Causes and treatment of brown spots on ficus leaves. Review of the most dangerous ficus diseases and their treatment

Ficus lovers often have the problem of spots appearing on it. And, despite the abundant flows of network information, it is rarely possible to find disclosed material, which would accurately identify the symptoms and diagnose a wilting plant. Let's try together to understand the primary sources of ficus malaise.

It's all about proper care

More often main reason According to which all plants begin to turn yellow, become covered with brown spots, dry out and fall off, this is the wrong attitude towards them. Ficus does not require much attention, as long as there is water and light, but even in elementary things one can be mistaken.

Do not place pots close to heating devices, this can cause the leaves to dry out. Cool windows and floors are detrimental to a heat-loving plant. If you let the soil get too cold, the shoots will begin to turn brown and fall off.

Low air humidity, as well as sudden changes in temperature, also lead to drying out of the ficus. Experts advise spraying the plant, wiping it with a damp cloth and occasionally resorting to various polishes to give it a glossy appearance.

When a flower receives minerals in excess, the leaves may become covered with brown spots. You should choose a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. The frequency of their use should not exceed more than 2 times a month.

How to save a drowned ficus?

Often out of great love for flowering tree people pour it over. And this, as is known, leads to rotting of the roots. From here, the edges of the leaves begin to brown, spots appear, and the ground becomes covered with white moss and mold.

The first aid in such a situation is to transplant the ficus. In this case, the roots should be washed from substrates and inspected. Deformed areas are cut to living areas, the sections are processed activated carbon. During the first weeks, do not move the newly transplanted plant, water it occasionally.

If it's not a matter of care?

If you notice a web between the branches, it means that the ficus is susceptible to mite attack. Getting rid of the pest is very simple: wipe the foliage of the tree more often and spray it with settled water.

Fungus is another reason why brown spots appear. In such cases, the root system and crown are treated with a fungicide. Damaged leaves are removed, and the affected areas are treated with a special copper-soap mixture.

Firstly, ficuses fade due to the conditions of their detention:

  • sudden changes in room temperature
  • not enough humid air, draft;
  • lighting: too bright or insufficient
  • unstable ficus watering regime: frequent or rare
  • incorrect mineralization;
  • sick soil.

There are also diseases that are caused by other serious reasons. These include fungal viruses and pests. In such situations, the plant requires more attention and strength.

The first sign of a plant's disease is its leaves. They will look painful, yellowish, with streaks and a number of other signs.

Yellowing of flower leaves

The cause of yellowing of ficus leaves is often dry and excessive warm air indoors, or too much lighting. This usually happens during heating season when the ficus is placed on the windowsill, on south sides. Ficus leaves are burned by the sun's rays, as a result of which they begin to turn yellow and die. A way to combat yellowing of leaves.

Remove your flower from the sun or radiator, humidify the air in the room, use a special humidifier. Some resort to a soaked towel, then hang it on a heater or place it in the sun. Try spraying ficus leaves more often.

It is important to remember that it is forbidden to spray ficus or any other plant if it remains standing in the sun after that. This leads to life-threatening burns for the plant.
The leaves will also turn yellow if you carry it frequently. The plant does not have time to adapt correctly and thus signals its health. You must initially decide where your ficus will be located.

If the leaves shrink and begin to fall off

Causes of ficus leaves falling

Several reasons are to blame for this problem:

Your ficus is missing nutrients: Try changing the soil by replanting the plant. Use leaf soil, peat and sand (in equal proportions). Don't forget to water your ficus immediately after transplanting.

High levels of moisture in the soil: this can be seen through spots appearing on the surface of the leaves, yellowing of the edges and falling off. Wait until the soil dries and continue with moderate watering. If the ficus continues to fall off, immediately replant it in new soil and remove the rotten roots.

Remember that the condition of ficus leaves also depends on infrequent watering. In this case, they may begin to dry out and wrinkle. If this problem is not addressed immediately, the roots may suffer. Then the flower will not be able to live further.

High room temperature, dry air, excess feeding. The leaves become covered with spots and you can get rid of this phenomenon only after removing the causes of the appearance.

Falling leaves on the bottom of the ficus

If, when the leaves fall below, healthy ones immediately grow, then there is no reason to worry. If new leaves do not appear, then try replanting the plant or choose additional feeding.

What to do if the leaves die off after eliminating the above reasons
Lesions involving pests or infection are often to blame. Disinfectants must be used. To select the right remedies, you should analyze the plant itself and identify the cause.

Fungal infections

Gray mold, Botrytis

These types of diseases can be found in ficus plants that are in conditions of excessively humidified air with high temperatures.

Appears on some parts of the leaf gray plaque. If you shake it, dust will fly up. The ficus first darkens, then over time the leaves begin to die.

You can cure a flower by removing all the affected leaves of the flower, and then let the soil dry. After this, stabilize the watering and provide the room with regular ventilation.

Sooty fungus disease

Sooty fungus disease is detected by such signs as a black coating on the outer part of the leaf. The precursor to this disease is insect pests.

If the affected areas are small, then you can get rid of them using a soap solution. Run a sponge soaked in soapy water over each ficus leaf. If the lesion has caused severe damage to the leaf, you can only remove it, and try spraying the root of the plant and stems with a fungicide.

Late blight, pythium, rhizoctonia

The following diseases. Such fungi lead to rotting of both roots and stems. Gradually the plant stops growing and dies after a while. It is unlikely to come out, so remove it so as not to infect other plants near the infective one.

For preventive purposes, resort to a moderate watering regime; water the plant with a low concentration manganese solution about once a month.

Powdery mildew

Disease powdery mildew you will recognize it by its white spots. This disease is provoked by high temperatures and humidity levels.

Such diseases are treated using a solution. Mixed copper sulfate, soda ash. For 10 grams of soda, two grams of household goods. soap These components must be diluted per liter of water. Stir 2 grams of vitriol separately and pour the resulting liquid into the original mixture. Increase the volume to 2 liters and spray the affected areas with it.

Rust disease

Rust is one of the most common diseases in both house plants and garden flowers. It is expressed through spots of yellow and brown colors on the surface of the leaves. The edges of the leaves look as if they are burnt. He will have sores on himself. For treatment, the ficus is cleaned from diseased areas and treated using a fungicide.

Try to identify the most likely disease of your plant by comparing the signs you discovered with photographs on the Internet or in this article. Then the treatment of your ficus will be most productive, and you will be able to protect your neighboring flowers from infection.

Insect pests

People can rarely see insects with the naked eye. They become noticeable only after reproduction in a certain number. An important part of caring for your ficus is to carefully inspect the plant periodically.

The scale insect settles on back side ficus leaf or on the stem itself. The presence of scale insects is indicated by swollen spots brown. The scale insect lives off the sap of the plant. After this, a sticky coating will remain on the sheet. It is this that allows sooty fungus to develop.

Spider mite

You will recognize it by the presence of spots of brown and gray shades on the sheets. In some parts of the ficus there may be a subtle cobweb. Spider mites thrive in dry and warm conditions. Due to such factors, spider mites quickly reproduce and live.

Susceptible spider mite the leaves dry out and fall off. Maintain a neutral humidity level in the room, do not forget to spray the plant, and sometimes wipe the leaves with a solution laundry soap.


Aphids are characterized by the presence of a powdery sticky coating, yellowness of the leaves and their deformation. Traces of aphids become a breeding ground and soil for fungal infections. This will definitely end in the death of the plant. To destroy aphids, they resort to treatment soap solution or insecticides. Aphids can be found on many plants in an apartment.

A florist is always happy if the flowers on the windowsill are healthy and look good. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes the plant begins to wither. In this case, the main thing is to understand the reason for what is happening in time and take action. Today, ficus trees have regained their former popularity. What exactly do these plants need to stay healthy and not lose their decorative properties?

Ficus is not considered a particularly capricious plant, but, like every flower, it has certain needs that must be taken into account when caring. The causes of its diseases are unsuitable conditions, infection from other plants by all kinds of pests, and lack of preventive measures.

In order not to miss the onset of the disease, it is necessary to examine the condition of the ficus leaves every week. As a preventative measure, you need to promptly remove fallen old leaves, regularly clean the pot and tray, and spill the soil with a pale solution of potassium permanganate.

If the flower was outdoors in the summer, after bringing it into the apartment, treat all the leaves with a soap solution. This preventative measure will prevent the spread of random pests. Keep each newly purchased plant in quarantine separately from other flowers. If after a week the newcomer remains healthy, it can be placed on a common windowsill.

Problems are often caused by improper care. Their appearance can be caused by:

  • lack of lighting;
  • too high or low temperature;
  • unsuitable soil;
  • excessive or too little watering;
  • lack of nutrients or their excess;
  • very dry air in the apartment.

In these cases, it is enough to adjust the watering, move the pot with the ficus to another place or replant it in another soil - and everything will work out.


A plant with weakened immunity is more often susceptible to diseases caused by various fungi. The following fungal diseases can occur in ficus plants:

Spots with a whitish coating similar to fluff appear on the leaves. It is easy to fight the disease only at the initial stage. Newly formed stains can be easily washed off with a solution of laundry soap. In more advanced cases, the affected leaves are removed and the ficus is sprayed with fungicides.


The disease is manifested by rust-like spots that form along the edges of the leaves. Then holes appear in place of the spots. The ficus sheds diseased leaves and as a result can become completely bare. The disease can also be treated with fungicides.

Gray rot

Caused by mold whose spores become airborne when the leaf is shaken. As the lesion progresses, brown spots appear on the leaves and grow rapidly. The leaf blade completely darkens and the leaves fall off. Often the disease occurs in a stuffy and humid room that is not ventilated. All affected leaves must be removed and the plant treated with antifungal drugs. Watering during treatment is kept to a minimum.


Often the disease starts with excess humidity indoor air. It is caused by a special fungus called Cercospora. The first symptoms can be noticed on the underside of the leaves in the form of small brown or black dots, which then increase in size. The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off; in advanced cases, the ficus may die. Treated with anti-fungal agents.

Sooty mushroom

More often, the disease develops simultaneously with an attack by pests, since the fungus feeds on their secretions. Symptoms are the appearance of a black coating similar to soot on the leaf blades. It is difficult not to notice this disease. It is treated with special drugs.

Provokes her overwatering. The disease cannot always be noticed on time, since it occurs in the ground. Root system stops working normally, which causes the death of the plant. It is destroyed, the pot is also thrown away.


It loves dry and warm air and reproduces quickly. After its bites, small gray or brown spots remain on the leaves. These leaves begin to dry out and fall off. It is urgent to increase the air humidity by any in an accessible way. You can use a humidifier or trays with wet expanded clay. The leaves must be sprayed several times a day and wiped with a solution plain soap. In case of severe infection, use garlic infusion or industrial insecticides. The plant they have treated is covered with a bag for a more effective effect.

An insect that sucks sap from the plant's foliage often hides in the axils of the leaves. Its appearance is noticeable by the deformation of the leaf plate and the cessation of its growth. If symptoms have just appeared, it will help mechanical cleaning and two-time treatment with soap solution or tobacco infusion. In advanced cases, treatment is carried out with confidor. It will be necessary to treat the plant twice with an interval of 10 days.

When it attacks, you can notice the appearance of convex spots on the leaves. brown spots. Sometimes such symptoms are noticeable on the shoots. By processing the sap of the plant, the scale insect leaves sticky spots on it, which causes subsequent damage by the fungus. Thorough double-sided treatment of leaves with soapy water and Actellik helps against this pest. Treatment lasts 3-4 weeks, treatment is carried out at intervals of 7 days.

They spread quickly indoors, flying from one plant to another. You can spot them climbing near the windowsill. They often hide on the underside of leaves. They suck the juices out of the plant, leaving brown spots on the leaves. These small insects black color is very popular high temperature and excessive humidity. With a large lesion on the ficus, leaf fall begins. You can destroy pests with Aktara and other insecticides. Treatment is carried out repeatedly until the insects are completely eliminated.

Root nematodes

When infected, ficus foliage becomes faded. If there are suspicions about the appearance of nematodes, the plant is removed from the pot and the root system is examined. The pest can be identified by the appearance of white round growths on the roots. Nematode secretions are toxic to the flower and can cause its death. When symptoms appear, the roots are soaked for several hours in an insecticide solution, after which the ficus is transplanted into fresh soil.

Common problems

Ficus trees have their own specific problems that are most common to them. Let's talk about what causes them and how to solve them.

On a healthy plant, leaves live for 2-3 years, after which they begin to fall off. The fact that the ficus sheds old leaves is a natural process that should not cause concern. The crown in this case is quickly restored due to the growth of new leaves.

But sometimes the leaves fall off in too large quantities. The reason for unexpected leaf fall may be moving the ficus to another place. Ficus does not like drafts, take this into account when placing it.

Note! Ficus from the very beginning must be placed on permanent place and worry as little as possible. If there is a need to move it to another room, the pot is placed with the same side to the light as it was located before.

Natural aging of leaves begins with yellowing. First, the leaves in the lower part of the crown are renewed, because they are older. If the top of a ficus tree turns yellow, you need to look for other reasons.

These plants like moderate watering with a little drying of the earthen clod. If you regularly overwater your ficus and do not maintain the required intervals, it will respond by yellowing the leaves. If you notice such an unpleasant phenomenon, pay attention to whether there is water in the pan and drain it in this case. When overwatering, the soil must be thoroughly dried; the flower cannot be watered for 2 weeks. Instead of watering, you can sometimes wipe or spray the leaves.

By yellowing the crown, the ficus may also respond to a lack of lighting or keeping it at low temperatures. Still this tropical plant, which needs a lot of light and a comfortable temperature regime.

In winter, it is advisable to provide ficus with lighting and a temperature of at least 18°C.

Canopy varieties are especially sensitive to dry air. At low humidity levels, they can curl the leaves, which will begin to turn yellow. Spray the shoots more often warm water, especially when the heating is on.

Leaves can also turn yellow due to insufficient nutrition, especially fast growing species. During the period of active growth, ficuses need to be fed once every 2 weeks with complex mineral fertilizer. In winter, fertilizing is applied once a month.

Yellowing of ficus foliage can be caused by the presence of pests. To make sure of this, carefully examine the plant, especially the underside of the leaves. Small dark spots and dots should alert you, sticky coating on the leaves. The sooner you treat pests if they are detected, the faster the plant will look healthy.

Problems with the plant may appear even before purchase. Therefore, carefully examine the ficus that you chose in the store. If there are already spots on the leaves, it is better to set the pot aside. After all, the plant will have to undergo acclimatization in a new place, and only healthy plants can do this.

Attention! If spots on the leaves of a flower have already appeared during their stay in your home, look for the reasons for their appearance in improper care and the appearance of pests.

We wrote above that spots and dots appear due to various fungal diseases, damage to the flower by pests, due to rotting of the roots as a result of excessive watering - the leaves in this case become gray and lose turgor.

Ficus treatment and simple care: video

Anyone who truly loves flowers will definitely monitor their condition and create necessary conditions. There is an opinion that flowers feel our love and care and respond to it. It's hard to argue with this. After all, these are living beings and some claim that plants even understand speech addressed to them. A loving and responsible gardener's home will always look like a lush garden.

If you notice warning signs of the disease in time, favorite plant can be saved from death. Let’s try to figure it out together about what the ficus disease is, what should alert gardeners, and how to help the plant. Beginning florists should find out and, as well as read other thematic articles of this project.

Ficus benjamina is sick, what to do at home and how to save it if the leaves fall off and turn yellow

Ficus benjamina may sometimes shed its leaves. The reasons for this behavior of the plant are different:
- they forgot to water, and the soil in the pot dried out;
- the plant is in a draft;
- the root system is sick;
- the soil is depleted, the plant lacks nutrients;
- disturbed, moved to a new place;
- the roots were flooded, and they began to rot, etc.

Despite superstitions and rumors, Benjamin's ficus is quite hardy. The cause of leaf loss may be a disease caused by insect pests or fungi.

Ficus is sick after transplantation and leaves have fallen, how to help

If the ficus has dropped its leaves, try treating the plant with the growth stimulator Epin extra. To do this, dissolve 6 drops of the drug in 0.5 liters of water. Repeat treatment every 14 days.

The plant can be covered with film, making a kind of greenhouse. High humidity air under the film stimulates the formation of new roots and leaves. As soon as the first leaves appear, you can feed the plant with a weak fertilizer solution.

Ficus is sick, black spots appear, how to cure

Black spots on the leaves are a sign of a fungal disease. Sooty fungus looks like a gray-black coating. It develops on the sticky secretions of aphids or. To get rid of this disease, wash the leaves with a sponge moistened with soapy water.

If the affected area is large, the leaves are destroyed. It is necessary to treat with an insecticide against the main pest. If soapy water does not help, spray with fungicides.

Cercospora fungal disease, which leads to the appearance of small black spots. Over time, the leaves turn yellow and die. Diseased leaves are torn off and destroyed, and the ficus is treated with a fungicide.

Ficus benjamina white coating on branches, leaves, trunk, ground, roots

A white coating appears on the ground if it comes from a tap. These are secretions of mineral salts that the plant does not need. There is nothing dangerous in this, but nothing good either; it is better to water the ficus with clean drinking water.

A white, powdery coating on branches and leaves that looks like flour is powdery mildew, a rapidly developing fungal disease. This coating can be easily wiped off with your fingers.

If the plant is not treated, the plaque affects not only the stem. The ficus sheds old leaves, which begin to turn yellow. A sick plant must be isolated from others indoor flowers and treat with fungicide. Top layer replace soil. Cut off severely affected parts of the plant and burn them.

How to get rid of aphids on ficus

Aphids are easily transferred from flower to flower due to their ability to fly. It is especially dangerous in spring and summer for those plants that are taken to open air to the garden.

Aphids gather in groups on the underside of the leaf blade. Gradually the ficus turns yellow, shedding its leaves. To get rid of the pest, insecticides are used, for example, Aktaru. If the damage is minor, you can try washing the leaves with soap and water.

Why does ficus benjamina dry out?

The ficus may dry out because they forgot to water it. If the care is correct, the wilting of the plant should be looked for in disease.

When insects or fungal stains cannot be found on the leaves, soil and trunk of the ficus, the cause is most likely a root disease. Having dug up the plant, you can find small white nodules on the roots - these are nematodes. Water the flower with insecticide and replant it in healthy soil.

Why do ficus trees appear? dark spots, not all flower growers understand. In fact, there are several of them, but they all boil down to one main factor: house plant starts to get sick if you at one time provided illiterate care for it or created a suboptimal microclimate in the room. Hence all the diseases, as well as pest infestations. It is worth considering in more detail why spots appear on the ficus leaf plate. The sooner you identify the source of the problem, the more effective the treatment will be.

Overdrying of leaves

It is known that ficus diseases appear due to errors in the process of caring for the flower. The first thing you should pay attention to is the microclimate and lighting in the apartment. The plant loves moisture, but excessively bright light and dry air in the room have a detrimental effect on it. On hot days summer days It is not advisable to place a flower in a pot on a windowsill so that direct sunlight falls on it. The best option– move the flowerpot to a place protected from excessively bright light. But be careful: the ficus should not be in the shade.

What to do with ficus summer period, I see, but what about in winter? At this time, it is also necessary to adhere to certain rules. For example, since batteries and various heating devices are actively working indoors in winter, hot air flows can often be directed at the plant. This is very harmful to the flower, so winter time try to move the pot with the ficus away from the radiators.

Ficus overflow

Sometimes ficus leaves become covered with dark spots due to excessive moisture in the substrate. In the case of this plant, the lack of water in the ground is less problematic for it than its excess. That is why it is advisable to let the soil dry out before the next watering. If you do not reduce the level of soil moisture after brown spots appear on the leaf, the root system of the flower will gradually begin to rot.

Wrong fertilizers

Very often, ficus leaves become covered with a white coating due to incorrectly introduced or selected nutritional mixtures. What’s interesting, even from excess minerals in the soil the plant can stop growing. The thing is that the flower stops absorbing nutritional components at a certain moment if their volume is several times greater than the norm.

In order to avoid such mistakes, take into account the fact that it is recommended to fertilize no more than once every two weeks. In addition, prevent the occurrence brown spots on pieces of paper you can do it if you choose quality fertilizers. They must contain a large amount of nitrogen.

How to determine the source of the problem

If brown spots suddenly appear on the leaves of a ficus, first of all you need to understand what the cause of this disease is. This can be caused not only by excessive bright lighting or overwatering. Among the factors that adversely affect plant development, it is worth highlighting sudden temperature changes and especially low temperature readings.

Stagnation of water in the pot can also slow down the growth of ficus. Sometimes gardeners do not notice that the plant has long needed replanting, and after the next irrigation of the substrate, the water passes through the ground too quickly, ending up in the pan. It does not have time to evaporate, and this is fraught with serious consequences for the rhizome of your evergreen tree. The root system may simply rot, so it is recommended to remove water from the pan soon after irrigating the soil.

If white coating on the leaves or brown dark spots “attacked” your house ficus, it's time to start treatment. But in order to correctly determine the source of the problem, carefully inspect the plant and, if necessary, remove dry leaves.

If preventive measures did not help you protect the flower from disease, it is advisable to resort to more serious methods: replanting with replacing the soil composition, spraying with insecticides (if the flower was susceptible to attack by pests).

How to cure indoor ficus

White spots and white dots, as well as dark coating on ficus leaves - serious problem for any gardener. It is necessary to act immediately after detecting at least one such insignificant speck. Of course, experienced specialists, as a rule, recommend buying professional insecticides for flower treatment.

If the disease is at an early stage, it is quite possible that you can cope with the use of home remedies. However, you should not rely on them if the plant is already on the verge of death. The same white spots on the leaves indicate the development of a disease dangerous for the ficus. If this appears, immediately buy professional products.

When a flower suddenly gets sick, becoming covered with white spots, many gardeners do not dare to purchase medicinal drugs. For those who are worried about the condition of the ficus after using chemicals, optimal solution will become a copper-soap mixture or a fungicide solution.

Wipe the leaves on both sides with this medicine daily until the white or dark spots disappear from the leaves. No matter how hard you try to look after indoor ficus, it can still get sick, and its leaves can become covered with white dots or plaque. In this case, the sick flower must be immediately treated with effective medications.