Do-it-yourself country house design from scrap materials. How to properly arrange a garden plot to combine comfort and beauty into one. Small confusions and ways to solve them

Arranging a garden yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know the basic principles that should be taken into account.

Of course, as an option, you can use template projects, but if you want to create unique design personal plot, it is better to show your own imagination.

This article presents detailed instructions: how to arrange a garden so that it looks beautiful, but also allows you to relax in comfort. After all, today it is hardly possible to meet those who are satisfied with strict square flower beds and trees planted in a row.

Preliminary stage

It involves a number of preparatory measures that will make the bulk of the work easier, not to mention the fact that you will be able to avoid mistakes.

Please note. Don't rush to make a plan in one day.
Think it through carefully.
This will allow you to avoid unnecessary costs for building materials.

In particular, at the preliminary stage it is recommended to prepare at least a schematic plan, which will indicate:

  • garden plot area;
  • the number of trees and shrubs you want to plant;
  • expected location of trees and shrubs;
  • flower bed layout diagram;
  • layout of paths and paths;
  • availability of benches and location of their installation;
  • other details.

This way you will immediately understand what exactly is needed for the arrangement, what plant and building materials need to be purchased.

Analyze the soil

Those who want to know how to arrange their garden must first conduct research into the soil characteristics of the area.

Please note. Special attention pay attention to the level of occurrence groundwater– if they flow at a depth of about two meters, then you can safely plant fruit trees.
They will grow well and produce a bountiful harvest.

This will allow you to understand which part of the garden:

  • plant trees;
  • break flower beds;
  • install a grill;
  • make a pond, etc.

Immediately enter all information into the plan diagram. Please keep in mind that trees need free space for normal growth. Leave about four meters between them.

Zoning of the site

Arranging a garden plot will be much easier if you provide for strict zoning, immediately defining several zones:

  • residential;
  • rest;
  • economic;
  • for growing flowers;
  • for trees, etc.

Please note. All zones must - determine the optimal routes by which you can get to a specific zone without passing others.
Make sure paths do not interfere with trees or flower beds.

Special attention to the recreation area

Pay special attention to the arrangement of the recreation area, adding interesting and unusual decors and design elements.

For example, pots and vases in which the following are planted look great:

  • petunia;
  • begonia and other flowers.

If you have the opportunity, be sure to provide a gazebo or bench with a small fence near it. There you can plant any climbing plants, which will braid a gazebo or fence and create a pleasant atmosphere around the resting place.

Naturally, it is necessary to provide for the availability of such necessary items for recreation as:

  • benches or chairs;
  • table

Please note. You can buy beautiful and original chairs and tables in construction supermarkets that have a garden equipment department.
The price of such products depends on the material from which they are made and design features.
If you are not too demanding or know how to use a tool, it is easy to make benches and chairs with your own hands.


Continuing the story about how to arrange garden plot with our own hands, let's take a closer look at the features of planting plants of various types.

In particular, any crops should not be planted in shady areas - they should receive maximum light and heat.

To determine the most suitable places for planting, you need to create a kind of map of shady areas:

  • take a blank sheet of paper;
  • draw a diagram of the site, determine the cardinal directions and draw how the sun moves;
  • draw on the diagram all buildings, fences and other structures from which a shadow falls;
  • be sure to indicate the height of such structures;
  • Use a dark pencil to draw shadow areas;
  • In those places where there will be shade for more than half a day, it is not recommended to plant cultivated fruit-bearing plants.

But completely shaded areas are ideal for placing a relaxation area and corresponding accessories:

  • benches;
  • gazebo;
  • table, etc.

You can also install paths in shady areas.

Specific style

In this section of the article, how to equip a small garden plot, we will talk about specific styles that are usually used when landscaping personal plots.

Please note. Some people have the luxury of turning to professional designers for help.
In this case, there is no point in thinking about specific styles - the specialist himself will select the most suitable option, taking into account the characteristics of the site and your personal wishes and preferences.

In particular, there are three main directions:

  • landscape or landscape;
  • regular or geometric;
  • mixed.

Landscape style

The first of them - landscape - is optimally suited for garden plots that have any hills.

When creating it you must:

  • ensure smooth curves of the paths;
  • natural materials;
  • natural contours of flower beds and pond.

Regular style

This option design will suit for level gardens, with flat terrain.

The main characteristics of such a garden:

  • severity of lines and shapes;
  • all paths must be level;
  • ponds or flower beds have the correct shape - circle, oval, square, and so on.

Mixed style

This option combines an element of the two styles described above. And it is the most popular among gardeners, since with its help you can bring virtually any idea to life.

And a few additional tips that will help you effectively and beautiful arrangement garden:

  • if the site has a slope, then planting should begin at the top and gradually descend to the base;
  • if the garden is narrow, then it is recommended to start its arrangement in the middle, gradually moving towards the edges;
  • by the way, on garden beds not easy to grow beautiful flowers, but also medicinal herbs;
  • when choosing a place for a recreation area, keep in mind that it should be located so that while you are in it, you can see everything beautiful places garden and admired them resting in the shade of trees.

In conclusion

Now you know how simply, but effectively and efficiently, to arrange a garden with your own hands. We are confident that our advice is guaranteed to help you achieve your goal. Additional video This article will help you better understand the basic principles of creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the local area.

Arranging a dacha with your own hands is a whole range of work that allows you not only to provide an attractive appearance country house and local area, but also simplifies the use of suburban real estate. Let's figure out how to arrange a summer cottage with your own hands, what to pay attention to from the very first steps.

Useful ideas about arranging a summer house with your own hands (photo guide)

When settling in summer cottage With your own hands, it is very wise to combine functional elements with decorative design. This will not only not violate the main idea of ​​​​buying a summer house, but will also improve the mood of the summer resident. Rationally located beds, paths, flower beds, and the house itself will greatly facilitate the care of the entire household.

Paths and driveways

Lack of landscaped access roads, fences and pedestrian paths in the local area significantly impairs the usability of the dacha, and the countryside property itself loses its attractiveness. Driveways can be improved by making a gravel driveway or laying asphalt.

Paths directly in the garden area can be paved concrete tiles or polished stones. There are many special materials for paving walkways. In each specific case, the homeowner chooses one or another material depending on his financial capabilities.

Hedges and fences

The next stage of work is the arrangement of the reservoir. It is believed that such decorative pools and ponds increase the humidity in the area, which reduces possible temperature changes and improves the microclimate. Currently, there are special plastic forms for decorative pools, and the purchase of everything necessary equipment is not difficult. All this allows you to independently arrange the personal plot a full-fledged decorative pond.

Decorative pond can be a great addition to landscape design plot. These are reservoirs that are small in volume and have decorative design. In such reservoirs you can keep various ornamental fish or simply create an original waterfall. Today at specialized stores there is a possibility of choosing ready-made decorative garden ponds, the installation of which directly on a personal plot is not difficult.

Setting up a green lawn

Laying out a lawn on the garden plot of a country house is one of the most important stages arrangement of the territory. In the recent past, when fruits and vegetables were grown at the dacha, there was no talk of any lawns or lawns. Today, with the growth of prosperity, we are beginning to consider the dacha primarily as an opportunity for excellent outdoor recreation.

An emerald green lawn will create the necessary atmosphere in your garden plot and emphasize its attractive appearance. The lawn beautifully frames the main vistas garden design, flower beds stand out clearly against its background. And fruits that fall on the grass do not get dirty.

It should be said that there are numerous technologies for arranging a lawn at the dacha. It is possible to use ready-made rolled lawns, however they have high cost, are difficult to install and subsequently operate. Most homeowners prepare the foundation themselves and subsequently sow the area with varietal grass. Such preparation of the territory involves removing the turf, leveling the ground and filling the fertile layer of soil. You will also need to regularly water the grass and remove emerging weeds. Despite the apparent complexity, every homeowner can arrange such a lawn.

Arranging garden beds at the dacha

It is impossible to imagine a full-fledged dacha without garden beds. In such beds you can grow fresh vegetables and fruits, which are immediately eaten by your household. If you are a complete beginner, then take a look at our tips on where to start your garden at this address, you will probably find something useful.

They try to locate the beds in close proximity to the fence, which will simultaneously provide an attractive landscape design, and the site will not lose any functionality. We can recommend not immediately wasting time on planting all the planned organic beds, stretching out this “pleasure” over the years. For example, in the first year, lay down two, and then increase their number. This will allow you to get excellent harvest even with small area allocated for vegetables and fruits.

Landscaping a dacha is a complex, labor-intensive and lengthy process. It is necessary to properly plan the progress of such work and subsequently act according to the plan. All this will simplify such work, and the homeowner will be able to properly begin arranging the dacha with his own hands, ensuring ease of use and an attractive appearance of the garden area.

Arranging a summer cottage with your own hands is a process that can confidently be called continuous. Every year, when we come out of town, we find many objects that deserve our close attention: here we need to fix a rickety fence, here we need to lay a path, and here it would be nice to arrange a flower bed.

And although an entire encyclopedia may not be enough to describe every detail of this process, below we will try to collect a number of the most useful recommendations. By following them, you can streamline your work and significantly increase its efficiency. So there will still be time for relaxation!

Dividing the cottage into zones

Before arranging a summer cottage, you need to conditionally divide its area into functional areas. Of course, it is advisable to do this at the design stage, but to restore order in a dacha that is actively in use, this will also not be amiss.

Experts identify three main zones:

  • Residential, including a house and surrounding area. Here the priorities are communications (water, electricity, sewerage), paths and access roads, as well as the features of the building itself. The main factors to pay attention to will be comfort and safety.
  • Recreational – everything related to relaxation (active and not so active). Perhaps the examples of arranging a summer cottage here will be the most diverse, ranging from terraces and lawns to exercise equipment open air, basketball courts, tennis courts, etc.

  • Gardening. This can include both a front garden with flowers and an alpine slide in front of the house, and a greenhouse with extensions for equipment. However, the main part of this zone is, naturally, the garden and beds, which can be considered an integral part of almost every dacha.

When we arrange a summer cottage with our own hands, we should visually separate these zones from each other, arranging them so that they do not intersect. In this case, our stay outside the city will be much more comfortable, since we can easily switch from one type of activity to another, and at the same time we will not interfere with each other.

Local area

We will try to limit ourselves to only the most important ones, and will start with those that relate directly to the area near the house:

  • One of key points, which are worth paying attention to, will be the arrangement of the entrance to the summer cottage. For this purpose, either a gravel platform is usually built (layer thickness from 50 cm, fraction 25-35 mm), or monolithic slab made of concrete/asphalt concrete. The price of the second option is much higher, but concrete covering much easier to keep clean.

Pay attention!
An important element of the entrance area is drainage ditch which ensures the drainage of rainwater.

  • The area in front of the house is usually connected to all other objects on the site through paths. Arranging the paths of a summer cottage with your own hands can take place according to a variety of schemes. The cheapest option is to fill it with gravel, but if your financial capabilities allow it, then you can lay all the paths with paving slabs on a sand cushion or a monolithic concrete base.

  • Also in the local area it is protected from the rain. It can cover only a small area in front of the porch, or it can cover the entire area, including the parking space. Typically, such canopies are mounted on steel supports, and translucent polycarbonate is used as a covering.
  • An important factor ensuring comfort will be the lighting of the local area.. Naturally, this requires a stable energy supply, and renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help here: even if the electricity goes out, you will not be left without light.

Recreation area

If you don’t know where to start planning a recreational site, then we recommend that you think about creating:

  • For this purpose, we select a small area that will not be shaded by either the house or tall trees. If necessary, we bring fertile soil to the site, carefully level it and sow it with lawn grasses.

Pay attention!
Lawn grasses are resistant to trampling, but they must be mowed regularly.

  • You can also build an alpine slide on such a site. We lay out its basis from natural stone: limestone is best, granite or quartzite is somewhat worse. We fill the gaps between the stones with fertile soil in which we plant the plants.
  • Finally, if you have a large area empty, you can make a pond on it. Of course, digging and concreting the bowl itself will require a lot of work, which is why today special plastic containers, which are installed flush with the ground level.

Garden and vegetable garden

When deciding how to arrange a small summer cottage, many of us pay special attention to the part where we can grow vegetables and fruits.

This approach can be considered quite rational, however, here too it is worth adhering to a number of recommendations:

  • Firstly, the beds need to be placed in such a way that there is enough light for them. That is why trees are usually planted in the immediate vicinity of a country house, and a vegetable garden is planted at a distance - this way it will not be shaded throughout the day.

Pay attention!
This doesn't concern shade-loving plants: for them, a site is usually allocated either next to the garden, or even under the canopy of trees.

  • Particular care must be taken in choosing the location for installing greenhouses. In addition to sufficient sunlight, this area should be protected from the wind, especially in spring.
  • The beds themselves should be separated from the paths with sides made of boards or plastic sheets: this way the black soil will not be lost, and we will apply much less dirt to the recreation area and to the house.

  • To ensure sufficiently abundant watering during the dry period, it is worth considering such an option as installing a well on a summer cottage. Despite all the labor costs associated with this event, it can be considered justified: this way we will not only provide ourselves with high-quality water for drinking and irrigation, but also insure ourselves against water supply outages, which usually occur at the most inopportune moment.
  • Well, if growing vegetables is a fairly serious hobby for you, then you should set up your own garden pumping station. Such an installation will make it possible to water the beds with a hose and install an economical, but effective system drip irrigation.


Options for arranging a summer cottage, as well as recommendations for performing certain works, can be listed endlessly. The main thing here is to understand what exactly we want from our dacha, plan the work and begin the systematic implementation of our project. This may take more than one year, but if we are guided by tips similar to those presented in the video in this article, then we will definitely succeed.

Gone are the days when everyone at their dacha plot was busy with the beds and fruit trees, but didn’t think about decor. Once upon a time the best decoration The courtyard had unpretentious flowers along the fence or a small flower bed. Today, the dacha is becoming a place for country holidays, and many owners hire a landscape design specialist. But if your hands are in place and you have a few worthwhile ideas, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Original design Do-it-yourself summer cottage plots are made from scrap materials, which are abundant in every garage, on mezzanines, balconies or storage rooms.

Decorating a cottage with your own hands

Mill at the dacha made of stones

Decorating a flower bed with wood

The main advantage of homemade country decor is that it is possible to attach everything that was a pity to throw away. Every thrifty homeowner has long-term deposits of all sorts of goods stored in the garage and on the balcony, mezzanine and pantry, which will soon become an adornment of the landscape.

You can adapt many items that have served their main life to your dacha design with your own hands:

  • bald car tires;
  • plastic bottles, containers and containers;
  • ropes, tarpaulin, burlap, camouflage net;
  • cutting boards and thin cuts of wood;
  • unnecessary plastic pipes;
  • thick wire, chain-link mesh, metal scraps;
  • old shoes and sports equipment;
  • plywood boxes and wooden containers;
  • empty barrels and other containers;
  • leaky teapots, bowls, pans;
  • unnecessary carts and bicycles;
  • old plastic and wooden furniture;
  • leftovers building materials And polyurethane foam.

First of all, you need to evaluate the “reserves” in order to distribute them for the arrangement of the dacha as needed. Some of the materials will be used to make fully functional devices.

In any yard, a “Moidodyr” (washbasin) in the barbecue or grill area and a sofa swing in the shade of the garden under a tarpaulin canopy will be useful. From other old things, make flower stands and flowerpots, all kinds of original ones garden decorations with your own hands.

Boar's head from a pile of earth at the dacha

Decorating a flower bed with flowers

Will need detailed plan site for proper zoning and marking. Even in a small yard country house or in country garden it is necessary to distribute functional zones that will delimit:

  • curbs;
  • sides from plastic bottles;
  • hedges;
  • decorative stonework;
  • original fences.

A well-maintained estate does not require redevelopment; all you need is creative design ideas for your dacha. On the new site, places for a comfortable pastime are determined:

  • outdoor cooking fireplace;
  • children's playground with decorative sandbox;
  • gazebos, benches, swings;
  • parking under a canopy for cars, motorcycles or bicycles;
  • a playground for a children's pool;
  • decorative beds, flower beds, flower beds and alpine coaster.

By working on your own country house design, you have the opportunity to realize long-standing dreams and plans of the whole family. Free areas can be covered with small stones and sowed lawn grass, low-growing border plants and flowers, as in the photo.

Do-it-yourself gazebo in the country

Flowerbed at the dacha

DIY border at the dacha

Garden paths

Discussions about whether paths are needed in a dacha last until the first rainstorm. In some regions, the soil is so viscous that you can’t pull your feet out of the mud - it sticks to your shoes in a heavy lump. The only way out is to provide aesthetically pleasing paved passages between summer cottages.

Paths made of different materials will help you decorate your dacha with your own hands:

  • bricks or foam blocks;
  • cutting boards and round cuts;
  • sea ​​pebbles and wild stone;
  • compacted fine gravel and sand;
  • homemade paving slabs;
  • marble chips and other bulk materials of small fractions;
  • concrete paths with mosaic masonry broken glass and ceramic tiles.

The country alley leading to the garden will be functional and attractive in itself when there are original borders or rows of annual flowers on the sides. But the original idea of ​​laying it will make it a real decoration of the garden with your own hands from scrap materials.

Decorating a summer cottage with plants

Flower beds at the dacha

A paved path can be below ground level or slightly elevated, and have a flat or slightly convex surface. Alleys will last for many years if done according to all the rules.

You need a shallow trench, which is marked and the boundaries are fixed using a rope between driven pegs. This is the only way to make the path the same width.

The bottom of the trench is compacted with gravel and sand, regardless of the type of paving material.

Next, you need to organize formwork for concrete with filler or sides for large blocks. Low log pegs and rows of glass or plastic bottles of the same size dug upside down are suitable as decorative borders.

Sandbox with flowers

Flowers in pots at the dacha

Flowerbed made of stones at the dacha

The compacted trench is filled between the formwork concrete base under recessed finishing materials. Between the pieces of mosaic path tiles, you need to carefully fill the seams.

Alleys made of bricks, blocks and solid tiles (without connection cement mixture) sprinkle sand along the seams.

When laying tiles or bricks on sand, use a rubber or wooden hammer for adjustment and leveling.

The horizontal is adjusted using the building level.

If the site is located in a lowland, be sure to organize drainage, otherwise the alleles may turn into gutters. The situation will be saved by a shallow drainage ditch parallel to the garden path, paved with ceramic fragments or filled with cement.

Design ideas for a dacha will be realized in the best possible way if all stages of the construction of the path and its decoration are done slowly and efficiently, following the laying technology. The easiest way is to use ready-made lattice templates for homemade cement walkways with filler, as in the photo. The template is moved step by step into the prepared trench with a bed of sand and gravel, filling with base material.

Forms for paving slabs and “Euro fences” of various sizes and shapes are available for sale. You can organize an entire production for your summer cottage or start your own business.

Gardening the border at the dacha

DIY border at the dacha

Decorative hedges, fences and borders

Using the technology described in the previous section, decorative sides are made to strengthen the levels of a sloping summer cottage and the walls of a cascading flower bed. The picket fence method is also suitable as a decorative fence.

The edge of the low side can also be used as paths between flower beds and sandboxes. Children love to run along the rows of buried stumps.

Hedges are a great way to save money on zoning your summer cottage with your own hands. Suitable shrubs for pruning, regular or standard roses in the form of a tree. Low-growing border roses are planted between them, creating a two-row flower wall.

The simplest side is made from plastic bottles. Containers of the same color are filled with sand, gravel or soil. Bottles are dug halfway into a small trench and covered with earth or stone chips. They may be empty, but they last longer when filled with something.

Attention! Plastic bottles cannot be filled with water - lenses form under the sun's rays, which burn nearby plants. There might even be a fire.

DIY flowerbed

Castle made of stones in the country

Do-it-yourself barbecue made of stones in the country

Flower arches and arbors made of climbing plants

Climbing roses and other climbing flowers are a great way to decorate your homemade summerhouse or arches from scrap materials. A metal rod, corner or channel, which can be assembled into a structure, is suitable as a base. welding machine or bolt it together.

Ready-made supports for arches must be securely fixed in the ground. Dug holes with columns underneath country decor with their own hands they compact it well with crushed stone and sand, after which they cement it and fill it with stone chips. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, grapes or fragrant flowers may spread along the top of such a gallery.

In hot climates it is better to make an indoor gallery. Remnants of light-transmitting ones will also work. roofing materials. Canopies along decorative paths can only be with south side, but at an angle to provide more shade. A wire trellis is stretched between the posts where the plants will climb. The most economical way is to grow cucumbers, decorative beans or pumpkins along the arch.

Flower lovers can different methods decorate the cottage with your own hands from scrap materials. They make vertical flower beds in holes from wide plastic pipes, wooden or openwork metal shelves for pots, as in the photo.

Flowerbed made of stones at the dacha

Decorating a cottage with your own hands

Garden sculptures and decor from scrap materials

Do-it-yourself garden design from scrap materials is mainly associated with the following materials:

  • car tires (bald tires);
  • templates from plywood scraps, from which it is easy to make the missing elements for the “smiling characters” of country decor;
  • plastic containers;
  • ceramic flower pots;
  • unnecessary shoes;
  • metal and wooden barrels etc.

Some homemade sculptures for the garden are so good that they can compete with real masterpieces. For example, foam frogs or plaster swans.

But most role models are made from car tires- cut and turned. Acrylic paints will transform any material to make characters recognizable for country house design with your own hands. Depending on the skill and style of garden and patio design, you can choose any idea. This is what swans and parrots look like made from rubber, palm trees made from plastic bottles.

Decorating a flowerbed with snails with your own hands

Decorating a cottage with improvised materials

Table and chairs made of hemp in the country

Original flower beds and mini-beds

Mini-flower beds with succulents and cacti (other small plants) inside large shells look original. No less interesting to many will be the idea of ​​using shoes as flower pots or old hats on the wall.

Small containers are suitable for succulents and indoor plants, exhibited in the open air for the summer. But before you decorate the dacha with your own hands, keep in mind that they will have to be brought into the house during rain, hail and gusty winds. Original forms and it is better to make flowerpots stationary, and insert flower pots for the season or upon arrival at the dacha on weekends.

Traditionally broken vehicles used as original DIY garden decorations. Trolleys and bicycles, large car body parts are suitable for a small flower garden. Musical instruments fit too. Creative idea– a piano with flowers and a waterfall.

Fountain, artificial pond

Mini pond – great solution for decorating a dacha with your own hands. A small tank can be equipped using available materials:

  • old rubber boat;
  • large metal barrel;
  • excavator bucket;
  • tub;
  • tank trim.

The bottom of a homemade pond is made in a small pit, with a compacted cushion of gravel and sand. The top is lined with tarpaulin and thick film in 2-3 layers, the edges are secured with stones in the form of sides. All that remains is to fill with water and decorate with the raised plants.

Advice. To maintain eco-balance, you need to monitor the condition of the water, which is periodically drained or circulated. A fountain requires a pump and a filter. To complete the “lake” design, add homemade frogs, swan or crocodile.

Flowerbeds at the dacha with flowers

DIY flower bed at the dacha

Landscape design with a children's playground

So that children don’t get bored at the dacha, and they don’t waste time while working in the garden and beds, there is a solution - a children’s playground with a sandbox and funny homemade figures.

An important condition is that the place for children’s games should be clearly visible from different angles of the summer cottage in order to observe what is happening.

The sides of the sandbox can be easily built using available materials:

  • palisade made of logs;
  • painted boards;
  • wide wooden box;
  • big tire, etc.

With any type of sandbox, children need a place to sit and lay out the molds. Dachny children's corner You can fence it off from your neighbors with a fence in the shape of pencils or decorate it with other homemade decor - paints can help!

If you have enough space, you can build a more interesting sandbox on the site - in the form of a ship, car or mansion. Somewhere nearby you can build a tree house with rope ladders and a slide for descending into a sandbox or a tent city made from old blankets. Stretch ropes between the trees, give them clothespins and fabric, they will happily build houses for themselves.

Original garden furniture

Fantasy craftsmen limitless - from plastic bottles, awning materials and wood waste do garden furniture on the verge of masterpieces. After pruning the garden and removing dead wood, there is a lot of material left that is easy to use to make:

  • armchairs;
  • swing;
  • rocking chairs;
  • tables and stands.

For comfort, soft seats are made, and natural-shaped material is used on the sidewalls and frame of the products. It is very convenient to use ready-made pallets or pallets as the basis for a sofa or a corner under a canopy. Poufs and banquettes, tables and armchairs are made from plastic bottles. If you have time and experience, make an entire sofa for your dacha out of plastic bottles, but you will need many containers of the same shape and volume. A cover or cover for a homemade sofa is sewn from old curtains.

More original ideas will be suggested by photos from our gallery.

Before properly arranging a garden plot, it is necessary to study a number of nuances that will allow you to competently cope with the task. Landscaping the territory and dividing it into functional zones will require a lot of time and effort. To avoid encountering difficulties during your work, it is worth developing an action plan in advance.

Functional purpose and preparation for planning

For the convenience of using the site, it is necessary to determine in advance the location of the residential building, outbuildings, garden and vegetable garden. If you skip the planning stages, difficulties may arise in the process of using the territory and buildings, and the aesthetic appearance will also be impaired.

When starting planning, it is advisable to have a site plan, according to which the location of communications, buildings and areas for plantings is determined. Preparatory work include the study of the nature of the soil, topography, shape, and the presence of reservoirs. In some cases, it may be necessary to organize drainage, remove or add topsoil, construct blind areas for walls, and level the surface of the area. To thoroughly study the area, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  1. Relief quality: ravines, hills, flat terrain. Based on this, a communications laying scheme is determined.
  2. Soil: clay, humus, sand. To grow garden crops, it is important to take care of. This indicator must be taken into account when choosing flowers, bushes and trees for the garden.
  3. Plot shape: square or rectangle. It is the shape that determines how to properly plan a summer cottage plot as conveniently as possible.
  4. Groundwater. If there is nearby groundwater, care must be taken to drainage system and drainage.
  5. Climate and windiness. In a ventilated area, it is necessary to provide additional protection for plants.
  6. Amount of light.

Tall trees and outbuildings should be located in the north of the garden so that they do not create shade throughout the day.

Having studied all the nuances, you can begin choosing design, design and construction work.

Choice of style

Before you arrange your garden plot, you will have to think about the stylistic direction. This does not mean that when designing a territory it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, but to create harmonious space You can take one of three directions as a basis.

Geometric garden style

The name of this style speaks for itself. His distinctive feature is the clear arrangement of all design elements. This optimal solution for a flat summer cottage. In this case, fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the shape of a square, rectangle, circle, or in a checkerboard pattern.

This design is perfect for relief terrain, on the territory of which there is a natural body of water, a hill or a ravine. With the help of design techniques, you can turn the imperfections of the site into the main attraction of the garden.

Mixed style

Often, owners of personal gardens opt for a mixed style: a combination of geometric and picturesque directions. This looks especially advantageous with mixed terrain, when half of the site is perfectly flat and the other is not.

There are no strict limits when choosing a design; everything is limited by the finances and taste preferences of the owners. If difficulties arise during the design process, you can contact designers who will help develop and bring to life any ideas.

Making a plan

A plan diagram is necessary for the proper distribution of objects on the site. You can draw it yourself by hand, or make it using a computer program. This point cannot be neglected, even when planning is done by specialists. Having a plan in hand, it will be easier to resolve issues with employees and control the process.

A detailed diagram should include several points:

  1. Location of all construction sites.
  2. Landscaping areas, including greenhouses, flower beds and types of vegetation.
  3. Shape, direction and material of garden paths.
  4. Drainage system for close groundwater.
  5. Artificial reservoirs, if provided for by the project.
  6. Quantity, design and placement of lighting fixtures.
  7. Cost of materials and specialist work.

How to properly arrange a garden plot by zoning

Arrangement process garden area It will be much easier if you divide the site into functional zones:

  • residential area (10% of the site);
  • space for placing a garden and vegetable garden (about ½ part);
  • additional buildings, including shower and toilet (15%);
  • place to relax (the remaining 25%).

The percentage of land for a vegetable garden can be adjusted in favor of a place to relax, depending on preferences.

Construction of a house

When considering how to properly position buildings on a site, you should first determine the location for the construction of a residential building. It is this building that is the center of the territory and will become the determining factor for the further placement of vegetation, recreation areas and utility rooms.

The location of the house is influenced by the purpose of the summer cottage:

  1. In case country house used for recreational purposes, the building should be located according to the planned landscape solution, harmoniously fitting it into the overall style.
  2. If plantings are planned on the garden plot, it is advisable to locate the house as close to the boundaries as possible.

In addition to personal wishes, before arranging a plot of land with a house, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  • depth of groundwater (the foundation of the building depends on this);
  • the presence of nearby houses (the distance between houses is at least 6 meters);
  • layout of existing or planned communication lines;
  • tall trees that cannot be cut down (construction is prohibited within a radius of 250 cm);
  • placement of the house relative to other structures (at least 15 meters to the toilet, 6 meters to the bathhouse, 15 meters to outbuildings);
  • distance from access roads and streets (no closer than 5 meters).

Compliance with each point is mandatory when construction work, and some of them will not allow you to get the job done. If there is uneven terrain, it is better to locate a residential building on a hill so that it does not create a shadow for vegetation. For convenience, it is worth leaving access roads for vehicles, including a sewer truck, clear.

Having decided what to build on the site, you need to choose quality materials. If you want to build a house in a short time, you should give preference to the block or frame-panel option.

Construction of utility buildings

The design of outbuildings is often not given due attention. This is not true, even though they will be hidden from prying eyes. The layout of the garden plot implies the location of this type of buildings in the depths of the territory. It is advisable to place buildings with north side, in such a way that they protect the plants from the wind, without creating a shadow.

If the layout does not allow the construction of utility buildings in the depths of the site, they exterior design should be in harmony with the design of the house, or decorated with tall trees, bushes or a vineyard.

Buildings for domestic needs should not be located at a low point in the garden, otherwise access to them will be difficult during rains.

Outdoor shower and toilet

A summer house rarely provides for the installation of a bathroom and toilet, so it is worth taking care of their placement within the site. In order to save space and convenience, it is better to make a toilet and shower in one building. When thinking about how to properly and comfortably arrange a garden plot with all the amenities, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • in view of high humidity and regular outflow of water, the building should be located away from other buildings;
  • a sufficient amount of natural light must enter the room;
  • a structure with a large area should be erected on a foundation.

You should not save on materials; low quality will lead to a short service life and repeated construction.

Relaxation area

There are no clear restrictions when determining a place to rest. This could be a free-standing gazebo in the shade garden trees, or several zones located in different parts garden:

  • with a sandbox and slide;
  • garden room, which acts as a veranda, summer kitchen and flower garden;
  • patio;
  • covered barbecue with table and chairs under a canopy;
  • beautiful benches located near a pond (if there is one).

Any option on how to properly arrange a recreation area is limited only by your imagination. There is only one rule for such buildings: there should be beautiful flowers and picturesque shrubs around.

When designing an area for relaxing with friends or secluded relaxation, due attention should be paid to lighting. If there is no fixed electrical line, a diesel generator will come to the rescue.


To decide where to place the garden on the site, you need to choose the sunniest and most open place. To obtain a high yield, the area with beds should not be in the shade of buildings and tall trees, although some crops do not like exposure to direct sunlight. When choosing vegetables for planting, you need to take into account their requirements for humidity, frequency of watering and light. This will help you avoid mistakes and choose the most suitable place for each plant.

At first glance, installing a greenhouse is not a difficult task, but if placed incorrectly, the quantity and quality of seedlings can be very low. Planning a summer cottage with a greenhouse should be carried out according to the recommendations:

  1. Lighting. Plants in greenhouses need large quantities sunlight, therefore the structure should not be in the shade of other buildings or trees. How less light– the worse the growth of crops.
  2. The level of groundwater flow, the presence of a nearby body of water and the slope of the site in this place.
  3. Soil quality. If the soil in the greenhouse does not contribute to high yields, it is necessary to add fertilizers or bring better quality soil for planting.
  4. Accommodation. Access and driveways to the greenhouse must be accessible. To facilitate watering, it should be as close as possible.

Having figured out where to place the vegetable garden on the site and installed a greenhouse, you can begin to improve the territory.

Garden area

Before planning the site and planting it flower arrangements, you should first make a sketch of future flower beds. This will help not only to choose the right plants, but also to clearly see what the flower garden will look like. Plantings require regular care, so do not make them too wide. Otherwise, it will be difficult to weed the flowerbed and apply fertilizer.

As for placement, it could be local area, or free-standing flower beds, alpine slides and rockeries, scattered throughout the site, along paths or on the shore of a reservoir.

In order not to encounter a lack of space in the future, even at the stage of creating a sketch, it is worth determining a place for flower beds with a reserve for subsequent expansion.

Designer figurines and unusual figurines will help add comfort, beauty and charm fairy-tale heroes and animals, sculptures, fountains. These decorative elements should be located in prominent places, attracting attention.
It is important to observe moderation and choose decorations that fit the overall style of the area.

A popular technique among designers is to use photos of the design and arrangement of a garden plot. decorative elements, bearing a functional load: birdhouses and feeders, wicker furniture, flowerpots.

Planning a garden plot of various shapes

The easiest way to decide how to arrange a square garden plot, but the area does not always have this shape. Depending on this, planning options may be adjusted.

Rectangular plot

The best option for a summer residence, which allows you to realize all your ideas. In this case, the area of ​​the garden is of great importance - the smaller it is, the more compact each of the functional zones will be.

If you have a small space, you can limit yourself to a small house, beds, a gazebo and compact, picturesque flower beds around the perimeter. The width of the paths should also correspond to the available area, and not take up most of it.

Elongated shape

The elongated shape forces the use of design techniques to visually correct the situation:

  1. To visually expand the area, it must be properly zoned. Low bushes, hedges, or arches entwined with plants are perfect as a divider.
  2. Color accent can also play an important role: the narrow part is used for planting tall trees and bright colors, and wide – small plants of cold shades.

If you can’t cope with this task on your own, you can turn to professionals who will tell you how to plan plantings on your site.

L-shaped territory

A site of this shape has one undeniable advantage: one of its parts is out of sight. This feature allows the protruding part to be used as a place for outbuildings or a lounge area.

These options are common for territories with any area; specific changes are made depending on the number of acres.

Construction of 6 acres

When planning a plot of 6 acres, you need to decide on the location of the house, greenhouse with beds, recreation area and household buildings. The house is being built on the northern border in such a way that in the future it will not shade areas with plantings. For fruit trees allocate the area in the direction from north to south. They are placed at a distance of three meters, from each other, in a checkerboard pattern.

The layout of a summer cottage along the cardinal points involves the construction of utility blocks along the southern side, where you can install a greenhouse and lay out beds.

Marking 15 acres

If you have 15 acres, there will be no problems with the location of buildings and the organization of all the necessary areas. The vast territory allows you to freely erect buildings and plant many crops. The design of a site can consist of several stylistic directions.

When figuring out how to arrange everything on a plot of 15 acres, you can not adhere to clear forms, but arrange decorative elements and flower arrangements in a chaotic order. This will not spoil the appearance of the garden, but on the contrary will make it brighter and more unusual.

Ennoblement dacha area- a rather interesting and creative process that requires compliance with a number of standards and rules. If you approach this event with all your imagination and responsibility, the result will delight you for many years.