 Before starting thermal insulation work, it is necessary to ensure safety standards in accordance with SNiP 12-04-2002 (section 12).

Operational control of thermal insulation work


Before laying thermal insulation material

During installation of thermal insulation material

Cleanliness of the insulated surface

Availability of anti-corrosion protection

Correspondence of the thickness of the thermal insulation material specified in the RD

Compliance of the cover layer with that specified in the RD

Gluing seams and joints of the heat-insulating layer with glue

Taping seams and joints of the heat-insulating layer

No counter overlaps (against the flow of rainwater) on the cover layer

No damage to the thermal insulation layer



seams in




Air ducts


Technological equipment

Continuation of the table


After completing the installation of thermal insulation material

Attaching the cover layer



cover layer









thermal insulation


according to RD

Pipelines for heating and water supply systems

Refrigeration piping


Air ducts


Technological equipment

Defect sheet form



Characteristics of defects

Description of work to eliminate defects

Unit of measurement

