Protective and decorative coating of the log house. What is the best way to process logs? Processing stages. How to treat the outside of a wooden house - the main stages of processing

Unfortunately, wooden houses cannot stand forever; over time, they age and deteriorate: noticeable deviations from vertical lines appear, windows and doors stop closing, and walls begin to warp. At some point it becomes obvious that it’s time to start restoring the old wooden house. The review will discuss what work should be done first and in what sequence.

Wooden house

Log huts have long been built in Rus'. Our ancestors believed that this was the most suitable building material for a home. This is explained quite simply - wood is a unique natural material that is capable of transmitting air and excellently retaining heat indoors. An indisputable fact is that houses built from wood have a unique energy that lasts for a long time and has a beneficial effect on human health.

A wooden house, unlike a concrete or stone structure, is a kind of living organism that is able to independently tell its owners about its condition. About the fact that it needs restoration, old wooden house will let you know through various crackles and squeaks, which owners should learn to listen to. Most often, problems arise due to the nature of wood: it is susceptible to rotting and is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations and moisture. However, even the oldest can be restored with your own hands.

Most often in such buildings the porch, base of the house, roof, front door. Before you begin restoration and repair of old wooden houses, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of all structures, identify places that require repair, and determine the volume of upcoming restoration work.

Stages of tidying up

Restoring an old building is quite a troublesome, but enjoyable task. It is necessary to pay attention to the protective and load-bearing parts, and only then to the decorative part. First of all, you should conduct a strength test.


The degree of deterioration of the walls should not be ignored. If they have darkened over time, this does not mean anything. Very often you can see the white core under the dark surface of the log. However, if there is rot there, it must be cut out in whole pieces, along with clean areas, because there is no point in decorating a rotten surface.

Rafter system


It should be carefully inspected for damage. Restoring an old log house of a wooden house makes no sense without strengthening and strengthening the foundation. If it is not strong enough, its base will receive a strong load, which will lead to disruption of the external and interior decoration.

It is recommended to take a pickaxe small size and a lantern and inspect the foundation surfaces from the outside and inside. If whole pieces of the foundation fall off during tapping, it is advisable to invite specialists to assess the capabilities of the load-bearing platform.

Foundation restoration

The most difficult and at the same time important task is the old house on our own. The base of the building may begin to collapse due to additional load, for example, the addition of a second floor or attic, perhaps simply from time to time, because after a certain period of time all materials become unusable. Repair methods directly depend on the degree of destruction and the type of foundation. There are several restoration options.

Strip foundation

If a residential building has a strip foundation, and its destruction occurs after a long period of use, it can be restored by pouring a new reinforced concrete belt. To do this, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the building, and drill holes in the old foundation into which new reinforcement will later be laid.

The new frame is connected to reinforcement lintels and then filled with concrete mortar. After the foundation dries, it will become a single whole and can serve the house for many years.

Restoring an old wooden house with your own hands is much more difficult if the destruction of the strip foundation occurs unevenly and the house settles to one side. In this case, in order to reconstruct the foundation, you will have to raise the frame. Beforehand, the residential building should be cleared of furniture and its floors, windows and doors should be dismantled. When all the necessary procedures have been completed, you should very carefully use special jacks to lift the frame to the required height and place it on temporary supports. The affected part should be completely removed, new formwork should be installed and a new one should be poured. concrete plinth. To ensure the unity of the structure, it must be connected to the old foundation.

Columnar foundation

If under a building columnar foundation and the pillars began to collapse, their reconstruction is carried out in the same way as when repairing a belt one. The frame is smoothly jacked up from four corners, the old supports are dismantled and new posts are installed. If you find that the destruction has just begun, they can be “dressed” in a new concrete belt. This is done in the following way: formwork is installed around them and the solution is poured directly into it. After this, the structure is carefully placed on a new foundation.

Such work is quite feasible; it is only necessary to update it on time (in whole or in part). external walls and the roof. If the lower crowns of a building are rotten, it is raised above the foundation, the damaged logs are removed and replaced with new ones. Please note: when replacing, you should select logs identical to the previous ones in diameter and length.

A layer of roofing felt or other material is laid on the surface of the foundation. waterproofing material. Only after that the whole box is installed on it.

Restoration of walls occurs due to the formation of cracks along the perimeter of a wooden house. They should be thoroughly cleaned, treated with antiseptic compounds, and sealed with sealant. And only then can you begin the complete restoration of the house outside.

Sanding and eliminating defects in old timber

If you are not going to cover the house with facade panels, but plan to sand it, you will need a special machine equipped with attachments. With its help you can cope with even the most difficult to reach areas. Sanding should be carried out until a layer of light color appears.

If there are large defects that are located along the length of the rims, they should be repaired before grinding. This should be done with a special mixture of sawdust and asbestos; all damaged areas must be wiped down in advance. Instead of asbestos, it is allowed to use wood glue or construction plaster. However, such compositions are still better suited for correcting minor defects.

If there are many defects and they are too large, cladding is necessary, otherwise the inevitable dampness in the cracks can cause rot and damage to the wood. When restoring an old wooden house, you should remember that the wood must be treated with impregnations and various protective equipment. This procedure should be carried out before starting caulking. Sealing materials should also be processed.

All seams between logs should be freed from old sealant; a vacuum cleaner will do an excellent job with this task. The old tow should be replaced with new sealing material.

Building coloring

After all the activities have been completed, you should begin painting the house. There are several nuances to be observed here. This procedure involves applying several different means- tinting, varnish, azure. All of them will retain an interesting texture natural wood. Please note: the ends of the logs cannot be subjected to either protective or decorative processing. It is in this place that a kind of capillaries of the tree are concentrated, with the help of which it “breathes”. If this condition is not met, normal air circulation will be disrupted. Since the processing process will seal them, the timber or log will soon undergo a rotting process.

You can learn how to cover a house with facade panels from the video presented.

Major repairs of a wooden roof

A distinctive feature of each wooden house is the roof, which is made at a certain slope. It can be of several types: gable, hipped, if it is equipped with an attic, attic. When conducting overhaul At home, these features should be taken into account. What should you pay attention to first when re-roofing? Ensure that the tree is dry, otherwise it may move after completion. repair work. It is necessary to erect the outer rafters, and install intermediate ones between them. In order for the roof to be level and as stable as possible in the future, it is necessary that all the upper parts of the rafters be located strictly at the same level. Increasingly, roofs are covered with ondulin, soft tiles or other modern materials, but first the old covering is removed.

The roof is installed only after the rafters have been installed and secured with special ties. Please note: the distance between the installed rafters should not be more than 60 cm.

Interior decoration

We'll tell you how to repair an old wooden house. We would like to present you with a photo of the interior decoration, or rather, one of its options. First of all, you need to decide what materials you are going to use to decorate the inside of the room.

This could be drywall, lining or plaster; all these types are extremely popular among ordinary people and have a simple solution. You should also prepare the surface for the selected raw material - drywall and lining require lathing, while plaster should be applied to a base with reinforcing mesh.

Replacement of doors and windows

Usually, when restoring an old wooden house, doors and windows must be replaced inside. This event can be carried out independently. But first you need to check whether the frame of the building is tilted; this can be done using a level. If such violations occur, they can be easily corrected using a pry bar and a nail puller. To make new wooden frames and doors, you can contact a craftsman who will take measurements and complete the order in a short time.


If you are planning to repair an old wooden house with your own hands, special attention pay attention to the floor. It can be replaced completely or subjected to a thorough protective process. The first step is to remove the floorboards and be sure to check the condition of the joists; they must be leveled using a level, brick posts or wooden blocks.

Building your own wooden house is a pleasant and important event. A wooden house is environmentally friendly and unity with nature, best choice for those who care about their health and the health of their loved ones. However, this is a very big responsibility. After all, wooden structures require much more care and attention than, say, stone buildings. Anyone who has built their house from wood, or those who are just planning to do so, are thinking about how to treat a wooden house outside and inside in order to protect it from negative external influences and make its operation long and comfortable.

Why is it important to protect wood?

Natural wood has its own specifics, like other materials, so they must be taken into account when using them. In addition to a number of advantages, natural wood has a number of disadvantages, for example:

  • Flammability;
  • Possibility of rotting;
  • Susceptibility to the negative effects of certain insects;
  • Drying out over time;
  • Cracking;
  • Dependence on ambient temperature.

These factors necessitated the need to protect the wood from which a wooden house is made. Firstly, wood is a natural material that easily absorbs moisture. Any slight fluctuations in air humidity can lead to swelling, cracking and rotting.

Secondly, various microorganisms become another enemy of natural wood. This can be mold, a large number of varieties of fungi, insects and algae. Fungal spores, which are especially numerous in humid air, fall into the tree and germinate in just a few hours. The main signs of such an infection are blue spots, darkening, plaque and high humidity. There are also types of mushrooms (for example, white brownie) that can “eat” a thick 40mm. oak board within one month!

Another danger that owners of wooden structures are exposed to is fire. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure maximum fire safety in such a house and minimize any risks of fire.

How to properly protect wood

To protect wood from damage by microorganisms, various methods are used.

Wood protection methods:

  • Methods of a structural nature - isolating wood from the ground, stone and concrete, installing special ventilation channels, protecting the building from rain, fog and moisture;
  • Chemical methods that involve treating wood with special protective agents. These include antiseptics and fire retardants, which protect wood from germs and fires, respectively. This is the most common method, and also the most inexpensive and effective.

Protection of a wooden house is achieved through the use of special water-soluble agents, compositions based on volatile chemical compounds, oil antiseptics, special pastes and other means. On the modern market, antiseptic and fire-bioprotective solutions made on a water basis are the most widely used.

It is worth noting that water-based antiseptics for a wooden house are environmentally friendly and non-toxic materials, which is very important, especially for internal processing. Processing a wooden house to protect it must take place in several stages - from its construction to finishing. At the same time, protecting it from the inside and outside has certain differences.

How to treat the outside of a wooden house - the main stages of processing

External processing of the log house takes place in several stages:

  1. 10-14 days after placing the structure under the roof. If the house was built in warm time years, then after 2 weeks you need to carry out treatment special compounds– you can first use antiseptics, and then fire retardants, or you can use complex fire-bioprotective agents. It must be processed in 2 stages, applying antiseptic in two layers. If the log house was erected in winter time, then you should wait until the temperature rises to +10-12 ºC, after which they begin impregnation using a spray gun. However, this will only protect the house for 3-5 months;
  2. 3-5 months after the initial treatment with an antiseptic and fire retardant, it is necessary to use a final color coating, which will provide additional protection against rot and insects, and also preserve the primary layer.

Internal processing of a wooden house

The inside of such a house is treated with water-based solutions and should be carried out at the same time as the first external treatment. After this, after 14 days, the finishing stage of coating is carried out.

What we need for this:

  • Thin brush;
  • Natural bristles;
  • Finishing protective varnish, for example, Capacryl Impragnier - Lazur from the German company Lacufa.

Recommendation. If blue or gray spots or darkening begin to appear, they should be treated with special means for wood protection, made on a chloride basis, for example, Pinotex Wood Oil. The product is applied to the affected areas in a thin layer, and within a few minutes the wood will return to its original appearance.

Wood house processing technology

The described stages were considered in general outline, and much more difficult. If you want to treat a wooden house in winter , then you should choose materials with a wider operating temperature range, but in general the technology will differ little:

  1. The first treatment is with special compounds that provide deep antiseptic protection and penetrate deep into the wood structure. It is produced to protect wood from mold, mildew and rot. Here you can use Pojuste from Tikurilla or Teknol Aqua 1410 from Teknos;
  2. Next, it is necessary to treat the ends to protect them from moisture. By applying a special moisture-protective agent, you stabilize the moisture balance of the tree, thereby slowing down the drying process of the tree. It releases moisture gradually and evenly, without sudden changes in humidity and, accordingly, cracking. Here would be better suited material Teknol JRM;
  3. Primer deep penetration, which fills microcracks in wood and ensures a reliable level of adhesion of subsequent layers of materials;
  4. Finishing – several layers of surface materials (paint and varnish or others) are applied. They form finishing coat and provide maximum safety and preservation of operational properties, as well as imparting a finishing color.

Any tree needs additional protection, as it is highly susceptible to the negative effects of moisture, temperature changes, and direct sunlight. But it is also important to provide protection from rodents, various insects, and from mold and mildew, which literally destroy the structure of the material. How to treat a wooden house to make it last as long as possible? Today this issue is resolved by using various impregnations and funds. These are not only special antiseptics and fire retardants, but also paints and varnishes, waxes, which give wood a decorative appearance, ensuring its protection and durability.

Wood processing is necessary to ensure that the material lasts as long as possible.

Processing allows:

  • protect wood from water penetration;
  • create a thin film on the surface that will protect against the harmful effects of moisture, but allow air to pass through;
  • the material is not subject to the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • mold, fungi, etc. will no longer be able to cause any damage to the house;
  • fire safety is displayed on new level, wood does not ignite and does not contribute to the spread of flame;
  • the appearance of the house becomes attractive.

Products for treating a wooden house

How to treat a wooden house and how to do it? It's not that complicated. Wax products are used to increase durability and give the building a beautiful appearance. They must be applied in 2-3 layers, they are used only in liquid form.

Consumption is 1 liter per 12 m² when applied in 1 layer.

After applying the oil, a shiny transparent surface is formed.

Natural oils are used to protect against ultraviolet radiation and are odorless. Apply in 2-3 layers, the interval is 12 hours, and complete drying is carried out in 24 hours. Dissolves with turpentine, consumption is 1 liter per 10 m² of surface.

Danish resin oil is used for exterior use only. After application, a completely transparent coating is formed, which may initially have a slight odor. The oil is applied in 2 layers, the interval is 12 hours, the composition dries completely in 24 hours. Before work, there is a need to dilute the composition with turpentine. Consumption is 1 liter per approximately 10 m².

The procedure for protecting a wooden surface is as follows:

  • selection of necessary tools for work in accordance with all requirements;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • fire retardant treatment;
  • protection from ultraviolet radiation, moisture;
  • use of primer or varnish;
  • applying a special protective layer (wax).

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Antiseptics for wood

Antiseptics will protect wood from rotting and fungi

After construction, a wooden house, outside and inside, is most often covered with antiseptic preparations. Such work will be much better and of higher quality done in a factory, but it can also be done with your own hands. Impregnations of this kind are made on a water basis, they allow the wood to “breathe”, unpleasant odor Once it dries, it no longer remains.

To ensure the quality and effectiveness of the antiseptic, it is necessary to apply it in stages. To do this, the wood is first treated with special compounds to protect against mold in an amount of 2-3 layers, after which it is necessary to use fire retardants and water-repellent solutions. This allows us to ensure reliable protection, which will be almost in no way inferior to what is performed in a workshop.

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How to properly process wood?

How to treat the outside of a wooden house? A certain procedure must be followed. The application process is similar for all products, but for antiseptics it requires more care. The process of protecting a wooden house using fire retardants and antiseptics is as follows:

Treating wood with fire retardants is necessary to make it resistant to fire.

  1. First you need to decide which substances will be used for the work. Most often these are antiseptics and fire retardants, which protect the material from rotting and open flame. The compositions themselves must be applied with a brush or spray, the number of layers is 2-3. Work must begin with external treatment, but protection also requires inner side. If you don’t want to get your hands dirty again, you can order wood that has already undergone appropriate processing at the factory, but an additional layer will never be superfluous.
  2. Fire retardants, which serve to protect wood from open flames, are applied in 2 layers after antiseptics. They impregnate the wood, after which they prevent it from igniting even when in contact with an open fire, since during evaporation the material cools and at the same time the formation of a strong film that protects it. Today, there are a variety of fire retardants available on the market that are suitable for use in specific conditions. But we must take into account that the surface may become charred, but it will not ignite. Of course, with very long contact, not only the tree will catch fire, but fire retardants make it possible to begin work on extinguishing the fire and preventing its spread.
  3. The third layer is applied with special protection against increased moisture, since a wooden house outside and inside must be reliably protected from water absorption. For this, water-repellent impregnations are used, which are applied to the entire surface, special attention is paid to the ends, since they have the ability to absorb about 50 times more water than other parts. The side parts of logs and beams are processed in only 2 layers, while the ends of the material are processed in 4-5 layers. This layer ensures that the wood dries quickly, moisture evaporates evenly and correctly, which avoids deformation.

In order for a wooden house to retain its original appearance, be reliable and attractive for many years, it is necessary to prepare it for long-term use. To do this, you need to go through all the required finishing stages, among which one of the main ones is treating the inside of a wooden house with special protective agents. Many owners wooden log houses believe that if a building is treated from the outside, the treatment wooden walls from inside the house is not necessary, the tree already has reliable protection. However, this is not the case, despite the fact that indoors the wood is in more favorable conditions However, it can also be damaged by moisture, insects and other negative factors.

Primary processing of lumber usually takes place at the production stage. If you purchased untreated logs, you need to process them yourself before building the house. For this purpose, special transport impregnations are used; usually their validity period does not exceed eight months. Thus, these means provide protection for logs only during the construction period.

After construction is completed, the effect of the antiseptic has already expired, and the house remains unprotected. This is very difficult period for a wooden house, it will have to go through a long shrinkage process, which lasts from six months to two years. How to protect log house during this period? At this time, a second protective treatment of the log house inside the house is required. For re-processing, products are used that provide complete protection from any natural factors, but at the same time do not interfere with the air exchange and shrinkage processes taking place in the wood.

After the structure has undergone shrinkage, the main finishing work, including complex internal treatment of a wooden house with protective impregnating compounds. Then the treated log house can be painted, varnished, and decorated with decorative materials.

The above processing steps are suitable for a new home. As for old buildings, they must be treated at least once every five years.

Requirements for internal processing facilities

When choosing a composition for internal processing of imitation timber, eurolining, profiled timber or logs, criteria such as environmental friendliness and safety come to the fore. When choosing a drug, you need to carefully study its label. It should say on it that the product can be used for interior work. Many manufacturers indicate on the packaging detailed information about all the components included in the product.

What is the best way to protect the walls inside the house? For interior spaces It is advisable to use water-based products. Such preparations usually have a neutral odor, do not contain toxic substances, and are safe for humans.

Indoor treatment products

How to cover imitation timber, logs, clapboard or any other lumber? There are several types of preparations designed to protect wood from various unfavorable factors. The products are transparent, not hiding the natural texture of wood, but, on the contrary, emphasizing its beauty. You can also impregnate wood with tinting compounds that give it a darker shade.

Wall treatment in a wooden house can be done using the following means:

  • antiseptics;
  • flame retardants;
  • biopyrenes;
  • primers;
  • bleaching compounds.

This group of products is intended to protect a house made of timber or logs from fungus and mold, as well as combat existing lesions.

Antiseptics are available in two types:

  1. Impregnated compounds that are deeply absorbed into the wood, forming a barrier in it that prevents biological damage. These impregnations can be very toxic, so before purchasing a product, you need to study its composition.
  2. Coating preparations that create a film on the surface that protects the wood from water and dampness.

Antiseptics are produced at different bases, but only water-soluble and combined compositions are suitable for treating the internal surface.

Water-based impregnations are the most preferred option because they do not contain harmful components and are safe for humans. However, they have one significant drawback - their protective properties decrease after a relatively short period of time. It is advisable to use these products under water-soluble paints.

Combined preparations containing oils and high-carbon components are excellent for rooms with high humidity.

There is also a separate type of antiseptics - biomoisture protective, which protect wood not only from the appearance of mold and mildew, but also from the development of microorganisms and insects in its structure. This impregnation for a wooden house performs two functions at once: it protects the wood and creates a beautiful surface on the surface. decorative coating.

Fire retardants

As you know, wood is very flammable and can ignite even from one spark. To avoid this, wood is treated with fire retardants. Wood impregnated with a fire retardant is highly resistant to fire and can for a long time do not ignite even in the presence of an open flame.

There are two types of fire retardants:

  • Saline. Preparations containing salts, when wood is heated strongly, release gases that prevent rapid ignition.
  • Non-salt solutions block fire using foam, which forms on the surface under the influence of fire.


Biopyrenes are products that combine an antiseptic and a fire retardant. They provide protection from biological factors, and from fire. These preparations can be used to cover the walls and floors of the house, and they can also be used for external treatment.

Biopyrenes are by the best means comprehensive protection, as they save not only money, but also processing time.


Before painting, applying a primer is mandatory. The primer is a good protection for wood from various destructive processes, and it also ensures optimal adhesion of paint to wood. For timber inside the house, it is recommended to use aqueous primers, which are transparent, translucent and opaque.

Please note that opaque primers provide more smooth surface. Transparent soils penetrate deeply into the wood without creating a protective layer on it.

If during the shrinkage process interior walls blue and dark spots appeared in the wooden house, this indicates that a fungus has appeared in the wood structure, causing such manifestations. You can get rid of blue discoloration and fungal spores using special bleaching compounds.

In this case, many resort to folk remedies, such as bleach, hydrogen peroxide, oxalic acid. These are simple and affordable drugs, but when used, there is a risk of misuse.

Today, modern industry produces the latest and very effective bleaches that provide a high degree of lightening and protection of wood. The products are produced in one- or two-component versions.

Processing wooden surfaces indoors begins with the lower elements of the house, which are more susceptible to moisture than others, since they are in close proximity to the ground. First of all, logs, subfloors, and lower floors are treated. Then they begin to process the main parts of the wooden structure: walls, ceiling, interfloor ceilings, partitions, etc.

Before processing wooden lining, timber or logs, it is necessary to prepare the surface. If the walls of the house have old paint, it must be removed. To do this, first the surface is heated until the paint softens, and then it is removed with a scraper.

Next, the wood is sanded and polished using a sander or grinder. Sanding is necessary for any lumber: logs, lining, imitation timber, etc. After sanding, the pores of the wood open, which better absorb processing agents.

An antiseptic is applied to a dry and pre-dusted surface. For interior spaces, one coat is sufficient. But for a bathhouse or an unheated house, one layer will not be enough. Such premises are treated twice.

The next treatment is carried out with fire retardant impregnation. Internal elements It is better to cover houses with a non-salt fire retardant.

The last stage is priming the surface, after which any decorative coating can be applied.

The Master Srubov company accepts applications for professional processing of wooden houses. Protective treatment inside the house is carried out with certified preparations that are completely safe for humans.

You can check all the details of your order with our specialists at the coordinates located on the page.

Wooden house, thanks unique properties wood is ideal home for a person. The optimal level of humidity in the interior is maintained thanks to the hygroscopicity and vapor permeability of the natural material, which continues to “breathe” within the walls of the log house. A living structure needs protection from adverse environmental influences.

Causes of destruction of wooden structures

Natural, technogenic and anthropogenic factors that can affect the integrity and health of the log walls:

  • Ultraviolet radiation destroys lignin, which is the reinforcing framework of wood. When exposed to direct sunlight, outside surfaces darken, become porous, easily absorb moisture and quickly release it. As a result, the logs age prematurely and crack.
  • Precipitation and high air humidity lead to swelling and then shrinkage wooden structures. Damp wood is a favorable environment for the proliferation of fungal microorganisms and mold outbreaks. A rotting corner of a log house can cause the destruction of a house.
  • Insect pests and rodents, which can settle in the walls of a log house, damage the integrity of the tree.
  • Exposure to concentrated acid-base solutions influences chemical composition wood and changes its physical properties.
  • Fire- one of the most destructive factors that can destroy a wooden frame in a very short period of time.
  • Uneven heating of the walls of the house, the formation of condensation on their surface, dry indoor air in winter period– all these are the results of human activity, which also adversely affect the condition of wooden structures.

The inevitability of the influence of one or more factors convinces of the need to treat internal and external surfaces wooden structure.

Methods for protecting wood from adverse factors

At the construction stage they use constructive methods of timber protection from exposure to moisture, solar radiation, biological damage and fire. Activities are in isolation wooden blanks from the ground, constructing well-ventilated canopies at a sufficient distance from flammable materials and open sources of fire. Installation work can last several months, so it is important to prevent deformation and premature destruction of the building material.

Along with constructive methods for wood processing, they use new generation antiseptics, which protect the material from moisture penetration and infection by fungal microorganisms for up to 8 months (for example “SENEZH EUROTRANS”).

If, after all, the logs are covered with dark spots of lesions, you can get rid of them using bleaching agents that contain chlorine or active oxygen.

Traditional chlorine-containing bleaches negatively affect wood, destroying its structure, so it is better to use advanced technologies that meet global environmental standards. Preparation "SENEZH NEO" based on active oxygen does not emit harmful substances and is suitable for processing wooden houses outside and inside.

Protective means for processing logs

Reliable and safe processing of a wooden house depends on what compounds it will be used with. On the modern market there are a large number of products from various manufacturers that promise one hundred percent protection against all kinds of impacts on wood. The most popular and proven include:

  • "SENEZH"– tinting and preservative antiseptics based on water and acrylate, fire-bioprotective materials and bleaching agents. Russian production;
  • "NEOMID"– antiseptics for interior and exterior work, repellents for insects and microorganisms, fire-retardant emulsions of efficiency groups 1 and 2, fire-retardant paint, wood-protective oil for baths and saunas. Manufacturer – Russia;
  • "Belinka"– protective primer, colorless antiseptic, permanent impregnation, water-based glaze for lightening, paint with an ultraviolet filter. Slovenia;
  • "Tikkurila"– colorless oils and water-based antiseptics, glazing materials, pigment paints. Protection from moisture, mold, rot and solar radiation. Finland;
  • "Rogneda"– safe fire and bioprotective compounds, bleaches and protective and decorative coatings. Active antiseptics destroy emerging lesions and provide protection from 15 to 50 years. Russia.
  • the products are applied to the cleaned and degreased surface of the log;
  • initially treat the affected areas;
  • permissible temperature for organic compounds above +50C;
  • minimum temperature for using water-based products +100C;
  • maximum air humidity – 80%;
  • It is better to carry out external wall treatment in the shade of the house and move behind it while working;
  • Fire-retardant impregnations and coatings are applied after treating the wall with an antiseptic.

External treatment of the house with protective compounds

Colorless water-soluble antiseptics are used as bioprotective primers of deep penetration. For exterior work, it is allowed to treat walls with organic-based compounds (for example - NEOMID 430 ECO or NEOMID 440 ECO).

The facade of the house is most susceptible to the influence of precipitation, so the logs are carefully coated with a protective compound, paying special attention to the end cuts. Bottom part walls are impregnated with a special antiseptic from groundwater, seasonal flooding, microorganisms and rodents (for example – “ SENEZH”).

Fire protection is then applied to the walls. For these purposes, there are fire-retardant coatings and impregnations. Protective paints, pastes, and coatings hide the surface of the wood, so it is better to use an impregnating composition that is applied to the wall logs in several layers. For critical areas, use means of the 1st group of fire protection efficiency with control tinting of the surface (for example - NEOMID 020).

The final finishing is carried out with coating or glazing antiseptics, which emphasize the structure and color of the surface of the log. To hide a surface that has lost its original appearance, the facade can be painted with acrylate or oil paint. External coatings should be selected with UV protection (for example TIKKURILA WALTTI).

Internal protection of wooden walls and ceilings

Internal work is subject to increased safety requirements. To treat the inside of a log house, only water-based antiseptics are used. They are odorless, do not emit toxic substances, are breathable and moisture resistant. If dark spots appear on the walls indoors, they should be treated with active oxygen-based bleach before applying an antiseptic.

After the first layer of treatment has dried, a fire retardant compound can be applied to the walls. "Senezh Ognebio" complex impregnation of the 1st group of effectiveness against fire, protection against mold, blue stains and insects. It does not change the color of the wood and is suitable for the interior.

Decorative finishing internal surfaces wood is painted with glaze coatings or acrylate-based paints resistant to mechanical damage, which do not lose their color and shine for a long time.

Treating walls with beeswax will allow you to fully preserve the environmental benefits wooden log house, although it will not provide long-term protection.

When choosing products for treating a wooden house, you must take into account the purpose and conditions of use that are indicated in the instructions, use only certified preparations for famous manufacturers. Timely protection will allow you to not worry about the condition of the wood for many years.

For those who want to understand the topic of wood impregnation in more detail, we recommend watching this video:

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