Learning and the education system in Ireland: main prospects for schoolchildren and students from Russia. The educational system of Ireland and the peculiarities of teaching students from Russia

For the majority of people Ireland, first of all, is famous for the beauty of its nature, legends and traditions, but today there is a unique opportunity to get to know this state much closer, since almost every foreigner can become a student at one of the country’s universities.

Higher education in Ireland

The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, please refer to the official website of the educational institution.
111 1 Trinity College, DublinDublin$23,069$19,609
221 2 University College DublinDublin$27,68320,762 USD
303 3 University College CorkCork$9,22817,302 USD
380 4 National University of Ireland GalwayGalway15,572 USD$14,995
437 5 Dublin City UniversityDublin15,572 USD$16,725
538 6 University of LimerickLimerick13,841 USD16,148 USD
615 7 Maynooth UniversityMaynooth$14,99516,148 USD
636 8 Dublin Institute of TechnologyDublin12,111 USD$13,265
1860 9 Royal College of Surgeons of IrelandDublin$32,297$13,265
2227 10 Cork Institute of TechnologyCork11,823 USD$12,976

What are the benefits of education in Ireland?

It is worth noting that the country’s educational system is at top level since time immemorial, which allowed this island to be called a country of saints and scientists back in the Middle Ages. True, several years ago very serious investments were made in the state’s universities, the task of which was to further raise the leisure and comfort of students to the highest possible level, and the emphasis was placed in comparison with leading and well-known universities throughout the world. In general, graduates of Irish universities not only have one of the best educations in the world, but also a variety of leisure time that can be spent searching for work, which is allowed by the country’s legislation even for foreign citizens, and this approach significantly reduces the financial costs of the student and his family.
By the way, those students who would like to start studying in the country, but are not confident in their English, can easily learn the language in numerous specialized courses, which, although they are comprehensive, can be divided into the following subtypes:
1) Basic (general) course. This program begins to teach the student from the very basics of the language, which allows him not only to understand, read and speak well, but also to navigate grammar no worse than native speakers themselves. It is worth noting that the course itself can be conducted either in a standard form or in an intensive one, which is especially convenient for those who want to save time.
2) Exam course. This program will be useful not only for entering a university, but also for finding a job, so that a student who wants to combine studying and earning money will be able to quickly get to the heart of the issues that interest him.
3) Academic year. It is worth noting that this is the most profitable course not only in terms of price, but also in terms of efficiency, perhaps its only disadvantages are, clear deadline the beginning of training and the duration, which can last for a year.
The clarity and methodology of the Irish educational system is also visible in the fact that in addition to the above courses for foreign students There are programs for executives that allow you to quickly understand business topics, as well as courses for those who want to combine language learning with recreation.

Requirements for admission to universities in Ireland

As you might guess, knowledge of the language is the most important requirement for admission, but in addition, depending on the university, the applicant may be required to pass an additional exam that will confirm the level of his qualifications. It is also worth noting that some universities require an academic difference between what the applicant has studied and the requirements of the Irish educational system.
It is worth noting that most universities in the country do not require extremely serious documentation that must be submitted for admission; as a rule, the university is content with:
  • documents about your existing education, and you can enroll not only if you have a specialization, but also after secondary school.
  • a certificate confirming that the future student speaks English.
  • a certificate from a bank or other document that confirms the applicant’s solvency.
By the way, all these documents must be submitted to the Central Application Office before February 1, so it is not uncommon to come across a recommendation according to which it is better to begin preparing for admission a year before the planned start of studies.

Options for studying in Ireland?

Today there are two main paths that allow you to become a student at an Irish university:
  1. Having received education in his country, the applicant can take the language courses mentioned above, after which it is necessary to prepare the documentation required by the selected university.
  2. Right after school. It is worth noting that this option is more complex than the first approach, since not every student can boast of excellent knowledge of the language, but if it is at the proper level, then all that remains for the applicant is to pass the required tests for passing the academic difference and provide a list the above documents.
  3. If we touch on less likely ways of admission, then they could be an invitation from the university itself or the existence of an agreement between an Irish educational institution and the institution from which the applicant graduated in his country.

Prospects for Irish University Graduates

Today, a person who enters a university in Ireland can become:
  • Bachelor's degree This diploma indicates that a specialist has a higher education, and also confirms the presence of basic knowledge in the chosen specialization, which, taking into account the rapidly developing world, is the most the best option. Simply put, by studying for 4 years, a student receives only the most advanced and most necessary knowledge, which will really be useful in the course of his working life.
  • master's degree This training is possible only if you already have a specialized education, and the master’s program itself provides more in-depth knowledge, which subsequently enables the specialist to occupy higher positions in his chosen profile.
It is worth noting that the Irish Department of Science and Education has entered into a number of agreements with many countries, which allows some foreign students to receive scholarships and grants during their studies.
If we talk directly about grants, they can be of two types:
  • Full coverage of the financial costs of studying and staying in the country, but for this it is necessary, in addition to a large list of documents, to confirm your extremely high knowledge of the English language, as well as to enlist the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of your country, which is only possible if there is the above-mentioned agreement between the countries.
  • Partial coverage, which involves receiving a scholarship based on the student's minimum financial need for the month.

Documents for obtaining a student visa to Ireland

It is worth immediately noting that student visas to Ireland can be short-term, which implies study for a period of no more than three months, and long-term, that is, those that guarantee higher education. Regardless of which visa the applicant is interested in, it is issued within six weeks, which means it is better to apply for it three months before the intended trip in order to exclude all force majeure situations.
To obtain a visa, an applicant will need:
  • international passport.
  • completed applicant application form.
  • an invitation from the university, as well as proof of receipt of payment by the institute.
  • two matte photographs 3.5x4.5 cm.
  • for working applicants: a certificate from the place of work, which proves wages for the last three months, as well as the fact that management will return the applicant to his position after training if he wishes to return. For students: a document from the university certifying that the student is on academic leave.
  • if you have certificates of completion of English language courses.
  • copies of air tickets and medical insurance.
All listed documents must be submitted in English, and their translation must be notarized.
That, in fact, is all you need to know about studying in Ireland, and finally, all that remains to be added is that the diploma received by the student will be quoted in all countries of the world, which allows, if there is a desire, to stay and work in Ireland itself.

Studying abroad is very popular in last years. Parents do everything they can to give their children the best education possible. For young citizens of our country, this is a ticket to a bright future. Well, for already established people, studying abroad is a desire to continue their education, including for development own business, entering the international arena.

When the decision is made, the question arises about the place of further education. The most popular include universities in America and Canada. However, these are far from the only options. Foreign students and schoolchildren can go to other countries to receive a quality education that will open the door to the world for them career prospects and opportunities.

If we talk about education in Europe, it is worth paying attention to educational establishments Ireland. There are excellent options here for both language courses and secondary educational institutions and universities.

In Ireland your education will be taken care of globally famous writers and politicians, laureates Nobel Prize in various industries. The main thing is that education here is highly valued around the world - children who have graduated from Irish high school, have no problem entering universities in other foreign countries, and graduates of Irish universities are highly valued among employers the best companies on the global labor market. Having a university degree in Ireland will open any door for you or your child, you will be able to study or work wherever you want.

Ireland is recognized as one of the friendliest countries in the world and Irish educational institutions are in demand among applicants from different parts of our planet.

The modern education system consists of 3 levels:

  • primary for children from 5 to 12 years old;
  • the middle one consists of 2 levels of 3 years each: junior and senior;
  • higher or special (colleges and universities).

Secondary education in Ireland

If you are interested in the best European private schools, you should definitely pay attention to boarding schools in Ireland. Boarding schools in Ireland offer quality European education to children from different countries peace. Studying here is an interesting educational and cultural program and modern methods training. Many people think that the Irish secondary education system is no different from the British one, but this is not the case. There are some peculiarities here.

Irish boarding school students begin their studies at the age of 12/13 and can study here for six years. The two main examinations taken by children in secondary schools in Ireland are the Junior Certificate (at the end of Year 3 at age 15/16) and the Leaving Certificate (equivalent to A Level at the end of Year 6). After the Junior Certificate, students move on to the fourth year of school, which is called the Transition Year. A comprehensive career preparation and college/university preparation program is an integral part of the Transition Year at Ireland's top private institutions. Schools in Ireland offer fantastic value for money. International boarding schools welcome international students. Children can choose up to 8 subjects, although only 6 of these can count towards entry into Irish universities.

Academic subjects in private boarding schools are presented more innovatively than in regular educational institutions - through project work. The school, together with parents, helps each student with the right choice items based on his plans for the future. Some Irish boarding schools have the opportunity to participate in exchange programs with schools in the USA, France, and Germany, which is very useful for developing a child’s communication skills, the ability to get along in a new team and practice the language.

In addition to studying, all students of boarding schools in Ireland are required to engage in sports and/or other useful activities. general development hobbies. Your child can enjoy sailing, rock climbing, soccer, photography, etc.

Higher education in Ireland

Internationally recognized, Irish higher education institutions are highly regarded for their academic quality and practical experience. The reputation for good education was assigned to the country’s universities back in the Middle Ages, when Ireland occupied the position of one of the main “suppliers” educational services V Western world. Ireland's strong reputation for high quality education is based on a constant pursuit of excellence.

Over 30 higher education institutions in Ireland offer wide range There are more than 5,000 bachelor's and master's programs in total. More than 11,000 foreign students from around the world come here every year.

Ireland is home to universities that are among the best in the world. Some of key areas areas that Irish universities specialize in include science, technology, economics and humanitarian sciences. One of the leading universities in the country is Trinity College Dublin. It was founded back in 1592. Trinity College Dublin is the oldest institution of higher education in Ireland and one of seven "ancient universities" in the UK and Ireland. This is the only college of the University of Dublin, which was created in the likeness of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. Today Trinity College Dublin is the most prestigious university in Ireland, ranking 88th in the world rankings. More than 17,000 students currently study in the university's three faculties alone: ​​Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; Engineering, Mathematics and Science; Health Sciences.

In Dublin itself, the capital of Ireland, there are many other educational institutions - schools, colleges, universities, language courses. The city is recognized as one of the best student cities in the world. There is, without a doubt, something to do here besides studying. For example, admire the beautiful medieval architecture and learn the history of the most famous novelists, visit the Guinness brewery, if age, of course, allows. The city is also known for being quite expensive, with the cost of living being higher than other places in Ireland.

Employment field of study in Ireland

Diplomas from Irish universities are internationally recognized, so you can be sure that there will be no problems with employment after graduation. Ireland is home to the European offices of many of the world's leading technology companies, such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Airbnb, Pfizer, Dell, Intel and many more. Often large companies work together with nearby universities to develop new products and provide new qualified personnel. Among other things, these companies accept students at their base for internships and with the possibility of further employment. But even if the student did not receive a job offer from Google after the end of the internship, any company will accept him with such a mark on his resume.

Advantages of studying and living in Ireland

In addition to excellent schools and universities, boundless hospitality and job opportunities in a global company, there are many more advantages in favor of education in Ireland.

Firstly, this is an English-speaking country. Here there is an opportunity to study in a language environment and, at the same time, learn about other cultures, since the child will be in a multinational environment.

Secondly, the country's rich culture. Despite small sizes, Ireland is very interesting culturally. From the National Museum to street art, there is plenty to nourish your spirit here. In addition, Ireland is a country of many world-class discoveries (a tractor, a defibrillator, a stethoscope, carbonated water - this is not the entire list of inventions that were created by the Irish).

Ireland is also a country with a high sports culture. Rugby, football, water sports, etc. If a child studies in Ireland, he will definitely play some kind of sport both at school and at university.

And finally, Ireland is simply very beautiful - isn’t that a bonus when choosing a country? Ireland is called the Emerald Isle for a reason - all year round here everything is covered with emerald-colored vegetation, which pleases the eye. The list of natural attractions of the country can be endless and the local landscapes are truly mesmerizing!

Ireland is deservedly considered one of the most environmentally friendly, hospitable and safe countries in Europe, so studying in Ireland is very prestigious. It has its own education system, which is not inferior in quality to the British one. Studying in Ireland is a good start to your career.

The Irish Leaving Certificate is recognized throughout the world. who trained in Ireland. Graduates of Irish schools successfully enter both Irish and top foreign universities.

Studying in Ireland is reliable way gain solid knowledge. Passing exams is possible only after a solid mastery of the material, as the standards and requirements are very high.

What else is good about studying in Ireland? Most guest families are located in picturesque historical areas of the country, where you can feel the local flavor and the amazing friendliness of its inhabitants. But one of the most significant advantages is the cost.

Cost of studying in Ireland

The cost of studying in Ireland is significantly lower than in England or the USA. The price of vacation programs starts from 900 euros, and the cost of language programs for adults is even lower.

Particularly worth mentioning. The cost of annual training is 30-40% cheaper than in the UK. You can study in Ireland for fifteen to twenty thousand Euros a year and upon graduation you can directly enter a UK university. Thus, such education in Ireland provides an opportunity to further study not only in Europe, but also in England.

The Irish higher education system dates back to the Middle Ages. It is no coincidence that this island country is called “the land of saints and scientists”: even in those distant times, monks received education in monasteries and then went to Europe to bring knowledge to the continent. Centuries have passed, and Ireland is still famous for its exceptional education. Here they have not only preserved traditions, but also always keep up with the times, constantly developing and improving the educational system.

Today, Irish higher education is built on the Bolognese system and includes bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The first stage is a bachelor's degree, lasting 3-4 years. After three years of study you can receive an Ordinary Bachelor Degree, after 4 - a bachelor's degree with honors (Honours Bachelor Degree). As a rule, four-year studies are chosen by students aiming for high positions or continuing their studies in a master's degree.

Master's programs are another 2 years within the university. But unlike bachelor's programs, where students attend a fairly large number of lectures and seminars, master's programs involve more independent study. In addition to attending classes, students prepare scientific papers and research under the supervision of a tutor (supervisor).

Doctoral studies can take from 2 to 6 years depending on the scope of research work.

Colleges, institutes and universities in Ireland

Higher education in Ireland is represented by universities, institutes and colleges. There are some differences between them, and the choice of one or another higher education institution depends on what you plan to do in the future.

There are 9 universities in Ireland. They all focus on research and scientific work. The oldest and most prestigious is Trinity College Dublin, founded in 1591. Studying at universities in Ireland is usually chosen by those students who plan to devote themselves to science.

Institutes and colleges do not have such a strong fundamental base, but they are aimed at the practical application of knowledge and prepare their graduates for future work. It is not surprising that diplomas from such educational institutions are valued higher by employers from the real sector of the economy than university degrees.

The most prestigious specialties are economic sciences, medicine, and information technology.

The academic academic year is two to three semesters and lasts from September to June. Besides summer holidays, Irish university students take Christmas in December and Easter in April. Myself educational process consists of lectures, seminars, practical classes and laboratory work, as well as from individual lessons with a tutor. The academic load is high, there are a lot of independent tasks. All students are required to play sports - for this purpose, universities in Ireland have all the necessary sports facilities. Also Special attention focuses on creativity and social activity. Various mugs, creative studios and communities of interest allow students to spend time in a fun and useful way.

Irish university rankings

University Position in 2016-20017 Position in 2017-20018
Trinity College Dublin ---- 177
University College Dublin 201-250 201-250
National University of Ireland, Galway 201-250 201-250
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 201-250 201-250
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 351-400 401-500
University College Cork 351-400 351-400
Dublin City University 401-500 401-500
University of Limerick 501-600 501-600
Dublin Institute of Technology 601-800 601-800

However, despite not the highest ratings, graduates of Irish universities are in great demand on the world market. Finding a job with a diploma from an Irish university will not be difficult - both on the Emerald Isle itself and in the countries of Europe and North America.

Tuition fees at universities in Ireland

Prices for studying in Irish higher education institutions are considered to be among the lowest among English-speaking countries. A year of study at the prestigious Trinity College will cost 15,000 - 20,000 € for the humanities and technical faculties, about 30,000 € for medical specialties. In less popular universities, you can easily meet the amount of 15,000 €.

Additional living costs depend on the city in which the university is located. In the capital of the Republic - Dublin, prices are traditionally higher than in the provinces. On average, students spend about 7,000 - 10,000 € per year on hostel fees, food and travel, which is about 30% less than in neighboring Great Britain.

According to migration legislation, foreign students can work while studying: up to 20 hours a week for school year and full time during holidays. Ireland is interested in attracting qualified specialists, so it will not be difficult for senior students to find part-time work in their specialty. Besides additional income, such a job could be a way to stay in Ireland after graduating from university.

In addition to part-time jobs, students can apply for a scholarship - most universities, institutes and colleges have incentive programs for students with high academic results.

How to enter an Irish university?

Unlike others European countries, Ireland recognizes a certificate of secondary education obtained in the Russian Federation as sufficient grounds for admission to a university. To do this, you must have good grades (mostly “excellent”), as well as confirm your knowledge in English. Bachelor's programs require a TOEFL score of at least 550 or an IELTS score of 6 or higher. However, this path is considered quite risky - most likely, top educational institutions will refuse you.

The most preferred route to Irish universities is the Foundation course. During the year of study, students will significantly improve their level of English and academic subjects, and also adapt to living in the country. In some educational institutions, students who have passed the Foundation are automatically transferred to the first year with a “re-credit” of some subjects.

Documents must be submitted in advance. Yes, Central selection committee, to which all applicants applying for undergraduate programs at institutes and universities send documents, ends accepting applications on December 15. Those applying to colleges and graduate/doctoral programs apply directly to their chosen institution. The timing may vary somewhat, but generally all educational institutions stop accepting applications in January.