Well without drilling. Features of a well without pumping equipment. Abyssinian borehole

Many residents living in own home They use boreholes and wells to provide water. Nowadays, most people no longer go outside with a bucket or flask to fetch water, but instead bring water into the house by installing a pump that maintains the required pressure. All possibilities have appeared, they are on sale plastic pipes and all other accessories. Anyone can, if they wish, bring water into the house themselves. But sometimes difficulties may arise. For example, suddenly in the middle of winter problems arise with a well or deep well pump. And now I have the same problems - the water has disappeared and before the weather warms up there is no opportunity to restore the well or drill another one. There is only one option left to provide the house with water - take buckets and go to the pump, then install a washbasin since you can’t use the tap in the kitchen or the shower now. This prospect did not make me happy. After thinking, I decided to build such a system. Of course, you will have to go to the water pump to get water, but I fill it directly into the system from the street, without going into the house. Now the house is provided with water and all the previous amenities have been preserved. I drew the diagram roughly, without observing the proportions, but the meaning is clear.

The crazy pump is located in my underground, where I also installed a water tank of about 100 liters.

I made another lid for the tank from wood and drilled holes in it for the pipes. I bought the pipes at a hardware store.

I made the filler neck from a five-liter bottle. The pipe goes underground through an vent.

It took about three hours to assemble the structure. There is only one problem left - how to find out the water level in the tank.

First I did simple system with a float, the thread from the float is thrown through a block taken from an old reel-to-reel tape recorder, a weight is attached to the end of the thread. Then I improved the pointer by assembling a simple

Sooner or later, dacha owners who are not lucky enough to have centralized water supply, are thinking about finding a source of water. In this case, the only option remains underground horizons. In order to decide which method of water extraction to choose - a well or a borehole, you should find out the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Well and well: differences

Let's look at the cost, complexity of maintenance and ease of use of a well and a borehole, as well as what service life and water quality should be expected in both cases.


Due to the absence of the need for drilling and the use of heavy equipment, constructing a well will cost a much lesser amount. And even if you pump water from a well not manually, but with a pump, its cost cannot be compared with the price of well equipment.

The cost of a well depends on its depth and, accordingly, the required number of rings. Today, one concrete ring costs an average of 2 thousand rubles, and its digging is difficult. clay soil- about 15 thousand rubles. For example, for a well 12 meters deep you need 15 rings. Thus, this turnkey well will cost about 65-70 thousand rubles.

The cost of constructing a well primarily depends on the depth of drilling. It also reflects the time of year and the equipment used. We must not forget about the costs of purchasing casing pipes, a head and a pump.

Typically, the cost of drilling one meter of a well, carried out by drilling specialists, starts from 1.8 thousand rubles for “steel 20” pipes with a wall thickness of 4.5 millimeters and a threaded connection. And it remains constant regardless of the required depth.

In addition, the well should be equipped with a pump, for which you will have to pay from 30 thousand rubles. Then the total price of the well will start from the amount of 100 thousand rubles. To use water for drinking purposes, the well must be equipped with a filtration system, the price of which will be 50-250 thousand rubles.

Did you know? Although 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water, only 1% is fresh. The problem of lack of resources is getting worse every year. Over the past fifty years, more than 500 conflicts related to access to drinking water have been recorded in the world, and 21 of them ended in military action.

Ease of use

The most ancient way extraction of water from underground sources. It is extremely versatile and performs its functions even in the absence of electricity; in this case, water can be obtained with an ordinary bucket.

However, the well has a limited supply of liquid, on average 150-250 liters per hour. Therefore, if you need to service a large area, especially with a lot of green space or a swimming pool, this amount may not be enough. In addition, a shallow well dug into high water is completely dependent on precipitation and can become shallow in dry times.

Artesian layers have a virtually inexhaustible supply, and you will not be limited in watering or other household needs. But if there is a power outage, it will be impossible to get liquid from the column. Therefore, in order to avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, you should provide an autonomous electricity generator or storage tank, which, naturally, will lead to even greater material costs.

Difficulties of care

The well must be used regularly, otherwise after 3-4 years it will begin to silt up. In addition, it should be cleaned and washed at least twice a year, and, if necessary, also treated with disinfectants.

There is no need to clean the well; there is a filter for this. Caring for her consists only of monitoring proper work equipment.

Unlike a pump, well water will not have a rusty taste. However, the ecological state of the surrounding area may affect its quality. Typically, the depth of the aquifer is from 5 to 25 meters. This is not much, so it can get into it from precipitation, runoff from nearby industries, or chemical fertilizers from farms.

Water from a well is of better quality, since it is extracted from deep horizons. Spring water has always been valued for its purity and benefits; it practically does not contain nitrates and salts of harmful metals. And thanks to the closed neck of the well, leaves, insects, frogs or any debris do not fall into it. However, this water may have a metallic or rusty taste.

Important! Please note that groundwater is actually technical water. And to bring them to drinking quality further cleaning is necessary, for example with a filtration system.

A properly constructed well will perform its functions properly for 30-50 years. The key to its long service life is care and timely cleaning.

A well-built well will also last for quite a long time - at least 25 years, depending on the selected equipment, maintenance, operating conditions and chemical composition liquids and soils. Artesian wells are characterized by higher durability - up to 50 years.

Types of wells: their pros and cons

There are two types of wells depending on the depth groundwater :

  • mine;
  • Abyssinian.


If the groundwater is not deep and there is no need for large volumes of it, manual or mechanically dig a pit, strengthen its walls and arrange a head. In this case, you will get a shaft-type device, known to our ancestors. And modern building materials will make it more reliable and durable.

Such a well collects liquid from the permanent aquifer closest to the surface. In most cases, the well is dug by hand, then the earth is removed and the walls of the shaft are strengthened concrete rings, finishing material(stone, brick) or wood (larch, pine, oak).

When a well is dug, it goes deep into the solid layer below the aquifer. Liquid rises manually or an electric pump. It gradually flows down from the horizons and accumulates in the well in a certain amount. If you take out all the water from the well, then new water will arrive only after some time.

Pros of a shaft well:

  • relatively low labor intensity and price;
  • work in conditions of lack of electricity;
  • easy maintenance due to large diameter;
  • ease of use.


  • limited fluid supply;
  • the likelihood of water pollution;
  • the need to clean the walls and bottom;
  • the likelihood of the well emptying in the heat.


Such a well is installed when there is no need for a powerful well. Its second name is needle well. It does not require heavy equipment or large earthworks, they're digging it manual drilling or using compact equipment.

The construction of such a well consists of installing a pipe of small cross-section (up to 4 cm) to the depth of the upper aquifer. To better immerse the pipe in the ground, it is equipped with a conical tip with a diameter 4-5 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe itself. At the same time bottom part The pipes are equipped with a filter that protects against contamination. The liquid is supplied to the surface by a self-priming pump.

The maximum depth of the Abyssinian well is 12-13 meters. Such a well can be installed in any convenient place, avoiding close proximity gutters or drainage collectors. Also, there should be no clay at the water intake site to prevent the filter from clogging. It is necessary to take into account that the igloo well should be preserved for the winter: dismantle the pump, drain the water, and put a plug on the well.


  • greater volume of water than in a mine well;
  • simplicity of design;
  • relatively low costs;
  • cleaner water than in a regular well.


  • does not work without electricity;
  • needs to be preserved for the winter.

Did you know? Studies have shown that water reduces the potential risk of heart attack. It was found that people who drink six glasses clean water per day, were less likely to have a heart attack compared to those who drank just two glasses.

Types of wells with their pros and cons

There are two main types of wells - sand and artesian. Let's look at how they differ and what advantages and disadvantages each of these types has.

Sandy (filter)

The peculiarity of such a well is that it is drilled in sandy soil. Its depth can reach up to 30 meters, and maximum term operation - 15 years. Although practice shows that on average this figure is about 7 years, which is one of the disadvantages of this type of well.

Another disadvantage is the limited supply of liquid - about 500 liters per hour and its not very high quality due to precipitation getting into the aquifers. However, the dirtiest high water does not get into them, so the water will be of slightly better quality than from a well. In addition, to avoid silting, it must be used regularly.

However, if we compare it with the artesian one, the advantages include: lower cost, the use of small-sized equipment, short construction time and low iron content.


Pipe or artesian mines are called mines with a depth of over 20 meters, which take water from the artesian layer located between two waterproof layers. Such work is carried out only with the help of heavy equipment, and sometimes the drilling depth can reach 200 meters. An artesian well produces on average 2 cubic meters of liquid per hour and at favorable conditions can last up to 50 years.

The well itself consists of plastic or metal casing pipes, a caisson, pumping equipment and automation systems. All work on its construction and connection must be carried out only by specialists.

Artesian water usually has a very good quality due to reliable protection from surface contamination. It can fully provide all the needs of a private home. However, before using water for drinking purposes, you need to make it chemical analysis and depending on its results, install a cleaning system.


  • high performance;
  • good water quality;
  • durability of the structure;
  • Irregular use is allowed.
  • high cost of work and equipment;
  • high mineralization of water;
  • inability to work without electricity;
  • impossibility of cleaning in case of siltation.

Important!It is better not to dig even the simplest mine-type well yourself, but to invite specialists. Because there is a risk of encountering a so-called “floater”, which can lead to tragedy.

How to make a choice: to summarize

In order to decide on the method of water extraction at the dacha, you need to analyze several factors:

  • groundwater level;
  • volume of water required on the farm;
  • material capabilities;
  • possibility of installing pumping equipment.
Only the right choice does not exist. If there is no need for a large amount of water and you do not live in the country all the time, then you can use a simpler and inexpensive way- well. Otherwise good choice a more technologically advanced, but also expensive, well may become available. However, please note that in order to install deep-type structures, you must obtain permits.

Your own well allows you to use water regardless of availability central water supply and the conditions of his work. An important indicator when drilling is the depth of the well for drinking water. What it should be and how to determine the required parameter, we will consider in detail.

Water well depth: what it depends on

Before developing a well design and starting drilling operations, it is important to determine the depth. There are several criteria that determine the depth to which you will have to drill:

  • Level of location of aquifers. Test drilling or area analysis taking into account the geological structure will help determine the indicator.
  • Relief of the site. On flat surface the water may be located at shallow depths; it is recommended to drill in a lowland area in a hilly area.
  • Purpose of the well. The quality of water in the upper horizon does not always meet the standards established for the category of drinking water, so it will be necessary to drill to greater depths. If the source is intended exclusively for watering the site, you can arrange Abyssinian well.
  • Required well flow rate. In addition to quality, the volume of water received per unit of time is important to consumers. This parameter is the source performance, or debit. In Abyssinian wells the figure is 0.5 m 3 /h, in a sand well the volume increases to 1.5 m 3 /h, the artesian spring has the highest productivity, where the water supply reaches 3-4 m 3 /h.

The approximate cost of exploratory drilling of a water well is 400-600 rubles.

Drilling depth, how to determine

Before drilling a well, it is necessary to find out the structure of the aquifers. The figures vary even by small area, therefore, orientation to the neighboring area is not always justified. Since there are no instruments that accurately determine at what depth the water is located, the work is organized taking into account data from test drilling in a specific region.

One way to determine the water level is to analyze the vegetation of the area. Plants act as a kind of indicator of the presence of moisture.

Comment! Certain aquifers require obtaining permits for their development, and their operation is accompanied by taxation. A well with a depth of up to 5 m is not subject to registration and annual payment. An indicator over 15 m obliges the corresponding source to be registered.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”, it is possible to drill a well and use a source from the first aquifer without special registration. The sand well and the Abyssinian well fall under this category. Depending on the hydrogeology of the soil, in some regions the maximum depth without permitting documentation stops at 35 meters.

Core test drilling is considered to be the most reliable way to determine the depth of a water well. The appearance of moistened sand is a signal to stop drilling. A break is necessary to fill the channel with water. Then it is pumped out and the debit is determined. If the indicators are sufficient, they proceed to the arrangement of the source. If productivity is insufficient, continue drilling to the next aquifer.

The characteristics of the liquid depend on the layer from which it enters the water supply system. Not all water is suitable for drinking; to determine its composition, an examination is carried out in the laboratory after drilling. The horizon chosen for drilling subsequently determines the amount of water tax.


Before getting an answer to the burning question of how deep to drill a well, they understand the diversity and characteristics of aquifers. The layers that provide the supply of water for household needs are divided into 3 groups:

  • The upper one is called perched water; its depth varies from 4 to 7 m. There is no stable water-resistant layer here, so water from the well is used mainly for irrigation and other technical needs. The liquid is often cloudy due to the presence of sand and other impurities.
  • The second layer is located at a depth of 10 to 18 meters. Typically, drinking water comes into the well from this formation.

    ​Note! After groundwater passes through the well filters, the water becomes much cleaner than that taken from a well. However, here too there is a risk of dangerous and harmful impurities. It especially increases during spring floods. Sometimes there is a smell of hydrogen sulfide. Water analysis for compliance with SES requirements, which is carried out by licensed laboratories, will help prevent poisoning.

  • Artesian waters are located on the third aquifer. The depth of its occurrence varies at around 25-40 meters. However, the indicator depends on the topography of the area and sometimes reaches 60 m. Artesian water is considered the most healthy and clean.

A visual diagram of the occurrence of aquifers is shown in the photo:

Types of wells

Autonomous water sources are divided into three types:

  • The use of perched water comes from the Abyssinian well.
  • Drilling to the depth of groundwater allows you to equip a well for sand.
  • The artesian source is characterized by its maximum depth.

The first type reaches a depth of 8-13 meters. Well water is used for household needs, including cooking. A special feature of the design is protection against the ingress of water from the spring into the source.

The development of the source for sand is carried out using the auger drilling method. The depth is below the soil surface and is about 15-20 meters. The passage of water through the sand ensures its purity, allowing it to be used for drinking. The well can be operated periodically and year-round.

Water when drilling an artesian well is considered ideal in terms of purity. Private sources are equipped at a depth of 15 to 50 m; when used for production purposes, the drilling depth reaches 200 meters.

Comment! With regular maintenance, the service life of an artesian well exceeds half a century.

Drilling depth to obtain drinking water high quality is individual for each specific case and depends on the hydrogeology of the site. One rule remains unshakable: the deeper you drill, the higher the likelihood of getting water intended for drinking.

Stages of arrangement

It is better to entrust the design of a well to specialized specialists, however simple designs you can arrange it yourself. Main stages of the process:

  • Determine the type of drilling in accordance with the characteristics of the soil.
  • Prepare appropriate machinery and equipment.
  • If the project provides for the installation of a caisson, dig a pit of appropriate dimensions. The height depends on the equipment parameters.
  • Drill the first section of the future water source and install the casing. It is important to choose the right material so that its strength is sufficient to withstand soil pressure.
  • Proceed to drilling the second section of the well, which is subsequently secured with pipes.
  • When reaching a clay or sand formation, the drilling speed decreases. It is recommended to organize bleeding and clean the filled hole.
  • Acceptable indicators of water quality and source productivity allow us to proceed to the installation of bottom filters.
  • If the water characteristics or the flow rate of the source are unsatisfactory, they continue to drill to the next aquifer, which may be located 1-4 m lower than the previous one.
  • At the end of drilling, fix the casing pipe, check the tightness and install the cover.

On final stage are engaged in laying pipelines to places of water consumption.

The first thing the owner of a country plot, be it a rural farmstead or just a vegetable garden, should do is ensure water supply. It would be good if a centralized water supply system was built, but, alas, it is not available in every area. In such a situation, there is only one thing left to do - extract water from underground. Contrary to popular belief, this event is not always extremely expensive, because the technology of drilling a well under water can easily be mastered by a self-taught person who is accustomed to doing everything on his own.

From 12 to 50 m

The middle depths are the kingdom of aquiferous sand. The water here is quite clean, but you won’t be able to get to it with just a shovel or a pointed pipe. Nevertheless, the desire to build a sand well on your own is quite feasible. You will need special equipment and deeper knowledge of the technology of drilling water wells with your own hands. It is sand wells that will be discussed further.

About drilling methods

Before you drill a water well with your own hands, you need to choose the type of drilling rig (there are three of them).


A heavy load called a cartridge, as well as special tool– bailer – suspended from the frame using a cable. From below, several strong triangular teeth are welded onto the cartridge, which weighs about 80 kg. By lifting it and dropping it, they loosen the soil, which is then removed with a bailer.

Before starting work, you need to make a shallow well using a garden drill. The chuck can be lifted manually, but it is better to use a rotary motor for this.

Applicable this method when working on light or clayey soil.


The working body of such an installation is similar to a garden auger, only very powerful. It is made from a 100 mm pipe onto which a couple of turns of a screw with a diameter of 200 mm are welded. To make one turn, a round sheet blank is used with a hole cut in its center with a diameter of just over 100 mm. A cut is made along the radius of the workpiece, then the edges at the site of this cut are moved in two opposite directions, perpendicular to the plane of the workpiece.

As the drill sinks, the rod on which it is attached is increased. Rotate the tool manually using long handle made from pipe. Every 50 - 70 cm the drill will have to be removed, and since as it gets deeper it will have everything more weight, for this you will need to install a tripod with a winch.


For all its complexity this option is the most effective and versatile. Soil development is carried out using a drill bit attached to a constantly expanding pipe - a drill rod or column. Drill bits may have different design, the choice of which depends on the type of soil being overcome at the moment.

Rotary drilling combines rotational and impact effects on the rock. In addition, the design of the drill column allows water or clay solution to be pumped into the well, which erode the soil and significantly speed up the advancement of the tool.

Where to drill

Before starting any work, the hydrogeological situation should be clarified. Best Source information – owners of surrounding plots, especially if they already have wells or have once tried to build them.

The second way is how to properly make a water well, or rather, choose a place for it - search for hydrogeological maps your area, which can be stored in design organizations or relevant departments.

If it was not possible to obtain a clear idea of ​​the presence and nature of aquifers, you will have to take the most expensive step - order exploratory drilling. However, before that you can try one of traditional methods , for example, dowsing, which, according to some evidence, can indicate with acceptable accuracy the presence or absence of water underground.

When choosing a place for a well, you should beware of neighborhoods in the form of septic tanks, cesspools, landfills or livestock farms. If they are still nearby, then they should be at a distance of no closer than 30 m. Of course, the well should be located closer to the house. Optimal distance is 3 m.


To drill a well on a site with your own hands, you need to prepare the following elements:

Read about what characteristics and advantages it has in our separate article.

There is a website for comparison of wells and boreholes. All the pros and cons of these water intake sources.

Let's start drilling

Let's give general instructions regarding how to equip a well at your dacha with your own hands:

  1. A square excavation is made in the ground with plan dimensions of 1.5 x 1.5 m and a depth of 1 to 2 m - the so-called pit. It is necessary to prevent loose surface soil from falling into the well. The inside of the pit is lined with plywood or boards, and on top of it for ease of carrying out installation work The plank flooring is being laid.
  2. After installing the installation, two coaxial holes are cut out in the upper and lower decks of the pit, after which they begin drilling.
  3. The drill rod is rotated using a gear motor or manually. At the same time, a support is placed on the bar, and one of the workers strikes it with a hammer. Alternative option: The drill is winched and dropped in a similar manner to cable percussion drilling. If necessary, water or drilling fluid is supplied to the rod.
  4. In parallel with drilling, a casing pipe with a special shoe installed below is installed into the well. Like the drill rod, it is gradually built up.
  5. After quicksand (soil with high moisture), drilling accelerates (the aquifer has begun), and then slows down again. This means that the waterproof layer has been reached and drilling can be stopped.
  6. A filter column is lowered into the well, after which it begins to be washed with strong water pressure.
  7. Lowers into the well submersible pump, which they begin to pump out water until it becomes absolutely clean

At the final stage of equipping a well at the dacha with your own hands, all cavities are filled with a sand-crushed stone mixture, and a pipeline is laid in a trench to the house.

Common Mistakes

The lack of experience of self-taught drillers most often manifests itself in the following:

  1. The drill is lowered too deep, causing the casing to cross the aquifer. Solution: lift the casing pipe or insert a new, shorter one into it, after which the previously installed pipe should be removed.
  2. The casing pipe did not reach the required depth, as a result of which the soil below collapsed and the productivity of the well dropped sharply. Solution: remove the soil with a bailer, then immerse the pipe to the required depth.
  3. The pump was installed too low, as a result of which the well became clogged with sand.

In the latter case, you should remove the pump and, having selected the sand with a bailer, install it correctly. The correct position is determined as follows: the operating pump is gradually lowered until sand is found in the pumped water. After this, the pump is raised slightly until the water it supplies becomes clean. (usually the correct position of the pump is 1-2 m from the bottom).

How to drill a well under water with your own hands and with the help of what equipment you can watch in the video.

On own plot land, first of all you need to take care of providing it with water for irrigation, drinking and other needs. To do this, it is enough that a well is built, and from it it will always be possible to extract the required amount of necessary moisture at any time of the year. But to lift liquid, as you know, you need a pump that runs on electricity. But what if the site is located far from civilization and there is no electricity? In this case, you can do without a pump by using other methods. These methods will now be discussed.

Types of wells

Bore wells can be of two types: sand and artesian. The first type has another name - filter well. It is drilled to the nearest aquifer in sandy soil. The depth can reach 30 meters, and the width casing pipe can be about 13 cm. The peculiarity of the structure of such a source is that a mesh filter is made on the walls of the pipe. To extract water from it, a deep or surface unit is required. It can last about 15 years. But the service life primarily depends on the depth of the aquifer and how intensively it is used.

The second type is an artesian well. The water in it is extracted from great depths; it can reach 200 meters. It has increased productivity and high-quality water. It lasts much longer than the first type - more than 50 years. Accordingly, more should be used powerful device to lift moisture to the surface. To drill such a hole, permission is required from local government authorities.

Is it possible to get water from these wells without using electric pump? Yes, it is quite possible, and from both types of mines. But it is important to take into account several nuances. Much depends on hand-held devices, which will be applied in this case. They usually do not provide sufficient pressure at depths greater than 30 meters. Therefore, such a system is relevant mainly for a sand well. But first, let's figure out how it is possible to lift liquid from such a structure without a pump, and what is needed for this.

Extraction of water by air pressure

This unusual way Perfect for extracting water from a mine without a pump. That is, you can use any manual hose pump that operates without electricity. Making such a system is quite simple. First you need to completely seal the top of the well. Two holes are made in it: the hose from the pump is inserted into one, and the water supply pipe is inserted into the second. When working with such a device, pressure is created in the shaft, which pushes the liquid out.

If the air pressure entering the shaft is powerful, then it is quite possible to do without an electric pump. But it must be taken into account that such pressure will push water not only up, but also down into the aquifer. The consequences of this will be described below. This method can be used in conjunction with standard approaches. It is especially relevant if the pressure in the pit is not strong enough, even for an electric pump.

Water extraction by hydraulic ram method

This is another one non-standard way extracting water without a pump: in this case, a hydraulic ram is used - a device designed for mechanically lifting liquid from any well, even an artesian one.

This device operates on energy obtained from the flow of water. By raising water to a greater height and lowering it down, the liquid is pushed upward. This design consists of the following components:

    baffle valve;

    return valve;

    supply pipe;

    outlet pipe;

    air cap.

Due to the opening and closing of valves in a certain sequence, liquid circulation occurs. It accelerates through the supply pipe and a hydraulic shock is created, displacing the liquid out into the outlet pipe. Such a device is difficult to make on your own, but it is easy to purchase. And this will be the best solution for areas where there is no electricity.

Important points

When extracting water by increasing the pressure inside the mine, it is necessary to take into account several important factors. Firstly, the geological structure of the area where the well is located is taken into account.

Also important is the flow rate of the mine for extracting liquid from the ground and the productivity of the aquifer.

And, of course, the depth of the aquifer is taken into account.

If all this is not taken into account, then because overpressure the well may fail. Simply put, liquid from the aquifer will stop flowing into the mine. This is due to the fact that the air formed inside will push almost all the water down, pressing it into the ground. Therefore, the air supply must be optimal. It should only be enough to push the water out and not create excess pressure.